Highlight: The Foundation of True Justice

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @ApologiaStudios
    @ApologiaStudios  Год назад

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  • @tonirobert6529
    @tonirobert6529 2 года назад +1

    I recently discovered your varied ministries to the off Christian groups. As a former JDubya I was embarrassed to find out how for nearly 30 yrs we were cruising down Paradise Highway thinking our final destination was Jehovah's New Order. We dissociated formerly 20 yrs ago but watching you minister to tge JW's and LDS in still learning. This video was another awesome teaching moment.
    My Brother in the LORD you are a gift in men. Thank you for being active in bringing the gospel to all.

  • @abcdestuvw4234
    @abcdestuvw4234 2 года назад +4

    Thank you for an explanation that is so easy to understand, that in fact an individual must be deceived if they don't get it. God bless you.

  • @sandypidgeon4343
    @sandypidgeon4343 2 года назад +1

    Well said, brutha. De Toquville in his "Democracy in America" said that the difference the American vs the French Revolution was that of the French wanting Freedom FROM religion;hence, all one needed was to be accused - "j'accuse", j'accuse" - and they were automatically guilty. The same can be said in atheist societies in the Soviet Union, Hitler's Germany, Mao's China, etc.....Thanks for taking care of my fellow SEALs. GOD Bless

  • @gabrielamartiniuc6322
    @gabrielamartiniuc6322 2 года назад +1

    The scary and close minded claims being made about Jesus at Holiday gatherings with family. 😰
    I was ready and prepared for this one!
    “The New Testament is oppressive to women.”
    I pointed the person in the word where Jesus stopped those throwing stones at the adulterous woman. Also- in the word where God says if a man mistreats his wife, his prayers are hindered.
    Many other false claims were made. I asked them if they read the Bible in context thoroughly before they make these claims? How does an individual make claims on a subject they don’t study or read or know anything about!!??!?!?!? These are highly educated individuals I’m talking about. That’s absolute proof that worldly education means nothing if critical thinking is warped !!

  • @nickbenjamin3546
    @nickbenjamin3546 2 года назад


  • @gavin604
    @gavin604 2 года назад +1

    Jeff, enlightening! Curious I haven't seen much discussion on Apologias thoughts on the Texas Abortion law. Sorry if I missed it.

  • @elimartin4107
    @elimartin4107 2 года назад

    If I examine myself to see if I am in the faith and feel like I don't pass the test, but I also understand that it is God who grants grace and faith to believe unto salvation. How do I know if I am saved? Its all on God and yet no matter how many times I pray and tell Him "I am a sinner and need your saving grace, I believe Jesus lived. Died. Rose again and sits on the right hand of the father interceding for us" I just dont feel peace, a desire to read the word, I fall into the same sins repeatedly, I am anxious, I am judgmental and angry. I don't want to feel this way anymore. We are not supposed to compare ourselves with others but I want to be a brother in Christ. What am I to do to gain that (the bible says nothing, its all on God) am I to just feel terrible everyday until God saves me and I can finally repent?

    • @RG-lc1qx
      @RG-lc1qx 2 года назад +1

      Beloved, there are no simple answers to your "feelings." Feelings are not the true measure of reality though. For example, if we live our lives by our feelings, most would NOT get up in the morning and go to work. There is rarely a day, for many, when the alarm goes off that they desire to get up and go to work. There are many exceptions of course, as in those whose profession provides a very comfortable and formidable salary that make it easier. But nonetheless, if we live by our feelings or emotions, we will be grossly misled. In fact, Jesus in the garden of gethsemane was overwhelmed by the weight and emotion of what He was going to have to endure within about 24 hours following His arrest. He pleaded that if the cup could be removed from Him, so that He would not have to drink its fulness, that His Father would remove it! Yet He understood that the CROSS; His suffering and death, was the ordained purpose for His life and the reason God the Father, sent God the SON! It was the GREATEST sacrifice the Father could make. What human father would not gladly die in the place of his son, given the choice to do so? Certainly not one whom did not truly love his son!
      Often times one must do what is necessary or what is the responsible thing to do, regardless of feelings. Feelings will lead you astray but not the Word of truth! A believer is called to know the Word of God. To know it means you must read it! This takes discipline. Reading it will require studying it to discern what it means by what it says. Merely, attending a local congregation and listening to someone else's interpretation without confirming or studying what is preached is NOT what any believer is called to do. There are many false teachers and teaching today and navigating the "spiritual" biblical landscape today is a maze causing much confusion.
      Whom shared the Gospel with you? Have you been properly discipled? Is the person who shared it with you capable of teaching it or does that person rely upon others to teach them biblical truth?
      The primary method of biblical interpretation will be the analogy of scripture. Many today will argue for the Historical Grammatical method and it is useful but not without its weaknesses. Comparing Scripture with Scripture will provide a better umbrella under which the whole counsel of God can be seen. Whereas the Historical Grammatical method, in my opinion, creates many of the interpretive issues that the 2 primary schools of doctrine teach. Those 2 viewpoints are Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology. There is a new kid on the block known as New Covenant Theology. Unfortunately, all 3 of these acknowledge interpretive difficulties that surround a major theme of the whole counsel of God. Namely, the continuity and discontinuity of the Covenants, both Old and New. In other words, the doctrine of the relationship commonly referred to as Israel and the Church. As if these are 2 separate identities, one a national heritage under a Theocracy and the other a new classification or institution called the "Ekklesia", translated as "church" and considered a new institution and identity. (the word is also translated as "congregation," or better stated, the ones whom are called out to be the congregation-what it is NOT is an institution with a human hierarchy-Jesus Christ is the HEAD of the Congregation). The main problem here is that these systems of interpretation fail to see the continuity that is required from Genesis to Revelation in the whole plan of redemption; that there is ONE God, ONE plan of redemption, and ONE people of God consisting of people from every tribe, nation and tongue! Furthermore, consisting of Jew and Gentile, foreigner or stranger, Israelite and non-Israelite, pagan and redeemed pagan. A correct biblical viewpoint will purge out those denominations that claim a direct connection to the Apostolic age such as the Catholic, [Russian] Orthodox, Coptic and others that misinterpret the Congregation of believers to becoming a new institution under a human hierarchy instead of the true Head of the body! Thus they espouse false teaching and teachers yet claim a direct connection to the LORD. It seems we can see this kind of error throughout the Old Covenant and the Pharisees and Sadducees were rebuked by the Savior repeatedly for their religious corruption.
      The Gospel originated long before the Messiah came (Genesis 3:15 and many other places), though His ministry was to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, some erroneously argue exclusively to the Jew as a result, but He commissioned his disciples to go and make disciples of every nation! Under the Old Covenant many Gentiles, foreigners and strangers, believed the way of salvation, including Israelites. Under the New Covenant, many Israelites were converted along with Gentiles, non-Jewish Israelites. So we see ONE redeemed people under ONE plan of redemption. That mankind remains under a Theocracy cannot be disputed! The Psalmist says in many places, the earth is the LORDS and everything in it! HE IS THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE and ALL His subjects are under His rule! That the Law of God, aka the Law of Christ in the New Covenant, remains the standard under which all men, born as sons or daughters of Adam, will be judged never changed. His LAW is King and the laws of men, aka the ordinances of man in Peters epistle, are subservient to the LAW of GOD!
      Beloved, if you have repented unto new life, you will continue to repent (daily) for though you are a new creature in Jesus Christ, you, and I, are called to mortify (that is put to death) sin in our body! This is the process of sanctification (by the Holy Spirit) and sadly we fail regularly. Whether outwardly or inwardly sin's assault continues until the day we die! Oh, wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death? I thank God- through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the Law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin! Romans 7:24-25.
      Beloved, you are not alone in the roller coaster life of a redeemed sheep in the fold of the Good Shepherd! Now treasure His word as if seeking for platinum, gold or silver as His word does not return to Him void but accomplishes ALL that He pleases and prospers the purposes for which He sent it!

    • @alaskayoung3413
      @alaskayoung3413 2 года назад +1

      I just want to tell you I’m in a similar boat. I struggle with addiction and some
      Other stuff and I’ve given my life to god and been baptized and I still struggle. I do believe I’m saved by his grace but it is frustrating to not be healed. I just look at it as a test to keep the faith and to keep doing as I’m directed and one day I will wake up changed. Paul had a thorn in his side he begged for to go away repeatedly and he wrote most the New Testament!

  • @berglen100
    @berglen100 2 года назад

    One thought that's being done like man or females having lust is something no one defeats it while in flesh and blood that does lust something every day. Time when you think your not is destroying grace for man no matter what you have done or just thought, I AM is a mystery about its power when used in good or evil. Reading the Bible as secular history will have you not doing what your actually thinking and not physical doing it will fill churches made with hands will think they know grace. God doesn't judge anyone because its in man who are even blind about it. So grace doesn't judge anyone that's blinded by God Romans 11:32For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

  • @RG-lc1qx
    @RG-lc1qx 2 года назад

    In Matthews account of Jesus' arrest and indictment the high priest questions Him, 26:62. In v63, Jesus kept silent! So when the high priest asks again he does so by putting Jesus under oath by the living God. What this means is that if Jesus was a witness, the Law of God REQUIRED that He testify to the question being asked, otherwise, Jesus would have sinned to remain silent! See Leviticus 5:1 as to the requirement to answer if you are a witness! The 5th amendment DOES NOT trump the Law of God!

  • @rebelape4257
    @rebelape4257 2 года назад

    The entire Foundation of this claim makes absolutely no sense Divine Simplicity rules out the possibility of having any personal relationship with God.
    Anthropomorphic terms when applied the God either mean the same thing they mean when applied to us in which case God is a composite being.
    It doesn't matter if whether the parts material or immaterial.
    Alternatively you mean something other than what anthropomorphic language usually does
    But then you're not actually having a personal relationship because you're anthropomorphic term is a equivocation.