Surah Luqman Islam Sobhi 🥰

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 686

  • @esteravarga9389
    @esteravarga9389 Год назад +356

    I converted to Islam in 2017. Now it’s 2023. And my love and passion for Islam has not lessened. Islam is the greatest gift to humanity. I am so grateful and hope to practice Islam to the best of my capability until my last breath.

  • @sameerakarimieriksson6917
    @sameerakarimieriksson6917 4 года назад +1485

    My husband played this when I was pregnant. Now I have a son which is almost five months and sleeps by playing this, he always gets calm and peaceful with this. My Allah bless you my brother! It is the most beautiful Quran voise I have ever heard.

  • @justlikeittv
    @justlikeittv 7 месяцев назад +31

    The Quran, when I listen to it, makes me cry but I'm happy. Its unexplainable I cry and smile at the same time. ALLAH is the Greatest. ❤️

    • @VikCalo
      @VikCalo 4 дня назад

      Same. Gratitude 🤲🏼 💦 💦

  • @zamriyemohamed9596
    @zamriyemohamed9596 11 месяцев назад +19

    آللهم آنصر أخواننا في فلسطين 🇵🇸 ❤❤

  • @Zahrx.a_anas2001
    @Zahrx.a_anas2001 9 месяцев назад +79

    I’m on the 107th day of my pregnancy and I’ve been listening to Surah Luqmaan since the start of this wonderful journey. May Allah grant the highest form of Jannah to my husband who introduced me to this soul soothing Surah. Love the recitation and the solace it brings to my heart.

  • @Azzeedine
    @Azzeedine 2 года назад +232

    31.1. Alif-lam-meem
    31.2. Tilka ayatu alkitabi alhakeemi
    31.3. Hudan warahmatan lilmuhsineena
    31.4. Allatheena yuqeemoona alssalata wayu/toona alzzakata wahum bial-akhirati hum yooqinoona
    31.5. Ola-ika AAala hudan min rabbihim waola-ika humu almuflihoona
    31.6. Wamina alnnasi man yashtaree lahwa alhadeethi liyudilla AAan sabeeli Allahi bighayri AAilmin wayattakhithaha huzuwan ola-ika lahum AAathabun muheenun
    31.7. Wa-itha tutla AAalayhi ayatuna walla mustakbiran kaan lam yasmaAAha kaanna fee othunayhi waqran fabashshirhu biAAathabin aleemin
    31.8. Inna allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati lahum jannatu alnnaAAeemi
    31.9. Khalideena feeha waAAda Allahi haqqan wahuwa alAAazeezu alhakeemu
    31.10. Khalaqa alssamawati bighayri AAamadin tarawnaha waalqa fee al-ardi rawasiya an tameeda bikum wabaththa feeha min kulli dabbatin waanzalna mina alssama-i maan faanbatna feeha min kulli zawjin kareemin
    31.11. Hatha khalqu Allahi faaroonee matha khalaqa allatheena min doonihi bali alththalimoona fee dalalin mubeenin
    31.12. Walaqad atayna luqmana alhikmata ani oshkur lillahi waman yashkur fa-innama yashkuru linafsihi waman kafara fa-inna Allaha ghaniyyun hameedun
    31.13. Wa-ith qala luqmanu liibnihi wahuwa yaAAithuhu ya bunayya la tushrik biAllahi inna alshshirka lathulmun AAatheemun
    31.14. Wawassayna al-insana biwalidayhi hamalat-hu ommuhu wahnan AAala wahnin wafisaluhu fee AAamayni ani oshkur lee waliwalidayka ilayya almaseeru
    31.15. Wa-in jahadaka AAala an tushrika bee ma laysa laka bihi AAilmun fala tutiAAhuma wasahibhuma fee alddunya maAAroofan waittabiAA sabeela man anaba ilayya thumma ilayya marjiAAukum faonabbi-okum bima kuntum taAAmaloona
    31.16. Ya bunayya innaha in taku mithqala habbatin min khardalin fatakun fee sakhratin aw fee alssamawati aw fee al-ardi ya/ti biha Allahu inna Allaha lateefun khabeerun
    31.17. Ya bunayya aqimi alssalata wa/mur bialmaAAroofi wainha AAani almunkari waisbir AAala ma asabaka inna thalika min AAazmi al-omoori
    31.18. Wala tusaAAAAir khaddaka lilnnasi wala tamshi fee al-ardi marahan inna Allaha la yuhibbu kulla mukhtalin fakhoorin
    31.19. Waiqsid fee mashyika waoghdud min sawtika inna ankara al-aswati lasawtu alhameeri
    31.20. Alam taraw anna Allaha sakhkhara lakum ma fee alssamawati wama fee al-ardi waasbagha AAalaykum niAAamahu thahiratan wabatinatan wamina alnnasi man yujadilu fee Allahi bighayri AAilmin wala hudan wala kitabin muneerin
    31.21. Wa-itha qeela lahumu ittabiAAoo ma anzala Allahu qaloo bal nattabiAAu ma wajadna AAalayhi abaana awa law kana alshshaytanu yadAAoohum ila AAathabi alssaAAeeri
    31.22. Waman yuslim wajhahu ila Allahi wahuwa muhsinun faqadi istamsaka bialAAurwati alwuthqa wa-ila Allahi AAaqibatu al-omoori
    31.23. Waman kafara fala yahzunka kufruhu ilayna marjiAAuhum fanunabbi-ohum bima AAamiloo inna Allaha AAaleemun bithati alssudoori
    31.24. NumattiAAuhum qaleelan thumma nadtarruhum ila AAathabin ghaleethin
    31.25. Wala-in saaltahum man khalaqa alssamawati waal-arda layaqoolunna Allahu quli alhamdu lillahi bal aktharuhum la yaAAlamoona
    31.26. Lillahi ma fee alssamawati waal-ardi inna Allaha huwa alghaniyyu alhameedu
    31.27. Walaw annama fee al-ardi min shajaratin aqlamun waalbahru yamudduhu min baAAdihi sabAAatu abhurin ma nafidat kalimatu Allahi inna Allaha AAazeezun hakeemun
    31.28. Ma khalqukum wala baAAthukum illa kanafsin wahidatin inna Allaha sameeAAun baseerun
    31.29. Alam tara anna Allaha yooliju allayla fee alnnahari wayooliju alnnahara fee allayli wasakhkhara alshshamsa waalqamara kullun yajree ila ajalin musamman waanna Allaha bima taAAmaloona khabeerun
    31.30. Thalika bi-anna Allaha huwa alhaqqu waanna ma yadAAoona min doonihi albatilu waanna Allaha huwa alAAaliyyu alkabeeru
    31.31. Alam tara anna alfulka tajree fee albahri biniAAmati Allahi liyuriyakum min ayatihi inna fee thalika laayatin likulli sabbarin shakoorin
    31.32. Wa-itha ghashiyahum mawjun kaalththulali daAAawoo Allaha mukhliseena lahu alddeena falamma najjahum ila albarri faminhum muqtasidun wama yajhadu bi-ayatina illa kullu khattarin kafoorin
    31.33. Ya ayyuha alnnasu ittaqoo rabbakum waikhshaw yawman la yajzee walidun AAan waladihi wala mawloodun huwa jazin AAan walidihi shay-an inna waAAda Allahi haqqun fala taghurrannakumu alhayatu alddunya wala yaghurrannakum biAllahi algharooru
    31.34. Inna Allaha AAindahu AAilmu alssaAAati wayunazzilu alghaytha wayaAAlamu ma fee al-arhami wama tadree nafsun matha taksibu ghadan wama tadree nafsun bi-ayyi ardin tamootu inna Allaha AAaleemun khabeerun

    • @ramadhanmusa4281
      @ramadhanmusa4281 Год назад +2


    • @Em-rt4pt
      @Em-rt4pt Год назад +2

      Thank U...

    • @rashidabashyr6324
      @rashidabashyr6324 Год назад +4

      Jazaakallahu khairan fi dunya Wal aakhira 🙏

    • @NayraVlogs.297
      @NayraVlogs.297 Год назад +1

      Jazakallahu Kheyr

    • @saadbaig7092
      @saadbaig7092 Год назад +10

      the Committee unanimously agreed that it is prohibited to write the Qur’an in Latin script or the letters of any other language, for the following reasons:
      The Quran was revealed in a clear Arabic tongue, both letters and meanings. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
      “And truly, this (the Quran) is a revelation from the Lord of the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists),
      Which the trustworthy Rooh (Jibrael (Gabriel)) has brought down
      Upon your heart (O Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) that you may be (one) of the warners,
      In the plain Arabic language”
      [ash-Shu‘ara’ 26:192-195].
      What is written in Latin letters cannot be called Quran, because Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
      “And thus We have sent it down as a Quran in Arabic”
      [Ta-Ha 20:113]
      “And indeed We know that they (polytheists and pagans) say: "It is only a human being who teaches him (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him))." The tongue of the man they refer to is foreign, while this (the Quran) is a clear Arabic tongue”
      [an-Nahl 16:103].
      The Quran was written down when it was revealed, and when it was compiled by Abu Bakr and ‘Uthmaan (may Allah be pleased with them), in Arabic letters. All the Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them) agreed to that, as did all the Taabi‘een, and those who came after them, until the present day, despite the fact that there were those who did not speak Arabic. And it is proven from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) that he said: “You must adhere to my Sunnah and the way of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs after me…”
      So it is obligatory to adhere to that, following what was done at the time of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and the Rightly-Guided Caliphs who succeeded him, and acting in accordance with the consensus of the ummah.
      The letters of different languages are something that people agree upon and are subject to being changed and replaced with other letters. Therefore there is the fear, if this door is opened, that it may lead to change every time people decide to pronounce a certain letter in a different manner, and there is the fear that the recitation may change accordingly, which would lead to confusion with the passage of time, so that the enemies of Islam could find a way to criticise the Qur’an, as happened with the previous Scriptures. So it is essential to prevent that, in order to preserve the source of Islam and block the means that may lead to evil and corruption.
      If a concession is granted allowing that or it is approved, there is the fear that the Quran may become a toy in people’s hands, so each one may suggest writing it in his alphabet or in any other alphabet, and undoubtedly that will lead to differences and confusion. It is essential to protect the Quran from that, so as to protect Islam and preserve the Book of Allah from tampering and variations.
      Writing the Quran in letters other than Arabic will discourage the Muslims from learning the Arabic language, in which they worship their Lord and learn and understand their religion.
      And Allah is the source of strength; may Allah send blessings and peace upon Muhammad and his family and companions.
      Council of Senior Scholars

  • @sheikhsamiul8381
    @sheikhsamiul8381 4 года назад +80

    I love my Islam
    I love my propet Muhammad sm
    I love Allah

    • @malayalimaman4329
      @malayalimaman4329 4 года назад +6

      I love Allah after I love my propet Muhammad sm

    • @TheMedicalLad
      @TheMedicalLad 4 года назад +1

      @@malayalimaman4329 brothers please write whole sallahu alayhi wassallam

    • @nadeembhat3164
      @nadeembhat3164 13 дней назад

      صلى الله عليه وسلم❤

    @SIMPLEPIJ 5 месяцев назад +12

    لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ ، وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيْرٌ

  • @arshzara3221
    @arshzara3221 7 месяцев назад +24

    Listening daily for good health of my baby in my womb ❤

  • @abbashussain2872
    @abbashussain2872 Год назад +52

    I wake up in the middle of the night and recite the Surah to get the peace that removes my worries and fatigue of the day. May Allah reward you greatly in this world and in the hereafter.

    @SIMPLEPIJ 5 месяцев назад +7

    Allah will suffice you in everything
    حَسْبِيَ اللهُ لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ، عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ ، وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيْمِ

  • @hamuunoghamuunog1097
    @hamuunoghamuunog1097 2 года назад +105

    I have everything because I'm Muslim alhamdullah I'm so proud to be Muslim alhamdullah I love all my Muslim brother's and sister's Al quran kalamullah ❤🥀😢😢

  • @Merciful601
    @Merciful601 6 месяцев назад +6

    I love this recitation ❤

  • @simpleman8644
    @simpleman8644 Год назад +192

    I am a new revert. This was shared with me today. I listen before I fall asleep to put peace in my heart. Alhamdulillah ❤

  • @mohammedayaz4124
    @mohammedayaz4124 9 месяцев назад +11

    Powerful message is this surah how clearly it instructs for a successful life . Most of us have forgotten the real life(akhirah) as allah said in this surah do not be decieved by this worldy life

  • @fardeenqureshi4029
    @fardeenqureshi4029 5 месяцев назад +20

    YA ALLAH help me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ya ALLAH

    • @EternalInteractive
      @EternalInteractive 4 месяца назад +1

      Ur making people think that Muslims are idiots please don't act like a 5 year old, be a grown adult. (Muslims are the best and truest religion ☪️)

    • @WahibaBoudjedra
      @WahibaBoudjedra 4 месяца назад


  • @sasa-qb5re
    @sasa-qb5re Год назад +16

    اللهم اجعل القرآن العظيم ربيع قلوبنا ونور صدورنا وجلاء حزننا وذهاب همنا يارب 😭🌹😍

  • @gamerspo75
    @gamerspo75 2 года назад +17

    اللهم اني اسألك الجنه بغير حساب ولا سابق عذاب يارب العالمين 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲

  • @Blackforestcakes1900
    @Blackforestcakes1900 7 месяцев назад +9

    I already memory this surah but i hear islam sobhi voice. this was amazing and new experience may give me beautiful voice like this, may Allah swt bless all my brothers and sisters

  • @ethioscience8929
    @ethioscience8929 2 года назад +89

    welahi Quran is a Medicine❤💚

  • @faridak2194
    @faridak2194 11 месяцев назад +44

    My daughter was complaining of stomache ache . Read that this Surah Luqman is a remedy. She fell asleep quickly listening to it alhamdulilla.
    MashaAllah a beautiful recitation.

    • @ownbossmsl
      @ownbossmsl 7 месяцев назад

      There is also shifa (cure) in Surah Rahman

    • @abz4852
      @abz4852 Месяц назад

      Please give a reference for this. The shifa comes from Allah not a surah

  • @malikabdallah6164
    @malikabdallah6164 2 месяца назад +5

    I am listening this since my my wife left me with my son was 2 months of his age and day by day increase my patience ❤ الحمد لله

  • @sma8775
    @sma8775 Год назад +41

    I believe if the mothers to be recite this surah everyday to your child in womb will produce a brilliant human being with good attachment to Islam as well

    • @manlikeak
      @manlikeak Год назад +3

      Stop promoting innovations please

    • @freefree5189
      @freefree5189 11 месяцев назад +1

      Advice in a kind way , But the one who listens to quran surely receives mercy. It said by Allah in the quran. When the Quran is recited, listen to it attentively and be silent, so you may be shown mercy.7204 surah Al_A raf

    • @ChernoBarry-in6mm
      @ChernoBarry-in6mm 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@manlikeakhow do you mean

    • @manlikeak
      @manlikeak 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@ChernoBarry-in6mm there is no evidence from the quran or the sunnah to support this practise

  • @Cutegirl_offical256
    @Cutegirl_offical256 4 месяца назад +4

    ❤❤❤ this is the best tilawat of surah Luqman ❤❤

  • @khamyszahor856
    @khamyszahor856 2 года назад +125

    It just became my favourite surah just by listening to islam sobhi.It started with a clip i saw recently of the ayat "Ya bunayya aqimi ssalaah".Mashaallah,God gave him a soothing voice.

  • @user-Barrie
    @user-Barrie Год назад +21

    Any time i listen to this surah it touche my heart deep inside me may Allah forgive us and give us janna tul firdaws amen

  • @ekrammarfa1754
    @ekrammarfa1754 3 месяца назад +2

    Ya bunay! I love to listen that verse very much. Mashallah

  • @gamerspo75
    @gamerspo75 2 года назад +5

    اللهم اني اسألك الجنه بغير حساب ولا سابق عذاب يارب العالمين 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲

  • @umarabdulbasit7884
    @umarabdulbasit7884 7 дней назад +2


  • @galaashe1
    @galaashe1 3 года назад +45

    I have a little brother he is five months I put this on for him he sleeps everytime may allah bless him

  • @mdjakirhossain9498
    @mdjakirhossain9498 Год назад +14

    ❤ quran.i heated this sura near 100 times.may allaha grant islam shobi.

  • @shuabkunwar
    @shuabkunwar Год назад +24

    4:15 ماشاءاللہ a message that should be shared by every Father with his son

  • @saidkhalid6745
    @saidkhalid6745 2 года назад +189

    Masha'Allah...Suratul Luqman,I love it that I prayed to Allah to grant me a son I call him Luqman.Alhamdhulillah Allah gave me a son he's called Luqman

    • @sadiqatiku536
      @sadiqatiku536 2 года назад +3

      Ma Sha Allah. Congratulations

    • @alitoz1609
      @alitoz1609 2 года назад

      Ameen i.a you will get ason

    • @Tesrefny
      @Tesrefny 2 года назад +2

      Maa Syaa Alloh Alhamdulillah congratulations

    • @saidkhalid6745
      @saidkhalid6745 2 года назад +2

      @Sadiq Atiku @Eric Setiawan....Shuqran brothers,May Allah grant us all our wishes

    • @yugeafrianto8773
      @yugeafrianto8773 2 года назад +1

      Barakallah.. brother

  • @IbrahimIbrahim-nq7bn
    @IbrahimIbrahim-nq7bn 9 месяцев назад +4

    ❤لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم رب العرش الكريم ❤

  • @MyraMikhailova
    @MyraMikhailova 6 месяцев назад +9

    There has never been an event where the recitation of surah tul Luqman by Islam sobhi hasn’t been put in my school..Alhamdulillah for attending an Islamic school 🫶🏽

  • @mohammedalshabi4676
    @mohammedalshabi4676 Год назад +4

    لا اله الا الله
    سبحان الله
    استغفر الله
    الحمد لله
    الله اكبر
    لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
    اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليك يا حبيبي يا رسول الله ♥️

  • @RahmanRahman-pu6zq
    @RahmanRahman-pu6zq 10 месяцев назад +8

    The Qur'an cool my heart

  • @DrMdkhanTerminator
    @DrMdkhanTerminator Год назад +11

    Quran is best tharapy for every stress and pains by Allah subhan wa tallah

  • @Cutegirl_offical256
    @Cutegirl_offical256 6 месяцев назад +8

    Masha Alllah beautiful recitation or Surah Luqman❤❤❤❤

  • @Nosyagent
    @Nosyagent 7 месяцев назад +4

    The Quran goes for your heart. The beautiful recital along with the translation will make you emotional. Alhamdulillah ala nimatul Islam.
    Beautiful recitation

  • @MiddleEast-4Ever
    @MiddleEast-4Ever 4 года назад +84

    Subhanallah i always get tears in eyes in the end of surat may Allah bless Islam Sobhi and grant him jannah.

  • @abdoolfakie1021
    @abdoolfakie1021 Год назад +9

    The truth will be the truth. Whether it pleases us or not.
    The Quran is the word of Allah
    May we all strive to be better humans.

  • @ايةايات-ق4م
    @ايةايات-ق4م 2 года назад +9

    ماشاء لله على هذا الصوت جميل ترك على هذا الصوت جميل 🤲🤲❤

  • @Afza_-
    @Afza_- 8 месяцев назад +14

    I was feeling restless but now I'm calm down.🙃🙃

  • @LuqmanAlhakim-l7r
    @LuqmanAlhakim-l7r Год назад +6

    InchaAllah j’appellerai mon fils Luqman j’aime bcp l’histoire de cet homme.

  • @poeticportraits
    @poeticportraits 6 месяцев назад +3

    Alhamdulillah..beautiful recitation❤

  • @peacetv9908
    @peacetv9908 2 месяца назад +1

    SubhanAllah ❤Alhamdulillah ❤Allah hu Akbar ❤Al Jabbar❤

  • @hassaanguracha6517
    @hassaanguracha6517 2 месяца назад +3

    My favorite surah,I love it

  • @soumiamoujane3695
    @soumiamoujane3695 2 года назад +59

    I have just found out Isam sobhi is a Egyptian Quran Reciter and I think he has a beautiful soft voice and he is my number one favourite Quran reciter. And every surah he recites is beautiful ❤💖🙏🤲

    • @CatsForLife21
      @CatsForLife21 2 года назад +2

      Masha Allah

    • @agirajoao2445
      @agirajoao2445 Год назад +3

      Shukran jazila my brother

    • @mdshawon4184
      @mdshawon4184 Год назад


    • @Okhgt
      @Okhgt Год назад

      @@agirajoao2445 iiikiil me
      Mliik😊k ik😊i
      😊 ik io
      Ook k😊oo ik😊

    • @Okhgt
      @Okhgt Год назад

      Mmmmmp Mm m

  • @kamaldaud1109
    @kamaldaud1109 3 года назад +28

    I love listening to Sheikh Islam Sobhi, Sheikh Misyari, Sheikh Omar Hisham, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Ausi etc

  • @alishanbeh2004
    @alishanbeh2004 Месяц назад +1

    Alhamdulilah! I have memorized the surah thanks to Allah then you and the reciter Islam, thank you all❤

  • @UmOmar-ky4ys
    @UmOmar-ky4ys 6 месяцев назад +3

    سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله آلعظيم الحمدلله رب العرش العظيم

  • @NahidSultana-s5z
    @NahidSultana-s5z 7 месяцев назад +3

    Quran is the Excellent theology ❤

  • @deeniraah6269
    @deeniraah6269 2 месяца назад +1

    Beautiful voice...i listings this surah almost 100 time❤❤❤

  • @gangster1394
    @gangster1394 Год назад +8

    মাসা আল্লাহ তিলাওয়াত যখনআরও শুনি তখন মন জুরিয়ে যায়

  • @alRuh-005
    @alRuh-005 Год назад +9

    The Glorious Qur'an The Truth it is
    Fabulously Recited.
    All Praises and Thanks Belongs To The Glorious One Supreme Allah Rob-UL-Alamin.

  • @nimcomukhtaar3105
    @nimcomukhtaar3105 Год назад +9

    ماشاء الله تبارك الله

  • @abdallahsulemana3498
    @abdallahsulemana3498 8 месяцев назад +7

    😢😢 Allah is so merciful to us , none of us will have an excuse on the day of accountability! Man will regret so much that he didn’t pay any heed to Allahs warning!! Ya Allah pls do not take our breath unless you are pleased with our deeds ! Have mercy on us for we are mere mortals and sinners we are so weak and very ungrateful please leave us on the straight path until our last breath! If we have transgressed against you pls forgive us ! We are sincere and true servants of yours but we are so weak in Iman pls have mercy on us 🥹

  • @JideBoy-h1u
    @JideBoy-h1u 2 дня назад

    amaizing surah🤩🤩

  • @UbaidAlAmriky
    @UbaidAlAmriky 24 дня назад

    ALLAHumabarik shaikh voice... man

  • @LuqmanKhan-ri3ge
    @LuqmanKhan-ri3ge 9 месяцев назад +8

    MashAllah ❤💖💕❣️

  • @naziashahid5007
    @naziashahid5007 Год назад +4

    Mashallah subhan allah allah bless you❤

  • @SlimAhmid
    @SlimAhmid 8 месяцев назад +1

    ربي مهم فعلت و أذنبت وأخطأت فإنك انت الغفور الرحيم الرؤوف الحي القيوم العظيم الودود البصير الحكيم السميع العليم الواحد الاحد الصمد فبعزتك وجلالك وقوتك ورحمتك وعظمتك وقدرتك يا ارحم الرحمين ان ترحمني وتغفر لي ولكل مومن وتعزنا بعزك وترزقنا بفضلك وتساعدنا على حسن عبادتك وطاعتك وتهدينا سبيل الصالحين و المحسنين يا غفور وتعلمنا من علمك الذي علمت به عبادك الصالحين انت الوحيد النصير و الولي إلى الحق في الحيوة يارب وفي الآخرة انك على كل شيء قدير انت من تقول للشيء كن فيكون فساعدنا يا لطيف وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنى عذاب النار يا ارحم الرحمين رب المستضعفين رب كل شيءٍ انت ربي لا أشرك بك شيئا على ملت آبائنا إبراهيم و إسماعيل وإسحاق ويعقوب وكل أنبيائك وعبادك الصالحين 🕊️🤍🙏🏼☝🏼

  • @muniratalal9273
    @muniratalal9273 2 года назад +7

    SubhanaAllah heart soothing
    Allahummabaariik islam sobhi

  • @aliyusaeed
    @aliyusaeed 4 месяца назад +1

    Indeed allah is the best writer ❤
    Qur’an is always the best 💯

  • @عباسكامل-ر6ر
    @عباسكامل-ر6ر 14 дней назад +1

    الله اكبر❤

  • @mohammad.jahangiralam6854
    @mohammad.jahangiralam6854 2 года назад +19

    It’s just my favourite surah.

  • @Abdul-d8y
    @Abdul-d8y 3 месяца назад +1

    Subhanallah I'm muslim and your my favorite reciter - a 10 year old Muslim boy omaid

  • @AsaadElAbed
    @AsaadElAbed 8 месяцев назад +3

    Quran is the key to Islam 🤲😌

  • @BottegaVendetta
    @BottegaVendetta 2 года назад +23

    Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
    The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was asked: "Which Salat is the best?" He replied, " The best Salat is that in which Qiyam (the duration of standing) is longer."

  • @mdsahaalom8889
    @mdsahaalom8889 22 дня назад +1

    Masha Allah ❤

  • @kaddysamba-q5t
    @kaddysamba-q5t Год назад +3

    Masaha Allah , may Allah reword him

  • @ThuwaibaK-io2mb
    @ThuwaibaK-io2mb Месяц назад

    Seriously this surah has a serious message...In Shaa Allah 🙏 when Allah grant me a baby boy i will name him Luqman🙏🙏...Islam.Sobhi may Allah grant you jannat fir-daus Ma Sha Allah you have a soothing voice..May Allah grant us all Muslim in the entire world 🌍 jannat fir-daus yarabbi 🙏🙏🙏

  • @rkia2960
    @rkia2960 2 года назад +28

    Sunhanallah, i can’t stop hearing it.

  • @Cutegirl_offical256
    @Cutegirl_offical256 6 месяцев назад +3

    Masha Alllah dear brother Islam you ND your parents r very lucky 😢

  • @IsmailRahmouni-t9y
    @IsmailRahmouni-t9y 6 месяцев назад +4

    Perfect Quran of Allah's deen

  • @AsaadElAbed
    @AsaadElAbed 8 месяцев назад +4

    Quran is the key the Islam

  • @HabibaMimon
    @HabibaMimon 4 месяца назад +2

    ❤❤❤ preciosa recitacion me enamora cada vez que la escucho❤❤❤❤

  • @Tislyfe
    @Tislyfe 11 месяцев назад +1

    One of the most favourite people in the world to me after mujahideen are the qura. May Allah bless you all the highest of jannah.
    The way the Qari delivers us the speech of Allah is absolutely beautiful and brings me to tears always. I can’t sleep without Quran. It calms me. The purest and truest words that ever exist. I am so so grateful to Allah for creating me, for giving me imaan and for giving us the Quran. I believe after being created and given imaan the Quran is the greatest gift and mercy of Allah 💜

  • @khattabvlogs4700
    @khattabvlogs4700 3 года назад +21

    Mashallah i love it and it gose thorught my heart i listen this almost everyday

  • @Obaidullah313
    @Obaidullah313 6 месяцев назад +2

    The advice Luqman gave to his son about Shirk…. ALLAH HU AKBAR.
    @4:15 That is something so deep…

  • @mohamedlaminthunkara23854
    @mohamedlaminthunkara23854 2 года назад +26

    My soul is filled with peace, what a melodious voice and a calm recitation. May Allah bless you 🙏

  • @YashooPatrickYashoo-y3l
    @YashooPatrickYashoo-y3l Год назад +3

    Masha Allah ❤❤❤🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

  • @shaikhsomir3665
    @shaikhsomir3665 2 дня назад

    Subhan allah

  • @martin_kurdish
    @martin_kurdish 3 года назад +4

    سبحان اللە وبحمد❤allhamdulellah❤
    ♡❤allah u akbar❤
    اللهم صل على محمد وعلى ال محمد

  • @sidramohammad7679
    @sidramohammad7679 Месяц назад +1

    I like this surat so much

  • @soulemanmefire7915
    @soulemanmefire7915 7 месяцев назад +5

    2024 ramadan mubarak

    @SIMPLEPIJ 5 месяцев назад

    سبحان اللہ

  • @NahidSultana-s5z
    @NahidSultana-s5z 9 месяцев назад

    Excellent Telawat ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
    Amin 🙏

  • @rkia2960
    @rkia2960 2 года назад +32

    mashallah, I listen you this every morning and it’s the most beautiful Quran voice I’ve heard yet. 🤲🏻💗

  • @LuqmanKhan-zo2dm
    @LuqmanKhan-zo2dm Год назад +4

    Love this surah ❤️💕💖💞♥️💗💓💯💙🌹

  • @ayinkamiyeumulisa8070
    @ayinkamiyeumulisa8070 2 дня назад

    I love you Islam

  • @takich9317
    @takich9317 4 года назад +105

    Subhanallah, i wish this had more views, the brother has moved me. May Allah bless him Maa shaa Allah

    • @lifelife2999
      @lifelife2999 4 года назад +1

      The recitation of Noble Qur'an, Surah Luqman recited by Islam Sobhi has millions and millions of views in other channels

    • @Hertz4life
      @Hertz4life 4 года назад

      don't worry bro its has millions and millions views so many different channel's have uploaded Islam sobhi

    • @Youbettersaysubhanallah
      @Youbettersaysubhanallah 3 года назад +2

      Bismi Allah al Rahman al Raheem🌿
      : بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم🌿🕋
      Asalamualeikum 💫 here's a Reminder !! Say :
      -SubhanAllah x3
      -Astagfiru Allah x3
      -AlhamduliAllah x3 -Subhana Allah wa bi hamdihi - Subhana Allah al 'adeem x 3
      -Allah-akbar x3
      Allah bless us and grant us Jannatul firdaus ( don't hesitate to SHARE this )

    • @abdulrahimumushi9440
      @abdulrahimumushi9440 2 года назад +2

      It has really moved me indeed Islam is the right religion

  • @omaimagonzalezmoussati8661
    @omaimagonzalezmoussati8661 3 года назад +8

    Love You Allah ❤️

  • @OmarMohammed-m3l
    @OmarMohammed-m3l 3 месяца назад +1

    ❤❤ relaxing recitation Mashallah

  • @khatabalboredi
    @khatabalboredi 4 месяца назад

    This Surah proves everyone wrong that Allah is the creator of everything❤

  • @ibraahmed1264
    @ibraahmed1264 Год назад +3

    MASHALLAH what a beautiul voice

  • @siyaadjabjaceel4573
    @siyaadjabjaceel4573 Год назад +3

    Masha allah 😢😢😢❤❤

  • @mdrashedparvez1586
    @mdrashedparvez1586 Год назад +5

    Beautiful voice
    Masha'Allah 🖤🥀

  • @ownbossmsl
    @ownbossmsl 7 месяцев назад

    All Praises to the Most High, may we be granted His endless Mercy and forgiveness 🤲🏼☝🏽