You totally described my experience with klonopin (and also weed to some extent). The whole 'bargaining with yourself' thing is so real--sometimes it takes saying it out loud to keep yourself accountable. Make it clear to all your stoner friends that if they want to hang out with you, there can't be smoking going on. For me, that ended up meaning that I just lost most of those friends--but some of them followed suit and quit with me! You might inspire someone to try changing their habits. Sending strength and good vibes (and then maybe you could send me that grey goose?) xoxoxoxoxo
I've also been thrust into a much-needed sobriety journey in 2020, and I'm grateful to find that someone I've loved listening to for years (via AM) has been going through a similar struggle. It's not merely the physiological and psychological aspects of chemical dependency itself, as you said, but the mid-30s crisis of fearing I'm seeing my potential slip away from me. Thanks for posting this; I feel less alone.
You totally described my experience with klonopin (and also weed to some extent). The whole 'bargaining with yourself' thing is so real--sometimes it takes saying it out loud to keep yourself accountable. Make it clear to all your stoner friends that if they want to hang out with you, there can't be smoking going on. For me, that ended up meaning that I just lost most of those friends--but some of them followed suit and quit with me! You might inspire someone to try changing their habits. Sending strength and good vibes (and then maybe you could send me that grey goose?) xoxoxoxoxo
I've also been thrust into a much-needed sobriety journey in 2020, and I'm grateful to find that someone I've loved listening to for years (via AM) has been going through a similar struggle. It's not merely the physiological and psychological aspects of chemical dependency itself, as you said, but the mid-30s crisis of fearing I'm seeing my potential slip away from me. Thanks for posting this; I feel less alone.
Colin how are you doing?
Hope you're well man.
New vid?
Nice to see you again Colin :)
Too bad I have never smoked pot so can't relate : /