This Terrible Prophecy for the United States Could Be About to Begin - Bible Beacon

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • This video discusses recent political and social events in the United States, including an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. It explores a biblical prophecy that predicts the decline of the American Empire, focusing on the nation's moral and spiritual decay. The video encourages viewers to pray for the U.S. and to place their hope in Jesus Christ, who is coming soon.
    Tags: #Prophecy #AmericaDecline #BiblicalProphecy #EndTimes #USPolitics #SpiritualWarfare #Prayer #JesusIsComing #ChristianFaith #MoralDecay

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @judychambers1555
    @judychambers1555 28 дней назад +113

    Judgement from God is coming to America. Ppl need to repent n submit before it's too late.

    • @loriegosnell9355
      @loriegosnell9355 28 дней назад +5

      Have you been anywhere else in the world? There are places so evil it makes anywhere in the USA look like a toddlers playground😅

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +3

      @@loriegosnell9355 Most of the evil in this country goes on behind the scenes.....

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +4

      @judychambers1555 Judgment is coming to the whole world, not just here

    • @thelonegerman2314
      @thelonegerman2314 25 дней назад

      US is the head of the Beast

    • @Melinda-i9g
      @Melinda-i9g 24 дня назад

      Judgement is here. America has an idolatrous relationship with Satanic anti-Christ Israel. America began her descent into hell when she began to stand with Israel.

  • @jimboatman1750
    @jimboatman1750 28 дней назад +184

    God, I ask you to protect America and all the good people in it and I pray that you will protect my family and myself amen

    • @angelaholloman2183
      @angelaholloman2183 28 дней назад

      I'm sorry to have to tell you that the Bible says that no not one is good and our hearts are wicked and deceitful so please repent and Read your Bible because we're living in the last days and Jesus christ is coming back and america is going to have a civil war because trumps not Coming back America 🇺🇸 is mystery Babylon and is under the judgment of God

    • @jimbentley1052
      @jimbentley1052 27 дней назад +3

      Romans 3:10-12 New King James Version (NKJV)As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.

    • @kimalexander2467
      @kimalexander2467 27 дней назад


    • @kimalexander2467
      @kimalexander2467 27 дней назад +5

      Lord please protect my family and friends wake them up as to everything that is happening in our, what was a great nation. Amen

    • @brendacarabba2752
      @brendacarabba2752 26 дней назад +3

      Jesus taught us to love one another, to take care of the poor , the sick, unfortunately, I don't see this in a lot of people today.

  • @rosalindrivera7519
    @rosalindrivera7519 28 дней назад +144

    I fear that this nation has gone too far to turn back simply because it loves the evils of this world. When the leaders are the most corrupt they impose their will on others and the others like our leaders love the world and the evil in it. Lord have mercy on us. R. Rivera

    • @KevinBeasleySurpriseAZRealtor
      @KevinBeasleySurpriseAZRealtor 27 дней назад

      It will if a ditz like Kamala gets placed like Joe

    • @GeorgeRamos-dk1en
      @GeorgeRamos-dk1en 26 дней назад +4

      Yes, That's why all this must come to pass. we are in prophetic times no doubt.

    • @Gabby-er1sr
      @Gabby-er1sr 25 дней назад +1

      @@rosalindrivera7519 evil deeds can make you rich in Satan's system

    • @MarcVallieres-yv9ir
      @MarcVallieres-yv9ir 25 дней назад +1

      I really like your video. I no longer recognize the us,Tomorrow I will be baptized l will take my stand and publicly make my stand before the lord.

    • @JudyStowers
      @JudyStowers 25 дней назад

      But we have to keep the faith our God is greater than the devil don’t give in to satin by saying it’s gone to far there is nothing that my God can’t in within a second so please don’t get offended by me saying this but if everyone beleaved this way I’d say that all hope is lost to but it’s not just keep on trusting God and pray for the nation that God deals with everyone’s hearts and they all Give their life to God. Thank you and may God bless us all.

  • @editfarkas333
    @editfarkas333 28 дней назад +179

    Jesus said: My Kingdom is not of this world!!!

    • @JamesEdwards-td7bi
      @JamesEdwards-td7bi 24 дня назад +4

      Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.

    • @amnobody117
      @amnobody117 24 дня назад +3

      The Kingdom of God is within you Luke 17

    • @jeffreyhoppock7140
      @jeffreyhoppock7140 23 дня назад

      Smart man

    • @ricksadler797
      @ricksadler797 23 дня назад +1

      Amen 🙏

    • @jeromedavid7944
      @jeromedavid7944 21 день назад

      In the secret writings of Didymus Thomas Yeshua says, "Those who come to intrepret the meaning of these sayings will find eternal life." Salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ and the eternal destiny of mankind has little to do with any American influence. The Lord of lords, the Host of hosts and King of kings doesn't just reign over sea to shining sea, amber waves of gold, purple mountain majesty above the fruited plain, but the entire universe. Some Americans falsely place our nation in a position of main importance through misintrepreted scripture. The nation of Israel which existed, didn't exist and existed once again is the main Bibilical nation of importance and Jerusalem the most important city. Italy and Rome especially are another nation and city that has a dominate presence in the scriptures of the New Testament. These current day supposed(followers of the way, truth,and life) evangelical Christians who try to justify their support of a man who lied 35,000 times in four years, paid hush money to a porno star, is an unregistered sex offender, organized and incited an insurrection on the US Capitol, a convicted felon of 34 counts as the divine messenger from the God Whom sent us Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Job, Isaiah, and troubled King David whom the MAGA cultists think Trump mimicks which is absurd. David from the time of his youth had a relationship and belief in Elohim. The same can not be said about Trump who is unrepentant and feels he does no wrong as he continues to bear false witness and make hypocritical and hateful remarks, with total unChrist-like behavior. That "suppose" assassination attempt maybe the most nonchalant near national tragedy of that proportion since Reagan's little run in with John Hinkley Jr. What TRE45ON tried to do for promotion and ratings, Bonzo did it to keep up with the Pope. You remember Pope John Paul II the wonderfully pious representative of St Peter who along with a courageous and dedicated Polish Union leader, who together brought down the Iron Curtain and the USSR. Of just like Trump Reagan took the credit. Faith, hope and love. Love is accepting, compassionate, decent, egoless, fair, good, humble, just, kind, lenient, merciful, noble, pitifulness, sharing, truthfulness, How many of this character qualities do you see in this supposed messenger from God? And which god???? This subtle undertone of Christian Nationalism is another terribly dangerous political direction the US should steer clear of at all cost. They was a lot of good Catholics and Lutherans wearing sulls and cross bones on their hats and two lightning on their collars. You know the rest of story and for 6.6 million it wasn't a happy ending! If the world is in the you the Father isn't, because the Father isn't of this world. Lust of flesh, lust of the eyes, and prideful indignation make up this world. It also is the complete character sketch of the hard right's man fromGod?!?! In the end times many will be led astray don't be one of them! Go with God, seek Christ with grace and mercy, and let the Holy Spirit guide you the Word in your heart, mind, and spirit!

  • @jmalko9152
    @jmalko9152 28 дней назад +88

    Praise the Lord forever. He is our hope and shield!

    • @lelandwigg-ninham1832
      @lelandwigg-ninham1832 23 дня назад


    • @jmalko9152
      @jmalko9152 22 дня назад +1

      @@lelandwigg-ninham1832 Hi! 1 Corinthians 1 we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews, and foolishness to Greeks, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God

  • @philobailey5627
    @philobailey5627 28 дней назад +113

    This nation becomes more immoral each and every day.
    My help comes from the Father of Lights

    • @ralphturner9091
      @ralphturner9091 27 дней назад +8


  • @carolynking6874
    @carolynking6874 29 дней назад +371

    America needs to return to God

    • @spartacusx8153
      @spartacusx8153 28 дней назад

      This nation has never been with God..a nation which started with the genocide and theft of native American tribes..the vast wealth created by the African slave trade cannot ever been one that truly served or submitted to the will of God..

    • @JamesChavez-u5d
      @JamesChavez-u5d 28 дней назад +10

      Amen all glory be to the holy one Jesus Christ lord of Lords and king of all kings

    • @richhava
      @richhava 28 дней назад

      You cannot return to something you never blessed......
      My gosh people,
      This country was the creation of Luciferians
      Who wanted to kill every last Indian and would have if not for a few good people......they lied on purpose and broke treaty after treaty.
      Evil started this mess and it's still in charge.....
      Our government is a Corporation for profit .
      Child protective services,
      Is a for profit business and get paid by grabbing kids and some sold into sex slavery.
      You are born to pay taxes and bonded by your birth certificate
      And SS number is a bank account.
      I could go on and on.
      Get on your computer and research the federal reserve bank which will lead you to pieces of the puzzle.
      The public school system is a for profit business and they taught us what they wanted us to know.
      They taught us false history and science.

    • @rettedich7133
      @rettedich7133 27 дней назад

      too late, you can't save America or Europe, you can only save souls.An old prophecy says, the last president of America will be a woman, she will be cruel. Now it's coming. We are in the last days.

    • @Supportingtruth8258
      @Supportingtruth8258 27 дней назад

      Individuals make decisions for Jesus Christ, not countries. America has never been a country loaded with Christians and it never will be. Stop saying things that are not biblical ...please

  • @JJbIrd0608
    @JJbIrd0608 28 дней назад +149

    Whenever I start to worry about what will happen in November I just start praising Jesus and thanking him for his protection. Fear disolves.

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад

      Why worry about politics? It's just the worlds game to keep the masses distracted.......Put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and keep looking up.

    • @Jay-mb1ym
      @Jay-mb1ym 27 дней назад +11

      Those that are running away from the righteousness of God have reason to fear!

    • @Gabby-er1sr
      @Gabby-er1sr 27 дней назад +2

      @@JJbIrd0608 a righteous man's supplication when it is in force holds much power .

    • @matthewperrin3892
      @matthewperrin3892 27 дней назад +7

      No matter what anyone believes or not, the Bible (WORD OF GOD) that JESUS CHRIST SPOKE WILL COME TRUE - LIKE IT OR NOT !!!

    • @IzabellaKolas
      @IzabellaKolas 27 дней назад


  • @cindyhouston6789
    @cindyhouston6789 29 дней назад +211

    We must pray for the US and God's mercy on America. We need to put prayer, the ten commandments and pledge of allegiance back in schools, Congress, Senate, etc. to delay God's wrath on America for turning away from Him. Return to God before it's too late!

    • @kathelineblain7224
      @kathelineblain7224 29 дней назад +16

      America is under God’s judgement, don’t waste your time.

    • @richhava
      @richhava 28 дней назад +5

      If you want the 10 commandments back but still go to church on Sunday, you are a contradiction...
      If not, I salute you

    • @JohnMikhail-q8f
      @JohnMikhail-q8f 28 дней назад

      @cindyhouston6789 sadly God will punish the USA for evil and turn their back from God. That's why Russia is the next superpower

    • @johnparla6252
      @johnparla6252 28 дней назад

      At are end god will send a army of spirits to drive out the army’s that invade America. A angle visited Washington when he was preparing a dispatch. This angle showed him the war of 1812 then the civil war and the last would be a invasion from army’s from around the world . Washingtons vision

    • @user-bj3qp4cu9k
      @user-bj3qp4cu9k 28 дней назад

      Many nations and empires have collapsed. Even God's Chosen People (which Americans are not) have been conquered and fallen from within many times under God's Judgment. America is NOT special and won't escape the consequences of the defiance against the Lord. Why should she? No other nation or empire ever has. FLEE Babylon America. For Babylon of the Nations will FALL.

  • @KrissyI1973
    @KrissyI1973 28 дней назад +65

    I love Jesus and where he leads me I will go. The light inwhich shines from within me is not of me but the light of my Lord.

    • @robertko5425
      @robertko5425 27 дней назад +1

      Father - why have you forsaken me ???

    • @Mymenagerie714
      @Mymenagerie714 25 дней назад

      They never acknowledge Him who Jesus said was Greater than He.

    • @Melinda-i9g
      @Melinda-i9g 24 дня назад

      Have you stopped worshipping anti-Christ Israel yet?

    • @cedienaharris4949
      @cedienaharris4949 23 дня назад +1

      I am here to say Jesus Christ is Lord ..I am not ashamed !❤

    • @hopeinHim5160
      @hopeinHim5160 19 дней назад

      ​@@cedienaharris4949Amen!! 🙏 Praise to Jesus the Christ!! ✝️❤️‍🔥🕯️

  • @MyChannel20236
    @MyChannel20236 28 дней назад +56

    America is trending in the direction of ancient Rome. This is why one must have faith in something far greater than the things of this world. True faith is very hard, but one is lucky enough to have it, the peace it gives cannot be disturbed by anything in this world.

  • @LiddieJane
    @LiddieJane 25 дней назад +32

    I truly hope America stands for God , freedoms and love.

  • @mindyours6726
    @mindyours6726 27 дней назад +59

    My father is fighting cancer. He’s 87. He woke up this morning and asked me, “Has the terrible thing that is going to happen happened yet? And I said is something terrible going to happen? And he said yes. Something terrible is going to happen in the world and it’s going to be so, so sad. And he had a very far away look in his eyes, and he just kept repeating. Wow, wow, wow.” my father is a Christian and professes Jesus as Savior. I was so shook to my core when he said that, that I began looking for RUclips videos on prophecy. And I came across your video.
    ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
    That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy Your old men shall dream dreams.
    18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants
    I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
    And they shall prophesy….“ Acts 2:17

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +1

      That scripture along with Joel 2 will become a complete fulfillment in the 7 year tribulation

    • @jodicast7332
      @jodicast7332 27 дней назад

      ​@birdlover-zu7ez There is no 7 year tribulation. Jesus will cone, then the end of the world will be without humans for a millennium.

    • @jodicast7332
      @jodicast7332 27 дней назад +3

      The 70 7s that Daniel saw, were the 70 years before Jesus came. That last 7, was the 3 and a half years of jesus' ministry and in tge middle of that 7, Jesus was crucified, then was resurrected by the Father on the first day of the week. He rested on the sabbath, then breathed life back into His son on the first day of the week.

    • @MichelleWilliams-di2pf
      @MichelleWilliams-di2pf 26 дней назад +3

      ​@@jodicast7332When has the temple been constructed? The Antichrist has not been revealed so we are not in the tribulation

    • @BrendaSheard-vt9fu
      @BrendaSheard-vt9fu 25 дней назад

      ʙᴀʙʏʟᴏɴ ʜᴀs ғᴀʟʟᴇɴ.ᴅᴇᴄᴇɪᴛs ᴅᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟʏᴇʀs...💯😱💯🤔

  • @scottpatrick801
    @scottpatrick801 28 дней назад +43

    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. I've spent life with my head in a hole, paralyzed by fear because of the prophesies, as well as the dreams and visions I've had my whole life. It starts with personal repentance. It's easy to point fingers, but we ALL play a part in the destiny. We were born for such a time as this. It's time to stand up, not for just America, but for Jesus, for Love, for Justice, true Equality and Truth for ALL

    • @mhd7832
      @mhd7832 28 дней назад +2


    • @user-xy5qf3lo5d
      @user-xy5qf3lo5d 28 дней назад +4

      Directed to Israel (Hebrews) not the Christian believer

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +3

      That is a prayer for national salvation for Israel. That does not apply to America. We are saved individually, not as a nation.....

  • @tjgibson1973
    @tjgibson1973 27 дней назад +15

    America will be judged for the millions of unborn innocent babies murdered, homosexuality, pride and more unimaginable sins. America is proud and will not turn from her wickedness. Set your house in order Judgement IS coming Jeremiah chapter 50-52

    • @emt6238
      @emt6238 27 дней назад +1

      The children too 😢

    • @brendacarabba2752
      @brendacarabba2752 26 дней назад +1

      @tjgibson1973 judgments will come to all countries and churches and synagogues and to all mankind look to your Father Creator of all things for your redemption

    • @larrysmith5991
      @larrysmith5991 22 дня назад

      God doesnt have to the earth has a set and forget it button it will press

    • @hopeinHim5160
      @hopeinHim5160 19 дней назад

      ​@@larrysmith5991Christ is coming soon.❤️‍🔥

  • @user-tm7qt8oo1j
    @user-tm7qt8oo1j 29 дней назад +65

    The Bible Says God Is Longsuffering and Doesn't Want Anyone To Perish, EVERYTHING That People Put Ahead of God Shut Down, Which Gave EVERYONE A Chance To Seek God and Change, The First Commandment Is I Am The Lord Thy God, You Shall Not Have Any Other Gods Before Me, Which Is ANYTHING That We Put BEFORE GOD.

    • @mhd7832
      @mhd7832 28 дней назад +1


    • @timothyloper7708
      @timothyloper7708 27 дней назад +1

      America put that on the back burner with freedom of religion.

    • @elenamartinez465
      @elenamartinez465 24 дня назад

      The measure of prayers and the measured power faith strength spiritual ❤

  • @minel-m
    @minel-m 29 дней назад +348

    I was homeless, did drugs, went into prison, where I got to know God. He changed my life. Now I have a home, a wife and a lovely year old daughter (zoe), and a stream of income that gats me $47,000 weekly. Plus a new identity - a child of God, Hallelujah!!!🇺🇲❣️♥️❤️

    • @minel-m
      @minel-m 29 дней назад +5

      Thanks to Kate Elizabeth Becherer

    • @minel-m
      @minel-m 29 дней назад +3

      Her top notch guidance and expertise on digital market changed the game for me

    • @minel-m
      @minel-m 29 дней назад +10

      I always appreciate God for his kindness upon my life

    • @ThomasMattison-7
      @ThomasMattison-7 29 дней назад +3

      YES!!! That's exactly her name (Kate Elizabeth Becherer) so many people have recommended highly about her and am just starting with her 😊 from Brisbane Australia🇦🇺

    • @CynthiaLowell-v1
      @CynthiaLowell-v1 29 дней назад +3

      I have heard a lot of wonderful things about Kate Elizabeth Becherer on the news but didn't believe it until now. I'm definitely trying her out

  • @rayma6173
    @rayma6173 24 дня назад +8

    America needs Jesus! 🙏

  • @RosemaryPetrilli-nd6kb
    @RosemaryPetrilli-nd6kb 27 дней назад +17

    I pray for Our Nation and Our People to turn back to God! 🙏💪🙌💖🕊️❤️💜💗💞For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion, Have Mercy on us, and those of the Whole World! 🌍 Amen! 🙏❤

  • @rosalindrivera7519
    @rosalindrivera7519 28 дней назад +21

    Lord, please forgive my children as well as myself. We are grave sinners and we need you desperately. Help me to be forgiving of others as well as genius, kind and loving. Help me to spread your word. R. Rivera

  • @vink-g4v
    @vink-g4v 28 дней назад +26

    Watching this, is breaking my heart into pieces. I am praying for God's mercy

    • @markstaunton9725
      @markstaunton9725 27 дней назад +4

      I feel you fear but Jesus Christ said not to fear but look Up. God bless you.

    • @Pamledger478
      @Pamledger478 26 дней назад +2

      The Bible says, when these things comes to pass, look up as your redemption draweth nigh

  • @stellaonyeogo2379
    @stellaonyeogo2379 23 дня назад +9

    Yes unnecessary killing of innocent people should be stopped in Jesus Name Amen

  • @user-iv8no2yh6b
    @user-iv8no2yh6b 27 дней назад +15

    A family divided will fail, same as a country divided. I'm 58 and never seen division in this country like I'm seeing now. Very upsetting to me. We're still strong but could be much stronger United

  • @Bobbymorris-g3h
    @Bobbymorris-g3h 28 дней назад +19

    Our country is so far from the word of God

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +1

      Really has been since it's inception....

  • @markpaul-ym5wg
    @markpaul-ym5wg 29 дней назад +99

    REPENT.Ask GOD to forgive your sins,and sin no more.Yes,CHRIST is going to return soon.The writing is on the wall.Thank you for this video my brother in CHRIST.

    • @alankachel4332
      @alankachel4332 29 дней назад +2


    • @Amy-lh8tx
      @Amy-lh8tx 28 дней назад +6

      People just don't understand the importance of Repenting their sins ...
      Continue to spread LOVE NOT HATE ! ❤

    • @markpaul-ym5wg
      @markpaul-ym5wg 28 дней назад +2

      @@Amy-lh8tx True,true,and true.

    • @jackiekennedy3074
      @jackiekennedy3074 28 дней назад

      Why do think Jesus died on that cross for your SINS???? Do you think it was just the people then and only the sins the people at that time committed on that day???? YOUR SINS JESUS MY FATHER DIED FOR ON THAT CROSS ALL SINS PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE!!! How hard is this TRUTH to understand? Your sins are ALREADY forgiven, the judgement you all face is your own... LOVE & FORGIVENESS!! First for yourselves then all others, for how can anyone do unto others that which they cannot do for themselves???? GET IT DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS SIMPLE TRUTH & NOT WHAT THE CORRUPT CHURCHES & SO CALLED MEN OF GOD PREACH??? Did God not give you 2 eyes to see 2 ears to listen 1 mouth to speak? OPEN THY EYES THY EARS TO THE TRUTH OF THESE THINGS... 🙏❤️🙏

    • @markpaul-ym5wg
      @markpaul-ym5wg 28 дней назад

      @@jackiekennedy3074 Their is a lot more to it.Unless you confess with your mouth,believe in your heart,that CHRIST came to earth and died for our sins,then you will not be forgiven.Its not automatic.Then you must live by the 10 commandments.Once you are saved,the HOLY GHOST will come unto you.

  • @user-ds3pf6nw6h
    @user-ds3pf6nw6h 28 дней назад +17

    Please Father forgive America for all our sins especially the shedding of innocent blood 🩸 from abortion.
    We have put so much before you with our greediness and removing you from so much.
    Your are holy and you are so worthy of our love and praise. We know this nation will be punished for all the unholy things we are doing.
    Please show us mercy and forgiveness in the name of Jesus. You have blessed this nation for so many years because we acknowledge your sovereignty and acceptance of your only begotten son Jesus Christ and I pray that we as a nation repent of our sins and wrongdoings and you will spare us the wrath we truly deserve.
    I lace my faith and trust in you to protect my family from the evil of our government and ask that turn to you for guidance in these difficult circumstances.
    I praise you and I love you and trust you for all of your actions.
    We have been so blessed as a nation in the past and thank you for all your help and protection and your love for us all.
    In the name of sweet Jesus ….Amen

    • @khaiyahwright8686
      @khaiyahwright8686 27 дней назад +3


    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 22 дня назад

      INDIVIDUALS must return to God because every INDIVIDUAL soul that rises is a MEMBER and WITNESS OF THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST: There is no GROUP or country or revival going to happen: It is YOU and GOD through CHRIST NOW:
      I wish people would STOP preaching if they are NOT ANOINTED because they just help perpetuate the deception of BABYLON (CONFUSION) that the NT is still under and is told, COME OUT OF HER (CONFUSION) MY PEOPLE: As long as PEOPLE who are NOT ANOINTED teach the BIBLE which is A CLOSED BOOK till the person experiences the ANOINTING (RETURN OF CHRIST IN THEM) they will remain confused:
      the first rapture is individually experienced and has been going on since Acts 2 when God sets the LIVING STONES (stony hearts of Israel that are circumcised, Dan 9) to reveal the abomination of desolation in the heart, Holy place, inner court) where it ought not be: This sets the 12 tribes above in heavenly places: The first rapture is the first resurrection and Christ is the resurrection from the dead for the dead bones of the whole house of Israel: THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 2000 years: Once the first resurrection is COMPLETE (all Israel is saved above the LINE/Lamed) then the great tribulation is for the great crowd that did not experience the FIRST resurrection and this is the SECOND DEATH (Paul also experienced this second death and told us so, "I DIE DAILY") because this is the END of the OLD MAN, so the NEW MAN, the LAST ADAM can be FULLY REVEALED: All of this happens to individuals:
      Jesus Christ started returning IN ACTS 2, 2000 years ago and from that time till now, God has BEEN ADDING TO HIS TEMPLE DAILY: How does he return? The disciples wanted to know in John 16, in a little while and you will not see me and then in a little while you will see me and YOUR JOY shall be full: HOW? he is BORN THROUGH THE HEART (Mark 4) hence he who does the WILL of my FATHER (repent for the Kingdom of heaven is AT HAND) is my MOTHER, brother, sister:
      Messiah fishes us out of the VOID which is why his WORD does not return void: Understand that the VOID is the darkness in us all, the ROOT of the tree where the GOOD ground our our heart that we must return to that is DEEP WITHIN at the place where we are a CHILD that can ENTER the Kingdom: Repentance is returning to the evil root so the GOOD ROOT can rise, invert to the crown of LIFE at the place of the skull and the anointing from that GOOD ROOT which is Adam's good root that would have made him the MESSIAH if he had chosen it instead of the evil root: THIS is the resurrection of Adam and we all died in the first Adam, I Cor 15:
      yes, you need your vessel (lamps) full of the ANOINTING because these are the FIVE SPIRITUAL SENSES or virgins that can RECEIVE the Messiah or OIL, while the five PHYSICAL SENSES (flesh and blood) can not receive the anointing (Esau) though he seeks it with tears: The physical can not get the birthright (ANOINTING), only the SOUL (Jacob/smooth) can receive it and RISE ABOVE ESAU the physical:
      this WHOLE WORLD is a STRONG DELUSION (like Purim actually explains): To get out of the STRONG Delusion of this world, and FIND THE EARTH that is the LORDS and the FULLNESS thereof, we have to RISE ABOVE THIS WORLD that is passing away and everything in it as it always has and always WILL, to get to OLAM HABA the world to come:
      the rapture (Jewish feast of tabernacles that comes after Yom Kippur) is not a corporal experience like the first time Israel was taken out of Egypt: This second time which includes Christians (ten exiled tribes of Israel world wide) is INDIVIDUALLY experienced, I COR 15, every man in his own order (and HOUR) at the time of his vitiation, his appointed time for judgement: I experienced my HOUR in 1992 so I know it IS-REAL (Israel). Jer 31 explains Hashem or God gives us this experience not as he did the first time and not for the sins of the fathers but our own sins are judged in the last judgement, individually:
      you think you can find Jesus in the scriptures? Well the Jews could NOT and neither can Christians: MESSIAH is the EXPERIENCE that lifts the SOUL above the EGO and body:
      it doesn't matter where Messiah shows up in the written word, it matters if he shows up within the SOUL of his people to raise the SOUL (Jacob) above the physical (Esau/hairy) so Jacob can ASCEND (rapture, feast of tabernacles) and see Hashem FACE TO FACE and LIVE: ALL OF JACOB has to do this, not just a guy written about in the Bible:
      we are not to make images of God, but to discover the TRUTH of Hashem which is only possible through the ANOINTING:
      the Messiah (anointing) is revealed as the ARM OF THE LORD to those who have ENOUGH DESIRE FOR MESSIAH: This desire is symbolized as SILVER and ELIJAH:
      we become the GREAT CLOUD of witnesses who see Hashem within our own soul by the ANOINTING that arises in us when we come up with ENOUGH DESIRE FOR HIM: The 30 pieces of silver in Zech 11 that has to be cleansed in Mal 3 by the priesthood (Levi, Aaron) so the OFFERING OF JUDAH (anointing, Christ) is pleasant to the LORD, is required from the priests: Israel has no priesthood because they don't have ENOUGH DESIRE (SILVER=keceph/kacaph) to RECEIVE HIM: The desire is the corrected VESSEL for the anointing: You won't hear this in Judaism or Christianity because they don't experience the DESIRE:

  • @elvajaramillo5110
    @elvajaramillo5110 27 дней назад +10

    Whatever happens, it's God's will 🙏🏻

  • @kennethprice5628
    @kennethprice5628 27 дней назад +20

    If God did not judge America He would have to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah😢

  • @margaretclarke3643
    @margaretclarke3643 29 дней назад +40

    Because they WORSHIPPED the One True LIVING God, THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
    This IS what made them great.
    God's WILL, will be done!

    • @vilmaroberts5766
      @vilmaroberts5766 29 дней назад +5

      Unless America repent for the blood of Yash chosen people and stop the on going shedding of their blood yah will avenge the blood of his people America must pay vengeance is mine saith yah I shall repay

  • @christophermonk8295
    @christophermonk8295 28 дней назад +14

    Yes we are falling because people know more believe in the lord,there are just a few of us left that truly believe in the lord 😢

  • @arielsantiago-vc1fq
    @arielsantiago-vc1fq 27 дней назад +12

    Believe it or not, this will take place, be ready to receive our lord and savior Jesus christ amen.

  • @brendayoung6738
    @brendayoung6738 27 дней назад +15

    I do not vote any more I cannot vote for any president that signed off on same sex marriage and abortion .

  • @kylesanders1275
    @kylesanders1275 29 дней назад +61

    If and when the United States goes down always remember this all the other countries that we help goes down right along with us and that is a fact

    • @Lioness1499
      @Lioness1499 28 дней назад +8

      America will go down that isca certainty. The other nation will remain because they are all mentioned in scripture. It is America who has taught the world to sin.

    • @marcymathieu4463
      @marcymathieu4463 28 дней назад

      Babylon USA is destroyed and the nations leaders will be weeping because they will never again enjoy her wealth ! That was the plan to build USA up and then to bring her down . And God hates patriotism it’s if the devil

    • @Chickd.858
      @Chickd.858 28 дней назад +7

      @@Lioness1499”America taught the other Nations to sin?” Are you certain of that? Hun, sin has been present since Adam and Eve. People sinned thousands of years before America was ever a Nation. America is a baby nation compared to those mentioned in end time prophecies. The nations surrounding the Nation of Israel are thousands of years old and you’re saying America caused all the other Nations to sin? Have you ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah? Have you ever read the Bible? No one Nation taught other nations to sin……. Smh

    • @carmenpadilla9542
      @carmenpadilla9542 28 дней назад +8

      America has not taught any other country to sin. Sin is within us this is why we ALL must repent.

    • @marcymathieu4463
      @marcymathieu4463 28 дней назад

      @@carmenpadilla9542 read the Bible Babylon causes the nations to sin offering promises and wealth and if you have never traveled outside USA than you wouldn’t see it change through the years , so while those nations could resist it , the ones that did were murdered and a puppet put in their place .

  • @Hothouse_flowers
    @Hothouse_flowers 27 дней назад +7

    I will pray for the US, as I need to pray for my own country. I see the decay, I've seen it gradually decline over decades. I sent my love and blessings to all, and like Nineveh may Gods Mercy be upon the nation, as his mercy is upon all nations.
    He cannot strive with Mankind forever, there must come a cut off point.

  • @christopherulc
    @christopherulc 28 дней назад +35

    There will be no mercy for America as an Empire! Individuals will be saved by repentance of our sins and those whom Heavenly Father has chosen!!!

    • @rettedich7133
      @rettedich7133 27 дней назад

      Amen, you can't save America or Europe, you can only save souls.An old prophecy says, the last president of America will be a woman, she will be cruel. Now it's coming. We are in the last days.

    • @marytica123
      @marytica123 27 дней назад

      YES - God has already pronounced His judgement on the USA / "Mystery Babylon" - destruction by FIRE in a SINGLE HOUR ! Jesus warned us: "COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE..." (Rev.18:4-5). LEAVE THE USA - AND LIVE !

  • @bernadinewood8337
    @bernadinewood8337 29 дней назад +20

    Turn away from GOD! This what happens! No accountability for evil! Turn away from GOD you vapor! R.I.P America 🇺🇸 unless you repeat! All respect for America is gone! Bullying towards other people and countries! R.I.P America!

    • @loriegosnell9355
      @loriegosnell9355 28 дней назад +1

      Sounds like you’re jealous… that is a sin.

  • @editfarkas333
    @editfarkas333 28 дней назад +12

    Kingdom of God comes first!!!!

  • @timothyloper7708
    @timothyloper7708 27 дней назад +7

    Do you think that the number 1 super power in the world is not mentioned in the bible? One thing we know is this! Every nation that practices and promotes anything contrary to the bible will fall. All the governments of the world are man made . And when jesus returns it will be to put down all rule of man made governments . The blind will no longer lead the blind . The sinner will no longer judge and persecute his fellow sinner. Jesus will resurect the 144,000 to spirit immortal composition, and they will govern man in the way that he should go. Satan will no longer be allowed to broadcast into the mind of man. And because of that it will be easier for man to live in harmony in obedience with Gods law. Even the animals of the earth will be at peace with themselves in the bosom of the Father. The problem with this world is that mankind is determining whats right and what is wrong. Only the Father determines the boundaries. It is not for man to decide and choose only to obey. And upon obeying recieving the promise of the Will of the Father. And to our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.The will of the Father is this! That the Kingdom of God be established on the earth. A kingdom that will never be destroyed. A kingdom in which justice and love dwells above all other things.Can i get an Amen.

  • @RobertMiner-cn6mb
    @RobertMiner-cn6mb 28 дней назад +9

    This Nation was created as the Last hope for Humanity. We are A Beacon for others to follow. However, evil will still tempt to destroy what God created.

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад

      This nation was also created to roll out the beast system, the 4th kingdom, kingdom of antichrist. And that is happening now.....

  • @michaelattia9834
    @michaelattia9834 28 дней назад +21

    The only God America worships is money.

    • @user-xy5qf3lo5d
      @user-xy5qf3lo5d 28 дней назад

      And sex😂

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +1

      @michaelattia9834 Yep! And in the "church" it is the god of self.....

    • @user-xy5qf3lo5d
      @user-xy5qf3lo5d 27 дней назад +2

      Unfortunately for the “Church” in the United States you are right. Moms don’t stay home anymore like Titus 2:5 instructed. Now it’s more important to have a second income so you can drive two new cars & go on cruise vacations every year 👍💰🇺🇸

    • @francinefreeman9472
      @francinefreeman9472 22 дня назад

      Say it again they didn’t hear you.

  • @hollywiley5668
    @hollywiley5668 29 дней назад +17

    Daniel 8:5. As I was thinking about this, suddenly a goat with a prominent horn between its eyes came from the west, crossing the whole earth without touching the ground..
    We ARE the West..

    • @yourworstfear
      @yourworstfear 28 дней назад +2


    • @craigthompson2842
      @craigthompson2842 28 дней назад +3

      Lord i pray that America returns back to god she has turn her back on god.

    • @yourworstfear
      @yourworstfear 27 дней назад +3

      @@craigthompson2842 yes she has but these things must come to pass

    • @Jay-mb1ym
      @Jay-mb1ym 27 дней назад

      I will never understand why anyone would choose evil over the goodness of the Lord? This song always comes to mind.
      Jesus is all the World to me, my life my joy my all!
      He is my friend, from day to day, without Him I would fall.
      When I am sad, to Him I go. No other one could cheer me so.
      When I am sad He makes me glad!
      He’s my friend!

    • @user-hk6yp7tq6d
      @user-hk6yp7tq6d 25 дней назад

      The metaphoric goat of Dan. 8 is Alexander The Great of Greece. Daniel was writing from present day Bagdad, Iraq around 550 BC. Greece is West-Northwest of Bagdad.

  • @SupergirlJLM
    @SupergirlJLM 28 дней назад +14

    I believe there is still Hope. Still time for us to turn things around back to Christ ❤ we must pray 🙏 love you Brothers and Sisters in Christ ✝️ Shalom 🕊

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +2

      What does that even mean? Turn things around back to Christ? Our nation has never been under Christ. We have had many believers, but the majority of this nation has always been secular. The majority of the founders were deists, that is not Christian. They denied the son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
      Our hope is in Christ and what he has in store for us. This world is not our home and Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world. Keep looking up, he's coming very soon. God bless

    • @SupergirlJLM
      @SupergirlJLM 27 дней назад

      @@birdlover-zu7ez our nation was founded on the principles of Christianity. Where do you think the no killing law came from? It's litterally one of the 10 commandments. And the Pledge of Allegiance begs to differ about us "never being under Christ". Here is the Pledge. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, to the republic for which it stands. **ONE NATION UNDER GOD**, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" so don't sit here and tell me we were never under Christ.

    • @SupergirlJLM
      @SupergirlJLM 27 дней назад

      @@birdlover-zu7ez @birdlover-zu7ez our nation was founded on the principles of Christianity. Where do you think the no killing law came from? It's litterally one of the 10 commandments. And the Pledge of Allegiance begs to differ about us "never being under Christ". Here is the Pledge. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, to the republic for which it stands. **ONE NATION UNDER GOD**, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" so don't sit here and tell me we were never under Christ.

    • @SupergirlJLM
      @SupergirlJLM 27 дней назад

      @@birdlover-zu7ez @birdlover-zu7ez our nation was founded on the principles of Christianity. Where do you think the no killing law came from? It's litterally one of the 10 commandments. And the Pledge of Allegiance begs to differ about us "never being under Christ". Here is the Pledge. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, to the republic for which it stands. **ONE NATION UNDER GOD**, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" so don't sit here and tell me we were never under Christ.

    • @SupergirlJLM
      @SupergirlJLM 27 дней назад

      @@birdlover-zu7ez @birdlover-zu7ez our nation was founded on the principles of Christianity. Where do you think the no killing law came from? It's litterally one of the 10 commandments. And the Pledge of Allegiance begs to differ about us "never being under Christ". Here is the Pledge. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, to the republic for which it stands. **ONE NATION UNDER GOD**, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" so don't sit here and tell me we were never under Christ.

  • @MythicalLegendsandTales
    @MythicalLegendsandTales 29 дней назад +25

    Many comments reflect a focus on maintaining faith amidst the perceived decline of the U.S. Commenters share personal reflections on trusting in God’s plan, drawing inspiration from biblical figures like Job and Abraham. They encourage each other to keep their faith unshakable and to stay hopeful despite global uncertainties.

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 22 дня назад

      INDIVIDUALS must return to God because every INDIVIDUAL soul that rises is a MEMBER and WITNESS OF THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST: There is no GROUP or country or revival going to happen: It is YOU and GOD through CHRIST NOW:
      I wish people would STOP preaching if they are NOT ANOINTED because they just help perpetuate the deception of BABYLON (CONFUSION) that the NT is still under and is told, COME OUT OF HER (CONFUSION) MY PEOPLE: As long as PEOPLE who are NOT ANOINTED teach the BIBLE which is A CLOSED BOOK till the person experiences the ANOINTING (RETURN OF CHRIST IN THEM) they will remain confused:
      the first rapture is individually experienced and has been going on since Acts 2 when God sets the LIVING STONES (stony hearts of Israel that are circumcised, Dan 9) to reveal the abomination of desolation in the heart, Holy place, inner court) where it ought not be: This sets the 12 tribes above in heavenly places: The first rapture is the first resurrection and Christ is the resurrection from the dead for the dead bones of the whole house of Israel: THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 2000 years: Once the first resurrection is COMPLETE (all Israel is saved above the LINE/Lamed) then the great tribulation is for the great crowd that did not experience the FIRST resurrection and this is the SECOND DEATH (Paul also experienced this second death and told us so, "I DIE DAILY") because this is the END of the OLD MAN, so the NEW MAN, the LAST ADAM can be FULLY REVEALED: All of this happens to individuals:
      Jesus Christ started returning IN ACTS 2, 2000 years ago and from that time till now, God has BEEN ADDING TO HIS TEMPLE DAILY: How does he return? The disciples wanted to know in John 16, in a little while and you will not see me and then in a little while you will see me and YOUR JOY shall be full: HOW? he is BORN THROUGH THE HEART (Mark 4) hence he who does the WILL of my FATHER (repent for the Kingdom of heaven is AT HAND) is my MOTHER, brother, sister:
      Messiah fishes us out of the VOID which is why his WORD does not return void: Understand that the VOID is the darkness in us all, the ROOT of the tree where the GOOD ground our our heart that we must return to that is DEEP WITHIN at the place where we are a CHILD that can ENTER the Kingdom: Repentance is returning to the evil root so the GOOD ROOT can rise, invert to the crown of LIFE at the place of the skull and the anointing from that GOOD ROOT which is Adam's good root that would have made him the MESSIAH if he had chosen it instead of the evil root: THIS is the resurrection of Adam and we all died in the first Adam, I Cor 15:
      yes, you need your vessel (lamps) full of the ANOINTING because these are the FIVE SPIRITUAL SENSES or virgins that can RECEIVE the Messiah or OIL, while the five PHYSICAL SENSES (flesh and blood) can not receive the anointing (Esau) though he seeks it with tears: The physical can not get the birthright (ANOINTING), only the SOUL (Jacob/smooth) can receive it and RISE ABOVE ESAU the physical:
      this WHOLE WORLD is a STRONG DELUSION (like Purim actually explains): To get out of the STRONG Delusion of this world, and FIND THE EARTH that is the LORDS and the FULLNESS thereof, we have to RISE ABOVE THIS WORLD that is passing away and everything in it as it always has and always WILL, to get to OLAM HABA the world to come:
      the rapture (Jewish feast of tabernacles that comes after Yom Kippur) is not a corporal experience like the first time Israel was taken out of Egypt: This second time which includes Christians (ten exiled tribes of Israel world wide) is INDIVIDUALLY experienced, I COR 15, every man in his own order (and HOUR) at the time of his vitiation, his appointed time for judgement: I experienced my HOUR in 1992 so I know it IS-REAL (Israel). Jer 31 explains Hashem or God gives us this experience not as he did the first time and not for the sins of the fathers but our own sins are judged in the last judgement, individually:
      you think you can find Jesus in the scriptures? Well the Jews could NOT and neither can Christians: MESSIAH is the EXPERIENCE that lifts the SOUL above the EGO and body:
      it doesn't matter where Messiah shows up in the written word, it matters if he shows up within the SOUL of his people to raise the SOUL (Jacob) above the physical (Esau/hairy) so Jacob can ASCEND (rapture, feast of tabernacles) and see Hashem FACE TO FACE and LIVE: ALL OF JACOB has to do this, not just a guy written about in the Bible:
      we are not to make images of God, but to discover the TRUTH of Hashem which is only possible through the ANOINTING:
      the Messiah (anointing) is revealed as the ARM OF THE LORD to those who have ENOUGH DESIRE FOR MESSIAH: This desire is symbolized as SILVER and ELIJAH:
      we become the GREAT CLOUD of witnesses who see Hashem within our own soul by the ANOINTING that arises in us when we come up with ENOUGH DESIRE FOR HIM: The 30 pieces of silver in Zech 11 that has to be cleansed in Mal 3 by the priesthood (Levi, Aaron) so the OFFERING OF JUDAH (anointing, Christ) is pleasant to the LORD, is required from the priests: Israel has no priesthood because they don't have ENOUGH DESIRE (SILVER=keceph/kacaph) to RECEIVE HIM: The desire is the corrected VESSEL for the anointing: You won't hear this in Judaism or Christianity because they don't experience the DESIRE:

  • @kathrintzumerka6603
    @kathrintzumerka6603 29 дней назад +24

    Great video! Thank you and God Bless everyone! Your neighbour! 🇨🇦🙏♥️🕊️✨

  • @GodsMessage-e5e
    @GodsMessage-e5e 26 дней назад +5

    This is a powerful message! 🙏 'For I know the plans I have for you'-Jeremiah 29:11. It's crucial to stay anchored in faith, especially in these turbulent times. Let's keep our focus on God's kingdom and His eternal promises. Stay strong and trust in His plan!

  • @Kelly-ir5hq
    @Kelly-ir5hq 28 дней назад +9

    I'm glad that you're still teaching. I look forward to your knowledge. I hope you & your family are well 🙏 💕

  • @user-tm7qt8oo1j
    @user-tm7qt8oo1j 29 дней назад +10

    The Bible Says God Does Nothing Without First Warning The People, When I Received This Message I Didn't Know This Yet At That Point of Time, September 1978 I Was Talking To God At My Home and I Said You Are Not Like You Used To Be, Years Ago You Spoke To Your People, Now You Are Just Far Out There Somewhere, and I Received TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH THAT I AM READY TO POUR OUT MY WRATH BUT IT IS TIME IF YOU WILL TURN BACK TO ME, The Word WRATH Was Not In My Vocabulary, With Modern Technology I Have Been Able To Get The Message Out The Past Several Years, Which I Believe Was For Such A Time As This.

    • @mhd7832
      @mhd7832 28 дней назад +1


  • @MarylouRivera-ph9if
    @MarylouRivera-ph9if 28 дней назад +6

    May god have mercy on America. Repent and ask god for forgiveness before is to late. What is going on in America it like we’re loss may god have mercy in our country amen.

    • @MarylouRivera-ph9if
      @MarylouRivera-ph9if 28 дней назад +3

      Jesus is the only way. And if you don’t believe in him time will tell.

    • @randallhansen9166
      @randallhansen9166 28 дней назад

      America needs to repent return to YOU LORD YESHUA! Lot of it is cause of teaching evolution as fact to our young and kicking GOD OUT OF PUR SOCIETY! WHY I WITNESS BY SHARING CREATION SCIENCE VIDEOS ON MY FACE BOOK EVERY DAY@ GOD IS!CHUCKY D ISNT!

  • @Michael-fb1rl
    @Michael-fb1rl 29 дней назад +10

    Actually the United States is mentioned in scripture, it isn't refered to as America or the United States, but it is referred to as Mystery Babylon, this reference is meant to infer that a great nation of both political and cultural influence and military power like Babylon was in the ancient world will be a great power amongst the nations of the world in the second days of Noah ,that Yeshua himself mentioned in his teachings, this mystery Babylon as the profet was not given the exact name of the nation he was shown, is the reference to the United States, a nation empire like Babylon once was in the ancient world and yes the United States will remain a world power and a major world leader, however it amongst 9 other nations under the banner of the UN will hand the global economy and power over to one leader a "seemingly regular man", "regular human ", to the naked eye, but he will not be a true human being but he will in fact be Lucifer in human form, and his Nephilum cohorts will be amongst those that share rule over the world until the coming of Yeshua.

    • @JohnMikhail-q8f
      @JohnMikhail-q8f 28 дней назад +3

      @Michael-fb1rl yep exactly. If you look at the statue of Liberty it's Ishtar with a cup in her hand.

    • @Michael-fb1rl
      @Michael-fb1rl 28 дней назад +3

      @@JohnMikhail-q8f Precisely. 👍 Not many people realize lady liberty, is actually the Goddess Ishtar.

    • @JohnMikhail-q8f
      @JohnMikhail-q8f 28 дней назад +2

      @@Michael-fb1rl yep exactly. I didn't know until my cousin a Pentecostal pastor said the Statue of Liberty is Ishtar. Now I can see it. For the mystery Babylon or whore of Harlot is Las Vegas the place of sin. Put 2 together and that's what the bible was warning us about

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад

      Mystery Babylon is the whole worlds political and religious institutions....

  • @user-tm7qt8oo1j
    @user-tm7qt8oo1j 29 дней назад +11

    Some Encouragement, At Age 15 1960 I Received and Many Times After That, That I Am The Generation That Shall Not Pass Until All These Things Shall Be Forfilled, 18 Years Later I Was Taught The Complete Bible and Bible Prophecy, Then I Understood The Message, May 15 1948 When Israel 🇮🇱 Became A Nation Again Is The Generation That Shall Not Pass Until All These Things Shall Be Forfilled, Can't Be Much Longer Not Many Of My Generation Left, Plus The Signs Of The Last Days Are Everywhere, ESPECIALLY RIGHT NOW.

    • @jandinkins1940
      @jandinkins1940 29 дней назад +3

      We have too many blind, deaf and dumb people in our country now. Eyes that won't see, ears that won't hear and minds that won't learn.

    • @LazyActor
      @LazyActor 29 дней назад +2

      Yeah I only converted a few weeks ago and within 7 days I went from im not sure about this to holy hell we are in the end times. Book is scary but now I read it all the time.

    • @razberrycuddles22
      @razberrycuddles22 28 дней назад +1

      ​@@jandinkins1940isn't that part of it?

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад

      @@jandinkins1940 Amen! It's because of bad theology and a lack of understanding of eschatology.....Everyone is caught up in dominion/kingdom now nonsense which is why they believe that God wants to make America great again. They want a theocracy and God would never allow that, it goes against everything of scripture and denies the 7 year tribulation and God's wrath and judgment.....

  • @EdgarMulan
    @EdgarMulan 28 дней назад +7

    Babylon doesn't fall from within, it falls from without. Just like Persia who was weaker than original Babylon, caught them off guard and did the impossible, so will modern day Babylon fall. This country is the world's Babylon.

    • @loriegosnell9355
      @loriegosnell9355 28 дней назад

      I don’t think so.

    • @EdgarMulan
      @EdgarMulan 27 дней назад

      @@loriegosnell9355 what we think and can prove are 2 different things. Babylon was never, and is not a church. The whole world look to America, the rulers of the earth all look to that capital city, Washington DC. What is the UN? And who sits atop it? Who has caused it to be what it is? Where is it's HQ? For the past 70 yrs, the world has been living under a 🌏 gov, enforced by the woman, the u.s the sole nation that has been instrumental in the beast rise and growth. Similarly, the beast is responsible for the rise of the woman, and now that it has, the time will come when it will throw off the woman, because the woman has been deceived, then the beast will enter the other phase of itself. 3 phases of the beast, the stage with the woman, the stage without the woman(pre diadem stage) and then the final stage where it wears the diadems.

    • @EdgarMulan
      @EdgarMulan 27 дней назад

      @@loriegosnell9355 look at revelations more closely, 3 phases of the beast. The phase John was shown with Babylon atop was just one of it's phase. But because we don't discern, we think the worshipping stage of the beast, includes the woman stage. We have lump them together in our thinking, Rather than try to understand. "The beast that was, wasn't and yet is" speaks of our perception towards it, because we don't see the Un as that beast, but it will become clear in time lol

    • @EdgarMulan
      @EdgarMulan 27 дней назад

      @@loriegosnell9355 I see somebody didn't like what I wrote in one of my replies 🤣 why remove it

  • @dianneholland9969
    @dianneholland9969 28 дней назад +19

    God bless and protect Donald J Trump and the whole of his family and the good people of the USA America. God bless the UK and the good people who were struggling at the minute in England the UK corruption in government need to just stop now we need peace around the world And prosperity protect all of those please thank you God good will prevail evil🇬🇧🙏🏼🇺🇸😇

    • @KellyP_
      @KellyP_ 28 дней назад

      He is the anti christ! Pray for discernment!!

    • @loriegosnell9355
      @loriegosnell9355 28 дней назад

      Trump 2024 🇺🇸 America, one nation under God!

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +3

      @@loriegosnell9355 We will never be one nation under God and we never have been. Judgement is what is coming to this nation as well as the whole world.
      Anyone that is a believer knows that this world is not our home and Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. Look up our redemption draws nigh....

    • @khaiyahwright8686
      @khaiyahwright8686 27 дней назад

      ​@birdlover-zu7ez this is the truth.

    • @mollyjum3510
      @mollyjum3510 27 дней назад

      Trump is the antichrist.

  • @Eyestosee-utu
    @Eyestosee-utu 28 дней назад +6

    God loves all of us, white/ black /clean dirty/ men/ women/children/animal. Even sinners God forgives. No guilt take care of ourself first not Israel or others.

  • @abigaildunn5169
    @abigaildunn5169 25 дней назад +2

    God save America for us to have freedom in peace

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 22 дня назад

      INDIVIDUALS must return to God because every INDIVIDUAL soul that rises is a MEMBER and WITNESS OF THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST: There is no GROUP or country or revival going to happen: It is YOU and GOD through CHRIST NOW:
      I wish people would STOP preaching if they are NOT ANOINTED because they just help perpetuate the deception of BABYLON (CONFUSION) that the NT is still under and is told, COME OUT OF HER (CONFUSION) MY PEOPLE: As long as PEOPLE who are NOT ANOINTED teach the BIBLE which is A CLOSED BOOK till the person experiences the ANOINTING (RETURN OF CHRIST IN THEM) they will remain confused:
      the first rapture is individually experienced and has been going on since Acts 2 when God sets the LIVING STONES (stony hearts of Israel that are circumcised, Dan 9) to reveal the abomination of desolation in the heart, Holy place, inner court) where it ought not be: This sets the 12 tribes above in heavenly places: The first rapture is the first resurrection and Christ is the resurrection from the dead for the dead bones of the whole house of Israel: THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 2000 years: Once the first resurrection is COMPLETE (all Israel is saved above the LINE/Lamed) then the great tribulation is for the great crowd that did not experience the FIRST resurrection and this is the SECOND DEATH (Paul also experienced this second death and told us so, "I DIE DAILY") because this is the END of the OLD MAN, so the NEW MAN, the LAST ADAM can be FULLY REVEALED: All of this happens to individuals:
      Jesus Christ started returning IN ACTS 2, 2000 years ago and from that time till now, God has BEEN ADDING TO HIS TEMPLE DAILY: How does he return? The disciples wanted to know in John 16, in a little while and you will not see me and then in a little while you will see me and YOUR JOY shall be full: HOW? he is BORN THROUGH THE HEART (Mark 4) hence he who does the WILL of my FATHER (repent for the Kingdom of heaven is AT HAND) is my MOTHER, brother, sister:
      Messiah fishes us out of the VOID which is why his WORD does not return void: Understand that the VOID is the darkness in us all, the ROOT of the tree where the GOOD ground our our heart that we must return to that is DEEP WITHIN at the place where we are a CHILD that can ENTER the Kingdom: Repentance is returning to the evil root so the GOOD ROOT can rise, invert to the crown of LIFE at the place of the skull and the anointing from that GOOD ROOT which is Adam's good root that would have made him the MESSIAH if he had chosen it instead of the evil root: THIS is the resurrection of Adam and we all died in the first Adam, I Cor 15:
      yes, you need your vessel (lamps) full of the ANOINTING because these are the FIVE SPIRITUAL SENSES or virgins that can RECEIVE the Messiah or OIL, while the five PHYSICAL SENSES (flesh and blood) can not receive the anointing (Esau) though he seeks it with tears: The physical can not get the birthright (ANOINTING), only the SOUL (Jacob/smooth) can receive it and RISE ABOVE ESAU the physical:
      this WHOLE WORLD is a STRONG DELUSION (like Purim actually explains): To get out of the STRONG Delusion of this world, and FIND THE EARTH that is the LORDS and the FULLNESS thereof, we have to RISE ABOVE THIS WORLD that is passing away and everything in it as it always has and always WILL, to get to OLAM HABA the world to come:
      the rapture (Jewish feast of tabernacles that comes after Yom Kippur) is not a corporal experience like the first time Israel was taken out of Egypt: This second time which includes Christians (ten exiled tribes of Israel world wide) is INDIVIDUALLY experienced, I COR 15, every man in his own order (and HOUR) at the time of his vitiation, his appointed time for judgement: I experienced my HOUR in 1992 so I know it IS-REAL (Israel). Jer 31 explains Hashem or God gives us this experience not as he did the first time and not for the sins of the fathers but our own sins are judged in the last judgement, individually:
      you think you can find Jesus in the scriptures? Well the Jews could NOT and neither can Christians: MESSIAH is the EXPERIENCE that lifts the SOUL above the EGO and body:
      it doesn't matter where Messiah shows up in the written word, it matters if he shows up within the SOUL of his people to raise the SOUL (Jacob) above the physical (Esau/hairy) so Jacob can ASCEND (rapture, feast of tabernacles) and see Hashem FACE TO FACE and LIVE: ALL OF JACOB has to do this, not just a guy written about in the Bible:
      we are not to make images of God, but to discover the TRUTH of Hashem which is only possible through the ANOINTING:
      the Messiah (anointing) is revealed as the ARM OF THE LORD to those who have ENOUGH DESIRE FOR MESSIAH: This desire is symbolized as SILVER and ELIJAH:
      we become the GREAT CLOUD of witnesses who see Hashem within our own soul by the ANOINTING that arises in us when we come up with ENOUGH DESIRE FOR HIM: The 30 pieces of silver in Zech 11 that has to be cleansed in Mal 3 by the priesthood (Levi, Aaron) so the OFFERING OF JUDAH (anointing, Christ) is pleasant to the LORD, is required from the priests: Israel has no priesthood because they don't have ENOUGH DESIRE (SILVER=keceph/kacaph) to RECEIVE HIM: The desire is the corrected VESSEL for the anointing: You won't hear this in Judaism or Christianity because they don't experience the DESIRE:

  • @jeremycanterohioprospecting
    @jeremycanterohioprospecting 29 дней назад +17

    Yeah we witnessed over the last three and a half years the decline we were great just before that

    • @user-xy5qf3lo5d
      @user-xy5qf3lo5d 28 дней назад

      How many millions of babies have been aborted before the last four years?
      When was the Bible removed from public?
      Gay marriage?
      This nation has become very evil & corrupt long before Biden.

  • @Eyestosee-utu
    @Eyestosee-utu 28 дней назад +4

    Today I found we are supporting Israel more than ever, why are we not blessed? Americans cannot party like before we think twice to buy a small tray of steak? Why many are homeless? Some without heating in winter? But Israelis were having luxurious time with Arabs in UAE and Saudi, partying left and right. Owning all grand mansions in Florida CA Manhattan and Long Island NY.

  • @MaryDryden-rm7dl
    @MaryDryden-rm7dl 27 дней назад +4

    I believe I'm ag
    I agree we must pray, and to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith

    • @MaryDryden-rm7dl
      @MaryDryden-rm7dl 27 дней назад +1

      We must continue to pray and to have faith and to help anyone we can help to find and have eternal life in Him!

  • @TeresaMcCurry
    @TeresaMcCurry 27 дней назад +6

    Yes,because GOD said the first will be last and the last will be first those who choose money over GOD will be left behind and destroy 😢

  • @dorismclaurin2660
    @dorismclaurin2660 27 дней назад +3

    I love your channel. God bless you. Will keep you in prayer.
    Keep the good work

  • @JaimeGarcia-r4b
    @JaimeGarcia-r4b 26 дней назад +2

    If AMERICA is NOT judged, GOD will have to apologize to SODOM AND GAMORRA, & all other cities & nations that have been judged/destroyed for their debotcharies.

  • @stevenbyun
    @stevenbyun 27 дней назад +6

    Thank you for the video, Brother!
    I have turned away from watching TV shows, long ago.
    I didn't like the constant feeding of immorality, which in sensitize our sensitivity.
    Our nation truly needs to repent of all the sins we have committed. Abortion, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, etc. I have warned the people about the coming judgment. I hope people take to the heart and repent of their sins before the Lord lest they
    will perish.

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 22 дня назад

      INDIVIDUALS must return to God because every INDIVIDUAL soul that rises is a MEMBER and WITNESS OF THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST: There is no GROUP or country or revival going to happen: It is YOU and GOD through CHRIST NOW:
      I wish people would STOP preaching if they are NOT ANOINTED because they just help perpetuate the deception of BABYLON (CONFUSION) that the NT is still under and is told, COME OUT OF HER (CONFUSION) MY PEOPLE: As long as PEOPLE who are NOT ANOINTED teach the BIBLE which is A CLOSED BOOK till the person experiences the ANOINTING (RETURN OF CHRIST IN THEM) they will remain confused:
      the first rapture is individually experienced and has been going on since Acts 2 when God sets the LIVING STONES (stony hearts of Israel that are circumcised, Dan 9) to reveal the abomination of desolation in the heart, Holy place, inner court) where it ought not be: This sets the 12 tribes above in heavenly places: The first rapture is the first resurrection and Christ is the resurrection from the dead for the dead bones of the whole house of Israel: THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 2000 years: Once the first resurrection is COMPLETE (all Israel is saved above the LINE/Lamed) then the great tribulation is for the great crowd that did not experience the FIRST resurrection and this is the SECOND DEATH (Paul also experienced this second death and told us so, "I DIE DAILY") because this is the END of the OLD MAN, so the NEW MAN, the LAST ADAM can be FULLY REVEALED: All of this happens to individuals:
      Jesus Christ started returning IN ACTS 2, 2000 years ago and from that time till now, God has BEEN ADDING TO HIS TEMPLE DAILY: How does he return? The disciples wanted to know in John 16, in a little while and you will not see me and then in a little while you will see me and YOUR JOY shall be full: HOW? he is BORN THROUGH THE HEART (Mark 4) hence he who does the WILL of my FATHER (repent for the Kingdom of heaven is AT HAND) is my MOTHER, brother, sister:
      Messiah fishes us out of the VOID which is why his WORD does not return void: Understand that the VOID is the darkness in us all, the ROOT of the tree where the GOOD ground our our heart that we must return to that is DEEP WITHIN at the place where we are a CHILD that can ENTER the Kingdom: Repentance is returning to the evil root so the GOOD ROOT can rise, invert to the crown of LIFE at the place of the skull and the anointing from that GOOD ROOT which is Adam's good root that would have made him the MESSIAH if he had chosen it instead of the evil root: THIS is the resurrection of Adam and we all died in the first Adam, I Cor 15:
      yes, you need your vessel (lamps) full of the ANOINTING because these are the FIVE SPIRITUAL SENSES or virgins that can RECEIVE the Messiah or OIL, while the five PHYSICAL SENSES (flesh and blood) can not receive the anointing (Esau) though he seeks it with tears: The physical can not get the birthright (ANOINTING), only the SOUL (Jacob/smooth) can receive it and RISE ABOVE ESAU the physical:
      this WHOLE WORLD is a STRONG DELUSION (like Purim actually explains): To get out of the STRONG Delusion of this world, and FIND THE EARTH that is the LORDS and the FULLNESS thereof, we have to RISE ABOVE THIS WORLD that is passing away and everything in it as it always has and always WILL, to get to OLAM HABA the world to come:
      the rapture (Jewish feast of tabernacles that comes after Yom Kippur) is not a corporal experience like the first time Israel was taken out of Egypt: This second time which includes Christians (ten exiled tribes of Israel world wide) is INDIVIDUALLY experienced, I COR 15, every man in his own order (and HOUR) at the time of his vitiation, his appointed time for judgement: I experienced my HOUR in 1992 so I know it IS-REAL (Israel). Jer 31 explains Hashem or God gives us this experience not as he did the first time and not for the sins of the fathers but our own sins are judged in the last judgement, individually:
      you think you can find Jesus in the scriptures? Well the Jews could NOT and neither can Christians: MESSIAH is the EXPERIENCE that lifts the SOUL above the EGO and body:
      it doesn't matter where Messiah shows up in the written word, it matters if he shows up within the SOUL of his people to raise the SOUL (Jacob) above the physical (Esau/hairy) so Jacob can ASCEND (rapture, feast of tabernacles) and see Hashem FACE TO FACE and LIVE: ALL OF JACOB has to do this, not just a guy written about in the Bible:
      we are not to make images of God, but to discover the TRUTH of Hashem which is only possible through the ANOINTING:
      the Messiah (anointing) is revealed as the ARM OF THE LORD to those who have ENOUGH DESIRE FOR MESSIAH: This desire is symbolized as SILVER and ELIJAH:
      we become the GREAT CLOUD of witnesses who see Hashem within our own soul by the ANOINTING that arises in us when we come up with ENOUGH DESIRE FOR HIM: The 30 pieces of silver in Zech 11 that has to be cleansed in Mal 3 by the priesthood (Levi, Aaron) so the OFFERING OF JUDAH (anointing, Christ) is pleasant to the LORD, is required from the priests: Israel has no priesthood because they don't have ENOUGH DESIRE (SILVER=keceph/kacaph) to RECEIVE HIM: The desire is the corrected VESSEL for the anointing: You won't hear this in Judaism or Christianity because they don't experience the DESIRE:

  • @robertko5425
    @robertko5425 27 дней назад +4

    Throughout human history - Empires RISE & Empires FALL, and the United States of America in really no exception at this point in time.

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад

      @robertko5425 But, but Trump will save us.......

    • @robertko5425
      @robertko5425 25 дней назад

      @@birdlover-zu7ez Just MAYBE ??? But Americans also must do their part as well - and REPENT !!! Otherwise, its DOOMED to failure like the previous British Empire (1582-1996) and the Holy Roman Empire (36BC - 477AD) did as well.

  • @gurtrudechallenger7701
    @gurtrudechallenger7701 27 дней назад +4

    Have mercy on us all on all the nations shaloom

  • @user-tu8vd5wd5c
    @user-tu8vd5wd5c 27 дней назад +4

    I pray 🤲 my divine to take over the leadership in United States 🇺🇸 to safe our people's lives as I stand with faith 🙏 🙌 ✨️ 💯 ♥️ 🤲

  • @lolitbautista7682
    @lolitbautista7682 27 дней назад +3

    AMEN thak you for sharing 🙏😇❤️. My faith & trust in you alone my Lord for You are the author & finishisher of life for those who believe in You

  • @Fred-n6s
    @Fred-n6s 27 дней назад +4

    The United States need to no Jesus Christ amen amen thank you for that so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @user-lw7il2zx8u
    @user-lw7il2zx8u 27 дней назад +7

    Slave trade was the main component of the evonomical success of the USA.

  • @bdomek596
    @bdomek596 24 дня назад +2

    Please send your Angels to surround and protect this country!!
    I Jesus name amen!!!

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 22 дня назад

      INDIVIDUALS must return to God because every INDIVIDUAL soul that rises is a MEMBER and WITNESS OF THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST: There is no GROUP or country or revival going to happen: It is YOU and GOD through CHRIST NOW:
      I wish people would STOP preaching if they are NOT ANOINTED because they just help perpetuate the deception of BABYLON (CONFUSION) that the NT is still under and is told, COME OUT OF HER (CONFUSION) MY PEOPLE: As long as PEOPLE who are NOT ANOINTED teach the BIBLE which is A CLOSED BOOK till the person experiences the ANOINTING (RETURN OF CHRIST IN THEM) they will remain confused:
      the first rapture is individually experienced and has been going on since Acts 2 when God sets the LIVING STONES (stony hearts of Israel that are circumcised, Dan 9) to reveal the abomination of desolation in the heart, Holy place, inner court) where it ought not be: This sets the 12 tribes above in heavenly places: The first rapture is the first resurrection and Christ is the resurrection from the dead for the dead bones of the whole house of Israel: THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 2000 years: Once the first resurrection is COMPLETE (all Israel is saved above the LINE/Lamed) then the great tribulation is for the great crowd that did not experience the FIRST resurrection and this is the SECOND DEATH (Paul also experienced this second death and told us so, "I DIE DAILY") because this is the END of the OLD MAN, so the NEW MAN, the LAST ADAM can be FULLY REVEALED: All of this happens to individuals:
      Jesus Christ started returning IN ACTS 2, 2000 years ago and from that time till now, God has BEEN ADDING TO HIS TEMPLE DAILY: How does he return? The disciples wanted to know in John 16, in a little while and you will not see me and then in a little while you will see me and YOUR JOY shall be full: HOW? he is BORN THROUGH THE HEART (Mark 4) hence he who does the WILL of my FATHER (repent for the Kingdom of heaven is AT HAND) is my MOTHER, brother, sister:
      Messiah fishes us out of the VOID which is why his WORD does not return void: Understand that the VOID is the darkness in us all, the ROOT of the tree where the GOOD ground our our heart that we must return to that is DEEP WITHIN at the place where we are a CHILD that can ENTER the Kingdom: Repentance is returning to the evil root so the GOOD ROOT can rise, invert to the crown of LIFE at the place of the skull and the anointing from that GOOD ROOT which is Adam's good root that would have made him the MESSIAH if he had chosen it instead of the evil root: THIS is the resurrection of Adam and we all died in the first Adam, I Cor 15:
      yes, you need your vessel (lamps) full of the ANOINTING because these are the FIVE SPIRITUAL SENSES or virgins that can RECEIVE the Messiah or OIL, while the five PHYSICAL SENSES (flesh and blood) can not receive the anointing (Esau) though he seeks it with tears: The physical can not get the birthright (ANOINTING), only the SOUL (Jacob/smooth) can receive it and RISE ABOVE ESAU the physical:
      this WHOLE WORLD is a STRONG DELUSION (like Purim actually explains): To get out of the STRONG Delusion of this world, and FIND THE EARTH that is the LORDS and the FULLNESS thereof, we have to RISE ABOVE THIS WORLD that is passing away and everything in it as it always has and always WILL, to get to OLAM HABA the world to come:
      the rapture (Jewish feast of tabernacles that comes after Yom Kippur) is not a corporal experience like the first time Israel was taken out of Egypt: This second time which includes Christians (ten exiled tribes of Israel world wide) is INDIVIDUALLY experienced, I COR 15, every man in his own order (and HOUR) at the time of his vitiation, his appointed time for judgement: I experienced my HOUR in 1992 so I know it IS-REAL (Israel). Jer 31 explains Hashem or God gives us this experience not as he did the first time and not for the sins of the fathers but our own sins are judged in the last judgement, individually:
      you think you can find Jesus in the scriptures? Well the Jews could NOT and neither can Christians: MESSIAH is the EXPERIENCE that lifts the SOUL above the EGO and body:
      it doesn't matter where Messiah shows up in the written word, it matters if he shows up within the SOUL of his people to raise the SOUL (Jacob) above the physical (Esau/hairy) so Jacob can ASCEND (rapture, feast of tabernacles) and see Hashem FACE TO FACE and LIVE: ALL OF JACOB has to do this, not just a guy written about in the Bible:
      we are not to make images of God, but to discover the TRUTH of Hashem which is only possible through the ANOINTING:
      the Messiah (anointing) is revealed as the ARM OF THE LORD to those who have ENOUGH DESIRE FOR MESSIAH: This desire is symbolized as SILVER and ELIJAH:
      we become the GREAT CLOUD of witnesses who see Hashem within our own soul by the ANOINTING that arises in us when we come up with ENOUGH DESIRE FOR HIM: The 30 pieces of silver in Zech 11 that has to be cleansed in Mal 3 by the priesthood (Levi, Aaron) so the OFFERING OF JUDAH (anointing, Christ) is pleasant to the LORD, is required from the priests: Israel has no priesthood because they don't have ENOUGH DESIRE (SILVER=keceph/kacaph) to RECEIVE HIM: The desire is the corrected VESSEL for the anointing: You won't hear this in Judaism or Christianity because they don't experience the DESIRE:

  • @allwynfurtado9146
    @allwynfurtado9146 28 дней назад +5

    Thank you brother for taking the name of God ( Jehovah ).

  • @MsTenacious24
    @MsTenacious24 29 дней назад +9

    This MIGHT have been a decent video, but there’s way too much repetition of content. Too bad because the essence of the message is important. Someone should have paid more attention in the editing process.

    • @jeannemaxwell3173
      @jeannemaxwell3173 29 дней назад +1

      It's because it's AI generated content.

    • @MsTenacious24
      @MsTenacious24 28 дней назад +1

      @@jeannemaxwell3173 Definitely. Even so, it was poorly executed. I’ve seen many excellent AI-generated videos, but this was just sloppy. Totally takes away from any credibility it might have had.

  • @marilyndalen3197
    @marilyndalen3197 28 дней назад +10

    May the good Lord grant USA with Trump for several more years for those of us who have been praying and wanting your will. Hear our prayers Lord
    in Jesus name Amen

    • @loriegosnell9355
      @loriegosnell9355 28 дней назад

      Trump 2024! America, one nation under GOD! America 🇺🇸

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад +2

      I personally am ready to leave this perverted world. This world is not my home and Jesus is coming to get us very soon. Keep looking up

  • @cherylallen3212
    @cherylallen3212 25 дней назад +1


  • @Romans8.28-f5c
    @Romans8.28-f5c 28 дней назад +3

    To the speaker and organizer of this Channel:
    This was an excellent presentation. I can see a lot of research, Insight and Biblical principles went into this.
    I am not surprised at anything you had to say.

  • @WalterPerkins-c4z
    @WalterPerkins-c4z 29 дней назад +10

    Lot of people that is called racist is not the one that is racist racist themselves

    • @Gertyrv
      @Gertyrv 28 дней назад +3

      Everyone my husband works with is racist, and also A Trump fan , except for him.

    • @user-mt1nz1dm1b
      @user-mt1nz1dm1b 28 дней назад

      ​The left make accusations, the right cite examples "​@@Gertyrv

  • @kalaisks3945
    @kalaisks3945 28 дней назад +49

    this one’s got me feeling pretty uneasy. if you’re struggling with the fear of what’s ahead, angel activation secrets by marie runner might be just what you need to get through it.

    • @user-gw3ux6ph5r
      @user-gw3ux6ph5r 28 дней назад +1 the 6th hour of the 6th day of the 6th month of the year 2026 all the souls of the living and dead will stand in judgement. IT IS FINAL JUDGEMENT DAY. THE DAY OF DHEEH KHEEH YHAHR MHUHTT.I

    • @joshuapedrogarza9667
      @joshuapedrogarza9667 27 дней назад

      I shouldn't have asked for evil to come into United States. ...

  • @miriamrobertson8699
    @miriamrobertson8699 23 дня назад +2

    God Jesus Christ only way salvation, trust in him bless you all 💖❤.

  • @valvetones7344
    @valvetones7344 29 дней назад +9

    Why is there so much repetition in what's being said?

    • @alvinboss3672
      @alvinboss3672 29 дней назад +2

      Yeah, everything was said at least 4 times; in the end, didn't say much at all.

  • @CathyRoberts-kf3kv
    @CathyRoberts-kf3kv 23 дня назад +1

    Keep oil in your lamps my brothers and sisters THE KING IS COMING ❤️ WITH JUDGEMENT ❤
    Greetings from PIKEVILLE KENTUCKY 💜

  • @katherineb362
    @katherineb362 28 дней назад +5

    Thankfully the rapture comes before The tribulation which explains the USA collapse cause all the Christians holding this place together will be gone. Seek His face before it's too late.

    • @spartacusx8153
      @spartacusx8153 28 дней назад

      The rapture of the church comes AFTER the great Matthew 24..

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад

      @@spartacusx8153 Matthew 24 is written to the Jews. Look at verses15 and 16, the Jews are told to flee to the mountains during the abomination of desolation and will be protected until Jesus comes back at the end to the tribulation. Revelation 19
      The church will not be here. The apostle Paul was given the mystery of the rapture to the church.....We go up and meet Jesus in the clouds that's different than the second coming when Jesus literally comes back to earth.

  • @mareitumetsechalatse-em2kd
    @mareitumetsechalatse-em2kd 28 дней назад +1

    The truth does set people free, although bitter, it is pure and unburdensome. Our prayer is for all to look up to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

  • @simonsays103
    @simonsays103 26 дней назад +1

    We must trust the Lord. Not a person. We must also be trusting in GOD for even when something un expected happens.

  • @peterford113
    @peterford113 28 дней назад +5

    Excellent, encouraging..scriptually uplifting. Thank you

  • @elainewalls3563
    @elainewalls3563 25 дней назад +1

    Thank you for this informative and wonderful Bible message. May "GOD" BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU IN 'JESUS' NAME AMEN AND AMEN.

  • @paulaartz4536
    @paulaartz4536 27 дней назад +3

    21:15 Come Lord JESUS...I want to go home..I will die for your name..You are my HOPE..and SAVIOR..

  • @cleolovato3093
    @cleolovato3093 24 дня назад +1

    I pray that The lord Jesus be with our country.wake up America that our lord be with us

  • @angelhodge5536
    @angelhodge5536 29 дней назад +7

    May god have mercy and grace and grant pstience on america , and be with christians of america and those around the world we are headed for times were not ready for jesus please be with us allow a hedge of protection around the christians and all jews and protect isreal we pray precious jesus Donald Trump is allowed to be our 2024 president i pray for our nation america and all christians may god be with us all in name of the father son and holy spirit ❤❤❤ Amen .

    • @mhd7832
      @mhd7832 28 дней назад +3


  • @thomasnorman4221
    @thomasnorman4221 27 дней назад +2

    I went to prison twice, escaped both the good life middle of nowhere

  • @YvonneNelson-yl8ub
    @YvonneNelson-yl8ub 29 дней назад +5

    America is Babylon the Great, Nebuzigger the king of Babylon, in the scriptures of Revelation it tells in the end time that Babylon will fall, we're seeing all thess prophecies reveal, all these wars going on, don't come at me for any misspelled words because I'm not in a spelling bee contest, but repent pray and start keeping God's Commandments.

  • @brendacarabba2752
    @brendacarabba2752 27 дней назад +2

    Im not scared this is all temporary my life externally is not here and now. God will fulfill all that was promised to his faithful

  • @user-tm7qt8oo1j
    @user-tm7qt8oo1j 29 дней назад +7

    Several Years Ago I Received Devastation Will Get To Be So Bad That There Will Be No Recovery.

  • @markg2228
    @markg2228 27 дней назад +2

    We're not even united anymore.. 😢 the devil is destroying us ..

  • @AlmaAlmaz-p8b
    @AlmaAlmaz-p8b 27 дней назад +4

    I'm so grateful for your messages. I'm ready to accept the consequences as a result of NOT taking the mark of the beast. MARANATHA❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤❤

    • @ilas8675
      @ilas8675 27 дней назад

      I don't plan to be here(on this earth taking the mark of the beast! I will be in heaven with god!! So, I'm not worrying or looking for the undertaker!! I'm looking for the overtaker!! True believers,servants of god: look up,don't fear,,,pray without ceasing,,,be not dismayed,whatever betides:god will take care of you!!😊

  • @franhutcheson9540
    @franhutcheson9540 26 дней назад +1

    I've been preaching this for 20 years. People laugh
    It's going to happen. We ask for it by disownering God

  • @wishing_starr
    @wishing_starr 27 дней назад +3

    It is time for all the name calling and the labeling of people one way or the other. These things are not important. Know God and pray. The evil is out of hand and should be stopped. We need to get this evil to come to the light. We pray for all those who live in the dark .

  • @lorraineblackwell4580
    @lorraineblackwell4580 27 дней назад +2

    God has overcome the world. Pray. Pray. Pray in the Spirit or he doesn’t listen to your prayers. Get right with God now!

  • @karinetimetraveler3049
    @karinetimetraveler3049 28 дней назад +3

    The channel is of exceptional quality. Additionally, it incorporates a divine name. Suscribed

  • @michelleluther9847
    @michelleluther9847 24 дня назад +1

    Thank you for letting us hear these true words! May God bless us all ❤🙏

  • @jerryschuenke3085
    @jerryschuenke3085 27 дней назад +4

    Jesus is coming soon,are you ready !

  • @jesterangeles-qt3cu
    @jesterangeles-qt3cu 28 дней назад +1

    I always pray for usa to god because usa always protect the people of srael..pls. Jesus bless the people and soldiers of usa and give them godly president again..

  • @larryford7629
    @larryford7629 29 дней назад +8

    Maybe the US is the Beast

    • @GlendaJames-u7j
      @GlendaJames-u7j 29 дней назад +1

      Dont pray that into exsistance

    • @jandinkins1940
      @jandinkins1940 29 дней назад +5


    • @JohnMikhail-q8f
      @JohnMikhail-q8f 28 дней назад +2

      @larryford7629 yep USA is the beast of revelation. They are lamb but talk like a dragon

    • @birdlover-zu7ez
      @birdlover-zu7ez 27 дней назад

      @@GlendaJames-u7j Huh? Prophecy is being fulfilled as we speak and it's obvious that the beast system is being set up right before our very eyes. It has come in increments, but it is here. America is rolling out the beast system and the 7 year tribulation is coming very soon. God's wrath and judgement coming.....We can't pray that into existence since it is God's will and prophecy that has been foretold.....