廢紙股票。趁早脫手。換回現金最實在。「你要明白事實。藝人職業高風險。」隨時有生命危險。行程安排緊密。就足夠承擔高風險。心血管疾病。不是嗎?人身體是肉做的。終年天天經不起過度操勞。缺乏適當休息。缺乏睡眠充足。難保長壽可保健康狀況。藝人辛苦所得。那些大筆資金流向股市。必須長期投資金錢在股市。家變需要急用大筆資金。股票中途斷頭也枉然長期投資。總之要賺那些高利率。時間需要十年二十年三十年。無人可保證無常何時出現啊。萬一當事人持股份人物掰掰過世。家屬對股票不內行。會被大股給吃掉。直接賣掉股票。手中持有股份權出售交易。斷絕老東家藝人經紀公司的不合理簽約控制。是最明智之舉。😂😂 waste paper stock. Get out early. It's the best way to get cash back. "You have to understand the facts. The career of an artist is high risk." Life is at risk at any time. The itinerary is tight. enough to take high risk. Cardiovascular diseases. isn't it? The human body is made of flesh. Overworked all year round. Lack of proper rest. Lack of adequate sleep. It is difficult to guarantee longevity but good health. An artist's hard work. Those big money flows to the stock market. Money must be invested in the stock market for the long term. Home change requires a large amount of money urgently. It is also a long-term investment in vain if the stock is decapitated in the middle. Anyway to earn those high interest rates. It takes ten, twenty, thirty years. No one can guarantee when impermanence will appear. In case the parties holding shares pass away. Family members are not familiar with stocks. Will be eaten by large stocks. Sell the stock directly. Sale of shares held in hand. Cut off the unreasonable contract control of the old club's artist agency. is the smartest move. 😂😂
waste paper stock. Get out early. It's the best way to get cash back. "You have to understand the facts. The career of an artist is high risk." Life is at risk at any time. The itinerary is tight. enough to take high risk. Cardiovascular diseases. isn't it? The human body is made of flesh. Overworked all year round. Lack of proper rest. Lack of adequate sleep. It is difficult to guarantee longevity but good health. An artist's hard work. Those big money flows to the stock market. Money must be invested in the stock market for the long term. Home change requires a large amount of money urgently. It is also a long-term investment in vain if the stock is decapitated in the middle. Anyway to earn those high interest rates. It takes ten, twenty, thirty years. No one can guarantee when impermanence will appear. In case the parties holding shares pass away. Family members are not familiar with stocks. Will be eaten by large stocks. Sell the stock directly. Sale of shares held in hand. Cut off the unreasonable contract control of the old club's artist agency. is the smartest move. 😂😂
賺夠了 不想再忍內部矛盾 很正常 smap不也是
韓國新聞胡說八道,很多人也跟著不用腦胡說報導,221015防彈自己證實他們並沒有宣佈要暫停團務,是新聞媒體說的。 就算用腦袋想也知道。防彈身上的廣告代言在還沒有完成之前,是能隨意喊暫停不履行的嗎? 防彈一直是標榜參與自己歌曲創作的團體,rapperline線是重要的,但連唱了好幾首英文歌曲,歌是別人寫的,rap的部份顯得可有可無。如果你是RM或SUGA會沒有不滿嗎? RM甚至說不知道自己是什麼團體了?
One Direction 成員不和吧
成員陸續都要當兵了 那有什麼不和