11:52 - An actual discussion of what HOTOL was intended for, you rarely heard that at the time (even Whittle was suprised). EDIT: Unfortunately Whittle's response was the same as the UK Gov - he made his excuses and quickly left. If Alan Bond had come up with the SABRE idea by '87, would have been fascinating to see him explain it to Whittle.
Maybe one day those young men might realize what a giant they had met.
11:52 - An actual discussion of what HOTOL was intended for, you rarely heard that at the time (even Whittle was suprised).
EDIT: Unfortunately Whittle's response was the same as the UK Gov - he made his excuses and quickly left.
If Alan Bond had come up with the SABRE idea by '87, would have been fascinating to see him explain it to Whittle.
For a small '87 production this has very impressive video, but terrible sound.