When The Harp Loses It's Power by Larry Booker

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Music can calm the heart of a beast. David calmed the demons of king Saul by playing a harp. However, one day Saul still sought to kill David out of jealousy despite the smoothness and gentleness of the harp being played.

Комментарии • 4

  • @bayoumanbryan
    @bayoumanbryan 6 дней назад +1

    Thank you for posting this sermon

  • @Wwilltzx99
    @Wwilltzx99 5 лет назад +1

    This is a great message. Now to put this in the best light. This pastor is speaking of good pastors. Those who are striving to be the men of God that God is calling for. Those pastors who care about what God cares about. Those pastors who care about souls. Those pastors who truly love Jesus Christ and His people. He is speaking of following pastors who love Jesus Christ more than their very own lives. Sure there are some who don’t measure up to carry God’s word. You pray for them. Pray for God’s Spirit will be in control of the whole realm of the church, the spiritual atmosphere. God loves His people, He wants the best for His people. God loves you. He loves all. Have s prayer life. Keep constant prayer contact with God. God does delivers. God does answer prayer. The Bible says that Jesus is the Light. He will lead you and Guide you in the direction you need to go. I have been through a lot of things “stuff” since being saved. One thing I have learned in God is to never give up & have a communication line open to God. Pray He will answer you. When I got saved one thing God told me immediately “is to never leave Him”. So He will take care of you through good & bad. God will always cause you to “rise to the top“!!!!!! God never loose. Stay with Him and you will never loose also!!!! Men may loose but God always wins. Jesus saves!!!! (Repent and be baptize in the name of Jesus....) Acts 2:38, 8:12-16,10:38-44, 19:1-5.