Buddhist Bhallar tup Stupa بھلڑاسٹوپا || Taxila || बौद्ध भुल्लर स्तूप ||

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
    #Bhallartup #stupa
    #Buddhist #stupa
    The Bhallar Stupa occupies a commanding position on the last spur of the Sarda hill, which bounds the Haro Valley on the north, and is situated at the side of the Havalian Railway, about 8 km from the museum. According to Hsuan Tsang, it was originally built by the Emperor Ashoka to commemorate the spot where the Buddha in a previous existence had made an offering of his head, but if ever Ashoka erected a monument here, no trace of it is now discoverable. The existing stupa dates back no further than the early medieval period. It stood on a lofty oblong base, ascended on its eastern side by a broad flight of steps. The body of the superstructure above this base consisted, as usual, of a drum and dome surmounted by one or more umbrellas. The drum, which is strikingly high in proportion to the diameter of the monument, was divided into six or seven tiers, diminishing in size from the bottom upwards and decorated with rows of decadent Corinthian pilasters, friezes and dentil cornices. The northern half of the stupa has entirely fallen, and on this side the relic chamber, which was set near the top of the drum, is now exposed to view.
    Buddhist Stupa, Bhallar, Pakistan
    Bhallar Stupa is located about half an hour drive from Taxila towards Haripur, adjacent to the railway station. The Stupa is visible from the main road on the right hand side while driving northwards.
    The Stupa is from the period between 2-5 century AD, when this area was one of the beacons of Buddhist civilisation and learning. The historians credit Ashoka for building this complex. It is believed that Buddha offered to sacrifice his life at this spot.
    बौद्ध स्तूप, भल्लर, पाकिस्तान
    भल्लार स्तूप तक्षशिला से रेलवे स्टेशन से सटे हरिपुर की ओर लगभग आधे घंटे की ड्राइव पर स्थित है। उत्तर की ओर जाते समय दाहिने हाथ की ओर मुख्य सड़क से स्तूप दिखाई देता है।
    स्तूप 2-5 शताब्दी ईस्वी के बीच की अवधि का है, जब यह क्षेत्र बौद्ध सभ्यता और सीखने के बीकन में से एक था। इस परिसर के निर्माण का श्रेय इतिहासकार अशोक को देते हैं। ऐसा माना जाता है कि बुद्ध ने इस स्थान पर अपने जीवन का बलिदान करने की पेशकश की थी।

Комментарии • 8