5 Gens in 3 Mins... Dead by Daylight


Комментарии • 310

  • @stefanvisan2558
    @stefanvisan2558 2 года назад +57

    Playing killer is literaly defined by "hard work, no rewards"

    • @Nympheh
      @Nympheh 2 года назад +1

      I feel this

    • @alexrivera633
      @alexrivera633 2 года назад +5

      Dbd is a shit game why do I play it idk

    • @reksustv
      @reksustv 11 месяцев назад +2

      1 year later and it’s still the same

    • @mariusss95
      @mariusss95 10 месяцев назад

      3 weeks later, and I had a match where 3 gens where done in 2 minutes...

    • @stefanvisan2558
      @stefanvisan2558 9 месяцев назад

      @@reksustv couldn't agree more

  • @nekotorvic3026
    @nekotorvic3026 2 года назад +121

    These matches are always interesting to me. Survivors do gens extremely quick but the second they actually have to interact with the killer, they die and the only thing that extends their chase is busted set ups, god pallets and second chances like DH (not all of these present in this game, I'm speaking in general). Like that just shows that they get carried by their objective being the most basic thing in the game. I mean it is what it is, but it's sad.

    • @Miguel323527
      @Miguel323527 2 года назад

      For to eliminate perks for killer and survivor if u want a fair game. They could've left with a 3 man escape I'd they werent greedy and he could've ledr with 0 or 4 kills without perks on either side. This game will never be balance too many factors. Just gotta get over it.

    • @josephjahn2239
      @josephjahn2239 2 года назад +13

      I'm not sure what your rant is even saying. What are they supposed to do? Fist fight the killer? Wtf.

    • @Killer-Frost18x
      @Killer-Frost18x 2 года назад +22

      @@josephjahn2239 he’s saying that most survivors aren’t competent without busted shit. They need second chance perks to extend their chases properly instead of being a natural good runner, they need items and addons to their items to increase Gen speed etc

    • @joekane622
      @joekane622 2 года назад +1

      @@Killer-Frost18x Ballpark estimate how many people would quit vs stick around to learn to play "right" without the crutches?

    • @magnezon1
      @magnezon1 2 года назад +4

      what it's trully sad for me is that neither saide can have fun, leaving aside the more intrincate rant about 2nd chance perks, gen speed, etc, just in general terms, the game is set up in a way that nobody gets to have fun, the killer can't do shit from the get go, you can't even play with whatever killer you want if you expect to win and you certainly don't get to choose fun perk builds if you want to win either and on top of all, if you don't get super quick early hooks you are done for in 5 mins; on the surv side nobody will convince me for a second that playing 4 mins repair simulator games (Like most matches) is "fun" in any possible way.

  • @thatgayvillain3234
    @thatgayvillain3234 2 года назад +83

    I just dont get the devs saying things like "simply hook the survivor" or "think the gen speed is too fast" while simultaneously doing comp pushing changes to the game to encourage more comp style game play. You can just do the math of your own game. 4 survivors - 1 that gets actively chased means 3 on gens (after update) 90 secs completes 3 solo gens assuming no perks or items/addons then 90 more for the last 2 = 180 secs or 3 min +/- 30 secs for travel time between gens and once the first gen wave is done the now freed up 3rd survivor could got unhook and harass the killer to stall out that last hook stage by simply 1 for 1'ing. This is what makes really good survivors and swf very difficult and IMO unfun to go against.... like I can't make 2+2=80 that isn't how math works. End of rant that basically only I care about and makes me feel better...

    • @dmo84
      @dmo84 2 года назад +1

      I'm sorry for my ignorance, but I can't figure out if you're for or against the upcoming changes. In my opinion, keeping the gen speed to 80 seconds is fine, just give the killer better gen regression. The combination of the two (90 second gens + more regression) will cause survivors to not want to do gens which will give the devs what they want - higher kill count - but not in the way they intend. 90 seconds on a gen is boring enough, but if the killer comes along and removes about 5+ seconds using perks and a kick, then more bully squads are going to form. Kill count goes up, but less gens are being done because it's boring and bullying the killer will be more satisfying than escaping. I'm basing these claims on streams I've watched and conversations I've had with survivor mains. If anyone has a different perspective, I very much want to hear it as I really want to see the upcoming changes in a more positive way. Thank you very much if you've made it this far! lol

    • @CT-vn8me
      @CT-vn8me 2 года назад +2

      I feel certain things need to change. I mainly play survivor. But even when I play as killer. Aim assist and being able to 180 spin your camera to secure a hit is… lame. I think there is a lot of changes that need to be made. I got grabbed off a vault, when I was already half way through my fall. I also believe the game needs to be balanced around the every day user and not swf. I feel swf killer balance is gonna be rough on solo queues.

    • @tizianonakamader8177
      @tizianonakamader8177 2 года назад

      Simple and stupid idea … why not chaining the gen progression and make it base in the game ???? That means you can’t do gens simultaneously… at the moment killer have a perk to stop the most advanced gen but they have to sacrifice a perk slot to do that, seriously? I mean, come on that should be the baseline.

    • @thatgayvillain3234
      @thatgayvillain3234 2 года назад +2

      I am pro the changes coming just pointing out the cog dis the devs seem to display when talking about certain things. Saying resonance is a reward for "simply" hooking a survivor for example. And tried to use the math to point out how that is not simple. If I were to throw some crazy ideas around to help gens be more interesting as a mechanic I would rework them entirely.... but in a more practical sense if they gave killers more incentive to leave hook with positive reinforcement then camping would go down if not tunneling. Jolt is a great example of healthy positive reinforcement. I could list ideas for better perks like that for killer as well as positive survivor perks. It seems so wild the devs only see punishment as the route to success if not straight nerfing.

    • @DarthRane113
      @DarthRane113 2 года назад +1

      @@CT-vn8me you did not get grabbed off a window vault from that far away unless it was before the survivor sided update. The amount of times I've literally been mid grab cucked by the servers is ridiculous and even IF I believed you (I don't) I still wouldn't feel bad this game is so ridiculously survivor sided that keeping the severes killer sided is the LEAST they could do

  • @DnR_2018
    @DnR_2018 2 года назад +35

    "Killers think they need gen defence" = gens done in under 4 minutes. WITHOUT BNP OR TOOLBOXES. Like wtf devs?

    • @arturekd3435
      @arturekd3435 Год назад +1

      Hmm when killer camp one hook this is normal to do generators xd

    • @maximonure5413
      @maximonure5413 Месяц назад

      that's what happens when you sit by a hook camping and not doing anything to pressure gens

    • @Anonymous12082
      @Anonymous12082 19 дней назад +3

      @@maximonure5413 In my experience, that's almost entirely irrelevant. I literally never camp in my games because that can easily lead to a loss. All gens get done usually around the 3 minute mark. That's way too fucking fast. Sometimes that's WITH gen defense AND my intervention as killer. Their's no reason for gens to go that fast. At high MMR the game is basically unplayable for killer.

    • @maximonure5413
      @maximonure5413 19 дней назад

      @@Anonymous12082 Again, if it's usual for you to get all gens done in 3 minutes I'm sorry to tell you but you are just a bad killer, if that's how your games go you are not even close to top MMR. Watch any good killers gameplay, like Ayrun, Otz, Hens, or ayone else and they literally win more than half of their games with an average duration of 8-13 minutes

    • @Anonymous12082
      @Anonymous12082 18 дней назад

      ​@@maximonure5413 Ah yes, I'm just a bad killer. Really gives off that "Trust me bro, I'm a killer main too." type of energy. Buddy, survivors getting gens done really fast despite the killer doing everything right IS high MMR. How good you are is irrelevant to fucking gen speed. Total match time is different from the time it takes to do gens. I've seen plenty of the people you're talking about go through the same thing. If this isn't happening to you then you're the one who isn't playing at high MMR, and just projecting how bad you are.
      Otz huh? okay, here's a match he played that resembles the type of survivors I go against, and how fast survivors get gens done in my matches, except I get a few hooks and sometimes a kill before the gens are done, where as otz gets no hooks before the gens are done in this match.
      You called me bad probably because you assume I lose those games that I'm talking about but you'd be wrong. I actually win most of my matches. The fact that I, and many other killers still win doesn't mean gens aren't too fast. It's super annoying and unbalanced.

  • @joescott1526
    @joescott1526 2 года назад +25

    That map contributed significantly to the games gen speed. It’s not a reasonably balanced map. Too far to walk, gens are super spread out, plenty of decent tiles for survivors. Outside of them throwing the game, there wasn’t much a killer clown could do.
    Gen speed was not the only issue this game.

    • @DarthRane113
      @DarthRane113 2 года назад +2

      It was the primary issue and the survivors have to run to each gen too it's not just the killer .

    • @whoudini7935
      @whoudini7935 2 года назад

      Also adding to the fact that he was basically playing with no perks as well.

  • @justinrivera9206
    @justinrivera9206 2 года назад +33

    It’s crazy it took them under 4 minutes to complete all the gens and basically handed a 4 man escape and they were all horrible in chase. There was no skill contributing towards the position they were put in.

    • @tanderson1480
      @tanderson1480 2 года назад

      Yeah not one of them lasted long in chase

  • @austinandersen1627
    @austinandersen1627 2 года назад +10

    This is my first TrueTalent video in a while and wow these survivors keep getting more efficient and the devs are saying we “think” gens speed a problem lmaooo

    • @smileybones9172
      @smileybones9172 2 года назад

      How many years of them refusing to touch gens speeds did it finally take for them to finally add 50 seconds to a match? It only cost several gen regression perks getting destroyed, but they finally did it rofl

    • @smileybones9172
      @smileybones9172 2 года назад

      @Lock Bresnar nope, they're still crying about it. Just some of them went on to actually be good at the game.

  • @philliptrepczynski3679
    @philliptrepczynski3679 2 года назад +15

    I'm curious on everyone's opinion, would it make more sense for survivors have to do six gens? Would that help with the balance in the game? I mean they want it designed for killers to do 12 hooks, why not half the amount for gens?

    • @balla_lemon
      @balla_lemon 2 года назад +2


    • @Gromp987
      @Gromp987 2 года назад +3

      Great idea,not sure why I've never seen it mentioned before

    • @xx2r
      @xx2r 2 года назад +1

      that could definitely work for sure, if they bumped up the overall map gens to 8 instead of 7, that way you dont get insane 2 gen strats but i like this idea

  • @CrimsonPoseidon
    @CrimsonPoseidon 2 года назад +10

    I quit the game ages ago won’t be coming back unless they change some big things. Still watch and support as much as I can tho!

    • @themuffinman7656
      @themuffinman7656 2 года назад

      What do you think of the new patch going to come out then ?

  • @AyJayStyles
    @AyJayStyles 2 года назад +5

    I tried a new off-meta build of perks/addons on my Spirit last night, streamed for the first time in 3 months. I know I was a little bit rusty since I haven't used her in a while but jesus christ the gens were all done in 4 minutes on Red Forest. I ended with 3 hooks and didn't really get to enjoy the new build (No slowdown and no MDR/Cherry Blossom/Furin). 4 Iron Wills, 4 Dead Hards, 2 Prove Thyselfs and of course UB/DS.
    Even when I made the right reads in phase they were able to E to safety at safe tiles in the corner jungle gyms where I was forced to either commit and waste time while hearing gens pop or leave to go pressure the ones rotating around with Prove. I look forward to trying this upcoming patch because I'm absolutely done with feeling forced to run the same cookie-cutter slowdown builds to apply band-aids to poor gen/map/tile designs
    If I commit for extended amounts of time on a good looper to secure a hook I'd be considered bad
    If I drop chase at obvious god pallets to go pressure the gens deep across the map and it still pops I'd be considered bad
    If I ignore gens entirely and tunnel the 1st person out I'm considered boring, bad or both
    If I camp the first hook the gens pop even faster than they already are and I'd still be considered bad with a potential 1k
    If I say fuck it and stack meta win or lose I still perpetuate the cycle and get gaslit into feeling bad about the rule book
    I really hope in this upcoming patch the game feels better basekit for both sides of the game. I'm okay with losing, but it rubs me the wrong way how RNG and meta can really sway the outcome way too far in either side's favor regardless of how well you play individually

    • @whoudini7935
      @whoudini7935 2 года назад

      That just seems like a map problem more than anything else. Since a spirit only getting 3 hooks is rough (idk how you played but assuming you played well only 3 hooks as spirit must mean it was a map problem).

  • @jacam0074
    @jacam0074 2 года назад +8

    Prove Thyself honestly needs a nerf. 15% for two people repairing a generator is insane. Honestly should be 7%.

    • @nunziosapio1225
      @nunziosapio1225 2 года назад

      But it does not apply to those who use the perk or am I wrong?

    • @MixaCat
      @MixaCat 2 года назад

      Only for 1, not for 2

    • @MiraculousMilk
      @MiraculousMilk 2 года назад

      @@nunziosapio1225 it applies to you and another survivor on the same gen.

    • @eggmin8967
      @eggmin8967 2 года назад

      @@MiraculousMilk no it doesnt still cracked tho

  • @Zephsan
    @Zephsan 2 года назад +12

    I honestly don't get the "this happened because you camped a second stage" Clown moves from hook 1 to trying to stop the house gen with in 18 seconds most of which is travel time. the movement could of been a little cleaner but he does make progress that direction while gleaning for info with a yellow bottle. From 3 gens to 1 gens happens in 30 seconds. even if he didn't go back to the hook and knew for certain what gens they were on he at best can stop 1 gen with the travel times on this map. after which he has 4 survivors up one gen at at least 80% done and a shit gen spread. His next chase even if it goes really really well and is sub 20 seconds he is loosing the other 2 gens. People are delusional if they think this could of been prevented by leaving the hook. As for the "what did you expect you didn't take regression perks" literally what you are saying is the base game can only start to become balanced with perks and that Regression is mandatory to have a chance. If something is mandatory it should be a base part of the game.

    • @cypherpunk121
      @cypherpunk121 5 месяцев назад

      Agreed. People are delusional. gen speed is way too fast.

  • @Enum995
    @Enum995 2 года назад

    this was one of you most satisfying vids in a while

  • @eckojay2192
    @eckojay2192 2 года назад

    The circus music in the background as you analyze the gen speed makes it

  • @chekitatheanimatedskeptic6314
    @chekitatheanimatedskeptic6314 2 года назад

    The data would be generator/hook rate. To win a game before doors are powered you need 2,4 hooks per generator for 12 hooks total which is usually the Merciless game, harder than simply killing them.

  • @MauricioY_
    @MauricioY_ 2 года назад +3

    Woww… that’s why Corrupt intervention is a must & most probably will continue so after the next update/nerf on it.

    • @rabbyd542
      @rabbyd542 2 года назад +1

      Survivors will probably wait until their team is spread out near gens and then get downed on purpose to get rid of corrupt.

  • @DV-zv4ox
    @DV-zv4ox 2 года назад +1

    This trial is a great example of what's actually wrong with DbD right now - gen speeds are just too fast (I say this as a player who plays survivor and killer about equal). The end result is three of the survivors hump gens for most of the match and either throw during egc or just escape. It also results in the killer either have to camp and tunnel/slug or just open the exit gate and let them all out. BHVR have to implement a new objective in the match - I've heard other streamers talk about a fuel can, kind of like Sadako's tapes that you have to go and collect at the other side of the map if you are the first survivor to touch that gen. Until you grab that fuel can and install it, it can either greatly reduce gen repair speed, make it super loud and noisy so the killer has more information and also give way more frequent/difficult skill checks with no "great" zone.
    Another neat idea would be if you have a second survivor on a gen, they receive far more skill checks than the first survivor and they are much more difficult. If you have a third on the gen they basically get tremendous skill checks nonstop and the incentive to rush it is greatly minimized. Just a couple ideas.

  • @spencerbowden2979
    @spencerbowden2979 2 года назад +5

    Survivors already have the easiest objective in the world and on top of that map rng tends to hold their hands 75% of the time roughly.
    We need to down tone a lot of the tiles survivors get on these maps such as fricken cow tree between 2 jungle gyms.
    Two double L walls spawning back to back.
    And don’t even get me started on how unfair the game is with its zero mindgame ability m1 wise

  • @Murasame13
    @Murasame13 2 года назад +2

    I just played 2 games in a row that were absolutely horrendous. I had absolutely no fun at all. Ruin was cleansed, 3 gens were done, and a boon was placed by the time I was able to find and hit one survivor through all the god pallets. That was a farm map of course. Another farm map and I was only able to get a few hooks before end game and I was forced to face camp for a 2k which just felt awful. Genuinely horrible feeling experience.

    • @robjohnson4906
      @robjohnson4906 2 года назад

      Which killer?

    • @vini-ix8yt
      @vini-ix8yt 2 года назад

      thats why I only play blight, spirit or nurse.
      Sometimes artist, pyramid head and oni thats it.
      Dont play weak killers its just so painful and unfun.
      Dont run ruin, after the new patch this perk is going to be dog shit.

    • @ButtersDBD
      @ButtersDBD 2 года назад

      Honestly farm maps are the worst. So many safe pallets and jungle gyms and on top of that the fucking corn

  • @Axumm96
    @Axumm96 2 года назад

    shows how important is corrupt intervention on a killer

  • @GrimmsDeath
    @GrimmsDeath 2 года назад +1

    Being a lower ranked casual player, if I am about to kill everyone and no gens are done, I basically start playing around. Had a game were 1 person was doing all the work and was able to loop so I rewarded them by intentionally letting them live and because their team was terrible, I punished them. That's the kinda gameplay you can do at lower levels but I still get Try Hard SWF's that I have to outplay and are all efficient. I love the chill game because It gives me a chance to be nice and show the community isn't toxic on the killer side of things to newer/weaker players who are there for a fun game. Granted I do use meta perks and recently got a build going on Trickster to be able to have a second killer other than Nemesis built up because playing exclusively him was getting boring but thankfully rank reset gave me enough blood points to set trickster up.

  • @Datdudestone
    @Datdudestone 2 года назад +15

    Just goes to show you no matter how good you are of a killer, as long as survivors are efficient on gens, there’s nothing you can do.

    • @theweirdo61
      @theweirdo61 2 года назад +16

      throw in survivors that know how to loop and you're absolutely screwed, and you'll get t-bagged at every safe/god pallet. If they are swf, then you'll get 0 kills regardless.

    • @theweirdo61
      @theweirdo61 2 года назад +2

      @PUFB Unfortunately, I used to go against top ranked survivors/swfs and I tried all that but they were all too efficient running all the meta perks (ds, unbreakable, adrenaline), they would literally just run circles in front of me. I just gave up and started mostly playing survivor. Although I did enjoy the odd game or 2 where the survivors were really bad/chill

    • @erg1947
      @erg1947 2 года назад +3

      To be fair, he's playing Clown, a killer so weak Tru3 used to consider him the worst in the game. If he was playing as Nurse or Blight it'd be a different story. That's part of the problem of balancing the game, sure you could nerf survivors to let top players playing as weak killers have a chance against top survivors but then top survivors won't have a chance going against top players playing as strong killers.

    • @Camelotsmoon
      @Camelotsmoon 2 года назад +1

      @@erg1947 Would it though? He walked around for 20 seconds looking for someone, chased her for 45 seconds, took 20 seconds to hook her and by then that's what? 1 minute and 25 seconds in game? They finished all the gens in 3 minutes and 45 seconds, so that's what? 1 minute and 20 seconds left in the game already? Like how much more time could've nurse extended the game? Another minute or two?

    • @erg1947
      @erg1947 2 года назад +1

      @@Camelotsmoon are you seriously arguing if a killer that can beat comp squads can do anything about gen speeds? Also, Tru3 didn't even have slowdown perks this game.

  • @IvIRavenIxI
    @IvIRavenIxI 2 года назад +19

    It blew my mind hearing a logical argument that included intent at the beginning of the video. You don’t really hear logical arguments in English anymore. Always so much emotion. Usually people consider anything that hurts someone else’s feelings as toxic, no matter what the intention was.

  • @Kayledon777
    @Kayledon777 Год назад

    They were roleplaying with total immersion: Speedrunning to GET OUTTA HERE

  • @Demon0228
    @Demon0228 2 года назад +7

    I’m not keeping my hopes up this next patch will allow me to enjoy the game without 4 slowdown perks

    • @sosamanotf642
      @sosamanotf642 2 года назад +4

      Bro, they’re literally nerfing all the ducking regression perks. It’s gonna be a nightmare.

    • @widmo550
      @widmo550 2 года назад

      @@sosamanotf642 nerf of ruin is something terrible, one thing - you can find it fast if you know totem spawns and now regression speed is trash lol

  • @Zaynne13
    @Zaynne13 2 года назад +2

    Dw they’re making it so it’ll take 3 minutes 50seconds after patch :)

  • @axinmortal
    @axinmortal 2 года назад

    the hook on what gen data, if you ask any high mmr killer is the same.
    Against top top majority will be 1 hook either on 0 gens done or 2-3 gens done and hooks like 4-12 will be after all gens are done. Thats what SHOULD happen in most cases (except god nurse, god blight, or huge fuck up from a surv) under the current numbers of the game.
    50s more will do literally nothing to fix that.

  • @Scr9tch
    @Scr9tch 2 года назад

    Now that I’ve come back to the game and have been playing in the lower ranks, I can tell the developers are just making it easier for new players. My friends who never played the game were complaining about how slow the gens are, how quick the killer is etc.

  • @CaptToilet
    @CaptToilet 2 года назад +1

    I mean they call him 4k freddy for a reason. He will either 4k kill or 4k escape. Either way it's a 4k

  • @bouncyblight2001
    @bouncyblight2001 2 года назад +1

    I feel like something they should do is make it where survivors can only do 2 gens at a time. All other gens are blocked but as soon as a survivor hops off the gen the entity will unblock the other gens. Idk I think it’s kinda bs how 1 survivor can loop the killer while 3 other survivors get 3 gens done

  • @lapisinfernalis9052
    @lapisinfernalis9052 2 года назад

    I see this so often: Gens fly, but then the team gets overconfident and dies.

  • @peleq86
    @peleq86 2 года назад +2

    No perks, items or addons needed, SoloQ - all their objective done in 3 and a half minutes. This means it CAN be done even quicker, in a SWF for example, with more coordination, toolboxes and addons (not even counting perks, because I assume a proper squad would choose other perks, because why choose something "kinda" strong when you can use a god perk). However yes, killers "feel" like the gens are going too fast, but we're unable to determine the issue at that point in time...
    Anyway, we have noticed that some killer players tend to gravitate towards gen slowdown perks, therefore we will be killing all of those perks to shake up the meta a little bit. In addition to that, BT will now be base-kit. This change has been made in hopes that Survivors can play the game without being limited to anti-camp&tunnel perks in order for them to enjoy the game.

    • @tizianonakamader8177
      @tizianonakamader8177 2 года назад

      I bet my 3 cents that nothing will change … they also added 2 stack of save the best to killers and endurance effects are not stackable if the survivor is in deep wound , so if you bring save the best and use it correctly you will still be able to tunnel.

  • @dyskilz
    @dyskilz 2 года назад +3

    Sadly this feels like every single game I play, and I play DeathSlinger so honestly I see why nobody plays him anymore. He’s just so weak

  • @MrThepwnerz
    @MrThepwnerz 2 года назад

    No gen defense and creates no pressure

  • @RETYQ
    @RETYQ 2 года назад

    My favorite is- there is no hex clown…. Undying, retribution, haunted and thrill of the hunt :) funny when they realize just don’t cleanse

  • @juuzoucronastrange7321
    @juuzoucronastrange7321 2 года назад

    What crazy is this was three people with out toolbox’s or maxed out gen rush build cause he was in chase with Meg from the get go

  • @tyha1903
    @tyha1903 2 года назад

    They built a very nice snowman

  • @sebastianduran7951
    @sebastianduran7951 2 года назад

    I don’t know if you noticed Tru3, but when you thought the last gen popped, it wasn’t done, they just made the sound, then later on, they actually popped the gen and that’s how the girl got up with adrenaline

  • @sigmundphelps7959
    @sigmundphelps7959 2 года назад +1

    Lmao when you said ”we think”. Lmfao

  • @ValentinoJanic
    @ValentinoJanic 2 года назад

    Loving that beard length. Keep it growing

  • @blazeyprime4470
    @blazeyprime4470 2 года назад +1

    It's not a balance update, it is a slow the death update

  • @ForeverDorian
    @ForeverDorian 2 года назад +2

    Game will continue to be this way till they add another objective
    That's what is good about Ashe vs Evil Dead, they have multiple objectives and it's hard to just rush them all...you can't just win the game in 3 minutes

    • @jamesticknor1134
      @jamesticknor1134 2 года назад

      And even if they do, poor equipment can mean death.

  • @jakob18DK
    @jakob18DK 2 года назад

    This is the main reason im not playing dbd not toxic people but shitty short games that feels over before started

  • @dennischauhan_dc2964
    @dennischauhan_dc2964 2 года назад

    I think the devs should give a base corrupt that blocks atleast 2 farthest gen

  • @johnathangee1161
    @johnathangee1161 2 года назад

    What's the killer meta gonna be after this update comes??? They nerfed most of the gen defense perks

  • @Demonsouls1993
    @Demonsouls1993 2 года назад +1

    we dont think they are to quick they are to quick and this video and many others out there prove it

  • @zachreed9836
    @zachreed9836 2 года назад +2

    You know it's absolutely hilarious in a lot of cases so despite all the overwhelming advantages games like this do happen where survivors are winning and yet they still manage to lose it's kind of sad.

    • @TheDuckQ.
      @TheDuckQ. 2 года назад

      A lot of the lower tier killer's kits can only really shine when survivors make mistakes. That's why they tend to be absolute trash when survivors are competent since they'll make less for those killers to capitalize off of.
      These guys if they just stuck to being efficient and avoided Tru3, they easily could've had 3 of them escape minimum, 4 if they knew how to save safely.

    • @zachreed9836
      @zachreed9836 2 года назад +1

      @@TheDuckQ. you know what they say greed kills

  • @justinesagan178
    @justinesagan178 2 года назад +1

    I haven't played this game in 3 months. My first game back as killer I played demo that has 0 hours and I went up against a comp swf and couldn't get 1 hook. Why is this game not balanced? I took a long break for a reason. Now I know I can't play this game at all anymore and uninstalled. Anyone got any recommendations for new survival horror games?

    • @johnbuchanan7676
      @johnbuchanan7676 2 года назад

      Dang did I just play you? Lol I played like a demo like half an hour ago that didn’t get a hook. He was brand new though not sure what’s going on. He only had three perks

  • @chalindunn5796
    @chalindunn5796 2 года назад

    They should make it to where if you’re in a team of two with two randoms, it’d make each gen 5sec more. 3 in a team? Do 7.5 seconds. Lastly if there’s a full stack, make it 10 seconds more per gen. This way, soloists don’t have a harder time.
    Also: if there are two teams of two, it should be treated as a 3 person team

  • @russrtspooling7702
    @russrtspooling7702 2 года назад +3

    my question is how do they think this is ok for the gens to go that fast... its crazy how much power they give survivors... this game literally has no threat to survivors and its missing the whole point to this game of fear so yea this game is doomed its only a matter of time.

  • @Camelotsmoon
    @Camelotsmoon 2 года назад +1

    14:17 and people are complaining that they want longer matches 😂.. make gens harder to complete, that's the way they'll get longer matches.

  • @mint5438
    @mint5438 9 месяцев назад

    I came into this video expecting it to be released like 5 days ago-
    What the hell is going on at bhvr

  • @Adrieeness
    @Adrieeness 2 года назад +1

    I mean.. simply hook the survivors man, cmon, it's so easy.
    *insert Patrick shrug meme here*

  • @Wizardbeard91
    @Wizardbeard91 2 года назад +1

    If I'm on ghostface this happens to me almost every game

    • @twist6039
      @twist6039 2 года назад

      As ghostface main I could say depends on your perk and playstyle

    • @Wizardbeard91
      @Wizardbeard91 2 года назад

      @@twist6039 I mean you could get your free sneak hit then chase or you could stalk and one shot them either way takes the same amount of time losing the same amount of gens you have to hit multiple people quickly and interrupt heals and try to force altruism sure you could bring a 4 slowdown build but all that's doing is winning more if they are gunna Gen rush you there is little to nothing you can do about it on ghostface

    • @twist6039
      @twist6039 2 года назад

      @@Wizardbeard91 true but if you add sloppy butcher and nurse calling with 2 slowdowns, you be surprised how easy it is to win but everything else in high rank is bad.

  • @genghiscan2918
    @genghiscan2918 2 года назад +1

    Gotta love teams that are so altruistic that they actively hurt themselves. I call them "Autoimmune Disease SWF"

  • @chuugummy5611
    @chuugummy5611 2 года назад

    I want my team like this

  • @BaldorfBreakdowns
    @BaldorfBreakdowns 2 года назад

    I'd like to see the average gen speeds.

  • @DragonflyCis
    @DragonflyCis 2 года назад +1

    I dont have the killers that give gen protection perks. This is my day to day without the massive flop at the end.

  • @tonyangelo9109
    @tonyangelo9109 2 года назад

    Who else wants my man to post more: “act/get toxic” clips?

  • @inertia179
    @inertia179 Месяц назад

    Looks like it's twilight

  • @corvette9218
    @corvette9218 2 года назад +6

    I dont understand when they were nerfing the meta perks why prove thyself wasnt among them.

    • @sosamanotf642
      @sosamanotf642 2 года назад

      Because that would be too many survivor perks

    • @bleeem
      @bleeem 2 года назад +2

      i always use prove thyself, that shit really does not need to be that strong, having 1 teamate doing gens with you already almost cuts the time by half, having an extra 15% speed is overkill.

    • @corvette9218
      @corvette9218 2 года назад +2

      @@bleeem same but hey lets nerf self care even more instead.

  • @konspiri
    @konspiri 2 года назад

    perfectly balanced

  • @omega5455
    @omega5455 2 года назад

    what they really need to do is remove safe pallets and make all big maps way smaller, i know someones gonna say they wont because of nurse, then make nurses blinks go less far, simple fix

  • @Miguel_killa
    @Miguel_killa 2 года назад

    Im sure is high
    gens done are faster than hooks

  • @MrSachmoe17
    @MrSachmoe17 2 года назад

    Shows the power of only 2-3 survivors on gens from the start. This is why swf has 1-2 strong chasers then 2 who just knock gens out. Easy escapes

  • @skylarotten
    @skylarotten 2 года назад

    yep thats just efficiency, 1 PT no tool boxes
    i've seen them fly even faster on wreckers yard
    the most fair map btw. lol

  • @tanderson1480
    @tanderson1480 2 года назад

    Yesterday against a TTV stacked squad with great toolboxes they done 3 gens in 2 minutes by the time I got my first hook
    ( on gideons as Sadako )
    I ended up coming back after I played nasty and they 3 gen’d themselves but by god it’s sweaty

  • @drs4983
    @drs4983 2 года назад +2

    Also Tru3: camps 1st survivor

    • @-reptunneler6485
      @-reptunneler6485 2 года назад

      What do you want him to do? defend that 1 gen?

  • @imcuh9318
    @imcuh9318 Год назад

    How I tunneling and camping not toxic? I tunnel and camp and it’s toxic

  • @icewater6050
    @icewater6050 2 года назад

    I hate that they gave up on the “early game slowdown” idea. Gens should go atleast 25% slower for the first 90 seconds or until a killer gets their first down, because if you play in a swf you can literally just throw prethrow pallets at the beginning (without looping) and that it is often enough time to get 3 gens done if everyone is split up.

  • @HermodVR
    @HermodVR Год назад

    Gen´s Were done in 3 Minutes and 46 Seconds.

  • @rabbyd542
    @rabbyd542 2 года назад +2

    These are the games I get all the time. Either this or the team I go against is pure garbage and it's boring either way. There seems to be no in between.

  • @PublicWifi
    @PublicWifi Год назад +1

    As always, the devs will cater to survivors.

    • @lossy369
      @lossy369 3 месяца назад

      but u know why they do it right? they need survivor players, they are 4/5 of the playerbase, killers are only 1/5 ( 4 survivors 1 killer )

  • @jordankibbee3441
    @jordankibbee3441 2 года назад +3

    I would love to see that data..... Problem is theoretically killer is stronger as game goes on so the majority of the kills should be later in match. It still would be nice to see because honestly I just want to know it feels like on either side most kills come in end game because of altruism like that game they could easily had 3 escape they died from altruism points really should be factor in balancing. If half the kills are from that like I think they are is a problem.

    • @taleladar
      @taleladar 2 года назад +1

      Well yes, I do agree the killer is much stronger at the end of a match, when the survivors are bored and looking for more to do, and throw themselves at the killer and the hook for more altruism points....

    • @jordankibbee3441
      @jordankibbee3441 2 года назад


  • @Ieokk
    @Ieokk Год назад +1

    well done bhvr, 10 extra seconds to the gens, but nerfed every other perk, hex are shit and get erased in MINUTES, and also everyone uses prove thyself now

  • @CharityDiary
    @CharityDiary 2 года назад +1

    Btw a 2k isn't "balanced". If two entire survivors escaped, you kinda got stomped on. I'd say a balanced game would be where all gens get done but 3 survivors get sacrificed.

  • @swiftfoxmark2
    @swiftfoxmark2 2 года назад +1

    I will say that this is slightly above average, but a mediocre team can get 5 gens done and the gates opened in about five minutes on average. The 10 seconds will help but not too much. Generators should probably take 3 minutes solo or Corrupt Intervention should be basekit for killers.

    • @FranticHerbs
      @FranticHerbs 2 года назад

      If this was a mediocre team and he couldn't do anything to press gens? What can we say about the killer?

  • @dbdHeiz
    @dbdHeiz 2 года назад +1

    Damn! they really tunneled those gens, I mean, just bc gens don't have feelings it doesn't mean it's not tunneling, i know, it's their objective, same as killer (killing survs), so survivors shouldn't complain when a killer tunnels, bc they also tunnel gens 🤷🏻 so yeah, they just let Meg go 2nd stage bc they were really tunneling those gens!!

  • @l_incubo
    @l_incubo Год назад +1

    desgusting, that's all i can say (90% of my matches are like this no matter how many slowdowns i bring)

  • @BlackKamenRider
    @BlackKamenRider 2 года назад

    Main killers suffer everyday

  • @critzcraig3901
    @critzcraig3901 2 года назад

    My guy your beard lookin thicc can't lie

  • @RemixOfCourse
    @RemixOfCourse 2 года назад

    wow good video

  • @getbadge9150
    @getbadge9150 2 года назад +1

    Just pressure gens lol

  • @blaizekennedy8628
    @blaizekennedy8628 2 года назад

    Make gens take longer to do or another way to start the gen

  • @nasirthesenatejohnson6935
    @nasirthesenatejohnson6935 2 года назад

    I'm no DBD pro, but I'm sure meme builds aren't meant to stop generators

  • @GeneticallyEngineeredCatgirls
    @GeneticallyEngineeredCatgirls Год назад

    1 prove thyself and no toolboxes? I think they cheated, no way it was natural, especially considering we know at least 2 of them were not on gens most of the time.

  • @eddybauer7089
    @eddybauer7089 Год назад

    Maybe you'd have some gen pressure if you didnt camp from the first hook. The way to beat camping is to rush gens, what do you want survivors to do?

  • @kougaprowess4698
    @kougaprowess4698 2 года назад +1

    This team was gen efficient but I still never could understand the survivor mentality once all gens are powered not to open exit gates and escape when they give killers more kills than what they normally would get vs survivors that focus on escaping after all gens are done.
    This match should’ve been 0k or 1k at best but to give 4ks better to uninstall the game!

    • @rabbyd542
      @rabbyd542 2 года назад

      Because even they know how boring it is and they're trying to do something vaguely entertaining.

  • @TheCastigathor
    @TheCastigathor 2 года назад +1

    the survivors only are perks, they dont need skill to win...

  • @reksustv
    @reksustv 10 месяцев назад +2

    And people somehow thing this game is killer sided, big yikes

  • @luistrevino3258
    @luistrevino3258 2 года назад +1

    I think this game was one of the "extreme" cases for their analytics. They must be focusing in the normal distribution of the game results, the most average games, for all their decisions, and leave the top and bottom 5% out. Though is REALLY interesting watching this extreme cases in high MMR which show almost TAS gameplay, I doubt the devs will act around them.

  • @craigmilton1497
    @craigmilton1497 Год назад

    I've been saying for ages that prove thyself is too strong at every mmr

  • @HexMe336
    @HexMe336 2 года назад

    Smh just gave him a 4k

  • @mr.officialkir
    @mr.officialkir 2 года назад

    They can do them even faster with toolboxes bnp n all prove they selves n the incompetent devs think 10 seconds will do anything

  • @dennischauhan_dc2964
    @dennischauhan_dc2964 2 года назад

    4 gens in 2:22?
    Bruh imagine if they had Toolboxes

  • @Maitredebo2
    @Maitredebo2 2 года назад

    It's your fault, you don't use your FREE regression by hooking them ! This is madness

  • @LilReap1169
    @LilReap1169 2 года назад +1

    Been saying this for years this game is such a F*CKIN JOKE!

  • @octaviank1287
    @octaviank1287 2 года назад +2

    you got these killer main saps eating out of your hands tru3ta1ent. give them more 'poor poor me' scenarios then continue to 4k all the way to the bank. hahaha.

  • @getbadge9150
    @getbadge9150 2 года назад

    No need to worry about this any more there gonna add 10 more seconds to gens while nerfing literally every decent regression perk😄

  • @Swanzo
    @Swanzo 2 года назад +2

    Better nerf those gen slow downs.....

    • @dyn.z0
      @dyn.z0 2 года назад

      They nerfed gen slowdowns to 1. Change up the meta and 2. Because killer got a bunch of base kit buffs and they have to compensate. A “stale meta” is one of the main things y’all complain about but then they change the meta and you still complain

    • @Swanzo
      @Swanzo 2 года назад

      @@dyn.z0 first off the base kit buffs will make hardly any difference. Have you seen any of the comparison videos before and after? Second killers have not been complaining about stale meta just shit meta. 1 hook and 5 gens done wtf? If gens are going even faster there will be a mass exodus of killers and you survivor mains will be bitching about long queue times.