Thankyou so much Sayed for clarification of Umar and Uthman fleeing in the battles,please do another lecture on aisha ' s age as it's narrated in Bukhari that she was six years old because she wasn't, May Mola Ameer ul Momineen a.s protect you and your family
now they will say shia do cherry picking, they misinterpret hadith, they have got nothing, they are rafidhis... denying the fact that we talk to them with their books🙃
Omar bin khattab likened his fleeing to the fleeing of a mountain goat as narrated in Dur al Mansur and Tabari. watch on youtube how a mountain goat runs on mountains thats how agile and fast omar was.
@@haroonchaudhry3148 Subhanallah now you even admit they were burried in ghasb land, even after their death their atrocities continues. By whose permission were they allowed to be buried in Prophet's pbuh personal property? Definitely not Fatima's permission as she died angry with them according to bukhari.
Goal of mushrikeen was to kill our holy Prophet(AS) to finish Islam. Those who ran away from battlefield should not be considered superior(Afzal) comparing to those companions who defended our holy prophet(AS) with their lives. This is a matter of honesty.
Narrated Abu Qatada: Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3142 We set out in the company of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) on the day (of the battle) of Hunain. When we faced the enemy, the Muslims retreated and I saw a pagan throwing himself over a Muslim. I turned around and came upon him from behind and hit him on the shoulder with the sword He (i.e. the pagan) came towards me and seized me so violently that I felt as if it were death itself, but death overtook him and he released me. I followed `Umar bin Al Khattab and asked (him), "What is wrong with the people (fleeing)?" He replied, "This is the Will of Allah,"
really have been binge watching these lectures very much appreciate syed for making these videos for us new Shias for clarifying what we believe in and why would love to watch future lectures hoping you could discuss imam Hassan's life and the scenarios happened in his era in detail sometime too since I have not seen any coverage on Him A.S. May Allah Bless You Sayed Nakshawani
When I was in the beginning and I first read the Quran I think first time I realized what is the meaning of somebody running away in the battlefield , what is the meaning of somebody that plots against prophet Mohamed even if is his own wife how Allah calls them , somebody that fights the caliphate of the respective time and because of that 1000 people are dying … and many other details which are the most difficult cu digest for some people ! I have the feeling that people that ignored these important issues in the past are the same ones that are hypocrites today in the world and are saying they are bothered of what happens with Palestine today but they do nothing or they keep quite for different reasons and specially money and positions ! May Allah reward each single person for their level of faith and give to each single person in this world what they deserve ! Justice is justice , history is history , you cannot change something which already happened but surely you can change the future and your way of thinking and seeing a problem !
Thank you Syedina. Anybody with average rationale can understand. It is clear and falls in place based on history and qualities why Rasulallah (pbuh) chose Imam Ali as successor at Ghadeer khum and why there was none like imam Ali (as).
Sunnis your khalifa ran away during battle get over it mate theres no need to sugarcoat it we are still brothers and we should live side by side but dont dare mock my mahdi and say hes hiding your khalifa ran away during battle
How can anyone have an ounce of respect for a coward who runs away from the battlefield and leaves the Holy Messenger at risk. These men are clearly not the best examples are they.
During the Battle of Uhud, a pivotal exchange occurred between Abu Sufyan and the Muslims, highlighting the presence and role of ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb alongside the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). After the battle, Abu Sufyan called out, inquiring about the well-being of the Prophet and his close companions. The Prophet instructed his followers not to respond. However, when Abu Sufyan questioned if ʿUmar was among the living, ʿUmar could not restrain himself and replied, "You are a liar, O enemy of Allah! Allah has kept what will make you unhappy." This interaction underscores ʿUmar's presence with the Prophet during this critical moment and his role in countering enemy provocations. The account is documented in Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 4043 and 4044, which are considered authentic sources in Islamic tradition.
On the day of the Battle of Uhud, the role of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) is described in authentic narrations, which indicate that he remained close to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and supported him during that critical time. Key Points: 1. Position of Abu Bakr: During the Battle of Uhud, when the Muslims faced defeat and rumors spread that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had been martyred, many companions became anxious. However, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq was among the devoted companions who stayed firmly by the Prophet's side. 2. Close Protection: Abu Bakr was one of the few companions who remained near the Prophet (peace be upon him) during the most challenging moments of the battle, especially when the Quraysh attempted to attack him. 3. Authentic Narrations: In Sahih al-Bukhari and other books of Hadith, it is mentioned that Abu Bakr al-Siddiq chose to stay with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during these circumstances and provided him with assistance. 4. Demonstration of Steadfastness: Even after the battle, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq played a significant role in boosting the morale of the Muslims and firmly responded to the Quraysh's disheartening taunts. References: Sahih al-Bukhari: Various Hadiths related to the events of the Battle of Uhud highlight Abu Bakr’s steadfastness and his closeness to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Seerah Ibn Hisham: This book also details the events of that time, showing how Abu Bakr stood by the Prophet (peace be upon him) during such a difficult period. Abu Bakr's role serves as an example for Muslims, illustrating the importance of supporting the Messenger of Allah and standing firm in faith during challenging times.
Here's a complete list for those who are watching this, so they are not misguided by these fabrications. During the Battle of Uhud, when the situation became critical and the Muslims were in disarray, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) retreated to a protective position on a hill with a small group of loyal companions. According to authentic historical sources, the companions who stayed with the Prophet in the cave or protected him during this time included: Companions Who Stayed with the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) at Uhud: 1. Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (رضي الله عنه): A close companion of the Prophet, he remained steadfast by his side during the battle and afterward in the cave. 2. Umar ibn al-Khattab (رضي الله عنه): Umar was present during the critical moments and was part of the protective detail near the Prophet. 3. Ali ibn Abi Talib (رضي الله عنه): Ali, known for his bravery, stayed close to the Prophet and fought valiantly to defend him. 4. Talha ibn Ubaydullah (رضي الله عنه): Talha was among those who shielded the Prophet from attacks, suffering serious injuries in the process. 5. Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (رضي الله عنه): Sa’d used his archery skills to protect the Prophet, earning praise directly from him. 6. Zubayr ibn al-Awwam (رضي الله عنه): Zubayr played a key role in defending the Prophet and remaining steadfast during the retreat. 7. Abu Dujana (رضي الله عنه): Known for his courage, Abu Dujana used his own body as a shield to protect the Prophet from harm. 8. Mus'ab ibn Umayr (رضي الله عنه): Mus’ab demonstrated exceptional bravery and was ultimately martyred while defending the Prophet. 9. Anas ibn Nadr (رضي الله عنه): Anas fought courageously and remained close to the Prophet, sacrificing himself in the battle. 10. Abu Talha Zayd ibn Sahl (رضي الله عنه): A skilled archer, Abu Talha defended the Prophet with his exceptional marksmanship. --- Notes: These companions are often mentioned in Islamic historical sources like Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and Seerah Ibn Hisham for their loyalty and sacrifice during the Battle of Uhud. Some companions were specifically praised by the Prophet (peace be upon him) for their actions in protecting him. This group exemplifies steadfastness and loyalty in the face of extreme adversity, showing unwavering support for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Dear Mr. Sayed, I've been following your discussions on Islamic history and theology, and I have a few concerns I'd like to share with you. Your frequent criticism of revered figures in Sunni Islam leads me to question whether there might be an underlying sense of superiority associated with your perspective, particularly given your lineage tracing back to Ali ibn Abi Talib. I understand that you adhere to Shia Islam, and I respect your beliefs. However, I believe that the strong emphasis on the divide between Sunni and Shia Islam can be counterproductive. Many Muslims, including myself, do not identify strongly with either sect and find the constant sectarianism to be divisive and harmful. Furthermore, the notion of a "royal" or "divine" lineage within Islam, as I understand some Shia beliefs, seems to echo problematic concepts like the Hindu caste system or certain supremacist ideologies. I sincerely hope that we can engage in a respectful dialogue about these issues. I believe that a more inclusive and unifying approach to Islam is crucial for the well-being of the Muslim community as a whole. Sincerely,
Who is this historical figure? A historic legend, a self-proclaimed holy man. He believed he and his progeny were chosen by God and divinely appointed as spiritual and political leaders, possessing infallible, divinely inspired knowledge. Since he only had offspring from one of his daughters who was married to one of his cousins, they inherently became the only legitimate successors after his death. In addition to his divine nature, he was also known for his political shrewdness, expediency, consolidation of power and tribal coalitions. He entered into a dozen strategic marital alliances. His two main deputies were tainted with murder and hypocrisy. Despite that, to strengthen his relationship with them, he married two of their daughters. Also, he arranged marriages between two of his daughters and a wealthy oligarch known for corruption and nepotism. When he married the daughter of one of his deputies, she was a teenage girl, and he was in his mid-fifties. A few years later, she was accused of committing adultery. He remained silent for over a month, then claimed to have received a revelation of her innocence. Many people doubt the divine nature of this revelation. After his death, things didn't go as he intended or supposed to be as a divinely inspired holy man. His two fathers-in-law, who were his two main deputies, became his first and second successors. The third successor was the wealthy oligarch who married two of his daughters. It was only after a revolution against the oligarch, which ended with his execution, that the leadership of the country finally returned to the legitimate successor, his cousin and son-in-law. Then, the country entered into a very turbulent and long times of bloody fighting. Who is this person? من هو هذا الشّخصيّة التاريخيّة؟ شخصيّة تاريخيّة أسطوريّة، ادّعى النّبوّة والقداسة. اعتقد أنّه وذريّته أُختيروا من قِبل الله ومُعيّنون إلهيًّا كقادة روحيّين وسياسيّين، يملكون معارف معصومة وموحى بها إلهيًّا. بما أنّه لم يكن له احفاد إلاّ من إحدى بناته المتزوّجة بأحد أقاربه، فقد أصبحوا هم وحدهم الورثة الشرعيّون للقيادة الروحية والسياسية بعد وفاته. كان معروفا أيضًا بعبقريتة السياسية وتوطيد للسلطة من خلال الولاءات القبلية. لهذا فقد دخل في العديد من علاقات زواج استراتيجيّة. فقد تزوج بنتين من بنات اتباعه ونوابه الرئيسيين، بالرغم من انهم كانوا يخفون حقيقة عدم ولاءهم وكرهم له ولاهل بيت ، وهو يعلم ذلك. كما انه زوج اثنتين من بناته بأحد الأثرياء المعروفين بالفساد والمحسوبية وكرهه لعائلة. وعندما تزوّج بابنة أحد نوابه، كانت صغيره ومراهقة، وكان هو في منتصف الخمسينيات من عمره. وبعد بضع سنوات، اُتهمت هذه الزوجة بالخيانة الزوجية. لكنه ظلّ صامتًا لفترة طويلة، ثمّ ادّعى أنّه تلقّى وحيًا ببراءتها. لهذا يشكّك الكثيرون في حقيقة هذا الوحي ببراءتها. ولكن، بعد وفاته، لم تسير الأمور كما أراد. فلقد استولى حمواه، وهما نوابه الرئيسيان، على قيادة الدولة. فكان احدهما القائد الاول وكان الاخر القائد الثاني. وبعد ذلك كان القائد الثالث هو ذلك الثري الذي تزوّج بابنتين من بناته. وخلال فترة حكم هذا الأخير اندلعت ثورة في البلاد انتهت باعدامه. ومن ثم تم تنصيب الوريث الشرعي وهو ابن عمه وصهره رئيسا للدولة. وبهذا عادت القيادة الروحية والسياسية الى الذرية المقدسة. لكنها هذا الوضع لم يدم طويلا. فقد دبت الصراعات السياسية الدمويه اكثر من ذي قبل.
Upon reflection, i have taken the understanding from the authors of thr Bible - they have denigrated all the prophets leaving the people with no form of role model. The shia are doing the same thing here. Denigrating all the sahaba, except a few.
Syedna ALLAH swt in Quran forgave those who fled in Uhad (Surah Aal Imran ayat 155) i m just confused why are we mentioning it when ALLAH swt himself closed the chapter...
Surely those of them who turned their backs on the day when the two armies met (at Uhud) did so because Satan made them slip because of some of their lapses. But Allah has pardoned them; He is All-Forgiving, All-Forbearing. Surah Aal imran ayat 155
It is not honest to give higher position to those companions who ran away from battlefield comparing to those companions who defended our holy Prophet(AS).
Your focus is on trying to expose the companions, but the issue is that you're combining the companions with the mushreekeen (hypocrites) Abdullah ibn Salool. But let's talk basics. What does fleeing the battlefield mean? Someone eho runs away from the battlefield, not to return. Which is different than running helter skelter in the chaos of the attack of Khalid ibn Al-Waleed. Then joined the Prophet Muhammad pbuh to protect him
Allah is admonishing criticising giving lessons to the believers, there is nothing wrong with this. Allah admonishes even the prophets. You analyse this negatively whereas it should be taken positively. Why did the prophet and bulk of Muslims continue to respect and love the 3 companions that you are criticising. It's understandable to flee on the battlefield when the army is losing.
Understandable to leave the prophet (PBUH) behind? This was the battlefield where the most important person in the world was fighting, you don't flee, you fight till the death if you have too. The Japanese are much braver than that sissy Omar.
Let us assume you are telling the truth. But did Prophet Muhammad saws later himself say anything bad to Omar or Uthman or did he criticize them for running away from enemy ? or maybe Ali Ibn Abi Talib ra said anything regarding this issue later ???
Well 1st question you should ask are the hadiths saying the truth, he's just reading it. Secondly, Allah SWT is criticizing them in the Quran for running so i'm sure the Prophet does also.. whether he said it to them or not, right?
@@asadrazzle1859 But Prophet saws after eventually became victorious along side Ali and Abu Bakr, Umar , Uthman all together were in one ummah. So what is the point? Could it be others that Allah mentioned , there were other companions right?
@@SS-lw8iv The video is adding onto the point that Umar & Uthman etc weren't the best of the companions like they are made out to be, they abandoned the Prophet, they never had the level of imaan as other companions that were ready to die defending the Prophet. So i wouldn't say they were victorious alongside each other if they ran from the war lol and the verse was about all the companions that ran, which the hadiths prove to include Umar & Uthman
Syed Ammar why don't you read the full hadith narreted by ibn umar about the question asked by the Egyptian man...i think you should read the whole hadith....if he ran away from the battle field and Allah swt forgave him then khalas... every one makes mistake right but if Allah swt forgave them all then no one can raise questions
You Sunni, Shi'a do the same thing to one another. If a person truly believes he would not be a parrot and repeat what others have said ( wastefull speech). Rather with guidance and itjihad he would know truth when presented and quote from Allah instead. My Allah curse the sahaba who betrayed Muhammad, may Allah bless Ali and Fatima with the highest levels of heaven and reunite them with Muhammad. May Allah be pleased with them all I verily oppose the Sunnis and their teachings and as a brother I say to you in truth. ALL intercession is shirk the Qur'an is clear. I can quote you ALL of the verses but you should know this if you are a mumin. Pray to Allah Al'alim, al'ala, Al hakkam alone. You will have no one on the day of judgement between you and Al khalaq.
@@Adam-iz5kh regarding intercession in Al Quran. You will find these verses clear, that there will be no intercession on the day of judgement. Al Quran.... Chapter 2. 48, 123, 254, 255 Chapter 7. 53 Chapter 19. 87 Chapter 20. 109 Chapter 34. 23 Chapter 36. 23 Chapter 39. 44 Chapter 43. 86 Chapter 53. 26 Chapter 74. 48
@@Adam-iz5kh just a few of the multitude of contradictions. Sahih Al bukhari, hadith 99, 335, 2887, 3340, 3361, 4476, 4712, 6565, 7439 Sahih Muslim, hadith 194a Jami' at Tirmidhi 1029 I can quote more but I would need a bit more time to write them all down. Like the hadith about the 100 believers can pray for a deceased person and intercede for them. I haven't wrote that one down just because it's ridiculous and blatant stupidity. I referenced those that the prophet will intercede on behalf of the Muslims. I've not even referenced the verse in all Qur'an regarding jesus on the day of judgement being questioned after they had gone to him for intercession and he rebuffed them. I stuck to just intercession of the prophet Muhammad saw I've Not even quoted the Qur'an regarding the verse about not even the angels can intercede for us. May Allah guide the people who say they believe, to read more and listen less
@@Adam-iz5kh Holy Quran 78:37 رَّبِّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ۖ لَا يَمْلِكُونَ مِنْهُ خِطَابًا [From] the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Most Merciful. They possess not from Him [authority for] speech. 78:38 يَوْمَ يَقُومُ ٱلرُّوحُ وَٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةُ صَفًّا ۖ لَّا يَتَكَلَّمُونَ إِلَّا مَنْ أَذِنَ لَهُ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنُ وَقَالَ صَوَابًا The Day that the Spirit and the angels will stand in rows, they will not speak except for one whom the Most Merciful permits, and he will say what is correct.
omar and uthman RA = RAN AWAY😂
Ali bn Abi Talib AS =ALWAYS STAYED😏
But Umar RA is buried right next to the Prophet (SAW) surely that is no coincidence.
@@haroonchaudhry3148Just because someone is buried next to the prophet Muhammed (saaws) does not mean they lived the same way as the prophet (saaws)
@@haroonchaudhry3148 bro, the guy became caliph, ofcorse his followers would bury him where they want
@@haroonchaudhry3148 Imam Hassan wanted to be buried next to his grandfather but Banu Umayya prevented it
It is a fact admitted in main Sunni books that Umar ibn al-Khattab ran away from Uhud and Hunain and Khaibar.
Brother God willed it!
@@sim-ej3xnGod never willed, God said dont turn your back from the battles 🫠
@@kcrypto296they why God forgave them....those who flew in the battle of uhad
@kcrypto296 then why does God forgive them for running in the Battle?
Show me where they were forgiven?@@shaikhdanish5433
Thankyou so much Sayed for clarification of Umar and Uthman fleeing in the battles,please do another lecture on aisha ' s age as it's narrated in Bukhari that she was six years old because she wasn't, May Mola Ameer ul Momineen a.s protect you and your family
Keep up the good work brother, thank you for being here with us
now they will say shia do cherry picking, they misinterpret hadith, they have got nothing, they are rafidhis... denying the fact that we talk to them with their books🙃
Imagine a hadith book having its own interpretation 😂
The award for the best runners in Arab goes to. 🥇 Omer, 🥈 Usman, 🥉 Bakr
talk about how Umar ran towards fatima and broke her ribs too 😢
@@WaqasAli-ct7ly talk about how abu lulu smoked omars pack and did a backflip on his grave😥😥
Sayyedina Back with a Hit that is more evident🎉 Shukran Jazilan Sayyedina #Your our 💎
Omar bin khattab likened his fleeing to the fleeing of a mountain goat as narrated in Dur al Mansur and Tabari. watch on youtube how a mountain goat runs on mountains thats how agile and fast omar was.
But Umar RA is buried right next to the Prophet (SAW) surely that is no coincidence.
@@haroonchaudhry3148 Subhanallah now you even admit they were burried in ghasb land, even after their death their atrocities continues. By whose permission were they allowed to be buried in Prophet's pbuh personal property? Definitely not Fatima's permission as she died angry with them according to bukhari.
I'm Orthodox but I really enjoy your Shia vs Sunni videos ☦🤝٣١٣
Orthodox Jew or orthodox Christian?
The runners 🏃♂️
😂😂 Run umar Runnn
keep up the good work. May Allah(S.W.T) bless you in this world and in the hereafter. Do next which prayer is right, Sunni or Shia. Please.
Which Sunni prayer, you have so many.
Goal of mushrikeen was to kill our holy Prophet(AS) to finish Islam. Those who ran away from battlefield should not be considered superior(Afzal) comparing to those companions who defended our holy prophet(AS) with their lives. This is a matter of honesty.
There is no such thing brother Lisa's just stories concocted by people who came two generations after our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
Narrated Abu Qatada: Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3142
We set out in the company of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) on the day (of the battle) of Hunain. When we faced the enemy, the Muslims retreated and I saw a pagan throwing himself over a Muslim. I turned around and came upon him from behind and hit him on the shoulder with the sword He (i.e. the pagan) came towards me and seized me so violently that I felt as if it were death itself, but death overtook him and he released me. I followed `Umar bin Al Khattab and asked (him), "What is wrong with the people (fleeing)?" He replied, "This is the Will of Allah,"
He blamed Allah for his actions
@@thelordknows🤔 ALLAH clearly told us in Quran that satan over took them in Uhad... but ALLAH is all forgiving HE the exalted forgave them...
But Umar RA is buried right next to the Prophet (SAW) surely that is no coincidence.
@@haroonchaudhry3148 it's a coincidence. Just because you're buried next to the holy prophet doesn't mean your sins are forgiven.
@@haroonchaudhry3148 He was the Caliph ,he could will and choose any place for him to get buried beforehand
really have been binge watching these lectures very much appreciate syed for making these videos for us new Shias for clarifying what we believe in and why would love to watch future lectures hoping you could discuss imam Hassan's life and the scenarios happened in his era in detail sometime too since I have not seen any coverage on Him A.S. May Allah Bless You Sayed Nakshawani
Does anyone know where you can purchase that Quran that Sayed Ammar is using, it seems very educational.
Yes please
How many Qurans are out there ? Does Shia Quran differs Sunni Quran ?
@@SS-lw8iv no 🤦♂️ just nice with English translation and tafsir
@@SS-lw8iv the tafsir
Can I know the Quran too please
When I was in the beginning and I first read the Quran I think first time I realized what is the meaning of somebody running away in the battlefield , what is the meaning of somebody that plots against prophet Mohamed even if is his own wife how Allah calls them , somebody that fights the caliphate of the respective time and because of that 1000 people are dying … and many other details which are the most difficult cu digest for some people ! I have the feeling that people that ignored these important issues in the past are the same ones that are hypocrites today in the world and are saying they are bothered of what happens with Palestine today but they do nothing or they keep quite for different reasons and specially money and positions ! May Allah reward each single person for their level of faith and give to each single person in this world what they deserve ! Justice is justice , history is history , you cannot change something which already happened but surely you can change the future and your way of thinking and seeing a problem !
Thank you Syedina.
Anybody with average rationale can understand. It is clear and falls in place based on history and qualities why Rasulallah (pbuh) chose Imam Ali as successor at Ghadeer khum and why there was none like imam Ali (as).
Please provide the list of the 15 who stayed with Prophet Muhammad pbuh. As the first 4 Khalifas ALL stayed with him
What translation of the Qur'an is Dr. Nakshawani using?
❤Superb, alhamdulillah.
Sunnis your khalifa ran away during battle get over it mate theres no need to sugarcoat it we are still brothers and we should live side by side but dont dare mock my mahdi and say hes hiding your khalifa ran away during battle
How can anyone have an ounce of respect for a coward who runs away from the battlefield and leaves the Holy Messenger at risk. These men are clearly not the best examples are they.
During the Battle of Uhud, a pivotal exchange occurred between Abu Sufyan and the Muslims, highlighting the presence and role of ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb alongside the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). After the battle, Abu Sufyan called out, inquiring about the well-being of the Prophet and his close companions. The Prophet instructed his followers not to respond. However, when Abu Sufyan questioned if ʿUmar was among the living, ʿUmar could not restrain himself and replied, "You are a liar, O enemy of Allah! Allah has kept what will make you unhappy."
This interaction underscores ʿUmar's presence with the Prophet during this critical moment and his role in countering enemy provocations. The account is documented in Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 4043 and 4044, which are considered authentic sources in Islamic tradition.
On the day of the Battle of Uhud, the role of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) is described in authentic narrations, which indicate that he remained close to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and supported him during that critical time.
Key Points:
1. Position of Abu Bakr:
During the Battle of Uhud, when the Muslims faced defeat and rumors spread that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had been martyred, many companions became anxious. However, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq was among the devoted companions who stayed firmly by the Prophet's side.
2. Close Protection:
Abu Bakr was one of the few companions who remained near the Prophet (peace be upon him) during the most challenging moments of the battle, especially when the Quraysh attempted to attack him.
3. Authentic Narrations:
In Sahih al-Bukhari and other books of Hadith, it is mentioned that Abu Bakr al-Siddiq chose to stay with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during these circumstances and provided him with assistance.
4. Demonstration of Steadfastness:
Even after the battle, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq played a significant role in boosting the morale of the Muslims and firmly responded to the Quraysh's disheartening taunts.
Sahih al-Bukhari: Various Hadiths related to the events of the Battle of Uhud highlight Abu Bakr’s steadfastness and his closeness to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Seerah Ibn Hisham: This book also details the events of that time, showing how Abu Bakr stood by the Prophet (peace be upon him) during such a difficult period.
Abu Bakr's role serves as an example for Muslims, illustrating the importance of supporting the Messenger of Allah and standing firm in faith during challenging times.
Here's a complete list for those who are watching this, so they are not misguided by these fabrications.
During the Battle of Uhud, when the situation became critical and the Muslims were in disarray, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) retreated to a protective position on a hill with a small group of loyal companions. According to authentic historical sources, the companions who stayed with the Prophet in the cave or protected him during this time included:
Companions Who Stayed with the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) at Uhud:
1. Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (رضي الله عنه):
A close companion of the Prophet, he remained steadfast by his side during the battle and afterward in the cave.
2. Umar ibn al-Khattab (رضي الله عنه):
Umar was present during the critical moments and was part of the protective detail near the Prophet.
3. Ali ibn Abi Talib (رضي الله عنه):
Ali, known for his bravery, stayed close to the Prophet and fought valiantly to defend him.
4. Talha ibn Ubaydullah (رضي الله عنه):
Talha was among those who shielded the Prophet from attacks, suffering serious injuries in the process.
5. Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (رضي الله عنه):
Sa’d used his archery skills to protect the Prophet, earning praise directly from him.
6. Zubayr ibn al-Awwam (رضي الله عنه):
Zubayr played a key role in defending the Prophet and remaining steadfast during the retreat.
7. Abu Dujana (رضي الله عنه):
Known for his courage, Abu Dujana used his own body as a shield to protect the Prophet from harm.
8. Mus'ab ibn Umayr (رضي الله عنه):
Mus’ab demonstrated exceptional bravery and was ultimately martyred while defending the Prophet.
9. Anas ibn Nadr (رضي الله عنه):
Anas fought courageously and remained close to the Prophet, sacrificing himself in the battle.
10. Abu Talha Zayd ibn Sahl (رضي الله عنه):
A skilled archer, Abu Talha defended the Prophet with his exceptional marksmanship.
These companions are often mentioned in Islamic historical sources like Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and Seerah Ibn Hisham for their loyalty and sacrifice during the Battle of Uhud.
Some companions were specifically praised by the Prophet (peace be upon him) for their actions in protecting him.
This group exemplifies steadfastness and loyalty in the face of extreme adversity, showing unwavering support for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Dear Mr. Sayed,
I've been following your discussions on Islamic history and theology, and I have a few concerns I'd like to share with you.
Your frequent criticism of revered figures in Sunni Islam leads me to question whether there might be an underlying sense of superiority associated with your perspective, particularly given your lineage tracing back to Ali ibn Abi Talib.
I understand that you adhere to Shia Islam, and I respect your beliefs. However, I believe that the strong emphasis on the divide between Sunni and Shia Islam can be counterproductive. Many Muslims, including myself, do not identify strongly with either sect and find the constant sectarianism to be divisive and harmful.
Furthermore, the notion of a "royal" or "divine" lineage within Islam, as I understand some Shia beliefs, seems to echo problematic concepts like the Hindu caste system or certain supremacist ideologies.
I sincerely hope that we can engage in a respectful dialogue about these issues. I believe that a more inclusive and unifying approach to Islam is crucial for the well-being of the Muslim community as a whole.
بارك الله فيك
Who is this historical figure?
A historic legend, a self-proclaimed holy man. He believed he and his progeny were chosen by God and divinely appointed as spiritual and political leaders, possessing infallible, divinely inspired knowledge. Since he only had offspring from one of his daughters who was married to one of his cousins, they inherently became the only legitimate successors after his death.
In addition to his divine nature, he was also known for his political shrewdness, expediency, consolidation of power and tribal coalitions. He entered into a dozen strategic marital alliances. His two main deputies were tainted with murder and hypocrisy. Despite that, to strengthen his relationship with them, he married two of their daughters. Also, he arranged marriages between two of his daughters and a wealthy oligarch known for corruption and nepotism. When he married the daughter of one of his deputies, she was a teenage girl, and he was in his mid-fifties. A few years later, she was accused of committing adultery. He remained silent for over a month, then claimed to have received a revelation of her innocence. Many people doubt the divine nature of this revelation.
After his death, things didn't go as he intended or supposed to be as a divinely inspired holy man. His two fathers-in-law, who were his two main deputies, became his first and second successors. The third successor was the wealthy oligarch who married two of his daughters. It was only after a revolution against the oligarch, which ended with his execution, that the leadership of the country finally returned to the legitimate successor, his cousin and son-in-law. Then, the country entered into a very turbulent and long times of bloody fighting.
Who is this person?
من هو هذا الشّخصيّة التاريخيّة؟
شخصيّة تاريخيّة أسطوريّة، ادّعى النّبوّة والقداسة. اعتقد أنّه وذريّته أُختيروا من قِبل الله ومُعيّنون إلهيًّا كقادة روحيّين وسياسيّين، يملكون معارف معصومة وموحى بها إلهيًّا. بما أنّه لم يكن له احفاد إلاّ من إحدى بناته المتزوّجة بأحد أقاربه، فقد أصبحوا هم وحدهم الورثة الشرعيّون للقيادة الروحية والسياسية بعد وفاته.
كان معروفا أيضًا بعبقريتة السياسية وتوطيد للسلطة من خلال الولاءات القبلية. لهذا فقد دخل في العديد من علاقات زواج استراتيجيّة. فقد تزوج بنتين من بنات اتباعه ونوابه الرئيسيين، بالرغم من انهم كانوا يخفون حقيقة عدم ولاءهم وكرهم له ولاهل بيت ، وهو يعلم ذلك. كما انه زوج اثنتين من بناته بأحد الأثرياء المعروفين بالفساد والمحسوبية وكرهه لعائلة.
وعندما تزوّج بابنة أحد نوابه، كانت صغيره ومراهقة، وكان هو في منتصف الخمسينيات من عمره. وبعد بضع سنوات، اُتهمت هذه الزوجة بالخيانة الزوجية. لكنه ظلّ صامتًا لفترة طويلة، ثمّ ادّعى أنّه تلقّى وحيًا ببراءتها. لهذا يشكّك الكثيرون في حقيقة هذا الوحي ببراءتها.
ولكن، بعد وفاته، لم تسير الأمور كما أراد. فلقد استولى حمواه، وهما نوابه الرئيسيان، على قيادة الدولة. فكان احدهما القائد الاول وكان الاخر القائد الثاني. وبعد ذلك كان القائد الثالث هو ذلك الثري الذي تزوّج بابنتين من بناته. وخلال فترة حكم هذا الأخير اندلعت ثورة في البلاد انتهت باعدامه. ومن ثم تم تنصيب الوريث الشرعي وهو ابن عمه وصهره رئيسا للدولة. وبهذا عادت القيادة الروحية والسياسية الى الذرية المقدسة. لكنها هذا الوضع لم يدم طويلا. فقد دبت الصراعات السياسية الدمويه اكثر من ذي قبل.
Upon reflection, i have taken the understanding from the authors of thr Bible - they have denigrated all the prophets leaving the people with no form of role model. The shia are doing the same thing here. Denigrating all the sahaba, except a few.
You need real IMAN to lead an army into a battle when your outnumbered 6 to 1... even too stay and fight and follow orders.
Syedna ALLAH swt in Quran forgave those who fled in Uhad (Surah Aal Imran ayat 155) i m just confused why are we mentioning it when ALLAH swt himself closed the chapter...
Surely those of them who turned their backs on the day when the two armies met (at Uhud) did so because Satan made them slip because of some of their lapses. But Allah has pardoned them; He is All-Forgiving, All-Forbearing.
Surah Aal imran ayat 155
Yet Abu Bakr RA and Umar RA are buried side by side to the Prophet (SAW).
@@haroonchaudhry3148 how does that matter
It is not honest to give higher position to those companions who ran away from battlefield comparing to those companions who defended our holy Prophet(AS).
@@sumnbleenqaziUmar Uthman were cowards. Allah is Allforgiving! Did such disloyal people deserve to lead the Umma?
Your focus is on trying to expose the companions, but the issue is that you're combining the companions with the mushreekeen (hypocrites) Abdullah ibn Salool.
But let's talk basics. What does fleeing the battlefield mean? Someone eho runs away from the battlefield, not to return. Which is different than running helter skelter in the chaos of the attack of Khalid ibn Al-Waleed. Then joined the Prophet Muhammad pbuh to protect him
Now what r the real issues? Both sunni and shia kept comparing each others flaws I find it disgusting
Allah is admonishing criticising giving lessons to the believers, there is nothing wrong with this. Allah admonishes even the prophets. You analyse this negatively whereas it should be taken positively. Why did the prophet and bulk of Muslims continue to respect and love the 3 companions that you are criticising. It's understandable to flee on the battlefield when the army is losing.
Understandable to leave the prophet (PBUH) behind? This was the battlefield where the most important person in the world was fighting, you don't flee, you fight till the death if you have too.
The Japanese are much braver than that sissy Omar.
Even when your Prophet commands you to not leave the Mountain no matter the circumstance? How does one's conscience allows one to fee.
Let us assume you are telling the truth. But did Prophet Muhammad saws later himself say anything bad to Omar or Uthman or did he criticize them for running away from enemy ? or maybe Ali Ibn Abi Talib ra said anything regarding this issue later ???
Well 1st question you should ask are the hadiths saying the truth, he's just reading it. Secondly, Allah SWT is criticizing them in the Quran for running so i'm sure the Prophet does also.. whether he said it to them or not, right?
He told him to get out from his house 3 days before passing away
@@asadrazzle1859 But Prophet saws after eventually became victorious along side Ali and Abu Bakr, Umar , Uthman all together were in one ummah. So what is the point? Could it be others that Allah mentioned , there were other companions right?
@@mohdrafiqrahman Stop spreading lies.
@@SS-lw8iv The video is adding onto the point that Umar & Uthman etc weren't the best of the companions like they are made out to be, they abandoned the Prophet, they never had the level of imaan as other companions that were ready to die defending the Prophet. So i wouldn't say they were victorious alongside each other if they ran from the war lol and the verse was about all the companions that ran, which the hadiths prove to include Umar & Uthman
No comment.
Syed Ammar why don't you read the full hadith narreted by ibn umar about the question asked by the Egyptian man...i think you should read the whole hadith....if he ran away from the battle field and Allah swt forgave him then khalas... every one makes mistake right but if Allah swt forgave them all then no one can raise questions
How can you say Allah SWT forgave him? Are you speaking on hehalf of Allah SWT?! Astaghfirullah!
IF Allah swt. forgave it would HAVE to be in Quran, so where is your evidence?
@@rcmysm9123it is in Quran surah Aal Imran ayat 155
@@rcmysm9123ALLAH forgave people who fled in Uhad...
Show the ayat
123 goooo😂
you a hadith fabricator
You Sunni, Shi'a do the same thing to one another. If a person truly believes he would not be a parrot and repeat what others have said ( wastefull speech). Rather with guidance and itjihad he would know truth when presented and quote from Allah instead.
My Allah curse the sahaba who betrayed Muhammad, may Allah bless Ali and Fatima with the highest levels of heaven and reunite them with Muhammad. May Allah be pleased with them all
I verily oppose the Sunnis and their teachings and as a brother I say to you in truth. ALL intercession is shirk the Qur'an is clear. I can quote you ALL of the verses but you should know this if you are a mumin. Pray to Allah Al'alim, al'ala, Al hakkam alone. You will have no one on the day of judgement between you and Al khalaq.
give the verse please
@@Adam-iz5kh I am a work right now later I will send you verses from al Qur'an and show you hadith which contradict them regarding intercession
@@Adam-iz5kh regarding intercession in Al Quran. You will find these verses clear, that there will be no intercession on the day of judgement.
Al Quran....
Chapter 2. 48, 123, 254, 255
Chapter 7. 53
Chapter 19. 87
Chapter 20. 109
Chapter 34. 23
Chapter 36. 23
Chapter 39. 44
Chapter 43. 86
Chapter 53. 26
Chapter 74. 48
@@Adam-iz5kh just a few of the multitude of contradictions.
Sahih Al bukhari, hadith
99, 335, 2887, 3340, 3361, 4476, 4712, 6565, 7439
Sahih Muslim, hadith
Jami' at Tirmidhi
I can quote more but I would need a bit more time to write them all down. Like the hadith about the 100 believers can pray for a deceased person and intercede for them. I haven't wrote that one down just because it's ridiculous and blatant stupidity. I referenced those that the prophet will intercede on behalf of the Muslims. I've not even referenced the verse in all Qur'an regarding jesus on the day of judgement being questioned after they had gone to him for intercession and he rebuffed them. I stuck to just intercession of the prophet Muhammad saw I've Not even quoted the Qur'an regarding the verse about not even the angels can intercede for us. May Allah guide the people who say they believe, to read more and listen less
@@Adam-iz5kh Holy Quran 78:37
رَّبِّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ۖ لَا يَمْلِكُونَ مِنْهُ
[From] the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Most Merciful. They possess not from Him [authority for] speech.
يَوْمَ يَقُومُ ٱلرُّوحُ وَٱلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةُ صَفًّا ۖ لَّا يَتَكَلَّمُونَ إِلَّا مَنْ أَذِنَ لَهُ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنُ وَقَالَ صَوَابًا
The Day that the Spirit and the angels will stand in rows, they will not speak except for one whom the Most Merciful permits, and he will say what is correct.
They dont call him omar bolt for nothin'
Abu bakar was the fastest runner.