Thanks! Actually this time is not best at the moment. I realized that I setup max print speed to 200mm/s (açcording to X axis max speed) but since most of movement is composite of X&Y I can achieve 265mm/s. So this simple change and more clamps on bed shaved almost 2 minutes from run. I will post it when replacement BL-touch arrive. For fighting different weight on axis I use different sized motors. Also I was considering using motor on both pulleys for Y. PEI will probably not replace glass for me because I do want to benefit from speedboat somehow and I do really like glass flatness. What I want to do is design my own bed holder - stock one is just too heavy and I had to modify it anyway because of bigger motor.
Very nice result, have you considered switching to PEI to save weight on the y to gain accel there?
Actually this time is not best at the moment. I realized that I setup max print speed to 200mm/s (açcording to X axis max speed) but since most of movement is composite of X&Y I can achieve 265mm/s. So this simple change and more clamps on bed shaved almost 2 minutes from run. I will post it when replacement BL-touch arrive.
For fighting different weight on axis I use different sized motors. Also I was considering using motor on both pulleys for Y.
PEI will probably not replace glass for me because I do want to benefit from speedboat somehow and I do really like glass flatness.
What I want to do is design my own bed holder - stock one is just too heavy and I had to modify it anyway because of bigger motor.