Py.yog koj yuav qhuag txog tshuaj no thov koj hai rau tom qab e thiaj li tsi khuam peb kev mloog dab neeg mog.vim tia peb caum koj lo tau ntev lm peb tsi xav kom koj muab cov tshuaj lo tham ua ntej nb
Hello. My 80 year old aunt is your number one fan and loves to listen to your scary stories. But lately, she’s been avoiding videos and declining watching your channel which is not like her. I asked why and she said it’s because she is scared of the thumbnails with the lady ghosts. :/ can you reupload your recent videos with just the house for thumbnails. If we go driving then I put the recent videos on so she can’t see.
@@3hmoobdabneegchannel388nws hais kom koj txhob tso cov Poj ntxoog lawm, es tso cov tsev lawm xwb. Vim nws niam tais lo nws pog pom cov duab thaum yuav mloog koj dab neeg ces nws tsis tau luag.
Zoo noos heev li os
“What’s done in the dark will one day find a way to shine”
3 hmongdab channel thank you very much for sharing your scary stories keep sharing.
Neeg muab nyiaj ces zoo li ko mas 🙂
Py.yog koj yuav qhuag txog tshuaj no thov koj hai rau tom qab e thiaj li tsi khuam peb kev mloog dab neeg mog.vim tia peb caum koj lo tau ntev lm peb tsi xav kom koj muab cov tshuaj lo tham ua ntej nb
Hoan đao
Ob tug maum aub thiab txiv aub muab tua kiag xwb es lawv thiaj li sib raws hauv dab teb
Hmong story
Hh siab phem deev hmoob tej ntxhais tsu yuav li ntawv txawm mus lawb dawb los ntshe vajtswv, yexus los yuav tsi yuav thiab os 555
Hello. My 80 year old aunt is your number one fan and loves to listen to your scary stories. But lately, she’s been avoiding videos and declining watching your channel which is not like her. I asked why and she said it’s because she is scared of the thumbnails with the lady ghosts. :/ can you reupload your recent videos with just the house for thumbnails. If we go driving then I put the recent videos on so she can’t see.
thanks so much
@@3hmoobdabneegchannel388 4
@@3hmoobdabneegchannel388nws hais kom koj txhob tso cov Poj ntxoog lawm, es tso cov tsev lawm xwb. Vim nws niam tais lo nws pog pom cov duab thaum yuav mloog koj dab neeg ces nws tsis tau luag.
Don't be afraid of rich people
Dag tiag2 thaum pib ma twb tias ບໍສົນຈ່າຍເງີນຫຼາຍແລ້ວ ta ib pliag ho tias g paub cawg nyob thb 😂😂😂
Be a good father. Fight the two evil men, the father has no balls.
Evil men
Poj niam siab phem