Thank you guy's for taking care of our town. We need Petty's Island to be ready for fishing and overnight camping! Love this town because of our history.
Interesting film. I remember back in 2000 (when I lived in Pennsauken) visiting the island on a sales cold-call to Citgo. You had to wait for a green light on the NJ side of the single-lane bridge to be able to cross! There was also the Crowley terminal...twice per week, a giant barge would load up with around a hundred new cars to be shipped to Puerto Rico. Like Bruce Springsteen once wrote in a song, "Well everything dies, baby that's a fact. Maybe everything that dies, someday comes back.." Hope that's what happens to Petty's Island and Burlington Island as well. The time has come for their next incarnations.
Visitors must still register in advance & attend a NJ Audubon event/program, such as bird walk, history tour, or litter cleanup; there is no public access currently, only through these programs. Visit NJ Audubon's website for a list of upcoming events on the Island.
Great question! Deer are actually excellent swimmers, and likely swim across the 'Back Channel' of the Delaware River from the Camden/Pennsauken side to get to the island.
I have been lucky to be on this island twice. As a former Pennsauken resident, I was thrilled when it was determined it could not be developed.
Thank you guy's for taking care of our town. We need Petty's Island to be ready for fishing and overnight camping! Love this town because of our history.
Interesting film. I remember back in 2000 (when I lived in Pennsauken) visiting the island on a sales cold-call to Citgo. You had to wait for a green light on the NJ side of the single-lane bridge to be able to cross! There was also the Crowley terminal...twice per week, a giant barge would load up with around a hundred new cars to be shipped to Puerto Rico. Like Bruce Springsteen once wrote in a song, "Well everything dies, baby that's a fact. Maybe everything that dies, someday comes back.." Hope that's what happens to Petty's Island and Burlington Island as well. The time has come for their next incarnations.
So now can people go in there without any notice and see it?
Visitors must still register in advance & attend a NJ Audubon event/program, such as bird walk, history tour, or litter cleanup; there is no public access currently, only through these programs. Visit NJ Audubon's website for a list of upcoming events on the Island.
It seems like George Norcross is somehow involved involved in every crappy thing happening in South Jersey.
How do deer get on this island?!
Great question! Deer are actually excellent swimmers, and likely swim across the 'Back Channel' of the Delaware River from the Camden/Pennsauken side to get to the island.