cruel bus conductors on asnoda to mapsa making bad withboasangers by rooes to bus doors or no st bus coming from prdne stand of vengurla or kudal or vikas or krishna gurav of ravalnath kadaval kudal sindudurga making kiling by knife of bhaviks coming inbfigas kudal kalambadevi temple with help of lolicd in kadaval or cruek hotelman or rickshawman in kudal like munj bad
It’s not at Shirgao
Khup. Chaan
cruel bus conductors on asnoda to mapsa making bad withboasangers by rooes to bus doors or no st bus coming from prdne stand of vengurla or kudal or vikas or krishna gurav of ravalnath kadaval kudal sindudurga making kiling by knife of bhaviks coming inbfigas kudal kalambadevi temple with help of lolicd in kadaval or cruek hotelman or rickshawman in kudal like munj bad
Aai lairai💜