We didn't forgot CV-90 (we even showed some CV90 footage in the previous video), but with so much equipment pledged to Ukraine in the past weeks, and with our tight production schedule which usually requires weeks of planning in advance there was simply no time to tackle the CV90 topic. We do agree that CV90 is a very fine vehicle.
Also potentially a large number of Leopard 1s coming soon. It must be hard for you to keep track. I would like my government to handover a shipment of ASLAVs since we are starting to replace them. Not comparable to a modern IFV but would surely help Ukraine and same 25mm gun as the Bradley. Who knows what other pledges will come out of the meeting in Brussels today.
All this varied kit is a logistical nightmare, though, isn't it? Quite apart from making things tricky for Ukraine when its' back's against the wall, it's also perhaps giving NATO a nudge about the need for greater standardisation internally. It's all very well having half a dozen different kinds of MBT when you're not at war and just using your military-industrial complex for economic and export reasons . . . but maybe not when you've got to fight someone. Trouble is, we've all seen how badly managed development programmes are even within a country (cough Ajax cough cough), let alone across many. And the US would have to get over itself in terms of its 'Not Made Here' mentality. Maybe we should just let Sweden run the show. They seem to have the best track record of actually building stuff that works and within a reasonable budget. I just fear that politicians still aren't getting it, though. How many times do the words 'most' and 'inoperable' have to pop up in headlines (alongside 'late 2023 or 2024' delivery dates to Ukraine) before the penny drops about what might happen if China does decide to get jiggy? And why on earth didn't they start sorting this out when Ukraine was invaded a *year ago*, if only for their own security (quite apart from how it would have speeded up delivery to Ukraine now). Dear oh dear. In other news, though . . . love your site! 😆
@@TheHunch8ack "varied kit" is basically NATO all day every day. That's the whole point, they've been doing "varied kit" for about 60 years. There's even jokes about a NATO standard cup of coffee. 2 sugar, 1 cream. The gun might look different, but all the guns use the same ammo.
@@Grendelmk1 Hi Gendel. I know - and I like the way competition/variety can drive things - but just think of the simplified logistics (just in terms of spares!) were everyone using one MBT and one IFV etc. Or even just two! And although the 105/120mm ammo's generally okay (bar us Brits till we go smoothbore and some of the French 'quirks') there's still a plethora of 20-40mm stuff going on. And missiles in all their various modes. Quite apart from the possible small-arms change heading over the pond if the US does go SIG. Should be interesting, eh 😆?
YOU HAVE TO BE MENTALLY SICK TO BE IN SUPPORT OF WAR NO MATTER WHAT THE CAUSE F**KING NEGOTIATE SO WE ALL CAN LIVE IN PEACE Send all the Leopards and Abram tanks to Ukraine I am sure that Russia will for ever grateful to get to see the technology that these tanks are using.
@@dado-7775 It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
The coming shipment of about 50-ish Swedish CV9040 makes more sense., It's the most modern and with 40mm auto canon, it will be lethal in the hands of the IFV crew.
This may have been said before, but actually at least 60 of the Bradleys are the M2A2 ODS-SA which is a very new modernization of the ODS, there was a very public show of them getting on a ship.
So many angry Z-fascists raging and smoking the copium in the comments lol Ukraine is going to counter attack in the spring/summer once these tanks arrive and retake even more lost land.
Yeah seen a bunch of channels overrun by russia or china comments and propaganda. Already spamming comments about DU ammo, which is apaprently the most recent Russian propaganda thing.
Even the russians need to use more and more of the older bmp 1s and older versions of bmp2. So even older western IFVs are much better than no IFVs at all.
Those IFVs arent even old compared to what most coutnries use, especially in upgraded form. Like, how many countries have IFVs that are as well protected as a Marder, or with the firepower and sensors of a Bradley? Besides maybe the CV90, the next generation of IFVs is still in its first production runs, with Lynx, Puma, Boxer, K2, K8o8, Ajax, and so on. Russia doesnt even have an equa, their T15 seems to be a paper tank, and the BMP3 is still a soviet design with very questionable protection. And now, Russia is actually developing backwards in time, were seeing more and more BMP1 these days. IIRC most of the BMPs are vulnerable to some heavy MGs, let alone autocannons.
@@termitreter6545 It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
@@bbbb8301 See, the thing you dont understand is that it doesnt matter what I think. The Ukrainians are the ones that want to fight and not be taken over by Russia. They hate Russia more than anything after all of that death and destruction. Why would any country want to be part of the shitshow that is russia? And Russia is the country that could end all of this just fucking off out of Ukraine. Just by not stealing their lands, not enslaving the Ukrainian population, not trying to erase their langauges by removing all non-russians signs... Its really not that hard to understand. As long as you can admit that Ukrainians are thinking, human beings with their own will. Which some people apparently cant.
@@mwtrolle It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
@@mwtrolle It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
I was a 19D Cav Scout gunner on a Bradly a lesser version than the ODS that Ukraine is getting and the optics are pretty good the FLIR is actually pretty clear I could clearly distinguish people and tell who was who at 300m and with white hot / black hot targets at range. The ODS model is supposed to have a better version sight than what I had. Plus a lot more upgrades. shit I didn't even have a laser range finder I had to use mark one eyeballs and work it out in my head. frontal of Bradly can stop 30mm . The height is not the issue people make it out to be. use it properly 1 or 2 t-72s or equivalent MBT with 3 Bradly, 2 MRAPS with M2 BMG on top and 2 striker with MK19 trailing behind and to the flanks with dismounted troops behind and to sides of tank and IFVS. Along with drones being operated from m113s further behind providing aerial scouting and perhaps a few m113s converted to carry 120mm tube mortars and or 80mm mortars. for close range and immediate fire support have 3 towed 105mm howitzers with a direct line to each PL/PS or have a FO direct them. use that as a combined platoon scout section and scale up the number of platoons depending on mission and maneuver area that can accommodate. Of course long range 155 SPG for fire support. If I was asked to create a unit with what equipment they are/have getting. That is how I would do it.
Yea, if Ukrainians can get this equipment and can learn to properly use it the way it was designed and within doctrine, they will be lethal. We had the M114 and used M113s as armored Calvary(40th ID Cal NG) as well, so your Bradley was our wet dream. We started getting them when I was finishing up my time and put on IRR(Right as Desert Storm started).
That's a lot of implication that any of that support might happen, when the reality is that level of coordination won't happen for the UAF at all. These guys are getting a max of 22 weeks of training, and the average lifespan of an inexperienced UAF soldier in Bakhmut is 4 hours. I don't know if you know this but Russia now has man portable radio/sattelite/wireless transmission detectors that work out to a radius of 12km with a margin of accuracy of 50m, that's more than enough time/space to ensure the destruction or forced route of any mechanized infantry or artillery regardless of whether there's any pinpoint accuracy. It ensures artillery can force a directional change of any UAF advance, it gives enough warning for infantry to ready themselves to ambush any UAF mechanized infantry. Bradleys are going to be coffins for UAF fighters as will Abrams and Leopards and Marders. The coordination you're describing isn't there, there's video of a BMP-T wiping an entire mech infantry squad with a single tank.
@@Dirty_Dumb_NAFO_Scum Funny...with all that, you haven't taken Bakhmut since July. Losing 1000 soldiers per day too. It seems like logic and intelligence would keep you from using words like "a coffin". But I forgot, you are Ruskie.
I was a Bradley mechanic for 15 yrs in the US Army. I did 3 tours in Iraq and have seen the Bradley's performance first hand. And I have worked on the ODS versions allot actually including over in Iraq. I am excited to once again see those beast go back into combat. And actually fight the enemy they were designed to fight in the first place. If I wasn't a disabled vet I would gladly go to Ukraine and help them with fixing and operating those tracks. I was damn good at that job if nothing else. Along with years of recovery experience 2 of which were battlefield experience in Iraq. My days of war are done. But I wish the Ukrainians good hunting and victory against Russia.
I bet all of the soldiers in Ukraine's army, will be very happy with almost any IFVs, even if older Bradley's and Marders, going up against older BMP-1's and 2s. We in the US have 2800 in storage now. I bet the 700,000 Ukrainian soldiers will be even happier if we send them 1000 more (30+ year old) Bradleys and 300 older Abrams, all of Poland's PT-91's and newer Leopards? (Thanks Perun).
@@naitnait00 Russians are methodically destroying the Ukrainian military. Grinding them down into dust. That's why they are taking so long. They let the artillery do all the work.
Has everyone forgotten about the CV90:s coming to Ukraine?!? Arguably better than both the Bradley and the Marder (and they will receive more CV90:s than Marders).
As German I would say the Bradley. The Marder is more than 20 years older than the bradley. It was one of the first well designed IFVs and works reliable. The gun and other features of the bradley are better/more modern. But the CV90 beats them booth by far
The fact that the TOW is command guided is actually one of its greatest advantages as well. Unless you can hide yourself from the gunner or take them out or hard kill the missile. It will hit you. You can not jam it. You can not run from it. The TOW will get you
@@warfarenotwarfair5655 Yes but as said by OP, it would be more difficult to disable or jam MCLOS Missiles (Like the TOW) rather than the newer SACLOS Javelins or NLAWs. Ofcourse, Im not saying that the Javelin and NLAW is useless, ATGMs in general are effective nontheless.
Front arc can take 30mm, sides and rear can take 14.5mm, roofs have titanium armor on the M2A2ODS-SA which is the variant Ukraine is getting so decent protection from artillery, only weakness is weak floor armor (though, considering how AT mines usually detonate on tracks and that a V-shape or significantly thicker armor would increase weight and height a lot, this is probably a good trade-off. Just don't use them in a COIN/counterterror environment).
The TOW mount on the top still explodes and results in catastrophic problems for the crew regardless, and that's what non ATGM fire is going to go for if it's there. All this equipment is going to do nothing for Ukraine, everyone dickriding NATO at present is going to be like "WHUH HAPPUN" by August, when the first few shipments of western vehicles end up smoking wrecks because there are intrinsic problems with Ukrainian battle strategy. The "thunder runs" were nothing but Ukraine taking advantage of Russia fighting with one hand behind it's back so to speak. Even if Ukraine gets eurofighters, it'll do nothing at this point. It's cheaper to shoot down/blow up these assets for Russia than it is to match it force for force, and once Russia has the territory it desires, it's not letting it go regardless of what military assets are appointed to Ukraine from NATO.
It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
ukraine troops had already been training for months on bradleys in europe. Bradley also has a record of destroying more armoured vehicles in the first iraqi war than the abrams tank......they are fast and can manoeuvre quickly to hit the side and rear armour of tanks that is thinner.
Cite your sources for Bradleys killing more tanks in Iraq than the Abrams did. Battle of 73 Easting…Abrams did the vast majority of tank kills. By far.
@@zeck8541 "During the Gulf War, M2 Bradleys destroyed more Iraqi armored vehicles than the M1 Abrams.[34] A few kills against Iraqi T-72 tanks at close range are reported.[35] A total of 20 Bradleys were lost-three by enemy fire and 17 due to friendly fire incidents. Another 12 were damaged. The gunner of one Bradley was killed when his vehicle was hit by Iraqi fire, possibly from an Iraqi BMP-1, during the Battle of 73 Easting.[36] To remedy some problems that were identified as contributing factors in the friendly fire incidents, infrared identification panels and other marking/identification measures were added to the Bradleys."
@@zeck8541 “killed more ARMORED VEHICLES than abrams” keyword armored, being along tanks with also the AMZ Dzik infantry vehicles, the BAe Caimans, ect.
A gun; an anti tank rocket system and decent communication functions would go far to execute fast, co ordinated maneuver warfare that is needed in this battlefield
They seized a ton of land with just hmmvs. Imagine what they can do with a Bradley and a 25mm bushmaster cannon. The TOW launchers can also take out T 72s like they did in the Iraq war
BMP's have ATGM's too, you know what else they have? Being able to cross rivers, being able to carry more people, smaller silhouette, massive front armor angle and also a real gun, that can one-shot those Bradleys and Marders before they even aim with their TOW's.
@@Novgorod_Republic 😂 dude the gun on a bmp can NOT one shot a Bradley. Here’s the deal: the optics and thermals on the Bradley(the ones the Russians can’t afford) can spot a bmp from 4k and move to take it out WAY before a BMP could see it.
@@Novgorod_Republic Are you stoned? You clearly never see BMP on close Yankee Tankey. Like, maye brand new fabric can swim. Maybe? Armour is paper thin, it only look strong. It is how you can put more people inside. BMP1 cannon is piece of shit, it actually is for reconciles ammunition. Like in Carl Gustav. Though yes. BMP2 has better gun, still crappy Russian ammo. TOW? Seriously? You don't even know what Kornet is? You do know that NATO also has lot of BMP's? Arent you. It is not NATO vs Warsaw Pact. It is Ukraine supported by NATO including ex-Warsaw Pact and half countries on the world, fighting with failed Bana Republic spending they Soviet Era heritage in battles over small man delusions.
A pure act of selflessness can only be found in anonymity. I mean, as a Swede I 'm proud of what we send and hope it hold up well. It will be an interesting spring to be sure. But what matters is to win the war not to get youtubers to make content about our stuff.
@@MatzeMB85 The CV90 is probably the best of it's class, and surely better than the Marders and Bradleys Ukraine are likely to get. As a Dane, I'm proud to be your neighbor. 50 CV90's is an impressive force, and I expect more will follow. Hopefully, Sweden will also send some of the modifications. For instance, the automated mortar system is absolutely awsome and would like to see what the 105mm turret version can do as well. Have you heard if Sweden is considering sending some of those upgrades?
Weirdest thing about the pro Russian stuff in the comments is that blinkov is very medium towards Russia compared to other youtubers. Weird its blinkov they go after
The Bradley is better. And I say that as a German. I mean Marder came out in 1971 and Bradley in the 80´s. Bradley has a little better armor, a little more firepower and it can shot 2 rockets instead of one with one load. Sometimes I think, the Americans wanted to copy the Marder, but the developers thought, their model should be a little better in everything.
@@derekmcmillian6557 Well, that's always a thing. The Germans invent it and the others do it better years later. Just imagine, the others develop something and the Germans do it better. What would be the result?
Exakt, strf90 är det mest intressanta fordonet att följa ur rent tekniskt perspektiv. Naturligtvis finns många fler Bradleys att tillgå vilket gör det till det mest använbara alternativet.
@@thomasgade226 the 40mm is what is send, but hope they also will send some of the modifications as well. The 105mm turret version is interesting but the automated mortar would be a fantastic thing for Ukraine.
He also erred by saying Marder can't mount ERA. In Ukraine, everything that can mount kontakt-1 will, and everything that can't will have kontakt-1 welded to it regardless.
I wouldn't say the Bradley is completely comparable to the BMP as it has many superior capabilities when it comes to things like, visibility, battlefield awareness, recon, armour and weaponry. Just about everytime the BMP met the Bradley, the Bradley won. Theres also crew and infantry squad comfort to take into account.
With a stabilized gun for fire on the move, a couple Bradley's could advance while stationary Marders behind provided overwatch (covering fire), along with Leopard 1s. Disclaimer: my infantry tactics are minimal; but my idea is based on some army doctrine from the 80's.
@@goonor okay, defend yourself. how do you expect thousands of bradleys are going to help when ukraine is now forcefully recruiting boys, not men, to fight? you dont even have an argument. you are just on team ukraine. emotionally controlled by your programming.
@@blazingkhalif2 russia tacticallly withdrew to prevent unnecessary losses. thats not hard to understand from a military pov. it is if you are simply throwing logic and data out the window to support this anti russian sentiment youve been whipped up into. can you even describe to me in a paragraph what the geopolitical history of the region is? im certain you are coming from a place of huge ignorance and emotion. feel free to video debate me if you want to be embarassed
After seeing that video of the Ukrainian BTR-4 hammering away on Russian forces in Mariupol with it's 30mm cannon early in the war, I have a lot more respect for IFV's. With good optics and ATGMs I think they'll make a difference for sure. 👍
Most of Ukraines home grown ifv's have been destroyed, hence why they are begging for even more western vehicles even after getting hundreds already which have also mostly been taken out.🤣
@@chadimirputin2282 I don't doubt it. That's just the cost of doing business in modern high intensity combat. Armor gets destroyed and needs to be replaced.
Yes, exactly! The Bradley isn't going to last long in an environment where it doesn't have air cover. The Bradley was one of the generation of vehicles called "The Big Five".
You hit on most of the critical points. The Marder is an excellent IFV, especially in its heyday, and one id far prefer to be riding in than a BMP or BTR (even the latest versions). However... The Bradley is not only available in far larger numbers (allowing more follow on deliveries, after refurbishment), but has a far more sophisticated suite of sensors and data links. This makes the Bradley a far better force multiplier, even before you consider the fact that Bradley is superior in pretty much all the "hard" factors most amateurs and dilettantes focus on. For example, a 1990s era Bradley ODS variant, manned by an *average* US infantry unit, is still a better artillery spotter vehicle than a Russian 2020s era dedicated FO vehicle, manned by artillery specialists. A Marder simply isn't as good at that sort of thing. None of this should be surprising, given the Marder is an older design whose development informed the Bradley design team, and the Bradley is also the product of the American heavily funded R&D program of the late Cold War that was willing to beat the USSR to death with bags of cash as clubs.
Im surprised you dont mention armor. The Marder is much heavier armored than the Bradley. Its close to 40 ton heavy with the most modern armor upgrades, compared to the 25-30 ton Bradleys, and thats despite having less armament and a smaller turret. The way I see it, the Marder is an older vehicle, but likely better at being a heavily armored transport, while the Bradley is better as fire support and vehicle killer. But each are likely superior to BMPs. And either is great because Ukraine needs numbers of IFVs. edit: Huh, reached the point in the vid, theres a short comment on armor. I very much doubt that the Bradley has better armor protection, considering how much lighter it and heavier armed it is. Before ive always heared the opposite.
One thing not covered in the video is that the Bradley uses both metric and SAE hardware. That's not usually a challenge for American maintenance shops (though it can be harder to locally source things like bolts and screws), but European shops don't ordinarily have SAE tools. Other US armored vehicles are all-metric (and tend to be intentionally easy to work on as well - the M1 is probably simpler to repair than your civilian car). US trucks (including armored versions of things like the HMMWV) are all-metric for parts that thread into the engine or drive train, but tend be SAE elsewhere. That's not as big an issue though because those are problems that diesel mechanics are used to improvising or jury-rigging their way around, and they are on parts of the vehicle which don't need to be perfect. Humvees with all kinds of local modifications are very normal, and it's actually a bit abnormal for any two humvees to be exactly the same after a decade or two of use. The more US equipment a country uses, the less of an issue the differing standards would be, but when you're talking about a couple dozen vehicles which need different nuts and bolts than the ones already sitting in bins in the shops, that is an issue.
I don't think it will be an issue. Ukraine has so many different kinds of vehicles it's pretty likely they'll have some logistic guys who's only job is tracking down parts and tools for all these different vehicles.
@@zix_zix_zix We don't talk about few nuts and bolt. It's evey tools in every repair shop. It will cost a lot of money but I don't think it's a problems.
You can mount different ATGMs on the Marder A3 it’s not limited by the Milan. They can take the TOW or MELLS but the Milan is the more traditional weapon because the infantry is also using it.
The Marder was noted for it's strong battlefield performance and low rate of casualties while deployed in Afghanistan. The typical tactic used to make up for the lack of a stabilized gun is that with 4 Marders, there are always two advancing with dismounted troops following (or some with ATGM (1 Milan, 1 Panzerfaust-3) remaining on board, to fire from the three top hatches when needed against armoured targets that might appear on the flanks) while two stop and provide fire cover. Also, the doctrine taught in Germany include that IFVs never operate without MBTs and artillery support - normally also air support, but that might be replaced by HIMARS in Ukraine. Training in Germany is explicitly not only in operation of the vehicle, but in combined arms warfare. At least that what the general responsible for the training of Marder and Leopard 2A6 crews said in an interview. Training includes leadership training up to the brigade level.
@@alexjoseph8363 If they have combined arms warfare down at the brigade level, so Marder advancing together with Leopard 2A6, with Panzerhaubitze 2000 in range to call in artillery and MARS II to call in the equivalent of an airstrike, I'd like to see how that fails against Russian units where artillery, armour, infantry and air force aren't connected until the General Staff level and groups of tanks or BMPs roam around isolated and uncoordinated. But I guess we'll see, Sir, General Armchair.
The Bradley is made out of Aluminium....that means 1 hit 1 hole 🕳! The video also didn't mention the different Ammunitions of the 20mm Marder gun which is a big advantage on the battlefield as well!
The most important part of the Bradley, is the Battlefield management system. Being able to know where all of the vehicles in the company are located and being able to all see what the other Bradley’s are seeing.
Both vehicles will be awesome to Ukraine, the Ukrainian soldiers are well experience to adapt to such a vehicle, thanking the West, USA, UK military, NATO, EU, for the support to Ukraine. Glorious Ukraine and her soldiers.
The Marder could probably be very easily fitted for just about any missile Ukraine desires as it's just using a simple launcher mount. So they can put whatever tripod launcher on instead. Or fire a Javelin out of the back hatches.
Ukraine To Get UPGRADED Desert Storm Bradleys- M2A2-ODS SA This model is very similar to the M2A3 version of the Bradley, the main difference being the lack of the commander's independent viewer. The Situation Awareness upgrade includes several improvements over the M2A2-ODS, including the driver camera and upgraded sights.
On the crew protection level, Marder is quite top noch. According to the video, it's about 10 time more sturdy (14.5x114mm caliber protection VS 30x165mm caliber protection).
likely just an obsolete tank, it's huge and expensive and the atgms are useless against APS and modern ERA on current russian tanks, the 20mm gun on the marder is also extremely weak against the russian equivalents, finding a way to stabilize and make an efficient 57mm like the russian 2s38 is more attractive, or maybe even switching to 30mms like with the bmp-2s
@@ghostisdead5943 oh here i have to disagree - The Marder Gun the Maschinenkanone is actually not that bad. If the ukrainians use the Marder as a Battletaxi like the M113 it should be quite capable. Does not pack a punch like the Bradley but his advantage is the extremely hi speed that it can fire i think 1000 shot a minute? Correct me. Its really good against Soft targets, it can shoot High Explosive rounds ANd AP rounds with one button click because it has two amm belts. And a building for example due to slow firing a bradley would need a Minute to destroy the house. A Marder can pepper a building with its 20 mm Aromr Pirecing in seconds.
They were able to, but decided not to. While bothe are IFVs, the Bradley was specifically intended to accompany M1 Abrams and were expected to maneuver and fight offensively. The Marder was more of an infantry taxi and infantry fire support. The Marder was intended for closer range engagements with the high rate of fire compensating for less accuracy. The other factor is cost. While Germany at the time was a rich country, the US was stupid rich and was willing to pay for the gun/sights stabilization.
Without having seen the video I'd say the Bradley. Mainly because of the ATGMs and the 25 mm cannon. That 20 mm the Marder has is certainly great against infantry, but the maximum effective range is significantly shorter and of course it'll have a much more difficult time dealing with armor.
Bradley's base armor is aluminum, but the A2 upgrade program added 1 inch of steel armor plate to all exterior surfaces giving it protection against 30mm. ERA can be mounted to that steel armor plate giving it additional protection against shaped charge rounds and hand held anti-tank weapons like the RPG-7.
Ukraine needs a lot of armored vehicles of all sorts. They operate 80 brigades and the more mechanized the better. The quantity is more important the quality. Germany just approved the sale of 180 Leopard 1A5s. They are old tanks with mediocre armor and only a 105mm gun, but they are still in service in several armies around the world and they would have no problem fighting anything Russian with the possible exception of MBTs. It's important to keep going. Russia is militarily and financially exhausting itself. They won't have a strategic victory, the sooner they lose, the better.
i think you.forgot the bushmaster has programmable shells that can precicely explodr above trenches. The bradley is tge worlds best trench occupant anhialator.
The Bradleys being sent to Ukraine are M1A2 ODS-SA, which improves optics and has more thermals. Also, there's no such thing as missing the ability to mount ERA when welding torches and kontakt-1 exist, as demonstrated by both sides.
Seems weird you didn’t include the Swedish CV90, Sweden is sending 50 of them to start with. But think they are better then atleast the Marder, but probably also the Bradley’s atleast if those send are not the latest model. Other nations then Sweden operates the CV90, so more could come that way, also Sweden will probably send more later on.
1,280 units of CV90 has been built so it is not like it can't be more coming, so yeah, seems odd not to mention them as the Swedes are ramping up to send more..
The comment section flooded with Russian tears is hilarious XD "Both of them will get destroyed by artilery" - considering how accurate Russian artilery is, safest spot for these vehicles would be right in front of the russians "Ukraine should beg for peace" - ooooor, wait for all its tanks and IFVs to kick Russia back beyond borders and then peace out "Both of these vehicles are old shit" - yet still newer and less shitty than whatever Russia is using, so good enough "American imperialism / America bad" - sure, USA made some bad things in the past, but that doesnt change anything about who is agressor and who needs all support possible in THIS particular war. I know half of these guys are bots and other half is blind to any sort of facts, but for all of you guys who may be thinking that they have some point by saying these, i hope this cleared it out a bit :)
I don't think it really matters, both will help a bunch. The roles of each vary so the question is what will the Ukrainians need? If they are doing combined assault Bradley's will probably be better if they are doing hit and runs then the Marauder might be better. Regardless though they are both better than BMPs.
Information on the bradley targeting system is wrong top to bottom. There are literally no baseline ODS A2 left all of them have been updated extensively but the designation hasn't changed current A2 ODS is an A3 without CITV. The Bradley's hull is 30mm rated the armor added on later models is completley integrated and non removable. Its extremely misleading to even talk about a "base hull". ERA on Bradley also has nothing to do with ballistic protection. It purely for protecting from light RPGs. The A2 ODS being sent will be the best IFVs in Ukraine on either side on balance. Its literally a current frontline US army vehicle.
Im suprised the Swedish CV90 isnt involved in this video. Sweden will send 50 vehicles to Ukraine, and it carries even more firepower with its 40mm gun.
@@mwtrolle not a lot of them.. that's about all They'll get , an just saying it can mount a 105 means nothing without new production, not something one just whips up in the field.. they need Lots of Bradley's, more than tanks..
Yup, absolutely correct! I was a 19K and without infantry and air support, you're nothing but a big target. At least the Abrams had tons and tons of armor, but not so much on a Bradley or Marder.
@@TheRezro but the CV90s that will be sent don't have a tank cannon. Cv90s with tank cannons have not even be produced yet, there were only prototypes.
@@nietkees6906 I believe there is a model of CV90 with a TOW (or similar wire guided system) but it might not be the one being sent to Ukraine. I believe it's a relatively recent development.
American here. Giving the nod to the Bradley. And doing so with all the jaw-jutting, chest puffed out bombast of James T. Kirk of the Enterprise. I'm glad Ukraine is getting both. Really. But the Bradley has an established reputation for sending Soviet stuff to Sanford and Son's junkyard.
I'm German and i can see the différences. Protection seems similar. Only the Bradley's cannon seems to be very effectives. Even against tanks. I saw ukrainian Marders in the Kursk region! Very good!
Its a pretty worthless comparison. T72 b3 can be used as an actual MBT while Ukraine will have to be extremely careful in Leo 1s as those don't even have Composite armor. Its still better than no highly mobile platform with a 105mm gun but any comparison to a proper MBT is useless.
From other videos I have seen Leopard 1 would fare poorly to a T-72B3 in a one on one fight. That said it would still be valuable to Ukraine for territorial/border defense.
If you think hard about it, it actually doesn’t prove anything except that US combined arms is effective. US troops could attack with a butter knife because they just call down air power and win. Ukraine conditions and how they will use the Bradley remains to be seen.
when you say combat Iraq, Afghanistan etc.. is hardy combat compared where these items are headed, what's more is that they do not control the airspace above the clashes and are vastly outnumbered in terms heavy amour & artillery, its over period!
Where has the Bradley engaged an enemy with at parity tech?? Never Russia not only has the most adaptive arms industry but it’s industry continues to produce unlike Ukraine That means Ukraine has to rely on deals the entire time this makes it about as adaptive as the Taliban (the only thing Bradley is proven against)
@Off russia has no parity tech..... other than the cardboard ones in parades. Your putting soviet era tanks in your so low on high tech equipment. Your army's an absolute joke. As is your country. Nobody is scared of russia. Ita crazy thay we used to think of you as a world power. A year in and you can't even hold territory in the country next door. Your trolling is getting less effective as the world.now sees how crap your military is.
It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
Considering this Bradley is an improved version of the variant that made the T-72 its bitch during the 1st Gulf War, especially in the Battle of 73 Easting, and the poor quality of Russian tanks and crews… yeah, makes the Abrams shipment seem like pure overkill.
Gulf war was total different , the Bradley will hardly see any tank in Ukraine . Arty will clean them up , why people always expect that tanks will just break through ?
Bradley was literally made to be Marder, but better. No contest. But training is what makes army, not vehicles. I'd rather have a brigade of pros in BMPs than brigade of Mobiks in Bradleys....
I wouldn’t be surprised if at least a few Bradleys get converted to the light tank variant where the dismount area is converted to ammo storage. The Bradley had a better war record than the Abrams in Desert Storm. They make a pretty good scout in my experience with them many years ago.
Ukraine is getting m2a2, not a3 variants, atleast so far. We saw the a2's being loaded here in the states last week and they were all m2a2 ODS/SA variants upgraded during the gulf war. So for the variants they will have they wont have the racks to carry 5-tows, but they could also just toss some tows in the back if they use them in a more offensive roll.
Agree the Stupid western thought to think sending old things are going to be useless. While Russia is using Shit you would only find with a time machine
I can answer this without the video. The answer is that anything better than a BMP is most helpful. Since both the Bradley and Marder are better…they both win.
@@huntergatherer7796 BMP1 is only marginally better then M113. They are trash and they can't effectively support Abrams or Leopard 2. And that is why US send Brads.
@@huntergatherer7796 that is a completely incorrect statement and is in perfect alignment with Soviet doctrine of quantity over quality. Proof of this flawed concept is the ease at which armored vehicles are being destroyed in Ukraine. The ease at which the entire Republican guard was wiped out in 1991 even though they had far more armor than the coalition. The ease by which German armor destroyed allied armor in WW2. The allies only winning because of Germany’s lack of sustainability. There is a reason that Western nations have avoided the doctrine that the Soviets and Russia use. The reason why China has also began to abandon that doctrine. Survivability and lethality are the most important aspects of armored warfare. Not quantity.
@@TheRezro they are trash in what metric? Just like the mouthbreathers here who say " Blehh who cares M113 is m113 it has its uses" anything with a Cannon is still a cannon How is it trash?
@@Miami1991 Ok. You never did see BMP? Let my guess. You are from South America or Africa? Literally no operator of BMP hold good opinion about it. It maybe was first IFV, but it has tons of compromises making it ineffective in this role. As Russians didn't really know what they are doing. M113 can't protect you from modern threats. Most Reformists treating it as super weapon, clearly never see modern combat. It is still a decent alternative to Toyota Helix though. It is literally how it is used nowadays.
i have a funny feeling the Marder will serve like the BMP-1 does now, for transporting and aiding troops in direct combat, and the Bradleys will serve as mobile AT and sensor suites mostly.
@Rico Thampaty Who sell top of the line AT missile for expired MRE? And the video literally state that the M2A2 Bradley come with battle management system, digital display, and thermal AKA the sensor.
That’s what it was designed for lmao. With a better autocannon than BMP-2’s and a much better ATGM as well as better Thermals. It was made to be a better BMP.
@@quangthai7258 the Russian bots want to feel their rubles weren’t wasted on a POS tank that couldn’t handle itself even against a lazy Molotov cocktail. Let them have their moment
... whichever comes in sufficient numbers at the time agreed. the ua generals need to know what comes when in which numbers so they can create future plans.
We didn't forgot CV-90 (we even showed some CV90 footage in the previous video), but with so much equipment pledged to Ukraine in the past weeks, and with our tight production schedule which usually requires weeks of planning in advance there was simply no time to tackle the CV90 topic. We do agree that CV90 is a very fine vehicle.
Also potentially a large number of Leopard 1s coming soon. It must be hard for you to keep track. I would like my government to handover a shipment of ASLAVs since we are starting to replace them. Not comparable to a modern IFV but would surely help Ukraine and same 25mm gun as the Bradley. Who knows what other pledges will come out of the meeting in Brussels today.
All this varied kit is a logistical nightmare, though, isn't it? Quite apart from making things tricky for Ukraine when its' back's against the wall, it's also perhaps giving NATO a nudge about the need for greater standardisation internally. It's all very well having half a dozen different kinds of MBT when you're not at war and just using your military-industrial complex for economic and export reasons . . . but maybe not when you've got to fight someone. Trouble is, we've all seen how badly managed development programmes are even within a country (cough Ajax cough cough), let alone across many. And the US would have to get over itself in terms of its 'Not Made Here' mentality. Maybe we should just let Sweden run the show. They seem to have the best track record of actually building stuff that works and within a reasonable budget. I just fear that politicians still aren't getting it, though. How many times do the words 'most' and 'inoperable' have to pop up in headlines (alongside 'late 2023 or 2024' delivery dates to Ukraine) before the penny drops about what might happen if China does decide to get jiggy? And why on earth didn't they start sorting this out when Ukraine was invaded a *year ago*, if only for their own security (quite apart from how it would have speeded up delivery to Ukraine now). Dear oh dear. In other news, though . . . love your site! 😆
@@TheHunch8ack "varied kit" is basically NATO all day every day. That's the whole point, they've been doing "varied kit" for about 60 years. There's even jokes about a NATO standard cup of coffee. 2 sugar, 1 cream. The gun might look different, but all the guns use the same ammo.
@@Grendelmk1 Hi Gendel. I know - and I like the way competition/variety can drive things - but just think of the simplified logistics (just in terms of spares!) were everyone using one MBT and one IFV etc. Or even just two! And although the 105/120mm ammo's generally okay (bar us Brits till we go smoothbore and some of the French 'quirks') there's still a plethora of 20-40mm stuff going on. And missiles in all their various modes. Quite apart from the possible small-arms change heading over the pond if the US does go SIG. Should be interesting, eh 😆?
YOU HAVE TO BE MENTALLY SICK TO BE IN SUPPORT OF WAR NO MATTER WHAT THE CAUSE F**KING NEGOTIATE SO WE ALL CAN LIVE IN PEACE Send all the Leopards and Abram tanks to Ukraine I am sure that Russia will for ever grateful to get to see the technology that these tanks are using.
I'm a former 11M Army Officer (Bradley M2A2), and you did a good job with this video.
Eu is saying that Russia must be held accountable yes and so should the Eu instead of blaming each other Fuc*king negotiate
It is very nice to witness living member of that moving coffin. I guess you weren't participating in a battle.
@@dado-7775 It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
The coming shipment of about 50-ish Swedish CV9040 makes more sense., It's the most modern and with 40mm auto canon, it will be lethal in the hands of the IFV crew.
and can be modified to use 105mm gun or automated mortar. hope Ukraine will get some of those modifications.
Eu is saying that Russia must be held accountable yes and so should the Eu instead of blaming each other Fuc*king negotiate
CV90 and archer, holy shit the swedes are giving most of the good stuff
@@gamingrex2930 yup
This may have been said before, but actually at least 60 of the Bradleys are the M2A2 ODS-SA which is a very new modernization of the ODS, there was a very public show of them getting on a ship.
It's from the early 2000s. It's an old version.
If Binkov taxed copium his comment section would make him richer than bezos in a year
Literally everyone says he is some propaganda but when I compare his analysis vids to other channels he is actually not pushing any bias
How do you cope with one sided hypocrisy?
@@robertwilson214 read the comment above yours buddy
I want some copium. 😞
@@gmrobert6262 just scroll down the comment section. You can literally collect thousands of units of copium down there ✌️
So many angry Z-fascists raging and smoking the copium in the comments lol Ukraine is going to counter attack in the spring/summer once these tanks arrive and retake even more lost land.
Please still.
Ukraine will have just pentioners by then
Yeah seen a bunch of channels overrun by russia or china comments and propaganda. Already spamming comments about DU ammo, which is apaprently the most recent Russian propaganda thing.
Lol, how's things going 😁
Still waiting I believe it's just going to be attrition for a big while
Even the russians need to use more and more of the older bmp 1s and older versions of bmp2. So even older western IFVs are much better than no IFVs at all.
200IQ! Good point.
Eu is saying that Russia must be held accountable yes and so should the Eu instead of blaming each other Fuc*king negotiate
Those IFVs arent even old compared to what most coutnries use, especially in upgraded form. Like, how many countries have IFVs that are as well protected as a Marder, or with the firepower and sensors of a Bradley?
Besides maybe the CV90, the next generation of IFVs is still in its first production runs, with Lynx, Puma, Boxer, K2, K8o8, Ajax, and so on.
Russia doesnt even have an equa, their T15 seems to be a paper tank, and the BMP3 is still a soviet design with very questionable protection. And now, Russia is actually developing backwards in time, were seeing more and more BMP1 these days. IIRC most of the BMPs are vulnerable to some heavy MGs, let alone autocannons.
@@termitreter6545 It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
@@bbbb8301 See, the thing you dont understand is that it doesnt matter what I think. The Ukrainians are the ones that want to fight and not be taken over by Russia. They hate Russia more than anything after all of that death and destruction. Why would any country want to be part of the shitshow that is russia?
And Russia is the country that could end all of this just fucking off out of Ukraine. Just by not stealing their lands, not enslaving the Ukrainian population, not trying to erase their langauges by removing all non-russians signs...
Its really not that hard to understand. As long as you can admit that Ukrainians are thinking, human beings with their own will. Which some people apparently cant.
Thanks for the quality content
Binkov you forgot one Sweden is sending 50 CV90 also it all adds up a very impressive list of IFV's
they always forget about that, it's like we don't exist
@@2.Cuzzzz lets hope Sweden decides Ukrane could use some of the modifications such as the automated mortar.
@@petter5721 vänta nu, skickar vi CV90C och inte CV90B?? Vi har ju bara 43 CV90C.
@@mwtrolle It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
Damn, lots of bots and trolls in here.
Great video, keep it up Binkov
They are also getting about 40 CV90 from Sweden 🇸🇪 edit: apparently around 50
yes, hope they will send some of the upgrades as well. Such as the 105mm turrets and automated mortars
CV90-C probably, including the ARV90-C.
@@mwtrolle It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
Да спасибо наши НИИ уже получили их
One of my favorite parts of Binkov's videos in 2022 onwards is the Russians in the comment sections, literally inhaling copium at an industrial scale.
Amazing they can breathe at all with this much copium in the air.
Eu is saying that Russia must be held accountable yes and so should the Eu instead of blaming each other Fuc*king negotiate
@@kerdart351 futu
What about the copium you westerners continue to inhale after Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc ;) maybe westerners should give peace a chance
My dad was an engineer at General Dynamics during the development of the Bradley, so we're a Bradley Household.
May as well brag about being a Jeffrey Epstein household.
My condolences
@@erikmartin4996 reformer spotted. Lethal force engaged.
Shake his hand for me. 50 some odd years later and it's off to do the very job it was designed for. Plastering ruZZians all over the battlefield
I was a 19D Cav Scout gunner on a Bradly a lesser version than the ODS that Ukraine is getting and the optics are pretty good the FLIR is actually pretty clear I could clearly distinguish people and tell who was who at 300m and with white hot / black hot targets at range. The ODS model is supposed to have a better version sight than what I had. Plus a lot more upgrades. shit I didn't even have a laser range finder I had to use mark one eyeballs and work it out in my head. frontal of Bradly can stop 30mm . The height is not the issue people make it out to be. use it properly 1 or 2 t-72s or equivalent MBT with 3 Bradly, 2 MRAPS with M2 BMG on top and 2 striker with MK19 trailing behind and to the flanks with dismounted troops behind and to sides of tank and IFVS. Along with drones being operated from m113s further behind providing aerial scouting and perhaps a few m113s converted to carry 120mm tube mortars and or 80mm mortars. for close range and immediate fire support have 3 towed 105mm howitzers with a direct line to each PL/PS or have a FO direct them. use that as a combined platoon scout section and scale up the number of platoons depending on mission and maneuver area that can accommodate. Of course long range 155 SPG for fire support. If I was asked to create a unit with what equipment they are/have getting. That is how I would do it.
Yea, if Ukrainians can get this equipment and can learn to properly use it the way it was designed and within doctrine, they will be lethal.
We had the M114 and used M113s as armored Calvary(40th ID Cal NG) as well, so your Bradley was our wet dream. We started getting them when I was finishing up my time and put on IRR(Right as Desert Storm started).
Excellent post by someone with actual experience
That's a lot of implication that any of that support might happen, when the reality is that level of coordination won't happen for the UAF at all.
These guys are getting a max of 22 weeks of training, and the average lifespan of an inexperienced UAF soldier in Bakhmut is 4 hours.
I don't know if you know this but Russia now has man portable radio/sattelite/wireless transmission detectors that work out to a radius of 12km with a margin of accuracy of 50m, that's more than enough time/space to ensure the destruction or forced route of any mechanized infantry or artillery regardless of whether there's any pinpoint accuracy.
It ensures artillery can force a directional change of any UAF advance, it gives enough warning for infantry to ready themselves to ambush any UAF mechanized infantry.
Bradleys are going to be coffins for UAF fighters as will Abrams and Leopards and Marders.
The coordination you're describing isn't there, there's video of a BMP-T wiping an entire mech infantry squad with a single tank.
@@Dirty_Dumb_NAFO_Scum Funny...with all that, you haven't taken Bakhmut since July. Losing 1000 soldiers per day too. It seems like logic and intelligence would keep you from using words like "a coffin". But I forgot, you are Ruskie.
The vehicle you have is always better than the one you don’t 😂
Bruh why tf there are so many russian bots, cope lords and just biased ppl here
If they are triggered it means they are angry cause they dont like whats being said. In that case Binkov is doing well :) Hes spittin facts.
@@TheGrace020 ye pretty much
@@miku_hoshino I do enjoy putting a bit of salt in the wound of some copelords though. And then watch the fire burn.
Mostly bots. Don't waste your time trying to argue with them...
@@jessepacheco6020 true true.
I was a Bradley mechanic for 15 yrs in the US Army. I did 3 tours in Iraq and have seen the Bradley's performance first hand. And I have worked on the ODS versions allot actually including over in Iraq. I am excited to once again see those beast go back into combat. And actually fight the enemy they were designed to fight in the first place. If I wasn't a disabled vet I would gladly go to Ukraine and help them with fixing and operating those tracks. I was damn good at that job if nothing else. Along with years of recovery experience 2 of which were battlefield experience in Iraq. My days of war are done. But I wish the Ukrainians good hunting and victory against Russia.
Thanks for your service 💪
I was a Bradley Gunner and BC in Iraq.
They're tough bitches. Smoked the BMP, hands down
Thank you for your service, I hope you're healing well🇺🇲
You might not be able to go over, but maybe some day they'll need you to stay home and train some Ukrainian mechanics.
And what have you been doing in Iraq? Spreading democracy and freedom? Are you proud of participating in killing half a million of Iraqi children?
I bet all of the soldiers in Ukraine's army, will be very happy with almost any IFVs, even if older Bradley's and Marders, going up against older BMP-1's and 2s. We in the US have 2800 in storage now. I bet the 700,000 Ukrainian soldiers will be even happier if we send them 1000 more (30+ year old) Bradleys and 300 older Abrams, all of Poland's PT-91's and newer Leopards? (Thanks Perun).
What soldiers and army?! More then 200k Ukrainian soldiers are dead, wounded much much more. They are recruting women, minors and older citisens.
@@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 I am currently recruiting your mom
@@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Wouldn't you expect Russians to advance faster if the Ukrainian army didn't exist?
@@naitnait00 Russians are methodically destroying the Ukrainian military. Grinding them down into dust. That's why they are taking so long. They let the artillery do all the work.
@@huntergatherer7796 What Ukrainian army?
Has everyone forgotten about the CV90:s coming to Ukraine?!? Arguably better than both the Bradley and the Marder (and they will receive more CV90:s than Marders).
Yes the CV90 is the best MICV . I don't know why they are comparing marders and bradley's. Splitting hairs
Those are really quite capable vehicles...
@@timhorton698 they are both closer together then the CV90 that comes from the 90s.
Depends how many being send? Are there 50 coming beacuse anything below 50 isn't going to make a difference.
I didn’t think that many were going - probably why they aren’t mentioned.
One of the best things about Binkov's videos is the wildly toxic comment section full of Russian and Chinese trolls and the people arguing with them.
Damn you're quick
Seeing how quickly you copy pasted this comment, you might be the bot here.
Didn't know there are also Turtlebots
Lmao yeah
How original I have never seen this comment before
As German I would say the Bradley. The Marder is more than 20 years older than the bradley. It was one of the first well designed IFVs and works reliable. The gun and other features of the bradley are better/more modern. But the CV90 beats them booth by far
Indeed. Due to the time difference in development, this is no real question. But the Marder is a good IFV and will improve Ukrainian capabilities.
@@neodym5809 alter du bist auch unter jedem Waffen für Ukraine Video
The fact that the TOW is command guided is actually one of its greatest advantages as well. Unless you can hide yourself from the gunner or take them out or hard kill the missile. It will hit you. You can not jam it.
You can not run from it. The TOW will get you
No need for TOW when the javelin exists. Obsolete technology
@@warfarenotwarfair5655 Yes but as said by OP, it would be more difficult to disable or jam MCLOS Missiles (Like the TOW) rather than the newer SACLOS Javelins or NLAWs. Ofcourse, Im not saying that the Javelin and NLAW is useless, ATGMs in general are effective nontheless.
@@warfarenotwarfair5655 not every position has a javelin squad.
TOW is as obsolete as everything up to T-80 and its variants. Even the T-90 will not get away. 🤺🤷😉
@@jantjarks7946 wrong person lol
The M2A2 Bradley’s armor protects against 30mm, not 14.5mm.
Only in the front..side and rear no
Front arc can take 30mm, sides and rear can take 14.5mm, roofs have titanium armor on the M2A2ODS-SA which is the variant Ukraine is getting so decent protection from artillery, only weakness is weak floor armor (though, considering how AT mines usually detonate on tracks and that a V-shape or significantly thicker armor would increase weight and height a lot, this is probably a good trade-off. Just don't use them in a COIN/counterterror environment).
Personally, I LOVE this channel and others like it, but they do get a few details wrong once in a while, that's okay. (IMO)
The TOW mount on the top still explodes and results in catastrophic problems for the crew regardless, and that's what non ATGM fire is going to go for if it's there.
All this equipment is going to do nothing for Ukraine, everyone dickriding NATO at present is going to be like "WHUH HAPPUN" by August, when the first few shipments of western vehicles end up smoking wrecks because there are intrinsic problems with Ukrainian battle strategy.
The "thunder runs" were nothing but Ukraine taking advantage of Russia fighting with one hand behind it's back so to speak. Even if Ukraine gets eurofighters, it'll do nothing at this point.
It's cheaper to shoot down/blow up these assets for Russia than it is to match it force for force, and once Russia has the territory it desires, it's not letting it go regardless of what military assets are appointed to Ukraine from NATO.
@@Dirty_Dumb_NAFO_Scum you play too much war-thunder bud.
Awesome video, it was very informational and I enjoyed the illustrations as well as footage included.
It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
ukraine troops had already been training for months on bradleys in europe. Bradley also has a record of destroying more armoured vehicles in the first iraqi war than the abrams tank......they are fast and can manoeuvre quickly to hit the side and rear armour of tanks that is thinner.
Bradleys are not used to hunt tanks!
Cite your sources for Bradleys killing more tanks in Iraq than the Abrams did. Battle of 73 Easting…Abrams did the vast majority of tank kills. By far.
@@zeck8541 "During the Gulf War, M2 Bradleys destroyed more Iraqi armored vehicles than the M1 Abrams.[34] A few kills against Iraqi T-72 tanks at close range are reported.[35] A total of 20 Bradleys were lost-three by enemy fire and 17 due to friendly fire incidents. Another 12 were damaged. The gunner of one Bradley was killed when his vehicle was hit by Iraqi fire, possibly from an Iraqi BMP-1, during the Battle of 73 Easting.[36] To remedy some problems that were identified as contributing factors in the friendly fire incidents, infrared identification panels and other marking/identification measures were added to the Bradleys."
@@zeck8541 “killed more ARMORED VEHICLES than abrams” keyword armored, being along tanks with also the AMZ Dzik infantry vehicles, the BAe Caimans, ect.
Both types of vehicles are super useful.....training on these vehicles are very important.
A gun; an anti tank rocket system and decent communication functions would go far to execute fast, co ordinated maneuver warfare that is needed in this battlefield
What about the 50 CV-90 IFV that Sweden is sending?
They seized a ton of land with just hmmvs. Imagine what they can do with a Bradley and a 25mm bushmaster cannon. The TOW launchers can also take out T 72s like they did in the Iraq war
I hope they get the programable airburst ammo for the Bushmaster, it would help alot with trench warfare.
BMP's have ATGM's too, you know what else they have? Being able to cross rivers, being able to carry more people, smaller silhouette, massive front armor angle and also a real gun, that can one-shot those Bradleys and Marders before they even aim with their TOW's.
@@Novgorod_Republic LOL bro the BMP was designed in the 1960s. Stop simping for Russia.
@@Novgorod_Republic 😂 dude the gun on a bmp can NOT one shot a Bradley. Here’s the deal: the optics and thermals on the Bradley(the ones the Russians can’t afford) can spot a bmp from 4k and move to take it out WAY before a BMP could see it.
@@Novgorod_Republic Are you stoned? You clearly never see BMP on close Yankee Tankey. Like, maye brand new fabric can swim. Maybe? Armour is paper thin, it only look strong. It is how you can put more people inside. BMP1 cannon is piece of shit, it actually is for reconciles ammunition. Like in Carl Gustav. Though yes. BMP2 has better gun, still crappy Russian ammo. TOW? Seriously? You don't even know what Kornet is? You do know that NATO also has lot of BMP's? Arent you. It is not NATO vs Warsaw Pact. It is Ukraine supported by NATO including ex-Warsaw Pact and half countries on the world, fighting with failed Bana Republic spending they Soviet Era heritage in battles over small man delusions.
Sweden is like a stealth country. Never mentioned in videos like these.
I like their fish.
Their women are hot.
@@Ideo7Z they come from Somalia, you can there and find more.
A pure act of selflessness can only be found in anonymity. I mean, as a Swede I 'm proud of what we send and hope it hold up well. It will be an interesting spring to be sure. But what matters is to win the war not to get youtubers to make content about our stuff.
@@MatzeMB85 The CV90 is probably the best of it's class, and surely better than the Marders and Bradleys Ukraine are likely to get.
As a Dane, I'm proud to be your neighbor.
50 CV90's is an impressive force, and I expect more will follow. Hopefully, Sweden will also send some of the modifications. For instance, the automated mortar system is absolutely awsome and would like to see what the 105mm turret version can do as well. Have you heard if Sweden is considering sending some of those upgrades?
Weirdest thing about the pro Russian stuff in the comments is that blinkov is very medium towards Russia compared to other youtubers. Weird its blinkov they go after
Gotta do that purge even if it's at detriment, would be against tradition otherwise.
The Bradley is better. And I say that as a German. I mean Marder came out in 1971 and Bradley in the 80´s. Bradley has a little better armor, a little more firepower and it can shot 2 rockets instead of one with one load. Sometimes I think, the Americans wanted to copy the Marder, but the developers thought, their model should be a little better in everything.
And that's a hard thing to do. Beating the Germans in engineering anything must be applauded
@@derekmcmillian6557 Well, that's always a thing. The Germans invent it and the others do it better years later. Just imagine, the others develop something and the Germans do it better. What would be the result?
@@greyfox9224 The Bismarck
@@rulebritannia3147 yeah. The Space-Bismarck. Or how the Imperial army calls it, a Star Destroyer^^
@@greyfox9224 nothing but the Best of the Best no doubt. Just my opinion. Some may beg to differ
CV90: excellent
Marder: capable
Bradley: capable
Exakt, strf90 är det mest intressanta fordonet att följa ur rent tekniskt perspektiv.
Naturligtvis finns många fler Bradleys att tillgå vilket gör det till det mest använbara alternativet.
CV90 is many different versions, which cannon? 30, 35 or 40 mm ?
@@thomasgade226 CV-90/40C i do belive....a 40mm Bofors that does some serious damage.
yeah ok
@@thomasgade226 the 40mm is what is send, but hope they also will send some of the modifications as well. The 105mm turret version is interesting but the automated mortar would be a fantastic thing for Ukraine.
i think it is realy sad that the „hypothetical“ in the outro is now gone 😢
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
- Which is better for Ukraine?
- Give us both
In that case, have all three! Next, we'll work on scaling the shipments.
They are sending the ODS-SA variant. A few extra electronics features and better thermals.
He also erred by saying Marder can't mount ERA. In Ukraine, everything that can mount kontakt-1 will, and everything that can't will have kontakt-1 welded to it regardless.
There is also the CV 90,
fail, that he didn't include it in this video!
I wouldn't say the Bradley is completely comparable to the BMP as it has many superior capabilities when it comes to things like, visibility, battlefield awareness, recon, armour and weaponry. Just about everytime the BMP met the Bradley, the Bradley won. Theres also crew and infantry squad comfort to take into account.
With a stabilized gun for fire on the move, a couple Bradley's could advance while stationary Marders behind provided overwatch (covering fire), along with Leopard 1s. Disclaimer: my infantry tactics are minimal; but my idea is based on some army doctrine from the 80's.
Think more the Brad playing spotter for their incoming MBTs and taking targets of opportunity of their own while the Marder is your front line Taxi.
Bradley. USA has about 2000 of them left in the reserve. Numbers can help in this situation.
Numbers without logistics and Trained men is just
Wishes and hypothetics dont take back land
@@Miami1991 so russia’s entire strategy? you’re really bad at propaganda buddy.
@@Miami1991 Yeah except they've already taken land back so cope harder Russian Bot
@@goonor okay, defend yourself. how do you expect thousands of bradleys are going to help when ukraine is now forcefully recruiting boys, not men, to fight? you dont even have an argument. you are just on team ukraine. emotionally controlled by your programming.
@@blazingkhalif2 russia tacticallly withdrew to prevent unnecessary losses. thats not hard to understand from a military pov. it is if you are simply throwing logic and data out the window to support this anti russian sentiment youve been whipped up into. can you even describe to me in a paragraph what the geopolitical history of the region is? im certain you are coming from a place of huge ignorance and emotion. feel free to video debate me if you want to be embarassed
The Marder looks like the perfect vehicle to support on the flanks.
The Bradley seems to be the main vehicle to support infantry pushes.
and the CV90 is just overall a great vehicle!
After seeing that video of the Ukrainian BTR-4 hammering away on Russian forces in Mariupol with it's 30mm cannon early in the war, I have a lot more respect for IFV's. With good optics and ATGMs I think they'll make a difference for sure. 👍
Most of Ukraines home grown ifv's have been destroyed, hence why they are begging for even more western vehicles even after getting hundreds already which have also mostly been taken out.🤣
@@chadimirputin2282 I don't doubt it. That's just the cost of doing business in modern high intensity combat. Armor gets destroyed and needs to be replaced.
Ok zombie 👍
Never thought I would miss one word so much, really hits in the feels.
What is with swedish IFV CV 90?
These systems are used along with heavy tanks and armored personnel carriers. They are made to work as a team.
Yes, exactly! The Bradley isn't going to last long in an environment where it doesn't have air cover. The Bradley was one of the generation of vehicles called "The Big Five".
Any IFV’s designed to fight in the European theater will be a huge benefit as Ukrainian forces are severely lacking in mechanized maneuver assets.
Binkov, you are the source for this type of commentary.
You hit on most of the critical points.
The Marder is an excellent IFV, especially in its heyday, and one id far prefer to be riding in than a BMP or BTR (even the latest versions). However...
The Bradley is not only available in far larger numbers (allowing more follow on deliveries, after refurbishment), but has a far more sophisticated suite of sensors and data links.
This makes the Bradley a far better force multiplier, even before you consider the fact that Bradley is superior in pretty much all the "hard" factors most amateurs and dilettantes focus on. For example, a 1990s era Bradley ODS variant, manned by an *average* US infantry unit, is still a better artillery spotter vehicle than a Russian 2020s era dedicated FO vehicle, manned by artillery specialists. A Marder simply isn't as good at that sort of thing.
None of this should be surprising, given the Marder is an older design whose development informed the Bradley design team, and the Bradley is also the product of the American heavily funded R&D program of the late Cold War that was willing to beat the USSR to death with bags of cash as clubs.
Im surprised you dont mention armor. The Marder is much heavier armored than the Bradley. Its close to 40 ton heavy with the most modern armor upgrades, compared to the 25-30 ton Bradleys, and thats despite having less armament and a smaller turret.
The way I see it, the Marder is an older vehicle, but likely better at being a heavily armored transport, while the Bradley is better as fire support and vehicle killer. But each are likely superior to BMPs. And either is great because Ukraine needs numbers of IFVs.
edit: Huh, reached the point in the vid, theres a short comment on armor. I very much doubt that the Bradley has better armor protection, considering how much lighter it and heavier armed it is. Before ive always heared the opposite.
At this moment 60 Bradleys will be arriving in Belgium on 2/9/23. The other 50 is being prepared together with M1A2
If I am not mistaken, a shipment of Bradley’s via a ship transiting through the UK arrived in Germany this morning.
@@RottingFarmsTV i thought it was Belgium
One thing not covered in the video is that the Bradley uses both metric and SAE hardware. That's not usually a challenge for American maintenance shops (though it can be harder to locally source things like bolts and screws), but European shops don't ordinarily have SAE tools. Other US armored vehicles are all-metric (and tend to be intentionally easy to work on as well - the M1 is probably simpler to repair than your civilian car).
US trucks (including armored versions of things like the HMMWV) are all-metric for parts that thread into the engine or drive train, but tend be SAE elsewhere. That's not as big an issue though because those are problems that diesel mechanics are used to improvising or jury-rigging their way around, and they are on parts of the vehicle which don't need to be perfect. Humvees with all kinds of local modifications are very normal, and it's actually a bit abnormal for any two humvees to be exactly the same after a decade or two of use.
The more US equipment a country uses, the less of an issue the differing standards would be, but when you're talking about a couple dozen vehicles which need different nuts and bolts than the ones already sitting in bins in the shops, that is an issue.
Is it so hard to send spare nuts and bolts and to throw in a few wrenches too?
I don't think it will be an issue. Ukraine has so many different kinds of vehicles it's pretty likely they'll have some logistic guys who's only job is tracking down parts and tools for all these different vehicles.
@@zix_zix_zix We don't talk about few nuts and bolt. It's evey tools in every repair shop. It will cost a lot of money but I don't think it's a problems.
In a pinch you can use SAE tools on metric or other way around
@@pierregravel-primeau702 Was just a figure of speech..
USA seems to be moving fast.
The second shipment of Bradleys has already arrived this side of the pond.
You can mount different ATGMs on the Marder A3 it’s not limited by the Milan. They can take the TOW or MELLS but the Milan is the more traditional weapon because the infantry is also using it.
Would like to see Israeli SPIKE ER on top of Marder the most formidable ATGM's in the world
@@Casseiopeia9720 yeah but because Ukraine has a lot of TOWs they can just use that for longer ranges.
The Marder was noted for it's strong battlefield performance and low rate of casualties while deployed in Afghanistan. The typical tactic used to make up for the lack of a stabilized gun is that with 4 Marders, there are always two advancing with dismounted troops following (or some with ATGM (1 Milan, 1 Panzerfaust-3) remaining on board, to fire from the three top hatches when needed against armoured targets that might appear on the flanks) while two stop and provide fire cover. Also, the doctrine taught in Germany include that IFVs never operate without MBTs and artillery support - normally also air support, but that might be replaced by HIMARS in Ukraine. Training in Germany is explicitly not only in operation of the vehicle, but in combined arms warfare. At least that what the general responsible for the training of Marder and Leopard 2A6 crews said in an interview. Training includes leadership training up to the brigade level.
@@alexjoseph8363 If they have combined arms warfare down at the brigade level, so Marder advancing together with Leopard 2A6, with Panzerhaubitze 2000 in range to call in artillery and MARS II to call in the equivalent of an airstrike, I'd like to see how that fails against Russian units where artillery, armour, infantry and air force aren't connected until the General Staff level and groups of tanks or BMPs roam around isolated and uncoordinated. But I guess we'll see, Sir, General Armchair.
The Bradley is made out of Aluminium....that means 1 hit 1 hole 🕳! The video also didn't mention the different Ammunitions of the 20mm Marder gun which is a big advantage on the battlefield as well!
Came back just for the hillarious comments that are about to come
Man they're already beautiful
The most important part of the Bradley, is the Battlefield management system.
Being able to know where all of the vehicles in the company are located and being able to all see what the other Bradley’s are seeing.
Both vehicles will be awesome to Ukraine, the Ukrainian soldiers are well experience to adapt to such a vehicle, thanking the West, USA, UK military, NATO, EU, for the support to Ukraine. Glorious Ukraine and her soldiers.
The Marder could probably be very easily fitted for just about any missile Ukraine desires as it's just using a simple launcher mount.
So they can put whatever tripod launcher on instead.
Or fire a Javelin out of the back hatches.
Ukraine To Get UPGRADED Desert Storm Bradleys- M2A2-ODS SA
This model is very similar to the M2A3 version of the Bradley, the main difference being the lack of the commander's independent viewer.
The Situation Awareness upgrade includes several improvements over the M2A2-ODS, including the driver camera and upgraded sights.
Bradley’s been destroying T-72s since the 90s.
I haven't seen the video, but the answer is obviously Bradley. It is better in almost every area.
On the crew protection level, Marder is quite top noch. According to the video, it's about 10 time more sturdy (14.5x114mm caliber protection VS 30x165mm caliber protection).
@@pierregravel-primeau702 That is why I said almost ;-)
@@pierregravel-primeau702 That's only with the markers applique armor.
as a german i am still super confused why they were not able to stabalyze the Marder Gun
likely just an obsolete tank, it's huge and expensive and the atgms are useless against APS and modern ERA on current russian tanks, the 20mm gun on the marder is also extremely weak against the russian equivalents, finding a way to stabilize and make an efficient 57mm like the russian 2s38 is more attractive, or maybe even switching to 30mms like with the bmp-2s
It's old. We're talking about vehicles that entered service in the 60s in their earliest version.
@@ghostisdead5943 oh here i have to disagree - The Marder Gun the Maschinenkanone is actually not that bad. If the ukrainians use the Marder as a Battletaxi like the M113 it should be quite capable. Does not pack a punch like the Bradley but his advantage is the extremely hi speed that it can fire i think 1000 shot a minute? Correct me. Its really good against Soft targets, it can shoot High Explosive rounds ANd AP rounds with one button click because it has two amm belts. And a building for example due to slow firing a bradley would need a Minute to destroy the house. A Marder can pepper a building with its 20 mm Aromr Pirecing in seconds.
Marder can penetrate the BMP 2 frontal while the BMP 2 cant.
They were able to, but decided not to.
While bothe are IFVs, the Bradley was specifically intended to accompany M1 Abrams and were expected to maneuver and fight offensively. The Marder was more of an infantry taxi and infantry fire support. The Marder was intended for closer range engagements with the high rate of fire compensating for less accuracy.
The other factor is cost. While Germany at the time was a rich country, the US was stupid rich and was willing to pay for the gun/sights stabilization.
Without having seen the video I'd say the Bradley.
Mainly because of the ATGMs and the 25 mm cannon.
That 20 mm the Marder has is certainly great against infantry, but the maximum effective range is significantly shorter and of course it'll have a much more difficult time dealing with armor.
I think the marder dont have stablizer while The Bradley does
Yea, I think you're right.
That would be another significant argument for the Bradley.
Actually the 20mm has very good range, 4000m against infantry and soft skin. max range about 6000m
It can engage light armour to 3000m
the CV90 got a 40mm cannon in the version Sweden sends 50 of, but they also have a 105mm turret version and an automated mortar.
Bradley's base armor is aluminum, but the A2 upgrade program added 1 inch of steel armor plate to all exterior surfaces giving it protection against 30mm. ERA can be mounted to that steel armor plate giving it additional protection against shaped charge rounds and hand held anti-tank weapons like the RPG-7.
Ukraine needs a lot of armored vehicles of all sorts. They operate 80 brigades and the more mechanized the better. The quantity is more important the quality. Germany just approved the sale of 180 Leopard 1A5s. They are old tanks with mediocre armor and only a 105mm gun, but they are still in service in several armies around the world and they would have no problem fighting anything Russian with the possible exception of MBTs. It's important to keep going. Russia is militarily and financially exhausting itself. They won't have a strategic victory, the sooner they lose, the better.
i think you.forgot the bushmaster has programmable shells that can precicely explodr above trenches. The bradley is tge worlds best trench occupant anhialator.
Wasn't that only in the new 35mm bushmaster?
And the PUMA can do the same thing with a 30mm canon. Russia is far behind in the technolgie department.
The Bradleys being sent to Ukraine are M1A2 ODS-SA, which improves optics and has more thermals. Also, there's no such thing as missing the ability to mount ERA when welding torches and kontakt-1 exist, as demonstrated by both sides.
Seems weird you didn’t include the Swedish CV90, Sweden is sending 50 of them to start with.
But think they are better then atleast the Marder, but probably also the Bradley’s atleast if those send are not the latest model.
Other nations then Sweden operates the CV90, so more could come that way, also Sweden will probably send more later on.
1,280 units of CV90 has been built so it is not like it can't be more coming, so yeah, seems odd not to mention them as the Swedes are ramping up to send more..
@@rosvall216 and they are ramming up production as well.
Would love to see some of their specialized CV90 automated mortars in Ukraine.
The comment section flooded with Russian tears is hilarious XD
"Both of them will get destroyed by artilery" - considering how accurate Russian artilery is, safest spot for these vehicles would be right in front of the russians
"Ukraine should beg for peace" - ooooor, wait for all its tanks and IFVs to kick Russia back beyond borders and then peace out
"Both of these vehicles are old shit" - yet still newer and less shitty than whatever Russia is using, so good enough
"American imperialism / America bad" - sure, USA made some bad things in the past, but that doesnt change anything about who is agressor and who needs all support possible in THIS particular war.
I know half of these guys are bots and other half is blind to any sort of facts, but for all of you guys who may be thinking that they have some point by saying these, i hope this cleared it out a bit :)
As a russian myself, it's really amusing too.
@@andreasmaurer8802 Andreas Maurer doesn't sound very russian to me. Wolgadeutscher?
mostly bots. anything keyword "ukraine" gets em
@@thomasb7464 close xD. Russo-German Tatar. My grandma was from the Wolga community tho, born in Rostov-Don.
@@andreasmaurer8802 Cool.
You should do a video about the Swedish cv9040, out of the 3 that's the most capable one.
I don't think it really matters, both will help a bunch. The roles of each vary so the question is what will the Ukrainians need? If they are doing combined assault Bradley's will probably be better if they are doing hit and runs then the Marauder might be better. Regardless though they are both better than BMPs.
I'm sorry to say it, but I think the Swedish cv9040 is the best alternative. 👍🇸🇪
Haha yeah those Swedes make some mean weapons! Very impressed by their engineering.
Bradley. Simply more of them available. Sixty are already on a boat headed over.
Always good information and content, thank you!
Information on the bradley targeting system is wrong top to bottom. There are literally no baseline ODS A2 left all of them have been updated extensively but the designation hasn't changed current A2 ODS is an A3 without CITV.
The Bradley's hull is 30mm rated the armor added on later models is completley integrated and non removable. Its extremely misleading to even talk about a "base hull". ERA on Bradley also has nothing to do with ballistic protection. It purely for protecting from light RPGs.
The A2 ODS being sent will be the best IFVs in Ukraine on either side on balance. Its literally a current frontline US army vehicle.
Im suprised the Swedish CV90 isnt involved in this video. Sweden will send 50 vehicles to Ukraine, and it carries even more firepower with its 40mm gun.
yes the 40mm is impressive, but it can also be modified to use a 105mm gun turret or an automated mortar.
@@mwtrolle not a lot of them.. that's about all They'll get , an just saying it can mount a 105 means nothing without new production, not something one just whips up in the field.. they need Lots of Bradley's, more than tanks..
@@mwtrolle It can actually be fitted with a 120mm gun, but this has never been orderd and remains in test fase. Doubt Ukraine will see any of that.
Both are pretty good. The Bradley can use missile pods as well, or should be able to.
They'll want to use them sparingly. Only getting 10 per vehicle
Bradley’s equipped with a x2 TOW missile system with reloads.
i used to live in a bradley without tank attack helicopter and air superiority it will fare just as well as any other vehicle.
Yup, absolutely correct! I was a 19K and without infantry and air support, you're nothing but a big target. At least the Abrams had tons and tons of armor, but not so much on a Bradley or Marder.
Why nothing on the CV90? Its newer, has a bigger gun and is promised in a bigger quantity than the Marder?
Because they don't want those getting captured by the Russians, which is why the Brads and Marders are 1990s versions.
The CV90 doesn’t have ATGMs.
@@nietkees6906 It doesn't need to. At least in version with tank cannon.
@@TheRezro but the CV90s that will be sent don't have a tank cannon. Cv90s with tank cannons have not even be produced yet, there were only prototypes.
@@nietkees6906 I believe there is a model of CV90 with a TOW (or similar wire guided system) but it might not be the one being sent to Ukraine. I believe it's a relatively recent development.
American here. Giving the nod to the Bradley. And doing so with all the jaw-jutting, chest puffed out bombast of James T. Kirk of the Enterprise.
I'm glad Ukraine is getting both. Really. But the Bradley has an established reputation for sending Soviet stuff to Sanford and Son's junkyard.
I'm German and i can see the différences. Protection seems similar.
Only the Bradley's cannon seems to be very effectives. Even against tanks.
I saw ukrainian Marders in the Kursk region! Very good!
Binkow, Germany 🇩🇪 is sending 88 Leopard I tanks to Ukraine soon.
Could you make a video on how a leopard I would compare to russian T72 b3
Its a pretty worthless comparison. T72 b3 can be used as an actual MBT while Ukraine will have to be extremely careful in Leo 1s as those don't even have Composite armor. Its still better than no highly mobile platform with a 105mm gun but any comparison to a proper MBT is useless.
From other videos I have seen Leopard 1 would fare poorly to a T-72B3 in a one on one fight.
That said it would still be valuable to Ukraine for territorial/border defense.
I mean... The amount of combat hours bradleys have seen makes them absolutely proven to be effective... Everything else is speculation
If you think hard about it, it actually doesn’t prove anything except that US combined arms is effective. US troops could attack with a butter knife because they just call down air power and win.
Ukraine conditions and how they will use the Bradley remains to be seen.
Yes, but the Marder is made of Teutonium
when you say combat Iraq, Afghanistan etc.. is hardy combat compared where these items are headed, what's more is that they do not control the airspace above the clashes and are vastly outnumbered in terms heavy amour & artillery, its over period!
Where has the Bradley engaged an enemy with at parity tech?? Never
Russia not only has the most adaptive arms industry but it’s industry continues to produce unlike Ukraine
That means Ukraine has to rely on deals the entire time this makes it about as adaptive as the Taliban (the only thing Bradley is proven against)
@Off russia has no parity tech..... other than the cardboard ones in parades. Your putting soviet era tanks in your so low on high tech equipment. Your army's an absolute joke. As is your country. Nobody is scared of russia. Ita crazy thay we used to think of you as a world power. A year in and you can't even hold territory in the country next door. Your trolling is getting less effective as the world.now sees how crap your military is.
CV 90 for the win. 🎂
Glad you guys are growing! Keep up the good work! Soon, Binkov will have an adjutant as well.
It is time and stop the propaganda on both sides and start negotiate ! All u insane A**H*les that say keep on and fight untill you are winning, have surely not bin in a war and seen there comrades blow to bits and the one that have bin in a war and are suffering unfortunately from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress and support this war we can forgive those poor souls.
Considering this Bradley is an improved version of the variant that made the T-72 its bitch during the 1st Gulf War, especially in the Battle of 73 Easting, and the poor quality of Russian tanks and crews… yeah, makes the Abrams shipment seem like pure overkill.
Gulf war was total different , the Bradley will hardly see any tank in Ukraine . Arty will clean them up , why people always expect that tanks will just break through ?
I didn’t say the Russian tanks would break through. If anything, I implied the opposite.
@@stevenchoza6391 No Leopard 2 , no Abrams , no Bradley will break through dude , this is not the gulf war .
they arent getting enough of anything to make a difference unfortunately...
100 Bradleys can possibly due a lot, so long as they stay concentrated.
Bradley was literally made to be Marder, but better. No contest. But training is what makes army, not vehicles. I'd rather have a brigade of pros in BMPs than brigade of Mobiks in Bradleys....
The question should include the age and condition of the Russian vehicles, as reports suggest the Russians are forwarding older vehicles.
4:48 Gun stabilization ended up being one of the key differences. Bradley can fire on the move - crazy important in Ukraine.
I reckon far more Bradleys will go over, and Abrams - the numbers so far are just a pallette cleanser to get people used to the idea
And to let pilots train on western planes already is what? Exactly.
@@jantjarks7946 agreed
Bradley or Marder?
bradley AND marder... Where did this false dichotomoy come from?
Why not include the CV90s Sweden is sending 50 as a first batch and has about 1200 in storage. Seems odd..
The will send about 50, but they have about 550 in total.
@@bololollek9245 cant be worse then bmp-1s from the 60s
@@bololollek9245 for Russians even worse. Or you think Russians can bring Back 10k Tanks lol
@@bololollek9245 They seems to be sending some of the brand new ones, the old ones didn't have 40mm as far as I remember.
I wouldn’t be surprised if at least a few Bradleys get converted to the light tank variant where the dismount area is converted to ammo storage. The Bradley had a better war record than the Abrams in Desert Storm. They make a pretty good scout in my experience with them many years ago.
Yeah, the M3
Ukraine is getting m2a2, not a3 variants, atleast so far. We saw the a2's being loaded here in the states last week and they were all m2a2 ODS/SA variants upgraded during the gulf war. So for the variants they will have they wont have the racks to carry 5-tows, but they could also just toss some tows in the back if they use them in a more offensive roll.
Both are better, just give us as many as possible.
Agree the Stupid western thought to think sending old things are going to be useless. While Russia is using Shit you would only find with a time machine
I can answer this without the video. The answer is that anything better than a BMP is most helpful. Since both the Bradley and Marder are better…they both win.
They are better but that is negligible in a high intensity war. Having more BMPs is better than having a few modern IFVs.
@@huntergatherer7796 BMP1 is only marginally better then M113. They are trash and they can't effectively support Abrams or Leopard 2. And that is why US send Brads.
@@huntergatherer7796 that is a completely incorrect statement and is in perfect alignment with Soviet doctrine of quantity over quality. Proof of this flawed concept is the ease at which armored vehicles are being destroyed in Ukraine. The ease at which the entire Republican guard was wiped out in 1991 even though they had far more armor than the coalition. The ease by which German armor destroyed allied armor in WW2. The allies only winning because of Germany’s lack of sustainability.
There is a reason that Western nations have avoided the doctrine that the Soviets and Russia use. The reason why China has also began to abandon that doctrine. Survivability and lethality are the most important aspects of armored warfare. Not quantity.
@@TheRezro they are trash in what metric? Just like the mouthbreathers here who say " Blehh who cares M113 is m113 it has its uses" anything with a Cannon is still a cannon
How is it trash?
@@Miami1991 Ok. You never did see BMP? Let my guess. You are from South America or Africa? Literally no operator of BMP hold good opinion about it. It maybe was first IFV, but it has tons of compromises making it ineffective in this role. As Russians didn't really know what they are doing. M113 can't protect you from modern threats. Most Reformists treating it as super weapon, clearly never see modern combat. It is still a decent alternative to Toyota Helix though. It is literally how it is used nowadays.
i have a funny feeling the Marder will serve like the BMP-1 does now, for transporting and aiding troops in direct combat, and the Bradleys will serve as mobile AT and sensor suites mostly.
@Rico Thampaty Who sell top of the line AT missile for expired MRE? And the video literally state that the M2A2 Bradley come with battle management system, digital display, and thermal AKA the sensor.
That’s what it was designed for lmao.
With a better autocannon than BMP-2’s and a much better ATGM as well as better Thermals.
It was made to be a better BMP.
@@quangthai7258 the Russian bots want to feel their rubles weren’t wasted on a POS tank that couldn’t handle itself even against a lazy Molotov cocktail. Let them have their moment
... whichever comes in sufficient numbers at the time agreed.
the ua generals need to know what comes when in which numbers so they can create future plans.