After nearly 50 years I have arrived at a conclusion. There is no single aspect of my life that would become easier, cheaper, more fulfilling, quieter, or less annoying by adding a woman to it.
28 But if you do get married, it is not a sin. And if a young woman gets married, it is not a sin. However, those who get married at this time will have troubles, and I am trying to spare you those problems. 1 Corinthians 7:28
@@madhatter9001 Not really. Being deceived by a serpent does not really connect to how wmn are in reality. The epic of Gilgamesh does more to "Red Pill" us about them!
It only took me one wife to figure out that wmn can not love. They can't even detect love. I married my high school sweetheart. I made several permanent, life changing sacrifices for her. I dedicated all I had and all I could do for her benefit. After five years of building our lives together, she asked me, "What do I have to do to make you love me?" That was the moment when I knew she could not love. She couldn't even detect love.
Women are narcissists. They think life revolves around them. Women are used to getting attention and free things all the time. So it takes a lot of effort to keep impressing her. Men understand that if a person chooses to remain by your side, that person really cares about you. Women don't understand this.
Two things a woman cannot do without, in slightly varying degrees, are lots of affection and resources. I'm 73, married and divorced twice. My first wife could take or leave the affection and didn't care for sex, but she loved the resources and didn't mind that I practically lived on the job. My second wife was a pretty good fit for about 10 or twelve years and two kids, but she seemed to become bored with the relationship. She no longer wanted affection nor sex, at least from me. After helping her get a career started as a nurse she left me for a doctor. They eventually married but from what I hear, they argue constantly. The grass is not always greener in another pasture.
🙂 my first second third wife were fairly affectionate, but the fourth wife was definitely something wrong with her from the start, she could smile and pretend to be affectionate a little bit but for the most part she was unemotional and stoic, i interpreted it wrong and thought that it was a sign of maturity but only till after its over i realized that she was either sick or just born to be bad like The Omen, i feel sorry for my Son cause thats his mother, one day I gotta explain this to him and I don't know if he's going to believe me
And that's why Love for men is a SACRIFICE. What we want in return is RESPECT and LOYALTY because women cant love. But nowadays women cant even show respect nor loyalty.
I would add Gratitude to that list as well gratitude is everything even above loyalty because if she is grateful you never have to worry about loyalty ever being an issue.
Narcissists have no empathy towards anyone. They are grandiose, entitled, selfish, and see others as objects to worship them. This seems to fit most of them, sadly. Stay single.
Woman are full of love. For shopping. For hairstyles and clothing styles. For social media. For complaining. For their pets and sometimes on and off their own children.
oh come on. I know deep down you don't believe it. You are just rationalizing something. The problem is "Women aren't capable of loving men." The solution already exists within our DNA. This is a problem that has recurred in cycles throughout history, since before written history. The solution has already been selected for over and over. All we need to do as humans is to "Remember" that feeling deep down, remember the struggles our ancient ancestors faced, and remember the feeling of their victories. Our DNA remembers, we need to let our DNA take control of our conscious minds and guide us to the solutions of our problems.
@@LeonardNemoy Wish I were. Hypergamy and loyalty do not go together. The moment a man falls ill, or loses his job, the woman will monkey-branch to the next guy (that she has already lined up, btw). And she will have no qualms about it, either. You could say modern women are only loyal to themselves (in their quest to find the best guy). Which is just a fancy way of saying women are not loyal at all. I know deep down you know it's true. I do think women can love, btw; their children, most notably. But, as a man, at best your relationship with her is tentative: while you keep 'doing' for her, or until a better guy comes along.
@@gladosadoree Do you have memories of being a child yourself? A woman could love the child-like part of you, perhaps. I refuse to believe in the hopelessness of Modern Love and Dating. I believe it is all an insane trick, a sick game to be played. And you win the game when you feel the feeling (I cannot say what it is; completeness? True Love? I don't know.) We all have the power within ourselves and I refuse to let anyone have doubt about it
I married my wife because she was honest and strong. I remember when my wife divorced me - She said she never loved me. That truth spilt my heart. Never again.
@bassk1000o there isn't really. Other than long long vetting stages. And that's not going to happen through dating apps only through knowing someone for along time which is why I dont date at all and haven't for a years anf a half. If I meet someone and know them for a long time I might consider it but I'm saving my money otherwise. There are far more important females in my life that deserve it. Mother, sister, daughters. Strangers won't get that privilege of time and until they are vetted and cecome important. Which is the way it was always meant to be. Organic is always best
They believe that because as usual they're projecting themselves onto men; it's they themselves that are incapable of love, but instead mistakenly assume their train wreck of infatuations is love.
Their sociopathic mentality is due to their arrested emotional and moral development; it typically stops at level 3 of Kohlberg’s 6 Stages Of Moral Development.
The only woman who ever helped me was my Mother, and that is a fact. My wife went dark after only a 7 year marriage. She started an affair with a co-worker and together they concocted a scheme to put me in jail, take my kids and my house away from me....and they did, but I got it all back. My sister, in charge of my mothers estate, tried to screw me and my brother out of everything she could, but I fought that too, and won. And my last job, a woman at work claimed harassment, and got me fired. And the truth was, I NEVER SAID A WORD TO HER! From what I can see, women DO NOT ENHANCE A MANS LIFE AT ALL, JUST THE OPPOSITE.
there is already a contradiction in the statement. your mother helped you because she loved you. woman can love another human being. most women love their children. this is certainly not love or affection in the romantic sense. but it is deep and honest. so why shouldn't a woman be able to love a man?
@@nickf2170 I know. Your words are not a contradiction in terms. But in relation to the title of the video. Those were my thoughts in connection with the video. And the main theme is that women can't love. You weren't talking about love, but about the fact that your mother was the only one who helped you. The question is why did she help you? Out of boredom? Perhaps out of a false sense of duty? because of a guilty conscience? Quite possible. But I think entirely because you are your mother's son. Because she loves you. Maybe you can find the common thread now.
Women can love ... themselves ... A woman loves the false image or idea of her man, but she doesn't really love him in the truest sense. Almost every ancient culture has described women as evil or chaotic.
When my wife of 7 years left me cause she was having an affair she said to me, "I love you but I am not 'in love' with you." I ended up homeless and living in my car because of that small detail.
@@stpfs9281I'm reminded about Job because that's the book the kids are learning in Children's ministry. Don't forget, Satan didn't kill off Jobs wife whom told him to curse God and die.
"Far from Eden" is putting herself in a man's shoes to understand women. Eye opening, isn't it. Nora Vicent, wrote a book trying to understand from a man's perspective it depressed her so bad, she never recovered and she offed herself. Also values like: "honesty" "honor" "accountability" "loyalty" "love" are foreign concepts to women. These are higher purpose that ONLY men can understand and achieve. And here is something only men knows deep down, you are born alone and you will die alone and everything that is truly yours that nobody can take away is your word.
Look at all the love songs men have written over the years. The longing, the desire that men have for women. When women write love songs it’s all about how he wronged her, (see Taylor Swift). Women don’t love, they need. Men fulfilling a women’s needs. That’s love to a woman.
And women "love" songs are usually about being abandoned or him leaving for another, which could be understood "the supply dried up, and now I'm angry"
Listen to Jennifer Rush - The Power of Love. Just remember it is an exception. The message in that song is how I conceive of a woman truly loving. But none I have found have measured up.
@ It’s a nice song, and rare for a female lyricist to write a love song that actually lets him know that she loves him and that he has value to her. The only other one that I can think of is “Let’s hear it for the boy” and I don’t know who the artist was. It was a poppy, 80’s tune. I remember being struck by the lyrics because I had never heard a woman being supportive of men like that. It was highly unusual lyrically speaking. Makes me wonder if a man wrote it.
I have a box...but it is full of things from my first marriage. My second wife knew about it, understanding they were things I held dear. You see, my first wife passed away a little over two years after we were married. My second wife never begrudged me about having that box. The only time I went through my box while married to my second wife was when we went through it together. She understood. She cried with me and for me. She understood why I didn't remarry for over 20 years.
Absolutely true. Love is a choice. Women confuse love with that butterfly feeling which is usually the same feeling you get when you skip class. That really uneasy feeling that you’re about to get caught sneaking off school property. It is that excitement of something new and dangerous. That’s what women think love is and when that feeling goes away because she’s become comfortable she thinks she’s falling out of love.
The wife of basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal, Shaunie O'Neal, wrote a book after divorcing him in which she admitted that she never loved him; this was after she had bore him five children and had him adopt her son from a failed relationship. It wasn't enough to divorce him and use the children to enrich herself, she had to humiliate him and break his spirit. Grandma Jenna is doing a bad job at pretending that she forgot about those love letters from her multiple lovers; I know that she kept them as souvenirs to reminisce about her glory days as a 304 and to make her decision to settle for her husband more bearable.
Well said. Yes, to then write a book and belittle him, the father of the children she bore to him. Disgusting, despicable filth. And then, to have to give her all of the spoils of divorce, at the point of a gun, is the depths of injustice. Any man who puts himself into the position Where he can be dragged into a courtroom and have his family and life destroyed, is a fool, knowing what we now know. Don't do it gents.
@@IamDoogy"Any man who puts themselves in a position..." Yeah I'm in the latter half of my life. I realize that there is no point in risking what i got and need now and gamble it all away for stuff (women) that i dont need. Dont put yourself in a position to lose. That's all there is to it.
They don't understand what true love is, they only know one perspective, their such a degree that they will unalive their own children for convenience's sake, en masse.
"Every woman I have ever met was a natural born lier. Glad to know it's no different with the Sisterhood." Clint Eastwood in Two Miles for Sister Sarah.
I’m 51 divorced and I’ve never felt truly loved. I loved my wife and she used that fact against till one day I’d had enough. I then met a woman I truly adored she was my absolute world, but after 15 years she ended it will a single text. It completely destroyed me, so yes men can love women just knock it out of us. I am now alone and I will die alone.
@@derp8575 It's not that 'all women are like that' but that any woman at any time can be exactly like that without any repercussions and plenty of financial rewards and incentive, even at the expense of their own children and that doesn't seem to bother 10/10 them whatsoever. The institution of marriage itself was corrupted long ago and anyone who takes this sham seriously, at this point, deserves to get dragged through the broken glass.
Hence the reason they get much of their dating advice from other women. Comfortable lies are preferred to women over uncomfortable truths. We didn't have a simp epidemic or people calling traditionalists "incels" when the patriarchy existed.
Sometimes people only want to believe the lies, the "half-baked ideas", and other distortions because of a vast sense of emptiness and insecurities. My prayer is that ALL women begin to realize this, and make amends.
I have written this 1 million times before on your channel and I’ll write it and million times more! You are an absolute legend!!! Thank you so much for showing true respect to men!!! I don’t personally believe we need to be admired even if that might be nice… But we absolutely need to be respected and I think women like you for showing that!!!
Two movies that women have really liked, Bridges of Madison County and Shirley Valentine, have basically the same premise, women 'trapped' in a life/marriage and wanting 'more'. The woman in Bridges has an affair with a photographer and keeps a diary (her box) which her daughters discover after her death. She describes the affair, of course the daughters admire her 'escape' from her married life for that time her husband was away. He wasn't a bad husband she just wanted 'more'. In Shirley Valentine the woman is married to what she considers a boring man and leaves him for love and adventure to fulfill herself. To me this speaks to a woman's insatiable desire to keep seeking 'more', no matter the cost or wreckage it causes. Don't get me started on 50 shades of Grey.
And those stories never show her withholding affection and sex from her husband for years or decades while she pines away to escape for something "more"
"Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. They who walk in uprightness fear the LORD, but the one who is devious in their ways despises Him" Proverbs 14:1 Women marry men and try to change them, men marry women because they believe them. They believe all the feelings, they believe the affection is real, they believe the words they say, they believe the peace and good times are for real but as soon as they make that marriage vow, it all comes crashing down. His head becomes a vessel of torments, his actions become that of someone coping with stress, his words are steeped in confusion and self doubt as she begins a campaign to destroy him, annoy him and test him until she provokes a reaction she can exploit. It's so strange but I see it SO much.
@@Nyt250 You exist to Him. There are currently married men going through terrible times that most single men could never imagine. Jesus still exists, regardless of what someone is going through.
If you seek God earnestly, you will find Him. God is real regardless of how we feel about Him, and we'll all have to stand before Him one day. Truly, God is the only one who can fully understand us. No woman nor mortal man has the ability to. God is who taught me that love isn't a feeling, inherently, it's a choice to do right by someone continually. I began listening to an audio Bible on my work commutes at the recommendation of a coworker, and it began to change me. As I truly made God my Lord and began to follow His commands as best I knew how, I began to actually feel love toward God, and I can feel that God loves me. It's both bizarre and amazing. I understand that I'm not a good person, nor is anyone but God, but God saved me by His abundant grace and mercy, just as He did with my earthly father before me. Though, my father's testimony is more intense. Many years ago my father was a wayward soul. He was going to a church even though he wasn't saved yet, though he had read the Bible looking for answers to life's questions. During one particular sermon, he started hearing a powerful voice speak to him, addressing him by name and saying "You cannot resist your Father's love another day." He looked around, and no one else could hear it. He said he knew that if he left that church that day without being saved, he would die. He didn't know how, but he felt it was a certainty. I would have thought such an experience would have been scary for him, but he said he wasn't afraid because in that moment he could feel the overwhelming love and mercy of God, and he was baptized that day. I assure you, my father is a practical and sane man. I believe his testimony. In some ways, it's not dissimilar to how Christ confronted the apostle Paul and temporarily blinded him when he had been persecuting Christians, and Paul gave up his high worldly position and turned away from his those he had known and worked with to instead spread the gospel--eventually leading him to die a martyr for Christ. I've made my peace with the fact that I may never find a woman. That I will never truly be understood by anyone in this walk of life. No one else can look in my head or see my spirit. No one has the ability to understand everything about me. What motivates me. What my fears and concerns are. The overwhelming loneliness I bore for much of my early life. No one but God. No one but my Lord and Savior can truly see me for all that I am. I still falter at times, I know He loves me more than I love Him, and I still make mistakes. While I sometimes betray Him, I know He won't betray me. There is no love greater than God's. "The one who has My Commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him." - Jesus the Christ, John 14:21, Holman Christian Standard Bible* *I recommend the HCSB/CSB and ESV Bibles. They translate the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic into understandable modern English. There's a good RUclips playlist for the ESV audio Bible.
"the bible commands women to obey their husbands... not love them" respect is the word you are looking for. and yes, women have absolutely no idea what that means.
It's also not something natural for a man to love his wife, as Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it, but it's still taught in Ephesians 5:25. It's not natural to be self sacrificial, but to be self gratifying.But, just because it's not inherent, does not mean that it can't be done. And, even if it is inherent (like, cooking), one does need teaching to be done, properly.
Whatever the percentage, it only makes sense when you realize how low their self esteem and self regard is in many cases. It's immeasurably low compared to the average man who would never marry for money or pair up for life or for decades with someone he didn't have any feelings for. Even men in the bottom 10% of self esteem are higher than the large majority of women.
There's no such thing as unconditional love between a man and women sweetheart. Turning a man down for sex constantly is grounds for divorce as far as I'm concerned. If she does she doesn't love you.
Years later my current pastor confirmed this for me. I was committed thinking I couldn’t divorce for religious reasons but it is a form of abandonment.
98% of NICE GUYS will Always Finish Last . . with Commitment, and Especially with-in a marriage. MGTOW 4 Life Way back = up to 1990... i WAS There also. Sex maybe twice a year - n That also was with NO kids. All the Material Benefits + CA$H never dissipated from Her Thoughts that she Deserved it all
It is a choice and the bible also makes that clear. Jesus said: "If you love me, keep my commandments" It's clearly shown as a choice, not something you feel but rather something you do.
Sometimes I go _"a woman wrote this."_ There is a lot of women out there who resent men because their relationships ended and they couldn't get the guy they wanted. And they talk to other women with the same issues, become feminists and write vitriol. Women have such a hard time getting over their exes, and they think getting over an ex means to sleep with another guy like it proves they've healed or are rdy to move on, which opens up a whole can of worms for them and repeats the cycle of dating-go-bad thus men-bad.
@@mrblank-zh1xy People are "not God". So, you won't sacrifice for them? You ALREADY do. Cain and Abel might not have to do with how people are towards each other(I think it does). But this: "If you do what is right, wont you be accepted?" That statement applies to all sorts of things. Not just Humans and God.
your channel is so are what women should be. There are very few women out here saying the things that you are, so thank you so much for even taking the time...I can see it; you're doing it because it's right, and it's the truth, and if things are *ever* going to get any better, then we need more people who are willing to speak the truth, *especially* women. I used to think that women could love, but now I am honestly reconsidering that, esp after this video...and from everything I have seen...
Thank you so much for speaking about this. I am married to this... 31 years. I have taken much abuse, accusations of all the things she is doing, but I get blamed. I have been committed, and she expects it of me, but she is unwilling to commit to me. I have never given up on her, keep forgiving her even for horrendous things, continue treating her as I want to be treated, and this is only reason we are still together. She knows she has it good, yet she does not appreciate or love. It is so encouraging to me to hear your message, to have someone affirm what I know in my heart, that it is not me. Sometimes I have wondered if I am just that deceived, that it is me, yet I know it is not. Thank you! And I'm glad there is at least one woman who is better than these deceived women who try in all the wrong ways to find happiness and fulfilment, yet it eludes them and they find themselves miserable.
I can only speak for my situation: I do believe my wife was trauma bonded to her father (and mother) and I thought this was a loving close knit family while dating though she didn’t do well with her older sister. With me? I do believe she did love me however what percentage was love versus trauma-bond? I don’t know. G-d knows her heart better than me and I knew about her childhood and her life with me for 45 years. I refuse to throw her on the scrap heap knowing I’ll face G-d and her in the future for eternity. I miss her. Knowing her life causes me not to consider relationships going forward, I have no desire for messes and drama.
The Greeks supposedly have no less than six words that all translate into the single English word: Love. I think it's fairly evident that men and women are talking about different things even though they're using the same word. A man is probably talking about a combination of _eros_ and _agape._ Meanwhile, women frequently are talking about _ludos_ and _pragma._ But using just one word is causing confusion.
"You cared more about her, than she did you." My son said to me, he had asked me about a very old flame who I was in love with before I meet his mother. I let him read my story and his words "You cared more about her, then she did you." was illuminating and I saw the walls of my prison.
That is insanity and definitely anti-family - I would even say demonic. You can change your name to one of the other gender - but a wife cannot take her husbands name?
love is an emotion, its like a Meth High, It only lasts so long before it goes away. If you are constantly seeking the love high then like any junkie you will have to keep increasing the dose until the point comes where you never get the high no matter what you do. That's when women file for divorce or start cheating.
I have never heard of a man ever having a box of love trinkets and letters from an ex. Wait, she keeps the box under the bed? That's even more creepy. If it means nothing get rid of it. But you won't.
Great video!! Women have one set of rules for them, and another set of rules for men. My ex wife had two sets of rules, that's why I eventually divorced her. She was also a guilt tripper, and liked to manipulate.
Erin , I have benn feeding the wild cotton tails in the yard , for a couple of generations, I have a little bun that's been commingfor dinner every day at dusk , tonight there's two buns out on the paver in front of my door where I put down the plain oats, Walgreens closed early at 6:00, so I can't feed them, and they don't like corn blacks or raisen bran flakes , I feel horrible they are standing and waiting.
About 6-1/2 yrs ago I was out in my back yard with my two cats when I saw a oddly saw a skunk in the yard - odd because it was like 11am and they are usually nocturnal. I of course looked for the cats - both were just watching from the deck so I went to the stairs and we just watched a bit, and I noticed the skunk was limping, avoiding using it's left front leg... And noticed when it turned it had a reddish brown stain - I figured blood/bite wound. So I ducked I sure and grabbed a small plastic container and some cat kibble and tossed some in the lawn by it - freaked it out for a second but then it was excited over the food. From then on every day I would leave a small dish of food out for it in the morning, and when I was out there I'd watch it come eat - maybe even toss some table scraps I'd saved out for it... It got to the point I could walk right up and add food to the dish and it wouldn't flinch. The leg got better and it gradually drifted over say 6 months more towards coming at dusk (and any food left would get eaten by other critters overnight), but I kept putting food out there for it daily for 3 years. Last time I saw it, it had just snowed (like 10") and I'd shoveled out my car and path to the driveway, and i saw it cross the street (always came from my neighbors yard) to my driveway, so I grabbed fresh food for it and waited for it to come eat. I'm presuming it died (they only live 2-3 years in the wild) since then - that summer I spent many nights outside feeding racoons, possum, skunks that would show up but I never saw that skunk again.
@captainz9 yea , alot of them are nocturnal and you don't realize they are there unless you go out in the early morning, it's the middle of their day, Rabbits ,everything is a predator to them ,squrills and mice even bully them off their dinner 🍽 spot ,and I shoe them away, usually I just give the buns another helping after the other ones hijacked their dinner or breakfast, those bunnies 🐰 were hungry tonight, I think beacuse it's getting colder
Thank you for you standing up for men we appreciate it. It's very refreshing to see a young woman have logic. You are so On the right track. Thank you..
You are right when it commands a woman to submit and obey her husband. It does not say one time that women need to love their husbands. It takes it a step further and even says there is no wickedness like a woman. The meaning behind this is every decision a woman will make is 99% selfish, short sighted and/or is out of fear. The point of having a husband is to protect you from those things that you don't see due to not having that sort of awareness. You can rail against it all you want but if you take a step back and really take a hard look you can just look at the state of the US. Men that have daughters: if your daughters aren't learning how to take care of her husband from her mom that is your failure for picking the wrong person to be an example for your daughter.
I could tell a story of want i went through in my life. I stayed mad at myself for falling for it twice. Yeah, two failed marriages. But Now, my eyes are open! Thank you.😳
I don't think it's an inability to love, but I do think that women only love their children unconditionally. The war brides phenomenon is a clear example of a woman's love being highly conditional. That doesn't mean the emotion doesn't exist, but it does mean that love isn't as enduring as they like to pretend.
my wife and have known each other since we were 12 years old and been married for 48 years and I've said for years there's a fine line between love and lust love is learning about each other and being there when you sick and broke !
I actually DO have a box. Let's see: 1. Nintendo and 6 games to it. 2. A knife with self carved handle 3. a harmonica that tastes like ash 4. Notes from first grade. 5. School photos 6. Biker mice from mars, Vinnie figure. It has more junk in it. I actually have multiple boxes. It's called storage. But I do have memories that are in my head. Boys record events with girls really well because of the power of impact into their mind. But it's just a stamp, nothing more.
Really? You think they "engineered" the contempt that both women AND men feel towards wordy, twaddling little wannabe men who try to fall back on the "good of others" while having no dog in the race?
As a human on this earth for 36 years I have come to learn 1 thing about "Love" The only true love is a parents love for their child. A real parent will love their children unconditionally. In fact I don't think the child is capable of giving the same love as a parent to a child. That is the only true love any human can experience, being loved by your parents. No love will ever be greater than this.
One problem is the "consumer worldview" people are coming into relationships with. They see relationships from a contractual basis where we see people as objects to be consumed, enjoyed and disgarded. The results are devastating on our whole society. Also, look what scripture teaches: 4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. 6 In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely. Titus 2:4-6 Women need to be taught HOW to love their spouse and children. Its not something that comes naturally, especially in our North American culture. Submission is NOT dominance. Its lifting the other up and letting them take initiative. Helping them lead. Its bringing out the best your spouse.
Some of us men do have boxes. To remind us of the game we had, proud of the women we pulled, just in case we need reassurance of a time when we were once loved. To reminisce on good times.
Get a dog and never be disappointed. Top it off with a Porsche, and live life in the fast lane! Women will destroy you one way or another! Dump them and live happily ever after!!😎
My parents loved each other married 50 yrs they never fought with each other but they were from the ww2 generation...I have been divorced 2x those type women are never coming back.
Same with my parents (still alive at 91/92), married 65 years. Honestly I've often said never seeing them really fight was maybe not a good thing since while I had a great example of a living relationship I had zero examples of conflict resolution skills? I'm now 60 and never been married, nor has my 65yo sister - my 64yo brother though has been married for 30+ years. The one woman I loved enough to propose to cheated on me weeks later, and there have been two other "hopefuls" (both divorced with two children each) that basically lined up my replacement before leaving... Basically gave up by age 45, it became obvious to me that it just wasn't worth the effort/heartbreak.
@@captainz9 Pearly from Pearly things was just talking about how women of this modern generation wont play the traditional role of housewife/spouse as long as there are so many opportunities presented to them by society. Itts not "us" its society's options they have. Even Erin chose a life with a horse over someone else
@@captainz9 One thing you mentioned I relate too, in my household there was no vices...Father was a executive on Madison ave.... Irish catholic didn't drink, very disciplined, structured mom was Italian former Model...when I was a teenger in the early 70's hanging out with friends who's family smoked pot or drank to excess or had domestic violence issues It was just so odd to me...none of that went on in my house. But the bad part was I thought everyone lived like I did.......when I went out into the world I wasn't prepared for the type of crazy out there.
"Women aren't romantic. They just want us to be." - My Dad
I've suspected this.
Nailed it
@@MeneerHerculePoirot wise man
But not just romantic. You also have to bring money. Lots of it, because she's entitled to it.
After nearly 50 years I have arrived at a conclusion. There is no single aspect of my life that would become easier, cheaper, more fulfilling, quieter, or less annoying by adding a woman to it.
not one? No girl smiles at you ?
@@jeremycole3008Smiles are better from afar
@@nerychristian point taken
I have discovered a wise, godly woman can bring excellent insight into our lives.
28 But if you do get married, it is not a sin. And if a young woman gets married, it is not a sin. However, those who get married at this time will have troubles, and I am trying to spare you those problems.
1 Corinthians 7:28
Men are in love.....Women are in business!!!
Coach Greg Adams!
@@starmnsixty1209am out dunno about u lot,kiniving 304 u can keep em a liability in all regards😂🎉
Shout out to the Coach Gang !
No good dude goes unpunished.
Great take on that expression!!
This is all very saddening. Women are not at all what I thought they were. I wasted my life believing a lie.
We all did
Me too, Brothers.
What a shame mothers don't warn sons in the way dads counsel daughters.
Yup We all did.
I think we projected our good intentions onto women.
Men are direct and upfront, But women ain't like that.
Has anyone ever told you the story of Adam and Eve? that is all you need to know to open your eyes.
Not really.
Being deceived by a serpent does not really connect to how wmn are in reality.
The epic of Gilgamesh does more to "Red Pill" us about them!
It only took me one wife to figure out that wmn can not love. They can't even detect love. I married my high school sweetheart. I made several permanent, life changing sacrifices for her. I dedicated all I had and all I could do for her benefit. After five years of building our lives together, she asked me, "What do I have to do to make you love me?" That was the moment when I knew she could not love. She couldn't even detect love.
dang chuck
Women are narcissists. They think life revolves around them. Women are used to getting attention and free things all the time. So it takes a lot of effort to keep impressing her. Men understand that if a person chooses to remain by your side, that person really cares about you. Women don't understand this.
Two things a woman cannot do without, in slightly varying degrees, are lots of affection and resources. I'm 73, married and divorced twice. My first wife could take or leave the affection and didn't care for sex, but she loved the resources and didn't mind that I practically lived on the job. My second wife was a pretty good fit for about 10 or twelve years and two kids, but she seemed to become bored with the relationship. She no longer wanted affection nor sex, at least from me. After helping her get a career started as a nurse she left me for a doctor. They eventually married but from what I hear, they argue constantly. The grass is not always greener in another pasture.
@@TERRY-cb2ku Sure are alot of alley cats out there
🙂 my first second third wife were fairly affectionate, but the fourth wife was definitely something wrong with her from the start, she could smile and pretend to be affectionate a little bit but for the most part she was unemotional and stoic, i interpreted it wrong and thought that it was a sign of maturity but only till after its over i realized that she was either sick or just born to be bad like The Omen, i feel sorry for my Son cause thats his mother, one day I gotta explain this to him and I don't know if he's going to believe me
And that's why Love for men is a SACRIFICE. What we want in return is RESPECT and LOYALTY because women cant love. But nowadays women cant even show respect nor loyalty.
I would add Gratitude to that list as well gratitude is everything even above loyalty because if she is grateful you never have to worry about loyalty ever being an issue.
@bartsullivan4866 very good point!
Narcissists have no empathy towards anyone. They are grandiose, entitled, selfish, and see others as objects to worship them. This seems to fit most of them, sadly. Stay single.
Woman are full of love. For shopping. For hairstyles and clothing styles. For social media. For complaining. For their pets and sometimes on and off their own children.
Spot on
That's called lust, not love!
Only women and children are loved unconditionally. Or, as they say, "Men love women for who they are. A woman loves a man for what he can do for her."
oh come on. I know deep down you don't believe it. You are just rationalizing something. The problem is "Women aren't capable of loving men." The solution already exists within our DNA. This is a problem that has recurred in cycles throughout history, since before written history. The solution has already been selected for over and over. All we need to do as humans is to "Remember" that feeling deep down, remember the struggles our ancient ancestors faced, and remember the feeling of their victories. Our DNA remembers, we need to let our DNA take control of our conscious minds and guide us to the solutions of our problems.
@@LeonardNemoy Wish I were. Hypergamy and loyalty do not go together. The moment a man falls ill, or loses his job, the woman will monkey-branch to the next guy (that she has already lined up, btw). And she will have no qualms about it, either. You could say modern women are only loyal to themselves (in their quest to find the best guy). Which is just a fancy way of saying women are not loyal at all. I know deep down you know it's true.
I do think women can love, btw; their children, most notably. But, as a man, at best your relationship with her is tentative: while you keep 'doing' for her, or until a better guy comes along.
@@gladosadoree Do you have memories of being a child yourself? A woman could love the child-like part of you, perhaps. I refuse to believe in the hopelessness of Modern Love and Dating. I believe it is all an insane trick, a sick game to be played. And you win the game when you feel the feeling (I cannot say what it is; completeness? True Love? I don't know.) We all have the power within ourselves and I refuse to let anyone have doubt about it
It’s 100% true.
Damn Skippy my friend very true.
I married my wife because she was honest and strong. I remember when my wife divorced me - She said she never loved me.
That truth spilt my heart.
Never again.
Men can love. But getting burnt a few times will stop you allowing yourself to be vulnerable which is trust. Key component.
yeah and i dont see a way around this
@bassk1000o there isn't really. Other than long long vetting stages. And that's not going to happen through dating apps only through knowing someone for along time which is why I dont date at all and haven't for a years anf a half. If I meet someone and know them for a long time I might consider it but I'm saving my money otherwise. There are far more important females in my life that deserve it. Mother, sister, daughters. Strangers won't get that privilege of time and until they are vetted and cecome important. Which is the way it was always meant to be. Organic is always best
My girl you are one of the most awakened individuals I have ever watched!!
She saw how her mother destroyed her father. She is a rarity for sure.
She is. True treasure
That she is.👍👍
They believe that because as usual they're projecting themselves onto men; it's they themselves that are incapable of love, but instead mistakenly assume their train wreck of infatuations is love.
Their sociopathic mentality is due to their arrested emotional and moral development; it typically stops at level 3 of Kohlberg’s 6 Stages Of Moral Development.
Women love what men can do for them.
Not even, they just love the attention that men give them. They have no respect for what men do for them
The only woman who ever helped me was my Mother, and that is a fact. My wife went dark after only a 7 year marriage. She started an affair with a co-worker and together they concocted a scheme to put me in jail, take my kids and my house away from me....and they did, but I got it all back. My sister, in charge of my mothers estate, tried to screw me and my brother out of everything she could, but I fought that too, and won. And my last job, a woman at work claimed harassment, and got me fired. And the truth was, I NEVER SAID A WORD TO HER! From what I can see, women DO NOT ENHANCE A MANS LIFE AT ALL, JUST THE OPPOSITE.
You're lucky to at least have your mom's support.
there is already a contradiction in the statement. your mother helped you because she loved you. woman can love another human being. most women love their children. this is certainly not love or affection in the romantic sense. but it is deep and honest. so why shouldn't a woman be able to love a man?
@@NIELSBUNGER No contradiction in the least. Try looking the word up. No where in my comment do you see the word love...I SAID HELPED!
@@nickf2170 I know. Your words are not a contradiction in terms. But in relation to the title of the video. Those were my thoughts in connection with the video. And the main theme is that women can't love. You weren't talking about love, but about the fact that your mother was the only one who helped you. The question is why did she help you? Out of boredom? Perhaps out of a false sense of duty? because of a guilty conscience? Quite possible. But I think entirely because you are your mother's son. Because she loves you. Maybe you can find the common thread now.
@@NIELSBUNGER You sound like a crack pot. What country are you from?
Women can love ... themselves ... A woman loves the false image or idea of her man, but she doesn't really love him in the truest sense. Almost every ancient culture has described women as evil or chaotic.
"They accuse you of doing what they are doing". Spot on.
Women love Satan 👺
When my wife of 7 years left me cause she was having an affair she said to me,
"I love you but I am not 'in love' with you."
I ended up homeless and living in my car because of that small detail.
I'm always amazed at how women tell on themselves and then try to spin the narrative.
"The Box"! Why? Why did she keep it, that is being dishonest to her partner, effectively cheating.
@@stpfs9281I'm reminded about Job because that's the book the kids are learning in Children's ministry. Don't forget, Satan didn't kill off Jobs wife whom told him to curse God and die.
"Far from Eden" is putting herself in a man's shoes to understand women. Eye opening, isn't it. Nora Vicent, wrote a book trying to understand from a man's perspective it depressed her so bad, she never recovered and she offed herself.
Also values like: "honesty" "honor" "accountability" "loyalty" "love" are foreign concepts to women. These are higher purpose that ONLY men can understand and achieve. And here is something only men knows deep down, you are born alone and you will die alone and everything that is truly yours that nobody can take away is your word.
Good thing I keep my word.
Look at all the love songs men have written over the years. The longing, the desire that men have for women. When women write love songs it’s all about how he wronged her, (see Taylor Swift). Women don’t love, they need. Men fulfilling a women’s needs. That’s love to a woman.
And women "love" songs are usually about being abandoned or him leaving for another, which could be understood "the supply dried up, and now I'm angry"
Men no longer write those songs about women, for a reason.
Listen to Jennifer Rush - The Power of Love. Just remember it is an exception. The message in that song is how I conceive of a woman truly loving. But none I have found have measured up.
@ It’s a nice song, and rare for a female lyricist to write a love song that actually lets him know that she loves him and that he has value to her. The only other one that I can think of is “Let’s hear it for the boy” and I don’t know who the artist was. It was a poppy, 80’s tune. I remember being struck by the lyrics because I had never heard a woman being supportive of men like that. It was highly unusual lyrically speaking. Makes me wonder if a man wrote it.
I have a box...but it is full of things from my first marriage. My second wife knew about it, understanding they were things I held dear. You see, my first wife passed away a little over two years after we were married. My second wife never begrudged me about having that box.
The only time I went through my box while married to my second wife was when we went through it together. She understood. She cried with me and for me. She understood why I didn't remarry for over 20 years.
Better Bachelor interview was great, when's the part two?
It says men love your wife as Christ loved the church.
2. Wife’s submit to your husband as men love you and love Christ
Soo taking care of an animal is now more rewarding then a relationship with a woman. Let that sink in.
Always was.
I love that “ let that sink in”
Love is a masculine trait.
God’s love is a father’s love for his children
Absolutely true. Love is a choice. Women confuse love with that butterfly feeling which is usually the same feeling you get when you skip class. That really uneasy feeling that you’re about to get caught sneaking off school property. It is that excitement of something new and dangerous. That’s what women think love is and when that feeling goes away because she’s become comfortable she thinks she’s falling out of love.
Wow! I've always seen it that way... also
Everything with woman is conditional.
The wife of basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal, Shaunie O'Neal, wrote a book after divorcing him in which she admitted that she never loved him; this was after she had bore him five children and had him adopt her son from a failed relationship. It wasn't enough to divorce him and use the children to enrich herself, she had to humiliate him and break his spirit. Grandma Jenna is doing a bad job at pretending that she forgot about those love letters from her multiple lovers; I know that she kept them as souvenirs to reminisce about her glory days as a 304 and to make her decision to settle for her husband more bearable.
Bring back that chicken ranch in Texas, and one the guys get rid of their "nut-fog", they wont be persuing these women who cant reciprocate
Tyrese Gibsons ex wife, Samantha Lee is the same kind of piece of work. Absolute scum.
Well said.
Yes, to then write a book and belittle him, the father of the children she bore to him.
Disgusting, despicable filth.
And then, to have to give her all of the spoils of divorce, at the point of a gun, is the depths of injustice.
Any man who puts himself into the position Where he can be dragged into a courtroom and have his family and life destroyed, is a fool, knowing what we now know.
Don't do it gents.
@@IamDoogy"Any man who puts themselves in a position..."
Yeah I'm in the latter half of my life. I realize that there is no point in risking what i got and need now and gamble it all away for stuff (women) that i dont need.
Dont put yourself in a position to lose. That's all there is to it.
@@IamDoogy Every man is an Island, until he has a family, then he's fucked.
They don't understand what true love is, they only know one perspective, their such a degree that they will unalive their own children for convenience's sake, en masse.
The Lord's cleansing flame will set things right..
They don't leave, and they don't fully commit either - Women simply use men up until the trade out or trade up.
And the consequence of exploiting men like this? *HELL*
God bless you Erin. Putting the truth out there in spite of all the name throwers
"Every woman I have ever met was a natural born lier. Glad to know it's no different with the Sisterhood."
Clint Eastwood in Two Miles for Sister Sarah.
I’m 51 divorced and I’ve never felt truly loved. I loved my wife and she used that fact against till one day I’d had enough. I then met a woman I truly adored she was my absolute world, but after 15 years she ended it will a single text. It completely destroyed me, so yes men can love women just knock it out of us. I am now alone and I will die alone.
Ill never date a liar a greedy person a fake or a person who are a self serving pos. So I'm never dating any women ever again.
This woman is amazing! I wish I knew her 🙏
Same here
The odds are astronomical to find a good woman.sad.
That's the problem with the logic of those who say "choose wisely". Most men would not be able to find a good woman.
@@derp8575 It's not that 'all women are like that' but that any woman at any time can be exactly like that without any repercussions and plenty of financial rewards and incentive, even at the expense of their own children and that doesn't seem to bother 10/10 them whatsoever. The institution of marriage itself was corrupted long ago and anyone who takes this sham seriously, at this point, deserves to get dragged through the broken glass.
@@derp8575that's why the book of proverbs says that finding a good woman, a wife of noble character is akin to finding favor from the lord.
All they have to do is _ask._ But if they do, they likely will not believe the answer.
Hence the reason they get much of their dating advice from other women. Comfortable lies are preferred to women over uncomfortable truths. We didn't have a simp epidemic or people calling traditionalists "incels" when the patriarchy existed.
Men fall in love. Women fall in lust.
Men are in love - women are in business.
Erin you are so correct , the world would be such a better place if all the women were like you . thank you
well maybe the drunk version anyhow
Sometimes people only want to believe the lies, the "half-baked ideas", and other distortions because of a vast sense of emptiness and insecurities. My prayer is that ALL women begin to realize this, and make amends.
Lol women don't have that level of intelligence. Not until they hit their 40s
It's nice to see a woman looking from a man's perspective. Your charming and feisty moments are also entertaining. Good channel.
I have written this 1 million times before on your channel and I’ll write it and million times more! You are an absolute legend!!! Thank you so much for showing true respect to men!!! I don’t personally believe we need to be admired even if that might be nice… But we absolutely need to be respected and I think women like you for showing that!!!
Two movies that women have really liked, Bridges of Madison County and Shirley Valentine, have basically the same premise, women 'trapped' in a life/marriage and wanting 'more'. The woman in Bridges has an affair with a photographer and keeps a diary (her box) which her daughters discover after her death. She describes the affair, of course the daughters admire her 'escape' from her married life for that time her husband was away. He wasn't a bad husband she just wanted 'more'. In Shirley Valentine the woman is married to what she considers a boring man and leaves him for love and adventure to fulfill herself. To me this speaks to a woman's insatiable desire to keep seeking 'more', no matter the cost or wreckage it causes. Don't get me started on 50 shades of Grey.
And those stories never show her withholding affection and sex from her husband for years or decades while she pines away to escape for something "more"
I'll get you instead with titanic
The original sin was wanting more!
Only time I hear that word. Is when she cheats, asks for money, or breaks something.
Sadly a story we hear all too often.
"Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. They who walk in uprightness fear the LORD, but the one who is devious in their ways despises Him" Proverbs 14:1
Women marry men and try to change them, men marry women because they believe them. They believe all the feelings, they believe the affection is real, they believe the words they say, they believe the peace and good times are for real but as soon as they make that marriage vow, it all comes crashing down. His head becomes a vessel of torments, his actions become that of someone coping with stress, his words are steeped in confusion and self doubt as she begins a campaign to destroy him, annoy him and test him until she provokes a reaction she can exploit.
It's so strange but I see it SO much.
Never been loved, never known love, no money. What a world we live in
Jesus loves you.
That's ALL you need ❤
@@AndrewFosterSheff69 He doesnt exist for me.
@@Nyt250 You exist to Him. There are currently married men going through terrible times that most single men could never imagine. Jesus still exists, regardless of what someone is going through.
If you seek God earnestly, you will find Him. God is real regardless of how we feel about Him, and we'll all have to stand before Him one day. Truly, God is the only one who can fully understand us. No woman nor mortal man has the ability to.
God is who taught me that love isn't a feeling, inherently, it's a choice to do right by someone continually. I began listening to an audio Bible on my work commutes at the recommendation of a coworker, and it began to change me. As I truly made God my Lord and began to follow His commands as best I knew how, I began to actually feel love toward God, and I can feel that God loves me. It's both bizarre and amazing. I understand that I'm not a good person, nor is anyone but God, but God saved me by His abundant grace and mercy, just as He did with my earthly father before me. Though, my father's testimony is more intense.
Many years ago my father was a wayward soul. He was going to a church even though he wasn't saved yet, though he had read the Bible looking for answers to life's questions. During one particular sermon, he started hearing a powerful voice speak to him, addressing him by name and saying "You cannot resist your Father's love another day." He looked around, and no one else could hear it. He said he knew that if he left that church that day without being saved, he would die. He didn't know how, but he felt it was a certainty. I would have thought such an experience would have been scary for him, but he said he wasn't afraid because in that moment he could feel the overwhelming love and mercy of God, and he was baptized that day. I assure you, my father is a practical and sane man. I believe his testimony. In some ways, it's not dissimilar to how Christ confronted the apostle Paul and temporarily blinded him when he had been persecuting Christians, and Paul gave up his high worldly position and turned away from his those he had known and worked with to instead spread the gospel--eventually leading him to die a martyr for Christ.
I've made my peace with the fact that I may never find a woman. That I will never truly be understood by anyone in this walk of life. No one else can look in my head or see my spirit. No one has the ability to understand everything about me. What motivates me. What my fears and concerns are. The overwhelming loneliness I bore for much of my early life. No one but God. No one but my Lord and Savior can truly see me for all that I am. I still falter at times, I know He loves me more than I love Him, and I still make mistakes. While I sometimes betray Him, I know He won't betray me. There is no love greater than God's.
"The one who has My Commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him." - Jesus the Christ, John 14:21, Holman Christian Standard Bible*
*I recommend the HCSB/CSB and ESV Bibles. They translate the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic into understandable modern English. There's a good RUclips playlist for the ESV audio Bible.
@@Nyt250 Jesus loves you he loved you before you were even created he knows all your worries just come to him and he can heal you my friend❤
"the bible commands women to obey their husbands... not love them"
respect is the word you are looking for. and yes, women have absolutely no idea what that means.
Titus 2:4 says that older women are to teach younger women "to love their husbands and to love their children."
@@drystkrab269yes, they have to be taught. It's not natural for most of them.
@@michaelbradley6004 - Notice that they have to be taught to love their children also.
Feminism was terrorism from its inception. It worked incredibly well.
It's also not something natural for a man to love his wife, as Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it, but it's still taught in Ephesians 5:25. It's not natural to be self sacrificial, but to be self gratifying.But, just because it's not inherent, does not mean that it can't be done. And, even if it is inherent (like, cooking), one does need teaching to be done, properly.
They just falsely accuse and leave- whilst garnering full support from church and community
If men have no feelings - 6 names to consider; Byron, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Wordsworth, Burns
Why are all the great Romantic poets men?
I had a girlfriend that told me that only about 20 percent of women love their husbAnds.
And even she was lying. If at all, it is much much lower.
Whatever the percentage, it only makes sense when you realize how low their self esteem and self regard is in many cases. It's immeasurably low compared to the average man who would never marry for money or pair up for life or for decades with someone he didn't have any feelings for. Even men in the bottom 10% of self esteem are higher than the large majority of women.
Most men don't get our first pick either it's just that we know we're not a 10 either. Many of them don't seem to realize this.
There's no such thing as unconditional love between a man and women sweetheart. Turning a man down for sex constantly is grounds for divorce as far as I'm concerned. If she does she doesn't love you.
Years later my current pastor confirmed this for me. I was committed thinking I couldn’t divorce for religious reasons but it is a form of abandonment.
98% of NICE GUYS will Always Finish Last . . with Commitment, and Especially with-in a marriage. MGTOW 4 Life
Way back = up to 1990... i WAS There also. Sex maybe twice a year - n That also was with NO kids. All the Material Benefits + CA$H never dissipated from Her Thoughts that she Deserved it all
Love is not an emotion, is devotion
It is a choice and the bible also makes that clear.
Jesus said: "If you love me, keep my commandments"
It's clearly shown as a choice, not something you feel but rather something you do.
Sometimes I go _"a woman wrote this."_ There is a lot of women out there who resent men because their relationships ended and they couldn't get the guy they wanted. And they talk to other women with the same issues, become feminists and write vitriol. Women have such a hard time getting over their exes, and they think getting over an ex means to sleep with another guy like it proves they've healed or are rdy to move on, which opens up a whole can of worms for them and repeats the cycle of dating-go-bad thus men-bad.
Love is sacrifice. Full stop. If you cannot sacrifice, you cannot love.
Whats love go to do with it, like the song ya know.
@madhatter9001 well if you're like Tina Turner and dismissing love to entertain a fukboi, then you can say that.
Some people have vegetables, and some people have meat. Cain vs Abel. Who's sacrifice was worthy? "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?"
@@DictatorDoPa If you've learned anything from the Bible, you've learned that people are not God.
@@mrblank-zh1xy People are "not God".
So, you won't sacrifice for them? You ALREADY do.
Cain and Abel might not have to do with how people are towards each other(I think it does).
But this: "If you do what is right, wont you be accepted?" That statement applies to all sorts of things. Not just Humans and God.
your channel is so are what women should be. There are very few women out here saying the things that you are, so thank you so much for even taking the time...I can see it; you're doing it because it's right, and it's the truth, and if things are *ever* going to get any better, then we need more people who are willing to speak the truth, *especially* women. I used to think that women could love, but now I am honestly reconsidering that, esp after this video...and from everything I have seen...
Thank you so much for speaking about this. I am married to this... 31 years. I have taken much abuse, accusations of all the things she is doing, but I get blamed. I have been committed, and she expects it of me, but she is unwilling to commit to me. I have never given up on her, keep forgiving her even for horrendous things, continue treating her as I want to be treated, and this is only reason we are still together. She knows she has it good, yet she does not appreciate or love. It is so encouraging to me to hear your message, to have someone affirm what I know in my heart, that it is not me. Sometimes I have wondered if I am just that deceived, that it is me, yet I know it is not. Thank you! And I'm glad there is at least one woman who is better than these deceived women who try in all the wrong ways to find happiness and fulfilment, yet it eludes them and they find themselves miserable.
"Her box is well used" ouch! Well said.
Women: throws away men's stuff
Women: don't you dare throw away my old ex's love letters!
I can only speak for my situation: I do believe my wife was trauma bonded to her father (and mother) and I thought this was a loving close knit family while dating though she didn’t do well with her older sister. With me? I do believe she did love me however what percentage was love versus trauma-bond? I don’t know. G-d knows her heart better than me and I knew about her childhood and her life with me for 45 years. I refuse to throw her on the scrap heap knowing I’ll face G-d and her in the future for eternity. I miss her.
Knowing her life causes me not to consider relationships going forward, I have no desire for messes and drama.
alot of women do seem to have scorched marks on them, besides the body ink
Trauma bond is just some bullshit that some psychologist made up in order to excuse women's behavior
Not only would discovering that box hurt her guy, but it also diminishes her standing in his eyes. Women always fail to consider or understand that.
Saying women are romantic is like saying an audience is musical. Women are consumers of romance, but they are not romantic at all.
This is the most on point video I've ever seen.
The Greeks supposedly have no less than six words that all translate into the single English word: Love.
I think it's fairly evident that men and women are talking about different things even though they're using the same word. A man is probably talking about a combination of _eros_ and _agape._ Meanwhile, women frequently are talking about _ludos_ and _pragma._ But using just one word is causing confusion.
"You cared more about her, than she did you." My son said to me, he had asked me about a very old flame who I was in love with before I meet his mother. I let him read my story and his words "You cared more about her, then she did you." was illuminating and I saw the walls of my prison.
In Canada pre 1970 you had to have an act of Parliament to get a divorce!
Now where I live a woman is NOT ALLOWED to take a man's last name!!!!
The laws and the social values of the past existed for a reason(s).
@@jasonbourneistreadstone Among other things to prevent western civilization becoming a gynocracy!!! OOOPS!
That is insanity and definitely anti-family - I would even say demonic. You can change your name to one of the other gender - but a wife cannot take her husbands name?
What??? You're kidding me.
@@wingnut71 No sadly not!
love is an emotion, its like a Meth High, It only lasts so long before it goes away. If you are constantly seeking the love high then like any junkie you will have to keep increasing the dose until the point comes where you never get the high no matter what you do. That's when women file for divorce or start cheating.
Totally agree.
It's the women who don't/can't love.
They love what can give them!
Awesome commentary. Terrific analysis. Uncommon sense.
I have never heard of a man ever having a box of love trinkets and letters from an ex.
Wait, she keeps the box under the bed? That's even more creepy.
If it means nothing get rid of it. But you won't.
Great video!! Women have one set of rules for them, and another set of rules for men. My ex wife had two sets of rules, that's why I eventually divorced her. She was also a guilt tripper, and liked to manipulate.
Erin , I have benn feeding the wild cotton tails in the yard , for a couple of generations, I have a little bun that's been commingfor dinner every day at dusk , tonight there's two buns out on the paver in front of my door where I put down the plain oats, Walgreens closed early at 6:00, so I can't feed them, and they don't like corn blacks or raisen bran flakes , I feel horrible they are standing and waiting.
About 6-1/2 yrs ago I was out in my back yard with my two cats when I saw a oddly saw a skunk in the yard - odd because it was like 11am and they are usually nocturnal. I of course looked for the cats - both were just watching from the deck so I went to the stairs and we just watched a bit, and I noticed the skunk was limping, avoiding using it's left front leg... And noticed when it turned it had a reddish brown stain - I figured blood/bite wound. So I ducked I sure and grabbed a small plastic container and some cat kibble and tossed some in the lawn by it - freaked it out for a second but then it was excited over the food.
From then on every day I would leave a small dish of food out for it in the morning, and when I was out there I'd watch it come eat - maybe even toss some table scraps I'd saved out for it... It got to the point I could walk right up and add food to the dish and it wouldn't flinch. The leg got better and it gradually drifted over say 6 months more towards coming at dusk (and any food left would get eaten by other critters overnight), but I kept putting food out there for it daily for 3 years. Last time I saw it, it had just snowed (like 10") and I'd shoveled out my car and path to the driveway, and i saw it cross the street (always came from my neighbors yard) to my driveway, so I grabbed fresh food for it and waited for it to come eat. I'm presuming it died (they only live 2-3 years in the wild) since then - that summer I spent many nights outside feeding racoons, possum, skunks that would show up but I never saw that skunk again.
@captainz9 yea , alot of them are nocturnal and you don't realize they are there unless you go out in the early morning, it's the middle of their day, Rabbits ,everything is a predator to them ,squrills and mice even bully them off their dinner 🍽 spot ,and I shoe them away, usually I just give the buns another helping after the other ones hijacked their dinner or breakfast, those bunnies 🐰 were hungry tonight, I think beacuse it's getting colder
@captainz9 Nice work captain. So nuff shine.
You are lovely and refreshing.
Thank you for you standing up for men we appreciate it. It's very refreshing to see a young woman have logic. You are so On the right track. Thank you..
Feelings are the only thing most women do/know, love can only be found in logic.
Hey funny seeing you here 😉
@@PricelessBinkey1337 lol, hey brother, lmao, small world for sure.
Thanks for being truthful about 304s and their toxicity.
You are right when it commands a woman to submit and obey her husband. It does not say one time that women need to love their husbands. It takes it a step further and even says there is no wickedness like a woman. The meaning behind this is every decision a woman will make is 99% selfish, short sighted and/or is out of fear. The point of having a husband is to protect you from those things that you don't see due to not having that sort of awareness. You can rail against it all you want but if you take a step back and really take a hard look you can just look at the state of the US. Men that have daughters: if your daughters aren't learning how to take care of her husband from her mom that is your failure for picking the wrong person to be an example for your daughter.
I could tell a story of want i went through in my life.
I stayed mad at myself for falling for it twice. Yeah, two failed marriages. But
Now, my eyes are open!
Thank you.😳
I don't think it's an inability to love, but I do think that women only love their children unconditionally. The war brides phenomenon is a clear example of a woman's love being highly conditional. That doesn't mean the emotion doesn't exist, but it does mean that love isn't as enduring as they like to pretend.
I think babies unconditionally, but not children.
my wife and have known each other since we were 12 years old and been married for 48 years and I've said for years there's a fine line between love and lust love is learning about each other and being there when you sick and broke !
If she wouldn't let him have "a box" then she knows it's bad. She just doesn’t respect him.
I actually DO have a box. Let's see:
1. Nintendo and 6 games to it.
2. A knife with self carved handle
3. a harmonica that tastes like ash
4. Notes from first grade.
5. School photos
6. Biker mice from mars, Vinnie figure.
It has more junk in it. I actually have multiple boxes. It's called storage.
But I do have memories that are in my head. Boys record events with girls really well because of the power of impact into their mind.
But it's just a stamp, nothing more.
Thank you for your understanding.
“If you LOVE me you will keep my commandments (John 14:15).”
you are a very brave woman. thank you for being so!
The social engineers are social engineering the masses.
Really? You think they "engineered" the contempt that both women AND men feel towards wordy, twaddling little wannabe men who try to fall back on the "good of others" while having no dog in the race?
As a human on this earth for 36 years I have come to learn 1 thing about "Love" The only true love is a parents love for their child. A real parent will love their children unconditionally. In fact I don't think the child is capable of giving the same love as a parent to a child. That is the only true love any human can experience, being loved by your parents. No love will ever be greater than this.
That's the wisest word's from female I've ever heard.
My mother told me when I hit adolescence;
Men love. Women love to be loved.
One problem is the "consumer worldview" people are coming into relationships with. They see relationships from a contractual basis where we see people as objects to be consumed, enjoyed and disgarded. The results are devastating on our whole society.
Also, look what scripture teaches:
4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.
6 In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely.
Titus 2:4-6
Women need to be taught HOW to love their spouse and children. Its not something that comes naturally, especially in our North American culture.
Submission is NOT dominance. Its lifting the other up and letting them take initiative. Helping them lead. Its bringing out the best your spouse.
Some of us men do have boxes. To remind us of the game we had, proud of the women we pulled, just in case we need reassurance of a time when we were once loved. To reminisce on good times.
Get a dog and never be disappointed. Top it off with a Porsche, and live life in the fast lane! Women will destroy you one way or another! Dump them and live happily ever after!!😎
I hate falling in love. Because I know it's going to hurt.
My parents loved each other married 50 yrs they never fought with each other but they were from the ww2 generation...I have been divorced 2x those type women are never coming back.
depends on where you look. Not in the democrat large cities
Same with my parents (still alive at 91/92), married 65 years. Honestly I've often said never seeing them really fight was maybe not a good thing since while I had a great example of a living relationship I had zero examples of conflict resolution skills? I'm now 60 and never been married, nor has my 65yo sister - my 64yo brother though has been married for 30+ years. The one woman I loved enough to propose to cheated on me weeks later, and there have been two other "hopefuls" (both divorced with two children each) that basically lined up my replacement before leaving... Basically gave up by age 45, it became obvious to me that it just wasn't worth the effort/heartbreak.
@@captainz9 Pearly from Pearly things was just talking about how women of this modern generation wont play the traditional role of housewife/spouse as long as there are so many opportunities presented to them by society. Itts not "us" its society's options they have. Even Erin chose a life with a horse over someone else
@@captainz9 One thing you mentioned I relate too, in my household there was no vices...Father was a executive on Madison ave.... Irish catholic didn't drink, very disciplined, structured mom was Italian former Model...when I was a teenger in the early 70's hanging out with friends who's family smoked pot or drank to excess or had domestic violence issues It was just so odd to me...none of that went on in my house. But the bad part was I thought everyone lived like I did.......when I went out into the world I wasn't prepared for the type of crazy out there.
Another great vid, beautiful lady. Way to call out the rampant hypocrisy & continue to red pill us outta the matrix
Men love their wives unconditionally, women don't love their husbands unconditionally, but do love their children unconditionally.
There's no such thing as "unconditional" love, doesn't matter who you're talking about.
@jakeand9020 As a man, I can say that I love my girlfriend unconditionally. There isn't anything that she can say, or do that would change that.
@@jqxznetwork😅 hillarious! When she sucks on someone elses… you will sing a new tune
Have you seen how many times women have abused and deleted their own children for selfish reasons?
Hahaha, the box thing 👌, excellent observation.
Both of her boxes are GROSS.
I just want to say, thank you. I enjoy your content.