Comeptition is the way to improve, but competition leads to only a few players on the marker, hence it first growth to an extreame and then fails to start over. Thomas Sowell is unfortunately not releaving that government is controlled by corporations. Probably, the overal increased morale and education could lead to better institution, not the particular moves that attempt to just shift the focus without fixing anything in a longer run.
Nature demands growth, stagnation, death, and rebirth. It is the way of all things, not just plants and animals. Competition yields growth, as competitors are eliminated through attrition or absorption, the level of competition abates and innovation stagnates, then a new out-of-the-box breakthrough occurs and the old monopoly/oligopoly dies out and the dance repeats. Still, the net effect is growth. Government intervention always makes the gowth cycle slower and/or kills off the new breakthrough ideas.
Singapore is a good example
That is a book I'm going to buy! Our government created this damn current hyper inflationary cycle!
You should start with Adam Smith...!!!!
Comeptition is the way to improve, but competition leads to only a few players on the marker, hence it first growth to an extreame and then fails to start over. Thomas Sowell is unfortunately not releaving that government is controlled by corporations. Probably, the overal increased morale and education could lead to better institution, not the particular moves that attempt to just shift the focus without fixing anything in a longer run.
Nature demands growth, stagnation, death, and rebirth. It is the way of all things, not just plants and animals. Competition yields growth, as competitors are eliminated through attrition or absorption, the level of competition abates and innovation stagnates, then a new out-of-the-box breakthrough occurs and the old monopoly/oligopoly dies out and the dance repeats. Still, the net effect is growth. Government intervention always makes the gowth cycle slower and/or kills off the new breakthrough ideas.