"Close Quarters" Battlefield 2042

  • Опубликовано: 27 июн 2024
  • AKA I'm on a boat, ship, whatever you want to call it now that it's on land. During the early part of Battlefield 2042 I saw a lot of comments out there complaining that there were no close quarters or infantry focused areas on the launch versions of the maps. That and there was wide open spaces with no cover or destruction. I know I've brought this topic up before but there was a few things I wanted to mention. The launch versions of the BF2042 maps were similar to maps in previous Battlefield games, just a slightly larger scale or similar ( depending on the DLC map ). Those maps in previous Battlefield games also had wide open spaces, not a lot of cover, and minimal destruction but for some reason even though the maps followed the same design the previous Battlefield game maps were considered good but the BF2042 maps were bad. So either there was a lot of people who didn't actually play the previous Battlefield games or I guess they did and they are trying to change Battlefield to be like another game because the reasoning and complaints that drove the reworks for the maps didn't improve or make the game better. The map reworks just enhanced the existing issues and unbalanced aspects of the game that had been in since launch. Before going further since I'm already slightly off topic I'll bring up the other point I was trying to make. All the launch versions of the BF2042 maps had infantry focused or "close quarters" areas on them like the ship or area shown in the video. They were areas with cover ( easily destroyed, destruction ), tunnels, hallways, or just large building structures. They were places on the maps where it was difficult for vehicles to influence. They even brought one of these areas back as its own map, Stadium.
    Take 3D Spotting ( yes even launch spotting, drones, AI, vehicle seats, etc. ), the infantry/Specialists weapons, gadgets, and the vehicle system and vehicles from BF2042 and put them on BF3 or BF4 maps and those maps become an unbalanced mess that makes them seem like they are poorly designed and a nightmare for infantry. A reminder this would also be at lower player counts so that unbalanced aspect between infantry vs vehicles and ground vehicles vs aircraft would be even worse. It wasn't map design that was the issue.
    Should DICE have included an infantry only map at launch? Yes just so it would have acted like a daycare center for the game where those players crying about the other maps could instead spend there time 24/7 like they did in previous Battlefield games because they didn't want to play "Battlefield", they want to play COD or I guess COD without killstreaks or vehicles.
    G428 Loadout: TV 2x, Wrapped Suppressor, LWG Grip, Standard Issue / Extended magazine
    Side note or random thought, BF2, BC1 ( singleplayer ), and BC2 the US faction had the Blackhawk but in BF3 that vehicle type was changed to be the UH-1Y Venom/Huey. I was wondering if that was because there was a more Navy or Marines focus in that game or if they did it to make the silhouette or shape different from the opposing faction's transport chopper so it was more easily distinguished from greater distances. Considering they kept it as the Huey in BF4 when there was a third faction added to that game I'm thinking it was more for the shape difference reasoning.
    Extra rant, poorly filtered:
    Before the map reworks and Class system being tacked on balance was bad but you had more options and the vehicle spam wasn't as egregious, there were fewer vehicles available too so even though DICE never made any real effort to balance vehicles vs infantry or even vehicles vs aircraft you could still roam the map and only occasionally have to deal with frustration. Now though you don't really have options or a choice if you want to play infantry because everywhere ends up being futile if your team doesn't have any vehicle players. All that complaining and whining about the map size, nonsense about no cover between objectives, no destruction, all to get the map reworks that end up taking away the choice and options available to many types of players just to appease some vocal minority of players that can't be bothered to run twenty seconds, spawn a vehicle, use a vehicle on the map, or just spawn on the close quarter objectives/sectors that used to exist. It's like those players crying wanted to make Conquest feel like some COD game modes or Breakthrough or other small game modes where there is almost no downtime because they have short attention spans or are too lazy and can't be bothered to run to an objective. Although I do understand the attention span part, I have to cut out a lot of the in-between moments in videos for the same reason, however I don't think it's reason enough to ruin Battlefield games for.
    Outro tune "Rise and Fight" composed by Piotr Wojtowicz aka ThePianoMan007 :
    / fucer007
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 65

  • @mrheisenberg403
    @mrheisenberg403 14 дней назад +1

    Nice cheats

  • @naveengta
    @naveengta 17 дней назад +57

    "It's like these people have never played Metro before" - Ravic, June 2024

  • @daadsh
    @daadsh 17 дней назад +12

    You have never failed me with the paragraph description

  • @Holdthetomatoesplz
    @Holdthetomatoesplz 17 дней назад +25

    Ravic’s vid descriptions are always on point. Today’s gamers are so reductionist they’ll ignore anything good about the game and act like it’s terrible because it didn’t appease their expectations. They seem to forget maps like Golmud Railway, which is 80% open spaces with a few destructible buildings, same as the majority of 2042 maps. The overall flow may be off but to act like the maps they made are blasphemous while ignoring the similar issues in previous Battlefields is so painfully shortsighted. Partner it with DICE’s insistence on catering to that vocal minority, and they end up overcorrecting to the point of making unnecessary changes and essentially starting from scratch with every installment. Given the fact that most people were just upset they didn’t have Metro 2042, I’d say destruction is secondary to the desire to play in meat grinder maps constantly. People don’t know when to be satisfied and their constant complaining about these issues ends up working against them at the end of the day.

    • @ittapupu7406
      @ittapupu7406 4 дня назад

      "People don’t know when to be satisfied"
      Actually we do. Do any of you not remember after launch when the "community manager" at Dice reached out to the BF subreddit and asked for suggestions to improve the game? We (I was included in the effort) compiled a very reasonable list and posted it........he then referred to us as "toxic." Fuck Dice, they don't know what they are doing at this point now that the real talent has left. I agree with pretty much everything you said here, but we have legitimate reasons to be not so happy with the direction of BF. I do also very much agree with the insistence of Dice catering to the vocal minority, but that's a failing of their senior management. They need to put on their big boy pants and make big boy decisions, stop letting others decide the vision and scope of your project. Or.....they could make more skins and MTX because capitalism go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  • @alanlawz
    @alanlawz 17 дней назад +5

    Love reading your video descriptions they usually have a great insight into your thoughts on the game, i also agree totally with the comments about previous games because i really enjoyed the gameplay differences between maps as to whether to play vehicle or on foot.

    • @Ravic
      @Ravic  17 дней назад +6

      It's that aspect I've brought up before where too much player choice creates unbalance. BF3 and BF4 maps or map design included what vehicles and vehicle combinations would be available. Go look up some of the maps for those games, very few had everything or every vehicle type available and that added to the replayability of the game in that every round didn't feel the same.

  • @itz_jdv1878
    @itz_jdv1878 17 дней назад +5

    You should upload more the gameplay is satisfying I’m always looking for the next video

  • @EvanG529
    @EvanG529 17 дней назад +3

    Your first paragraph in the description hits the nail on the head. Sometimes I play old BF maps that were ported to other games and I think, wow, this is kinda boring. You always remember things as better than they are. I wonder how the community would react if they just copied and pasted BF2 maps into 2042, besides calling DICE lazy.

    • @Ravic
      @Ravic  16 дней назад +1

      People seem to forget those "best Battlefield games" according to the community like BF3 or BF4 had less "player choice" or vehicle balance was taken into consideration with map design. Not all vehicle combinations were available for every map, most couldn't have both the Attack Helicopter and Scout Helicopter, some no jets or no mobile AA. Sure there were lots of other things they could have changed or tweaked to address the issues people were having with the launch versions of the BF2042 maps but reworking the maps wasn't what the game needed.

  • @sleep_awake
    @sleep_awake 17 дней назад +8

    Always entertaining Battlefield content. GG

  • @chonky2129
    @chonky2129 17 дней назад +1

    a Ravic upload always makes the day a little better 😊

  • @TheMancunianCandidate
    @TheMancunianCandidate 15 дней назад

    Agree with your description, inf only was a big part of my BF experience since BF2 playing Warlord / Ghost Town with no vehicles or just transpos. It helped me focus on gun skills for comp play back then. When I wanted a proper BF experience I switched up to Dragon Valley or Karkand or Sharqui. Same with BF3 Grand Bazaar (1 tank Rush only). It's cool to have the option of small scale battles but the core bread & butter is always huge maps with many different vehicles on Conquest and always will be. That is the allure of BF but you can adapt & play the game however you wany while still being effective.

  • @afrospecs
    @afrospecs 17 дней назад

    Love the longer clips of holding down an objective. You can really see the methodical process for searching for enimies.

  • @rainiernqc
    @rainiernqc 17 дней назад +3

    3:28 - Why there was 3 people here?! hahahahaha Ok the last one maybe just spawned but still
    - I agree with your description. I think people failed to realize what the devs wanted when the game came out. I remember one of them saying that the idea was having a big map with capture points where people fight around them. I think their idea was the point was big enough that 128p were gonna be distributed through all the points and they weren't not gonna move between points too much because they gonna be focus on maintain that point and the vehicle players were gonna move around more. Either way, whatever they had in mind, the maps had close quarters places that people could fight, it had destruction, but people kept saying that the maps from other games were better when it was a matter of perspective. Look Golmud Railway, Sinai Desert, Silk Road, no cover or get in the half of the round and all the buildings were gone.
    - Hopefuly, next game they release a infantry only map at launch so people calm down

    • @Ravic
      @Ravic  17 дней назад +2

      Two players spawned on that Angel, you can hear them spawn in. Also "look" at all those maps that straight up had large areas covered by water between mains, objectives etc., talk about open areas with no cover. Pretty sure I have stationary TOW missile videos showing how that was kinda bad but hey apparently that is good map design cause BF4.

    • @Slenderneer
      @Slenderneer 17 дней назад +1

      @@Ravic You just reminded me of how many of those 'naval' maps had TOWs that had ridiculous visibility due to the water having no real 'cover'.
      Definitely was not a good idea in hindsight to have such terrible map design that allowed it.

  • @RickHardcore
    @RickHardcore 17 дней назад

    great work man!!

  • @MagusTTV
    @MagusTTV 17 дней назад +1

    Ravic spitting facts as usual. A lot of people need to be dragged through all the older BFs or given a lesson in BF maps...ala Gravity's videos on BF maps.

  • @krod_01_majik4
    @krod_01_majik4 14 дней назад

    I think I am the only one who didn't mind the launch maps, except for the objectives on top of buildings, flying around with Sundance and a recoilless was fun.

  • @MagnusPowerMaus
    @MagnusPowerMaus 17 дней назад +2

    Does the 5x scope give off a sniper's glint? Was wondering why you prefer the acog.

    • @VidZarg
      @VidZarg 16 дней назад

      4x scopes already give scope glint, except the ones which has 4x-1,5x etc. This scope he's using is 2x

  • @Metalsonic91
    @Metalsonic91 16 дней назад

    i agree with your description
    especially when it comes to the vehicles side of things in older battlefield on conquest the vehicles where balanced certain maps in bf4 awarded vehicles for capturing certain points and it made those flags a priority like D flag on Hanger 21
    in 2042 especially just after launch id play certain matches spawn a little bird and the other team have chosen 2 tanks and a jet with 90% of the people on the ground playing falk or angel with c4 equipped there all screaming no cover no cover because a decent chopper pilot is killing them all with no resistance
    no one running AA or rpg because c4 was so good at anti infantry no one working together to take the chopper out and my only checklist while flying is a jet who i can easily out manoeuvre and know that as long as i don't kill him there team isn't having a chopper
    change that to say dawnbreaker on bf4 or bandar desert on bf3 the check list for me changes
    the enemy is guaranteed to have 2 choppers a jet and a AA i have to deal with before i start going on a kill spree of infantry that 4 separate targets i have to destroy and remember the timers for and that before you account for engineers who are running some kind of launcher

    • @Ravic
      @Ravic  16 дней назад +1

      Good examples. Also reminded me while a lot of maps were similar to each other within games like BF3 or BF4 they played differently because of what was allowed or what was available on the map with regards to vehicles and aircraft.

  • @dntrell
    @dntrell 14 дней назад

    what mouse do you use and have you changed it up over the years, or has there been one that just stands out from every other one youve tried?

  • @Wimpelmann
    @Wimpelmann 17 дней назад

    Nice cleanup round on the first roof 😁😁😁

  • @jakobpica
    @jakobpica 17 дней назад

    Did you know, instead of throwing the ammo bags on the ground you can hold the button you would use to throw them to just give them to yourself instead?

  • @vjdsjgc123
    @vjdsjgc123 17 дней назад

    Let’s admire the fluidity from the first clip

  • @macmillianuk69
    @macmillianuk69 13 дней назад

    Nice video

  • @cumber2861
    @cumber2861 17 дней назад

    The slide noise 😂

  • @Tundraviper41
    @Tundraviper41 16 дней назад

    I made a guy rage in BF5 because I like to use my Kar98k in close quarters with the help of a bayonet. He called me Garbage for using a bayonet, I said "well if I'm so garbage, how did you die to me then? " I Mean if you Die TWICE to a bayonet charge when you have an Automatic weapon and you can SEE them coming and you still die, I guess its the player who got the bayonet kill is the one who is trash, huh?

  • @Illyrian99
    @Illyrian99 16 дней назад

    amazing bruh.

  • @jolietghostbusters9162
    @jolietghostbusters9162 17 дней назад

    Holy sheets!!!😲
    That’s just awesome…

  • @bozzy8842
    @bozzy8842 12 дней назад

    ah dam i though tthis was bf5 gameplay before i clicked :(

  • @Slenderneer
    @Slenderneer 17 дней назад

    I believe the simple reasoning behind the Huey being the transport heli in BF3 vs. the Blackhawk is because it was the USMC as the 'American' faction instead of the US Army. Perhaps DICE wanted to have both faction's IFVs and MAA be amphibious, as there isn't really really any other reason I can think of that would require it to be the Marines over the Army.

    • @communismisdead
      @communismisdead 16 дней назад

      This. It's also why the US attack helo changed from the Apache to to Cobra and the APC changed from the Bradley to the LAV.

  • @WelcomeHome528
    @WelcomeHome528 17 дней назад


  • @DannySykess
    @DannySykess 15 дней назад

    Bro what fov you play at?

    • @Ravic
      @Ravic  15 дней назад

      90 in-game which is ~106 horizontal.

  • @Juliocf58
    @Juliocf58 17 дней назад

    I wonder why Rav doesnt use Falk

    • @freder1k
      @freder1k 16 дней назад

      bcoz enemies don't shoot at him ?

  • @lsjones42
    @lsjones42 17 дней назад

    My lucky stars

  • @Acheron.426
    @Acheron.426 16 дней назад

    I started commenting on all my problems with the game, then I got so frustrated to type it all out I just gave up and erased it. So this is my comment instead.

  • @shawnyscore6988
    @shawnyscore6988 16 дней назад

    If 2042 was fonctionnal at launch history would have been very different. 2042 is not a bad BF game by any means. The hate train was to strong to recover. And f*** to all who say it has bad graphics. It looks great. It could have been better yes but I think it is still the best fps out there. People forget the previous issues of BF games. I often go back to previous games and I as good as they are they have issues and bad maps as well. I aleays come back to 2042 and have a blast. Your description spits facts. It is overhated and I bet the next one even if it is great will divide the community for some reason and the market will still be into pink neon bunny hoppers dressed with the new Hawk Tua girl skin!

    • @Ravic
      @Ravic  16 дней назад

      I'd argue BF2042 was functional at launch ( no crashing, queueing with friends worked ) or more so than other previous Battlefield games but you might be referring to something specific to you so that might not be true in your case. Oddly enough I think over time with the changes DICE made crashing was added to the game in later patches, unintentionally of course, most were related to CPU overclocks being pushed hard while shaders were loading.

    • @shawnyscore6988
      @shawnyscore6988 16 дней назад

      @@Ravic im on ps5. Never really had a problem like pc users had but it wasn’t as polished as it is today and all the features that were added help the experience today. My only complaint is that wasent enough urban style warfare alla Karkand, shanguai etc. Wish we had more maps, naval warfare and a little more lévolution and destruction. Besides that I have a blast on 2042 and love your gameplay. Hope the next title can please the majority and make BF great again!

    • @troypowers750
      @troypowers750 13 дней назад

      It basically repeated the same mistakes that every recent Battlefield game made, and the games never really rose to their full potential. Remember the complete lack of base game weapons? Remember the terrible update schedule? Remember Hazard Zone? Remember how you were forced to play smaller modes in Portal (and good luck finding something that isn't an XP farm or "milsim" server), and the usual pitfalls of the maps we've come to expect? If BF1 was bad for further streamlining the gameplay and the ability to completely flatten maps, then why can't the same level of criticism be levied against this game for the unnecessary BS players had to deal with for a whole year and a half like missing party features and the specialist system? Yeah... I won't be buying this game, BFV, or BFH. Yeah, 4 had a shit launch, the infamous battlepacks, bad first half of DLCs drops, a catastrophic launch that is arguably worse, a big catalogue of just mid maps, and failed modes that were either throwaway or abandoned for never being tweaked, and another bad campaign... I didn't buy the game. I got it through different means. I did buy 1, but I've come to regret it. The bar is getting lower and lower. I full-well admit that I'm not exactly the best judge of these games, but why bother continuing to buy them if the bar is only getting lower?

  • @KF-qj2rn
    @KF-qj2rn 16 дней назад

    5:02 the sewer pipes are octagons, wtf ???

    • @Ravic
      @Ravic  16 дней назад +1

      I think it's less vertices to reduce graphical performance hit while still somewhat looking like a cylinder or pipe.

  • @GodsWarrior3
    @GodsWarrior3 14 дней назад

    The bots are EZ in this game. :P

  • @anonimus6907
    @anonimus6907 17 дней назад

    Ravoc =).

  • @jamesdavis2359
    @jamesdavis2359 17 дней назад

    I've said it before and I'll say it again... I know Rav is legit, but man it so hard to tell at times if he is or isn't lol.

  • @christianterrill3503
    @christianterrill3503 16 дней назад

    Do you even still have fun ravic playing battlefield?

  • @TTVKraigdankk
    @TTVKraigdankk 17 дней назад

    G428 is king.

  • @o0converge0o
    @o0converge0o 17 дней назад

    admin, please check Ravic

  • @cellebln
    @cellebln 15 дней назад

    Looks easy.
    it´s NOT!

  • @TravelersChosen
    @TravelersChosen 17 дней назад

    I’ve only matched against you once and I hated it. I only killed you one time 😂 glad I don’t have to play against you.

  • @kijciu
    @kijciu 16 дней назад

    Bf4 is still the better ❤

  • @Minerval2889
    @Minerval2889 17 дней назад

    I need a shutdown bonus exp while killing this "Ravic" +10000 exp for example
    Look how hard to kill this guy in all bf series