The arcade version was jerkier than than the original too, so not surprising that is the case here. I never really enjoyed this game, the film doesn't lend itself to a vector 3D game like the original movie did. I'd love to have seen a vector-based Return of the Jedi but it unfortunately never happened...
Hmm, emulation bug? I can't imagine that scaling crazyness is normal
Said this before but was dead excited to get this for christmas only to find the bloody tape was fucked so had to take it back.
The arcade version was jerkier than than the original too, so not surprising that is the case here. I never really enjoyed this game, the film doesn't lend itself to a vector 3D game like the original movie did.
I'd love to have seen a vector-based Return of the Jedi but it unfortunately never happened...
Both this and the original were good on Amstrad. Droids ( which was a spin off cartoon ) was less successful
I did review Droids Years ago. I didn't like that game.
dont get that jumping on real hardware. and Empire supports joystick control.... which is nice