  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Let me know what you guys think about the Rogue changes
    reuploaded this because i messed up the quality first time
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Комментарии • 254

  • @justin7035
    @justin7035 6 месяцев назад +76

    Fantastic suggestions. This is the way. Full agree that partial invis is useless in high elo lobbies. Full agree that confirmed dev change does not fix landmine.

    • @robbinandersson4805
      @robbinandersson4805 6 месяцев назад +1

      Absolutely. Since the devs have already begun working on it, maybe they could implement it alongside the "combat hide" that Repoze suggested, allowing players to pick between the extended duration hide with long cooldowns or short hides with short cooldowns, they could just recycle the animations/textures and change the duration and cooldowns.

  • @Repoze
    @Repoze  6 месяцев назад +164

    tbh i'd rather have them completely remove hide than have it function in a way where people can see you if they're just looking closely at their screen

    • @partychip
      @partychip 6 месяцев назад +5


    • @bloodgharm
      @bloodgharm 6 месяцев назад +7

      I think it is dungeonborne reference, rouge there has the same skill and it works pretty good

    • @Bliz...
      @Bliz... 6 месяцев назад +8

      yea 10 step perk is going to be pretty dumb if they can see u

    • @x_fader.
      @x_fader. 6 месяцев назад +1

      with an afterimage, at least they can only see where you've been and not necessarily exactly where you're going

    • @daglesterhardunkachud
      @daglesterhardunkachud 6 месяцев назад +2

      Kickin the crutches right out from under you.

  • @Euthafro
    @Euthafro 6 месяцев назад +41

    I think the panel was just happy to see less invisibility overall. I was too at first but yeah the footsteps already give away a hidden rogue so it barely changes landmine. But there could be more changes they didn’t discuss too. I think the short duration short cooldown sounds way cooler and healthier

    • @TouchGrass297
      @TouchGrass297 6 месяцев назад

      Yeah i agree, one weird thing is I personally at least in trios, have never really heard footsteps from an invis rogue. I have good headphones and idk if its just since its trios and other noises are going on or what.

  • @skullCAFE
    @skullCAFE 6 месяцев назад +35

    Combat stealth is the way to go. Short duration, short cooldown. It would be sick if they did that, and gave you either increased move speed in stealth, or just the ability to run in stealth, to make repositioning possible

    • @grovsmed4347
      @grovsmed4347 6 месяцев назад

      Na that Hit and run Would be broken

    • @Pabs._
      @Pabs._ 6 месяцев назад

      @@grovsmed4347 remember u would only have like 3 charges before having to camp fire, if u die by a hit a run rogue u would also probably die by a rogue camping the full game without making noise just waiting to catch you

    • @thechoppa
      @thechoppa 6 месяцев назад

      so if ur running with a wiz its basically useless. even without a wiz it would be pretty useless against a decent player that knows to just back off when u start ur invis making it impossible to do a play against them in a fight. especially cause it would only last 1-3 seconds. I think that would make rogue too weak. I think rogue by design needs to be able to landmine. and no i dont main rogue.

    • @tylerglenn7811
      @tylerglenn7811 6 месяцев назад

      Who wants to sit by a camp fire though? Wizards end up sitting by campfires for almost half of the game. They want camp fires gone because it’s boring.
      It should be combat invis that also gives a speed buff and simply have medium-long cool down to account for the fact that you get three. Then the rogue has to manage resources and balance when to push or give up.
      A part of the beauty of the rogue is the cat and mouse dynamic.
      Ideally they should have good initiation so they can ambush then a good escape if they are careful. Thus people fighting against feel like they have to weather a sever storm long enough before the rogue dies. While the rogue has to choose a good time to attack or make sure they don’t push beyond their ability to escape.

  • @Jeff_the_f
    @Jeff_the_f 6 месяцев назад +20

    Your version of hide sounds like a much healthier option for the game. They could also potentially rework the stealth perk passive to become invisible while in dark areas to lean more into the ambush assassin that some rogue players truly want, but can get countered by light sources easily. so you only get “landmined”if u willing walk into darkness like a fool

  • @Epicpvp123
    @Epicpvp123 6 месяцев назад +6

    It would be hard to implement but having hide be related to light levels of where your using it would make more sense, for example you cant hide next to a torch but if you go into a dark corner you can. It would also be a cool way to add another effect on lanterns making them reveal rouges

    • @isayaragnes8066
      @isayaragnes8066 6 месяцев назад

      There is already a pvp multiplayer game that did exactly that. Dark Messiah. They had rogues invis be directly tied to light levels and always on. Rogue was the weakest class in the game there :D

  • @OdinCasts
    @OdinCasts 6 месяцев назад +1

    I've played a lot of every class, but Rogue is one of my more played classes. I was excited to hear them making changes to hide, because it's a very polarizing mechanic that has proven to be a major hurdle to balance over and over again, and as I kind of implied, it felt like it was the source of a sprawling issue that infected every other class and created this community infighting due to absurdly low TTKs. Rogue either got their stealth assassination and the player on the receiving end hated it, or they missed the chance / got obliterated and the Rogue hated it. So, as a result, reworking it seemed to be the most sensible option.
    I've been a huge proponent of changing or removing hide, and compensating by buffing rogue in other meaningful ways; giving them better duelist capabilities, allowing them to be good at CC, something to separate them from a slayer fighter or barbarian, while making them competent melee combatants.
    I agree that this change doesn't necessarily nail down the problem of the landmine, but it is a step in the right direction at least, and hopefully with other overall balance and gear changes, landmine can still exist as a function without having the same consequence on the overall game like it has in the past.
    I have also talked to Sobad about the idea of stealth being a repositioning in combat tool, and I would like this better than what they proposed, as long as the uptime isn't too high / they don't allow it to abuse ambush.
    I do disagree about partial invis being useless though, especially with the lighting in their game. Granted this isn't 480p halo 2, but active camo in halo was extremely powerful when used properly, despite being slightly visible.

  • @youngmedusa34
    @youngmedusa34 6 месяцев назад +3

    I agree with most of what you said. The hide change that they plan to implement isn’t even a hide rework, it’s a stealth rework. If anything it just incentivizes the landmine meta even more.
    Lower hide time and lower cd, sound like a much better option.
    I like the idea of charges for invis as well, people would hate that, but it would definitely be more balanced.
    Anyways, good video. 👍🏻

    • @Moddxe
      @Moddxe 6 месяцев назад

      +1 hard agree, honestly if anything you should be less invisible when sitting still.

  • @heyjoejoe1589
    @heyjoejoe1589 6 месяцев назад +3

    Great. Encourage the campy strat that actually is more cancerous imo instead of improving your ability to listen.
    I’m not a high level player by any means but watching Repoze play shows how skilled players just blind swing any noise cues forcing rogue to unhide or run anyways.

  • @bingus8873
    @bingus8873 6 месяцев назад +1

    I'd like to see a buff to tumble to make it more of a skill based dodge/dash ability. I think that combined with a combat oriented invis and the addition of a parry dagger could make rogue both viable in combat and extremely fun to play without the community hating fighting them.

  • @oziwaasmr5368
    @oziwaasmr5368 6 месяцев назад +2

    Well said, i agree. I just want to get to the point where rogues can be left alone community-wise.

  • @gustavomarcondes3908
    @gustavomarcondes3908 6 месяцев назад +2

    "We're nerfing hide (again) by making you be able to see the Rogue"
    "Ok, so we're gonna get some buffs like, when we use hide, we make less noise to compensate for the visibility, right?"
    "ummm, yeah, no. We're not going to buff the rogue, ever"

    • @JELKEK
      @JELKEK 6 месяцев назад

      Buff rogue? One simply cannot

  • @daiva6
    @daiva6 6 месяцев назад +1

    I’m a relatively new player but I like the invisibility on rouge, and it’s his perk that makes his class shine. I don’t main the class just to mention. Also I feel like your suggestions are much better than what the devs have said.

  • @jtrigoura1
    @jtrigoura1 6 месяцев назад +4

    I’ve played a ton of other games before dark and darker like dota, csgo, league. When there would be changes to the game I didn’t like, a part of me would understand these changes are potentially for the health of the game. That is not the case for this game, Im convinced ironmace has 0 clue what they’re doing, their balance patches are hilariously bad and disconnected.

    • @Cjoudan
      @Cjoudan 6 месяцев назад

      Almost like it's early access from a small studio. League was really unbalanced when it first came out. Now league has been fine tuning for over a decade.

  • @grassytiger
    @grassytiger 6 месяцев назад +2

    Always good to hear your opinion, I think multiclass is gonna destroy game balance and whoever is lucky will get the "superman" builds.

  • @n0dnarb581
    @n0dnarb581 6 месяцев назад

    Remember. This game is influenced by D&D and Hide and Invisiblity are different moves. Hide can be detected by a keen eye whereas Invisibility is a powerful magic spell or ability that will remove you from sight without detection of magic so the changes are actually perfect.
    Maybe add a detect magic per to cleric or wizard and then druid later to balance true invis?

  • @Summonick2
    @Summonick2 6 месяцев назад +1

    The best thing they could do is give rogue a lot more tools to be fast and sneaky rather than invisible. Less magic, more stealth. Instead of hide for like invis, maybe you could have a skill that turns off your footsteps for 10 seconds or something.

  • @Headcatcher10
    @Headcatcher10 6 месяцев назад +1

    this + adding some kind of dagger/rapier parry would actually make rogue actually fun and balanced, too bad IM doesnt think that Repoze has enough clout to listen to him

  • @HighAFelf
    @HighAFelf 6 месяцев назад +1

    Completely agree, I've discussed with friends and in random Twitch chats the same thing. Rogue either needs an actual dodge ability (rework the backflip thing) or an invis that allows you to reposition mid fight with a low cd but low duration. The major issue with rogue balancing has always been around stealth. Either a rogue one shots you out of stealth and it feels unfair or you are a rogue and you pop out of stealth and you cant get a kill, from there you are just screwed as the rogue (in most cases).

  • @gustavomarcondes3908
    @gustavomarcondes3908 6 месяцев назад +2

    One thing i don't understand about people when they play in this game is the CONCEPT OF A CLASS.
    Wizards are supposed to kill you via their spells.
    Barbarians are supposed to go UNGA BUNGA and hit you til you die.
    Rangers are supposed to shoot you from afar, placing traps to maintain distance until you die.
    What are ROGUES supposed to do??? Make a guess! They're supposed to catch you by SURPRISE and hit you when you're not paying attention!
    When i hear people complaining about being caught by surprise by a rogue and dying, all i hear is "a Rogue played like a Rogue and i died".
    The problem is not a skill, or a weapon or anything like that.
    The problem is people simply don't like the experience of Fighting againts a Rogue. Because, spoilers, Rogues don't want to fight you in a fair fight!!!! Even in DnD, the point if to get "sneak attacks", hitting enemies who are "unaware of your presence" or "distracted facing another".
    Rogue is meant to be a dirty class, who is weak in direct combat, but strong in stealth and surprise attacks.
    If you want direct confrontation, you're not playing Rogue!

    • @JELKEK
      @JELKEK 6 месяцев назад

      Deaf streamers killed DaD rogue

  • @cuulcat
    @cuulcat 6 месяцев назад +3

    short burst invis makes sense with rogue class, the not invis when moving incentivizing landmines is counterintuitive to the whole thing

  • @tombofthememelich2192
    @tombofthememelich2192 6 месяцев назад

    I personally think that full invis should stay for rogue but it should be turned into an a ability that is only useful for escaping, spying, and repositioning. I love how well rogue can rat and I love that style of game play. A way to do this might be to have the rogues damage modifier cut in half for 5 seconds after they leave invis (basically the opposite of what ambush does). I think "combat invis" would be better as a different active perk altogether. I think a good example would be a Flash Bomb that blinds enemies in the radius like the clerics divine strike but for a little longer. This would also be a nice nod to the old Thief games. ;)

  • @Viletho19
    @Viletho19 6 месяцев назад

    What if Stealth will be like this :
    10 sec Stealth. the more sec pass or step you take, you become more and more visible. That way, Rogue would not be able to stand still 10 sec and gank as easily.
    You have to strategically use it and time your invise because you will become visible the more second pass.
    The good player would probably see it. the more casual like I am would probably need to be more focus.
    I know Invise is not fun when you get gank, but at the same time the Rogue archetype is known for being a stealthy character. It can't be completely remove

  • @LivingLikeGaryYT
    @LivingLikeGaryYT 6 месяцев назад +2

    ambush would be insane if we could use invis every 8 seconds. that would be cool

  • @Omniptnt
    @Omniptnt 6 месяцев назад +2

    they nerfed rogue to the ground cause of invis only to remove/nerf it down . unless they make rogue like the fighter you were playing the other day then its no point.

  • @joshdarando3652
    @joshdarando3652 6 месяцев назад

    Love the suggestion, you couldn't landmine but the invis on short timers would still have utility in fights. As a rogue main I don't agree that invis is a problem in the first place but since people refuse to learn to play the game; i do agree they need to fix it. I almost NEVER die to other rogues (Wouldn't a puny little rogue be most vulnerable to "landmines"?) but w/e . Shruge. I think another cool chage would be giving rogues innate quiet footsteps and hidden pockets. That way they could sneak up w/o needing invis

  • @bongschwee103
    @bongschwee103 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @sandbar_dd
    @sandbar_dd 6 месяцев назад +1

    Yea they should focus more on changing the play style of hide, partial invis will mainly work on

  • @michaellewicki101
    @michaellewicki101 6 месяцев назад +3

    i like your ideas and it would make hide more fun to use hide in combat as a rouge and from the person fighting the rouges perspective it would be more enjoyable to fight compared to landmine.

  • @swiftfps7371
    @swiftfps7371 6 месяцев назад +2

    Did play dungeonborme a version of hide? That shit was so fun and the classes didn’t feel too weak around rogues cuz landmine wasn’t a thing

  • @xon0930
    @xon0930 6 месяцев назад

    Yeah, the main problem with hide has always been the duration of it. You can just stop people from playing the game for up to 40 seconds (depending on what patch we're talking about), which is just bad gameplay. A 3 or 5 second stealth with a 15 or so second cooldown sounds much healthier for the game in general. It stops the paranoid gameplay of constantly attacking every corner that *could* have a rogue in it, and makes it a skill based thing, since you'd have to capitalize on your short invisibility.
    I think that there'd need to be a change to pickpocket though. Perhaps make it so your damage is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds after leaving stealth, but buff the duration of stealth back to 40 seconds, and enable pickpocketing, and all in a singular perk. Then you can do pickpocket without requiring 3 perks, but it entirely eliminates hide as a combat option if you go pickpocket rogue due to the damage debuff after hide wears off.

  • @dizigned193
    @dizigned193 6 месяцев назад +2

    There was a game a long time ago called Thief that had a mechanic where if you were in the darkness you'd be invisible. I think they could play around with this idea and maybe come to some kind of cool conclusion, but idk.

    • @howiequ1
      @howiequ1 6 месяцев назад

      I think this would be interesting, but in dark and darker rogues would just be able to turn out all the lights and have invis the entire area

    • @dizigned193
      @dizigned193 6 месяцев назад

      That's when throwing torches would come in handy!

  • @TheBlackyoshi5000
    @TheBlackyoshi5000 6 месяцев назад

    I think should combine hide + smoke screen. rogue goes semi-invis in the smoke screen. smoke screen doesn't slow people anymore. allows rogues to get away but not use it for offense as much. All other players have to do is get out of the smoke screen and they won't get attacked by an invis rogue.

  • @jiszle697
    @jiszle697 6 месяцев назад

    love your videos man. you're the reason I switched from fighter to rogue because I wanted something less forgiving and more rewarding. I'm still a huge noob at the game but I love it anyway

  • @cameronhendricks5967
    @cameronhendricks5967 6 месяцев назад

    I want hide to make a noise. When I know a rogue is invisible near me, and he kills me anyway, he deserves that kill. If a rogue sits behind the door and is never semi-visible because he sat still, I have so little counterplay and it feels unfair. I think maybe your reccomended cooldown time is slightly low, especially since rogues will kite you for rooms anyway. But tbh give inherent stealth perk back, make a noise when they pop the ability, and make the cooldown and effect both much shorter.

  • @littleninja1172
    @littleninja1172 6 месяцев назад +2

    The change makes it so that you can only move when people aren’t looking, so it probably stops rogues from being able to actively position themselves behind someone, which hurts the rogues ability to get to the back lines of a trio. I’m fine with this change as long as the rogue balance includes a way for rogues to play the game without hide and not feel like they are trolling

  • @BraggingRightsFights
    @BraggingRightsFights 6 месяцев назад +2

    (LIKE IF YOU AGREE) MAKE ROGUE YOU DARKNESS. rouge abilities and perks should be based around darkness and turning off lights. No one can argue that getting landmine ambushed by someone completely invisible is fun. No real counter play ( besides light orb and din), no fun fights, no skill ceiling. Instead of making the rouge invis make him turn off the lights in an area and or make it dark. This allows for rouge to be useful in teams, this allows for counter play, this still allows ambushs to be made and also a large amount of mind tricks. This will make rouge fun to fight against and play as. MAKE ROUGE USE THE DARKNESS.

  • @thegladbanana9738
    @thegladbanana9738 6 месяцев назад

    Non-rogue main here with a wild suggestion. Make landmine rogue an actual play style but you have to invest in a weird stat like how resourcefulness is on bard. I agree make invis shorter overall but tie how long you stay invis to the resource stat or the will stat. Meaning you have to actually build and try and spec into other stats so you won’t have as much damage or stats else where.

  • @Pwnification
    @Pwnification 2 месяца назад

    Rogues should be able to pick locks, with a lock pick in inventory, by default. I don't understand why this was ever a perk-bound feature for the Thief/Bandit style class. Thats 1 perk they could get rid of and just make native to the class.

  • @Gormfeld
    @Gormfeld 6 месяцев назад

    Ironmace: "Hmmmm... how do we fix landmine? Oh I KNOW! CHANGE STEALTH SO YOU'RE ONLY INVISIBLE IF YOU DON'T MOVE!"
    What a joke.

  • @gustavomarcondes3908
    @gustavomarcondes3908 6 месяцев назад +1

    My first reaction reading the title: "No,No,No, PLEASE GOD NO!"

  • @jirilaska9788
    @jirilaska9788 6 месяцев назад

    Just give Rogue an invisible blink that goes through people, a tool on a cooldown to either get on someone's back or get out,

  • @reidfrancisco2823
    @reidfrancisco2823 6 месяцев назад +1

    I think a more active hide would be a lot more fun and engaging for both ends, but the way devs talk about hide just encourages more camping unless they completely gut the perks. I would rather have a rework rather than just try and make it obsolete

  • @kyleborchardt8745
    @kyleborchardt8745 6 месяцев назад +1

    Shits bricked. We getting nerfed again after rework mark my words. I’m still playing rogue on wipe day

  • @warm_egg_salad5953
    @warm_egg_salad5953 6 месяцев назад

    Forgive me if I misunderstood, but I feel like if there was a short cooldown and duration people would just use the ambush perks that increase dmg and spd coming out of hide as a fight starter and, if cooldown is short enough, mid fight boost. I do agree what they said they're changing it to doesn't solve the issue most have.

  • @MurkyTheWolf
    @MurkyTheWolf 6 месяцев назад

    So what if they flipped it? invisible while moving but visible while holding still? That way they will always hear footsteps while invisible and it will only be used in combat. Obviously adjust the distance you can move while using this. Could even add slight damage reduction while invisible.

  • @tylertristanp
    @tylertristanp 6 месяцев назад

    Yeah, unless they change the perks, any landmine would probably swap stealth for shadowrunner to have a gap close out of hide. With hide Mastery they can sit still for a while anyway.

  • @wizardbear5731
    @wizardbear5731 6 месяцев назад

    Rogue needs to have tumble buffed so it can actually be used to try and either make people hit limbs or dodge hits entirely and they need support skills like a skill that when activated slows the enemy for 5 percent for each throwing knife thats been tossed into them over the last 30 secs.

  • @connorunruh4622
    @connorunruh4622 6 месяцев назад

    A combat based invis actually would be so amazing, the spacing part of rogue is what is really skillful and it seems like they can easily find the balance between landmine and 1v1 rogue with a suggestion like yours

  • @DimePwnz
    @DimePwnz 6 месяцев назад

    I have always said that they should remove hide and remove external light sources so if you want to invis you have to play around the static lights... you literally prove in this video you can stand in the darkness and pick pocket, seen jay pickpocket lots before you could do it with stealth. Just by playing around the natural light. Give rogues darker clothes or something to make them harder to see in general... as they should be. Either that or just delete ambush because you literally already get a free headshot out of stealth why does it need to do bonus damage on top xD thats your free crit right there.

  • @GiRR007
    @GiRR007 3 месяца назад

    Should make it like the wizard skill where you can go completely invisible and move but only for a few seconds.

  • @Oopsibwokeit
    @Oopsibwokeit 6 месяцев назад

    I think video games, particularly MMOs like WoW, have shifted the idea of a rogue into assassin territory, and that reflects poorly in a game like Dark and Darker that's based on stuff like Dungeons and Dragons and other RPGs. Old-times clerics couldn't use sharp weapons, and that's reflected in Dark and Darker today since clerics are limited to maces and the morningstar, so maybe keep the rogue to what it was back then as well; a tricky asshole with thief abilities and a knack for backstabbing and dirty fighting.
    I want a rogue that's more of a trickster, setting up bad situations or taking advantage of already existing ones and then making off with the rewards themselves. I'm not saying remove all the damage amps, backstabbing is a staple of rogues from the old days after all, but true invisibility shouldn't be a thing rogues get.
    Give them a night vision perk to sneak around in dark areas undetected. Make Caltrops more like the ranger's hunting traps; a belt slot item they can bring in a few bags of and use throughout the dungeon as needed. Double down on stuff that makes rogues stealthier THAT ARE NOT the hide ability giving invisibility, like opening things like doors, passages, and chests silently. Give them an ability to disguise dungeon traps, or maybe rig up similar traps of their own. Give them a perk to trap a few treasure chests, doors, levers, or maybe even portals each match, and a rogue with the trap disarming perk or anyone with a trap disarm kit can similarly disarm them safely. Keep the pickpocketing, double-jump, and maybe fold lockpicking into the same perk as the trap-breaking perk. Hell, give them a rock to throw and attract monsters to the area it lands.
    Just anything to get away from the "stack as many damage amp perks as possible and landmine" gameplay.

  • @therealbiggiecheesethe3rd
    @therealbiggiecheesethe3rd 6 месяцев назад +1

    repoze they're happy because they're ignorant they don't care about the rework they just are happy we might be nerfed.

  • @WellDoneOnTheInternetEverybody
    @WellDoneOnTheInternetEverybody 6 месяцев назад

    As a rogue main do you think the class deserves passives? Hidden pockets and pickpockets shouldnt feel like perks imo
    5:30 your explanation of invis was my idea for how they should have fixed smoke pot. reduce the smoke to a 5ft zone and give the rogue a 3 second invis on use for more aggro ambush plays

  • @BallisticStigmata
    @BallisticStigmata 6 месяцев назад

    They should just give rogue a bit of dark vision and partially obscure them in dark areas. Incentivizes turning the lights out. Or add skills that allow for dodging or the ability to riposte to daggers. Rogues die in like 1-2 hits and are pretty weak in most situations as-is.

  • @Jyedawg
    @Jyedawg 6 месяцев назад

    Nice to hear from the Rogue King himself without having to pester you for your opinions on stream. Their change does not seem to do anything towards countering the campy rogue style that everyone hates, if anything it encourages it more. Just seems like a major nerf to how good rogue can be in trios/highlevel play. I definitely agree with wanting a more combat orientated/play making Hide that can be used on a very low cooldown but has a very short duration. Cheers for the upload, would love to hear more of your opinions on stuff like this in future updates.

  • @maestaRz
    @maestaRz 6 месяцев назад

    I feel like Hide should allow you to run in invis, turn off footsteps sounds and last only like 3 seconds with either cooldown or charges. It would be a great perk for rogues focusing on getting a backstab or just try to run away 'cause they're squishy, and people would fear invis rogues in fight and try to retreat when they see a rogue going invis instead of being afraid of a landmine anywhere, anytime.

  • @Johntrollston
    @Johntrollston 6 месяцев назад

    like kha zix ult. concept sounds super fun and scary to go against making ambush a crazy perk.
    I was thinking like tf2 spy invis so rogue can roam freely and have a roll of scout that can flank better for the team.

  • @mikedenardi5647
    @mikedenardi5647 6 месяцев назад

    I definitely understand your concerns, but feel it out first and then give some feedback/suggestions to terence/sdf and see what they think. I think your combat stealth suggestion would work great. They also might assimilate the stealth perk into hide seeing that they will be removing quite a few rogue perks.

  • @RocketFlareBlitz
    @RocketFlareBlitz 6 месяцев назад

    i wished it was a progressive buff instead; like pop the skill then it buffers for like seconds like popping a pot. and to keep the duration up or whatever U HAVE TO BE MOVING (forcing you to make noise and force you to not be a landmine, and would kinda urge ppl to use the quiet footsteps perk; idea from ghost perk in CoD) short duration short cooldown but not so that people can spam it without meta builds. while still IN LIGHTING AND STILL you are outlined but like halo invis outlined, in dark corners the outlined is reduced. that way players would actually have to light up a room or darken a room for whatever purpose, to fish out a rogue or to blend in. there would be no necessary need to light orb a lit room if you can open your eyes and see an outline. half lit room, yeah this calls for light orb. idk i havent played in a long while.

  • @Mehqah
    @Mehqah 6 месяцев назад +1

    ahhhhhh shit repoze on his youtube grind huhhhhhh

  • @Mobay18
    @Mobay18 6 месяцев назад +1

    They should keep hide as it is, and allow people to buy utility to reveal them, like in dota.

    • @JELKEK
      @JELKEK 6 месяцев назад

      Torches are free, infinitely throwable and break stealth on a massive hitbox. Everyone is a lazy bitch boy.

  • @Joshua-nm8we
    @Joshua-nm8we 6 месяцев назад +1

    Rogues can't be seen until they attack... that's how it works.. if it removes hide its not a rogue.

  • @n1b1d
    @n1b1d 6 месяцев назад +7

    a feint ability to reposition instead of long stealth

  • @PicklesIsJesus
    @PicklesIsJesus 6 месяцев назад +1

    if u reduce the hide time then better player fighter right?

  • @chost-059
    @chost-059 6 месяцев назад

    combat phase invis would be so much more fun for everyone involved, like short bursts of say 3.5 seconds invis with a slight speed boost, could stack upto idk 6 activations, after using one invis phase youd begin a refresh of like 10 seconds to get it back, lets say you use 3 out of 6 activations then youd get one back every 10 seconds, after 30 seconds all 3 would be restored and youl be back to 6 activations

  • @GoobieFloobert
    @GoobieFloobert 6 месяцев назад +12

    new hide is a dungeonborne reference

    • @rayjarvike
      @rayjarvike 6 месяцев назад

      Yes sir, I saw the no1 priest talking about it

  • @sudopaws9982
    @sudopaws9982 6 месяцев назад

    I'm interested in the shorter duration hide. Imagine if they made it an on-hit ability similar to bleed/silence. You could have full movespeed stealth for 2 or 3 seconds after hitting a player/mob with it readied. Major outplay potential, makes landmine impossible. Could even have a perk that triggers it for free every player(maybe mob) kill like a reset/reposition tool.

  • @xsafra
    @xsafra 6 месяцев назад

    Make it the other way around if you stand still you are slightly visible if you move you stay full invis.

  • @NeteruSolink
    @NeteruSolink 6 месяцев назад

    I would prefer if hide lasted only 2 - 3 seconds but you could fully run during stealth, plus having muffled footsteps, with probably 30 - 40 second cooldown cause if you could spam that every 8 seconds you'd be getting in and out too easily on melee targets

  • @Bepo__D.A.D
    @Bepo__D.A.D 6 месяцев назад

    I really like this idea for hide. I think the combat style invis would make the class feel useful in pvp again

  • @mikekedian1221
    @mikekedian1221 6 месяцев назад

    I like the idea of what you think about hide, but the real issue is ambush. Imagine being able to spam invis, and just kite for it to come back over, and over. That is aids. I don't mind the invis, but that big burst is the issue. they need to make the damage more steady, and less bursty somehow imo. Invis would be really cool to work in the way you are saying tho.

  • @rohmi6838
    @rohmi6838 6 месяцев назад

    I think hide should have different play styles with perks like you said a more active one but for players who want to play more for ambushes a longer hide that had some sort of sound so that it would be harder to pull of an ambush but be rewarding

  • @giancarloleon9983
    @giancarloleon9983 6 месяцев назад +1

    Wouldn’t they need buffs too if they nerf invis?

  • @aethelrid7530
    @aethelrid7530 6 месяцев назад

    Eh, if they change it to outline itll basically be unusable in high roller.
    Change it to a 5 second use, unlimited steps, no running, and 12-15 sec cd upon effects end? Or maybe a 2-3 second use but you can run, with a 10 second cd.

  • @baileyttam
    @baileyttam 6 месяцев назад

    I think an invis where if you attack someone you go invisible for like 5 seconds and if you attack again you go invis again so you can poke reposition poke

  • @masgenmann6215
    @masgenmann6215 6 месяцев назад +1

    Basically just a PickPocket nerf xd

  • @simonthinggaard6270
    @simonthinggaard6270 6 месяцев назад

    The combat Invis 3-4 sek invis and 15 sek cooldown, and being able to move seems fair honnestly given how squishy rogues are

  • @shaerigir88
    @shaerigir88 6 месяцев назад

    They are going to nerf menuing your throwables mid combat too. They out here trying to kill Rogue.

  • @JohnathanHutchins-dr1mb
    @JohnathanHutchins-dr1mb 6 месяцев назад

    reduce the steps you can take while in hide and lower the mastery from 40 to like 25-30 i think base hide is still good

  • @raisineyebrows
    @raisineyebrows 6 месяцев назад

    Pro players in Halo can make plays with camo in Halo. I'm sure you'll be able to make plays against high-level players in Dark and Darker.

  • @DirkTheDaringDnD
    @DirkTheDaringDnD 6 месяцев назад +2

    7:00 building off the charge idea, what if rogue got 4 charges at 5 seconds per charge for a total of 20 seconds. Rogues could choose to use all four charges for a 20 second hide or 4 individual charges @5 seconds each, with rogue having passive regeneration. Resting to gain invis charges back seems a little too brutal unless they make the charge cost low

  • @CidZombie
    @CidZombie 6 месяцев назад

    It would have to be three second second second has an after image the problem with having any class having true invisibility is that it’s actually busted there’s no counter play all of the other Malay classes don’t have that kind of power of counter play you don’t have the ability to Saint walking away and is instantly turn around and then landline someone so that type of invis would be more powerful rogue does a lot of damage and the reason wizard invoices got nerved was because you could invite somebody that could do an insane amount of burst damage if they get right on top of somebody without them knowing yes barbarian was tanky. but you’re essentially saying Roguewood need no wizard to be able to W key straight at somebody while invisible and just burst them down.

  • @user-vq7zl2ij3g
    @user-vq7zl2ij3g 6 месяцев назад

    They should make it like khazix ult with 2 charges short invis but you gain mov speed while invis and the cooldown should be like what we have now

  • @Pyronetic2
    @Pyronetic2 6 месяцев назад

    As long as they buff back some of rogues combat stats, 5 vigor 5 strength is so rough at base and then not having true invis to at least hide yourself until you CAN get that backstab? oof

  • @NightclubPegasus1
    @NightclubPegasus1 6 месяцев назад

    So, lets look at a massive failure case of a videogame character that was supposed to be able to go invisible to stab in the back but got balanced to be slightly visable, Phantom from Dirty Bomb. Even with the slightest amount of shimmer, everyone was able to see him do anything and they were a grief pick to a team.
    Meanwhile we look at TF2 spy (and I think Sombra from Overwatch, don't know on the latter, not a fan), they get full invis to do their job but that example is in a whole separate genre entierly.

  • @antisunbro
    @antisunbro 6 месяцев назад

    Honestly @repoze i did not expect this reaction. You being a rogue main i would've thought you would have been slightly more upset with this change. I personally dont see the utility of making it shorter OR being able to see rogues while moving in invis. Yes landmine rogue can be a problem however its only viable as it stands now and landmine rogues are few and far between as of lately. Granted i main ranger so it completely wrecks me but after listening you can in fact still counter it. This change kind of took me by surprise and kind of guts half of the rogue kit IMO. The whole idea of the rogue atleast standardly is a rogue should be remained hidden come out do a nice crit and make the target easier for the team to kill or stuff a caster making the enemy team panic and then allowing the team to engage. The multi class system will be hilarious esp when you get some of those barb perks such as 12% hp increase or say you get hide+ rage or savage 😂😂

  • @Axel-vt8no
    @Axel-vt8no 6 месяцев назад

    Great idea on hide, and I think yours is a better solution than theirs.

  • @legatus9081
    @legatus9081 6 месяцев назад +1

    remove hide, give rogue move speed abilities and better damage

  • @lazyaussie2818
    @lazyaussie2818 6 месяцев назад +2

    they should flip the hide rework to make you full invis while moving and partially visible when sitting still

  • @mckenne1
    @mckenne1 6 месяцев назад

    Now isntead of headphones people just need there eyes cant wait to see the complaints

  • @hobosnake1
    @hobosnake1 6 месяцев назад

    I hope we only get perks for multiclass. I don't want to fight a barbarian that uses second wind on top of having a billion health.

  • @PrimeSubToMeTTV
    @PrimeSubToMeTTV 6 месяцев назад +1

    They could implement combat stealth like you suggested and have the pickpocket perk extend invis duration but make you deal reduced damage after coming out of stealth. Only real option I can see to keep pickpocket alive while changing invis to a combat skill if that's what they want.

  • @matprovost13
    @matprovost13 6 месяцев назад

    can't wait to see everyone that was cheering yesterday be completely mad when they realize the only thing that's changed is that the landmine doesn't move anymore 🥵

  • @rubsome
    @rubsome 6 месяцев назад +1

    Hope the devs see this

  • @Ruskeydoo_
    @Ruskeydoo_ 6 месяцев назад

    Thematically I'd love to see the rogue's invis tied to being in shadows. Dunno if there's a good mechanical solution around that?

  • @ProperlyMismanaged
    @ProperlyMismanaged 6 месяцев назад

    I think rogue should get a perk that removes the noise they make with their feet instead of invis

  • @cyrusstoke11
    @cyrusstoke11 6 месяцев назад

    A mini combat invis would be cool, like wizard but with charges and no after images

  • @ArchonAlphabot
    @ArchonAlphabot 6 месяцев назад

    give rogue a perk like sword mastery

  • @parallellellarap948
    @parallellellarap948 6 месяцев назад

    The way invisibility is right now makes pickpocketing really fun but it is definitely annoying when you have full gear on a lightly armored class and get killed by a landmine rogue

    • @etr1us
      @etr1us 6 месяцев назад

      yea and making an after hide debuff that cuts damage output by 50% and lasts 5-7 seconds for example is soooo hard