Romantic Love

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Romantic Love
    1. Ever since they are babies, people desperately need to be loved, to receive love, and the less love they receive, the more they crave for it subsequently and in their adult lives.
    2. Those who have not received love adequately during their childhood tend to experience negative emotions such as being neglected, ignored, oppressed, poor, humiliated, etc. and, as they grow up, they tend to try obsessively to achieve wealth, power, fame and status (WPFS) to compensate for their childhood ‘s unhappy experiences.
    3. Those who have received an adequate amount of love during their childhood tend to lead a more balanced happy adult lives, without the obsessive need to achieve WPFS. It is the obsessive desire to overcompensate their childhood shortcomings or inferiorities that tends to cause people to be selfish, or self-centred, a word with different meaning from self-love.
    4. While there are as many different kinds of love as the number of different objects of love, the love people need to receive the most is the love between a man and a woman, and let call this love the romantic love.
    5. While to get love from the member of the opposite sex both women and men try to make themselves physically attractive (e.g. good facial features and pleasing smells) and to cultivate skills or personality traits which are pleasing to the other sex, men, rather than women, also think that their success in achieving WPFS will also make them attractive to the other sex.
    6. The most effective way to receive enduring romantic love is to be lovable rather than merely to be physically attractive or successful in achieving WPFS.
    7. Probably the best way to be lovable is to and learn and practice what the Apostle Paul teaches in the following Bible passage in how to love.:
    8. Apostle Paul tells people how to love in 1 Corinthian 13:4-7
    9. “ 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
    10. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
    11. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
    12. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres”.
    13. Let me repeat. The problem of love is one of loving rather than being loved. Once people know how to give love, it is likely that they will succeed in receiving the love they need.
    14. Let us now take a closer look at romantic love.
    15. True romantic love involves four basic elements: care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge.
    16. Eric Fromm thinks loving is an art just like painting, sculpture, music, architecture. I do not think so. To me, loving is the desire to make the love object happy, healthy, secure, contented, fulfilled.
    17. There is a joy in giving happiness to someone you love and you may receive love in return, but there is no guarantee that this would happen.
    18. Furthermore, to please someone, there is the difficult question of knowing what he/she wants or needs. Wise people may want what they need. This may not be the case generally case.
    19. What is the difference between love and like.
    20. Liking someone means that you are happy being with that person, while loving someone means that you absolutely cannot bear to be without that person.
    21. All in all, the basic difference between love and like has something to do with the depth of your emotion towards somebody.
    22. The process of falling in love
    23. When you meet someone, lock eyes with them from across the room.
    24. Then, after going on a few dates and getting to know her/him, you start to like her/him and wait for her/him to text.
    • Then, if you continue to date, you keep hoping you'll have that "let's be exclusive" conversation. Then, finally, you're in a relationship. You've been dating for a few months.
    • Does this mean you are in love yet rather than just liking her/her? Here's how to tell the difference between liking and loving someone.
    • Liking someone usually happens quickly. But loving someone is a slow process that is built on a healthy foundation.
    • Loving someone is developed over a long time and through many seasons of life, whereas liking someone a lot is an obsessive feeling.
    • When we fall in love with someone, it also tends to be a chemical roller coaster and can affect us physically more than "liking" someone can.
    25. As time passes, the intensity of love may decline but does not disappear Happy couples in love continue to feel peaceful, confident, empowered, and other positive feelings.
    26. True romantic love is an active power which breaks through the walls which separate him/her from another person, with love making him/her overcoming the sense of isolation and separateness,
    27. Yet, at the same time permitting him/her to be himself/herself, to retain his/her integrity. Thus, in love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two.

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