What Is the Significance of The "144,000" Mentioned in Revelation 14?

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 78

  • @leonabanks5591
    @leonabanks5591 5 лет назад +7

    So who are the 144,000. You didn't explain anything clearly.

    • @grimslayerbrittain470
      @grimslayerbrittain470 3 года назад

      144,000 born-again.
      Only 36,000 are "Jew".
      Some are women.
      "Virgin" is a spiritual designation.
      Anything else ?


    • @lilynaw3767
      @lilynaw3767 3 года назад

      Because no one knows except God.

    • @arkangelsdaughter3983
      @arkangelsdaughter3983 2 года назад

      Cause he knows nothing of the truth they are a holy army Yeshua's army, you can not become one you are born one they are not like you they are born difrent the are hybrids cause their Job is to protect Gods children against anny thing and with their life thats their purpose it's to save the fools who got marked and repents and goes through some pain like an innocent man did for them, they Get save you, get you clean rebabtised you recieve the holispirit once again but cling on to it this time but rejected the book, you will be taght that wich you deny and wont accept now cause your blind and lack understanding but a child of god will be prepared to be sealed and then the elect will take you to zion where you will wait in Gods presance to wait for His Son Yeshua to descend for Judgement

    • @arkangelsdaughter3983
      @arkangelsdaughter3983 2 года назад +1

      @@grimslayerbrittain470 your wrong

    • @arkangelsdaughter3983
      @arkangelsdaughter3983 2 года назад

      @@lilynaw3767 and the elect you think they won't be told

  • @YAHweh.YAHshua
    @YAHweh.YAHshua 4 года назад +2

    The 144,000 are YAHshua's BODY of anointed ONES.
    The 144,000 are the first fruits of the NEW Covenant.
    Rev 14: 1 - 5.
    YAHshua was baptized with His Fathers Promised holy Spirit on Tabernacles. Matt 3: 17 Acts 2: 33.
    YAHshua received His born again experience at His baptism.
    YAHshua preached for 3 and a half years and was given back His incorruptible flesh and blood BODY and taken to the 3RD heaven on the 16TH day of the first month.
    The 144,000 will have their born again experience on Tabernacles , Receive their Fathers Spirit and preach for 3 and a half years and be given their incorruptible flesh and blood BODY and taken to the 3rd heaven.
    2 Cor 5: 1- 5.
    YAHshua was part of the old covenant First fruits.
    Matt 27: 52 - 53.
    YAHshua presented the OLD covenant first fruits before Yahweh and Yahweh said:" These are GOOD", Leave the rest in their graves until the resurrection on judgement day.
    The second coming cannot come to pass until the 144,000 first fruits of the NEW covenant are presented before Yahweh for inspection.
    Yahweh sent ONE SON 2,000 years ago to preach the GOSPEL of the coming Kingdom of Yahweh.
    Mark 1: 14- 15.
    Yahweh is going to send 144,000 Sons on Tabernacles .
    Satan could NOT defeat ONE SON, When satan see's 144,000 Sons of Yahweh walking this earth doing GREATER things than their brother YAHshua did, Satan will sin His first and only sin. Rom 8: 19 John 14: 12.
    THEN the war in heaven will commence. Rev 12: 7.
    The 144,000 will preach the GOSPEL of the coming Kingdom.
    Neither the 1ST or 2ND resurrection can come to pass until Yahweh inspects the 144,000 first fruits of the NEW covenant.

    • @arkangelsdaughter3983
      @arkangelsdaughter3983 2 года назад

      As nice as its sounds its not as cool as you say it is even though they are born as is as hybrids yes halve angels and The holy army of Yeshua the son of God they are not random but male and female still called virgen isreali men who has blood ties to the tribes of isreal witch is correct they have not fornicated with the bride in anny way so they have not bound themselfes to anny church doctrine and there fore they are not defiled in anny way the purpouse we serve is simply to protect Gods children from satan his Demonhibrids and demonised humans if you repent for taking the mark your gona have a hellish way to find an elect blood sweat and tears, like Yeshua suffered innocently for you and once safe your mark is removed you now get rebabtised and prepared to be sealed and to know truths you lack then another exodus to zion wher Dady is already waiting with the rest of isreal and we get to hangout in Gods presance while we Wait for Yeshua well maby you maybe the elect will move up and down God will not leave one Human behind who asks Him for forgiveness thats what makes Him worth so so mugh He always gives you an out.

  • @honestnewsnet
    @honestnewsnet 2 года назад

    My understanding is the following. Also I think we have videos on our channel revealing some these things.
    Rev Chapter Seven are the remaining remnant of Israel. 12 thousand from each tribe.
    Rev Chapter 14 - This is symbolic and represents God's divine government in heaven and on earth.
    Physical Kingdom
    12 tribes of Israel Old Testament.
    Spiritual Kingdom
    12 Apostles New Testament.
    Rev Chapter 14
    Number 12 in Scripture is often a type of divine order or rule.
    12 earth
    12 heaven
    12x12 144 = multiply
    000 = magnifying
    Magnified 1440000000000000000 infinity
    Interpretation: Pray God's will to be done on Earth as is in Heaven. This is symbolic of God's divine order and government rule. Christ's divine government being multiplied and magnified in Heaven and on Earth which is His Glory in Heaven and in Earth through Christ's Kingdom. Hence, thy kingdom come thy will be done in Earth and in Heaven.

  • @jimsmith3207
    @jimsmith3207 5 лет назад

    The 144,000 can be found in Isaiah 51:10-11 KJV "Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over?
    11 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away."
    They're the first fruits that were redeemed out of slavery in Eypgt, they're the wilderness generation from Exodus coming back to enter into the promised land!

  • @liwanagbautista8780
    @liwanagbautista8780 4 года назад +1

    At this point I know two things, the guy in the video doesn't know and neither do I. Some say, it is the first born that died by King Harold's decree...will study and read until I find out.

    • @robsmith8310
      @robsmith8310 4 года назад

      harods decree was after the pass over...the bible mirrors and forshadows certain evevts in different times mostly for prophecy ,,this is one...shalom

    • @grimslayerbrittain470
      @grimslayerbrittain470 3 года назад

      That's bogus.
      Keep studying.

  • @biancaabarca6437
    @biancaabarca6437 5 лет назад +2


  • @daltonandress3528
    @daltonandress3528 4 года назад

    Very first sentence and I'm already disappointed... "Jesus and The Father" on their forehead? No... That translation only comes from writings post 400 A.D. all of the very early versions of the Bible say only that the "The Father" was marked on the forehead.

  • @tcdestiny37
    @tcdestiny37 Год назад

    From my understanding Rev. 7 the 144000 is the Jews from the 12 tribes very clear here. and Rev. 144000 is not another group. It's the same group in Rev. 7. Why would God wants to confused us. In Rev.14 mentioned man and men very specific. No woman in this group. That alone is very clear to me. Those 144000 Jews men did not sin with women and remained virgins.

  • @kevinhouston1961
    @kevinhouston1961 4 года назад

    If it weren't for all the church confusion, in this Last & Wickedest Generation it would be fairly easy for a Bible Studier to understand precisely who the 144,000 "WERE".
    *Revelation 7:4 says, "And I heard the number of them which WERE sealed: and there WERE sealed a hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."
    The word: "WERE" is key here. John the Revelator is clearly looking back on the Number of First Fruits that Christ resurrected at His First Coming.
    *Matthew 27:52-53, "And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared
    unto many".
    The 144,000 consisted of Tribal Israelites. And since Tribal Israel no longer exists then no one should even be looking for an End Time 144,000 anyway. Further, Revelation 7:9-16 speaks of the next resurrection to take place, later on, "AFTER" (vs 9) the Resurrection of the 144,000. It is the End Time Harvest of the Great Multitude that will be resurrected at the Time of Christ's Second Coming. No were, in these verses (9-16), does John the Revelator use the word: "WERE" ...as he did when speaking about the 144,000. But, unlike the 144,000, John could not document the number/count of the Great Multitude because they consist of a resurrection that had not taken place yet. Thus, no man could number/count them, yet, as they could the 144,000 ...whom "WERE" already sealed & resurrected before John's Patmos Experience (around A.D.90).

    • @arkangelsdaughter3983
      @arkangelsdaughter3983 2 года назад

      You won't its not for you to know our kind i can tell you but you can't find the awnser in a book you dont have the holispirit

  • @antonytebogo1111
    @antonytebogo1111 8 месяцев назад

    1111 YES&AMEN 1111

  • @KJ-gp4tt
    @KJ-gp4tt Год назад

    ✝️The 144,000 of Revelation 7 are the sealed from every tribe of the Israelites, the Revelation 14-144,000 are men of Mt Zion.
    The 144,000 of Revelation 14 are different than Revelation 7, they are priests who dedicated their lives to service of the LORD. Nuns who left the Catholic Church to a bible-based relationship with Jesus will be saved.
    Joel 2:32 explains:✝️
    Then everyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved, for there will be an escape for those on Mt. Zion, and in Jerusalem, as the Lord promised, among the survivors the Lord calls.✝️

  • @catharinabellekom2013
    @catharinabellekom2013 2 года назад

    You mean the names of Yahuwah and Yahushua.

  • @RitzRed
    @RitzRed 2 года назад

    Romans 9:6 However,it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who descend from Israel are really ”Israel”. Romans 2:29 But he is a Jew who is one on the inside,and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code. That person’s praise come from God,not from people. So you don’t have to be a jew,to belong to the 144 000… What i can read in the bible,there are anyone in the world 🌎 who belongs to what Jesus called ” The little flock” Both men and women,Jews and also they’re from every nation on earth 🌍

  • @thewicktrimmer9089
    @thewicktrimmer9089 3 года назад

    There are two groups of 144,000 described in the Book of Revelation. The first group of 144,000 sealed in Revelation 7 is not the same as the firstfruits of Revelation 14. It is because people have taken the two groups as one that has caused difficulties in understanding their roles. Fortunately the Song of Songs, which is a book about the end-times and not about love and romance, helps to explain these mysteries. The 144,000 of Revelation 7 are the Elect Israelites whom God will seal and supernaturally protect so they cannot be killed by the Antichrist during the great tribulation. God will send these out into the Gentile nations in sets of two (as two witnesses). to preach the gospel during the great tribulation. At the end of three and half years they are raptured into heaven when the seventh and last trumpet is blown and the dead in Christ are raised. On the other hand the 144,000 of Revelation 14 are the firstfruits who all die in faith before the great tribulation begins. The first of these blessed firstfruits is Abel and among them you will also find Job whom God described as the most blameless of all those who were on earth at that time. These holy 144,000 are resurrected as the firstfruits of the harvest of believers and taken into heaven before the great tribulation as the bride of Christ. That is why they are described as virgins who are blameless and have never lied. The resurrection of these 144,000 of Revelation 14 is what people call the pre-tribulation rapture and is described in Revelation 12 as the birth of the male child born to the woman who represents Jerusalem. The 144,000 of Revelation 14 are the only people who participate with the Lord Jesus in the wedding banquet of the Lamb which takes place in heaven. That is why they are seen standing before the throne of God singing a new song as they are being given in marriage to Christ. For more click: www.amazon.com/dp/B09467F2NT/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_glt_EFFKEF75ARRSFY959P9Y

    • @honestnewsnet
      @honestnewsnet 2 года назад

      Your missing one more group or company that are not represented by the 144,000 in Revelation 14. Notice it says they are before the throne and the Elders... Who are the Elders???? These Elders are seated with Christ in His Throne.

    • @thewicktrimmer9089
      @thewicktrimmer9089 2 года назад

      @@honestnewsnet Greetings. I am only noticing now that I did not respond to your question about the Elders. As you pointed out, the Elders are indeed the 24 elders who are found in heaven together with God the Father, as Jesus himself revealed to the Apostle John. The Book of Revelation provides more details.
      [Revelation 4:2-4 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads.]

    • @RitzRed
      @RitzRed 2 года назад

      The 144 000 are israelite in their spirit and heart. They can be both men and women… God has abandoned Israels nation for a long time ago…

    • @thewicktrimmer9089
      @thewicktrimmer9089 2 года назад

      @@RitzRed I agree that the 144,000 of Revelation 14 are indeed Israelites. That is why they are described as firstfruits ( Revelation 14:3-5). It is to be noted that the term firstfruits refers to those who are to be resurrected first, and who are the very best or holiest of God’s people. And we know that the Israelites are the firstfruits of God because the prophet Jeremiah tells us so. Here is what the Bible says about God's firstfruits.
      [Jeremiah 2:3 Israel was holy to the Lord, the firstfruits of his harvest; all who devoured her were held guilty, and disaster overtook them,’ ” declares the Lord.]. Because God does not change his mind, the Israelites will always be the firstfruits of his harvest or resurrection.
      As always, the Bible fully explains itself.

    • @arkangelsdaughter3983
      @arkangelsdaughter3983 2 года назад

      Your crazy we are one and the same

  • @charlesdoss4162
    @charlesdoss4162 3 года назад

    He is INCORRECT!...the 144,000 are the ONLY ones who will enter the heavens to rule with christ over the earth...they have been CHOSEN by JEHOVAH GOD himself....they are the ISRAEL of GOD....the PROMISES will come thru them....the GREAT CROWD will inherit the earth after christ/144,000 destroy the wicked and decieved persons....jeremiah 25:33.....#jw.org

    • @thewicktrimmer9089
      @thewicktrimmer9089 3 года назад +1

      There are two groups of 144,000 described in the Book of Revelation. The first group of 144,000 sealed in Revelation 7 is not the same as the firstfruits of Revelation 14. It is because people have taken the two groups as one that has caused difficulties in understanding their roles. Fortunately the Song of Songs, which is a book about the end-times and not about love and romance, helps to explain these mysteries. The 144,000 of Revelation 7 are the Elect Israelites whom God will seal and supernaturally protect so they cannot be killed by the Antichrist during the great tribulation. God will send these out into the Gentile nations in sets of two (as two witnesses). to preach the gospel during the great tribulation. At the end of three and half years they are raptured into heaven when the seventh and last trumpet is blown and the dead in Christ are raised. On the other hand the 144,000 of Revelation 14 are the firstfruits who all die in faith before the great tribulation begins. The first of these blessed firstfruits is Abel and among them you will also find Job whom God described as the most blameless of all those who were on earth at that time. These holy 144,000 are resurrected as the firstfruits of the harvest of believers and taken into heaven before the great tribulation as the bride of Christ. That is why they are described as virgins who are blameless and have never lied. The resurrection of these 144,000 of Revelation 14 is what people call the pre-tribulation rapture and is described in Revelation 12 as the birth of the male child born to the woman who represents Jerusalem. The 144,000 of Revelation 14 are the only people who participate with the Lord Jesus in the wedding banquet of the Lamb which takes place in heaven. That is why they are seen standing before the throne of God singing a new song as they are being given in marriage to Christ. For more click: www.amazon.com/dp/B09467F2NT/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_glt_EFFKEF75ARRSFY959P9Y

    • @polokucoch8112
      @polokucoch8112 Год назад

      Do you think that 144,000 threshold has been met already? Are you one of them? and how many of your family, brothers and sisters in church do you guesstimate from the people around you?