The Role of Muslims in the West - Shaykh Mustafa Abu Rayyan & Shaykh Abu Taymiyyah

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @AbutaymiyyahMJ
    @AbutaymiyyahMJ  2 месяца назад +8

    Let us know where you are watching from.

    • @Seen_Indeed
      @Seen_Indeed 2 месяца назад +1

      South Africa 🇿🇦

    • @عبدالعلام
      @عبدالعلام 2 месяца назад +1

      Nairobi Kenya

    • @coldcoffeeandcake-7511
      @coldcoffeeandcake-7511 2 месяца назад


    • @AliHamza-AliH
      @AliHamza-AliH 2 месяца назад +2

      Greeneville, Tennessee USA.
      Small town America with no masjid and no Muslims other than myself and wife and kids that I’ am aware of.
      I am a white revert male age 43. Thank you brothers for posting all the valuable content MashAllah. May Allah swt bless and reward you for your efforts. Ameen

    • @coldcoffeeandcake-7511
      @coldcoffeeandcake-7511 2 месяца назад

      @@AliHamza-AliH mashaAllah. Inspiring

  • @mhersi2dude
    @mhersi2dude 2 месяца назад +6

    When I first clicked on this I thought it was a typical lecture, but this discussion really opened up a lot of talking points that I dont think I ever heard from any other daee, may Allah bless the organizers and speakers

  • @TikyeWilliams
    @TikyeWilliams 3 месяца назад +8

    Education is the key to success 💯

    • @mogainz
      @mogainz 2 месяца назад +2

      The right education is key to success*

  • @LawrenceBrazier-pk9oj
    @LawrenceBrazier-pk9oj 3 месяца назад +1


  • @TikyeWilliams
    @TikyeWilliams 3 месяца назад +17

    May Allah SWT protect all Muslims from shaitain

  • @Strivingmuslimah-j2e
    @Strivingmuslimah-j2e 2 месяца назад +1

    Mashallah sheikh 🥰I really enjoy your lecture you always prevent me from doing the haram in the university
    Love y'all for the sake of Allah 🤭🥰 Jazakummullahu Khairan for helping the youth in this westernized nation 6:13

  • @darwiynlowery5493
    @darwiynlowery5493 2 месяца назад


  • @jajacamara1608
    @jajacamara1608 Месяц назад


  • @OnePathNet
    @OnePathNet 3 месяца назад +2

    رَبَّنَآ أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْهِم صَبْراً وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَهُم وَٱنصُرْهُم عَلَى ٱلْقَوْمِ ٱلْكَـٰفِرِينَ
    Rabbana afrigh ‘alayhim sabran wa thabbit aqdaamahum wansurhum ‘ala al-qawm al-kafireen
    Our Lord! Shower them with perseverance, make their steps firm, and give them victory over the disbelieving people.Inspired by verse 250 of Surah al-Baqarah

  • @LawrenceBrazier-pk9oj
    @LawrenceBrazier-pk9oj 3 месяца назад

    39:06 I learned this the hard way Subhannallah

  • @azooz875
    @azooz875 2 месяца назад

    نريد ختمه ب صفحات كل صفحه لوحدها تنزلها

  • @mumina_gaziza_85
    @mumina_gaziza_85 3 месяца назад +2

    Allahumma barik

  • @TikyeWilliams
    @TikyeWilliams 3 месяца назад +4

    It’s wicked out here more than ever

  • @BeLikeAStranger1448
    @BeLikeAStranger1448 3 месяца назад +5

    Holding On To This Religion Near The End Times Or In These Times We Are In Currently Will Be Like Holding Onto Hot Burning Coal,
    Muslim's Should Be Like

  • @mrsix3102
    @mrsix3102 2 месяца назад

    from usa

  • @NimaAbdi-q6c
    @NimaAbdi-q6c Месяц назад

    Africa 🌍

  • @كيرو7
    @كيرو7 3 месяца назад


  • @voornaam3289
    @voornaam3289 3 месяца назад +4

    I really think muslims of universitys among the whole world should connect and build new systems, creating independency with the intention of creating peace within our society. Just like Europe did back in time. Ulama should inform the people of their communitys via the mosks do that their ears can not be covered with propaganda of the west . Within this comunity their is health reassurance. Jobs you can fulfill. If you want to create a business and be responsible over some employees then that opportunity is also given. And you are free to leave comunity and join the west if you like. For the hypocrits among us. ;)

    • @Ibn_Abdulaziz
      @Ibn_Abdulaziz 2 месяца назад +1

      _The online goc platform app for a new people, the Ahlul Sunnah from the west_
      1. By listing the Sunni Member Mosques and member communities that people pray Jum'ah and 'Eid in the west that are upon the 'Aqidah of the Salaf.
      2. Enhancing 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab's رضي الله عنه system of Ahlul Halli wal 'Aqd and applying it to all fields of knowledge.
      3. Dividing the knowledge into Islamic and beneficial worldly knowledge.
      4. Further dividing them into major branches and their under categories. For example 'Aqidah being a major branch while Tawhid, or Da'wah being an under category of 'Aqidah. Or medicine being worldly branch, while surgery, dentistry etc being under categories.
      5. Setting up the MCE (Ministry of Exams and criterias). Each subject knowledge will have criterias for a person to pass in order to be eligible to candidate for the Majlis (sitting, parliament) for that under category.
      A) Let's say 1000 dentists passed the criterias and are now eligible to candidate. Those 1000 will have deliberations and appoint only 300 from among themselves into the Majlis (parliament) for the dentists.
      B) Those 300 will appoint 20 among themselves as the Ahlul Halli wal-'Aqd of the dentists.
      C) The Ahlul Halli will then appoint the Ameer (leader) or Wazeer (minister) of the dentists.
      D) This minister of the dentists will then sit in a grander Majlis with all the other ministers from the various under categories of medicine, like surgeons or nurses, or doctors or virologist etc.
      E) And they will do the same thing, appoint the Ahlul Halli of the branch of medicine and then the Ameer.
      F) This Ameer of the entire branch of medicine will sit in a grand grander Majlis with all the ministers from the major branches of worldly knowledge until they appoint the Ahlul Halli for the entire worldly knowledge and the Ameer for the entire worldly knowledge.
      6) The Islamic knowledge will do the same.
      I have not gone further than this. Any input from people of knowledge are welcome.
      My opinion is that the Ameer of all the branches of Islam will become the leader of the entire land.
      That's how the Ahlul Halli system can be enhanced instead of a democracy that relies on the masses. Democracy leads to racism, miserliness, nepotism, cronyism, corruption etc. But this system gives everyone same rights with justice. If you pass the eligibility criterias and your peers appoint you, then so be it. This way the people of knowledge in every field will serve the believers.
      7) Then when the online gov is up and running while being managed by the ministry of IT, and a consensus on how the system will function has been agreed upon by the people, then and online citizenship and seeking membership with Muslim bodies like the OIC or the Muslim world league as a new people and country will be the next phase. The Sunnis upon Tawhid from the west as we are not subjects of Muslim rulers, hence not violating Islam by breaking away from the Jama'ah or rebelling against a Muslim ruler. Nor can disbelievers of the west be the Waliy of a Muslim. Thus we have this opportunity
      8) Then making treaties or deals with the polytheist and disbelievers. They will get their demographics back provided they agree to our self determination and leaving their lands. If they want, they can donate. Those among them who make the treaties might become famous and win elections in their world by getting demographics for free.
      9) One of two things will occur:
      A) A Fir'aun vs Bani Israa'il or Quraish vs the Muhajirun to Abyssinia scenerario where they will expose themselves as liars who never wanted but only to use Muslim presence as a punching bag with racism and xenophobia to reach power and to make ultimatums like: "Either you leave Islam and adopt our ways, or return to places we turned into rubble, or with hypocrites who work for us." Those are not the only options O believers.
      If they take the approach of spite, rmvy and rage at seeing believers independent from them, then the matter will become just like in the story of the boy, monk, king and magician (As-habul-Ukhdud), where the masses became Muslims. Because here they have been given their demographics but lied and only wanted Muslims as a bullied minority to be used as a punching bag in politics with ultimatums like: "Leave your religion and adopt our ways or ho back to countries we turned yo rubble." Thus their own people will ask themselves: _"Why did they lie about wanting their demographics. It was all about suppressing Eemaan."_ That stage cannot be reached as we have lots of hypocrites who want to cling on among the disbelievers.
      Not fixing that is only increasing Al-Wahn and excuses to cling on among them eith inferiority complex and no integrity. Then those mlt fit to lead like compromise and tweet about the alphabet letter people by participating in the systems by thinking doing that is a solution. Then those disbelievers whose approval they sought by such compromise, betray them.
      10) Then when we have become members in the OIC, we will negotiate a piece territory as our own land. Huge donations and construction contracts will come insha'Allah.
      11) The health is to gather the people of Eemaan and have something like Qatar.
      This is similar to Rasulullah ﷺ asking the tribes to host him when Makkah became unlivable, until the Ansaar came along.

    • @Ibn_Abdulaziz
      @Ibn_Abdulaziz 2 месяца назад +2

      _The online gov platform app_
      1. By listing the Sunni Member Mosques and member communities that people pray Jum'ah and 'Eid in the west that are upon the 'Aqidah of the Salaf.
      2. Enhancing 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab's رضي الله عنه system of Ahlul Halli wal 'Aqd and applying it to all fields of knowledge.
      3. Dividing the knowledge into Islamic and beneficial worldly knowledge.
      4. Further dividing them into major branches and their under categories. For example 'Aqidah being a major branch while Tawhid, or Da'wah being an under category of 'Aqidah. Or medicine being worldly branch, while surgery, dentistry etc being under categories.
      5. Setting up the MCE (Ministry of Exams and criterias). Each subject knowledge will have criterias for a person to pass in order to be eligible to candidate for the Majlis (sitting, parliament) for that under category.
      A) Let's say 1000 dentists passed the criterias and are now eligible to candidate. Those 1000 will have deliberations and appoint only 300 from among themselves into the Majlis (parliament) for the dentists.
      B) Those 300 will appoint 20 among themselves as the Ahlul Halli wal-'Aqd of the dentists.
      C) The Ahlul Halli will then appoint the Ameer (leader) or Wazeer (minister) of the dentists.
      D) This minister of the dentists will then sit in a grander Majlis with all the other ministers from the various under categories of medicine, like surgeons or nurses, or doctors or virologist etc.
      E) And they will do the same thing, appoint the Ahlul Halli of the branch of medicine and then the Ameer.
      F) This Ameer of the entire branch of medicine will sit in a grand grander Majlis with all the ministers from the major branches of worldly knowledge until they appoint the Ahlul Halli for the entire worldly knowledge and the Ameer for the entire worldly knowledge.
      6) The Islamic knowledge will do the same.
      I have not gone further than this. Any input from people of knowledge are welcome.
      My opinion is that the Ameer of all the branches of Islam will become the leader of the entire land.
      That's how the Ahlul Halli system can be enhanced instead of a democracy that relies on the masses. Democracy leads to racism, miserliness, nepotism, cronyism, corruption etc. But this system gives everyone same rights with justice. If you pass the eligibility criterias and your peers appoint you, then so be it. This way the people of knowledge in every field will serve the believers.
      7) Then when the online gov is up and running while being managed by the ministry of IT, and a consensus on how the system will function has been agreed upon by the people, then and online citizenship and seeking membership with Muslim bodies like the OIC or the Muslim world league as a new people and country will be the next phase. The Sunnis upon Tawhid from the west as we are not subjects of Muslim rulers, hence not violating Islam by breaking away from the Jama'ah or rebelling against a Muslim ruler. Nor can disbelievers of the west be the Waliy of a Muslim. Thus we have this opportunity
      8) Then making treaties or deals with the polytheist and disbelievers. They will get their demographics back provided they agree to our self determination and leaving their lands. If they want, they can donate. Those among them who make the treaties might become famous and win elections in their world by getting demographics for free.
      9) One of two things will occur:
      A) A Fir'aun vs Bani Israa'il or Quraish vs the Muhajirun to Abyssinia scenerario where they will expose themselves as liars who never wanted but only to use Muslim presence as a punching bag with racism and xenophobia to reach power and to make ultimatums like: "Either you leave Islam and adopt our ways, or return to places we turned into rubble, or with hypocrites who work for us." Those are not the only options O believers.
      If they take the approach of spite, rmvy and rage at seeing believers independent from them, then the matter will become just like in the story of the boy, monk, king and magician (As-habul-Ukhdud), where the masses became Muslims. Because here they have been given their demographics but lied and only wanted Muslims as a bullied minority to be used as a punching bag in politics with ultimatums like: "Leave your religion and adopt our ways or ho back to countries we turned yo rubble." Thus their own people will ask themselves: _"Why did they lie about wanting their demographics. It was all about suppressing Eemaan."_ That stage cannot be reached as we have lots of hypocrites who want to cling on among the disbelievers.
      Not fixing that is only increasing Al-Wahn and excuses to cling on among them eith inferiority complex and no integrity. Then those not fit to lead like compromising and tweeting about the 🏳️‍🌈 people by participating in the grevo-roman systems by thinking doing that is a solution. Then those disbelievers whose approval they sought by such compromise, betray them.
      10) Then when we have become members in the OIC, we will negotiate a piece territory as our own land. Huge donations and construction contracts will come insha'Allah.
      11) The health is to gather the people of Eemaan and have something like Qatar.
      This is similar to Rasulullah ﷺ asking the tribes to host him when Makkah became unlivable, until the Ansaar came along.

    • @voornaam3289
      @voornaam3289 2 месяца назад

      @@Ibn_Abdulaziz Bismillah, I really like the idea, the thing is you can actiually learn from the west and implicate certain things that do work and let out other things that may not line up with our own believes. I think the idea of ministers chosen by elections after passing certain exams. I only think there are multiple areas where we need people for:
      this are examples of areas we need people for I Think :
      the OIC Administration
      • Legislation and Law Enforcement: Effective islamic laws and a judicial system that is fair and transparent.
      • Public Services: Including healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social services.
      • Financial Management: Budgeting, tax collection, and expenditure management.
      • Employment: Creating jobs and promoting employment.
      • Trade and Industry: Supporting industries and promoting domestic and foreign trade.
      • Financial Stability: Managing inflation, and currency stability.
      • Transport: Roads, railways, airports.
      • Energy: Reliable electricity, gas, and renewable energy sources.
      • Water and Sewage: Access to clean water and a good sewage system.
      Education and Healthcare
      • Education: Access to high-quality education at all levels.
      • Healthcare: Availability of health services and hospitals.
      ° Continuous Education: Promoting lifelong learning and professional development for employees in all sectors.
      • Innovation Centers: Establishing innovation and research centers to develop new technologies and methods.
      Safety and Defense
      • National Security: Protection against domestic and foreign threats.
      • Disaster Management: Preparation and response to natural disasters and other crises.
      Environment and Sustainability
      • Conservation: Preservation of natural resources and biodiversity.
      • Sustainable Development: Promoting economic growth in an environmentally friendly way.
      Social Stability
      • Equality and Justice: Promoting social equality and addressing discrimination.
      • Community Engagement: Encouraging active participation of citizens in community activities.
      International Relations
      • Diplomacy: Maintaining good relations within islamic countries.
      • Trade Relations: Promoting international trade and investments between islamic countries
      ° Exchange of Best Practices: Learning from successful strategies and practices from other countries.
      • International Treaties: Participation in international treaties and organizations to promote cooperation and support.
      Innovation and Technology
      • Research and Development: Investing in innovation and technology to stimulate economic growth.
      • Digitalization: Promoting digital infrastructure and technology.
      Data Collection and Analysis
      • Statistics and Indicators: Using statistical data and indicators (e.g., unemployment rates, GDP growth, education levels) to evaluate the current state.
      • Feedback Mechanisms: Surveys, public consultations, and feedback from citizens and businesses to gain insight into their experiences and needs.
      • Benchmarking: Comparing performance with other Islamic countries or regions to identify areas for improvement.
      Policies and Strategies
      • Sustainability Plans: Developing long-term plans that promote sustainability and innovation.
      • Flexible Policymaking: Policies that can be adapted based on new information and changing circumstances.
      • Stakeholder Involvement: Collaboration with various stakeholders (businesses, , citizens) to develop widely supported policies.
      Oversight and Enforcement
      • Regulatory Agencies: Establishing agencies that oversee the compliance with laws and regulations.
      • Transparency and Accountability: Publishing government expenditures and policy results to be accountable to the public via for example the mosks
      • Independent Audits: Regular audits by independent organizations to assess the effectiveness and integrity of programs.
      Technology and Digitalization
      • Data Analysis Tools: Using advanced data analysis and AI to identify trends and problems early.
      • E-Government: Digitalizing government services to improve efficiency and accessibility.
      • Cybersecurity: Protecting digital infrastructure from cyberattacks.
      Public Participation and Engagement
      • Community Projects: Initiatives that promote community involvement and strengthen social cohesion.
      Environmental and Sustainability Initiatives
      • Environmental Impact Assessments: Regular evaluations of the environmental impacts of policies and projects.
      • Sustainability Programs: Programs that promote sustainable development, such as renewable energy and waste management.
      Economic Diversification
      • Innovation and Startups: Supporting startups and innovation in various sectors.
      • Regional Development: Promoting economic growth in less developed regions to reduce inequality.
      Crisis Management and Resilience
      • Emergency Plans: Developing and maintaining emergency plans for various types of crises (natural disasters, economic shocks).
      • Resilience Programs: Programs that make communities and infrastructures resilient to future shocks.

    • @Ibn_Abdulaziz
      @Ibn_Abdulaziz 2 месяца назад

      @@voornaam3289 The system is not based on the west and it's democracy. It is based on the Ahlul Halli wal 'Aqd of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه.
      The way for a person to become a leader is of four types:
      1. The way of Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه appointing his successor after him.
      2. The way of 'Umar رضي الله عنه delegating it to the most knowledgeable, competent, righteous believers like the council of Six who chose 'Uthmaan رضي الله عنه from among themselves.
      3. Seizing power like the 'Abbasid's until the people give them the Bay'ah.
      4. Or the arbitration between 'Ali Ibn Abi Taalib and Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan رضي الله عنهم.
      Our system is based on the second, the way of 'Umar رضي الله عنه. Why? Because at this stage we have no clue of who the Ahlul Halli among us are. Therefore the MEC (ministry of criterias and exams) will take us to the stage of consensus, just like the Ummah agreed that the six whom 'Umar رضي الله عنه had appointed were the best and most fit. No one in the Ummah objected to those six, because they had already passed all the eligibility levels duringvtheir lifetime as the best among the Sahaba رضي الله عنهم. We on the other hand, we have no clue who the Ahlul Halli among is are for anything. Thus the platform will set up the system that generates the Ahlul Halli for every branch of knowledge. Even on how to fix the elevator or how to properly clean stuff will have an Ahlul Halli.
      The A.I called this enhanced Ahlul Halli system: a peer meritocracy system that has not been seen on earth. The other systems have either a monarchy, an oligarchy etc who appoints people. Or if a political party wins, then they give minister jobs to their friends (cronyism), or the king gives leadership to his son and cousins (nepotism). Or a democracy where the power lies with the masses. If thd masses happen to of one ethnicity, then whoever says: vote for me and I'll prefer you vs vote gir me and I'll give you free handouts. Such a system leads to the ignorant, most miserly and corruption getting power.
      As for what you wrote, then all those things are what the ministries will do as their work. What Im talking about is how and who gets into position of power and not the details of the work theyll do once the reach power.
      Each under category will have its own Majlis, its own university that is governed by the specialists in that field whom the Ameer of that branch of knowledgeable appoints.
      So there might be a university for medicine. Then each under category of medicine will have its own territory in that medicine where you can study one subject or all or some etc. Also age system will be abolished. If a young person has mastered much knowledge, his age should not hinder him. The Ahlul Hadith were masters in Hadith at a young age abd they sat with the scholars of that field.
      All of this will take place in an online simulation platform gov app. Then once the training is done, then it will be taken to the field. But if you tell people to make Hijrah, then once they gather there, they will disagree and fight and create an argument for the disbelievers.
      Everything will be in order. Those who will speak to the disbelievers on behalf of Islam and Muslims will be professionals who have knowledge of Islam, knowledge of media, knpwlesge of language, knowledge of Adab, Allah and public relations etc. So in order for them to become the public relations people, they have to pass certain criterias. They jave to have mastered all the arguments that disbelievers might use and wuickly rebut them. Debate training schools etc. Comperative religion and comparitive ideologies where the falsehood of the polytheists and disbelievers are shattered. And those who will make Da'wah, have to pass the ministry of 'Aqidah, Ministry of Qur'an, ministry of Sunnah, ministry of arguments against all falsehood etc and then a license will be given to them. Everything will be structured, like Bunyanun Marsus (a solid structure) insha'Allah.

    • @voornaam3289
      @voornaam3289 2 месяца назад

      @@Ibn_Abdulaziz I see, I Think implementing such a comprehensive and structured system requires a step-by-step approach. A structured plan to get started:
      1. Conceptual Clarification and Planning
      Objective: Clearly define the vision, goals, and principles of the system.
      -Research Historical Precedents: Study the methods used by early Muslim leaders in-depth.
      -Develop a Framework: Create a detailed conceptual framework based on these historical precedents and modern needs.
      -Form a Core Team: Assemble a team of scholars, technologists, educators, and professionals to guide the project.
      2. Initial Development and Design
      Objective: Design the foundational elements of the system.
      -Design the Ahlul Halli Identification Process: Develop criteria and methods for identifying competent individuals in various fields.
      -Create the Ministry of Criterias and Exams (MEC): Outline the structure, roles, and responsibilities of the MEC.
      -Technology Platform PLANNING : Plan the development of the online simulation platform and associated technologies.
      3. Building the Infrastructure
      Objective: Develop the technological and organizational infrastructure.
      -Develop the Simulation Platform: Build the online platform where training, evaluations, and simulations will take place.
      -Create Educational Content: Develop curricula for different fields and training programs.
      -Set Up Councils (Majlis): Establish councils for various knowledge areas and appoint interim members.
      4. Pilot Programs
      Objective: Test the system on a small scale to refine and improve.
      -Select Pilot Fields: Choose a few fields to start with (e.g., medicine, public relations, da'wah).
      -Run Pilot Programs: Implement the system in these fields, conduct training and evaluations, and gather feedback.
      -Evaluate and Adjust: Assess the effectiveness of the pilot programs and make necessary adjustments.
      5. Expansion and Refinement
      Objective: Gradually expand the system to cover more fields and regions.
      -Expand to More Fields: Introduce more knowledge areas and professional domains into the system.
      -Increase Participation: Encourage more individuals to join and get certified through the system.
      -Continuous Improvement: Regularly update the criteria, training programs, and technology based on feedback and advancements.
      6. Institutionalization
      Objective: Establish the system as a recognized and respected institution.
      -Gain Recognition: Work towards official recognition and acceptance from relevant authorities and communities.
      -Build Partnerships: Collaborate with educational institutions, professional organizations, and government bodies.
      -Ensure Sustainability: Develop mechanisms for funding, governance, and long-term sustainability.
      Practical Steps to Start:
      Establish a Founding Committee: Gather a group of key stakeholders and experts to oversee the initial stages.
      Draft a Comprehensive Plan: Create a detailed project plan, including timelines, resources needed, and milestones.
      Develop a Prototype: Start with a small-scale prototype of the online platform and initial educational materials.
      Secure Funding: Identify potential sources of funding, such as grants, donations, and partnerships.
      Engage the Community: Begin outreach to involve the broader community in the planning and development process.
      By following these steps, maybe there is a chance to gradually build the envisioned system, ensuring it is robust, inclusive, and effective.

  • @JamalSaif-f9r
    @JamalSaif-f9r 3 месяца назад

    الموسيقى يا اخي .

  • @thibault9172
    @thibault9172 Месяц назад

    "why do you need it?"
    with all due respect, it's because the speakers and deliverers of knowledge are doing a poor job of addressing those issues

  • @Aw-Mo
    @Aw-Mo Месяц назад

    For sure both of them r Somalis

  • @Palestiniangaza
    @Palestiniangaza 3 месяца назад +1

    🤲Free Palestine
    From Palestine, Gaza City
    call from Gaza from the midst of war death, hunger, destruction and pain. To the lovers of goodness, a kind greeting to every Muslim from a Palestinian mother from Gaza. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “We will never diminish the money you have given in charity.” narrated by Muslim
    """" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'" ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''🤲
    I have four orphan children, and we are in the midst of a war of extermination, displacement, hunger, pain, wounds, and deprivation. They were martyred in this war. My family and now I'm alone without a father. Today, I make this appeal to you from among the rubble and destruction, my brothers. I live under difficult circumstances, an unjust siege, and a blind war that destroyed my city in which I live, and my home that houses my children’s dreams. Today, I found myself living on top of the ruins of my home in a tent no more than a few meters long, with me and my four children. This is a very difficult thing that no human being can bear. I live in very difficult conditions without food, water, and flour due to the siege, and we drink water. Polluted due to lack of money and my children’s fear of war, and now I am asking for help and assistance in order to restore the smile of life to my children, and I am in dire need of your contribution in order to rebuild my house that was demolished, and I ask 00970592511969 wrote to you these short words that do not express a little of the pain and wounds that we are experiencing in Gaza, and I write these words to you while tears do not leave my eyes from the pain and cruelty of life. I hope that you will be supporters of my cause in all parts of the world and the ugliness of the injustice that we live in every day, but every minute. We lose loved ones every day. And do not forget the difficulty of life in a small tent that does not exceed a few meters. God was a protector for us from the heat of summer and the cold of winter in the tent, and today all my dreams are to drink a drop of cold, clean water in the summer and feed my children. Praise be to God in any case, this is God’s command. Note: I have a child who is sick in the eye, and he is forbidden by the doctor’s prescription from high heat and sunlight. How can he be in a very hot tent? Therefore, I ask you to help me in maintaining my house.
    """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""يارب قد دقت الدنيا بنا وانت ارحم الراحمين نداء
    انا عندي اربع طفال ونحن فى ظل حرب الاباده والتهجير والتجويع والالم والجراح والحرمان لقد استشهدوا في هذا الحرب اسرتي وانا الان وحيدة بلا اب واليوم ارسل ندائي هذا من بين الركام والدمار لكم يا إخوتي انا اعيش في ظل ظروف صعبة و حصار ظالم وحرب عمياء ولقد دمرت مدينتي التي اعيش فيها و دمر بيتي الذي يؤوي احلام اطفالي واليوم لقد وجدت نفسي اعيش فوق ركام بيتي في خيمه لا تتجاوز عدت امتار انا واطفالي الاربعه هذا امر صعب جداً لا يتحمله إنسان واعيش ظروف صعبه جداً بدون طعام وماء و طحين بسبب الحصار ونشرب الماء الملوث بسبب قلت الاموال وخوف اطفالي من الحرب والان اطلب يد العون والمساعدة لكي اعيد بسمة الحياة الي اطفالي وانا في امس الحاجه الي المساهمه لكي اعيد بناء بيتي الذي هدم و ارجو منكم المساهمة كتبت لكم هذي الكلمات القصيرة التي لا تعبر الى القليل من الالم والجراح الذي نعيشه فى غزة واكتب لكم كلماتي هذه والدموع لا تفارق عيني من الالم وقسوة الحياة ارجو منكم ان تكونو مناصرين إلى قضيتي في جميع انحاء العالم وقبح الظلم الذي نعيشه في كل يوم بل كل دقيقه ونحن نفقد الاحبه كل يوم. ولا تنسو صعوبة الحياة في خيمة صغيرة لا تتعدى بعض الامتار كان الله لنا معين من حم الصيف والبرد الشتاء فى الخيمة واليوم كل احلامي ان اشرب نقطة ماء باردة ونظيفه في الصيف وطعام اطفالي. الحمدلله على كل حال هذا امر الله.~~♡~♡~

  • @MrBanana552
    @MrBanana552 3 месяца назад +1

    Iam your brother from yemen, please block your sister from yemen.

  • @A_slave_of_Allah_1444
    @A_slave_of_Allah_1444 3 месяца назад +1

    The sheikh should of said “red pill blue pill in your rear view”
    BarakAllahu feekum Wallahi this was very beneficial

  • @sadafahmed9563
    @sadafahmed9563 3 месяца назад +1

    What country is this??

  • @rehanriaz620
    @rehanriaz620 3 месяца назад +2

    They have NO ROLE!!! It’s time we went HOME and stop playing games with the religion!!!

    • @Mohsin427
      @Mohsin427 3 месяца назад

      So we don't give dawah in the west then?

    • @rehanriaz620
      @rehanriaz620 3 месяца назад

      @@Mohsin427 what dawah!!! The mosques are owned and controlled by the uk government!!

    • @rehanriaz620
      @rehanriaz620 3 месяца назад

      @@Mohsin427 what dawah!!! The mosques in the uk are controlled and run by the UK government!!!! Fact!!!

    • @John-w4o3l
      @John-w4o3l 3 месяца назад +1

      They give you dawah
      Stop fooling yourself
      Leave before it’s too late
      May Allah help and assist you

    • @heybudstfunow
      @heybudstfunow 2 месяца назад +1

      give dawah lol... all a bunch of grifters recording themselves for clout and clicks