+That Fandom Girl 69 Because the creator is a legitimately really good guy with the heart of a child, expressed through the skill of an adult. He made what he knew, and what he liked.
@@msbellebelle It also helps that the show has one of the most understated yet inspirational protagonists in Courage himself - his flaws, as they were, are none of them unsympathetic or unrelatable, and that they even exist only serves to highlight his loving, compassionate nature. There's a… blend, if you will, that just makes it all come together beautifully, so he works in so many contexts: in this case, when he realises the Starmaker is not to be feared, he's rapt in wonderment of her, and when he alone can save her he DOES, and in doing so saves the species by getting her eggs free long enough to hatch. It's not that other heroes in this situation would NOT help her, but it's the fact of who Courage is - and how he plays off Muriel and Eustace, as always - which makes this story shine so brightly.
That father Starmaker easily had under one minute to develop his character. Hell, I don't think he even had 30 seconds.And yet . . . Here we are feeling more for him than just about any other character in cartoon history.This is animation done perfectly. Hardly even two minutes in and it had already evoked more feels than even Disney's finest creations.Perfection can only come so often and Courage, dear Courage, I think you've done it.
The father Starmaker reminded me a little of the beginning of Finding Nemo, and the beginning of Up, but only in the themes. The sequence was an extremely well-done animation that only needed visuals to be emotionally stimulating, no words necessary; maybe it just had a quality that words cannot describe.
Just To Ruin The Entire Thing: They Both Look Like Dicks And They Both Do Slightly Sexual Things Together. That's As Soon As I Watched The Episode... And I Didn't Even Get To The 0:50 Before I Thought That.
I always thought they were *giving* the squid the "Space Squid Fluids", to try and keep her alive to study her. Thinking that they were draining them instead makes me very sad.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to face said fears regardless of how scared you are, and seeing how Courage the Cowardly Dog acted every time, i think he is the textbook definition of that word =D
I first watched this a kid. I was just a child, changing channels on an afternoon without homework. And then I decided to watch Cartoon Network. This episode touched me in ways that made me feel so, so much things at the same time. I cried, a little. Because I was truly happy. Because I was so moved crying was just a tiny way of expressing that.
You honestly made me cry with what you said about animation because it is exactly how I feel and what I tell people all the time. Or maybe I'm just way overly emotional towards that kind of stuff.
I agree with you SOOO much bro. I actually fell victim to this the other day. When Adventure Time first aired, I thought it looked stupid and acid trippy just for the sake of it. Then a few days ago my buddy convinced me to actually watch it. My god the story is amazing and actually deep and mature with the pretexts behind it. Reminded me of Courage in that way.
Mitch Radle I know exactly what you mean. I avoided Adenture Time for so long because I couldn't stand its art style. But after soooo long, I finally gave in and watched a few episodes (Taking my friends' advice and skipping the first season). And you know what? Behind it's juvenile appearance and odd way of talking, there is a surprisingly deep show.
"It doesn't just stop at doing everything right. It goes above and beyond that" Mr. Enter could not have said it any better than that. *cries* I still remember this fondly as a child and it will stick forever in my heart.
actually i have and am grateful for it. it gives me a reason to hope for decent shows on there. but i mostly watch it online to spite cn. not giving them the ratings.
See, THIS is a perfect episode. I hate how parents think that cartoons are only for them as a way to entertain Children. And some of the atrocities that you reviewed are things PARENTS actually let their kids watch. Parents are oblivious to the fact that, Cartoons can also be artistic masterpieces, and they can create messages so uniquely in so many ways. Parents, whether you read this or not, if you want the best for your kids, show them some actually good cartoons since you want the best for them. Don't be oblivious to the fact that when you let the TV babysit your children, the TV in a way is acting like a parent. So when you show them things like A Pal for Gary, and One Coarse Meal, you are letting your kids learn that animal abuse and driving people to suicide is funny.
Agreed. Parents are oblivious to how beautiful cartoons can be. My mom still thinks that SB's a good show (though I've brought up the terrible episodes multiple times). It's a real shame.
Parents will never care about that type of stuff unless they think the show is bad for their kids, that's why I wasn't allowed to watch Ren & Stimpy or Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.
While this show was dark, I was never scared of it as a kid, and I quite liked it. I even wanted to be like Courage. =) Anyway, good review. The squid's death was quite sad. =(
Can we talk about how emotional I got just by Enter explaining the beginning of the plot and not even by watching it myself Edit : Fuck I cried at the garden...
Thanks a lot, Mr. Enter. You nearly made me cry watching this. And I never cry. I remember the music right from the beginning of the episode all the time since my childhood, especially when something sad happens, for example: when a family member dies, like when my grandpa died a few months ago. This is one of my favorite episodes and it really shows that you really can make art. You really can make something absolutely beautiful to be enjoyed by many. You just got to really give it your all and try and put effort into it. I almost cried even as I posted this video to my Facebook.
When they say cartoons cant be thoughtful passionate and painstakingly made because animations for children I point at shows and more so episodes like this. It's not only thought out to every detail but it was thought provoking and full of passion and ending on that joke was perfect on a different level.
You are probably one of the best reviewers I have ever watched. You contrast to most whom only look at the negativity of cartoons, you make sure to seek out the positive and negative aspects of even an admirable animation you are reviewing, and your videos are all funny and well made. Keep up the amazing work Mr. Enter.
Yeah. This episode... it was a stark contrast to the rest of the series but in a Very Good way. It was emotional and sad, but showed also hope. Of course, with the ol' Courage the Cowardly Dog humor thrown in and timed at the right moments.
You took the words out of my mouth! I love Courage the Cowardly Dog because it has beautiful meanings to most episodes; this happens to be one of my most favorite episodes. It is a true inspiration to animation.
I rewatched this episode after watching this review, and I felt my eyes start to water very quickly. The music is just magnificent. I honestly can't say which tune I like better, this or the theme to Schindler's List? Yes, I find this music comparable to John Williams, the man who gave us the themes of (among others) Superman, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Jurassic Park, and Schindler's List.
jw8395 well leme give you some internet history there are things called bronies they like MLP but are not little girls so they are frowned upon many bronies are accused of sexual attraction to horses, being gay, and rapists most of those arent true many middle school dipshits hate bronies this is a middle school dipshit trying to bring shame to bronies the end
Razz Frazz I know what the term "bronies" means, but thanks anyway. Again, I never saw the show, but looking down on bronies simply for liking it would be both unreasonable and hypocritical: I liked Powerpuff Girls (before it started going stale) and Totally Spies wasn't too bad, either.
Every time I watch this episode, I cry. It's amazing how writers can make an episode that touches you in a way that can make you sad, happy...everything. This was definitely one of my favorite Courage episodes, and it always will be.
((Maybe it's late or anything, but your words about animation and this very episode are bringing tears to my eyes. This episode always has been one of my favorites and I wish there were more shows like Courage. Even today with awards and how everything is perceived in the West, animation is never treated as well as any other piece of film or art medium. It truly can be art at some points with Fantastic Planet, and billions of other examples. I want to delve into comics and animation, that is a risky thought considering the two are never touched upon, but I don't care, I want to tell stories even if someone isn't around to read or watch. Thank you for having this series and I believe this episode is the greatest to start off with.))
Thank so much for highlighting this amazing story. I was 18 back in 2002, and watching the episode made me tear up. Now that I'm almost 30, re-watching the episode, I cried even more. It's abstract, strangely beautiful, poignant, tragic, and it's extremely moving and ultimately uplifting. It's also totally sincere and heartfelt in how it tells the story. It explores family, life, and death in a fantastical yet relateble way. This episode, along with "The Mask", was one of about four episodes (from season 4 alone) that should have won the show an Emmy. Thanks for sharing how great this is!
This episode was one of my favorites. This made me cry for years when ever I saw it and I was made fun of it. I am glad to see someone else loves this as much as I do and praise it
Japan seems to be the only country in the world that takes Animation seriously and consider it something that people of all ages can love and enjoy. In the rest of the World most people just think its stupid stuff to entertain little kids.
kirbman10 I meant that Japan is the only country in the World where they take Animation seriously and the only Place where its something made for people of all ages. I did not say that there does not exist bad Anime. But so far i havent seen an Anime i did not like yet.
CyberLance26 The US does make animation for adults as well, sure the audience doesn't always see this as true. But those who work in the industry do. Take something like how to train your dragon. That movie was made not with kids in mind alone but with all people in mind as well. The ending alone is a testament to how it didn't try to make a perfect ending that would make the kids happy. Or even something like the Iron Giant, there's no way you would say that that movie was made JUST for kids and then the prince of Egypt and so on. It may not seem like it but japan is not the only place where people can see the potential of animation. Also this video says just that as well, this amazing story and all the other's that have come from this show show just how serious the animators can take there work when given the chance.
EmperorTigerstar, welllllllllllllll, execpt for that test animal scene, I was a kid when I saw it but it was pretty disturbing in my opinion, the animation was nicet hough
I remember this episode made me feel so many emotions as a kid and my guardian made me stop watching the episode when it was almost done because it was “too sad for children.” I feel so disappointed in her after years because she made me miss out on such a masterpiece.
"Then Eustace comes out and insults the thing because he's Eustace." X'3 I enjoyed this video. This show got the respect it deserved. It was beautiful. Well done.
First up I wanna say, HUGE respect for what you do. I've always loved animation and always hated hearing "That's kid stuff" especially when it comes from someone I care about. Next, I was never big on Courage, because that show scared the crap out of me. Such oddball imagery. Rocko's had a similar impact, though over time I grew to enjoy Rocko's while I never really gave Courage much of a second chance, maybe someday I'll watch a few eps and see if my perception has changed, Finally, I would love to see a review of Titan A.E. I feel like that movie was hugely underrated and would love to hear your opinion as a fellow animation enthusiast (especially since I can tell you care about animation more than I do, which I don't see often). I know you don't like to do movies as movie reviews take a long time, but still...
I know exactly how you feel. I only had the vaguest memories of Courage when I was a kid, cause I never watched Cartoon Network that much, and when I did I avoided this. Seeing it now, I'm just stunned how good it seems to be.
"Last of the Starmakers" and "Remembrance of Courage Past" are beautiful enough to make just about anyone care for Courage the Cowardly Dog in these specific episodes, even if they are not big on the rest of the show. I think those episodes are worth it just for the music alone.
I only saw this episode once... and it literally made me cry. Normally, i don't cry when animated shows take a sad turn on its characters. I mean, i'll feel sadness, but I'll never cry. This one however... touched me right in the feels. Its was sad, beautiful and dramatic. This show holds a special place in my heart and will always be one of my favorite shows.... no matter how many times it scared me as a kid (0:43.... oh no not King Ramses! That episode gave me legit nightmares! Its still scares me!)
LOL exactly. I only ever watched this episode once because it made me so sad I didn't want to watch it ever again. I would turn to something else every time this episode was about to play. It was amazing and beautifully sad.
+3fatkid Gravity Falls has a character explicitly talking about how she wants her grandson to find a girlfriend before "I ascend to heaven to live with the angels."
+AGiLE-EaGLE1994 I get what you mean, but animation has been considered artistic media for quite a long time now :) I think it is better to say that this is an example of animation becoming High Art.
I just subscribed to you, and this episode you did was outstanding. The emotions that you felt toward this were jaw dropping considering how worked up you get over the "animated atrocities" series. It was nice having you pour your heart out about this episode and your true feelings about animation. I have to agree this episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog was one of their best. Definitely top three. Impressive job Mr.Enter. Very well done!
Thanks for Reminding me. I've been watching his videos for a long time now, But I never subscribed for reasons even I don't know. I'm gonna fix that right now.
You're absolutely right, when I first saw that episode I was to young to really understand much, but now even the first few seconds fills my heart with nostalgia. I sincerely thank you for helping me recall this. You've got my sub :-)
+John Huffington What the fuck. It isn't female dominance because the gems aren't technically female. Or human. They just tend to fall within rough human definitions of female. And Anita Sarkeesian's views aren't just Females > Males (which this episode isn't supporting), but they also include heavy censorship of media outside of fumblrism**. Also, Steven. He's the main character of the show, the only male gem, and implied to be possibly the most important person in the universe. And, regarding the ugly side of pearl, we call that "character development." **Feminazism
I remember watching this when I was (I think) a 17/18 yr old junior (senior?) in high school, and relating how affected (choked up) I was by it to another student in my art class... and how they just looked at me like I was a weirdo. More than a decade later, When I found your videos, I realized that I was right, that this series is amazing. And, when I showed it to my mom, she was impressed with this episode. This 'half' episode and "The Mask" should both have won an Emmy for their outstanding achievements in storytelling. Honestly, this is one of the standout series that when I look back on it, it never felt like it was talking down to either kids or an older teenager like me- it really was perfect.
That have to make it mandatory for every wannabe cartoon animator in America to watch this particular episode because this is the epitome of true animation, proving that even a child's cartoon show can make its audience cry from its sheer beauty.
I still remember this cartoon from when I was a kid, it's what made me love cartoons and the art in animation. It showed me that cartoons can tell beautiful and creative stories that make your heart feel. Love that you chose this for your first episode of admirable animation bc it truly deserves it and many other awards as well.
this made me cry as a kid, the greatest and saddest episode of my childhood. I always loved the Starmakers. but this episode is a prime example of how cruel and sadistic humanity is to nature and strange and unique creatures. I don't wanna sound evil,but the only way to save nature and it's wonders is to destroy humanity. Or humanity will destroy nature. It's sad, but it's the only way.
I just *love* this episode of Courage! The reasons you give are exactly why I loved it as a kid and still love it to this day. It never once talked down to it's audience, it treated us as equals, and for every episode like "Freaky Fred" or "King Ramses' Curse", we get a spectacular one such as "Last of the Starmakers", "The Mask", "The Magic Tree of Nowhere" and "Remembrance of Courage Past". I'd even go so far as to say "The Snowman Cometh" was also pretty poignant. Seeing the Snowman quietly grieve over the friends and loved ones he lost because of Global Warming, and then seeing him reunited at the end with them was very touching.
Totally agree about your view of animation as a creative medium. It is really infuriating for me to see a medium with so much potential be relegated to to the realm of "goofy, colorful distraction for children" by most people these days.
+SolarDragon007 If you want to see creative stuff, I recommend taking a look at shows like Gravity Falls and Steven Universe; maybe even Adventure Time if you're into that.
Mr Enter thank you so much for sharing this. I have never seen this episode before and it literally drew me to tears... So beautiful. I watched it with my 6 year old sister. She loved it! I really want her to enjoy good quality animation rather than atrocities like modern spongebob
I remember this episode. It was one of my personal favorites from Courage. Because it could make me smile and get a laugh or two without ruining the mood. Plus it follows the theme of Courage episodes. They can be sweet and touching, outright bizarre, to fucking terrifying (You're not perfect) and remain entertaining the whole time.
This episode made me cry when I first saw it as a child, it is an outstanding episode. Courage, you are a true cartoon hero, showing that true courage comes from facing your fears instead of lying to yourself and saying you have none. Although it took me to see another character like that to truly realize this point. (looks at my Avatar) lol
this episode is PEAK animation. Emotions, storyline, creativity, music and sound effects and still some drops of comedy to make you withstand your tears. It's unbelievable that I'm coming back to this almost 20 years later (now being an adult) and got completely reduced to tears in a matter of seconds. Absolutely fvcking brilliant.
Wow. Of all of the episodes to start off Admirable Animations, I think you picked one of the best. I've never even seen this episode, and before this review was half over I was nearly crying.
This series reminds me of Every Frame A Painting. Someone with a decent amount of technical know how using good examples of a chosen genre to highlight how people have done it right. Earned a subscriber.
The Luck of The Fryish is a classic Futurama episode. In fact, it's one of my favourites of all time. I'd like to see you do a video about that episode.
I've never seen this episode but from just hearing what you've said accompanied by the clips and music I have chills and I am close to tears. I need to watch this in it's full beauty now!
Ok, started looking up your Animated Atrocities on a lark, thinking "Another caustic critic, sure, why not?" Then I found this, your first Admirable Animations. The internet needs more of these. I know everything sucks and we need to call on it, but you know, sometimes things can be pretty amazing and we need to acknowledge that as well. Heck, my favorite Nostalgia Critic episodes are the ones where Doug is talking about stuff he LIKES. Thanks for this, Mr. Enter. Let's see what else you got.
You know... if these little squids are the last of their kind... doesn't it mean they'll breed with each other? Aka incest? Not like that's unusual in the animal kingdom but still
I have one thing to say: A good Cartoon has a pure moral, Good story, That teaches a life lesson we can pass to our children while still being actually funny. A bad Cartoon act's more like a creepy pasta or just tries to shove personal opinion on it's viewers.
I saw this episode once when I was like 5 years old, I never saw any other footage of it until now, but I can still see it clear as day. that's how much it stuck with me
This was one of the few courage eps I missed when I was young, just recently I went back to watch it which ended with me watching every single courage ep I could find. it may be one of my favorite cartoons to this day, and is kind of comforting.
-- The moment when the starmakers embrace is incredibly beautiful and... well... perfect. It conveys so much joy and a gentle intimacy that is so lacking in most on-screen relationships. Really beautiful
The ending of Ed Edd n eddy's big picture show kind of covered some relatable topics. Like when Eddy is getting beaten up by his brother and everyone sees his much of jerk he is even though eddy made him to be the greatest guy ever. Eddy said he just lied to everyone just so he could fit in and "be cool". Eddy said he just wanted to be respected like his brother was. This movie I believe was a great send off to the show and some children could definitely relate to Eddy's situation.
I know you posted this video ages ago, but every time you show a clip from it as an example of what an admirable animation should look like (and you do quite frequently) I can help but think of this episode. It stirs my soul a little just mentioning it. Courage the Cowardly Dog was and still is probably my favorite show of all time. I've written papers and theories about it in a college setting because it stands up to the kind of scrutiny it can recieve there. So I am very glad it got the accolades and attention it deserved here.
Thank you so much for making this video. I used to love watching Courage the Cowardly Dog when I was little, about five, and this video helps me understand the issues this episode covers. I loved your monologue at the end, since it epitomizes the craft and ultimate power of the animation industry and the hard working people who are involved. I am studying to be an animator now, and I have never heard such an appreciative, analytical masterpiece of speech such as this.
First of all, everything said was true. And I give a thank you as well since I forgot about this priceless show. It was so good in almost all of its episodes and sadly it's pretty much gone since to channels really show it anymore but thank you and this is a great episode as well,
Thank you for the review of this magnificent episode, I have adored Last of the Starmakers since the first time I ever watched it. I sincerely wish more writers cared about their craft as much as the writers of this episode did, maybe then tv programming wouldn't be so horrible...
This was without a doubt my most favorite episode of Courage. It was beautifully done and well written that I cannot believe that this was nade for kids. You really did a good job on digging throigh this sparkling gem, Mr.Enter. 👍
Not really a critic myself but this episode truly is a masterpiece! So much is said in such a short span of time and everything is perfectly put into place, from the premise, to music, to conflict and resolution... While some stories get old with time and they have less impact with every replay, this episode never fails to make me shed tears, (or at least fight them back) just like when I was a kid. Every. Single. Time. Also I totally agree that this show had a way of not taking the audience as fools or misleading us into anti climactic bullshit. It goes to show that some cartoons really COULD be as good as life-education in our formative years...even in adulthood. This episode always reminds me to appreciate all life and try to be compassionate.
Courage was an amazing show. My personal favorite was the episode "Perfect". I found the message to be very heartwarming, especially at a time when I was battling severe depression.
You know what? When the beginning of a fucking cartoon makes me cry, it pretty much shows how much of value it has specially considering that such heavy feelings are never presented in today's cartoons (No, Not even MLP's various heart warming scenes, sue me, the only time I ever cried there or just had a few tears was during the final part of the "Light of Your Cutie Mark" Song. I love Courage the Cowardly Dog, it's my favourite cartoon of all time (In fact, I'm subbed to the creator's RUclips Channel), and now that I rewatched most of the show's episodes as an adult, I've cried even more than before, I fucking love "Last of The Starmakers" and "Remembrance of Courage Past" (Hey, latino version ended up having lots of improv with Courage, guess what? They somehow made it seem natural, ODD AINT IT?!)
Did so,I didn't find it that impressive but I saw why people liked it. And hey, at least Courage wasn't a show whose fanbase wanted the creator tor kill himself right?
holy shit why do I find so many episodes of courage that are so heart warming
+That Fandom Girl 69 Because the creator is a legitimately really good guy with the heart of a child, expressed through the skill of an adult. He made what he knew, and what he liked.
Kat Licks
Oh my god ;u;
because great shows have heartwarming episodes i.e The Mask, Remembrance of Courage Past and this one
I have to look up those I ike courage but a lot of the episodes were crazy in a good way this one like the video was sad and beautiful
@@msbellebelle It also helps that the show has one of the most understated yet inspirational protagonists in Courage himself - his flaws, as they were, are none of them unsympathetic or unrelatable, and that they even exist only serves to highlight his loving, compassionate nature. There's a… blend, if you will, that just makes it all come together beautifully, so he works in so many contexts: in this case, when he realises the Starmaker is not to be feared, he's rapt in wonderment of her, and when he alone can save her he DOES, and in doing so saves the species by getting her eggs free long enough to hatch. It's not that other heroes in this situation would NOT help her, but it's the fact of who Courage is - and how he plays off Muriel and Eustace, as always - which makes this story shine so brightly.
That father Starmaker easily had under one minute to develop his character. Hell, I don't think he even had 30 seconds.And yet . . . Here we are feeling more for him than just about any other character in cartoon history.This is animation done perfectly. Hardly even two minutes in and it had already evoked more feels than even Disney's finest creations.Perfection can only come so often and Courage, dear Courage, I think you've done it.
I agree. :)
The father Starmaker reminded me a little of the beginning of Finding Nemo, and the beginning of Up, but only in the themes.
The sequence was an extremely well-done animation that only needed visuals to be emotionally stimulating, no words necessary; maybe it just had a quality that words cannot describe.
Andre Lee that's true
Just To Ruin The Entire Thing: They Both Look Like Dicks And They Both Do Slightly Sexual Things Together.
That's As Soon As I Watched The Episode... And I Didn't Even Get To The 0:50 Before I Thought That.
This episode here pierced my cold metal heart and made me cry.
:( I'm sorru
+ThonGLover same here
Uh oh is that bad
lay down. roll over. try not to cry. cries.
Me 😨😨😨😨😰😰😰😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
+ColdfacekillerJr PSN I criy every time😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
If you remember this episode of Courage, you cried like a bitch.
I sure did.
I cried 2
Dwight Cline I cried 3
tht episode is the most emotional episode of all times..........if you don't remember this ep or u don't have any emotion at all.....i wanna cry...
I always thought they were *giving* the squid the "Space Squid Fluids", to try and keep her alive to study her. Thinking that they were draining them instead makes me very sad.
Me too.
one of the most beautiful episodes I've ever seen on one of the best shows I've ever seen as a kid
True ;( this was and still is my favorite episode.
I cannot comprehend how writers can come up with something this amazing and beautiful. this is how you do creative animations
That too
Courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to face said fears regardless of how scared you are, and seeing how Courage the Cowardly Dog acted every time, i think he is the textbook definition of that word =D
Guard 1: That seem unusual to you?
Guard 2: Duhhh, NOPE! Nuh-uh Nope!
I first watched this a kid. I was just a child, changing channels on an afternoon without homework. And then I decided to watch Cartoon Network. This episode touched me in ways that made me feel so, so much things at the same time. I cried, a little. Because I was truly happy. Because I was so moved crying was just a tiny way of expressing that.
damn it, even the review made me cry.
Ana Nominous i hev heart idoit
you know mr enter is a brony
*passes the tissues *
You honestly made me cry with what you said about animation because it is exactly how I feel and what I tell people all the time. Or maybe I'm just way overly emotional towards that kind of stuff.
Dude, your heart is in the right place.
I agree with you SOOO much bro. I actually fell victim to this the other day. When Adventure Time first aired, I thought it looked stupid and acid trippy just for the sake of it. Then a few days ago my buddy convinced me to actually watch it. My god the story is amazing and actually deep and mature with the pretexts behind it. Reminded me of Courage in that way.
Mitch Radle I know exactly what you mean. I avoided Adenture Time for so long because I couldn't stand its art style. But after soooo long, I finally gave in and watched a few episodes (Taking my friends' advice and skipping the first season). And you know what? Behind it's juvenile appearance and odd way of talking, there is a surprisingly deep show.
He made me cry form this too. It's people like John R. Dilworth that really know how to make heartwarming moments in animation.
There was a episode where the orgin of courage is explained and made me cry to tears, i found it so sad.
Father Gibus
You don't mean this episode, do you?
Bernard Crow yeah i ended up finding it anyway on another one of Mr.enter reviews, thanks for the help
Father Gibus
no problem, just like helping people find what they're looking for :)
That is literally the saddest episode in the entire series for me. Pretty sure I cried while watching it one time.
"It doesn't just stop at doing everything right. It goes above and beyond that"
Mr. Enter could not have said it any better than that. *cries* I still remember this fondly as a child and it will stick forever in my heart.
That episode's beginning still chokes me up. And I'm 27. The whole episode is just beautiful. I miss seeing this quality on t.v. so much.
Aisu Tenshi This quality on TV? I take it you've never watched an episode of Steven Universe?
actually i have and am grateful for it. it gives me a reason to hope for decent shows on there. but i mostly watch it online to spite cn. not giving them the ratings.
Thunder Shock well she is called f**
+your standard ponyfag Your name serves you well.
my eyes start to water up in the beginning
I decided to watch this and... OH GOD THE TEARS.
See, THIS is a perfect episode. I hate how parents think that cartoons are only for them as a way to entertain Children. And some of the atrocities that you reviewed are things PARENTS actually let their kids watch. Parents are oblivious to the fact that, Cartoons can also be artistic masterpieces, and they can create messages so uniquely in so many ways. Parents, whether you read this or not, if you want the best for your kids, show them some actually good cartoons since you want the best for them. Don't be oblivious to the fact that when you let the TV babysit your children, the TV in a way is acting like a parent. So when you show them things like A Pal for Gary, and One Coarse Meal, you are letting your kids learn that animal abuse and driving people to suicide is funny.
You are a smart person your comment tells sooo many true things
Daniel Carrillo Why, thank you. Yet, I'm only 13 and I know everything I said in my comment.
Peter Parker you and me both I'm 14
Agreed. Parents are oblivious to how beautiful cartoons can be. My mom still thinks that SB's a good show (though I've brought up the terrible episodes multiple times). It's a real shame.
Parents will never care about that type of stuff unless they think the show is bad for their kids, that's why I wasn't allowed to watch Ren & Stimpy or Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.
While this show was dark, I was never scared of it as a kid, and I quite liked it. I even wanted to be like Courage. =)
Anyway, good review. The squid's death was quite sad. =(
Can we talk about how emotional I got just by Enter explaining the beginning of the plot and not even by watching it myself
Edit : Fuck I cried at the garden...
I cried 2
Same, bro. Same.
This episode blew me away. I was moved to tears during the opening scene and towards the ending. It's an underrated masterpiece.
This episode always made me cry at the first scene. even during this review I still shed a tear
So many memories just flood back in... I remember crying to this when I was a little kid... like seven or eight...
Thanks a lot, Mr. Enter. You nearly made me cry watching this. And I never cry. I remember the music right from the beginning of the episode all the time since my childhood, especially when something sad happens, for example: when a family member dies, like when my grandpa died a few months ago. This is one of my favorite episodes and it really shows that you really can make art. You really can make something absolutely beautiful to be enjoyed by many. You just got to really give it your all and try and put effort into it. I almost cried even as I posted this video to my Facebook.
When they say cartoons cant be thoughtful passionate and painstakingly made because animations for children I point at shows and more so episodes like this. It's not only thought out to every detail but it was thought provoking and full of passion and ending on that joke was perfect on a different level.
I remember this episode almost made me cry when I was a kid. Probably one of the most heartwarming Courage episodes.
You are probably one of the best reviewers I have ever watched. You contrast to most whom only look at the negativity of cartoons, you make sure to seek out the positive and negative aspects of even an admirable animation you are reviewing, and your videos are all funny and well made. Keep up the amazing work Mr. Enter.
Yeah. This episode... it was a stark contrast to the rest of the series but in a Very Good way. It was emotional and sad, but showed also hope. Of course, with the ol' Courage the Cowardly Dog humor thrown in and timed at the right moments.
You took the words out of my mouth!
I love Courage the Cowardly Dog because it has beautiful meanings to most episodes; this happens to be one of my most favorite episodes.
It is a true inspiration to animation.
I rewatched this episode after watching this review, and I felt my eyes start to water very quickly. The music is just magnificent. I honestly can't say which tune I like better, this or the theme to Schindler's List? Yes, I find this music comparable to John Williams, the man who gave us the themes of (among others) Superman, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Jurassic Park, and Schindler's List.
jw8395 dude look at his name, hes trying to shame bronies
Razz Frazz
Okay. To be honest, I have never watched that show.
jw8395 well leme give you some internet history
there are things called bronies
they like MLP but are not little girls so they are frowned upon
many bronies are accused of sexual attraction to horses, being gay, and rapists
most of those arent true
many middle school dipshits hate bronies
this is a middle school dipshit trying to bring shame to bronies
the end
Razz Frazz
I know what the term "bronies" means, but thanks anyway. Again, I never saw the show, but looking down on bronies simply for liking it would be both unreasonable and hypocritical: I liked Powerpuff Girls (before it started going stale) and Totally Spies wasn't too bad, either.
Razz Frazz fuck u u meme
Every time I watch this episode, I cry. It's amazing how writers can make an episode that touches you in a way that can make you sad, happy...everything. This was definitely one of my favorite Courage episodes, and it always will be.
((Maybe it's late or anything, but your words about animation and this very episode are bringing tears to my eyes. This episode always has been one of my favorites and I wish there were more shows like Courage. Even today with awards and how everything is perceived in the West, animation is never treated as well as any other piece of film or art medium. It truly can be art at some points with Fantastic Planet, and billions of other examples. I want to delve into comics and animation, that is a risky thought considering the two are never touched upon, but I don't care, I want to tell stories even if someone isn't around to read or watch. Thank you for having this series and I believe this episode is the greatest to start off with.))
Thank so much for highlighting this amazing story. I was 18 back in 2002, and watching the episode made me tear up. Now that I'm almost 30, re-watching the episode, I cried even more.
It's abstract, strangely beautiful, poignant, tragic, and it's extremely moving and ultimately uplifting. It's also totally sincere and heartfelt in how it tells the story. It explores family, life, and death in a fantastical yet relateble way.
This episode, along with "The Mask", was one of about four episodes (from season 4 alone) that should have won the show an Emmy.
Thanks for sharing how great this is!
This episode was one of my favorites. This made me cry for years when ever I saw it and I was made fun of it. I am glad to see someone else loves this as much as I do and praise it
A great admirable animation I think is the Ed, Edd & Eddy movie. It's just the perfect way to end a perfect show
It's his second favorite old cn show after courage
Japan seems to be the only country in the world that takes Animation seriously and consider it something that people of all ages can love and enjoy.
In the rest of the World most people just think its stupid stuff to entertain little kids.
I don't know much about japanese animation, but I'm sure there are still bad anime out there.
kirbman10 I meant that Japan is the only country in the World where they take Animation seriously and the only Place where its something made for people of all ages.
I did not say that there does not exist bad Anime.
But so far i havent seen an Anime i did not like yet.
CyberLance26 If you're looking for really bad anime, I recommend DearS or School Days
I can disagree, have you ever seen Crayon Shin Chan? Just one of the most infantile and inappropriate shows out there
CyberLance26 The US does make animation for adults as well, sure the audience doesn't always see this as true. But those who work in the industry do. Take something like how to train your dragon. That movie was made not with kids in mind alone but with all people in mind as well. The ending alone is a testament to how it didn't try to make a perfect ending that would make the kids happy. Or even something like the Iron Giant, there's no way you would say that that movie was made JUST for kids and then the prince of Egypt and so on. It may not seem like it but japan is not the only place where people can see the potential of animation. Also this video says just that as well, this amazing story and all the other's that have come from this show show just how serious the animators can take there work when given the chance.
Please review Garfield's Nine Lives. I know its a special as opposed to a tv episode, but this is an amazing cartoon. Please watch and review.
EmperorTigerstar, welllllllllllllll, execpt for that test animal scene, I was a kid when I saw it but it was pretty disturbing in my opinion, the animation was nicet hough
Hi there.
Kaden Vanciel, hi
Did not expect to see you here.
I remember this episode made me feel so many emotions as a kid and my guardian made me stop watching the episode when it was almost done because it was “too sad for children.” I feel so disappointed in her after years because she made me miss out on such a masterpiece.
"Then Eustace comes out and insults the thing because he's Eustace." X'3
I enjoyed this video. This show got the respect it deserved. It was beautiful. Well done.
"Because he's Eustas"
First up I wanna say, HUGE respect for what you do. I've always loved animation and always hated hearing "That's kid stuff" especially when it comes from someone I care about.
Next, I was never big on Courage, because that show scared the crap out of me. Such oddball imagery. Rocko's had a similar impact, though over time I grew to enjoy Rocko's while I never really gave Courage much of a second chance, maybe someday I'll watch a few eps and see if my perception has changed,
Finally, I would love to see a review of Titan A.E. I feel like that movie was hugely underrated and would love to hear your opinion as a fellow animation enthusiast (especially since I can tell you care about animation more than I do, which I don't see often). I know you don't like to do movies as movie reviews take a long time, but still...
+Oliver M (Omni) The Titan A.E. trailer sucked major balls, but the movie itself was brilliant. It really needs more attention.
I know exactly how you feel. I only had the vaguest memories of Courage when I was a kid, cause I never watched Cartoon Network that much, and when I did I avoided this. Seeing it now, I'm just stunned how good it seems to be.
"Last of the Starmakers" and "Remembrance of Courage Past" are beautiful enough to make just about anyone care for Courage the Cowardly Dog in these specific episodes, even if they are not big on the rest of the show. I think those episodes are worth it just for the music alone.
I just watched this episode after hearing your review, and dear gods is it beautiful. I think I have a new favorite Courage episode :'3
I can honestly say this is the first cartoon episode that brought me to tears. So touching and beautiful :')
I only saw this episode once... and it literally made me cry. Normally, i don't cry when animated shows take a sad turn on its characters. I mean, i'll feel sadness, but I'll never cry. This one however... touched me right in the feels. Its was sad, beautiful and dramatic. This show holds a special place in my heart and will always be one of my favorite shows.... no matter how many times it scared me as a kid (0:43.... oh no not King Ramses! That episode gave me legit nightmares! Its still scares me!)
LOL exactly. I only ever watched this episode once because it made me so sad I didn't want to watch it ever again. I would turn to something else every time this episode was about to play. It was amazing and beautifully sad.
"You make the stars in the Heavens above?" Ah, the days when cartoons could reference heaven and people didn't get pissed off.
+3fatkid Cartoons still mention heaven nowadays without any problems...
+3fatkid Gravity Falls has a character explicitly talking about how she wants her grandson to find a girlfriend before "I ascend to heaven to live with the angels."
+Michael Welsh (Femoman) "and with grandpa!" "no. he is not there"
+stone sherrill
Abuelita is so quotable i swear lol. Personal favorite of hers: Soos is my soap opera.
I love Abuelita. She's adorable.
This isn't animation.
This is ART. ;u;
It's both, bro, it's both.
+AGiLE-EaGLE1994 I get what you mean, but animation has been considered artistic media for quite a long time now :) I think it is better to say that this is an example of animation becoming High Art.
Ak Hannar XD I see.
I just subscribed to you, and this episode you did was outstanding. The emotions that you felt toward this were jaw dropping considering how worked up you get over the "animated atrocities" series. It was nice having you pour your heart out about this episode and your true feelings about animation. I have to agree this episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog was one of their best. Definitely top three. Impressive job Mr.Enter. Very well done!
Thanks for Reminding me. I've been watching his videos for a long time now, But I never subscribed for reasons even I don't know. I'm gonna fix that right now.
I cried every time I watched it! My parents thought I was a weirdo!
You're absolutely right, when I first saw that episode I was to young to really understand much, but now even the first few seconds fills my heart with nostalgia. I sincerely thank you for helping me recall this. You've got my sub :-)
Admirable: Sworn to the sword
you're funny
+Trent Petersen YAAS
+John Huffington What the fuck.
It isn't female dominance because the gems aren't technically female. Or human. They just tend to fall within rough human definitions of female.
And Anita Sarkeesian's views aren't just Females > Males (which this episode isn't supporting), but they also include heavy censorship of media outside of fumblrism**.
Also, Steven. He's the main character of the show, the only male gem, and implied to be possibly the most important person in the universe.
And, regarding the ugly side of pearl, we call that "character development."
+John Huffington Additionally,
dunken on!!!
Things wrong with that comment:
1. No explanation as to why I'm wrong
2. I'm not actually lapis
3. Calling me a cunt
At least fix the first one.
I remember watching this when I was (I think) a 17/18 yr old junior (senior?) in high school, and relating how affected (choked up) I was by it to another student in my art class... and how they just looked at me like I was a weirdo.
More than a decade later, When I found your videos, I realized that I was right, that this series is amazing. And, when I showed it to my mom, she was impressed with this episode. This 'half' episode and "The Mask" should both have won an Emmy for their outstanding achievements in storytelling.
Honestly, this is one of the standout series that when I look back on it, it never felt like it was talking down to either kids or an older teenager like me- it really was perfect.
That have to make it mandatory for every wannabe cartoon animator in America to watch this particular episode because this is the epitome of true animation, proving that even a child's cartoon show can make its audience cry from its sheer beauty.
I still remember this cartoon from when I was a kid, it's what made me love cartoons and the art in animation. It showed me that cartoons can tell beautiful and creative stories that make your heart feel. Love that you chose this for your first episode of admirable animation bc it truly deserves it and many other awards as well.
this made me cry as a kid, the greatest and saddest episode of my childhood.
I always loved the Starmakers.
but this episode is a prime example of how cruel and sadistic humanity is to nature and strange and unique creatures.
I don't wanna sound evil,but the only way to save nature and it's wonders is to destroy humanity. Or humanity will destroy nature. It's sad, but it's the only way.
I just *love* this episode of Courage! The reasons you give are exactly why I loved it as a kid and still love it to this day. It never once talked down to it's audience, it treated us as equals, and for every episode like "Freaky Fred" or "King Ramses' Curse", we get a spectacular one such as "Last of the Starmakers", "The Mask", "The Magic Tree of Nowhere" and "Remembrance of Courage Past". I'd even go so far as to say "The Snowman Cometh" was also pretty poignant. Seeing the Snowman quietly grieve over the friends and loved ones he lost because of Global Warming, and then seeing him reunited at the end with them was very touching.
Totally agree about your view of animation as a creative medium. It is really infuriating for me to see a medium with so much potential be relegated to to the realm of "goofy, colorful distraction for children" by most people these days.
+SolarDragon007 If you want to see creative stuff, I recommend taking a look at shows like Gravity Falls and Steven Universe; maybe even Adventure Time if you're into that.
Mr Enter thank you so much for sharing this. I have never seen this episode before and it literally drew me to tears... So beautiful. I watched it with my 6 year old sister. She loved it! I really want her to enjoy good quality animation rather than atrocities like modern spongebob
I remember this episode. It was one of my personal favorites from Courage. Because it could make me smile and get a laugh or two without ruining the mood. Plus it follows the theme of Courage episodes. They can be sweet and touching, outright bizarre, to fucking terrifying (You're not perfect) and remain entertaining the whole time.
This was one of the most touching shorts I ever watched. This, Mask, and Hunchback of Nowhere gave me these good teary moments when I was younger.
that tree episode scared me when I was a kid. but now im older, and I realize it really is nice animation.
This episode made me cry when I first saw it as a child, it is an outstanding episode.
Courage, you are a true cartoon hero, showing that true courage comes from facing your fears instead of lying to yourself and saying you have none.
Although it took me to see another character like that to truly realize this point. (looks at my Avatar) lol
lmao @ "hey busby, tHAT'S HOW YOU DO IT"
this episode is PEAK animation. Emotions, storyline, creativity, music and sound effects and still some drops of comedy to make you withstand your tears. It's unbelievable that I'm coming back to this almost 20 years later (now being an adult) and got completely reduced to tears in a matter of seconds. Absolutely fvcking brilliant.
I really like how you pronounced, "Liek dis if you cri everytiem."
Now I can be more entertained whenever I see that spam instead of annoyed. :)
Wow. Of all of the episodes to start off Admirable Animations, I think you picked one of the best. I've never even seen this episode, and before this review was half over I was nearly crying.
My god. The tears are back!
This series reminds me of Every Frame A Painting. Someone with a decent amount of technical know how using good examples of a chosen genre to highlight how people have done it right. Earned a subscriber.
The Luck of The Fryish is a classic Futurama episode. In fact, it's one of my favourites of all time. I'd like to see you do a video about that episode.
I've never seen this episode but from just hearing what you've said accompanied by the clips and music I have chills and I am close to tears. I need to watch this in it's full beauty now!
The music alone make me want to cry, its that good.
Ok, started looking up your Animated Atrocities on a lark, thinking "Another caustic critic, sure, why not?" Then I found this, your first Admirable Animations. The internet needs more of these. I know everything sucks and we need to call on it, but you know, sometimes things can be pretty amazing and we need to acknowledge that as well. Heck, my favorite Nostalgia Critic episodes are the ones where Doug is talking about stuff he LIKES.
Thanks for this, Mr. Enter. Let's see what else you got.
You know... if these little squids are the last of their kind... doesn't it mean they'll breed with each other? Aka incest? Not like that's unusual in the animal kingdom but still
Perhaps they can reproduce via parthenogenesis.
As far as I can tell, they might mate like well, squids.
incest is hawt fucking kinkshamer
your standard ponyfag Strange... such basic troll tactics... but it manages to succeed?
maqil khan > implying i'm trolling
I have one thing to say: A good Cartoon has a pure moral, Good story, That teaches a life lesson we can pass to our children while still being actually funny. A bad Cartoon act's more like a creepy pasta or just tries to shove personal opinion on it's viewers.
I saw this episode once when I was like 5 years old, I never saw any other footage of it until now, but I can still see it clear as day. that's how much it stuck with me
This was one of the few courage eps I missed when I was young, just recently I went back to watch it which ended with me watching every single courage ep I could find. it may be one of my favorite cartoons to this day, and is kind of comforting.
Even as a kid, I knew that this was amazing and probably my most favourite episode ever.
"liek dis if u cry evry tim"
The moment when the starmakers embrace is incredibly beautiful and... well... perfect. It conveys so much joy and a gentle intimacy that is so lacking in most on-screen relationships. Really beautiful
The ending of Ed Edd n eddy's big picture show kind of covered some relatable topics. Like when Eddy is getting beaten up by his brother and everyone sees his much of jerk he is even though eddy made him to be the greatest guy ever. Eddy said he just lied to everyone just so he could fit in and "be cool". Eddy said he just wanted to be respected like his brother was. This movie I believe was a great send off to the show and some children could definitely relate to Eddy's situation.
I know you posted this video ages ago, but every time you show a clip from it as an example of what an admirable animation should look like (and you do quite frequently) I can help but think of this episode. It stirs my soul a little just mentioning it. Courage the Cowardly Dog was and still is probably my favorite show of all time. I've written papers and theories about it in a college setting because it stands up to the kind of scrutiny it can recieve there. So I am very glad it got the accolades and attention it deserved here.
You are a good version of Cinema Sins
Thank you so much for making this video. I used to love watching Courage the Cowardly Dog when I was little, about five, and this video helps me understand the issues this episode covers. I loved your monologue at the end, since it epitomizes the craft and ultimate power of the animation industry and the hard working people who are involved. I am studying to be an animator now, and I have never heard such an appreciative, analytical masterpiece of speech such as this.
Haven't watched this episode in years, but just seeing your perspective of it and the clips makes me all teary eyed
Almost a 12 year old ep.. wow.
I was like,
16? days old when that episode came out, lol.
And now ur old as fuk boomer
First of all, everything said was true. And I give a thank you as well since I forgot about this priceless show. It was so good in almost all of its episodes and sadly it's pretty much gone since to channels really show it anymore but thank you and this is a great episode as well,
Must not cry...must not cry.. (Starts crying)
Thank you for the review of this magnificent episode, I have adored Last of the Starmakers since the first time I ever watched it. I sincerely wish more writers cared about their craft as much as the writers of this episode did, maybe then tv programming wouldn't be so horrible...
very touchingly sweet 3:46
This was without a doubt my most favorite episode of Courage. It was beautifully done and well written that I cannot believe that this was nade for kids. You really did a good job on digging throigh this sparkling gem, Mr.Enter. 👍
"Like this if you cry everytim," was that a jacksfilms reference there?
Not everything somebody says is a reference to a RUclipsr.
It's a meme.
Maybe, but I first heard it through jacksfilms' YGS, so that's where my thoughts automatically went.
Scsigs I first heard it from Smosh.
*liek dis if u cri everitiem
Not really a critic myself but this episode truly is a masterpiece!
So much is said in such a short span of time and everything is perfectly put into place, from the premise, to music, to conflict and resolution...
While some stories get old with time and they have less impact with every replay, this episode never fails to make me shed tears, (or at least fight them back) just like when I was a kid. Every. Single. Time.
Also I totally agree that this show had a way of not taking the audience as fools or misleading us into anti climactic bullshit.
It goes to show that some cartoons really COULD be as good as life-education in our formative years...even in adulthood.
This episode always reminds me to appreciate all life and try to be compassionate.
I think Eustance(or whatever his name is) Hears "Priceless experience" as "Priceless Experiment"
Courage was an amazing show. My personal favorite was the episode "Perfect". I found the message to be very heartwarming, especially at a time when I was battling severe depression.
I have one for you. I'd like to request "Baby Doll" from Batman the Animated Series. It is iconic.
This episode hurt me in a personal level. When a show touches you and makes you feel that much, you know it's an amazing show.
You know what? When the beginning of a fucking cartoon makes me cry, it pretty much shows how much of value it has specially considering that such heavy feelings are never presented in today's cartoons (No, Not even MLP's various heart warming scenes, sue me, the only time I ever cried there or just had a few tears was during the final part of the "Light of Your Cutie Mark" Song.
I love Courage the Cowardly Dog, it's my favourite cartoon of all time (In fact, I'm subbed to the creator's RUclips Channel), and now that I rewatched most of the show's episodes as an adult, I've cried even more than before, I fucking love "Last of The Starmakers" and "Remembrance of Courage Past" (Hey, latino version ended up having lots of improv with Courage, guess what? They somehow made it seem natural, ODD AINT IT?!)
+Ule The Alicorn Never presented in today's cartoons? Do you watch Steven Universe?
Did so,I didn't find it that impressive but I saw why people liked it.
And hey, at least Courage wasn't a show whose fanbase wanted the creator tor kill himself right?
Ule The Alicorn A fan base doesn't represent the quality of a show, movie, game, etc.
+Ule The Alicorn Up is another example.
Just watched this episode. It instantly became one of my favorite animated episodes ever. My God it's so beautiful.
Do an admirable animation of the Hey Arnold Christmas episode and Parents day.
This was the only episode in all of the hundreds of cartoons I watched that made me cry. Bravo, Courage the Cowardly Dog.