Surah Al-Waqiah | سورة الواقعة | Islam Sobhi | translation

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Sura Al-Waqia | Ayat 96 | Place of revelation Mecca
    The sura in Arabic sounds like "Falling" (sometimes "Event") takes its name from the word al-waqia in the very first verse.
    Already the first verses tell that the Day of Judgment will surely come. But when this happens, only Allah knows.
    Theme and subject
    Its theme is the Hereafter, Tawhid, and the refutation of the suspicions of the Meccan disbelievers about the Qur'an. What they considered absolutely incredible is that the Resurrection would ever happen, then the whole system of earth and heaven would be broken, and when all the dead would be raised and called to account, after which the righteous would be admitted into paradise and the wicked would be thrown into hell. All this they considered imaginary, which could not be in reality. In response to this, it was said: “When an inevitable event occurs, no one will refute its occurrence, and no one will be able to either prevent it or prove that it will be an unreal event. At that time, all peoples will be divided into three classes: (1) advanced in rank and position; (2) simple righteous people and (3) those who denied the future life and persisted in unbelief, polytheism and serious sins to the last. How these three classes of people will be rewarded and punished is detailed in verse 7-56
    Then in ayat. 57-74 arguments were given one after the other to prove the truth of the two main doctrines of Islam, which the unbelievers refused to accept, viz. the doctrines of Tawhid and the Hereafter. In these considerations, apart from everything else that exists on earth and in heaven, the attention of man was drawn to his own body, to the food he eats, to the water he drinks, and to the fire on which he cooks his food. , and he was asked to ponder the question: what right have you to behave independently or to serve someone other than God, whose creative power created you and whose means support you, and how can you accept this idea? that once He gave birth to you, He became so helpless and powerless that He could not recreate you even if He wanted to?
    Then in ayat. 75-82 their suspicions about the Qur'an were refuted, and it was given to them to understand how fortunate they were that, instead of deriving any benefit from the great blessing that is the Qur'an, they treated it with meager attention. and have established only that part of theirs in it, that they deny it. If we seriously consider this incomparable argument, presented in two brief sentences about the truth of the Qur'an, then one can find in it the same solid and stable system that exists among the stars and planets of the Universe, and this is the proof that its Author is the same Being. that created the universe. The unbelievers were then told that this Book was inscribed in the Book of Destiny, which is beyond the reach of creatures, as if to say: “You think that it was the devils who brought Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). ), while no one but pure angels has any access to the means by which it reaches Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from the well guarded Tablet.”
    In closing, the man was warned, as if to say, “You can boast and boast as you please, and you can close your eyes to the truth in your arrogance of independence, but death is enough to open your eyes. In death you become helpless. "You cannot save your parents, you cannot save your children, you cannot save your religious followers and beloved leaders. They all die before your eyes as you look at them helplessly. If you are not dominated by a higher power and your this is an assumption that you are all in everything in the world, and there is no God, then why do you not return the dying person's soul?to prevent Allah from calling people to account and assigning rewards and punishments to them.You can believe it or not, but every dying person is sure he will see his end after death. he will see the end destined for criminals.
    @missionkoran #islamsobhi #surahwaqia #surahwaqiah #surahwaqiya #surahwaqiahfull

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