GJ: Intervju s fotografom Tihomirjem Pinterjem ob razstavi Kemija podobe

  • Опубликовано: 22 дек 2024
  • Ob odhodu velikana slovenske fotografije Tihomirja Pinterja smo v Galeriji Jakopič pobrskali po našem arhivu in našli čudovit intervju, ki ga je z avtorjem ob njegovi retrospektivni razstavi Kemija podobe (2017/2018) posnel Tone Stojko.
    Video vključuje mnogo lepih misli in pomembnih opomnikov o tem, kako pomemben gradnik življenja je bila fotografija za Pinterja, ki se je tej umetnosti z ljubeznijo posvečal vse življenje.
    Več o razstavi: mgml.si/sl/gal...
    On the sad loss of Tihomir Pinter, a giant of Slovenian photography, we searched through the archives of Jakopič Gallery and found a wonderful interview with the artist, recorded by Tone Stojko on the occasion of his retrospective exhibition The Chemistry of the Image (2017/2018).
    The video includes many thoughts and important reminders of how important photography was for Pinter, who lovingly devoted his life to this art.
    More about the exhibition: mgml.si/en/jak...

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