INTERVJU Nele Karajlić - Mi smo bili antiheroji

  • Опубликовано: 30 ноя 2024
  • Razgovarali smo sa Neletom Karajlićem u Berlinu o našem novom zajedničkom projektu - umetničkoj instalaciji za naredni Sajam umetnosti u Budimpešti. Otkrio je po čemu se ovaj projekat razlikuje od svega ostalog što je do sada radio, ali se osvrnuo i na početke zbog kojih je postao lice poznato celom regionu.
    Instalacija će se premijerni prikazati na Sajmu umetnosti u Budimpešti 18. oktobra, dok će Sajam biti otvoren za posetioce od 19. do 22. oktobra. Projekat je osmišljen zajedno sa kustosima Denisom Leo Hegićem i Sanjom Bjelanović-Janković.
    We talked to Nele Karajlic in Berlin about our new joint project - an artistic installation for the upcoming Art Fair in Budapest. He revealed what sets this project apart from everything else he has done so far, but also reflected on the beginnings that made him a well-known figure throughout the region.
    The installation will have its premiere showing at the Art Market Budapest on October 18th, while the fair will be open to visitors from October 19th to 22nd. The project was created together with curators Denis Leo Hegić and Sanja Bjelanović-Janković
    🎥 Supermarket Lab
    Artist: Nele Karajlić
    Directed by: Denis Leo Hegić
    DoP: Miloš Sovilj
    Editor in Chief: Tamara Sekulović
    Art Direction: Reinaldo Verde
    Art Installation producers: Monolog Gallery, Sanjaj Gallery and Supermarket Lab
    Berlin, 2023
    #NeleKarajlic #MonologGallery #ArtistInterview #BehindTheScenes #ContemporaryArt #SanjajGallery #ArtMarketBudapest #ImmersiveArt #ArtInstallation #ProductionLife #SavremenaUmetnost #BerlinWalk #ArtProduction

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