Come with us for a walk in Portuguese countryside
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Join us walking through the Portuguese countryside as we are taking two walks in this episode on stunning winter days. We love taking our dogs out although they are not used to it much as yet. We have to train them to walk on a lead for future adventures about which we will soon share more info. In the meantime, winter is here and with it cold and frosty nights with starlit sky, Christmas around the corner and new year ahead of us. We like to spend this time of year peacefully, enjoying walks and winter sunshine as well as baking and getting together with friends. No projects or hard work, just keeping cosy and warm while drinking a bit of eggnog or wine watching favourite feel good films and tales.
So sit back, have a rest and enjoy our walks together.
Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Winter solstice, Jule or nothing at all, we both are wishing you much love and light, good health and sun in your hearts.
Much love
Sonia and Zuzana xxx
Music licensed with Movavi, free video editor
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/ inherspiritart
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Happy fourth Advent Sunday to all. We celebrated winter Solstice yesterday by lighting a fire. We want to wish everyone Happy Yule, Merry Christmas or happy Sunday, whatever your preferences. Come and walk with us while relaxing a bit. Much love S&Z xxx
Merry Christmas to you both xxx
All the cookies look soooo tasty 😊
Thank you for the walk ❤
@@inekeroos9264 I'm glad you enjoyed it, at least we can walk together in this cyber space 😊⚘️❤️
Lovely scenery and wow the tree in blossom… couldn’t believe it. Have a great Christmas xx 🎉
@@harlitree2842 you too 🎄❄️❤️
boas festas!!
igualmente 🎄❤️
Look at the size of those cones
Very nice views you have around you!
Enjoy it.
I will try putting some box nests on multiple of my Pine trees to attract tits and Hoopoe birds.
Hopefully, this will control pine processionary naturally.
I know exist also alternatives, gluey/sticky straps/braces around trunks of trees...
Merry Christmas 🎄 to you two 💟
@@sgberardo Boas festas 🎄
Thanks for stopping by and see you next time 😊
Thanks for taking us along on your lovely walk. Everytime I watch this kind of homestead videos and scenery, I longed for my homeland 💔🇵🇹. Portugal is so beautiful… Boas-Festas 🎄🐾🎄🎅 Seasons Greetings from Canada🇨🇦
@@ildagalvao4040 Boas festas to you too 🎄❄️❤️
did u say figueiro da beira ? feliz natal 🙂
@@carlosvictor8679 boas festas 🎄
Merry everything!!! Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New year. I appreciate your company and always look forward to your videos. Oh, we finally got snow here, so everything looks extra festive like a postcard. ❤❤
@@meaquindinho541 Merry Christmas, thanks for your support and interest in our little channel.
White Christmas is quite special nowadays, isn't it?
Enjoy the season and all the best for the New Year. Much love S&Z ❤️
I am finally sitting down after a few busy Christmas days! My turkey soup is simmering and will be a nice light supper after heavier meals and too many sweets! Lovely walk with you around your area. Beautiful homes and scenery. Our cones are tiny compared to yours! We did have a nice dusting of snow but then all changed to rain and it has melted. Shame for the children with new sleds. Hope your Christmas was enjoyable too. Look forward to the next video.
@@ruthw3244 no snow here I'm afraid but it has been wonderfully sunny with cold nights and a touch of frost! We had a lovely Christmas as you can now see in a new video 🤭. One day later than usual but it's up! 👋🌞
Absolutely charnming. And the full moon!
I think I gained a few pounds watching your seaeonal baked goods...... 🤪
@@DunkyFoodle 🤣, that happens every year Ronny.
Ahoj holky, děvčata. Přeji Vám moc hezké svátky, ať Vám slouží zdraví, ať jste šťastné na světě. Moc se mi líbila třeba výroba vánočních přání. Jak krásné a snadné ! Jo holt , u toho kdo umí různé techniky to vypadá tak jednoduše ... Cukroví napečeno, atmosféra krásná. Moc se mi líbila i ta procházka s psisky . Vypadá to spíš na babí léto než na prosinec. Máte nějaká tradiční jídla na Vánoce ? Miluju kapra a rybí polívku, ale dělám si obrácené vepř řízky a mísu salátu, to pak můžu jíst 4 dny. 2x denně.
Ryba chce být čerstvá, kdežto tomuto zaležení jen prospívá. Chtěl jsem upíc ten skořicový ze Švédska, pekl jsem pro rodiče linecké a rohlíčky a nepečené čokokulky, tak někdy jindy. Mějte se moc hezky, pozdrav z Moravy ( dnes je velmi příjemně, v noci mrzlo, je příjemně na procházky ). Pavel
@@pavelhledik3339 Hezké Vánoce přejeme na Moravu
My si dáme salát a pečené kuře námi vychované a zpracované. Taky rybí polévku s bílým vínem a samozřejmě cukroví. Ale nejdříve se ještě musíme podívat na Popelku a Pelíšky 🤗
A před půlnocí půjdeme do vesnice na pálení fatry, kde se sejdeme s přáteli
Je krásné chladné, ale slunečné počasí, tak si jeden den uděláme tůru, ať shodíme to kilo nebo dvě navíc
Užij si nejen Vánoc a všechno nej do nového roku 🎄❄️😊❤️
@@lifeaftersuki To pálení je tradice ? třeba spálit vše špatné z tohoto roku ? A potkat se s kamoši - super hyper. Znáte pohádky Anděl páně ? Jsou 2 díly. Dvojka je lepší. Na YT myslím k dispozici. Možná si k ránu pustím. Nebo britskou Lásku nebeskou ? Za chvilku asi bude začínat v TV. Nejspíš budu poslouchat nějak hru .