Thank you so much for this video! We just did it and fixed the lights on our car. Your instructions are perfect, super clear and easy to follow. I think you’ve saved us quite a bit of money!
Had this exact issue and had no idea it was a common problem, but found your video when googling it - if not I would have been checking fuses and such all night. Added a new ground wire and all the light work now, didn't take more than 20 minutes or so. Thanks!
Thanks so much! Just did this last weekend and fixed rear lamps with this issue! Cheap repair, practical and wasn't too hard for a non-mechanic such as myself. You saved me a fortune.
Brilliant! This problem has been bugging me for ages. The wife wanted me to buy a new car because she was so fed up! Was changing bulbs all the time. Thanks a million. 😊
I had this problem over a year, I tried everithing, changing bulbs, cleaning contacts, no one was knowing how to solve the problem. Mine problem was that everything was working but warning was beeping when hit brake or turn right blinker on. I measured voltage at left and right rear bulbs and noticed that when votage drops below 12v it beeps (on left bulbs there was no voltage dropping and no beep after left blinker was on, but on right, that was broken, there was voltage drop after any light is on, more light more voltage drop). This problem was due to bad connection to ground (407SW is car). After soldering grounds, problem disapeared! Thanks for this video, Greetings from Serbia!
@@german_lifestyle_tajbakhsh7282 It is worth checking or replacing brake switch as well sometimes this part make problem. On my side I remeber when I unplug connector, around ground wire pin was burned plastic and that connection was loose and that was the reason why there was a volgate drop. Problem is that there are 4 wires with providing current in and only one sinks (ground), althow ground wire is thicker, connector pins are the same, and that's why they are burning plastic around. Maybe puting some LEDs which drows less current might be solution as well.
Thank you so much mate, I am so glad you used subtitles in your video. This has been a big problem for me. Your fixed worked great. From Perth Austlaia
The same problem with my Wife's 307. I cleaned the earth contacts as best I could and wedged a small paper clip inside the plug terminal to better engage the contacts - has been working for several years now!
Salut. Mulțumesc! M-ai salvat de la o cheltuială... Și nici nu găseam mufa și suportul pentru becuri la al meu 407 SW... Abia aștept să mă apuc de treabă! Ține-o tot așa!
Great sollution, I have a peugot 308, and the whole rear light on the right wasnt working, also when pulling the direction indicator caused the clicking sound to be in double speed. I think the double speed clicking is caused by the pulse that is send to the lights are bounced back because there is no ground. Checking the connector showed indeed a deep corrosion of the ground pins. I perfomed the opperation showed in the movie, and now all the lights are working as well as the direction indicator.
Just did it on 307 2006, although I did not cut the original wires, I attached the ground wire from the lightbulbs panel straight to the card body using the nut that hold the taillight in place. Worked like a charm
I have problem with "direction yellow light" (IDK how it call in English) and I ordered from Aliexpress and replaced whole plug. Now works great, but maybe in my case ground in lamp was ok. I think your solution is harder to do but almost permamently. Nice to see exactly this same 308 like mine and with problems like in my car :D
Thanks your video has helped. Have had an issue with it and trying to wire 7 pin round plug au version an auto elec wanted to charge labour and wasn't even keen to do job. took me les then min all done.
Fixed same issue today on 207, but I cleaned connector pins and socket with special cleaning product for good electrical contact and it works realy good for now. If the pins are oxidized thier resistance increase when resistance increase the voltage drop is bigger and more heat is generated. One side of the rear lights was burned so I replaced bulbs on each side and saw dimmer light on previous burned side so I suspectect this issue. Connector looks exactly the same as in video. Pin 5 definetly overheat some plastic melted. Probably I will replace conector some time later if problem shows again. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much for your video. The you know if i can replace the plug connector? Will replacing the plug solve the problem? or do I have to cut the wire? Thank you
Thank's a million. Right to the point. It solved almost all my problems with the beeping warning of faulty bulbs in a numerous places. I had to make the adjustment on both sides on my 2006 407SW. Remaining issue now is the cruise control wich have some issues. Any idéa where to look for a solution to that?
Hello Adrian, thanks for these videos, I have this same car and I have a problem with the backlight that works for a period of time and stops without any reason. Is the problem a cut in the wire or what? In your car, where exactly is the problem
But what caused this to happen, and a few days before that, after I got out of the car, I felt an electrical signal when I touched an iron object?? Do you have an explanation for this? Can you tell me what is the fuse number for this light in the fuse box? My car Peugeot 207
Thank you for the video just purchased a 207 and I discovered that both rear tail lights were not working at all. I performed this ground bypass but I still do not have any tail lights. The connectors on both sides were melted at the ground prong. I checked the rest of the wires and all were in good shape. Do the tail lights ground to a central ground? How likely is it that connector failure caused failures down the harness?
But what caused this to happen, and a few days before that, after I got out of the car, I felt an electrical signal when I touched an iron object?? Do you have an explanation for this? Can you tell me what is the fuse number for this light in the fuse box? My car Peugeot 207
Hello. I don't know exactly what the fuse number is in the fuse box, but you can check it in the owner's manual. If you don't have the manual, you can download it here:
Is bad earth the same reason one of the lamps have lower light output when driving? The red bulb on my 307 in the left lamp have lower light output than the right. Not a lot, but still noticeable
Hello. Usually the problem is with the earth wire. But you must also check that the bulbs are identical in power and in accordance with the specifications in the car manual.
Hello. I don't know what the wire is for the positive signal lamp, but you can find it using a measuring device (voltmeter) or by following the electrical path from the bulb holder to the plug.
@@AdrianDragan one more question, i bought 25wat6ohm resistors from aliexpress,will they be enough for hyperflash turn signals/lights because 50wat are simply too big and i dont know where to put it with its wires/cables and that iron part are too big
Hi I have the same problem (still :-( I watched your video and followed the instructions (added new ground wire and connected to the area that should be attached). But the problem persists: no power in the back light. I think I have to take my 407SW for pro service.
@@AdrianDragan Hi I resolved the problem yesterday. After my repair, it worked next day to my surprise 😉 I also found out I had to make sure the plug connection was free of rust, dust etc.
Thanks a lot for the video. I Wonder if you can do an installation of a 2 way front speakers with crossover. I bought them but it is not easy in order to know what cables are the correct and to pass throught the cable between the door and the car room. Thanks in advance.
@@AdrianDragan No, I don't need special wires for the installation, only audio wires. The problem is that I can see there are only two wires that they go out of the car audio. I think these wires have to divide in others, two for the Twitter and other two for the woofer.
Salut Adrian, foarte tare ce faci, azi ti am descoperit canalul, as putea sa iti trimit un video undeva ? Am o problema la un peugeot 206 la un stop . Ms
@@AdrianDragan Dude it works 👍 I didn't have to drill anything. No crimps as I didn't have any. 1) Earth wire from the cable from an old iron. 2) cut the earth wire from the car. 3) attached to the earth in the car to the lighting unit using black insulation tape. 4) Happy days!... If you have no tools...... Improvise!... 🤣 All works!.. Thanks to your video... 👍
Btw before repair light not working after repair light start working but main light didnt and i destroied that little Plastic or what material it is ball it can be problem?
Hello. I'm not sure which "ball" you're talking about, I assume it's the one that keeps the plug and socket connected. if it is that, there is no problem. Ensure their connection with adhesive tape. However, it would be good to look for a new plug (see my links) and change it.
One question - is it strictly necessary to solder the contacts, or could I do without, with just clamping them in? Maybe a silly question, but thank you in advance☺️
2 questions. 1. How do you decide which part of plate you would make the hole for earthing? 2. After earthing, only 1 light is on. What should i change?
Hello. 1. The grounding plate is only one for all bulbs, so it is not a rule. 2. It may be necessary to wait at least 15 minutes for all the bulbs to become functional again, you may have to wait even longer, say overnight.
@@AdrianDragan no. 2 answer sounds interesting. Never thought of waiting... I actually have purchased the both platform from Aliexpress. Is there anything you would like to advise as tips when replacing? Thanks!
Bună seara! La mine e problema că merge semnalizarea și frâna dar nu se aprinde poziția. M-am uitat și într-adevăr este topit un pic la pin-ul de la masă. Oare să fac la fel cum ați făcut? Mulțumesc frumos pentru eventualele răspunsuri. Sănătate!!
Bună seara! Daca pinul este chiar și puțin topit problema tot trebuie remediata deoarece în timp se va agrava. De verificat becul de poziție și contactele acestuia.
E vorba despre partea dreapta spate. Când apăs pe frâna se aprinde, dar nu se aprinde când pun poziția. Semnalizarea dreapta funcționează și mașalierul la fel... Ce e de făcut?
Salutare si multumesc pentru acest video. Imi poti spune, te rog, ce nr are pinul de masa al conectorului (cel oxidat/stricat)? De asemenea daca leg negativul voltmentrului la acest pin si pozitivul la pinul de semnalizare cati volti ar trebui sa am pe voltmetru? Diametrul cablului albastru cat este (banuiesc ca este litat) Multumesc frumos anticipat!!!
Salut. Pinul cu probleme are numarul 2 (cel putin asa este pe masina mea), poti vedea la minutul 3:55. Daca faci o masuratoare cu voltmetrul este probabil sa-ti fie afisata o tensiune mica (5-6 volti) deoarece este tensiunea pe care calculatorul masinii o trimite pentru a verifica prezenta becului, functionarea acestuia si integritatea circuitului. Daca deconectezi mufa si incerci sa actionezi semnalizarea este posibil sa nu primesti asa cum te-ai astepta tensiune de 12 volti deoarece calculatorul a detectat lipsa conexiunii si pentru siguranta nu mai alimenteaza o perioada de timp respectivul circuit. Nu stiu sa-ti spun exact diametrul cablului litat, probabil 1 - 1,5mm.
Hi I have similar problem, but only brake lights (all 3) don't work. Could this be the problem in this case also or could it be something else? Oh and lights start working after 15-20min of driving, but never when i start the car. Thank you in advance
Szia! A heten vasaroltam egy Peugeot 308 1.6 benzines autot (2008) eddig nagyon meg vagyok vele elegedve,viszont a mai nap indulaskor eszrevettem,hogy a bal hatso(vezeto oldali)lampak kozul egyik sem mukodik.A lampaburat leszedve eszrevettem,hogy szepen beazik es valoszinunek tartom,hogy a biztositekot kinyomhatta mert az egoknek semmi baja nincsen mind ep.Azt szeretnem megkerdezni,hogy melyik biztositek tartozhat ehhez a reszhez,mert a gyari konyveben en nem talaltam meg,csak az elso lampakhoz tartozokat.Lehet,hogy az enyemnek is a csatlakozok hibaja lehet?Koszonom elore is a segitseget mindenkinek!
Maybe tutorial with solution how to fix rear seat belts error? Very popular problem in 308SW. So far I disconnected outgoing seatbelts strip, but now I dont see if passanger dont plug seat belt...
Hello Andrian, My boot light has no wiring connecion to the boot door. can you advise me how can I do that or where it goes to? I have a boot light and holder in place. Thank you.
@@kunj035 If the lamp does not light up and you do not have a plug in it, you should open that plastic and look for the plug there. I don't think that plug was not put in the factory :)
@@AdrianDragan hello, ues I took out the light and there is a plug there without any wires coming out of it. I can buy the wires and donsome soldering but where that wires should go?
- plug with cables for Peugeot 308:
- Voltmeter digital display:
- Electric Soldering iron:
- Rechargeable Wireless Electric Soldering Iron:
Thank you so much for this video! We just did it and fixed the lights on our car. Your instructions are perfect, super clear and easy to follow. I think you’ve saved us quite a bit of money!
Had this exact issue and had no idea it was a common problem, but found your video when googling it - if not I would have been checking fuses and such all night. Added a new ground wire and all the light work now, didn't take more than 20 minutes or so. Thanks!
What were your symptoms?
Thanks so much! Just did this last weekend and fixed rear lamps with this issue! Cheap repair, practical and wasn't too hard for a non-mechanic such as myself. You saved me a fortune.
Did exactly the same as your tutorial, worked a treat, many thanks.
Brilliant! This problem has been bugging me for ages. The wife wanted me to buy a new car because she was so fed up! Was changing bulbs all the time. Thanks a million. 😊
I'm glad to hear I saved your car's life ☺️
I had this problem over a year, I tried everithing, changing bulbs, cleaning contacts, no one was knowing how to solve the problem. Mine problem was that everything was working but warning was beeping when hit brake or turn right blinker on. I measured voltage at left and right rear bulbs and noticed that when votage drops below 12v it beeps (on left bulbs there was no voltage dropping and no beep after left blinker was on, but on right, that was broken, there was voltage drop after any light is on, more light more voltage drop). This problem was due to bad connection to ground (407SW is car). After soldering grounds, problem disapeared!
Thanks for this video,
Greetings from Serbia!
Now I have almost the same problem but I think it’s from the broken tailgate wiring which should be completely replaced
@@german_lifestyle_tajbakhsh7282 It is worth checking or replacing brake switch as well sometimes this part make problem. On my side I remeber when I unplug connector, around ground wire pin was burned plastic and that connection was loose and that was the reason why there was a volgate drop. Problem is that there are 4 wires with providing current in and only one sinks (ground), althow ground wire is thicker, connector pins are the same, and that's why they are burning plastic around. Maybe puting some LEDs which drows less current might be solution as well.
@ i will give it a try. Is it accessible easily? Under the brake pedal?
Thank you so much mate, I am so glad you used subtitles in your video. This has been a big problem for me. Your fixed worked great. From Perth Austlaia
Greetings to you in Australia! :)
Eu am avut probleme pe stânga dar astăzi am rezolvat tot datorită acestui clip!😊
Super! Ma bucur ca ti-am fost de ajutor!
Acum am pe dreapta problema dar nu am reușit pare ca nu este doar firul de masă...
Thank YOU VERY, VERY MUCH ! :-) best regards from Belgrade, Serbia
I was losing my mind trying to find out the issue with my tail lights. Thank you very much
Thanks so much. This saved so much stress and hassle! You are a legend!
Glad it helped!
Mulțumesc mult! Cu 10 minute activitate am rezolvat o problemă ce mă chinuie de 2 săptămâni. Citroen Xsara Picasso 2.0 HDI.
Today I fixed as you showed and........ it works.Same car, lamp etc. Many thanks and all best.
A simple low cost fix. Thank You from Dublin, Ireland.
The same problem with my Wife's 307. I cleaned the earth contacts as best I could and wedged a small paper clip inside the plug terminal to better engage the contacts - has been working for several years now!
Thank you! I just wedged a paperclip into the terminal and this worked perfectly!
Thank you so much for this video, got the identical same problem. Brilliant. Absolutely perfect. Everything You say and show was 100% accurate.
Absolutely perfect! Followed your instructions to the letter and all lights now work fine.thanks
Brilliant vid. My Citreon's been playing up for years. Finally died this morning. Fixed now thanks to your info share. Cheers.
Salut. Mulțumesc! M-ai salvat de la o cheltuială... Și nici nu găseam mufa și suportul pentru becuri la al meu 407 SW... Abia aștept să mă apuc de treabă! Ține-o tot așa!
Great sollution, I have a peugot 308, and the whole rear light on the right wasnt working, also when pulling the direction indicator caused the clicking sound to be in double speed. I think the double speed clicking is caused by the pulse that is send to the lights are bounced back because there is no ground. Checking the connector showed indeed a deep corrosion of the ground pins. I perfomed the opperation showed in the movie, and now all the lights are working as well as the direction indicator.
Just did it on 307 2006, although I did not cut the original wires, I attached the ground wire from the lightbulbs panel straight to the card body using the nut that hold the taillight in place. Worked like a charm
I'm glad to hear that. Thanks!
Mulțumesc mult, insfarsit am reușit sa rezolv problema asta datorită tie !!
Thank you very much!!!! I choose not drill trough the plastic, choose a place only with metal. And thank you also for the subtitles!!!!!!!
Ieftin și simplu.Multumesc în numele tuturor care se uită la clipurile tale.Dacă nu cumpărăm peugeot nu dădeam de tine 😆😆
Worked perfectly on my Peugeot 407 sw. Thanks a ton!
I'm glad to hear that 🙂
Thank you very much!!!! I choose not to drill trough the plastic, choose a place only with metal. And thank you also for the subtitles!!!!!!!
I have problem with "direction yellow light" (IDK how it call in English) and I ordered from Aliexpress and replaced whole plug. Now works great, but maybe in my case ground in lamp was ok. I think your solution is harder to do but almost permamently. Nice to see exactly this same 308 like mine and with problems like in my car :D
Yes, this seems to be a fairly common problem and not only at Peugeot.
Yep, got the identical same problem today, resolved quickly and easily thanks to this video :)
Great to hear!
This video is great, watched this and fixed the problem on my Wife's C4 Picasso.
Hi. I'm glad to hear that I was of help to you :)
Thank you Adrian! Solved my problem with the rear lights on my 2008 207!
Auto electrical worker don't know about that problem, I solved it with your video, thank you from Serbia
Thanks for help, tried changing the plug first with a new one (it was really loose) and then i tried this and it worked! :)
Thanks your video has helped. Have had an issue with it and trying to wire 7 pin round plug au version an auto elec wanted to charge labour and wasn't even keen to do job. took me les then min all done.
Fixed same issue today on 207, but I cleaned connector pins and socket with special cleaning product for good electrical contact and it works realy good for now. If the pins are oxidized thier resistance increase when resistance increase the voltage drop is bigger and more heat is generated. One side of the rear lights was burned so I replaced bulbs on each side and saw dimmer light on previous burned side so I suspectect this issue. Connector looks exactly the same as in video. Pin 5 definetly overheat some plastic melted. Probably I will replace conector some time later if problem shows again. Thanks for sharing.
Hi. I'm glad I was of help to you.
Thank you very much for your video.
The you know if i can replace the plug connector? Will replacing the plug solve the problem? or do I have to cut the wire?
Thank you
Hello. It depends on how bad your connector is. If you have a new connector you can replace it, if not cut the wire and make a new connection.
Thank you very much for this video, it helped me fix the tailights of a Peugeot 206 that had the same issue on both of them.
Hi. I'm glad I was of help to you.
This video has helped me a lot as my peugeot as started to have these problems thank you 👍👍👍😉
what a legend saved me so much time thanks so much !!!!
Thank you!, it worked! Saved my rear lamps!
Your the only one how solft my problem! Thank you !
I have same problem with my 207. Thanks for you video!
I hope you solved the problem.
Thank you buddy just got my peugeot fixed 👍👍👍
Thank's a million. Right to the point. It solved almost all my problems with the beeping warning of faulty bulbs in a numerous places. I had to make the adjustment on both sides on my 2006 407SW.
Remaining issue now is the cruise control wich have some issues. Any idéa where to look for a solution to that?
Hello. I think that a dedicated Peugeot diagnosis (Diagbox) could find the mystery of the Cruise Control problem.
Worked like a charm! Thank you for helping out!
Works like a charm, thanks for the video.
What size wire should you use? Was thinking 2.5mm could you also use a box joiner after cutting original wire at the plug?
Hello. A 2mm wire is enough.
Amazing, thank u so much ur videos been always helpful everything is so simple if we follow ur steps 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻
Hi. I'm glad that my video was helpful to you.
Worked perfect! Any advice how to fix the 1.6L 308 that burns oil nonstop? Merci!
Hello Adrian, thanks for these videos, I have this same car and I have a problem with the backlight that works for a period of time and stops without any reason. Is the problem a cut in the wire or what? In your car, where exactly is the problem
Hello. My problem was exactly in this plug from the lamp, the negative wire no longer made contact with the negative pin from the lamp.
thank you very much Adrian, you are the best
But what caused this to happen, and a few days before that, after I got out of the car, I felt an electrical signal when I touched an iron object?? Do you have an explanation for this? Can you tell me what is the fuse number for this light in the fuse box? My car Peugeot 207
Multumesc....azi am reparat si eu după metoda ta .... la peugeout 207
Grt video, can this solve intermittent brake light switch fault ?
Hello. Check the plugs on each lamp and see if they have problems, if not probably the brake light switch is broken.
Great tutorial thanks🍻
Thank you! Worked perfectly!
Hello what thickness of cable do I have to use? Great video!
Hello. Copper wire, minimum 1.5 mm.
Fixed my yesterday
Great advice, thank you.
Thank you for the video just purchased a 207 and I discovered that both rear tail lights were not working at all. I performed this ground bypass but I still do not have any tail lights. The connectors on both sides were melted at the ground prong. I checked the rest of the wires and all were in good shape. Do the tail lights ground to a central ground? How likely is it that connector failure caused failures down the harness?
Worked perfect. Thank you
Hi. I'm glad to hear that I was of help to you :)
Bravo frate. Mulțumesc ❤️
Hi. The problem with my 308 is only the rear direction light that do not work so even i did the same thing you did. What is the problem?🤔
Hi. After the repair, if you leave the car for a few hours, it is possible for it to work afterwards.
@@AdrianDragan thx thats what i did good job man ;)
Thanks to you I learned to repair
Muchas gracias, worked a treat. 👍
But what caused this to happen, and a few days before that, after I got out of the car, I felt an electrical signal when I touched an iron object?? Do you have an explanation for this? Can you tell me what is the fuse number for this light in the fuse box? My car Peugeot 207
Hello. I don't know exactly what the fuse number is in the fuse box, but you can check it in the owner's manual. If you don't have the manual, you can download it here:
Thank you so much.i also fixed myone❤❤❤❤❤
Is bad earth the same reason one of the lamps have lower light output when driving? The red bulb on my 307 in the left lamp have lower light output than the right. Not a lot, but still noticeable
Hello. Usually the problem is with the earth wire. But you must also check that the bulbs are identical in power and in accordance with the specifications in the car manual.
which colour of wire are for turn signals (on Peugeot 207) ? is it red or blue !! i think that conectors here are same on 308 as on 207
Hello. I don't know what the wire is for the positive signal lamp, but you can find it using a measuring device (voltmeter) or by following the electrical path from the bulb holder to the plug.
@@AdrianDragan 12 volts must be on voltmeter or
@@Mr11ESSE111 Turn on the hazard lights and measure the voltage, you should have 12v.
@@AdrianDragan aha, so ground wire are green &yellov and positive turn are those which have blinking on DC voltmeter
@@AdrianDragan one more question, i bought 25wat6ohm resistors from aliexpress,will they be enough for hyperflash turn signals/lights because 50wat are simply too big and i dont know where to put it with its wires/cables and that iron part are too big
Just did mine, but used a wago to patch into the loom ground.
Still no problems, but it is good to know and be prepared.
hi thank you but i have reversing light,indicater works but no other bulbs will work
Hi I have the same problem (still :-( I watched your video and followed the instructions (added new ground wire and connected to the area that should be attached). But the problem persists: no power in the back light. I think I have to take my 407SW for pro service.
Hello. I think it's a problem somewhere on the cables ... You better try a service.
@@AdrianDragan Hi I resolved the problem yesterday. After my repair, it worked next day to my surprise 😉 I also found out I had to make sure the plug connection was free of rust, dust etc.
Don't you change the piece first? I did this and I hope I have solved it, however now it works and the sheaths are thicker
I didn't change the piece, I made this repair and it still works without problems.
Thanks a lot for the video. I Wonder if you can do an installation of a 2 way front speakers with crossover. I bought them but it is not easy in order to know what cables are the correct and to pass throught the cable between the door and the car room. Thanks in advance.
I will soon make a video about how we change the front door speakers. But do you need special cables for two-way crossover speakers?
@@AdrianDragan No, I don't need special wires for the installation, only audio wires. The problem is that I can see there are only two wires that they go out of the car audio. I think these wires have to divide in others, two for the Twitter and other two for the woofer.
@@mikeoldfield74 I think that the twitter and woofer use the same sound signal cable, the filtering is made by each speacker separately.
Salut Adrian, foarte tare ce faci, azi ti am descoperit canalul, as putea sa iti trimit un video undeva ? Am o problema la un peugeot 206 la un stop . Ms
Salut. Verifica mufa lampii.
Do you have to disconnect the battery first before cutting the earth wire?
I have this problem with my Peugeot 😒
You have to turn off the lights. But if you feel safer you can also disconnect the battery.
Cool. Thanks for the reply
Dude it works 👍
I didn't have to drill anything.
No crimps as I didn't have any.
1) Earth wire from the cable from an old iron.
2) cut the earth wire from the car.
3) attached to the earth in the car to the lighting unit using black insulation tape.
4) Happy days!...
If you have no tools...... Improvise!... 🤣
All works!..
Thanks to your video... 👍
I destroyed the black ball, what is between the individual connections, is this ball important or not?
Btw before repair light not working after repair light start working but main light didnt and i destroied that little Plastic or what material it is ball it can be problem?
Or it is just for holding it in the place thank u
Hello. I'm not sure which "ball" you're talking about, I assume it's the one that keeps the plug and socket connected. if it is that, there is no problem. Ensure their connection with adhesive tape. However, it would be good to look for a new plug (see my links) and change it.
One question - is it strictly necessary to solder the contacts, or could I do without, with just clamping them in? Maybe a silly question, but thank you in advance☺️
Hi. The soldering it is the best option 😉
@@AdrianDragan Hi ☺️ Thank you. I know it’s the best option, but is it dangerous if I don’t? Will it hold without?
@@abuzuz5800 If you tighten the electrical connectors on the cable properly, you shouldn't have any problems.
@@AdrianDragan Thank brother. And thanks for the informative video 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
2 questions. 1. How do you decide which part of plate you would make the hole for earthing? 2. After earthing, only 1 light is on. What should i change?
1. The grounding plate is only one for all bulbs, so it is not a rule.
2. It may be necessary to wait at least 15 minutes for all the bulbs to become functional again, you may have to wait even longer, say overnight.
@@AdrianDragan no. 2 answer sounds interesting. Never thought of waiting... I actually have purchased the both platform from Aliexpress. Is there anything you would like to advise as tips when replacing? Thanks!
@@bongjui Nothing special, you can see everything in my video.
@@AdrianDragan thanks a million!
Vielen Dank war hilfreich
Bună seara! La mine e problema că merge semnalizarea și frâna dar nu se aprinde poziția. M-am uitat și într-adevăr este topit un pic la pin-ul de la masă. Oare să fac la fel cum ați făcut? Mulțumesc frumos pentru eventualele răspunsuri. Sănătate!!
Bună seara! Daca pinul este chiar și puțin topit problema tot trebuie remediata deoarece în timp se va agrava. De verificat becul de poziție și contactele acestuia.
E vorba despre partea dreapta spate. Când apăs pe frâna se aprinde, dar nu se aprinde când pun poziția. Semnalizarea dreapta funcționează și mașalierul la fel... Ce e de făcut?
@@andreigeorgica5828 Trebuie verificate cabluri daca au curent la mufa.
Salutare si multumesc pentru acest video. Imi poti spune, te rog, ce nr are pinul de masa al conectorului (cel oxidat/stricat)? De asemenea daca leg negativul voltmentrului la acest pin si pozitivul la pinul de semnalizare cati volti ar trebui sa am pe voltmetru? Diametrul cablului albastru cat este (banuiesc ca este litat) Multumesc frumos anticipat!!!
Salut. Pinul cu probleme are numarul 2 (cel putin asa este pe masina mea), poti vedea la minutul 3:55.
Daca faci o masuratoare cu voltmetrul este probabil sa-ti fie afisata o tensiune mica (5-6 volti) deoarece este tensiunea pe care calculatorul masinii o trimite pentru a verifica prezenta becului, functionarea acestuia si integritatea circuitului. Daca deconectezi mufa si incerci sa actionezi semnalizarea este posibil sa nu primesti asa cum te-ai astepta tensiune de 12 volti deoarece calculatorul a detectat lipsa conexiunii si pentru siguranta nu mai alimenteaza o perioada de timp respectivul circuit. Nu stiu sa-ti spun exact diametrul cablului litat, probabil 1 - 1,5mm.
@@AdrianDragan Multumesc frumos pentru timp si raspunsuri!
Thank you very much.
I have similar problem, but only brake lights (all 3) don't work. Could this be the problem in this case also or could it be something else?
Oh and lights start working after 15-20min of driving, but never when i start the car.
Thank you in advance
Hi. I think you should go to an electrician for a check.
A heten vasaroltam egy Peugeot 308 1.6 benzines autot (2008) eddig nagyon meg vagyok vele elegedve,viszont a mai nap indulaskor eszrevettem,hogy a bal hatso(vezeto oldali)lampak kozul egyik sem mukodik.A lampaburat leszedve eszrevettem,hogy szepen beazik es valoszinunek tartom,hogy a biztositekot kinyomhatta mert az egoknek semmi baja nincsen mind ep.Azt szeretnem megkerdezni,hogy melyik biztositek tartozhat ehhez a reszhez,mert a gyari konyveben en nem talaltam meg,csak az elso lampakhoz tartozokat.Lehet,hogy az enyemnek is a csatlakozok hibaja lehet?Koszonom elore is a segitseget mindenkinek!
I'm sorry but I don't understand your question very well. Can you repeat it in English using Google translate?
@@VaszkoNicolas Köszi a segítséget!
@@AdrianDragan Ok, thanks
Great thanks boss
Maybe tutorial with solution how to fix rear seat belts error? Very popular problem in 308SW. So far I disconnected outgoing seatbelts strip, but now I dont see if passanger dont plug seat belt...
Hello! I'm sorry but I don't have 308 sw and I don't know how I could help.
Hello Andrian, My boot light has no wiring connecion to the boot door. can you advise me how can I do that or where it goes to? I have a boot light and holder in place.
Thank you.
Hello! Do you have the same Peugeot 308 model as mine and the light in your trunk doesn't work?
@@AdrianDragan hello, yes I have the 308 e-hdi diesel 2012 model. And I think same trunk settings as yours.
@@kunj035 If the lamp does not light up and you do not have a plug in it, you should open that plastic and look for the plug there. I don't think that plug was not put in the factory :)
@@AdrianDragan hello, ues I took out the light and there is a plug there without any wires coming out of it. I can buy the wires and donsome soldering but where that wires should go?
@@kunj035 I don't know where those cables connect, but I'm sure the light from that lamp is not directly controlled by the trunk switch.
manufacturers needs to use thicker ground wires on tail lights.. this happens all the time
nice diy!!