I use my *hotdups* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry *condup* fake bags.
When I was 12 my mom took me to the LV on Bloor Street in Toronto. I had my fake LV from *preluxz* on my arm and thought I was cute. The sweet sales ladies let me try on a bag and a pair of heels knowing we were not wealthy and couldn't afford to purchase anything. It as really nice. No one seemed to care I had a fake bag and I felt special. They even gave me a paper shopping bag which I used as a lunch bag for weeks after! :) Who cares if people don't have real ones? I'm 30 now and ironically, although I can afford them I still prefer real people with fake bags than fake people with real bags. Just saying :) (not that everyone who carries a real one is bad or vice versa.) Just means I don't care if people carry fakes.
I use my *hotdups* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry *condup* fake bags.
En el momento en que vi el bolso *preluxz* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
The *condup* handbag I bought is a great color and perfect size. It's the same color as I saw in pictures online.
When I was 12 my mom took me to the LV on Bloor Street in Toronto. I had my fake LV from *preluxz* on my arm and thought I was cute. The sweet sales ladies let me try on a bag and a pair of heels knowing we were not wealthy and couldn't afford to purchase anything. It as really nice. No one seemed to care I had a fake bag and I felt special. They even gave me a paper shopping bag which I used as a lunch bag for weeks after! :) Who cares if people don't have real ones? I'm 30 now and ironically, although I can afford them I still prefer real people with fake bags than fake people with real bags. Just saying :) (not that everyone who carries a real one is bad or vice versa.) Just means I don't care if people carry fakes.
If fakes can give me the same quality as the real thing, I need fakes! I don't want to pay more! I always buy the bags I want at *condup* .