Lineup Changes, Stage Schedules, Updates, and F&Q’s| What You Need to Know for Louder Than Life 2023

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @CrossingAcesMedia
    @CrossingAcesMedia  Год назад +2

    Hope to see all you fellow LoudMouths out there this year! Who are you most excited to see? PART 1!видео.htmlsi=oI9W61vrIoA_fi77

  • @s1ghtlessboi52
    @s1ghtlessboi52 Год назад +2

    Hey! Thanks for the info! I can't wait to see everyone there! I'll probably be bouncing in-between the two big stages on Saturday. I'm super excited for the 23rd!

    • @CrossingAcesMedia
      @CrossingAcesMedia  Год назад

      Hope to see you there! Friday and Saturday and definitely the better of the 4 days!

    • @s1ghtlessboi52
      @s1ghtlessboi52 Год назад

      @@CrossingAcesMedia you can't miss me! I have albinism so my hair will probably stand out a lot! But I am kinda short so maybe not lol.

  • @espy8937
    @espy8937 Год назад +1

    Do you know if we need ids for drinks? We registered our wristbands and I can’t remember if I was carded last year! Thanks for the info!!

    • @CrossingAcesMedia
      @CrossingAcesMedia  Год назад

      Yeah they are strict on the id’s, they won’t even serve you if yours is expired 🙃 and yeah of course glad I could help! Make sure to subscribe for the festival recap videos!

  • @midnight3480
    @midnight3480 Год назад +1

    You are a real one for this bro! We all have a first time experience and I can tell you've been where I'm at right now lol. Hope to see ya there. You can bet imma be catching Avenged Sevenfold with a huge smirk across my face C=

  • @AlexFlores-te4cq
    @AlexFlores-te4cq Год назад +1

    I’m so sad about sleep token and falling in reverse I want to see both of them so bad 😭

    • @CrossingAcesMedia
      @CrossingAcesMedia  Год назад

      I feel that 🙃 still have 6 days to think it over 🤘

    • @whitsittkillz4980
      @whitsittkillz4980 Год назад +1

      Feel your pain, we literally bought tickets to see both

    • @th3stringman
      @th3stringman Год назад

      @@whitsittkillz4980damn that’s who you care about seeing?

    • @KT22672
      @KT22672 Год назад

      Hey man that's how festivals like this go you gotta just make a game plan and stick to it else you'll miss even more

    • @AlexFlores-te4cq
      @AlexFlores-te4cq Год назад

      @@KT22672 schedule ended up getting changed and I got to see both from beginning to end

  • @tunkster3966
    @tunkster3966 Год назад

    i bought my ticket off Seet Geek i was wondering what to do about wrist band all i got was a barcode that says it has to be scanned at box office. am i good?

    • @CrossingAcesMedia
      @CrossingAcesMedia  Год назад +2

      From my understanding they should mail you the brackets from whoever you bought them from on SeatGeek, I unfortunately do not know since that’s a third party. DWP only sells official tickets through FrontGateTickets, I would try contacting SeatGeeks customer service and see if they have any better answers, I’m sorry I couldn’t help more on this one 😞

  • @crystalrodriguez3909
    @crystalrodriguez3909 Год назад +1

    I am stressing about limp b. And dance gavin dance being so close to each other😭😭

    • @CrossingAcesMedia
      @CrossingAcesMedia  Год назад +1

      Definitely going to be a lot of traffic moving around stages at that time, 10 minutes is cutting it close but hopefully will be ok! could always embrace Godsmack, saw them at Sonic Temple and highly recommend 🤘🤘🤘

    • @crystalrodriguez3909
      @crystalrodriguez3909 Год назад +1

      @@CrossingAcesMedia yes, I’ve seen godsmack in Indy and thats why I need to see dgd I can’t wait! If I see you in a Hawaiian shirt ill say hi!

  • @GustavoOliveira-hy4ts
    @GustavoOliveira-hy4ts Год назад

    this gonna be streaming?

    • @CrossingAcesMedia
      @CrossingAcesMedia  Год назад

      Streaming some on my Instagram, will try to upload alot of performances and record, subscribe to stay updated!