TankSpot's Guide to Icecrown Blood Princes (25-man)

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025

Комментарии • 110

  • @Fmmanginae
    @Fmmanginae 15 лет назад

    why do most of you feel the need to comment, be glad someone took the time to make a video for you to learn the mechanics. You can turn your computer's sound up, OMGS.

  • @MyNameis2long4youtub
    @MyNameis2long4youtub 15 лет назад

    Its not that you can't hear his voice. if that was the problem turn up your volume. Its sometimes just really hard to understand a fight you have never done.
    you just hear all these words you have never heard before, but it helps to maybe watch it again after hearing everything or reading up on guides on tankspot or other sites with lists of the boss' abilities and debuffs they give you.

  • @darksendkilla
    @darksendkilla 15 лет назад +1

    I know, I 100% agree with you. In the original script I had written and actually recorded "As long as you stay at ranged it will never melee you" but because of time constraints when I reedited the audio it ended up as "never melees you".
    So yes you are right

  • @Hytos
    @Hytos 15 лет назад

    Actually, an Ad Hominem argument is an attack or argument against a person instead of what they represent. Instead of refuting what he said, you resorted to attacking his intelligence.
    On Topic: Great video. My guild is moving to Blood Princes pretty soon and this helped me tremendously!

  • @StealthyOwned
    @StealthyOwned 15 лет назад

    @Dreamstyle07 Most likely it will be covered in greater detail in the 10man version. They also put out healing and tanking guides to the Encounters at later times. Wait for the 10man version which will most likely be up within a few days, to get filled in a little more.

  • @skullzbh
    @skullzbh 15 лет назад

    the information people need to know is too much considering how short the fight is, I dont imagine anyone can do any better for such a guide, but i would suggest adding text explanation for each ability to the video where people can pause and read what you are explaining.
    dont get me wrong, it is a great thing what you guys are doing keep it up!

  • @SurrealLeaf
    @SurrealLeaf 15 лет назад +1

    "As long as you do not run into melee range of him, Keleseth never melees"

  • @HurricaneSparky
    @HurricaneSparky 15 лет назад

    Aliena is quite good at explaining and usually offers some healing insight.

  • @Atreyon
    @Atreyon 15 лет назад

    Thanks tankspot. Another helpful vid :)

  • @thorgalldjnexa
    @thorgalldjnexa 15 лет назад

    like always, a perfect explanation! Thanks!

  • @ButterflyDragon9
    @ButterflyDragon9 15 лет назад

    @deathdeny Actually, I watched Mandy's 10 man version of this video and it was clear as a bell as to what was going on. She is clear and concise.

  • @ezlo90
    @ezlo90 15 лет назад

    Here is a nice tip, If u are a hunter. Send ur pet onto the bombs, the pets will stay underneath them, and damage them till they dissapear.
    (and this will prob work with an unholy DK goul, or lock pet)

  • @OriMedian
    @OriMedian 14 лет назад

    This is a total hectic fight, It's really cool. Alot of running and shait

  • @Hytos
    @Hytos 15 лет назад

    To be honest, I don't use wikipedia at all. I know what Ad Hominem argumentum is because I've learned it in class and because I was on a debate team in high school. Just because someone knows something doesn't mean they just looked it up on Wikipedia.

  • @ZeikTuvai
    @ZeikTuvai 15 лет назад

    No. Ciderhelm needs to do all the voiceovers. But failing that Lore is at least competent enough and doesn't stumble over his words or misname abilities constantly like the others.

  • @MyNameis2long4youtub
    @MyNameis2long4youtub 15 лет назад

    i think you guys just rant when you think there is a problem. These videos are incredible though I just hope you realize this tankspot.

  • @shraphen
    @shraphen 15 лет назад

    Well to be fair. The new fights are more engaging and complex to the Naxaramas fights

  • @roltthehunter
    @roltthehunter 15 лет назад

    Do you mean the fight. Or what the guy is saying?. There is a transcript for the video on tank spot. And there is a good but very long boss guide on BossKillers. It's worth a look imo.

  • @Killerwing1
    @Killerwing1 14 лет назад

    Nice Video. Keep them coming;) GJ;)

  • @Atreyon
    @Atreyon 15 лет назад

    @cibetka76 it seems alot of ppl complain about their movies and part of me gets really annoyed, cause no one forces you to watch their vids. Its a huge thing they do every new boss and more every week and I doubt it keeps them financially stable to do all this and sharing it with us.

  • @FawneDaBear
    @FawneDaBear 15 лет назад

    Thanks for this video but parts of it were very hard to understand because your voice was so quiet. Would it be possiable to have a version with subtitles?

  • @Monkeyfishism
    @Monkeyfishism 15 лет назад

    @Wingsabr Yeah, you can pretty much ding 80 spam heroics then get full 232 gear via the new heroics...You can do 5k easily with that gear... Just did the weekly with my mate doing 7.5k DPS as a hunter...

  • @thehoundsquad
    @thehoundsquad 14 лет назад

    @wolfsword69master yea but he was in a christmas special, maybe he is taking time off

  • @eklipz66
    @eklipz66 15 лет назад

    damn whats up with some people in the comments.. shit. excellent explanation and video. Thanks for posting. Anyone disagreeing should /quit their fail pugs and stick to heroics.

  • @Frost640
    @Frost640 15 лет назад

    Figure it out yourself? Do you need someone to hold your hand for everything?

  • @roltthehunter
    @roltthehunter 15 лет назад

    I would like to ask something. The balls in the Corner ( think it was the top right. If you look at it from the door) were bugging they just kept falling and they would not go up. Is this a known bug or just something that happend to us?.

  • @blackbane2
    @blackbane2 15 лет назад

    grats tankspot :)

  • @RichardGotzeYT
    @RichardGotzeYT 15 лет назад

    Damn, you guys are hardcore

  • @1malandrino1
    @1malandrino1 12 лет назад +8

    wtf...this is such a confusing guide

  • @thehoundsquad
    @thehoundsquad 14 лет назад

    @wolfsword69master Lore also does very good

  • @KikoKay-Kay
    @KikoKay-Kay 15 лет назад

    quick question : B.Q. Lanathel is similar to 10-> 25 man Putricide ? i man that its much stronger

  • @310BPM
    @310BPM 14 лет назад

    video doesn't correspond with the commentary, that's my only problem.

  • @KurtThomas
    @KurtThomas 15 лет назад

    Of late these vids don't seem like strat but just another kill. They are reading the already written up boss abilities(which we already can do for ourself) & are failing to explain what or when an ability is occurring.
    With Ciderhelm, he usually tries to time when a boss is changing phase or using an ability and suggest what spell/ability any given player should use. Videos itself doesnt do much because there is no callout. Viewers sitting there going "why are they running out?"

  • @darksendkilla
    @darksendkilla 15 лет назад

    There is one already, it is in the thread at tankspot. Check the link in the movie info box to find it.

  • @EricRuss50
    @EricRuss50 15 лет назад

    I have a question for you, what is your rotation as a feral tank, i use lacerate a ton and i dont see you using it ever

  • @deathdeny
    @deathdeny 15 лет назад

    love how everyone is like "i cant understand what hes saying this video is garbage" maybe u need to open your ears. he talks very clear, its not his fault you have no idea whats going on because your a scrub and havent made it into icc yet

  • @JojjeForsberg
    @JojjeForsberg 15 лет назад

    @ByTheWay22 Well it doesnt exist any guide with the name meleedpsspot. So in the future maybe some melee could make a guide ?

  • @Aftershock188
    @Aftershock188 15 лет назад

    Hey there, please can someone tell me what addon he is using for his Nameplates? Thanks

  • @darksendkilla
    @darksendkilla 15 лет назад

    Per the notation in the video, the descriptions had to be cut due to time constraints. Please visit the thread at tankspot for written ability descriptions.

  • @secrethide9
    @secrethide9 15 лет назад

    hello ciderhelm is this out yet on live servers? :P

  • @dthsythehell
    @dthsythehell 15 лет назад

    damn thats a lot of mods cluttering the screen... i cant even hardly see whats happening in the fight cause so many things keep popping up :(

  • @thehoundsquad
    @thehoundsquad 14 лет назад

    @wolfsword69master yea i see what you mean, but imo Ciderhelm was awesome too cus i have a tank, but i like Lore too cus he is a dps same with thegreatme, but im also leveling a preist :P

  • @darksendkilla
    @darksendkilla 15 лет назад

    First, ciderhelm already admitted in the comments of this very video that fights have gotten much more complex. It is virtually impossible to time things so that you are speaking exactly what is on the screen and still fit everything you need before the boss dies.
    Second, where in the video did I just list off the ability name and what it does without telling you how to counter it? I clearly stated these abilities occur when that prince is empowered.
    I am really curious for the answer.

  • @lulasgrelhadas
    @lulasgrelhadas 15 лет назад

    DAMN nice off hand. cool vid m8

  • @darknite121
    @darknite121 15 лет назад

    that was a really short encounter

  • @Kronos51
    @Kronos51 15 лет назад

    @spanish10214 Try reading 5 minutes of detailed explanations smoothly from memory some time.

  • @ImmaculateRecovery
    @ImmaculateRecovery 14 лет назад

    the tankspot guides of recent are more confusing than reading the strat...

  • @DCapitated
    @DCapitated 15 лет назад

    Not really liking the guide.
    The lack of explanation of the flame orb before explaining how the empowered one works leaving ambiguity to those whom don't know what it does initially. Also the lack of description of what the shadow lance ability does beyond 'hit the tank' could be useful for people who don't know what to expect and understand that the empowered one is going to hit for 90k or whatever it is.

  • @stakarN
    @stakarN 15 лет назад

    nice job! :D

  • @KolYma89
    @KolYma89 15 лет назад

    Did you do a 20mile run and then immediately sit down at your comp to record the audio for this?

  • @maizcul
    @maizcul 15 лет назад

    Maybe it's a bug, but keleseth most definatly melee'd me on 10 man.

  • @Neglec09
    @Neglec09 15 лет назад

    holy shit already? GZ

  • @goodperson656
    @goodperson656 15 лет назад

    Lore is the best

  • @BrokenTicket
    @BrokenTicket 15 лет назад

    Then you obviously can't hear. =)

  • @Krispi-Kat
    @Krispi-Kat 14 лет назад

    jeeeez....I dont know if I wanna do this fight

  • @roltthehunter
    @roltthehunter 15 лет назад

    His job is not to be a show dog. He Is a raider and he is giving good info on the fight stop crying.

  • @Joker5133
    @Joker5133 15 лет назад

    turn up your speakers!!!

  • @beautifulhair92
    @beautifulhair92 15 лет назад

    I hear 5k dps is serious in icecrown

  • @tubey84
    @tubey84 14 лет назад

    I don't like criticising someone who has put the effort in, but the audio really is very, very weak. It's almost like you only half-understand the encounter yourself (I'm sure you do understand it, but it's not conveyed at all in this vid).

  • @PrayingEagle
    @PrayingEagle 15 лет назад

    the hell .. this bear's pulling like 5k dps ... /NerfHammer?

  • @_witchyy_
    @_witchyy_ 15 лет назад

    'Tis why I'm gearing up my lock. Aff tanking ftw

  • @heavenlybastard
    @heavenlybastard 14 лет назад

    actualy i afree with 'hollowsquare' this commentary wise could have been simplified as most people ain the brightest ;-)

  • @BrokenTicket
    @BrokenTicket 15 лет назад

    I miss the female explainer. D:

  • @pounchoutz
    @pounchoutz 15 лет назад

    Now that im seeing all these videos i kinda wish i rolled a ranged dps thers like no strat for them lol

  • @reecey118
    @reecey118 15 лет назад

    Bears do too much damage -_-'

  • @JojjeForsberg
    @JojjeForsberg 15 лет назад

    I hate that every time tankspot is creating a guide it's always a damn tank playin..

  • @bambest1
    @bambest1 15 лет назад

    68k hp druid tank :O!

  • @1Zaren
    @1Zaren 15 лет назад

    Idk anything he said. I understood his words.. but it made no sense.

  • @cibetka76
    @cibetka76 15 лет назад

    Ofc I appreciate what they do, but when making movie he should make effort to prononuce clearly, especialy for ppl to whom english is not native language.

  • @brawnyprawn
    @brawnyprawn 15 лет назад

    its funny how they say the video didnt even last 5 mins, obv they dont need 5 mins to kill the boss :O! MY LOGIC IS IMBA

  • @iPvPi
    @iPvPi 15 лет назад

    This boss seems to difficult I'm not sure why I'm just retarted lol, ima watch it 5 more times.

  • @Dunkingsonn
    @Dunkingsonn 15 лет назад


  • @TheConsata
    @TheConsata 15 лет назад


  • @holy0camster
    @holy0camster 15 лет назад

    This is the farthest thing from monotone. Its rather annoying how his voice changes tone every other word

  • @Zenithx3
    @Zenithx3 14 лет назад

    @conquery 'speak english well' yeah....

  • @Justabitwow
    @Justabitwow 15 лет назад

    wtb ur UI! :O

  • @qsseplayer
    @qsseplayer 15 лет назад

    @cibetka76 its not his problem if people cant speak english..... its all done for FREE FOR U SO GET OVER IT STOP PICKING

  • @rakettetutt
    @rakettetutt 15 лет назад

    yea and this video didnt even last for 5 min -.-

  • @thewolfthi
    @thewolfthi 15 лет назад

    This is hard lol :O

  • @fos01jrt
    @fos01jrt 15 лет назад

    Tankspot ... you speak clearly ect. but MY GOD..put some feeling into it? I fall asleep listening to you...

  • @Camino377
    @Camino377 15 лет назад

    GAHHH I HATE HOW THEY PLAN THIS!!! WHY DONT THEY DO IT OFF OF THE TOP OF THEIR MINDS?!?!?! IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!! they sound so flat and lifeless when they plan them out...monotone ftl

  • @Arpi314
    @Arpi314 14 лет назад

    lol they outgeared them

  • @cincysoccer37
    @cincysoccer37 15 лет назад

    Haha how the hell is this guy speaking in monotone?

  • @TheRedGuy9
    @TheRedGuy9 15 лет назад

    I don't think Aliena (a priest) is a tank..... and she does a shitload of guides.....

  • @zonagarii
    @zonagarii 15 лет назад


  • @cibetka76
    @cibetka76 15 лет назад

    They shouldnt use ppl with strange accents in movies. This guy swallows letters and even some whole words and is hard to follow.

  • @Syeno
    @Syeno 15 лет назад

    these guys are easy ^_^ 1shot um today lol

  • @lukewallace87
    @lukewallace87 15 лет назад


  • @xPlottzx
    @xPlottzx 14 лет назад

    I like him more than this chick.

  • @TDBenchwarmer8
    @TDBenchwarmer8 15 лет назад


  • @qzaann
    @qzaann 15 лет назад


  • @scurvylizard
    @scurvylizard 14 лет назад

    this is very unhelpful, very bad job guys

  • @Yaasahh
    @Yaasahh 15 лет назад

    Tankspot needs CiderHelm back this new guy and Aliena sucks at explaining tactics...

  • @ButterflyDragon9
    @ButterflyDragon9 15 лет назад

    Most tankspot videos are great. This one was garbage. No idea wtf this guy was rambling on about.

  • @scurvylizard
    @scurvylizard 14 лет назад

    very bad video guys