The History of the N T Church age Part 157

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • 1535 AD / William Tyndale, in 1535 was kidnapped in Antwerp and executed in 1536. His closing prayer was "Lord, open the King of England's eyes." He was then strangled and burned at the stake. His crime? A corrupt translation of the Bible. IN reality? The most important document ever penned in English until that time.
    1535 / England's King Henry the VIII, makes himself head of The Church of England.
    1535 / The Coverdale Bible, from Tyndales N.T. compiled by Myles Coverdale and published.
    The Coverdale Bible, compiled by Myles Coverdale and published in 1535, was the first complete Modern English translation of the Bible (not just the Old Testament or New Testament), and the first complete printed translation into English (cf. Wycliffe's Bible in manuscript). The later editions (folio and quarto) published in 1537 were the first complete Bibles printed in England. The 1537 folio edition carried the royal license and was therefore the first officially approved Bible translation in English.
    So how does the Coverdale Bible compare to the KJV?
    *In 2Sam 21/19 the KJV has "slew the brother of Goliath", Vs "Elhanan the sonne of Iaere Orgim a Bethleemite smote Goliath"
    In Isa 7/14 the KJV has "a virgin", Vs "a virgin"
    In Isa 14/12 the KJV has "Lucifer", Vs "Lucifer"
    In Mat 9/13 the KJV has "sinners to repentance", Vs "synners to repentaunce"
    In Mar 1/2 the KJV has "it is written in the prophets", Vs "wrytte in the prophetes"
    In Mar 16 the KJV has v1-20, Vs all v1-20
    *In Luk 2/33 the KJV has "Joseph and his mother", Vs "his father and mother"
    In Acts 4/27, the KJV says "holy child", Vs "holy childe"
    In Acts 8/37 the KJV has "If thou believest with all thine heart", Vs "Yf thou beleue from thy whole herte, thou mayest."
    In Rom 1/20 the KJV has "Godhead", Vs "Godheade"
    In Eph 3/9 the KJV has "created all things by Jesus Christ", Vs "made all thiges thorow Iesus Christ"
    In Php 2/6 the KJV has "being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God", Vs "beyinge in the shappe of God, thought it not robbery to be equall with God"
    In Col 1/14 the KJV has "redemption through his blood", Vs "redempcion thorow his bloude"
    In 1Tim 3/16 the KJV has "God was manifest in the flesh", Vs "God was shewed in the flesh"
    In 1John 4/9 the KJV has "God sent his only begotten Son", Vs "God sent his onely begotten sonne"
    In 1John 5/7 the KJV has "three that bear record in heaven", Vs "thre which beare recorde in heauen"
    So Coverdale's Bible has 14 right out of 16, Thats not bad, but not as good as the KJV.
    1535 / The Olivetan bible, First Bible in French by Pierre Robert Olivetan/Olivétan (c.1506-1538) a Waldensian by faith. From the Hebrew and Greek texts. He was a cousin of John Calvin who wrote a Latin preface for the translation.
    1536 / Erasmus dies, This would be about 30 years before the birth of a little boy who would later become the King of England. His name: was James.

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