@@williamwontiam3166 Hey,, Verner and I are not annoying. Our shrines to FemShep are very tasteful, just a poster and a few candl...wait, why is there an armoured redhead in my room aiming a pisto aHGF F efF FHFHU
I always thought of this as showing the start of Legion developing "his" own personality. I think the "facial expressions" were meant to show puzzlement. Like even he isn't sure how to answer the question.
He is his own individual in a way the many programs that came together formed him those exact programs in that specific way formed the A.I known as legion. This is really show cased SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't have legion in mass effect 3 the geth vi is not the same as legion legion's personality does but not his body
@@PerfectAlibi1 *SPOILERS* If you upgrade the Geth and Legion dies EDI mentions that in his last moments he refers to himself as "I" meaning he fully developed into an AI Joker comments on this and calls Legion "It" but then corrects himself and refers to him as "He"
Legion says he doesn't know why he used Shepherd's armor to patch the hole in his chassis but I think it's because Legion admires Shepherd. As Legion himself put it, "your code is superior". They really worked hard to give Mass Effect some memorable characters who really stick with you. Legion is one character who really stuck with me.
Legion wants to be the savior of his people. Through his history you can see he's doing absolutely everything to ensure the survival of the geth, just like Shep is doing for humanity and the rest of the galaxy - to the point of complete self-sacrifice.. He wants to be the "Shepard" of the geth. He wants to "succeed where others did not". He not only wants to be Shepard, but he wants to be around Shepard and see how he can be more like Shepard. The armor is symbolic of that.
I wouldn't be surprised if Legion occasionally snuck into Shepard's room to try on their clothes and pretend to be Shepard or if Legion has Shepard underwear stashed somewhere.
Legion is using the image of shepard for his crusade...Hes inspired by him. Something happened after he got shot.Something life changing. I wonder...Can he possibly feel? In war their have been soldiers and warriors who were wounded in battle and would use the armor of their enemy as a sign of respect. Others would do it as a sign of rivalry....A nemesis foe.
Legion's (internal) thoughts at the end of this clip: ACCESSING EXTRANET... SEARCH: 'What is love' DOWNLOAD-- AUDIOVISUAL CLIP: "What Is Love"-- Haddaway LINK BOOKMARKED/INDEXED-- TV Tropes--'What Is This Thing You Call Love?'"" SEARCH CONTINUING...
Heavenly Star *Kindly tells Conrad that the best way to help is at home* "Since you shoved that gun in my face, I was inspired to be more extreme!" DAMNIT CONRAD I DIDN'T SHOVE A GUN IN YOUR FACE, I JUST TOLD YOU TO GO HOME!
@@ivanpardo1752 Due to a glitch with the flagging, yes. Conrad does have dialogue if you took the paragon route, but the game will always think you took the renegade route and thus Conrad always says that.
For me, Legion got his wish granted; I chose the Synthesis ending in Mass Effect 3, which combined the DNA of organics and synthetics. The Catalyst said that it would give both organics and synthetics everything they ever truly wanted; organics would achieve perfection and synthetics would have perfect understanding of organics. It's sad that Legion never got to see that happen :(
hey, Conrad did write his doctoral dissertation on xenotechnology and dark energy integration. So he's useful for the Crucible, if only as much as Al-Jilani is.
Legion reveals that it found the armor while retracing Shepard's steps and ultimately used it to repair the damage it sustained. However, if pressed why it specifically chose to use Shepard's armor above all else Legion becomes evasive and quietly states "no data available". This could show that Legion has the ability to feel humanlike emotions, as it chooses to use Shepard's armor out of its own free will seemingly out of its obsession with Shepard.
This reminds me of wheatley in portal 2! Just a sphere of metal, nothing like a human face... Yet the devs still managed to find away to convey facial expressions... Funny how the human brain can attribute emotion to flanges of metal like this. Something to think about...
Evolution. When the Quarians created the Geth, they made them able to do complex task. Legion has learned to speak, and is programed to observe organics, and learn from them. He is begin to learn things like admiration, hence Shepards N7 armour welded to his chest plate. He aspires to be like Shepard, even going so far as to have a hole in him for a while, then finds Shepards armour and welds it on, because nothing else would do.
This was always one of my favorite dialogue trees, seeing a tiny sliver of humanity shows a capacity to be more than just calculatingly logical without going so far as making Legion into just another character archetype in a machine's body really makes for a more tangibly "real" person.
I love legion, and I love how his facial expressions show him looking for a logical answer to shepard's question, but he can't do it and simply replies in a confused tone, "...no data available..." Adds so much more character to him, maybe AIs do have emotion that they don't even know how to explain...maybe Miranda's wrong
Still, when he is in 3 are some of my favorite moments of the game. I might even go so far as to say that the Rannoch sequence was the most powerful (and my personal favorite) story I've ever experienced...
I love how Legion reacts here. When he says "No data available" You can see one of his face plates raise slightly, as if raising an eyebrow. It's almost as if he's saying "Is that answer acceptable?".
Legion: "There was a hole..." Me: "Damn nice hole, too... We'll bang, OK?" I AM GOING TO SAY "WE'LL BANG, OK?" ON EVERY SINGLE MASS EFFECT VIDEO ON RUclips!
Stuff like this makes me love legion. I knew right away he admired Shepard and wanted to emulate him. It's really too bad they didn't expand on him more. I had hoped 3 could have done that but alas.
I love how he he idolizes shepard, thats why he used his armour, but as a machine he cannot comprehend emotion, so there is no data available' as to why he chose shepards armour.
Yeah, the plates function similar to our eyebrows. In the first cutscene Legion appears in (where he notices two husks behind Shepard and friends and guns them down) you see the flaps rise, which suggests surprise or alarm.
@xElderz There are a number of ways, not just one.. 1. Fully upgrade ship. 2. Everyone loyal. 3. Go in immediately after crew is abducted. 4. Tech Specialist - Legion. 5. Fire Team Leader - Always Garrus. 6. Biotic - Samara. 7. Escort - Always Mordin. 8. Choke Point Stand - Everyone else 9. Final Battle - Legion/Tali (note - I know that Garrus and Miranda, not sure if always or depending on order, both die. Who else dies when taken to fight the final battle I do not know). This was my way.
@DrLiaraTSoni: Noveria is mostly frozen wasteland. In fact, there is so much wasteland that if you release the Rachni Queen she is able to remain hidden for long enough to rebuild her race to spacefaring status. Seeing as Legion is a robot, hiking hundreds of miles through the Noverian ice wastes to examine Peak 15 would hardly have proved a challenge. Legion was not smuggled out of the veil, they had their own Geth ship - which is spotted as you approach the derelict reaper.
This was my favorite part of mass effect 2 as far as dialog goes, so well thought out. Legion's struggle to understand itself, and the concept of it worshipping you as a God is so awesome - Bioware still has the best writers in the business :D
@comsilo i saw a video that starts with someguy talking on his radio or something (this is a video for ME3) and as the camera zooms out you can see he is on top of the "Big Ben" clocktower and as the camera zooms out more you see a bunch of reapers clinging on to buildings, eventually the camera gets to shepards ship i think, and its looking over earth so im guessing ME3 will focus mainly on earth
I think it's interesting, really. Legion repaired the hole in his chest he received on Eden Prime with scraps of armor from Shepard he found (possibly?) years / months later at the Normandy Crash site. His reply is, "no data available". Means that as far as synthetics go, his emotions / choices / feelings are still, and constantly, developing and expanding.
@LEYEGHTZ3RO Reapers are both organic and synthetic, their appearance assumes the form of the race they bring to "ascension" - for instance the Human-Reaper has very humanoid features. Organic species they melt down form a larva, all traces of an organic being are inside the Reapers - as Legion compares the Reapers to the Geth: "One form, many minds." Also, when you first see the Human-Reaper, choose "investigate" and on one of the dialogue options EDI confirms they are organic.
In my first playthrough I read too much into this scene. I expected the ending of the game to explain some master plan behind Legion using the armor, maybe even something sinister. Then I expected ME3 to answer this question... And all along it was just Legion being a fanbot for Shepard...LOL
@Dawgoalie2 Since he has over a thousand geth programs within him, he basically works on a consensus basis...almost a computerized 'vote' between his programs to determine his next action. So you could say he has a thousand 'personalities'.
@totosus Geth explicitly generate random numbers. They are hardware-dependent. But don't miss the context. The question is about the ability to pick up a piece of junk without knowing why, not metaphysics.
@xElderz Basically, for the final stand, how it works is if people start to die in the squad left behind, they die in a specific order - basically, soft characters like Mordin, Tali, Jack, and Kasumi die first, followed by the heavier characters, depending on how many loyal crewmates you have. And Mordin ALWAYS dies first if they break through, thus the reason it's a good idea to send him as the crew escort.
I love how when all of Legion's facial panels open wide like that, it just screams that it's shrugging. And then, the hint of awkwardness in not having an answer to the question...
i think the main reason for this is that you can take your team into public places (citadel) and it would be quite difficult to explain why a geth is following you around
He was shot on Eden Prime after the attack. At some later point, he found the wreckage and Shepard's armor. He used Shepard's armor to fix the hole. I think.
Note that from Legion's point of view that awkward pause was longer than just five seconds. All that time and the best this literal supercomputer made of over 1000 intelligences could come up with was "no data available."
That pretty much explains it all. Legion's Geth are attempting to model themselves in the vein of regular organics sentience, as opposed to their hive mind sentience, and legion is essentially the closest they've gotten to an independent sentient being. Legion's admiration of EDI's design (she refers to herself as a single entity and appears to model human sentience almost perfectly) as well as his admiration toward shepard shows the geth's continuing evolution.
i love how legion is the most expressive of all the characters in the mass effect universe, hes allso so adorably innocent especially in mass effect 3 you just want to give him a big hug
@JoeCarolXIII I find Legion to be one of the coolest, his effect on certain dialogue options and scenes are unique because of what he is. Also, I really like the Geth design because they are the most unique robots I have seen in fiction for a long while. Grunt is adorable and kick ass at the same time, he was designed with the intent that he would look like a teenage Krogan, or atleast a lot younger. That's why the plate on his head is not one solid piece yet.
Shepard was symbolic to the Geth. He was the one who brought down Sovereign. For Legion, the piece of N7 armour was the equivalent of getting something like a T-shirt from a famous celebrity. It was something of much fame and honour to the Geth. In regards to why Legion took so long, they probably didn't have time to stop and rest while they were searching. Since every sapient species had it out for them for Sovereign's attack, they probably kept getting chased, and they probably only got round to fixing themselves when they found the Normandy.
+Marblez3 Legion doesn't explain because there is no way to prove or communicate being self-aware. He doesn't understand his own attachment to the armor because he lacks the abstract ideas to form the signs necessary to communicate it either to himself or Shepard.
@DrLiaraTSoni Reapers are not ships, they are sentient creatures made from organic fluid harvested after each extinction Cycle from "worthy" races. They exist INSIDE ships which is what we see on the outside.
@odst818 Well, look at it from Legions point of view. He is an AI programed to do many things, including learn about organics. He can also be considered a life form in his own way. Life evolves, and sometimes it takes time to learn your full potential. The Geth have already become self aware, Legion is just learning what emotions are. Something to consider for ME3
@TheFacelessCrowd I just came here to say the exact same thing. I recently played through Mass Effect 2 again for the second time, and I realized I missed this conversation with Legion the first time around. Definitely my favourite exchange in the game. Wondering what Legion is processing when Shepard asks him why he couldn't just use any other armor. "No data available" sends chills up my spine.
@Fjarhultian Legion appears confused later on in his loyalty mission when he finds out that the heretics had essentially been deceptive with the rest of the Geth, which he originally thought the Geth had no need for, which would point to further implications of individuality, or at least radically different versions of Geth spread about, more then Legion believes. From a lore/story standpoint, Legion was the most interesting character to me by far.
@DarkenedPsycho Reapers are ships and there´s a lot of space, there´s almost no vigilance and it´s veery dark, Noveria is a planet but Shepard just went to Port Hanshan, a port that is covered with guards, and it´s not huge as a Reaper... and it´s not dark...
I bet anything that Legion will be one of your first (and possibly really important) partners in the third game. You get him in the final mission right before the suicide mission and you barely have any time to go do things before ED installs the drive thing and triggers the crew's kidnapping. So that says to me that he will have a lot more time for development in the third game.
@Fjarhultian My take on it is this, Legion's view of the Geth would lead you to believe that they don't value impractical things such as asthetics or sentimentality, but the choice of the N7 Armor patch was clearly a purely sentimental choice. You could hypothesize that the Geth are developing something similar to human individuality, which Legion claims not to understand as a Geth, which if it that is true, his response actually makes a lot of sense.
@DaMadRab Yeah that response made Legion a whole lot more interesting after I heard it, I'm sure we will find out why in ME3, pretty sure they already confirmed he will be returning and not just as a random encounter type character.
@xElderz Hmm, each character has their "profession", which suits one of the Suicide Mission stages. But players are expected to learn to know their crew, thus making the right choices when it comes to choosing. Of all the possible characters for each stage, there are the one or two who will DEFINITELY survive. Other, less competent on the specific field (Miranda vs. Samara for the Biotic Barrier stage) will not make it. It's simply a matter of passing judgement based on the obvious.
I love Legion getting nervous when Shepard starts grilling him;
".....there was a hole."
Especially considering there's a giant hole through his torso still.
So basically; Legion's a Shepard fanboy.
LEGION "There was a hole"...
The only fan that isn’t annoying.
@@williamwontiam3166 Hey,, Verner and I are not annoying. Our shrines to FemShep are very tasteful, just a poster and a few candl...wait, why is there an armoured redhead in my room aiming a pisto aHGF F efF FHFHU
"T--t-t-THere was a hole."
"No... Data... Available..."
Is he just shy?
he was definitely blushing under those face plates.
Geth is a fanboy
I always thought of this as showing the start of Legion developing "his" own personality. I think the "facial expressions" were meant to show puzzlement. Like even he isn't sure how to answer the question.
I think he's shy.
He is his own individual in a way the many programs that came together formed him those exact programs in that specific way formed the A.I known as legion. This is really show cased SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't have legion in mass effect 3 the geth vi is not the same as legion legion's personality does but not his body
Legion is technically a "they".
There are 1183 Geth programs in there. XD
@@PerfectAlibi1 *SPOILERS*
If you upgrade the Geth and Legion dies EDI mentions that in his last moments he refers to himself as "I" meaning he fully developed into an AI Joker comments on this and calls Legion "It" but then corrects himself and refers to him as "He"
No spoilers please.
Legion says he doesn't know why he used Shepherd's armor to patch the hole in his chassis but I think it's because Legion admires Shepherd. As Legion himself put it, "your code is superior". They really worked hard to give Mass Effect some memorable characters who really stick with you. Legion is one character who really stuck with me.
Another is Mordin
Padok Wiks?
KnightThunder05 and now look at Andromeda characterts lol
KnightThunder05 I hate AI but even then I couldn't help but like legion.
@@djrocksgaming why do you hate AI? We don't really have AI at the level of Legion in our world yet
We are Legion. For we love Shepard-Commander.
Legion wants to be the savior of his people. Through his history you can see he's doing absolutely everything to ensure the survival of the geth, just like Shep is doing for humanity and the rest of the galaxy - to the point of complete self-sacrifice.. He wants to be the "Shepard" of the geth. He wants to "succeed where others did not".
He not only wants to be Shepard, but he wants to be around Shepard and see how he can be more like Shepard. The armor is symbolic of that.
I never even thought of it that way.
I wouldn't be surprised if Legion occasionally snuck into Shepard's room to try on their clothes and pretend to be Shepard or if Legion has Shepard underwear stashed somewhere.
Isn't that what Kasumi does?
Geth do not intentionally infiltrate
*Synthetic voice* I should go
Drunk Tali: You liiike Shepaaard...
Legion: So do you...
Tali: *Blushes *
Legion: you would be more efficient if you refrain from intoxication.
Tali: and you like me toooooo.
Legion: *blush* no data available.
"Oh, hey Legion, what'cha doin' for the night-- GET THE FUCK OFF OF LIARA, THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU USE YOUR TUBES FOR!" Legion: "There was a hole."
"T-there was a h-hole... >////
Gabriel87100 please delete this
you just ruined mass effect lol
lol wasn't expecting this, but made me laugh so.....thanks for that
If they do make the Mass Effect movie, Legion will be perfect character to narrate the story, before he join the group.
"That doesn't explain why you used my armor to fix yourself."
* Legion starts twitching wildly*
Legion is using the image of shepard for his crusade...Hes inspired by him.
Something happened after he got shot.Something life changing.
I wonder...Can he possibly feel?
In war their have been soldiers and warriors who were wounded in battle and would use the armor of their enemy as a sign of respect.
Others would do it as a sign of rivalry....A nemesis foe.
@@sbsbsb6057 And where you can't get banned from multiplayer shooters because you're an AI.
😂 that bit with the salarian goddess and people just believing without evidence, the geth are secretly testing us apparently.
Legion's (internal) thoughts at the end of this clip:
SEARCH: 'What is love'
DOWNLOAD-- AUDIOVISUAL CLIP: "What Is Love"-- Haddaway
LINK BOOKMARKED/INDEXED-- TV Tropes--'What Is This Thing You Call Love?'""
DorianMichaelsIII INQUIRY: “What to do when Senpai notices us?”
I just love the "emotions" Legion does with his extra face plates, it's almost adorable :3
Legion is the best character in ME2, personality and creationwise.
Shepard has a fan
Two, Conrad Verner
Heavenly Star *Kindly tells Conrad that the best way to help is at home*
"Since you shoved that gun in my face, I was inspired to be more extreme!"
@@YourCrazyDolphin He always say that no matter what you've done?
@@ivanpardo1752 Due to a glitch with the flagging, yes.
Conrad does have dialogue if you took the paragon route, but the game will always think you took the renegade route and thus Conrad always says that.
We are got Shepard N7 armor .
Legion Geth Your code is superior
Why didn't you fix it sooner? Or with something else?
So.... Legion is sentimental. AWESOME!!!!!!
1:40 internet arguement in a nutshell
Why did Legion visit the consort ?
There was a hole.
For me, Legion got his wish granted; I chose the Synthesis ending in Mass Effect 3, which combined the DNA of organics and synthetics. The Catalyst said that it would give both organics and synthetics everything they ever truly wanted; organics would achieve perfection and synthetics would have perfect understanding of organics. It's sad that Legion never got to see that happen :(
+Jaceblue04 i cant handle the feels
It's obviously a fetish. Legion spends his spare time cross dressing and wearing Shepard's clothes during auto erotic asphyxiation.
Mr. Ontological So he's a robotic version of Conrad Verner?
Mr. Ontological it was actually a choice imposed over Legion's writer
So a Conrad Verner that's actually useful?
hey, Conrad did write his doctoral dissertation on xenotechnology and dark energy integration. So he's useful for the Crucible, if only as much as Al-Jilani is.
Ha legions showing preference to Shepard and doesnt realise it
This is such an awesome scene. BioWare did artificial intelligence right in Mass Effect- with the geth and EDI.
Legion reveals that it found the armor while retracing Shepard's steps and ultimately used it to repair the damage it sustained. However, if pressed why it specifically chose to use Shepard's armor above all else Legion becomes evasive and quietly states "no data available". This could show that Legion has the ability to feel humanlike emotions, as it chooses to use Shepard's armor out of its own free will seemingly out of its obsession with Shepard.
This reminds me of wheatley in portal 2!
Just a sphere of metal, nothing like a human face... Yet the devs still managed to find away to convey facial expressions...
Funny how the human brain can attribute emotion to flanges of metal like this.
Something to think about...
Evolution. When the Quarians created the Geth, they made them able to do complex task. Legion has learned to speak, and is programed to observe organics, and learn from them. He is begin to learn things like admiration, hence Shepards N7 armour welded to his chest plate. He aspires to be like Shepard, even going so far as to have a hole in him for a while, then finds Shepards armour and welds it on, because nothing else would do.
I love his voice
Renegade's red.
Tali is nailable.
What about Legion?
No data available.
Ok it's 10 years old
This was always one of my favorite dialogue trees, seeing a tiny sliver of humanity shows a capacity to be more than just calculatingly logical without going so far as making Legion into just another character archetype in a machine's body really makes for a more tangibly "real" person.
I love legion, and I love how his facial expressions show him looking for a logical answer to shepard's question, but he can't do it and simply replies in a confused tone, "...no data available..."
Adds so much more character to him, maybe AIs do have emotion that they don't even know how to explain...maybe Miranda's wrong
Legion on the Mass Effect 3 Endings.
Legion: "There are (plot)holes."
"There was a hole..." "No data available..." Legion, you little liar. You see Shepard as a hero to your people too. No need to be nervous. ^_^
Still, when he is in 3 are some of my favorite moments of the game. I might even go so far as to say that the Rannoch sequence was the most powerful (and my personal favorite) story I've ever experienced...
"Your code is superior." That line is an opinion. A sign of admiration. Everything else is cold facts.
I love how Legion reacts here. When he says "No data available" You can see one of his face plates raise slightly, as if raising an eyebrow. It's almost as if he's saying "Is that answer acceptable?".
remember kids, anyone on the internet can be a GETH TROLL
Legion: "There was a hole..."
Me: "Damn nice hole, too... We'll bang, OK?"
"No data available."
Translation: "I love you."
'No Data Available' is Geth for 'I love You' :D
"...No data available."
The exact moment Legion became our new favorite character.
Stuff like this makes me love legion. I knew right away he admired Shepard and wanted to emulate him. It's really too bad they didn't expand on him more. I had hoped 3 could have done that but alas.
"We have reached a consensus.
Your armor is cool."
I love how he he idolizes shepard, thats why he used his armour, but as a machine he cannot comprehend emotion, so there is no data available' as to why he chose shepards armour.
i love how he says 'shepard-commander'. it's soo cute :D
Yeah, the plates function similar to our eyebrows. In the first cutscene Legion appears in (where he notices two husks behind Shepard and friends and guns them down) you see the flaps rise, which suggests surprise or alarm.
There are a number of ways, not just one..
1. Fully upgrade ship.
2. Everyone loyal.
3. Go in immediately after crew is abducted.
4. Tech Specialist - Legion.
5. Fire Team Leader - Always Garrus.
6. Biotic - Samara.
7. Escort - Always Mordin.
8. Choke Point Stand - Everyone else
9. Final Battle - Legion/Tali (note - I know that Garrus and Miranda, not sure if always or depending on order, both die. Who else dies when taken to fight the final battle I do not know).
This was my way.
@DrLiaraTSoni: Noveria is mostly frozen wasteland. In fact, there is so much wasteland that if you release the Rachni Queen she is able to remain hidden for long enough to rebuild her race to spacefaring status.
Seeing as Legion is a robot, hiking hundreds of miles through the Noverian ice wastes to examine Peak 15 would hardly have proved a challenge.
Legion was not smuggled out of the veil, they had their own Geth ship - which is spotted as you approach the derelict reaper.
This was my favorite part of mass effect 2 as far as dialog goes, so well thought out. Legion's struggle to understand itself, and the concept of it worshipping you as a God is so awesome - Bioware still has the best writers in the business :D
this comment did not age well :D
@@cameronburt8174nor has Bioware 😆👎
@comsilo i saw a video that starts with someguy talking on his radio or something (this is a video for ME3) and as the camera zooms out you can see he is on top of the "Big Ben" clocktower and as the camera zooms out more you see a bunch of reapers clinging on to buildings, eventually the camera gets to shepards ship i think, and its looking over earth so im guessing ME3 will focus mainly on earth
I think it's interesting, really. Legion repaired the hole in his chest he received on Eden Prime with scraps of armor from Shepard he found (possibly?) years / months later at the Normandy Crash site.
His reply is, "no data available". Means that as far as synthetics go, his emotions / choices / feelings are still, and constantly, developing and expanding.
Reapers are both organic and synthetic, their appearance assumes the form of the race they bring to "ascension" - for instance the Human-Reaper has very humanoid features.
Organic species they melt down form a larva, all traces of an organic being are inside the Reapers - as Legion compares the Reapers to the Geth: "One form, many minds."
Also, when you first see the Human-Reaper, choose "investigate" and on one of the dialogue options EDI confirms they are organic.
That Extranet stunt really shows we're quite similar to other races, because you know that would happen IRL.
In my first playthrough I read too much into this scene. I expected the ending of the game to explain some master plan behind Legion using the armor, maybe even something sinister. Then I expected ME3 to answer this question...
And all along it was just Legion being a fanbot for Shepard...LOL
@Dawgoalie2 Since he has over a thousand geth programs within him, he basically works on a consensus basis...almost a computerized 'vote' between his programs to determine his next action. So you could say he has a thousand 'personalities'.
@totosus Geth explicitly generate random numbers. They are hardware-dependent.
But don't miss the context. The question is about the ability to pick up a piece of junk without knowing why, not metaphysics.
@xElderz Basically, for the final stand, how it works is if people start to die in the squad left behind, they die in a specific order - basically, soft characters like Mordin, Tali, Jack, and Kasumi die first, followed by the heavier characters, depending on how many loyal crewmates you have. And Mordin ALWAYS dies first if they break through, thus the reason it's a good idea to send him as the crew escort.
I love how when all of Legion's facial panels open wide like that, it just screams that it's shrugging. And then, the hint of awkwardness in not having an answer to the question...
i think the main reason for this is that you can take your team into public places (citadel) and it would be quite difficult to explain why a geth is following you around
He was shot on Eden Prime after the attack. At some later point, he found the wreckage and Shepard's armor. He used Shepard's armor to fix the hole. I think.
Note that from Legion's point of view that awkward pause was longer than just five seconds. All that time and the best this literal supercomputer made of over 1000 intelligences could come up with was "no data available."
That pretty much explains it all. Legion's Geth are attempting to model themselves in the vein of regular organics sentience, as opposed to their hive mind sentience, and legion is essentially the closest they've gotten to an independent sentient being. Legion's admiration of EDI's design (she refers to herself as a single entity and appears to model human sentience almost perfectly) as well as his admiration toward shepard shows the geth's continuing evolution.
i love how legion is the most expressive of all the characters in the mass effect universe, hes allso so adorably innocent especially in mass effect 3 you just want to give him a big hug
found it while looking for shepard, and since he was damaged when discovered, used shepards old armor to repair himself
I love how the plates around his "face" are moving all the time! :D
@JoeCarolXIII I find Legion to be one of the coolest, his effect on certain dialogue options and scenes are unique because of what he is. Also, I really like the Geth design because they are the most unique robots I have seen in fiction for a long while.
Grunt is adorable and kick ass at the same time, he was designed with the intent that he would look like a teenage Krogan, or atleast a lot younger. That's why the plate on his head is not one solid piece yet.
Still doesn't explain WHY he chose to wait so long until he found Shepard armor...
Shepard was symbolic to the Geth. He was the one who brought down Sovereign. For Legion, the piece of N7 armour was the equivalent of getting something like a T-shirt from a famous celebrity. It was something of much fame and honour to the Geth.
In regards to why Legion took so long, they probably didn't have time to stop and rest while they were searching. Since every sapient species had it out for them for Sovereign's attack, they probably kept getting chased, and they probably only got round to fixing themselves when they found the Normandy.
No data available
+Marblez3 Legion doesn't explain because there is no way to prove or communicate being self-aware. He doesn't understand his own attachment to the armor because he lacks the abstract ideas to form the signs necessary to communicate it either to himself or Shepard.
I'm definately curios as to what wouldve happened if Legion was the one who discovered Shepard's dead body first?
Legion's headflaps twitching during the awkward silence is priceless. D'AWWWW.
Your code is superior.
That is the most awesome compliment I have ever heard.
Ah legion, know that you were loved and you shall be remembered.
Reapers are not ships, they are sentient creatures made from organic fluid harvested after each extinction Cycle from "worthy" races. They exist INSIDE ships which is what we see on the outside.
Well, look at it from Legions point of view. He is an AI programed to do many things, including learn about organics. He can also be considered a life form in his own way. Life evolves, and sometimes it takes time to learn your full potential. The Geth have already become self aware, Legion is just learning what emotions are. Something to consider for ME3
"there was a hole." "sure, cause you definitely fixed that problem Legion."
I totally love legion was one of the coolest and unexpected parts of mass effect 2 the first time through.
Yeah, I loved that line. Legion is an awesome mix of cold logic and branching sentiency/emotion.
@cooldude15k He is all Geths. The only difference between Individual platforms is the location.
@TheFacelessCrowd I just came here to say the exact same thing. I recently played through Mass Effect 2 again for the second time, and I realized I missed this conversation with Legion the first time around. Definitely my favourite exchange in the game. Wondering what Legion is processing when Shepard asks him why he couldn't just use any other armor. "No data available" sends chills up my spine.
"...There was a hole"
This is one of my favorite ME2 lines. Legion is awesome.
@Fjarhultian Legion appears confused later on in his loyalty mission when he finds out that the heretics had essentially been deceptive with the rest of the Geth, which he originally thought the Geth had no need for, which would point to further implications of individuality, or at least radically different versions of Geth spread about, more then Legion believes. From a lore/story standpoint, Legion was the most interesting character to me by far.
Legion: "This platform is secretely your fanbot"
The geth classes were some of my favorites in ME3 Galaxy At War, all in memory of our cyclops bro.
I love how his faceplates flare when he gets nervous. lol
Reapers are ships and there´s a lot of space, there´s almost no vigilance and it´s veery dark, Noveria is a planet but Shepard just went to Port Hanshan, a port that is covered with guards, and it´s not huge as a Reaper... and it´s not dark...
@Dawgoalie2 sorta. with the old geth, he was commander or something. and since AIs act based upon a universal mind, Legion refers to himself as "we"
Shepard will never give you up, or let you down. And certainly never desert you.
I bet anything that Legion will be one of your first (and possibly really important) partners in the third game. You get him in the final mission right before the suicide mission and you barely have any time to go do things before ED installs the drive thing and triggers the crew's kidnapping. So that says to me that he will have a lot more time for development in the third game.
"Your code is superior."
Creative take on things, I like that.
i like how his face thing gets kinda wacky when sheperd asks him about the armor again.
Damn dude. When I first took a look at your Shepard I thought I'd been Rick Rolled.
@Fjarhultian My take on it is this, Legion's view of the Geth would lead you to believe that they don't value impractical things such as asthetics or sentimentality, but the choice of the N7 Armor patch was clearly a purely sentimental choice. You could hypothesize that the Geth are developing something similar to human individuality, which Legion claims not to understand as a Geth, which if it that is true, his response actually makes a lot of sense.
@DaMadRab Yeah that response made Legion a whole lot more interesting after I heard it, I'm sure we will find out why in ME3, pretty sure they already confirmed he will be returning and not just as a random encounter type character.
to me it meant deep down he respected Shepard, although he may not have understood why or even be aware of it
Even Legion knew the Heavy Onyx Armor looked badass.
As I recall, the only way to enter to Noveria is passing the weapon alarm... AND there would be Captain Matsuo... so?
"There was a hole"
I still see a hole.
I think there's still a hole.
Hmm, each character has their "profession", which suits one of the Suicide Mission stages. But players are expected to learn to know their crew, thus making the right choices when it comes to choosing. Of all the possible characters for each stage, there are the one or two who will DEFINITELY survive. Other, less competent on the specific field (Miranda vs. Samara for the Biotic Barrier stage) will not make it.
It's simply a matter of passing judgement based on the obvious.