04. God’s Prophetic Chain - Pastor Stephen Bohr - But He Spoke Like a Dragon

  • Опубликовано: 14 сен 2021

Комментарии • 27

  • @jamesdakkier
    @jamesdakkier Год назад

    May God bless our ministry world wide

  • @lamecksemujju2398
    @lamecksemujju2398 Год назад +1

    Powerful message

  • @rafiqshana3584
    @rafiqshana3584 2 года назад +8

    Thanks pastor Stephen Bohr for true word of God

  • @ginacloum9176
    @ginacloum9176 2 года назад +2

    This Pastor is a blessing his sermons and seminars are wonderful. Happy Sabbath Pastor

  • @IOBEY777
    @IOBEY777 2 года назад +8

    I have made these studies my Bible study for this Sabbath! I have gone from 1-4 and I think I can get one more in before Sabbath ends! I am sharing All of these on Facebook so my friends can be exposed to the truth! I know some of them will watch! Thank you and God bless!

  • @phyllisthompson4207
    @phyllisthompson4207 2 года назад +2

    A very relevant, timely and edifying lesson, and especially for such a time as this..,,

  • @phyllisthompson4207
    @phyllisthompson4207 2 года назад +1

    Thank you Pastor for you time, and in-depth lesson. So easy to understand every single word..

  • @michaelreyes8182
    @michaelreyes8182 2 года назад +5

    Dispensational minds are exploding watching this! What a blessing is Pastor Bohr!

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 2 года назад +1

      @@MaryMartinez-lm5tv well...I was at one time part of the ''know better'' believers you mention until I based my faith on a thus saith the Lord. Is that reasonable? It's easy to say you ''know better'' and ''he's not teaching you the truth''. Are you wanting me to ignore a clear Bible based presentation and follow you who claims too ''know better'' without Bible backing? I'm not being mean. You believe in Jesus Christ and Him crucified?..me too! You believe we are saved by grace thru faith?....me too! You believe we cannot work our way into heaven?...me too! So where do we part ways as Christians? Pick a topic or point this Pastor made and show where ''he's not teaching me the truth''. Mary...can you do that? I grew up in sunday Christianity and now you believe I'm being deceived? Ok...please show me. Again, can you do it?

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 2 года назад +1

      @@MaryMartinez-lm5tv oh Mary...lets just make this between you and me. You claimed too ''know better'' and appeared very sure I ''was not being told the truth''.
      “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every MAN that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” 2 Peter 3:15
      Again I'm asking you..show what you believe and where I'm wrong.

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 2 года назад

      @@MaryMartinez-lm5tv No one is erasing or deleting anything here....if you're talking about Dale Ratzlaff...so you think SDA's are afraid of Dale Ratzlaff or any other former members? The teachings of Dale Ratzlaff OR Desmond Ford OR Richard & Colleen Tinker OR any other former have ALL been objectively considered. I've watched and considered what these former think and came to the clear conclusion for myself (BASED ON THE WORD OF GOD)...they teach and are what Paul warned Timothy would come ....''in the latter times''' THAT ''some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron''...TEACHING...''a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away''. 1 Tim 4:1,2 Tim 3:5-7.
      One day, a ''former'' popped up on a YT search demanding any and all SDA's take his ''Investigative Judgement Challenge''!
      SURE, I THOUGHT WHY NOT! It was silly, non Biblical , and I rejected it!
      It was like listening to Colleen Tinker attempting to explain the old and new covenants. Don't get me wrong...these teachings are perfect for stopping inquiring non SDA's from present truth. Most evangelical dispensationalist have no idea what they believe and when their faith is challenged they lean on the Dale Ratzlaff's to prop them up.
      I asked YOU to help me out of the ''SDA trap'' and YOU have not quoted one text of Scripture to support your claim...not one.
      I have nothing but pity on the formers...I honestly mean that. They are distorting present truth thus deceiving inquiring souls and thats a fearful thing. Mary, once again I say...I'm an open book...I haven't mentioned EGW once! I asked you to show me from the Bible how YOU come to the conclusion that I'm being deceived?
      Pick a subject....whatever and rescue me from what you believe are the fires of eternal hell! You can't do it can you? You're faith is in a video spelled back-words.. hmmm theres a lot of factual symbolism in that approach. I believe you when YOU say you ''will not respond any further!!!!'' Why would you....your faith is in a ''former'' not the Word of God.

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 2 года назад

      @@MaryMartinez-lm5tv are you saying you don't see..''Dale Ratzlaff OR Desmond Ford OR Richard & Colleen Tinker OR any other former'' in this and my comment above? I see it. No, I'm not saying you are lying. Bottom line, what I'm saying is dispensationalism with its pre trib rapture plays a huge part in the final deception we were warned about. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone or more holier than anyone. I was once viewing Christianity from your vantage point until I realize this final deception comes from within the ''church'' NOT from some creepy secular humanist anti-christ fellow who shows up after a non Biblical pre-trib rapture. It would an easier life to join up with brother Ratzlaff who has become a good ol boy with my former evangelical brethren...but I can't. Like in the days of Noah there will be a final warning given, not to the world only but to the church that has ''depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron''...TEACHING...''a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away''. 1 Tim 4:1,2 Tim 3:5-7.

    • @cbvagabond
      @cbvagabond 2 года назад

      @@MaryMartinez-lm5tv You and Jim Bob are SDA stalkers...what you don't understand can hurt you...why don't you listen and learn?

  • @nathaliec7330
    @nathaliec7330 Год назад +1

    I’ve learned so much. This is a must watch twice 🙏series So much to learn and remember but so important to grasp to be a good witness thank you Pastor 🙏

  • @marctompkins3001
    @marctompkins3001 2 года назад +3

    Historical view.

  • @eugenepelle4790
    @eugenepelle4790 Год назад +1

    More is coming out of EU

  • @harveynailbanger
    @harveynailbanger 2 года назад +3

    It is interesting to note that old israel as established by the Father was also church and state combined. The devil doesnt come up with anything new , he is just a cheap but convincing imitator...

    • @macummings7818
      @macummings7818 2 года назад

      “Old” Israel even when God allowed it to have a king was still a theocracy - God ruled through the kings, witness David’s lifelong obedience and the god-fearing legacy he gave to Solomon. God expected obedience from his people - and still does today, through the church- his people.
      So the principle of two kingdoms operated throughout time on this planet.
      Let be clear.

  • @harveynailbanger
    @harveynailbanger 2 года назад

    15:30 ish.
    Church and state are separate physically.
    However we are told that if the church acts properly God will align govt accordingly.

  • @mariamartin393
    @mariamartin393 2 года назад +2

    On the backs of the enslaved and mistreatment of the Native Americans. They were as cruel as the Spanish conquerors.

  • @ordeanwisdom6414
    @ordeanwisdom6414 Год назад
