Fred Durst | Club Random with Bill Maher

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3,6 тыс.

  • @DrBeauHightower
    @DrBeauHightower Год назад +1369

    Fred Durst is way cooler than people think

    • @83442handle
      @83442handle Год назад +13

      he needs a neck adjustment

    • @ATGbowling856
      @ATGbowling856 Год назад +7

      That's similar to what I said. Very underrated

    • @tahnadana5435
      @tahnadana5435 Год назад

      @@83442handle yeah a 180 degree adjustment .. his always have been an ugly person

    • @r.p.mcmurphy6623
      @r.p.mcmurphy6623 Год назад +23

      Um, no, he's not... 🤣

    • @TREVAN
      @TREVAN Год назад +10

      Glad to hear someone finally say it 💖

  • @JK-ns5dr
    @JK-ns5dr Год назад +916

    I was Fred's (and Wes's) bus driver 10-12 years ago. I was nervous because of Fred's Reputation of being an A-hole. He turned out to be one of the nicest people I've ever worked for (Wes was cool too).

  • @Alex-Defatte
    @Alex-Defatte Год назад +215

    Fred is so humble. He helped make the music that I blasted all through my teenage years. Love the Bizkit.

    • @MrMatthew262
      @MrMatthew262 Год назад

      He’s just a hillbilly from NC

    • @tjontario
      @tjontario Год назад +1

      pretty cool conversation and I'd love to see more
      I do find it annoying how Fred asks questions then constantly interrupts Bill responses
      Bill is unable to finish a single sentence but does a good job of not getting frustrated by it

    • @christopheredig2332
      @christopheredig2332 Год назад +2

      Why wouldn't he be, his band is a reject from 2000,the only reason he's touring again is there's no bands anymore

    • @dench2695
      @dench2695 Год назад +1

      Id be humble too if I knew I made it with absolutely no talent.

    • @MrMatthew262
      @MrMatthew262 Год назад +4

      @@dench2695 so what have you done so great in your life with absolutely no talent?

  • @jdovma1
    @jdovma1 Год назад +2251

    My neighbors must be huge Fred Durst fans, they have all these little statues of him on their lawn.

    • @jannichi6431
      @jannichi6431 Год назад +26

      That's devotion, and a forgiving HAO!😂

    • @offgrid1356
      @offgrid1356 Год назад +28

      Dying 🤣🤣🤣

    • @13donstalos
      @13donstalos Год назад +27

      Lmao you just killed the game

    • @spencerchute344
      @spencerchute344 Год назад +43

      What you gnome about Fred durst?

    • @bb-gc2tx
      @bb-gc2tx Год назад +5

      brilliant 😂

  • @Frederick0220
    @Frederick0220 Год назад +416

    Fred Durst is the ultimate combo of being simultaneously humble yet extraordinarily confident

    • @SonnyMeadows
      @SonnyMeadows Год назад +10

      Had a friend lk that! Never cocky, never condescending, just pure positivity

    • @Frederick0220
      @Frederick0220 Год назад +5

      I met a dude like that in high school. Dude was a turbo hunk who did well academically and got a lot of cute women

    • @shawnjames6714
      @shawnjames6714 Год назад +2

      How do you know me?

    • @Frederick0220
      @Frederick0220 Год назад

      @@shawnjames6714 haha

    • @60zeller
      @60zeller Год назад +2

      @@Frederick0220turbo hunk?

  • @KBCarruthers
    @KBCarruthers Год назад +101

    Fred, I am 50 and loving the resurgence of Limp Bizkit. Dad Vibes! 🤘Some of my best memories are seeing Korn and Limp Bizkit on the Family Values tour. Bill, thanks for another great interview.

    • @craigzilla100
      @craigzilla100 Год назад +1

      I wish I could've seen that.. I've seen them separately a couple times but never together.

  • @robertnagy1902
    @robertnagy1902 Год назад +308

    Finally someone who cuts Bill off and talks over him more than he does.

    • @dianegoldeneye7207
      @dianegoldeneye7207 Год назад +4


      @DAVIDTORRESANI Год назад +2

      Bill doesn't.

    • @cent-kz2ti
      @cent-kz2ti Год назад +9

      yeah especially when the liquor kicked in

    • @seanbatiz6620
      @seanbatiz6620 Год назад +1

      Well, he’s also one of the few guests that eventually succumbed to partaking in the “clove cigarette” adventure… this episode had me laughing possibly THEE MOST out of all the fantastic guests B. Maher has hung out w/in C.R.! 👍🏼👍🏼🤪😂

    • @RitchieRosson
      @RitchieRosson Год назад +1

      LOL! Well if he didn't Fred would not have said a word in this.

  • @williambartholmey5946
    @williambartholmey5946 Год назад +328

    The thing I'm most impressed by is Fred smoothly changing subjects to take Bill in a different direction several times when things started getting awkward or tense. He said it's his first podcast but he handled it like a pro, clearly skilled in reading the room.

    • @TA-tf5lr
      @TA-tf5lr Год назад +36

      You mean when Bill was going on and on about himself.

    • @RitchieRosson
      @RitchieRosson Год назад +8

      @@TA-tf5lr True! Did he even ask Fred a single question?!

    • @williambartholmey5946
      @williambartholmey5946 Год назад +8

      @@TA-tf5lr The most obvious example is when Fred brought up theoretical energy.

    • @Son3002
      @Son3002 Год назад +3

      @@TA-tf5lr yeah and when he kept talking about woke and kids 😂😂😂

    • @booster330
      @booster330 Год назад +3

      ​@@RitchieRossonbill did it his way. Cos it's his way or the highway

  • @slickleg6066
    @slickleg6066 Год назад +33

    Bill: I got some rot gut saloon whiskey here
    Fred: Ahh whiskey guy
    Bill: Tequila

    • @nickfitchner3218
      @nickfitchner3218 2 месяца назад +2

      lol right! I was wondering if I heard that right😂

  • @grimbourne
    @grimbourne Год назад +319

    Fred Durst looking like Papa Smurf, getting stoned, and trolling Bill Maher. Legendary!

    • @matthewmartin4394
      @matthewmartin4394 Год назад +6

      Damn...u beat me to it

    • @kevinford0001
      @kevinford0001 Год назад +8

      Love them both, but Fred beats Bill.

    • @billg7205
      @billg7205 Год назад +6

      When I first saw the video icon, it looked like he had Richard Kuklinski on.

    • @HH-gv8mx
      @HH-gv8mx Год назад

      I didn’t get the constant do you want me to suck your dick part? It was weird

    • @Scooba_Prime
      @Scooba_Prime Год назад +3

      Agreed. Good chat. Props to Bill Maher on his podcast!

  • @aaroncowie8155
    @aaroncowie8155 Год назад +212

    Hey Fred! I'm 35 and still rock your music. My dad who is 70 still loves limp bizkit 🤘🏼

  • @michaeldisalvo
    @michaeldisalvo Год назад +117

    Bill Mahar puts out so much sitting forward negative energy which Fred sits back and positively reflects so well. Fred is giving a lesson here on body language and how to handle social situations like a Champ.

    • @TJmusic24
      @TJmusic24 8 месяцев назад +12

      Fred really handled him so gracefully

    • @bonerone9247
      @bonerone9247 6 месяцев назад

      Bill is a jew, what do you expect? The only person even Jesus hated.

    • @sardonicspartan9343
      @sardonicspartan9343 6 месяцев назад +1

      cry more

    • @9xqspx6
      @9xqspx6 4 месяца назад +3

      I think it's more complicated than you've described it. Bill is that smart kid who makes great points and is good at speaking, but is a bit too full of himself (or is looking down at other people? I can't quite tell) so he oftentimes becomes "too much" and sometimes even crosses the line to arrogance. I still like to listen to him sometimes, because - as I mentioned - he makes some interesting points. Negativity is often a burden that comes with understanding a lot of the world's workings. I'm sure that sucks for him too. Of course it doesn't justify the arrogance, but if the other option is not being able to hear out his opinions and ideas...

    • @Tony.Technics.1200s
      @Tony.Technics.1200s 3 месяца назад

      @@9xqspx6 Or maybe they're just having fun, and we're looking way too much into it.

  • @danielsartain8330
    @danielsartain8330 Год назад +183

    Fred before getting stoned:
    “I don’t get out much”
    Fred after getting stoned:
    “Did you know there is a vacuum in space?”😂 I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Keep it up Bill!

    • @whiskeysquiker
      @whiskeysquiker Год назад +3

      "Commence operation vacuu-suck!"

    • @davidwest3847
      @davidwest3847 Год назад +9

      Fred got SUPER gay after he smoked- 54:40

    • @BennieTarrMusic
      @BennieTarrMusic Год назад +4

      Fred: "Water dude, vibrate, like, frequencies dude, fuckin' water..." Bill: "Are you reading a lot of Popular McKenna?"

    • @Kev27RS
      @Kev27RS Год назад

      @@davidwest3847Yeah… 😂

  • @TheNewAmericanMedia
    @TheNewAmericanMedia Год назад +368

    John Otto is one of the most underrated drummers in modern rock. The drive of those Limp Bizkit songs hits so hard. This was a really fun interview.

    • @derektully7607
      @derektully7607 Год назад +14

      The rhythm section is my fav part of that band.

    • @bethbennett317
      @bethbennett317 Год назад +17

      Wes Borland is one of the most underrated guitarists! He’s awesome.

    • @dalekay9ine
      @dalekay9ine Год назад +9

      Him and Abe Cunningham are both criminally underrated esp Abe

    • @ethanplacella
      @ethanplacella Год назад +14

      I think every member is underrated. I recently started listening to them again, I'm 33 and listened to them when i was young. I always knew how good they were but man, each member is like an essential ingredient that comes together like an awesome cake. John Otto has some sick beats, Sam Rivers is one of the best bassists ive seen, Dj Lethal has some sick additions, Fred has a uniquely great voice and lyricist, and then there's Wes who is also one of the best guitarists out there.

    • @tjfromreno
      @tjfromreno Год назад +2

      He’s definitely challenging to cover. LB is one of the best live shows I’ve seen and I’ve been going to Ozzfest since 2000. Marilyn Manson was also surprisingly incredible live.

  • @vinunleaded
    @vinunleaded Год назад +86

    Fred is a master troller - to the point it's difficult to tell if he's being sarcastic or not He's also extremely good at shifting the subject / pushing back the question to the interview if he's not comfortable answering the question. It get's a little annoying about 40 minutes into the interview but fair play to him for not being drawn re: a question he doesn't want to answer.

    • @swampssa
      @swampssa 11 месяцев назад +11

      It’s simple…he wants to keep anything and everything about his personal life out of the public eye.

    • @mcmontgomery420
      @mcmontgomery420 6 месяцев назад +1

      Fred Durst: I've never been to Hawaii...

    • @leeanndoan7002
      @leeanndoan7002 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​​@@mcmontgomery420hey jeans! 😂

  • @brettbrown1801
    @brettbrown1801 Год назад +256

    Bill Murray's character in Life aquatic is today's guest. Awesome!

    • @billenglish6352
      @billenglish6352 Год назад +1

      My first impression as well.

    • @armandoarrojo9841
      @armandoarrojo9841 Год назад +3

      Willem Dafoe in The Lighthouse

    • @Hunter-xw9pl
      @Hunter-xw9pl Год назад

      Son of a bitch I’m sick of these dolphins

    • @josephkelley8641
      @josephkelley8641 Год назад

      These days no matter HOW original and fresh you were and are?
      You're copying someone. Everyone here wrote that Fred was copying
      some movie/movie character. Then someone else chimed in
      so-and-so from The Lighthouse. Fred struck a nervous.

    • @austintrousdale2397
      @austintrousdale2397 Год назад

      It’s pretty great, isn’t it?

  • @tonykilljoy3107
    @tonykilljoy3107 Год назад +299

    They should start their own podcast together- “Bill and Fred’s excellent adventure”
    Greatest episode of Club Random to date. By a lot.

    • @jeph23
      @jeph23 Год назад +7

      The name alone is gold

    • @TheNewAmericanMedia
      @TheNewAmericanMedia Год назад

      The perfect name for this reoccurring segment.

    • @davethedrummer711
      @davethedrummer711 Год назад

      That’s the funniest thing I’ve read today and I think you’re onto something

    • @davemarriott9332
      @davemarriott9332 Год назад

      I agree totally and great title for the podcast

    • @waynej2608
      @waynej2608 Год назад

      We have a winner!

  • @kevinwilson455
    @kevinwilson455 Год назад +21

    I love Fred and Limp Bizkit... at 14 years old I seen them live, bought a jacket at the concert and wore it to school for the next two years... the significant other logo. People mocked me but I didn't care. I was all in on them and Nu-metal music.

  • @BobsonDugnutt1690
    @BobsonDugnutt1690 Год назад +105

    I've been a fan of Limp Bizkit and Fred since 1999 when I was 12 years old. Now I'm 35 and I still listen to them regularly and still love them. Fred is a legend and this conversation was awesome. Thanks Bill 🤘

    • @vzlan999
      @vzlan999 Год назад +3

      Same here, been a fan since 1998 when I was 5 almost 6! I was first exposed to LB through its music videos on MTV 💪

    • @hectorcarrillo6655
      @hectorcarrillo6655 Год назад +3

      Same. 12 in '99, 35 now in '23. Limp Bizkit was the soundtrack to my life back then, and I still play their music. LB ruled the planet back then, you had to be there to understand.

    • @GavinF003
      @GavinF003 Год назад +2

      Yeah I became a fan around 2000 or 2001 when I was about the same age 11 or 12... and same thing. Nearly 34 now and still regularly play their music. It's wild lol

    • @metalheadjake3339
      @metalheadjake3339 Год назад +3

      Same. I love Limp Bizkit and I love how that seems to annoy people. Especially metal elitest and gatekeepers.
      Wear a Limp Bizkit shirt. Metal gatekeepers won't bother you with asking you to name 3 of their songs. They will leave you alone because their smug self will look down on you. Lol jackasses

    • @codygeer7096
      @codygeer7096 Год назад +3

      I was a fan when I was about 6. Listening to hotdog at that age seems crazy now lol.

  • @kstewart1588
    @kstewart1588 Год назад +227

    Fred needs his own podcast!

      @DAVIDTORRESANI Год назад +18

      Not everyone needs a podcast

    • @himoragenma6416
      @himoragenma6416 Год назад +10

      FEF - Free Energy Fred podcast!!!😭🤣😂😆👏👏👏

    • @this-is-slammin-549
      @this-is-slammin-549 Год назад +2

      For people to not care about that side of Fred too?

    • @this-is-slammin-549
      @this-is-slammin-549 Год назад +6

      @@DAVIDTORRESANIthank you! This guy has so little personality and isn’t the least bit interesting.

    • @NintenDub
      @NintenDub Год назад +5

      ​@@this-is-slammin-549 he's lived a life, has story and did a lot of things. He's definitely interesting cuz it's all been a troll and he climbed that ladder and made his own life.

  • @lpundisturbed9046
    @lpundisturbed9046 Год назад +18

    Would love to sit down with Fred Durst and talk for hours about movies!! What an cool, relaxed guy that made my childhood better with his music!

    • @briefcaseblues6061
      @briefcaseblues6061 6 месяцев назад

      His movies aren't the worst. I liked his acting in Population 436.
      I didn't know it was him until the credits

  • @parkerparkerparker8
    @parkerparkerparker8 Год назад +150

    Never seen Maher squirm and be cut off this much during one of these podcasts. Love how off the wall Fred Durst was and how much he pushed him out of his comfort zone.

    • @MidnightVideo
      @MidnightVideo Год назад

      "You really want me to suck your d*ck, Bill? Cause I think you want me to suck your d*ck." Maher couldn't take it lol

    • @rubypartland9858
      @rubypartland9858 Год назад

      i was uncomfortable the whole time. as was bill. fred still makes me squirm

    • @Strings-jg2to
      @Strings-jg2to Год назад +2


    • @RitchieRosson
      @RitchieRosson Год назад +11

      It was so awkward. I know it's not an interview as such but Bill barely asked Fred anything.

    • @jamescheaye927
      @jamescheaye927 Год назад +7

      @@RitchieRosson Fred played it off great though. Understood an old guy like Bill loves to ramble and made for some great content

  • @danieljohnson4418
    @danieljohnson4418 Год назад +91

    Watching Fred kindly/playfully troll Bill Maher was great.

    • @monicabeaston4996
      @monicabeaston4996 Год назад +3


    • @Coopsterish
      @Coopsterish Год назад +3

      Totally placating him and Bill totally believing him.

    • @geico1975
      @geico1975 Год назад +1

      Maybe, but if you were Fred Durst, or anyone else who didn't like Maher, wouldn't you have better things to do than sit with a man an hour you didn't much like?

    • @Maxxroad
      @Maxxroad Год назад +1

      The spit when you talk line was when I knew he was master trolling Bill.

    • @dewdew34
      @dewdew34 6 месяцев назад

      Fred was peeing on Bill's boots and Bill thought it was raining ...

  • @TheDigitalDecade
    @TheDigitalDecade Год назад +22

    That makes me so happy that his band is having a resurgence and is being appreciated still. I LOVED LB so much back in their hay day… straight up raw anger and emotions in that first album and the 2nd one too.

  • @willwalker6894
    @willwalker6894 Год назад +216

    An interview that no one asked for but somehow an interview nonetheless we all needed

    • @MrRanch-fc2pe
      @MrRanch-fc2pe Год назад +5

      Well said!

    • @myhandlewastakenandIgaveup
      @myhandlewastakenandIgaveup Год назад +9

      Completely changed my opinion on Fred Durst.

    • @pikebishop8516
      @pikebishop8516 Год назад +3

      @@myhandlewastakenandIgaveup yeah, but I don't change my opinion on maher, opening line, a rant against woke agenda, wait at least 30 minutes man!!!

    • @myhandlewastakenandIgaveup
      @myhandlewastakenandIgaveup Год назад +4

      @Pike bishop maher is a mixed bag for me. He is to me a hyper logical centrist AND a man who has dedicated himself to a lifestyle of solo hedonism (without destroying himself which is a temptation) but time stops for no man and in many ways I think he is questioning if he was right (but choosing to double down since fear seems to be powerful force in his life).

    • @pikebishop8516
      @pikebishop8516 Год назад +4

      @@myhandlewastakenandIgaveup I'm reading a lot of comments on Bill's way of life, but to this day, this is the most relevant. Every time he's saying to the whole world, he's happy, I didn't completely buy it. When you are saying, he is double down, spot on but I wouldn't guessed by myself,i was a politically incorrect and real time addict until 10 years ago, but I focused on the topic, not maher. I have empathy for his loneliness, but Bill is difficult to relate to. Anyway great vantage point.

  • @Frederick0220
    @Frederick0220 Год назад +115

    Fred Durst is one of the swaggiest dudes of all time. Loved him since the early 2000s. Limp Bizkit is such an underrated band.

    • @timothys3119
      @timothys3119 Год назад +6

      What about in the 90’s? They were even bigger from ‘97 - ‘99

    • @SHB59
      @SHB59 Год назад +15

      You spelled overrated wrong.

    • @Frederick0220
      @Frederick0220 Год назад +2

      @@timothys3119 They were big in the late 90s too. I didn't discover them until after Chocolate Starfish came out. I was 10 or 11 years out.

    • @MrBeegs88
      @MrBeegs88 Год назад +12

      Overrated in 2000, Underrated now.

    • @Frederick0220
      @Frederick0220 Год назад +2

      @@MrBeegs88 Interesting take. I kind of see what you're saying.

  • @markbowman5515
    @markbowman5515 Год назад +11

    I used to share a band space with Fred in Jacksonville way back in the day just before Limp Biskit. It was an office space that let bands practice there to keep people from breaking in the place at night. He used to have a band called 10 foot shindig then. He and I used to hang out and listen to each other practice with my band Curse Icon. He was always super cool to me. We had a blast back then playing parties and sh*t clubs together. I remember one time we walked into a club that didn't have anything together for their and our band and Fred's band picked up everything, went to another club and asked if we could play and had an impromptu show there. So much fun.

    • @kenn_k
      @kenn_k 6 месяцев назад +1

      now this is some cool shit to read

    • @mikenorvelle7892
      @mikenorvelle7892 11 часов назад

      Next door to crossroads?

  • @treeskier802
    @treeskier802 Год назад +84

    This might be the best episode I’ve seen of Club Random. Durst is a fun dude.

    • @Frederick0220
      @Frederick0220 Год назад +13

      Fred Durst is the ultimate combo of being simultaneously humble yet extraordinarily confident

    • @skiman5289
      @skiman5289 Год назад

      Best I seen but also the only one I seen lol

  • @EtchNsketch
    @EtchNsketch Год назад +14

    Fred will probably never read this - but I'll never forget him singing Pink Floyds "Wish You Were Here" after 9/11 happened and they were holding a benefit concert..He earned my respect that day with that was brilliant and Pink Floyd is my favorite band. Good shit Fred!

  • @stenzeliron6818
    @stenzeliron6818 Год назад +19

    In the late 90’s I meet Fred Durst hear in Milwaukee several times. First time was when I snuck into the Warped tour early... like 9am and just starting helping people set up the venue. Fred walked up behind me ( I saw LB open for Korn so I was already a big fan) and I confessed I had snuck in. He said “well your in now” he hung with me for a little while then he slowly got back to his work. For the next couple of years I would sneak in early, or meet them when their bus would arrive in town. One time I gave Fred, Sam, and John I ride from one venue over to another venue in Milwaukee ( from Modjeska theatre to the rave) to go and confront the guys in coal chamber (who were opening for machine head at the rave bar) on our way to the coal chamber bud we bumped into Blink 182 who were still touring in a white econoline van. After that we got Fred and crew back to the modjeska for their show where Fred had put me and my friends on the “guest list”. When I went to get into the venue I had Logan from Machine head next to me who wasn’t on the guest list and couldn’t get in. I went in, stopped Fred after a song and said “Logan from Machine head is out front he can’t get in. Fred called him in on the mic!!! Hahaha so awesome. Later that night all the guys from LB came back to the rave to watch Machine head play. It was fuxking awesome!!!! Over the years I had gotten to see them once or twice more but they played bigger venues so it was hard to “sneak in” and hang with them.
    Anyways thanks Fred, that was a really cool thing to experience as a 19 year old fan back then. Glad you’re doing well, the new music is great. If you ever come to Milwaukee again I’ll try to sneak in and say hi hahahaha 🤙🤙🤙 oh and all the guys in LB signed the backs of the seats in my car. Fred wrote “Fred smells like yeast” as he had wondered what the smell was coming from the breweries. Dj lethal tagged his name with an anarchy A. So many people would ask to see my seats. Hahahaha

  • @andrewdfromnp4034
    @andrewdfromnp4034 Год назад +160

    Bizkit is one of those bands you go back to after 20 years and realize how incredibly great they were. Bands like lb and lp changed my life. Immortals

    • @davedavidson7059
      @davedavidson7059 Год назад +10

      Bizkit has always been great!

    • @DannyKopij
      @DannyKopij Год назад +17

      Wes Borland is a criminally underrated guitarist

    • @sailorjerry3720
      @sailorjerry3720 Год назад +7

      Never cared for them. They always seemed like a parody band. Now, after hearing Durst's motivation for starting the band, I understand why.

    • @DannyKopij
      @DannyKopij Год назад +1

      @@GodIsInTheTv You take Durst out of the equation and you got an objectively great, very talented and original band. LP was safe Pop Metal whatever way you slice it. Great for people getting into heavier stuff if thats their first exposure but if you were already onto heavier pastures- its basically radio rock. LB at least had riffs.

    • @scottcorrell3139
      @scottcorrell3139 Год назад +1

      wtfi lp?

  • @gracefitzgerald2227
    @gracefitzgerald2227 Год назад +22

    Who knew I’d wake up on a Monday morning in2023 and fall in love with Fred’s voice all over again. ❤

  • @mxmlbll9590
    @mxmlbll9590 Год назад +8

    I just cant comprehend how cool Fred Durst is to endure Bill Maher and get along with him, changing subject, keeping it fresh and being laid back. Wow

    • @amazonamazon4872
      @amazonamazon4872 Год назад +1

      Believe it or not maher isnt as pretentious as he is on tv in real life.

  • @imawesome1822
    @imawesome1822 Год назад +54

    I cannot believe that’s Fred durst now
    He’s totally mature and settled into midlife and is totally content with himself and not impressed by his career .
    Shocked !
    He was huge for a while .

    • @SanFran49erfan
      @SanFran49erfan Год назад +13

      he has literally always been this way, lol.

    • @samanthab.slayin8170
      @samanthab.slayin8170 Год назад +5

      Dude genuinely seemed more proud of flipping 14 houses than Limp Bizkit. I’d listen to a daily podcast from Fred Durst. What an amazing and surprising episode this was

  • @schneir5
    @schneir5 Год назад +23

    I never stopped limping with the bizkit. I remember back when "Significant Other" came out, and I was the first kid in school with a cd burner. I would sell them for $3 each or give you a free one if you let me borrow a cd to copy. "Significant Other" was one of my biggest sellers.

  • @hermanmelville3871
    @hermanmelville3871 Год назад +5

    Got to meet Fred back in ‘00. Absolutely one of the nicest and most genuine people I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with in entertainment. And I still listen to his band (38 years old now) as much as I did then.

  • @AramisMerlin
    @AramisMerlin Год назад +20

    Gotta say... I listened to Limp Bizkit a lot when I was younger and still listen to them. I actually never watched an interview of Fred Durst. It is not what I expected at all and I love it. Great episode!

    • @simsalabim8359
      @simsalabim8359 Год назад

      Hey aramis, schnack doch Mal mit ihm, bist doch gleich um die Ecke 😋

  • @EagleLogic
    @EagleLogic Год назад +93

    This guy looks like he's seen The Fight Club about 28 times

    • @zozo3071
      @zozo3071 7 месяцев назад +7

      he said that in 2000, the movie came out in 99. Fred must have seen Fight Club about a million time by now

    • @dancysmith7277
      @dancysmith7277 7 месяцев назад +1

      THE Fight Club lolol

    • @crzxm
      @crzxm 5 месяцев назад +1

      So come and get it!

    • @Kurtish.A
      @Kurtish.A 29 дней назад +1

      Deus ex best Game ever

  • @sunnyd6019
    @sunnyd6019 Год назад +7

    This was one of my favorite episodes. I never knew much about Fred but have to say he is one cool person, down to earth and just a person I could sit and drink with and laugh my sides off.

    @OH_MY_DOGGG Год назад +252

    Fred Durst has entered his Gnome phase.

  • @philmcgrady9016
    @philmcgrady9016 Год назад +83

    Dang you can really tell (multiple times) Fred really looks up to Bill. It was also neat to see him genuinely trying to pick his brain. Wouldnt have assumed it but this was definitely one of my favorite recent podcasts. Cheers Bill & Fred

    • @deb9806
      @deb9806 Год назад +4

      A guest who did his homework, unlike Bill at times ; ) He does have big fan in Fred.

  • @dannygonzalezskate
    @dannygonzalezskate 11 месяцев назад +4

    I met Fred once when I worked at Apple and mention his amazing movie directing skills. He was really appreciative!

  • @a.r.o7697
    @a.r.o7697 Год назад +68

    Bill- "You've preserved your self very well." Fred Durst looks like an old fisherman who just came back to shore. Ok Bill!

    • @AthenaKama
      @AthenaKama Год назад +17

      Lol it's just the beard. He doesn't look like 20 years have passed since they were #1 on the charts, Fred looks healthy and wholesome and Happy

    • @himoragenma6416
      @himoragenma6416 Год назад +3

      Garden Knome, cool one though, TRULY!!!😭🤣😂😆👏👏👏

    • @whiskeysquiker
      @whiskeysquiker Год назад +1

      With flawless skin***

    • @christopheredig2332
      @christopheredig2332 Год назад

      Good comment

    • @briefcaseblues6061
      @briefcaseblues6061 6 месяцев назад

      Dad Vibes

  • @TheJTPGuy2063
    @TheJTPGuy2063 Год назад +169

    I'm stopping everything I'm doing and I'm watching this whole thing right now

  • @bluesfusion18
    @bluesfusion18 Год назад +3

    Its just one if those daysssss…when Bill Maher gets so lit he can only mumble sentences 😂 you guys rock

  • @techn1kal1ty
    @techn1kal1ty Год назад +55

    I didn't know it, but I've been waiting 20 years to see Bill Maher get Fred Durst high

    • @Hullified
      @Hullified Год назад +1

      It was a bit of a roller coaster. At first he turned to down and I was so disappointed. Then Fred came around.

    • @jaydontez5733
      @jaydontez5733 Год назад +3

      Me too, I’m glad I got to sit down and smoke, watching this stoned. Not a bad Monday.

    • @himoragenma6416
      @himoragenma6416 Год назад


  • @onelove1968
    @onelove1968 Год назад +36

    Barry White did it for 'The Nookie' too.

  • @Tyler360
    @Tyler360 11 месяцев назад +4

    As a 23 year old just getting into Limp Bizkit and Fred Durst, seeing everyone think he was supposed to be a big dummy all this time is kinda shocking to me. His music was and is brilliant. Really goes to show how current culture (of the time) influences the way people view others. Big respect to Fred!

    • @TheonlyROXDOG
      @TheonlyROXDOG 11 месяцев назад +1

      We’ve all gotten older and smarter.

  • @Yourmission9
    @Yourmission9 Год назад +17

    So cool to see Fred Durst again, his music was such an ode to the time, and he seems like a completely down to earth guy

    • @sonnyblack0870
      @sonnyblack0870 Год назад +1

      True. True. Not many albums have the ability to transport me back to a time in my life like Significant Other does.

  • @grazydine2
    @grazydine2 Год назад +19

    Fred is a really thoughtful, sincere, humble, and curious thinker.

  • @DemocracyFirst2025
    @DemocracyFirst2025 Год назад +70

    I still say Limp Bizkit’s set at Woodstock is one of the best live performances of all time.
    Also, Bill is unbearable.

    • @waynekeer
      @waynekeer Год назад

      Cool beard

    • @randomrequirements9066
      @randomrequirements9066 Год назад +1

      Glad it wasn’t just me that thought that haha

    • @itmightgetdark
      @itmightgetdark Год назад

      I just watched it for the first time a few nights ago and, yeah, its up there with one of the best live performances I've ever seen. fred's got such a unique voice and presence on stage. during break stuff, during the bridge where he's going, "I'll skin your ass raw..." when he hits the high note in, "rAAAAw," it sounds sooooooo crazy. they're headlining a night at welcome to rockville in daytona beach, fl next May... thinking I'm gonna have to go.

    • @Milehighsnake98
      @Milehighsnake98 Год назад

      @hamilt55467 Seems everyone has a different opinion. I saw them a few years ago in a small venue. We had to stand outside for almost 2 hours waiting to get in because the venue had some issue. Fred came out from his bus and was hanging out in the line, talking to fans, taking pictures, bringing water to us (it was august so it was about 95 degrees at 8pm). He also acknowledges he was an asshole when LB first got huge.

    • @RadioactiveSince1990x
      @RadioactiveSince1990x 11 месяцев назад

      ​@MilehighsnakeI98 I think he was calling Bill Maher insufferable lol

  • @Jairo0784
    @Jairo0784 Год назад +22

    I grew up listening to Limp Bizkit and since I met them musically when I was barely 13 years old I haven't stopped listening to them, I treasure many memories with each song. Now almost 39 years old, I'm collecting memories for the future with my young son (it's crazy to see him shake his head when he's almost two when he hears Limp Bizkit) Thank you for so many years of great music: Fred, Wes, Sam, John and Lethal.

    • @marinablack181
      @marinablack181 Год назад +1

      Math doesnt add up...

    • @MarcusN-kp1jn
      @MarcusN-kp1jn 5 месяцев назад

      @marinablack181 So he was 13 in 1997. Math does add up.

  • @chosenhunter7974
    @chosenhunter7974 Год назад +40

    Go on Rogan next. I need more Fred.

    • @mikeync21
      @mikeync21 Год назад +2

      Hell yes!

    • @republicofcasuals
      @republicofcasuals Год назад +4

      Yea, i think Fred would be perfect for a good 3hr Joe Rogan podcast as clearly Fred isn't just music orientated and has a good head on his shoulders about the world around us

    • @dmagik23
      @dmagik23 Год назад +1

      Young Jamie is a huge fan

    • @chosenhunter7974
      @chosenhunter7974 Год назад

      How do we make this happen!!@@republicofcasuals

  • @duog11
    @duog11 Год назад +2


  • @oldchandrilan4093
    @oldchandrilan4093 Год назад +48

    Club Random keeps having awesome guests . Great stuff, Bill!!

    • @mtmadigan82
      @mtmadigan82 Год назад +1

      I just stumbled upon his podcast a few days age. I thought the same thing. guys had some great gets.

    • @oompa765
      @oompa765 Год назад

      Who tf is Fred Durst?

    • @brianmeen2158
      @brianmeen2158 Год назад

      Yep! It’s just unfortunate bills podcast wasn’t around in the 90s and 00s.. we could have been treated to so many great conversations

  • @jeffreyknapp74
    @jeffreyknapp74 Год назад +25

    I saw Limp Bizkitz open for Korn in March of 1997. 3 Dollar Bills wasn't released yet. I had no idea who they were and they blew us all away.

    • @heanz
      @heanz Год назад +1

      Man that must have been a great time. I like significant other and chocolate starfish, but the first album is still unmatched and very different.. very raw ...

    • @justinuv
      @justinuv Год назад

      Same, 3/27/97 Lewiston Maine!

    • @jeffreyknapp74
      @jeffreyknapp74 Год назад

      @@heanz it was a great show.

    • @ActionShaneJackson
      @ActionShaneJackson 9 месяцев назад

      Three dollar bill was such a good album. My favorite counterfeit and stuck

  • @jamiescott-gobin3376
    @jamiescott-gobin3376 Год назад +3

    Great interview! Fred comes across as such a humble guy! Saw him in London last weekend at the ripe age of 38! loved it! John Lennon's childhood house was up the road from me in Liverpool. Very affluent area

  • @ChrisvonChamier
    @ChrisvonChamier Год назад +14

    So great to see Fred Durst on this podcast. Hoping he will do more of them. Bravo Fred.

  • @arielmorales3151
    @arielmorales3151 Год назад +19

    I'm a huge limp bizkit fan and this podcast episode just made me get to know Fred even more and he is just amazing and such a relaxing dude

  • @vicagostini1197
    @vicagostini1197 Год назад +2

    Fred I am 56. And watch u videos u rock I rock right along u have a timeless energy!!!! I am invested in music and open minded reality !!!! You are that guy rock on ... and Bill u are bad ass ...hence the connection flows w this interview u have made my year guys!!!!!

  • @MC-ss3qc
    @MC-ss3qc Год назад +42

    People can say what they want about Fred and Limp Bizkit but they rocked that shit hard live, one of the most entertaining live shows.

  • @LiberalGarbageMedia
    @LiberalGarbageMedia Год назад +118

    Mr. The Weekend

  • @emmakennett6785
    @emmakennett6785 Год назад +6

    I was born in 92 and have blasted Limp Bizkit since first hearing them as a kid they will never get old thank you Fred your words have been fucking amazing love you guys ❤

  • @whiskeysquiker
    @whiskeysquiker Год назад +28

    Fred Durst's troll level=expert.

  • @overthetop040411
    @overthetop040411 Год назад +22

    Fred and Wes are a couple of my teenage heros. Without them, my teenage angst would have had no outlet. Who knows where I would've ended up. Thanks Fred.

  • @WeThePeople001
    @WeThePeople001 Месяц назад

    Im 50 and recently went to see limp bizkit for the first time. Loved every minute of it! Such great energy♡

  • @JFeather1
    @JFeather1 Год назад +55

    Durst is a gem.

  • @EricaShady10171972
    @EricaShady10171972 Год назад +57

    This is the good thing about Club Random. Real Time might have not been on this Friday but Club Random is here on Sundays.💃💃🔥

    • @isaaccutlip5815
      @isaaccutlip5815 Год назад +1

      Why was real time not on?

    • @leom7
      @leom7 Год назад +2

      ​@@isaaccutlip5815 Bill's stand-up

    • @jameslacey5474
      @jameslacey5474 Год назад +2

      @@isaaccutlip5815 Bill needed time off to prepare for his Easter dinner celebration. Lol.

    • @paulamcclain1873
      @paulamcclain1873 Год назад

      Billy, you are a boy, not even close to a man. You buy your friends and "lovers". Don't you get it? You need to love and have compassion to truly live. Smoke all the dope you want, chase your pushy fix with your money. Good luck. We all die alone, but you are more alone than I can comprehend, by your own choice. Very sad. Just one human opinion. Peace bro.

  • @effektfootwear
    @effektfootwear Год назад +6

    Not listening to that music right now?!? LB have been on rotation in my car for the last 20 years to this day!

    • @paulden3158
      @paulden3158 Месяц назад

      I have re-arranged on repeat lately

  • @josalynrathbun602
    @josalynrathbun602 Год назад +13

    This was a fun one! And i never knew Fred was such an awakened individual.

  • @manuelimp90
    @manuelimp90 Год назад +16

    Fred is a super smart person, so inspirational!

  • @KEWatts24
    @KEWatts24 4 месяца назад +2

    Fred, I still listen to you buddy. And I’m 57. 👊🏻👍🏻. Just saw you in Charlotte last week. Amazing!!!

  • @evilldead6824
    @evilldead6824 Год назад +113

    Fred looks like a tug boat captain from WW2!

  • @freddiejonesy6168
    @freddiejonesy6168 Год назад +14

    Feels like really great chemistry here. Would be stoked for an Episode 2.

  • @user-ly5fk4cl1y
    @user-ly5fk4cl1y 8 месяцев назад +2

    Fred hasn’t done a lot of press in years, and it’s so great seeing the real him. I’m a lifelong fan of LB and they were my first concert back with Family Values. If you really listen to the lyrics of the songs and pay attention to Fred’s cinematography in his Music Videos, you can see the real man behind the red hat. Great episode Fred ❤

  • @burnzyburnswild
    @burnzyburnswild Год назад +54

    People talk mad about Fred and Limp Bizkit but the band is successful for a reason (extremely catchy lyrics and sometimes smart within it) and plus Wes Borland is an amazing guitarist. I’ve always loved these guys. Fred is the man.

    • @themadmattster9647
      @themadmattster9647 Год назад +3

      Not a fan but they have a sense of humor about themselves that makes them tolerable. Plus I thought the Fanatic was a future cult classic lol

    • @andyholstein237
      @andyholstein237 Год назад +1

      @@themadmattster9647 Moose is in the house!

    • @jamesmiller5331
      @jamesmiller5331 Год назад

      I'm glad that I was 11 going on 12 in 1998 for sure. My twins may or may not have dropped because of the Faith video

    • @ttacking_you
      @ttacking_you Год назад

      I just remember that MadTV did a career shattering send up .

    • @vio2112
      @vio2112 Год назад

      Successful doesn't equal good. They are a terrible terrible band. Wes Borland isn't a very good guitar player and that makeup he wears is stupid as f&ck.

  • @drop830
    @drop830 Год назад +28

    I will always love Limp. They never took themselves too seriously. They never expected anyone else to either. It just fun feel good music that you memorize the words to. Ive been watching a lot of Limps recent tour videos. They might be making a come back

  • @erock736
    @erock736 Год назад +1

    This was an awesome interview. Thanks for thanking the time guys.

  • @manifeststation5354
    @manifeststation5354 Год назад +15

    Fred is way cooler than my adolescent mind imagined. im 36 and never stopped jamming the first 4 albums and the latest was impressive. Dig Wes side project with his wife…………….if only we couuld flyyy

  • @Mgray345
    @Mgray345 Год назад +22

    Can I just say, I’m like 5 mins in and I’m smiling ear to ear… Thank you for this one y’all ✌️❤️

  • @neilpower1731
    @neilpower1731 Год назад +4

    Was never a fan of Limp Bizkit and by extension of that, Fred Durst. But I watched this whole interview and I really enjoyed listening to Fred Durst and I come away with a whole new positive impression of the guy. Also, I rarely recall somebody making Bill Maher crack up so much on these Club Random podcasts. Kudos, Fred.

  • @maridambrosio523
    @maridambrosio523 Год назад +25

    Fred D is one of the most interesting guests. Thanks, Bill, for another great show

  • @JamieLeeKnoxville
    @JamieLeeKnoxville Год назад +64

    I love when Bill cracks the joke about being Barry White's son then falls to his side and laughs like a kid. Classic.

  • @g3attack
    @g3attack Год назад +3

    I'm 51 and I still Jam to Limp Bizkit. I still have my DVD from the Family Values Tour. I'll never forget i broke my brand new glasses in the Pit!!! It was Focking Awesome!!!

  • @thedude1982
    @thedude1982 Год назад +51

    Did not expect this 👏 keep up the excellent content Bill 👍

  • @Moftoo
    @Moftoo Год назад +12

    I wasn't sure about this one, then at about 23 minutes Fred segues into zero point energy from the vacuum of space... I observed the look on Bill's face and knew that it was time to settle in and watch the whole thing.

  • @charlesschaefer7354
    @charlesschaefer7354 Год назад +6

    Thank you Fred for trying to open up Bill's closed mind to ZERO POINT ENERGY old men like him in the media are exactly who need to wake up! The narration you did on the List Century was incredible!

    • @zackmori8068
      @zackmori8068 Год назад

      Bill isn't allowed to let that talk happen,,he's a puppet is what I got outta that instantly

    • @Infiniband11
      @Infiniband11 Год назад +1

      Yeah woulda been nice if Bill would STFU and let Fred talk

    • @justjackman
      @justjackman 11 месяцев назад

      Fred is an interesting dude.

    • @yamaha226
      @yamaha226 9 месяцев назад +2

      Bill lives in the real world not the land of make believe.

  • @paulb808
    @paulb808 Год назад +32

    Fred Durst is incredible, these guys were on top of the world at one point. These guys made huge hits. Thanks for this podcast!

    • @JustinLesamiz
      @JustinLesamiz Год назад

      Yeah, it's absolutely incredibly how they had huge hits without any amount of talent. I would applaud it if it wasn't entirely commonplace today.

    • @stephenhawkins555
      @stephenhawkins555 Год назад +2

      @@JustinLesamiz Everybody in Limp Bizkit was amazing at their instrument. Jon Otto, Wes Borland, Sam Rivers, they were all phenominal. Sure, Durst was not a once in a lifetime vocalist, but he was competent and unique. I get that it's cool to hate on Limp Bizkit, but dude, the instruments in that band were good.

  • @mikeedmonds7929
    @mikeedmonds7929 Год назад +15

    I was never a big fan of Fred's but after this interview I've come to realize Fred is intelligent and a pretty cool guy.

  • @c.c.2763
    @c.c.2763 Год назад +6

    16:33: 36 now, listened to Limp Bizkit in my teenage years. I’ll admit I am not familiar with their current music but I still put on their old stuff in the gym or in the car.
    Something about the music during this time, more specifically Korn, LB, System of A Down, Sublime, that kind of music, still resonates with me.

  • @jerseydevils8136
    @jerseydevils8136 Год назад +10

    Fred: don’t you want free energy? Bill: yeah, how? Fred: you want free energy or not?

  • @akt3729
    @akt3729 Год назад +6

    I could watch this interview all day. I’m so enlightened!

    • @em0_tion
      @em0_tion Год назад

      Just two dudes hangin. Entertained I get, but "enlightened"? What was so mind-blowing?

  • @nbarealtalker
    @nbarealtalker Год назад +4

    Rearranged is one of the best songs of the millennium. And we all got a forever soft spot for Rollin.

  • @apelike
    @apelike Год назад +115

    This episode hits on an idea I've long believed... that the source of almost all adult depression is the disconnect between what we are told as kids is real and what we find out as adults to actually be true.

    • @GUITARTIME2024
      @GUITARTIME2024 Год назад +6

      Chemical imbalance is real too. I can be deeply down and feel better 3 hours better with medication.

    • @richardhorrocks1460
      @richardhorrocks1460 Год назад +16

      In Buddhism, suffering is attributed to our being delusional and ignorant about the nature of reality. One of the most prominent delusions that we have is that things won't change, and so when we have a nice situation we cling onto it and try to keep it nice, and then freak out when it begins to change. Relationships are a good example of this. But if we understood reality, i.e. that things change all of the time, then we'd be at peace as things change and not lose our happiness. So, yes, I agree... we suffer because how we think does not correspond to how things are.

    • @MGuitarZ77
      @MGuitarZ77 Год назад +4

      Can Bill EVER get a guest to blaze with him?

    • @Maxxroad
      @Maxxroad Год назад +5

      I drove down to Santa Cruz and don't even want to leave my car. I don't drink or smoke and have really just lost my touch. This is the worst I've been. I am turning 42 and just feel completely useless. The world is spinning and I'm not involved. Damn.

    • @TaraConti
      @TaraConti Год назад +2

      @@GUITARTIME2024 Well that is kinda why people like Drugs. Lol
      But before the drugs have you consider your diet, exercise, environment etc… ?

  • @Gbubverine
    @Gbubverine Год назад +6

    This is one of the best podcasts I’ve seen. Great conversation. Fred is very calm, cool and confident with direct questions and honest curiosity to learn more.
    I had to spark a Jammer once Fred decided to burn one w ol Billy Badass!

  • @melaniebohler4002
    @melaniebohler4002 Год назад +2

    This is the absolute best interview I have seen on your podcast. Oh my God I’m laughing the whole time you need to bring him back on ! 😂

  • @TheProphegy
    @TheProphegy Год назад +10

    Yesss! Fred is cool af. Great episode. It legit felt like they didn’t even know a camera was in the room. Great natural conversation.

  • @coretteyellowknee
    @coretteyellowknee Год назад +21

    Pushing 40 and still listen to Limp Bizkit. ❤

    • @ZombieRommel
      @ZombieRommel Год назад

      I've watched some of their recent live shows on RUclips while drunk. What a vibe! Fred and Wes on stage and the audience just vibing.

  • @sudershelly1
    @sudershelly1 11 месяцев назад +2

    Love you Fred! I used to go to the LB shows at the Milk Bar here in Jax FL. Still rock to their music 25 years later! 🤘🏼

  • @RetroRyan
    @RetroRyan Год назад +31

    I feel like this could’ve been a really good interview. At the end we almost got a teaser of what it could’ve been. But it seemed like after Fred got buzzed he just deflected the attention back over to Bill. It was silly and funny but Fred is smarter then he may seem. I would’ve liked to hear how he felt seriously looking back over some of those albums. Also I would’ve liked to hear about more movies he likes or what he would’ve liked to direct if he had gone more that route vs music. This was like one big epic goofy derail of a convo. Not complaining just a little disappointed.

    • @QS-si3cq
      @QS-si3cq Год назад +1

      *than "Then" denotes time. "Than" is for comparison.

    • @IngPeace
      @IngPeace Год назад

      I really wish he answered about ‘99