The Plot to End Voting Rights with Rick Hasen - Factually! - 221

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • We consider democracy a fundamental American value, but the reality is that we haven't been truly democratic for as long as our country has existed. Not only is the right to vote not constitutionally protected, but it also faces constant attacks from anti-democratic campaigns funded by billionaires, aiming to make voting more difficult. This week, Adam is joined by Rick Hasen, a UCLA professor of law, to uncover the genuine threats to elections and explore potential solutions. Find Rick's book at factuallypod.c...
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Комментарии • 517

  • @TheAdamConover
    @TheAdamConover  Год назад +11

    That’s 20% off ANYTHING you order when you use promo code FACTUALLY at
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    • @delsings
      @delsings Год назад +1

      Hey Adam! This is a great episode so far (I'm halfway through currently) but when you did your liquid iv ad and mentioned a sugar free version it triggered a thought of a VERY important FACTUALLY episode you could do. I remember seeing maybe a couple weeks back in the news that Aspartame has been linked to causing cancer?? Apparently that stuff is in the ingredients of a LOT of prepackaged foods nowadays too. Anyways thank you if you read this, and keep up the writer's strike to be paid what you should!

    • @Gaming_UnderGround
      @Gaming_UnderGround Год назад +1

      @@delsings i also heard something similar. it would be really interesting to see a video about it, Great idea!

    • @glitched.gaming
      @glitched.gaming Год назад

      Adam, familiar with the student budget struggle, I face a choice: supporting you on Patreon or attending your tour. As an introvert, I lean toward Patreon to back your content creation. Your guidance matters.🤑

    • @rebeccachambers4701
      @rebeccachambers4701 7 месяцев назад

      When it comes to electing the president we never had a vote, as only the electoral college can elect the president. Americas are just to stupid to understand how their politics work. If their votes did matter, George Bush and Trump would have never been president. On top of that if America had better voting system, none of those war criminals wouldve been in office either. After all cant have an other MLK/JFK/MX type

    • @rebeccachambers4701
      @rebeccachambers4701 7 месяцев назад

      an example of this is if the office votes on having chinese food for lunch but then the manager decides because hes the electoral college that we are all having pizza again, well doesnt matter that 70% office said enough with the pizza, we are having pizza thanks STEVE!

  • @madestmadhatter
    @madestmadhatter Год назад +158

    As a Floridian who voted to give felons their rights back and to legalize medical Marijuana, I'm getting seriously annoyed by them changing what we voted for after the fact

    • @SkySong6161
      @SkySong6161 Год назад +30

      Yeah. And watching the state overstep in what should be city or county matters because a county is doing something DeSantis specifically doesn't like. Better tenant rights for your city and the bare minimum of legal protections for tenants? Overruled by DeSantis. Ranked choice voting at a city level for city officials? Can't have that, DeSanits made it illegal even though like, only four ADSF@#$ cities did it. Want the state to be habitable in 20 years? Nope.

    • @madestmadhatter
      @madestmadhatter Год назад

      @@SkySong6161 I really hate that dick, I'm glad he's losing support, though I wish it wasn't because Trumps cult was so strong.

    • @astilealavatica1404
      @astilealavatica1404 Год назад

      Our corrupt elite families are more and more openly evil because, for some reason, the masses allow it.
      Humans need to stop infighting long enough to topple our oppressors
      Mitch McConnell is Emperor Palpatine
      Some of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make! - Lord Trump
      @Justin Y. Trump is evil. He ignored this virus until he couldn't ignore it...the steps taken have been deliberately slow to contain this virus, as the government has made huge financial gains in allowing particularly older, retired people to more pay outs each, if still valid in this our only peaceful, legal 3rd party is the ONLY WAY to get real humans in power, rather than dynasty families and career politicians. When we realize the 2 parties we are divided over LOVE the division among us...then and only then may America be great again...
      @Justin Y. Lack of knowledge of the deep state? I just accused our government of mass murder...I understand deep state...fact that you refuse to listen, only attack, says too much about you...clearly you haven't known hardship. Clearly none of this has impacted you are part of the problem, offering zero solutions.
      @Justin Y. Calling me stupid really helps your case...Trump has very limited brain power, as evidenced by his rambling, generally repetitive, toddler talks...although most of us are sorely undereducated, Trump really amazes me every time i listen to his banter. Trump did not close the borders in time, many flights to the USA brought sick folk here. Action wasn't taken until very late February, and by then 15 confirmed cases were more than enough to basically allow what amounts to airborn, quickly lethal AIDS《why this? (Because this virus mutates too fast to create an effective vaccine, which may never get made), upon the world. This is dangerous because common behaviors of common folk, such as shoulder to shoulder events, shopping and sardine packed working conditions, helped this virus along...even as people died in China daily...America went forward 2 full months wothout any concerns...then...rather than force the hands of state officials, and put the population through a 2 month quarantine, we've been seeing states react, rather than prepare...and all at the natural stages this virus thrives on...complacency among enough of us to allow the spread to continue. You refusing to see this logic isn't a blight on my mental capacity, just proves you are as simple as our Lord Trump...and likely among those very few, who like many elites, don't even understand the plight of the masses, whom I speak for, in this contrived crisis...Trump is calm about the virus because he exists outside the bounds of common folk...Trump and other powerful people would never have to take the risk of infection seriously as they are all well protected by expendable servants or can at the least afford to continue living lavishly and distanced from peons such as myself. 9/11 was an inside job and this proves what I've feared since then...that the government can perform mass murder and the people will always just accept it, hire the next sociopath in line, whichever of the 2 evil divisionary parties they aspire to dwell in...
      Our educational system is archaic. We could be educating everyone from home...there are no valid excuses for our current broken schooling, and no teachers need lose the internet is an amazing communication device...
      Taxes are broken. Your dollar earned gets hit so many times...and we all just accept that blindly.
      Medicine is broken. My grandmother died because her selfish daughter needed cable tv more than grandma needed diabetes medicine...and millions suffer from the inability to afford insulin, despite that drug initially starting out as a gift to humanity from a generous genius, privatized by evil and greed, priced beyond reality for most.
      Our 2 party system is designed to keep us bickering...division keeps us docile enough to accept our own government conspiring to murder us, with our acceptance. 3rd party candidates are generally real humans...that care about other humans, even, gasp, total strangers and foreigners...
      We are all on the same damn spaceship...Earth. I judge character...not race, not whatever religion folks are born into. I am old...I am tired of seeing disaster after disaster get slow attention from government, as poor people die in thousands due to delayed or nonexistent help.
      It's about time the many take control, with votes, to dethrone the sociopaths that control us, play games with our very lives...
      When there are only voluntary homeless, when the janitor is paid living wage, when a high school graduate can earn enough in food service, or retail, to support a modest home and essentials, while creating a nest egg...when veterans are given the same care as Congress, Senate and other positions of highest power, rather than left to suffer and die, when the lowest paying jobs are enough to survive on, then and only then, can America boast of being great...
      As it stands...I feel most of us are born into lies we have no control over...It's well orchestrated, as my points are made clear in every satirical broadcast about the plight of the expendable masses, world wide...
      Do I want peace, equity and kumbaya? Yeah...I do...are there sociopaths in power oppressing the common folk...yeah...there are...have good Democrats and Republicans existed? Yes...they get blocked by evil at every turn, often resigning due to unbeatable corruption. Do I pity the very people I label simple? You bet I do...I want this planet to be a better place for most...not some...for all...if ever possible...
      This covid virus isn't done. It mutates too fast to pin it down with a vaccine...and we haven't seen the end of it because we, as a planet, would have to agree on a few ground rules to consider being a functional society.
      That's my 2 cents...some of it...take it or leave it. Most of us just exist and watch, lazily, rather than get directly involved in change. @soaringvulture We don't seem to take note...we, the expendable masses, are being told to push through life ignoring this took ONE infection to start a Planet Wide Pandemic...and because we didn't quarantine from January 1st to February, we get to watch innocent and otherwise lives lost, daily...who are "we", in "we're in it together"? Certainly not the elite...they step on us to avoid harm...I'm furious with humanity as a whole...I'm furious we accept all this death and Trump's toddler a Ted talk without useful insight...
      Those of us suffering are many...while the privileged watch the show They created...when...when will the common folk unite against tyranny, through the only peaceful means we out career politicians and dynasty families in favor of fellow human beings, with consciousness and compassion for the lowest among us.
      We won't stop the cycle of abuse by trading Democrats and Republicans, two sides of the same evil, corrupt coin.
      Vote 3rd for real people, with flaws, that understand what struggle is...that have put time behind any of these so called essential, yet minimum wage jobs...
      This economy is screwed...always has been. The vast majority of work available is menial service, retail, janitors, grocers...a great many take their wages in government...which is far too big, complex and unsustainable...
      Until any job can offer a modest secure household, until the only homeless are those who volunteer to live "free"...until the pill giants are mandated to make life saving medicine reasonably priced...we are a selfish, horrid nation, divided by the very people that oppress us, yet too busy fighting amongst ourselves to take any useful action towards a better tomorrow for the MANY, not the FEW

    • @grimsage5809
      @grimsage5809 Год назад

      We've seriously been mask off authoritarian for years, the media blitz just doesn't give it the light of day allowing it to get worse and worse and worse. the lead drinker anger politicians across the aisle got from 2001 on has pushed us into being ok being less free, to be content ignoring the struggles of others.

    • @SNESpool
      @SNESpool Год назад

      He's a little dictator. He's done more to weaponize the State than almost any public official in decades, and he's making no attempt to conceal his efforts to mold Florida's public institutions according to his whims.
      Imagine what he'd do if we ever let him into the White House. That's can't ever happen.

  • @LearnWithStephen
    @LearnWithStephen Год назад +167

    Public service announcement: Florida mail-in ballots HAVE TO BE REQUESTED again. ALL OF THEM. The republicans sunsetted ALL mail-in ballots. So request yours if you thought you'd get one. Thank you Adam!!!

    • @briangrigsby1842
      @briangrigsby1842 Год назад

      Florida has had 2 n@zi rallies with swastikas and chanting the jews will not replace us. Naples was so against Jews that 60 years ago if one accidently bought a home there they were given a big profit and told to take it Banned books, DeSantis is a fascists. My electric bill has doubled. A few years ago FPL Non stopped put out ads on how low electrics in the state of Fl.. a little donation to DeSantis and doubling. Also FPL has kept solar out until they got to make money on it. Fl is so alt right that DeSantis ran an ad 1 week ago with a big n@zi symbol in the background (forced to take that down) DeSantis also duped phosphate in Tampa bay causing red tide.

    • @aaronjjacques
      @aaronjjacques Год назад

      @learnwithstephen That is a good thing it makes ballot stuffing/cheating a crime again. You can't just "accidentally" vote for joe biden.

    • @ChristopherSadlowski
      @ChristopherSadlowski Год назад

      I'm so glad I'm lucky enough to live in New Jersey. Our mail in ballot system worked so well during COVID they sent a letter to everyone that told us we were automatically going to keep doing it. You have to opt OUT of mail in ballots if you want to vote in person. The letter basically said, "If you voted by mail in the last election and want to keep voting this way you don't need to do anything. We've already set you up for mail voting in perpetuity. Please do NOT contact the State if you wish to keep voting by mail." They made it SO easy, and I like being able to research more deeply than I did previously since I can sit at home and fill my ballot out at my leisure. Now, when you register, you're automatically set up to receive mail in ballots as it's the new default. Fuck Florida. And ESPECIALLY fuck DeSantis. He's going to be the death of all of you and that scares the shit out of me.

    • @my_name_is_rhyme
      @my_name_is_rhyme Год назад +3

      I shared this info on my socials ty!

  • @christophernaze
    @christophernaze Год назад +39

    The Oregon system for America: 100% vote by mail, 100% automatic registration, 100% postage free envelopes or drop-off.

    • @justme-ti1rh
      @justme-ti1rh Год назад

      Why not everyone in the world vote ?

    • @alexthewrecker4666
      @alexthewrecker4666 Год назад +6

      ​​@@justme-ti1rhare you implying that it should be difficult for US citizens to vote? I don't know if you are aware but there are indeed security measures for mail in voting to avoid fraudulent votes

    • @jzay1899
      @jzay1899 11 месяцев назад

      Conservatives fear expansion of voting access because they fear election manipulation.
      That's the lie they tell themselves over and over till it's become so ingrained in their psyche.
      The facts do not support their fears.
      But that why they are fears because they are born not from facts, but irrationality.
      But with every fear their is always a grain of truth.
      Here is the real truth.
      Conservatives know their views are slowly dying due to demographic collapse.
      Fewer younger people believe in conservative values. Even worse for conservatives, fewer of these young people when they get older are converting to conservative views later in life.
      Boomers and Gen X can not sustain the conservative worldview if millennials and gen z aren't on board.
      So.. conservatives fear expansion of voting rights and access not because of a concern for fraud (which is again what they tell themselves) but because of the unconscious fear that they will eventually be outvoted by the upcoming non conservative majority.
      You would think instead of encouraging voter suppression conservatives would get their house in order and figure out how to change and adapt to make the conservative movement more desirable to younger people. How you sell your ideas matters.
      If they can't do that, then I'm sorry conservatism deserves to be cast aside to the dustbin of history and it's actually criminal for conservatives to try and delay the inevitable. Embrace your well earned and deserved irrelevance.

    • @MangaSockAttack
      @MangaSockAttack 8 месяцев назад

      A lot of folks don’t have mailing addresses or it’s unsafe for them to vote by mail. There need to be some in-person options.

  • @7smith77
    @7smith77 Год назад +36

    Progress in the USA has only happened in opposition to the US government's position: from the Abolition of Chattel Slavery to the End of Segregation to the Reparations for Red-Lining. Keep fighting the good fight 🤟

    • @PazLeBon
      @PazLeBon Год назад +1

      Hmm, good points actually, hadnt looked at it that way

  • @TedApelt
    @TedApelt Год назад +20

    I am one of the ones who got signatures for the Florida felon voting initiative, and I also campaigned for it. My understanding was always that once they were released from prison they could vote. No one said ANYTHING about fines and fees.

    • @emilala9049
      @emilala9049 Год назад +8

      I collected signatures and voted for that one, the intent was just to give them their right to vote back upon completion of their sentence. It was just like when we legalized medical marijuana, and it took them years to bastardize what we asked for. We didn't intend for doctors to have to jump through a ton of hoops to be able to prescribe it, meaning there would only be like 600 prescribers in the whole state and it would cost every patient roughly $400 just at the Dr. to get their cards, nevermind a fee to the state every year. Our legislature ruins the intent of anything that isn't specifically spelled out. It's like writing a contract with a demon, forget and leave some little part out and they'll take advantage of that to do evil.

  • @roscoemuttley
    @roscoemuttley Год назад +204

    I cannot wait until the Republicans start stating "The Constitution says only land owning gentry can vote....".

    • @kurisu7885
      @kurisu7885 Год назад +21

      I wonder if they realized how much of their own constituency doesn't own land.

    • @wolfchan4389
      @wolfchan4389 Год назад +30

      @@kurisu7885 that doesn't matter - most land owners are part of their party. It could lead to something funny though where billionaires buy land and sell or give away tiny - like 1 inch portions of land in order to influence the electorate

    • @SneakySalamander13
      @SneakySalamander13 Год назад

      ​​@@wolfchan4389 Purchase a personal votership Title Pack with dedicated land in Maryland! Our Title Packs are based on a historic American land ownership custom, where landowners have been long referred to as "Voters" giving them the right to vote. Every votership title pack contributes to the preservation and protection of woodland areas in Maryland. You will receive a formal certificate of ownership along with the GPS location of your plot so you can come visit it! This makes a great gift for friends or family. 😂

    • @mysportisyourpunishment73188
      @mysportisyourpunishment73188 Год назад +7


    • @ChristopherSadlowski
      @ChristopherSadlowski Год назад +15

      ​@@wolfchan4389please stop giving them ideas!!! They're already such a pain in the ass to deal with.

  • @tomtrask_YT
    @tomtrask_YT Год назад +59

    Don't forget, Ohioans, issue 1 is less than a week away and it could take a big chunk out of your right to choose your future democratically. Election day is August 8. If you value democracy, you'll want to vote NO.

  • @LearnWithStephen
    @LearnWithStephen Год назад +37

    Just remember if you live in Florida you have to request a mail-in ballot again. All of them have been Sunseted. You will not receive a mail-in ballot if you don't request a new one now. I just got my license renewed. And then I got a postcard saying that my mail-in ballot request was no longer in force.

    • @joecoolioness6399
      @joecoolioness6399 Год назад

      Everyone does so how is this restricting anyone? Maybe you should have to vote in person? I mean unless you have a real disability preventing you from getting to a polling place shouldn't you at least care enough to figure it out? If you are out of booze, somehow you manage to get to the store so why not to the polling place?

    • @LearnWithStephen
      @LearnWithStephen Год назад

      @@joecoolioness6399 interesting take. Let me help you. State of Florida when you registered to vote and you indicated that you wanted a mail-in ballot sent to you, it was for every election. They changed that. I am alerting people who have been getting mail-in ballot sent to them automatically to check and make sure that they have requested it again. You got a problem with that? You're being kind of flippant. I know what I have to do to vote. I know where I have to go. And I never miss any election ever. I am using this opportunity to share with others who are talking about mail-in voting that is State of Florida, nine million people, have to request a mail-in ballot if they want one and if they expected to get one. We good?

    • @jb888888888
      @jb888888888 Год назад +5

      @@joecoolioness6399 Is the booze store only open for one day a year? If not then the analogy is invalid.

  • @vindex7309
    @vindex7309 Год назад +11

    “You know the 14th amendment? The one before the 15th amendment?”
    Thank you, I needed that preface.

  • @jerrys.9895
    @jerrys.9895 Год назад +20

    None of this addresses that the power to actually shift the pillars of power through voting action has and will never be available to the voting public. In what is effectively a two party system, both parties are incentivized to keep the status quo so long as it at least leans more towards their political ideology than their opponent, while leaving huge swaths of constituents for whom neither party represents their values or goals out in the cold, voting only to make sure things don't get subjectively further from their ideals, rather than being able to vote transparently on issues that actually represent their ideals (gun control vs representatives who have a "stated" position on gun control, abolition or funding of police militarization, etc). Arguably none of the people in power on either side of the aisle are actually "representative" of their constituents, because their position of power, privilege, wealth, and fealty to lobbies and industry mean they CAN'T represent their constituents.

  • @samhughes1747
    @samhughes1747 Год назад +27

    “This is one of those conspiracies is just true.” - Every conspiracy theorist ever.
    Meanwhile, it is true, absolutely, and there is a weight of published and recorded statements which record specific intent and participation in this conspiracy.

  • @AllMySmiles06
    @AllMySmiles06 Год назад +6

    So in Hawaii it's a 10 year waiting list to get a mailbox for our house!!! We also don't have a "residential address" even though we have a house on 3 acres. What about people who are retired and living overseas? Most just have a mail forwarding address and use that for taxes and voting. Just some thoughts right off the bat.

  • @Not_4uoo
    @Not_4uoo Год назад +87

    As a kid I thought the right to vote was an extension of the right to free speech

    • @roscojenkins7451
      @roscojenkins7451 Год назад +8

      You're allowed to do it because "government gives you the right"
      Instead of it being a god given right through being a human being.

    • @user-kz8zr4si3i
      @user-kz8zr4si3i Год назад +24

      ​@roscojenkins7451 turns out, God doesn't give rights ... because he's mysteriously hard to find. We get rights because we demand them. "God given right" is a dangerous statement because it implies they truly are inalienable, which they aren't. As we get complacent more and more rights poof out of existence

    • @roscojenkins7451
      @roscojenkins7451 Год назад +8

      @@user-kz8zr4si3i I would argue "God given rights" doesn't just mean christian God. It's another way of saying "inalienable rights" which is a better term for it. But if you think about it governments can only take from the people. We have the inalienable right to free speech or to live how we want... But the government can TAKE that right from us through force... Unless we stand together and DEMAND the rights.
      Governments to GIVE rights away. They only take them

    • @roscojenkins7451
      @roscojenkins7451 Год назад +3

      @@user-kz8zr4si3i side note. I'm an atheist. Not trying to argue whether God is real or not

    • @kyleolson9636
      @kyleolson9636 Год назад +8

      ​@@roscojenkins7451The only inalienable right is the right to impose your will on those weaker than you. It is also the only right governments (or collective societal force in general) can take away. All other rights are granted by government / society. Governments taking a right away is actually just government declining to grant it.

  • @TheHavnmonkey
    @TheHavnmonkey Год назад +5

    I would like to add some historical context about voting in the US... most voting before WWI happened like this: A white, male voter would go to their local polling location and request a "party ticket" they would then place that ticket into the ballot box. Voters did not vote for individual candidates. The "ballot" was already filled out by the political party. Some polling locations were controlled by one party and refused to provide tickets for opposing parties. Bonus fact: for the first 50 years, most states did not allow their residents to cast a ballot for the President as that was up to the Electoral College. Modern "American Democracy" is NOT what the founders of this country created, but that is a good thing. We need to keep evolving and progressing toward a better system.

  • @IanZainea1990
    @IanZainea1990 Год назад +27

    23:55 I'm in favor of locally ran elections BUT with standards set nationally. AND a constitutional, right to vote for all. Even if incacerated.

    • @3nertia
      @3nertia 8 месяцев назад

      You should read what the Grecians had to say some 2000 years ago about a democracy always becoming an oligarchy ...

    • @IanZainea1990
      @IanZainea1990 8 месяцев назад

      @@3nertia you should read something newer than 2000 years. The Greeks also didn't know what blood was or DNA or what the fuck a liver did.

    • @3nertia
      @3nertia 8 месяцев назад

      @@IanZainea1990 Ah, the irony ...
      Merely because I mentioned an older culture you immediately jump to "read something new" which assumes I haven't ...
      What sort of logical fallacy is that even, I'm having trouble placing it ROFLMEYERWIENER
      False dichotomy, maybe?
      Ah! Followed by Moving the Goalpost - classic! lmfao

    • @3nertia
      @3nertia 8 месяцев назад

      This may be a new concept for you but smart people are still smart regardless of the technology available to them in their time ...

    • @IanZainea1990
      @IanZainea1990 8 месяцев назад

      @@3nertia absolutely true. They were very smart. It's why I find ancient aliens insulting to humanity lol. But they didn't have the benefit of 2000 additional years of political thought and writing. Yeah, probably a false dichotomy and a bit of moving the goal post. But entirely as my point was, just like how in science and technology we have built upon new discoveries over the centuries. So too have we learned about governments over the centuries. And have a deeper archive to dig through. Not because government and society hasnt been around longer than the Greeks. But because written history hasn't. At least, not much. And without that written history, even as good as oral histories are. You lose a lot of the finer points. And some stories that would be written down aren't worth memorizing and retelling.

  • @prestonhurst
    @prestonhurst Год назад +86

    Even though Adam Ruins Everything is no more, Adam STILL manages to ruin everything. But for good reasons. lol

    • @FelipeKana1
      @FelipeKana1 Год назад +8

      Lot of stuff still needs to be ruined

    • @SinHurr
      @SinHurr Год назад +3

      Adam Ruins Everything Just Slower and More Depressing

    • @prestonhurst
      @prestonhurst Год назад

      @@SinHurr Yeah that too. lol

  • @cyberrb25
    @cyberrb25 Год назад +10

    I was a rep for a party in our latest general elections, and we do say our system is one of the best and fastest:
    - Everyone on the census is eligible to vote.
    - You only need your ID card, which is mandatory and is useful outside elections
    - When an election kicks in, random people get called to be a part of the ballot desks where the votes are sent.
    - The parties do send affiliates to see the cleanless of elections
    - The elections get called with a 99% clarity in around 3 hours (as I say, voting closed at 8, we got most results by 10:30)
    - Not many people know, but you can even assist to the counting procedure as audience (no voice, no vote on the decisions the desk decides over blank or null votes)
    And everything on paper, no electronic voting, so it's harder to mass tamper. This deserves not to be just a bulletpoint, moreso from me, an aspiring programmer.

    • @Robsta42
      @Robsta42 Год назад +2

      Sounds relatively similar to Canadian elections except for a couple small points:
      In addition to the census, you can also get flagged to vote via completing your taxes or you can take the initiative to get registered to vote at any time.
      Voting stations are staffed by citizens who applied/were hired for the job and are not allowed to be closely or openly affiliated with any party.
      The country spans several time zones, so east coasters often have to wait several hours after voting closes to learn the result of the election.
      We've started using machines to help count, but as in other things, if any party representative suspects any foul the votes can be counted by hand to double check.

    • @jb888888888
      @jb888888888 Год назад

      In the US it's not allowed to announce winners of states until after the polls close. The poll closes at 9pm in New York meanwhile it's only 6pm in Los Angeles with two more hours of voting, and it's 2pm in Hawaii with 5 more hours of voting to go. If they announce "Peron X won" based on partial results that could skew the election because people will say "Oh X won so I won't bother to vote" and then all those people who would have voted for X don't vote and then suddenly Y wins.

    • @rendomstranger8698
      @rendomstranger8698 Год назад +1

      The problem with the ID requirement is that it is used to stop native Americans from voting in large parts of the US. It needs to be changed to any form of ID that can be used to receive goods or services from the local government. There also need to be federal laws on how much an ID is allowed to cost (2 hours of the federal minimum wage is a good maximum) and when government offices are required to be open (Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm as a starting point).

  • @PopeGoliath
    @PopeGoliath Год назад +15

    Oh man this one's going to make me angry isn't it.

  • @xthe_moonx
    @xthe_moonx Год назад +10

    in canada, all i ever needed to do to register to vote is my income tax form.

    • @kellywalker1664
      @kellywalker1664 Год назад +4

      Oh, the IRONY. On US returns, there is a line that asks if the filer wants to donate part of their refund towards the election fund, so one can contribute without necessarily being qualified to vote.

    • @jthadcast
      @jthadcast Год назад

      in the US all you need is a corporation that funnels global money into local races, voting is meaningless without the kicker of spin propaganda.

  • @Aury
    @Aury Год назад +5

    When the comment "for what? The crime of voting" was said, I had two things that came to mind, "no, its the crime of voting against the person in charge of the state" and "no, its the crime of voting while a minority" and I'm now curious which is actually more precisely accurate to individual situations, since ive often seen a mix

  • @beautifulroses1420
    @beautifulroses1420 Год назад +9

    People in Power keep making more restrictions on lower income earners.

    • @joecoolioness6399
      @joecoolioness6399 Год назад

      How? Are you telling me someone who wants to vote can't get the necessary ID to be able to (I mean they can get it to buy liquor right?) and can't get to a polling station somehow? I don't believe this for a second. Low income people are disadvantaged but so what, if they care they can make it happen!

  • @LK-py1nb
    @LK-py1nb Год назад +8

    Thanks @TheAdamConover for providing your voice and time towards sharing facts and science/statistical based truth on this platform. Been a fan since episode one of "Adam Ruins Everything". From standup comic to American logic and thought investigator. I speak for many, when I say your work is appreciated.

  • @ReadingStaysFundamental
    @ReadingStaysFundamental Год назад +52

    Perhaps this is just my perspective as a black person, I have never considered voting a right. The moral of my US education is that voting is a privilege and civic duty.

    • @ReadingStaysFundamental
      @ReadingStaysFundamental Год назад +13

      The point I am making is that it is not an enumerated right. We just refer to it as such out of indoctrination.

    • @balther10
      @balther10 Год назад +5

      @@ReadingStaysFundamentalagreed. Otherwise it wouldn’t be so easy to make voting so difficult

    • @PrettyGuardian
      @PrettyGuardian Год назад +3

      ​@justanolfrend8050except it doesn't.

    • @peterpodgorski
      @peterpodgorski Год назад

      In all actual democracies voting is a right. It's obvious you *can* vote. It's a given. Whether you actually do or not that's your choice. The US is simply not a democracy... It's a plutocracy in a trench coat.

    • @JosephDavies
      @JosephDavies Год назад +6

      @@ReadingStaysFundamental The 15th Amendment explicitly refers to voting as a right and (ostensibly) guarantees it.

  • @aidoneusm7831
    @aidoneusm7831 Год назад +4

    "Constant vigilance!" was the phrase that Imposter Moody was always saying. It has also penetrated my own psyche and I think about it/say it all the time. 😄
    Excellent conversation, as always. I don't hear people bring up this issue very often, even now when it's going off the rails. It is just nice to know that I'm not the only one seeing this shit.

  • @kendomyers
    @kendomyers Год назад +8

    This is the kind of episode to listen to twice
    I think I will listen to the podcast in the car tonight

  • @Sean-YEG
    @Sean-YEG Год назад +5

    I'm not sure I agree with the guest about there being a meaningful difference between a person who wants voting restrictions because they think its best for democracy and a person who wants voting restrictions because they think it will help their side win; its like saying their is a meaningful difference between the pro-lifer who really believes that a fetus is a person and the pro-lifer who just hates women.

    • @lukeedwards7677
      @lukeedwards7677 Год назад

      Well, I'd argue that there is a meaningful difference in that the former *can* be reasoned with, though with difficulty, whereas the latter simply can't

  • @jneff6456
    @jneff6456 Год назад +2

    While there is no explicit right to vote, the Ninth Amendment states that the list of rights enumerated in the Constitution is not exhaustive, and that the people retain all rights not enumerated. The Tenth Amendment assigns all powers not delegated to the United States, or prohibited to the States, to either the States or to the people.

  • @lady_draguliana784
    @lady_draguliana784 Год назад +4

    Ronald Reagan - 'Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction'

  • @JonMcMaken
    @JonMcMaken Год назад +1

    Example of Legislature picking their electorate: Ohio districts were scheduled to be redistricted. The party/committee in charge of redrawing the map, submitted maps and got rejected by the courts five times. And two more maps for congressional districts were also rejected. Federal courts had to intervene and forced Ohio to use a slightly modified map that is largely the same as a rejected map. So the party in charge basically ran out the clock to keep their political advantage.

  • @maiabones
    @maiabones Год назад +3

    I've not had great mental health for a while now and I struggle for focus/stay involved in anything especially this length, but this podcast is one of those things I can just get into the second I see it, despite the length, and it's been a real saving grace for me with my current inability to maintain interest in anything for any length of time

  • @sebastiangaleano2041
    @sebastiangaleano2041 Год назад +9

    Thanks for your work. I do not live in the US but I am aware of the impact the decisions and policies your country assume will have on the rest of the world. Plus, you always look soooo cooooool and your comedy is gold!

    • @PazLeBon
      @PazLeBon Год назад

      tbf they dont look cool, half look overweight, have all the craziest conspiracy theorist of the world and wave around guns. which bits are cool? coke and mcdonalds?

    • @sebastiangaleano2041
      @sebastiangaleano2041 Год назад

      @@PazLeBon you don't have to watch or agree, as I don't with your half baked opinions :3

    • @alexthewrecker4666
      @alexthewrecker4666 Год назад

      ​@@sebastiangaleano2041I think they were referring to Americans in general and not Adam. It took me a few re-reads to understand

  • @DeclanMBrennan
    @DeclanMBrennan Год назад +28

    In fairness, you guys are still running Democracy 1.0. No wonder it's a bit buggy and you sometimes get hacked.

    • @CapnSnackbeard
      @CapnSnackbeard Год назад

      We have never lived in a democracy. We have never practiced democracy. Not by any definition of democracy anywhere. It was never the plan to allow non-white, non-landowners any real rights, and damn sure not the right to vote. Even when they do "vote," the votes are tallied and adjusted by rules that favor the owning classes.

    • @terryjones573
      @terryjones573 Год назад

      Not trying to be antagonistic, but where are you from?/where are you referring to who has gotten the update?

    • @rubeniscool
      @rubeniscool Год назад +4

      @@terryjones573 Pretty much all of mainland Europe has a far more direct democratic system. None of that weird electoral college weirdness (with the exception of france). In effect, the elected head of state is a direct result of actual votes. As is party representation.
      The UK is the outlier which still doesn't have proportional representation. But other than that, most voting systems in most European countries are far more transparent and less convoluted than the US system from what I understand.

    • @joecoolioness6399
      @joecoolioness6399 Год назад +1

      @@rubeniscool If we did not have the electoral college every election would be decided by a few large cities in a few states of our country. Densely populated areas would hold all the power.

    • @rubeniscool
      @rubeniscool Год назад +3

      @@joecoolioness6399 Regardless, it just means that the people do not vote for the president directly.
      That's how you get shenanigans like someone with the popular vote not becoming president.

  • @davidb5666
    @davidb5666 Год назад +8

    For the algorithm 🫡

  • @jasonsmith530
    @jasonsmith530 Год назад +4

    What a time to be alive!

  • @Madeintheshade65
    @Madeintheshade65 Год назад +7

    The payment of your fines is a poll tax

    • @tomtrask_YT
      @tomtrask_YT Год назад +1

      lines are a tax - my government has an obligation to make my casting of a ballot as easy as possible and that includes not making me stand in a long line where I have to choose between picking my kid up from soccer practice or casting a ballot.

  • @NovaPax
    @NovaPax Год назад +4

    "If the system is working, everyone gets one vote, and every one vote counts equally"
    Yep, so wouldn't "Voting with your Dollar" be a huge violation of that premise? Doesn't lobbying give those with more money, more weight in politics? The equivalent of more votes?

    • @jthadcast
      @jthadcast Год назад +2

      exactly and the dollars don't need to be local so my money can buy your elections. see bezos for clarity.

  • @LK-py1nb
    @LK-py1nb Год назад +5

    PS. I believe syncing local elections is a better methodology. The numbers show that it drives participation far more than any local election on its own. Maybe when voters start caring enough to always vote the numbers would change but currently that isn't the case.

  • @Cypher5235
    @Cypher5235 Год назад +4

    In the USA, is it a constitutional right to vote?
    edit: nm, i didnt get far enough. That is fucked up you dont have a RIGHT to vote but you have a right to own guns. Simply wow

  • @hhckiss2817
    @hhckiss2817 Год назад +6

    There is way too much taxation without representation in the USA. It's ironic because that was that stated reasoning for the revolutionary war. Felons who have served their time and are back at work paying taxes should be able to vote. Puerto Rico and DC pay all the federal income taxes but their house reps don't have voting power. I would even argue that people under 18 who are paying into social security and other income taxes should have representation. Maybe if they did, the republicans would stop being so eager to lower the working age and throwing these kids into hard labor jobs. The guarantee of representation for tax payers should have been written in the constitution. I've seen Republicans who are business owners bragging on Facebook that they schedule their liberal workers shifts on election day and threaten to fire them if they skip to go vote. It's disgusting. Losing wages, DMV fees, transportation, hidden incarceration fees, these are all poll taxes in my opinion. There should be a national voter roll and a national voting holiday.

    • @gadget2622
      @gadget2622 Год назад +2

      I definitely think that 16 year olds should have the right to vote. But I don’t think that right should be exclusive to working 16 year olds.
      It shouldn’t be whether they are currently paying into social security, but whether they would be if they were working.

  • @Praisethesunson
    @Praisethesunson Год назад +20

    If voting actually worked our corporate overlords wouldn't let us do it.

    • @kellywalker1664
      @kellywalker1664 Год назад +4

      It has to have some value beyond windowdressing, why else would they finance "civil servants" like DeSantis?

    • @Pazuzu4All
      @Pazuzu4All Год назад +1

      Fucking lol. If voting didn't have any value, corporate goons wouldn't be fighting so hard, at this very moment, to restrict it. That would be a waste of their time and money. Yet they are doing it everywhere they can. Voting isn't the greatest method of change, but it still has value and it is the least we can do.

    • @astilealavatica1404
      @astilealavatica1404 Год назад

      ​@@kellywalker1664it's all theater...just a good show.

  • @haveaseatplease
    @haveaseatplease Год назад +3

    Voting is broken, no it isn't, it's a feature, not a bug.

  • @jamiefrontiera1671
    @jamiefrontiera1671 Год назад +1

    I understand not being about to vote federally twice, but what I can't understand is if someone lives in several places throughout the year, why can't you can't vote locally for both areas. If you spend half a year in each place, don't those local laws and officials still represent you?
    Oh and speaking of bad voting machines: the first election I was able to vote in was 2000. Nypirg convinced me not to do write in ballot but to do change of address and vote in New York where I was attending college. I still don't know how I voted. Brooklyn voting machines had these little turn knobs. Being from Texas it was the first and last time I would vote for Bush or any republican candidatefor president, but I was trying to also vote for Hillary as well. It wouldn't let me turn the knob for her. So I tried again with her first, and it wouldn't let me vote for Bush. They wouldn't give you instructions and said they couldn't help me for my first voting. The voting machine had this big lever at the bottom, so I figure maybe I'm supposed to pull it individually. So I turn the knob for Bush and pull the knob. Next thing I know it won't let me do anything else, they tell me I'm done and I don't even get to see my ballot. I have no idea if I only voted for Bush or every republican on the ticket.

    • @jb888888888
      @jb888888888 Год назад

      I think they were only talking about federal elections.
      You're only supposed to vote from your "primary" residence. If you live in Point A, vote in an election, then move to Point B and then vote in their election -- that's fine. If it's a vote for like mayor or something else local. Perhaps even two different governor primaries.

  • @tristfularcadia
    @tristfularcadia Год назад +2

    @About 16 min I've been saying this for years, people don't believe me. I always explain to them that it's the state's decision to decide who can vote, especially when people get mad about the way California is doing their voting regardless if I agree with it or not it's their right.

  • @mysportisyourpunishment73188
    @mysportisyourpunishment73188 Год назад +12

    Yes doing Rank Choice voting may open up another independent party. I would love to see that.

  • @KrAOLo
    @KrAOLo Год назад +1

    This is a great episode, I think Americans need a wake up call regarding their so-called rights. George Carlin a comedian albeit a philosopher already nailed this topic but it's great to see it broken down.
    Keep up the great work!
    Would enjoy doing an episode regarding China, or the legal Cannabis industry if you want.

  • @PapyrusEngineer
    @PapyrusEngineer Год назад +1

    Can we change how we call democracy? I suggest:
    Representative democracy -> Elitocracy (system where people choose their elites once every 4 years to do the ruling - what we essentially have now)
    Direct democracy -> Democracy (system where people themselves do the ruling)

  • @AustinIsTheGreatests
    @AustinIsTheGreatests Год назад +23

    This podcast gives me so much anxiety and despair sometimes but it is fun to learn. I feel like we can't wait 100+ years for a right to vote act. Like women did with the right to vote. With technology now everything is faster and democracy needs to speed up or it will be take from us.

    • @PrettyGuardian
      @PrettyGuardian Год назад +7

      Women's right to vote was never fully ratified, our allowance to vote in the US isn't guaranteed.

    • @astilealavatica1404
      @astilealavatica1404 Год назад

      Old evil men run things...stop them.
      Humans need to stop infighting long enough to topple our oppressors
      Mitch McConnell is Emperor Palpatine
      Some of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make! - Lord Trump
      @Justin Y. Trump is evil. He ignored this virus until he couldn't ignore it...the steps taken have been deliberately slow to contain this virus, as the government has made huge financial gains in allowing particularly older, retired people to more pay outs each, if still valid in this our only peaceful, legal 3rd party is the ONLY WAY to get real humans in power, rather than dynasty families and career politicians. When we realize the 2 parties we are divided over LOVE the division among us...then and only then may America be great again...
      @Justin Y. Lack of knowledge of the deep state? I just accused our government of mass murder...I understand deep state...fact that you refuse to listen, only attack, says too much about you...clearly you haven't known hardship. Clearly none of this has impacted you are part of the problem, offering zero solutions.
      @Justin Y. Calling me stupid really helps your case...Trump has very limited brain power, as evidenced by his rambling, generally repetitive, toddler talks...although most of us are sorely undereducated, Trump really amazes me every time i listen to his banter. Trump did not close the borders in time, many flights to the USA brought sick folk here. Action wasn't taken until very late February, and by then 15 confirmed cases were more than enough to basically allow what amounts to airborn, quickly lethal AIDS《why this? (Because this virus mutates too fast to create an effective vaccine, which may never get made), upon the world. This is dangerous because common behaviors of common folk, such as shoulder to shoulder events, shopping and sardine packed working conditions, helped this virus along...even as people died in China daily...America went forward 2 full months wothout any concerns...then...rather than force the hands of state officials, and put the population through a 2 month quarantine, we've been seeing states react, rather than prepare...and all at the natural stages this virus thrives on...complacency among enough of us to allow the spread to continue. You refusing to see this logic isn't a blight on my mental capacity, just proves you are as simple as our Lord Trump...and likely among those very few, who like many elites, don't even understand the plight of the masses, whom I speak for, in this contrived crisis...Trump is calm about the virus because he exists outside the bounds of common folk...Trump and other powerful people would never have to take the risk of infection seriously as they are all well protected by expendable servants or can at the least afford to continue living lavishly and distanced from peons such as myself. 9/11 was an inside job and this proves what I've feared since then...that the government can perform mass murder and the people will always just accept it, hire the next sociopath in line, whichever of the 2 evil divisionary parties they aspire to dwell in...
      Our educational system is archaic. We could be educating everyone from home...there are no valid excuses for our current broken schooling, and no teachers need lose the internet is an amazing communication device...
      Taxes are broken. Your dollar earned gets hit so many times...and we all just accept that blindly.
      Medicine is broken. My grandmother died because her selfish daughter needed cable tv more than grandma needed diabetes medicine...and millions suffer from the inability to afford insulin, despite that drug initially starting out as a gift to humanity from a generous genius, privatized by evil and greed, priced beyond reality for most.
      Our 2 party system is designed to keep us bickering...division keeps us docile enough to accept our own government conspiring to murder us, with our acceptance. 3rd party candidates are generally real humans...that care about other humans, even, gasp, total strangers and foreigners...
      We are all on the same damn spaceship...Earth. I judge character...not race, not whatever religion folks are born into. I am old...I am tired of seeing disaster after disaster get slow attention from government, as poor people die in thousands due to delayed or nonexistent help.
      It's about time the many take control, with votes, to dethrone the sociopaths that control us, play games with our very lives...
      When there are only voluntary homeless, when the janitor is paid living wage, when a high school graduate can earn enough in food service, or retail, to support a modest home and essentials, while creating a nest egg...when veterans are given the same care as Congress, Senate and other positions of highest power, rather than left to suffer and die, when the lowest paying jobs are enough to survive on, then and only then, can America boast of being great...
      As it stands...I feel most of us are born into lies we have no control over...It's well orchestrated, as my points are made clear in every satirical broadcast about the plight of the expendable masses, world wide...
      Do I want peace, equity and kumbaya? Yeah...I do...are there sociopaths in power oppressing the common folk...yeah...there are...have good Democrats and Republicans existed? Yes...they get blocked by evil at every turn, often resigning due to unbeatable corruption. Do I pity the very people I label simple? You bet I do...I want this planet to be a better place for most...not some...for all...if ever possible...
      This covid virus isn't done. It mutates too fast to pin it down with a vaccine...and we haven't seen the end of it because we, as a planet, would have to agree on a few ground rules to consider being a functional society.
      That's my 2 cents...some of it...take it or leave it. Most of us just exist and watch, lazily, rather than get directly involved in change. @soaringvulture We don't seem to take note...we, the expendable masses, are being told to push through life ignoring this took ONE infection to start a Planet Wide Pandemic...and because we didn't quarantine from January 1st to February, we get to watch innocent and otherwise lives lost, daily...who are "we", in "we're in it together"? Certainly not the elite...they step on us to avoid harm...I'm furious with humanity as a whole...I'm furious we accept all this death and Trump's toddler a Ted talk without useful insight...
      Those of us suffering are many...while the privileged watch the show They created...when...when will the common folk unite against tyranny, through the only peaceful means we out career politicians and dynasty families in favor of fellow human beings, with consciousness and compassion for the lowest among us.
      We won't stop the cycle of abuse by trading Democrats and Republicans, two sides of the same evil, corrupt coin.
      Vote 3rd for real people, with flaws, that understand what struggle is...that have put time behind any of these so called essential, yet minimum wage jobs...
      This economy is screwed...always has been. The vast majority of work available is menial service, retail, janitors, grocers...a great many take their wages in government...which is far too big, complex and unsustainable...
      Until any job can offer a modest secure household, until the only homeless are those who volunteer to live "free"...until the pill giants are mandated to make life saving medicine reasonably priced...we are a selfish, horrid nation, divided by the very people that oppress us, yet too busy fighting amongst ourselves to take any useful action towards a better tomorrow for the MANY, not the FEW

    • @PazLeBon
      @PazLeBon Год назад

      @@PrettyGuardian things seem to have gone downhill since they voted tho and had positions of power.. its an ironic coincidence lol

    @NicBOIIIIII Год назад +5

    Algorithm points

  • @CptApplestrudl
    @CptApplestrudl Год назад +1

    Starting at a local level working upwards:
    -Get money out of politics
    -Direct ballot measures to let people decide on big topics
    -ranked choice voting
    -no more gerrymandering
    -no more electoral college
    -maybe an age or term limit for representatives
    -voting as a right
    So much to do and Democrats are still having a hard time to get rid of superdelegates.

  • @AndrewLugo
    @AndrewLugo Год назад +4

    Ranked choice voting is not much better than plurality voting! That being said, I hope Adam brings on an expert to talk about other voting systems

    • @lukeedwards7677
      @lukeedwards7677 Год назад

      Maybe, but few can agree on what does 'work best' beyond that first-past-the-post, winner-take-all voting creates some of the least representative outcomes (much like how democracy is the worst system of government except for all the other ones...)

    • @AndrewLugo
      @AndrewLugo Год назад +1

      @@lukeedwards7677 My issue is that all too often the conversation about plurality alternatives often begins and ends with ranked choice and doesn't really get into alternatives. I don't want ranked choice to just become the solution simply because we're all talking about the problem and not having productive discussions about all of the possible solutions. I'm a big fan of Approval voting personally.

    • @lukeedwards7677
      @lukeedwards7677 Год назад +1

      @@AndrewLugo I think the reason why approval voting is rarely discussed is because it requires the voter to generally have little difference in the amount they preference an 'approved' candidate over another compared to the candidates they don't 'approve' of, which ultimately creates the same conditions as ranked choice without 'strategic' considerations distorting the vote
      There's a reason why ranked choice is the most widely considered option

  • @baltosstrupelos302
    @baltosstrupelos302 Год назад +1

    Loved the Cake analogy; my dad did that with my sister and I for pizza.

  • @jamesclark1019
    @jamesclark1019 Год назад +3

    I was not an AL Gore fan, but He actually won.

  • @IanZainea1990
    @IanZainea1990 Год назад +2

    Hey Adam. VFX workers are trying to unionize. And, any AI actors (horrendous) would require VFX to use. I see major opportunity for solidarity here. Would love to hear you speak on VFX workers unionizing. IATSE is running the organizing campaign. If you called for us to organize, that'd be even more amazing! Thanks for all you do!

  • @jerryl7050
    @jerryl7050 Год назад +2

    Great Conversation! Loved it. Thank you so much for this quality content.

  • @Orthus100
    @Orthus100 Год назад +1

    I am one who genuinely feels that voting should have some test of competency because if there is anything the last few elections really highlighted is that a huge chunk of the electorate are ignorant and gullible to a degree that damages the system for everyone else. BUT I am also acutely aware that my ideals are extremely easy to steal and twist against me, so what I want isn't realistic.

  • @brianatippens3010
    @brianatippens3010 Год назад +1

    Let’s set the record straight here…the US does NOT safeguard democracy around the world, we actively undermine it. We are CONSTANTLY overthrowing democratically elected leaders in countries whose politics threaten our corporate and geopolitical interests!
    It’s an absolute joke to think we are protecting democracy around the world! Other than that though, I loved this conversation and the guest was great!

  • @andrewhazlewood4569
    @andrewhazlewood4569 Год назад

    In Australia voting is a responsibility not just a right of every citizen over the age of 18. It is compulsory to vote and you can be fined if you don’t. You can cast a protest vote but you need to vote. Elections are held on the weekend with local polling stations accessible to people without massive lines. Those who work on election day or who live remotely (or anyone who wants to) can vote early or by mail. This is something US needs to adopt to overcome voter suppression. The US has never been the most democratic country in the world.

  • @Tobi-ci3ns
    @Tobi-ci3ns Год назад +2

    It would be amazing to see Americans take to the streets to demand ranked choice voting. I think most would rather die than admit Australia did something better than America though.

    • @gadget2622
      @gadget2622 Год назад

      Australia needs proportional democracy though. We want new zealand’s system.
      We had something like 14% of the population vote for the greens in the last election and because we don’t have proportional democracy, it may as well have been 0%.

  • @schm00b0
    @schm00b0 Год назад +1

    There is no 'view of democracy'. A democracy is when everyone has the same vote.

  • @glitched.gaming
    @glitched.gaming Год назад +1

    I listened to two other podcasts today Adam.... I'm sorry I wont do it again... (jk). Your content is so multifaceted factual, and pertinent, and though yes some bias, but not an extremists demand for blind faith. I commend you over and over.

  • @Non-Legit
    @Non-Legit Год назад

    I don’t appreciate how centrist Rick was in this, he was like “we don’t really know how to make it fair” but we sure as hell know what makes it unfair

  • @Tochinoki
    @Tochinoki Год назад

    You're a good dude. I really respect you for using your platform to make the world a better place.

  • @lostrebel
    @lostrebel Год назад +1

    I can't keep hearing and having these conversations. something has to change. I'm already saving to leave this country.

  • @danjordan2625
    @danjordan2625 Год назад

    Rediscovered you (and the channel) through the Fake Doctors podcast. They sure are cute, aren't they?
    Great stuff!

  • @Tera_B_Twilight
    @Tera_B_Twilight Год назад +1

    I seem to recall we kinda started a war because, among other things, we were being taxed but couldn't vote for parliament. Like I know that "no taxation w/o representation" does NOT appear in the Constitution, but if it was such a big deal we started a whole new nation because of it, doesn't it seem like that would be a good guideline for determining who gets a vote?
    We tax resident aliens, teenagers and the incarcerated or formerly incarcerated. So...

    • @gadget2622
      @gadget2622 Год назад

      Yes but it shouldn’t be reliant on currently employment status, obviously. Just that if you were to earn money, and were going to be taxed, then you deserve a vote.

    • @Tera_B_Twilight
      @Tera_B_Twilight Год назад

      @@gadget2622 Huh. I would argue that everyone "deserves" a voice in the system that affects their every waking moment.
      I mean if the idea in the first place is that you spread power out to avoid corruption, it doesn't get much more spread than "everyone".

  • @Vanessa-iq3vt
    @Vanessa-iq3vt Год назад

    His response reminds me of a Angel Davis title: Freedom is a constant struggle. That affirmation really shakes up the idea of just expecting things to go a particular way. It’s so easy to assume that.

  • @KyleChou-dw8jy
    @KyleChou-dw8jy Год назад

    For me the value of democracy is in the peaceful and welling transition between ideal and power.

  • @IanZainea1990
    @IanZainea1990 Год назад +1

    48:32 I also think that we should no longer use maps to show election results. That reinforces the idea that states vote, instead of people voting.

    • @robo5013
      @robo5013 Год назад +1

      I've always thought, something the professor touched on, that we shouldn't report the results of the counts until everyone has voted. It may make people feel that if their candidate is going to lose anyway why bother to go vote. I also believe that many people in the west make their decision on who to vote for by following the election counts so they can vote for the winner and by extension feel like one as well.

    • @jthadcast
      @jthadcast Год назад

      meh, the districting is map based, people aren't voting it's a duopoly. urban pitted against rural, class and education, wasf. good news the problem is global in the best case, so we'll all go down together.

  • @wolfchan4389
    @wolfchan4389 Год назад

    so one thing as was mentioned - that the fairest way to cut the cake is to have one person cut it and the other choose the slice - this is something that is the issue with the house and house committees. Currently the way it works is chairmanship of committees and agendas are set by the ruling party which means that motions by committees are all one party rule. If a simple rule that the minority parties chaired committees you wouldn't have to have bipartisan committees to get things done and this would trickle down to elections since reps that get elected and cannot work in a bipartisan manner would get nothing done and be sidelined.

  • @russellnolan9212
    @russellnolan9212 Год назад

    People not voting, giving up are half or sometimes more! Those dedicated crazies can get their way.

  • @johnfitzgerald8879
    @johnfitzgerald8879 Год назад

    If there are so many people in prison that prisoner's being able to vote is a problem, then we have too many people in prison and there is something else that is terribly wrong.

  • @ryn2844
    @ryn2844 Год назад

    As someone who's not American, and is looking on to what's happening over there with absolute horror, hearing people use 'un-American' as some sort of insult is baffling. Restricting voting rights is 'un-American'? Y'all are the king of that. And that's not a new thing.

  • @Phoenixguy357
    @Phoenixguy357 Год назад +2

    So im 40 mins into the video and im wondering when they start talking about this conspiracy?? I feel like ive been totally clickbaited

  • @michaeladdison2609
    @michaeladdison2609 Год назад

    The court read an implied or tacit right to privacy into the constitution. You'd think they'd read a right to vote in there too.

  • @Ian-ie3hy
    @Ian-ie3hy Год назад +4

    all sources of media are drowning in a pool of emotional necessities which derails the train of logic and halts ideological progression 🤷

  • @__thelastpoet
    @__thelastpoet Год назад

    Im in the rabbit hole and im not coming out until my next meeting in a few hours. I have been talking about blocking voter rights ever since i realized how hard it was for me to vote in primaries simply because I don't pick any party. And when I looked into it, this is something that varies state to state so its pretty much WHIMSICAL and I'd argue unconstitutional. Why should I have to pick a party to participate in the democracy? Idk where this is going but I am EXCITED anyway yay! Go Adam!

    • @thumper84
      @thumper84 Год назад

      Because the party pickd who runs on their ticket. The party doesn't even have to nominate the winner of primary

    • @__thelastpoet
      @__thelastpoet Год назад

      @thumper84 thats what I inevitably find out which makes it all kind of pointless right? Like a show for who's sake idk

  • @AndyGilleand
    @AndyGilleand Год назад

    Your intro and commercials are a lot louder than the interview part. Please work on editing the audio levels to be more consistent.

  • @magnuslundstedt2659
    @magnuslundstedt2659 Год назад

    For me, who live in Sweden, the US system seems so wierd. Why do you have to register to be able to vote?
    Here everyone that is a citizen and have turned 18 years is eligible to vote, when it's time I just go to the polls and cast my vote. The only thing I need to have is a valid id. If I am not at my hometown on the days of poll I can either go to another poll office or vote in advance or by mail.

  • @GrinerB
    @GrinerB Год назад

    The reality is it's extremely American for the ruling class to decide that certain people aren't suitable to vote. We love preaching about democracy on the world stage but barely have honestly practiced it over the course of our history. MLK was assassinated for fighting for black people's constitutional right to vote. This happened when my mom was a teenager. I'm in my mid-30's.... That's how recent it was when it was state sanctioned violent discrimination on 20% of the population. Without the voting rights act that would have never stopped. Because the SCOTUS has been engineered to seat extreme right wing racists unconcerned with law but in the position to create it, they have systematically hit the undo-button for any progress made in the past 50 years. The second they had the opportunity to end the voting rights act, they did. Using the period of time in which states couldn't implement their nakedly racist policies without court oversight as proof it's no longer needed. As soon as they weren't bound by judicial oversight they immediately put into place racist maps and racist voting hurdles specifically designed to suppress non-white voters. Without expansion of the supreme court, Jim Crow 2.0 will be enacted again..

  • @InvisiblePinkSoylent
    @InvisiblePinkSoylent Год назад

    Check out the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). One independent body, charged with maintaining the integrity of elections. Also, why do you use voting machines? Paper votes are much more difficult to dispute.

  • @rivendell24sa
    @rivendell24sa Год назад +1

    Awesome podcast 🎉😎😊

  • @duffin.caprous
    @duffin.caprous Год назад

    It makes no sense to me that you even have to register to vote. If you're an adult citizen, you should get to vote, period.

  • @elizawulf8180
    @elizawulf8180 Год назад

    I'll just be over here, hoping for an indigenous caucus like in New Zealand...

  • @IanZainea1990
    @IanZainea1990 Год назад

    58:53 we did the same in Ohio... you know what the politicians did? They ignored it and drew the maps they wanted anyway.

  • @thumper84
    @thumper84 Год назад

    2020 election workers monitoring the count were required to be 12 feet away making it where they couldn't see shit.

  • @septegram
    @septegram 9 месяцев назад

    1:02:25 "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
    --Thomas Jefferson

  • @bencoomer2000
    @bencoomer2000 Год назад

    I would posit that the government needs to prove you CAN'T vote rather than you needing to prove you can.

  • @_Everything_is_Fine_
    @_Everything_is_Fine_ Год назад

    When looking at "Western-style democracy", we should analyze the essence. The essence of liberal democracy is money politics

  • @Twisted_Cabage
    @Twisted_Cabage Год назад +1

    You failed to check him on the realities of time we face due to the existential threat of climate change and biosphere collapse. Any discussion that doesn't include those and then tells you to remain calm and just vote harder is misinforming you.

  • @Kevin_geekgineering
    @Kevin_geekgineering 11 месяцев назад +1

    it's not just right to vote people think is important, the catalogue of politician who you can choose from is even more important. in a two party system you shouldn't expect to get any progress. that why most people see their votes go nowhere. why bother ?

  • @patrickgibbons9318
    @patrickgibbons9318 Год назад

    How do you get these awesome guests?
    I wish we lived up to School House Rock and Sesame Street.

  • @3nertia
    @3nertia 8 месяцев назад

    "If voting worked, they wouldn't let us do it" - Mark Twain

  • @geraldmeehan8942
    @geraldmeehan8942 Год назад

    New to channel from southern Indiana. I personally am a 64 year old progressive. I truly believe government can regulate the economy and lift up the people. Let's have as close to true democracy as possible.

  • @fuzzlemacfuzz
    @fuzzlemacfuzz Год назад

    Same thing is happening here in the UK. A tiny minority of landed gentry want to run the whole show, and have tried over the past 10 years to circumvent parliament at every turn

  • @CptApplestrudl
    @CptApplestrudl Год назад

    A german comedian once pointed out that Americans can travel across the world, fly a satelite supported stealth jet and drop a laserguideded bomb within a few meter precision on a muslim wedding, but they cannot build a machine that counts ballots.

  • @ericafuller7133
    @ericafuller7133 Год назад

    I went back to sleep too- wake me when shit does start to improve 😂

  • @melaniesheldon8013
    @melaniesheldon8013 Год назад

    Thank you Adam for the work you do ❤

  • @lady_draguliana784
    @lady_draguliana784 Год назад

    instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction.

  • @clinton8421
    @clinton8421 10 месяцев назад

    In Australia, all registered citizens are legally required to vote* with a $20 fine levied on those who don't. This is because voting is considered a civic duty, not a right. Conversely, the government cannot in any way restrict a citizen's ability to vote and must take care to enable everyone to participate in the democratic process. Many of the ways that the U.S. government restricts voting rights are straight-up illegal here because of this.
    I'm not saying that this is the guaranteed fix to voter suppression that the United States needs, or that it would even be accepted by the vast majority of the American public (you guys love your freedoms both great and small). But, it's an interesting way that our nation managed to avoid this issue.
    *A citizen doesn't actually have to vote, they just need to remove themselves from the voter registry. I don't want to go into full detail about our voting laws, but there are avenues a citizen can take if they simply don't want to vote.