This is scary. Rich people pay politicians to make sure they get access to taxpayer funds first when banks shutter or they're in jeopardy of losing all their money. I feel bad for the lowest paid workers that may be affected, but not CEO's. A lot of them have created this abusive corporate pay structure where they are paid 300 to 400 percent the salary of entry level workers. Most add very little value. They posture and perform with speeches, meetings, and excessive travel to provide the appearance of working hard. It's a con.
Very true , I diversified my $400K portfolio across multiple market with the aid of an investment advisor, I have been able to generate over $900k in net profit across high dividend yield stocks, ETF and bonds in few months.
@@jamesgeorge5896 haha, You know Sofia Erailda Sema? crazy! I appreciate every single second of the six month I worked with her. She is such an amazing woman, patient and down to earth teacher my next monetary goal is leverage trading and I'll be starting with Sofia’s strategy! i have heard many positive reviews from my Co-workers since the recent dumps.
This is REAL and totally outrageous!! The wealth inequality in the US is disgusting. Those who never experienced poverty have NO CLUE what low-income people go through. THANK YOU, Democracy Today!
The wealth inequality exist because of democrat handouts allow people to have resources without takeing skilled labor you can drop out of school get a low skilled job and get subsidized housing food assistance and free healthcare and then blame the orthopedic surgeon who after going to college maney years and working long hours for earning 400000 a year
If you want to start a business and get ahead, you almost have to be connected / rich already to get ahead. It’s horrible. They make it so hard with so much bureaucracy. You are right. I think we need to have more jobs. Besides cheap labor and more jobs for everyone. Some states the biggest jobs are from Walmart. It’s depressing
Matthew Desmond, f*cking brilliant, man! You NAILED it!! Poverty is not inevitable, IT IS A CHOICE America makes to guard the fortunes of the wealthy at the expense (literally!!) of the poor. I'm buying your book today to learn more...
Poverty is because we're feeding Americans drugs coming through our borders and teaching them to live off the government. We have more addicts/alcoholics on our streets than ever before, exponentially. Then we tell everyone that America is too expensive to live in so live off the government. NO ONE, IS WILLING TO WORK HARD ANYMORE . Americans are the weakest humans on this planet. Stop whining and everyone go back to work to support your damn families!! Become home of the brave and land of the free again. We've lost all honor in what it means to live in this beautiful country.
As a seventy-two-year-old American the thought of a person being a billionaire was almost unimaginable but today here in America we have multi billionaire bordering on having a trillionaire by mid-century.
Back when you were born, anyone with 71428571 dollars was a billionaire by today's standards. The entitlements your generation stole from mine reduced the money and lessened its impact. Oh, you thought social security, taking money away from future generations, was a good idea? Look at all the inflation, all the deaths from poverty. Thanks, boomers.
"I want a country that does a lot more to fight poverty, than it does to guard fortunes" -Matthew Desmond, Sociologist and Author of "Evicted". Bravo sir, bravo 👏👏❤❤👏👏❤❤👏
I just want to say that I rented out a 3 bedroom house I own in AZ to a Hispanic family of 6 who had no credit and were illegal. I rented it to them for only 1000 bucks a month because I care about children and human beings... My house was valued at 225 grand when they moved in. And it's now valued at 312 grand because of the work they did on my house at their own expense. They planted citrus trees in my backyard. Set up a watering system. Replaced the garage door. Re-paved my driveway and sealed it and fixed every electrical problem... They were the hardest working most honest and kind people I've ever met. We remain friends to this day.
Brilliant voice indeed . When i heard Amy narrate from prof desmond a line, that strike me hard , Brought tears flowing immediately. My grandfather, a peasant. among peassnts , (thats not hyperbole) , who i nevet met, said this to his 3 young son , my father was the youngest . Trsnslating to english, THE POOR ALWAYS PAY MORE and EAT the MOST. EXPENSIVE. low. Quality. RICE , just to put a little food into the stomach to stave off starvation. 1 meal a day is the norm . That is poor , And they aren't just farmers, they take piece-meal jobs home to earn a bit of extra money . - Didn't understand it when i was very young then, but by mid teen, i understand it FULLY , on why , , why my father and uncles are quite frugal on msny things . I appreciate FRUGAL then, till now .
When I married, we converted my condo to a rental. We maintained an affordable rent, lower than others in the neighborhood, and didn't increase rents until our tenants moved. Over 30 years, we had only 2 of the 8 tenants did not leave the place in a state where we didn't have to spend thousands on repairs and cleaning. The last tenants cost us $25K in damages. "It's a rental" was the attitude. We live in the Bay Area (CA) -- we were done! So, now the person buying our unit increased the rents by 75%. Teaching people how to treat other people's belongings would go a long way in growing good landlords as well as good renters.
This is why I didn't invest in rental properties. My ex had one, they never paid the rent and when he finally got them evicted, they had completed destroyed the property. Took everything, cabinets, toilets, copper, and then wiped poo all over the walls and floors.
@@HerMajesty1 I'm so sorry that happened to you! Even with professional screeners (we have a professional management company doing it), you can still get a "unfit" renter. The last one we had worked, was in his late 40s-early 50s, had been a renter his whole life, but! Mommy had always paid the rent (and cleaned up his messes). When that type of thing happens and you meet the person who presents themselves well (at least once😉), it is difficult to filter. The people you had were not only unfit, they were vengeful. The only thing I can say about vengeful people is they tend to attract other vengeful people. That's fine because they will eventually meet someone who has mastered the game of revenge! And, you may guess what happens next!
America is currently plagued by the hydra-headed evil duo of inflation and recession. The worst part about this recession is that consumers are racking up credit card debt. In April alone, credit card debt went up 20% while rates have doubled in a year. Inflation is so high that consumers are literally taking debt for basic life necessities. Collapse has indeed begun..
Collapse is generous 1st time in our history with a full generation that wasn't taught financial literacy, civics, Google fixes their problems if their parents don't do it for them. Reckoning for participation trophies is incoming.
@@Veteran2002 You're "portfolio"? LMAO! You must be VERY privileged. The average American is living paycheck to paycheck and doesn't have enough money to save much less invest. They don't even know what a "portfolio" is. You're advice comes off very tone deaf, it is the equivalent of "let them eat cake"
We are not in recession. Recession is defined as 2 quarters on a row of economic slowing. Q1 23 numbers have not come out yet, but Q3 and 4 of 2022 the economic grew! By definition we are not in recession and at minimum 3 months away from one.
Stop the spending on US war machine world wide and spend the money building the US to its former self, the war machine only enriches the elite globalists and not the people of the US. You want real change teach your children that.
I want a country that protects property rights and doesn't steal from people, which results in the greatest prosperity for the greatest number of people.
People are often referred/connected to a program, only to be denied benefits supposedly available through that program. Poverty threshold 2022 was $3k per month. Meanwhile, income limits for many programs hover around $1k - $1.5k per month, unless there is a minor child in the home. ~ Thank you for this most informative, lay-person-friendly explanation. I will be sharing and hoping people will listen...All the best
My sister makes $20.00 more than the cutoff for medicaid so even though she can't work and needs medical help they won't give it to her. It just makes me mad. She is on SSI.
@06:47. Matthew Desmond: "One of the obstacles is that we do a very bad job connecting families to the programs they need and deserve. Sometimes, we literally just don't spend the money on fighting poverty. So, if you look at a program like the Temporary Assistance For Needy Families program, or TANF, this is cash welfare. For every dollar budgeted for TANF, only 22¢ ends up in the family's pocket. What's going on here? Well, states have ALOT OF DISCRETION ABOUT HOW TO SPEND THE MONEY. They spend it in really creative ways. Some states use those dollars to fund christian summer camps for absteinance-only education, marriage-initiatives. Things that have NOTHING TO DO WITH ALLEVIATING POVERTY. Many states don't even spend the money. Last time I checked, Tennessee was sitting on over $700 million on UNSPENT WELFARE DOLLARS." (emphasis added)
That's due to the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 converting AFDC into TANF and turning welfare aid for the poor into block grants to the states with financial incentives from the federal government to states that reduced the number of poor on their welfare rolls. Additionally, the redirection of cash welfare aid from being directly paid to the poor to being paid to states in the form of block grants also came with a no-strings-attached policy as far as how the states chose to spend the money. They were free to NOT use any of it to help the poor and instead use it as they saw fit for their own agendas, including programs that "teach marriage" to poor single mothers as an anti-poverty measure. So we can all thank the legislative architects of the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 for this boondoggle-as well as all the selfish, vicious mean-spirited voters who clamored for it and voted for the politicians who campaigned on it, and who've continued to support the agenda of callous far-Right politicians up through today who campaign on promises to keep hurting the poor in order to give the privileged and the lucky and comfortably off even more.
... but only one half of it ... the rest is made out of the hell of the rich... ... you really should go and see a doctor, if you are a rich sucker enjoying the situation and declare this hellhole to be the paradise..."
You are a liar the too five percent pay over half the federal taxes and get next to nothing in return on the other hand middle class recurve more ss and medicare than they pay in the poor recieve free healthcare cash assistance food assistance and more
Friendly old Brit: I was puzzled when he was introduced as a Professor of Eviction, but was totally impressed by his intelligent lucidity and explanation of the nuts and bolts of life. I feel Unions were the key to poverty avoidance but Reagan dismantled them as did Thatcher in UK.
Reagan didn't dismantle any unions.he should have ended public sector unions as they are bloodsuckers but they still exist and everyone else pays for their largesse.
Yes Reagan did much to our system which affected my generation in the 80’s when we went to purchase homes our interest rates were at 15% and much more with the airlines and the stock market that have had widespread consequences on our economy. This professor of eviction has some good solutions
@@learnhowtouseessentialoils3704 ummm . What? Interest rates were high because of entrenched inflation. Volcker did what was necessary to end inflation. And Reagan courageously took the political hit because ending high inflation was the right thing to do. It was the single best thing any modern president has done. I have no idea what you tried to say about the stock market.
I agree with your argument but we are not the richest country on this planet. Go to the Emirates in the Persian Gulf. Latitudingly, go North to the lands of the Lights; Finland, Norway and Sweden, where few recent wars got fought. Those democracies are richer than us, by far. The average salary is around 83 thousand dollars with free education and medical.
Exactly yet wealthy Americans get tax break to help other countries international and people here dying of hunger and homeless...take care of home first...not that people are entitled was already shaky b4 cvd now it's ten times worst...
38 million is 11% poverty in America. That's less then Australia 13%, England 17% and Canada 15%. It would be wonderful if No one experienced poverty but for a capitalistic society to work there will always be poor and always be wealthy. Addiction, drugs smuggled through our borders and mental illnesses are the top 3 causess of poverty in America. Living off the government without productive input will cause American Bankrupcy. Go back to work people, covid is over, stop living off the WILL break!
The Republican's generally have been at war with the poor as long as I can remember. The "Headstart" program is a case in point, as it was found to increase literacy of the poor back in the 1960's, but the GOP killed expansion of the extremely successful policy!
I love what the author said about the mark on the soul, is a mark on mental health. I have seen a lot of people go crazy because they don't understand how to make their resources work for them they work three jobs and are still unable to live comfortably, so it has to be solved, or society will implode.
So true and they need to stop hiding good programs you can only apply for if you know about them and no one makes the info available! that's just dam mean! Then they complain that the poor do not take advantage of them and want to cancel them lol omg makes me want to pull my hair out so frustrated with the system!
@@LovesNeverEnding exactly Jennifer, you are the reason, made my point : ) I said that cause I have know so many people that has happened to self included. Its like a game you cant win an I am getting tired of playing
The more money one has the more gifts and give-aways received. Conventions, black tie affairs, and the like are simple examples. Tax, credits, deductions, etc. are others. If you pretend to help poor people, even more money is made available. Thank you Mr. Desmond. Thank you Amy for this interview.
@@grmpEqweer And still come out of it have made more money, and not just from passive income, but from how the two parties structure government and economics FOR them.
Two years ago nobody could predict the dollar conditions we’re witnessing today. The u.s continue to double down on the same mistake that brought the dollar where it is. Therefore, no guarantee that the grass of the dollar would not be faster than it’s envisaged
Government policy has thrown the future under the bus for decades. The day of judgment is near. I predict an 80% drop in the stock market. Investors will abandon stocks in favor of real estate. There will be no money in banks you most devise a strategy for survival.
These are the conditions in which life-changing money is made by those who remain calm , patients, and take controlled risks. Volatility goes both ways, the bigger the red candles, the bigger the green ones.
@William Kugler It’s a good time to buy and basically I’ve just got cash sitting duck in the bank and I’d really love to put it to good use seeing how inflation is at an all time high, who is the coach that guides you, mind i look them up.
@William Kugler Thank you for this tip, it was easy to find your advisor. I conducted a thorough research on his credentials before messaging him. Base on his resume, he appears to possess a high level of proficiency and i am grateful for this opportunity! Thanks once again.
Poor people suffering is something that conservatives and wealthy liberals both agree on, which is why things are not going to get better and only worse.
Comparing tax breaks to welfare was spot on. Just like subsidies for corporations. 'A country that fights poverty rather than guards fortunes' Me too. 👏👏👏
If your earnings are predicating on a rigged system like stock buybacks, tax evasion, deliberate exploitation, monopoly consolidation. It's exactly welfare. In fact I'd say it was wage theft along with theft from future generations. That's why we have a tiered tax system. It depends on your accounting of assets and liabilities. 😂 LOL
You voted for your policy makers so live with it. I live in Australia and exactly the same is happening here … we deserve the leaders we are voting for.
Here in Canada. We’ve had child tax benefits Baby bonus for years. My twin sons are 32 and I received it for them. And my daughter she’s 18 it just ended. You get around $600 on the 20th of each month. An extra $100 for children under 6. And if your child is disabled they add another $250. Until 18. Everyone gets it. That makes around $75,000 a year less at that point and goes down from there. That has nothing to do with welfare or disability that’s separate.
A certain amount of people here would not vote for that, because black and brown people would get it too. Even if the majority of people who would recieve it would be white.🤬
Here in Canada, the social safety net in every province has been deliberately made dysfunctional, making homelessness an ongoing crisis in cities, just like in America. We never had homelessness like this prior to 1995 in Ontario. Conservative Mike Harris ran for premier on the promise to "kick those lazy bums off welfare." He cut welfare benefits by 25% and mass evictions and homelessness was the predicted result. The cost of having homelessness is in the billions per year, since "charities" that run soup kitchens and shelters are booming, and the costs are exponentially more than any supposed savings from the cuts, which BTW didn't affect the budget for social assistance at all. It was the beginning of right wing politicians running for office not on a platform or a set of ideas and plans, but simply a promise to use the power of gov't to hurt certain vulnerable people on behalf of their mean-spirited voters. it was bad then, but I never thought it would reach the degree of anti-social behavior and cruelty that has emerged in the Trump era. I shudder to think of the brutal austerity to come should Canadians be stupid enough to elect a conservative federal gov't. Their voters don't even try to deny their cruelty and deliberate hateful actions.
@@generationofswine-ge5rw Yeah, Britain followed our lead on Neoliberalism. I'll leave it to you to look up what Neoliberalism really is? But I think you've seen it. Maggie Thatcher said "there is no such thing as a society."
Doesn't surprise me at all! I'm retired military, have a job and still struggle to make ends meet. The poor will NEVER get a seat at the rich mans table, period!
Thank you DN and Prof. Matthew Desmond, you cannot imagine how useful you are. Prof. Desmond you are the proof how education can get you out of poverty. Educated, intelligent and kind. If only you could be contagious and contribute to the needed changes. So grateful!
Did you know we've sent enough money to Ukraine to house every homeless person in the country? How do you feel about the president spending more on Ukrainians than Americans?
@@JaysSavvy I would love to know that too. All these phony progressives care about are gender pronouns and war. They could care less about impoverished people or the struggling middle class. And they don’t even bat an eye to the obscene gobs of money this administration sends to corrupt Ukraine.
@@JaysSavvy Recall the good old days when conservatives denounced treason instead of committing it. Conservatives now share Putins nationalist Christianity. And try to hide it with babblling about the joys of the welfare state.
@@TeaParty1776 Define the treason, squirt. When you can't, we can get started detoxing you of the koolaid that's been intravenously fed to you over the past half-decade.
I often come back to what my grandmother said. She said in the 60s in Sweden, that now this country is enough wealthy that nobody in Sweden needs to go hungry and not have a "roof" over their head...I always understood that as that she said that if society does not help in such a situation it's a big shame on society, a shame on the people in a country to not see to that. That's how I always feel, if I have things over and someone needs help and suffer I have to help, I would feel ashamed if I did not help. That is how the health and social system are built up in Sweden, we have laws for that; if society, communes, do not live up that they are breaking the law, and the more wealthy society gets the more help for the vulnerable increase, they have the right to have as good a life as anybody.
Sweden FTW!! If only the mindset in the US was 1/2 as humane & governed according to meeting the needs of **all** people in the country instead of giving the few ultra-rich everything they want & the many poor & impoverished nothing they need. If I thought a disabled US citizen had an icecube's chance in Hades of being allowed to emigrate to Sweden, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I doubt there are many countries in the world that want to let people from the US come in as immigrants, just based on the general attitude of Americans overall & the US's currently barbaric immigration policies & nasty habit of interference with other countries for the benefit& interests of the US & decidedly **not** in the best interests or betterment of the other countries. As someone who has been lucky enough to be able to travel to many other countries, I know how Americans, especially American tourists, tend to be viewed by people in the countries I've visited (which is not with high esteem, to say the least). Our poor reputation is sadly well-deserved, I've witnessed the shenanigans of many US tourists & felt embarrassed for their sake because they clearly weren't feeling embarrassed for themselves. I just really hope I didn't add to the negative reputation of Americans myself while I was visiting other countries, hopefully my hope isn't misplaced....
Very well said! I find it appalling that in the richest nation on Earth we have so many people living in poverty and hundreds of thousands homeless. We need to demand better!
Its an outrage that taxes and regulations prevent increased production. Its an unpleasant coincidence that the Leftist NYT has a recent story on zoning laws decreasing the supply of housing. This has been confirrmed by staff at the Biden White House. An online search will quickly provide a large number of similar views by other Leftists. Carry on!
10:30, wow who would think that in 2005?, Don't even remember the date, it was you in Flagstaff, at that protest in downtown against the 2%, when we had a conversation and I pointed out that no wealthy businessman, could reproduce their money without the worker, which is true, but you gave me a wider perspective, pointing out that the 2% actually got richer not by employing workers but speculating with money, that the wealth nowadays was concentrated because the financial markets which allowed funds and money to travel internationally as it was convenient to their owners. What a surprise to know it was you.
Thank you ALL for this great reminder that the Rich lives off the Poor. America can do better. Please stay with the real issues of life. Democracy Matter!!!!!!!
@@davidanderson5245 Hello Precious one. This old girl is happy and loving life for what it is.... The photo beauty would that be a Spitz? As a teenager I had one name Snowball. That was 50 years ago. Make All your days great... no matter what.
This type of information should be taught in mandatory financial literacy courses in highschools across the nation. One of the key ways to eradicating a problem is learning about it. A lot of people simply don't know this information and learning it at a younger age helps people develop habits into a adulthood that keep the problem at a minimum if not totally abolish it
Remember Trump: “I love the poorly educated” The lack of proper education, the ignorance of how other countries live, and the inability to criticize our system makes for a population that can be easily manipulated.
Once I went on welfare for less than a year and they made me feel 1) I had no business asking for help bc I was well educated (BA), 2) I had no right to own a vehicle ( it was a ‘78 truck!) and 3) I’m white (which I was the only Caucasian in the welfare office that day!) They humiliate you. It was an awful experience and my mom begged me not to go down to that office. But I’m glad I went bc it allowed me how discriminatory the welfare system is. And how they only want certain ppl in the system. IMO. Btw I started my teaching career less than a year after having my daughter. That was almost 24 years ago.
Thank you for having Matthew Desmond on, and thank you Matthew Desmond for speaking up for America’s poor. It really is sad that there is very little help for the poor and they are exploited so much by the wealthy. So much money is wasted and misappropriated and given to the rich and yet they don’t want to provide any assistance to those who truly need it. We all just accept this way of life. Thank you for reminding us that it’s not ok
let us treat poverty as a disease caused by mistrust of the system and its people causes the poor to care less about anything, even of themselves. It will be a good thesis to investigate for a PhD
Please don't just be someone who sits around and takes about the problem instead of DOING smething with your degree. Many cities have terrible people in charge of their local government.
Professor Desmond is a great man! The human race is stuck in a stagnate box because of greed and cowardese! Scared to share oxygen but are so righteous and should be the holders of moral high ground abs law making!
Free Public housing - basic human right! Free Public healthcare - basic human right! Free Public Higher Education - basic human right! Free Public Transportation - basic human right! People🙏❤ wake up, demand change! 😢
The American people are kept in a hopeless state because hopeless people don't vote or participate in social movements. The UK's Tony Benn said that many many years ago. It's quite simple actually. Thank you Professor Desmond for this much needed treatise on the reality of living in the not so United States.
@@fritzforsthoefel8031 I pay more than the unscrupulous rich folks and corporations that get more government assistance from the tax funds than the poorest people in the US. The system needs to be corrected.
You lie proof of that look at the general accounting office numbers it tells who pays what the too five percent pay over half the federal taxes and get next to nothing in return
You do not pay enough taxes to cover our current deficit spending and you want more our children will be left with a bankrupt shell of a nation because of democrat handouts
Great discussion on this topic!It is very saddening! I’m an upper middle class Black American aka unicorn of sorts who’s income is over $300k & have been supplementing my poor church in south central L.A. + my grandmother’s church (plus many families)in Arkansas. It never seems to be enough!!I hate to admit that the lack of wealth is particularly concentrated within Black Life😢. This country has to do something for its people immediately! It’s getting worse by the day 🙌🏾🙏🏾.
You might find a book called "Understanding the Framework of Poverty" by Ruby Payne an interesting read since it sounds like you are trying to help people get out of poverty. (Your public library can probably interlibrary loan it.) It talks about the hidden belief systems that exist in each of our class systems (lower, middle, and upper class). These beliefs tend to keep us in the class into which we are born. These beliefs exist in all races, but they are tied to class--which is tied to education and often race. These beliefs make it difficult to get out of poverty. (Some of the examples in the book are a little extreme, because the book was written for teachers. So take what you can from the book, you may not agree with everything.)
The Senator from Nebraska gave the real reason, he was talking about all the abortions in his state in the last 10 years and how those aborted could have been a future worker. That’s their real incentive, to create more workers through forced birth. Of course if they’re born in poverty most likely they will end up in low paying jobs too.
Take money from those who help people. Give it to a government that gives it to corporations and the multibillionaires. Wisdom seems to be nonexistent. Do you live in a $500000 castle btw?
We have so many old buildings that could be restored for housing for the Homeless. And other low income population. We have been forgotten. We, the low income, will come to a place where we will all be homeless. At 80 years old I don't think I could survive it again.
I just finished reading "Eviction". Even setting aside the subject matter, the way he paints pictures with is words is absolutely stunning. It's a beautiful work of art.
Professor Matthew Desmond's book "Evited," is a welll informed book. As a human being, when one listens to actual stories and speak with those going through this is the most painful. (These are real people.) The injustices lie in Washington DC. We need new ideas, and it's good to see Matthew cares.
The worst program that the HUD Administration came up with was the Section 8 program, where landlords could rent a $400 a month property for $1,200 a month with the $800 subsidy from the HUD program. HUD would come out best by using that money for the purchase of the home that's being subsidized as rentals.
I know this man means well… so I’ll say this: corporations should not have the ability to own homes. Housing should not be monetized. No more landlords. No single person can own more than one home. Federal rent control. Unionize all workers in the US. Cap income @ $685k
We have to organize. We can't just leave a message after seeing something like this and just go on with life. I'm tired of this. We need to demand change. Our politicians are beholden to the corporations and wealthy. Let us call for the end of lobbying in politics and the end of citizens united.
@@icjulia2 your kidding right. Trump is probably the worst as far as politicians go. In his first term he cut taxes for the rich and put people in power who worked for corporations. He is a fraud, a scam artist. He does not care about the Average American person. And Joe Biden is no better. They are all the same.
I used to be upper middle class but succumbed to bipolar issues 36 years ago. There are many things which have been denied me because I own my home although if it were not for my ex-wife I would lose everything. The mentally ill are ignored because they are no considered handicapped. I also do not go after some welfare benefits because I feel ashamed. 😢
Amen, bipolar unable to work after age 33 even though I tried. Took almost 3 years to get SSD. IN that time my student loans went into default since I could not work. Garnished my SSD for 13 years on what was originally a$4000 principle. Ended paying from garnishment over $23,000!! Could not go to college and retrain, survival living wears you down and kills your soul.
Done feel ashamed. Take the money. Rich people and corporations take the handouts and you don’t see them ashamed. And they don’t even need it. Tell me again how much government money Exxon gets every year? Exactly. No shame. You do what you and your family need. Uncle sugar can just MAKE money so don’t stress it.
I tried to get on programs during the pandemic when we had no income. I spent over 18 hours on the phone and all I could get was really bad health insurance for my son and I but not for my husband. No actual providers within 10 miles of me actually take my state exchange health insurance. I was told that we couldn't get food or bill help because I was married and I would need to be a single mom to get these programs. Mind you our income at this time was 0 and we had 42k in debt because my son's birth wasn't covered by our Obamacare plan. The state was supposed to help with my medical bills but the pandemic made the paperwork take longer than 6 months so I got disqualified and we were stuck with the debt at 17% interest. None of the programs work and they all are far too complicated for the average person to navigate.
This is the best and most relevant piece on why community and family are being disemboweled . Secure housing is essential to the health and stability of the country. Those who have been Forced to the streets are gathering and will be a serious issue forced through desperation and abandonment. Christ said there will always be the poor and it is our call as human beings to feed shelter and comfort. Because of wealth perversions in our world the population is overwhelmed and fearful. THANK YOUfor your research and breakdown of the facts. Born in the 50’s anyone paying attention could predict all of this. I am still shocked at the sight of wheelchairs in the streets, elderly shuffling in the cold and families in tents. Shocked .
The working poor are the majority of the recipients of food stamps and other government benefits. Let’s talk about corporate greed and welfare and stop bashing working families.
@@brucelee5576did you not listen to the video? If there is a person that doesnt want to work, who cares? Your taxes literally go to lockhead martin or raytheon ceo's but youd rather focus your attention on a random made up poor person
@@HERES_JAWNiE I know right let’s fire some General Dynamics missile at Skid Row and Tenderloin , nobody who works for the industrial Military Complex ever took a shit on my sidewalk, that’s like say white collar criminals steel more money then thugs while true they don’t invade your home a rape your teenage daughter.
No. That was incredibly a dangerous downplay of how harmful it is to a human being to deprive them of shelter. The emotional toll isn't what kills you. It's the loss of water, power, and trash collection. You will never get an accurate analysis of poverty from someone at Princeton University. I bet this guy hasn't known a week without hair gel let alone without utilities.
@@DonnieIsNotAmerican Cry me a river. I have had a few bumps in life. Each time I was "homeless", but I just persevered until I could fight a new round. Winning! Very few of those I met "on the street" were focused on success instead if failure and victim-hood. Is that one reason for failure..or success? Life is beautiful from here. Work and prove what you can do. Or you can wallow in misery and excuses and blame those who are active and productive for your failures. Take the "Red pill" and enjoy life.
@@crimestoppers1877 That very stereotypical view of poverty is exactly why the problems grow worse. Keep trying the same thing over and over then it will just fail(as it has for decades) over and over. That right wing approach has seen more failures than a bottomless canteen.
@@crimestoppers1877 There it is the I/me approach. Give-me-mine-no-matter-who-suffers-and-consequences-be damned. I am not one bit surprised. Maybe if you weren't looking at the world through that toilet paper roll you might learn a few things about modern civilization, the consequences of stock trading, investment banking, and the depleting resources that aren't as infinite as you and your banker like to fantasize. When the egoism trip is over and the bodies are counted that money won't get you cup full of clean water. Because there won't be any left.
My daughter was a teacher for a few yaers before having her kids. I sat in and helped sometimes. It is a very stressful job and underpaid. She homeschools her kids now. Her husband works at home and they live very frugally. They were lucky to have bought a reasonally priced house back in 2009. Otherwise I don't know how they would make it now with rents and houses being so high. But remember...teachers are important in the lives of children. There are so many weird ones out there now and it concerns me.
@@fritzforsthoefel8031 I would push for policy that discouraged outstripping worker production with costs of goods that are necessities for living and prospering in this country. Discourage private investment taking out huge swaths of homes and encourage housing development to catch up on this shortage that we are now in. Discourage or tamp down on C-Suite compensation reaching a point that those companies were able to provide all employees with wages that met those necessary goods and services that provide a healthful and and satisfying life in this country. While also pushing for policy that encourage equity in the tax code. Preventing loop holes that benefit the wealthy that don't offer middle and lower classes to reap advantages as well. I would push for education costs to come down to a balanced level between wages and affordability for citizens. The people used to have a lot more spending power while the costs of those goods and services were also and a more affordable level. A rising tide should raise all ships it shows a major imbalance in our economy that it hasn't since supply-side economics initiated this trend. Where do you think the inflection point to where it has gone on for far too long in that direction lies? You have even Charley Munger calling the health system a disgrace. I mean, this experiment with a laissez faire version of capitalism has gone on too far. I mean when the wealthiest members of the economic system has such a stranglehold on lawmaking and resources that it is stealing the wealth out from underneath American Citizens to a point they can't thrive and live a healthy and satisfying life is beyond the pale. Thomas Jefferson, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." The context is damned close to the way things have become. And I don't see how that's calling for changes that reach clear over to the extremes of communism. Do you mean to say there is no inflection point that we shall reach a form of modern day feudalism? Where people live in squalor under the heels of the C-Suite in the name of a free country with a small government?
@@fritzforsthoefel8031 I do NOT LOVE money or power!! I only want FREEDOM that you get from NOT paying debts and minmimizing paying taxes. If I do not buy I pay no sales taxes. I do not invest so I pay no income taxes. My income is very low which keeps me in a tax bracket so low that I do not even have to file my low income. I pay lots of money to a tax attorney to avoid taxes. At least the etx attorney is doing something, instead of being an advocate for laziness as a government employee.
Provide workers with a livable wage under your plan all you would have to do is drop out of school get a livable wage on the other hand if you go to college and become a doctor and work long hours and earn 400000 you will be taxed between local state and federal half your income how is that fair
I worked for NYCHA in NYC and every single family that was evicted had months and months of warning and court dates to solve their problems. However there does need to be a law against evicting the disabled and elderly poor and a government program to provide a guardianship for them.
Simple truth but so brilliant. Why can’t people see it? I work for a bank and I see everything that Matthew says everyday. Some people are up set for receiving tax relief, saying that they don’t even need it! Then you get those people whose food stamp went up from $20 per month to $200 and they are thrilled!!!! What can you but with $20 per month? That’s literally the price of postage stamp.
At the same time I see those people paying for Netflix and internet $200+ a month…they don’t have food but they are willing to pay for entertainment. That’s wrong!
@@JamieStLouis-tu9ml when you don’t have anything to eat , the internet isn’t necessity and instead of $10 for entertainment, would be better if they go and find job.
The rest of the media is run by the super rich so what's the chances of that happening? If you want it to happen, you have to set up a movement (something like BLM) to really push it so that politicians can't avoid it.
Housing Authority on both coasts is sketchy af! I have paperwork from my experience being twice homeless with the assistance of Housing Authority! Once it happens it’s SO hard to get out. If you make $15 hr what housing CAN you afford?
15$ an hour can afford a nice little house or apartment in Red Counties of Appalachia. But you are probably used to living in a blue city so you don't realize that rent isn't ridiculous everywhere - only in blue communities.
Yes. The whole system relies on consumer dollars. If they squeeze the people to the point where a majority can barely buy anything, then the market will shrink catastrophically. ...Like 1929, it's likely to happen in a cascade.
@@icjulia2 And thanks to the last 60 years of presidency! It takes somewhat of a plan, and a lot of time to see that plan out, in order to create this level of poverty😳 Prince John did not pillage his peasants on accident…and his greed lost his heir to the throne!
This is scary. Rich people pay politicians to make sure they get access to taxpayer funds first when banks shutter or they're in jeopardy of losing all their money. I feel bad for the lowest paid workers that may be affected, but not CEO's. A lot of them have created this abusive corporate pay structure where they are paid 300 to 400 percent the salary of entry level workers. Most add very little value. They posture and perform with speeches, meetings, and excessive travel to provide the appearance of working hard. It's a con.
Very true , I diversified my $400K portfolio across multiple market with the aid of an investment advisor, I have been able to generate over $900k in net profit across high dividend yield stocks, ETF and bonds in few months.
That's my licensed Financial advisor you can easily look her up, Thank me later!
@@jamesgeorge5896 haha, You know Sofia Erailda Sema? crazy! I appreciate every single second of the six month I worked with her. She is such an amazing woman, patient and down to earth teacher my next monetary goal is leverage trading and I'll be starting with Sofia’s strategy! i have heard many positive reviews from my Co-workers since the recent dumps.
Please tell how do become a ceo and what there typical work schedule is like or your lying
This is REAL and totally outrageous!! The wealth inequality in the US is disgusting. Those who never experienced poverty have NO CLUE what low-income people go through. THANK YOU, Democracy Today!
The wealth inequality exist because of democrat handouts allow people to have resources without takeing skilled labor you can drop out of school get a low skilled job and get subsidized housing food assistance and free healthcare and then blame the orthopedic surgeon who after going to college maney years and working long hours for earning 400000 a year
There are skilled good paying jobs why live in poverty are you a bum
If you want to start a business and get ahead, you almost have to be connected / rich already to get ahead. It’s horrible. They make it so hard with so much bureaucracy. You are right. I think we need to have more jobs. Besides cheap labor and more jobs for everyone. Some states the biggest jobs are from Walmart. It’s depressing
The wealth inequality across the world is disgusting. Not just US
Matthew Desmond, f*cking brilliant, man! You NAILED it!! Poverty is not inevitable, IT IS A CHOICE America makes to guard the fortunes of the wealthy at the expense (literally!!) of the poor. I'm buying your book today to learn more...
Poverty isn't that we can't feed the Poor !! It's because we can't satisfy the Rich !!!
You said it!
Well said!😡
Poverty is because we're feeding Americans drugs coming through our borders and teaching them to live off the government. We have more addicts/alcoholics on our streets than ever before, exponentially. Then we tell everyone that America is too expensive to live in so live off the government. NO ONE, IS WILLING TO WORK HARD ANYMORE . Americans are the weakest humans on this planet. Stop whining and everyone go back to work to support your damn families!! Become home of the brave and land of the free again. We've lost all honor in what it means to live in this beautiful country.
As a seventy-two-year-old American the thought of a person being a billionaire was almost unimaginable but today here in America we have multi billionaire bordering on having a trillionaire by mid-century.
New gilded age.
Extreme wealth inequality and you don't need to look far; just look at Biden, Pelosi, Pompeo's families wealth and you will be shocked at the amount.
Yet there are millions dying in poverty and homeless!
We're just really big fans of Les Misérables over here and we want to really live it out ourselves, you see.
Back when you were born, anyone with 71428571 dollars was a billionaire by today's standards. The entitlements your generation stole from mine reduced the money and lessened its impact.
Oh, you thought social security, taking money away from future generations, was a good idea? Look at all the inflation, all the deaths from poverty. Thanks, boomers.
"I want a country that does a lot more to fight poverty, than it does to guard fortunes" -Matthew Desmond, Sociologist and Author of "Evicted". Bravo sir, bravo 👏👏❤❤👏👏❤❤👏
This man is using his education for good, not for evil!! Thank you!! Mic'2023
“I want a country that does a lot more to fight poverty than to guard fortunes”. Here here!
Where's the Democrat that will DO that.
Why do you think your entitled to someone' else's labor republicans party of Lincoln democrats party of Bernie Sanders
Prolife looks good here
@@fritzforsthoefel8031 America was made with the choice of not being controlled into fear
I just want to say that I rented out a 3 bedroom house I own in AZ to a Hispanic family of 6 who had no credit and were illegal. I rented it to them for only 1000 bucks a month because I care about children and human beings...
My house was valued at 225 grand when they moved in. And it's now valued at 312 grand because of the work they did on my house at their own expense. They planted citrus trees in my backyard. Set up a watering system. Replaced the garage door. Re-paved my driveway and sealed it and fixed every electrical problem...
They were the hardest working most honest and kind people I've ever met. We remain friends to this day.
Good, morning Amy, Juan and team Democracy Now. Thank you for having Professor Matthew Desmond on.
Invocative and uplifting... the only constant is change and BIG change means BIG improvement is possible 🤭
Hello Cheri, how are you doing today?
👏 Brilliant voice. Thank you, Professor Desmond. Thank you, Democracy NOW.
America, let's start a movement... NOW! ✊
Brilliant voice indeed .
When i heard Amy narrate from prof desmond a line,
that strike me hard ,
Brought tears flowing immediately.
My grandfather,
a peasant. among peassnts ,
(thats not hyperbole) ,
who i nevet met, said this to his 3 young son , my father was the youngest .
Trsnslating to english,
THE POOR ALWAYS PAY MORE and EAT the MOST. EXPENSIVE. low. Quality. RICE , just to put a little food into the stomach to stave off starvation.
1 meal a day is the norm .
That is poor ,
And they aren't just farmers, they take piece-meal jobs home to earn a bit of extra money .
Didn't understand it when i was very young then, but by mid teen, i understand it FULLY , on why , , why my father and uncles are quite frugal on msny things . I appreciate FRUGAL then, till now .
I am here.
When I married, we converted my condo to a rental. We maintained an affordable rent, lower than others in the neighborhood, and didn't increase rents until our tenants moved. Over 30 years, we had only 2 of the 8 tenants did not leave the place in a state where we didn't have to spend thousands on repairs and cleaning. The last tenants cost us $25K in damages. "It's a rental" was the attitude. We live in the Bay Area (CA) -- we were done! So, now the person buying our unit increased the rents by 75%. Teaching people how to treat other people's belongings would go a long way in growing good landlords as well as good renters.
This is why I didn't invest in rental properties. My ex had one, they never paid the rent and when he finally got them evicted, they had completed destroyed the property. Took everything, cabinets, toilets, copper, and then wiped poo all over the walls and floors.
@@HerMajesty1 I'm so sorry that happened to you! Even with professional screeners (we have a professional management company doing it), you can still get a "unfit" renter. The last one we had worked, was in his late 40s-early 50s, had been a renter his whole life, but! Mommy had always paid the rent (and cleaned up his messes). When that type of thing happens and you meet the person who presents themselves well (at least once😉), it is difficult to filter.
The people you had were not only unfit, they were vengeful. The only thing I can say about vengeful people is they tend to attract other vengeful people. That's fine because they will eventually meet someone who has mastered the game of revenge! And, you may guess what happens next!
America is currently plagued by the hydra-headed evil duo of inflation and recession. The worst part about this recession is that consumers are racking up credit card debt. In April alone, credit card debt went up 20% while rates have doubled in a year. Inflation is so high that consumers are literally taking debt for basic life necessities. Collapse has indeed begun..
Collapse is generous 1st time in our history with a full generation that wasn't taught financial literacy, civics, Google fixes their problems if their parents don't do it for them. Reckoning for participation trophies is incoming.
@@Veteran2002 Hi Mate, please how can i reach this CFA of yours?
@@Veteran2002 She appears to be well-educated and well-read. I ran a Google search for her name and came across her website; thank you for sharing
@@Veteran2002 You're "portfolio"? LMAO! You must be VERY privileged. The average American is living paycheck to paycheck and doesn't have enough money to save much less invest. They don't even know what a "portfolio" is. You're advice comes off very tone deaf, it is the equivalent of "let them eat cake"
We are not in recession. Recession is defined as 2 quarters on a row of economic slowing. Q1 23 numbers have not come out yet, but Q3 and 4 of 2022 the economic grew! By definition we are not in recession and at minimum 3 months away from one.
"I want a country that does a lot more to fight poverty than it does to guard fortunes." Yes.
China socialism with Chinese characteristics govern
Stop the spending on US war machine world wide and spend the money building the US to its former self, the war machine only enriches the elite globalists and not the people of the US. You want real change teach your children that.
I like that comment
I want a country that protects property rights and doesn't steal from people, which results in the greatest prosperity for the greatest number of people.
People are often referred/connected to a program, only to be denied benefits supposedly available through that program. Poverty threshold 2022 was $3k per month. Meanwhile, income limits for many programs hover around $1k - $1.5k per month, unless there is a minor child in the home. ~ Thank you for this most informative, lay-person-friendly explanation. I will be sharing and hoping people will listen...All the best
My sister makes $20.00 more than the cutoff for medicaid so even though she can't work and needs medical help they won't give it to her. It just makes me mad. She is on SSI.
@bluewaters3100 that's messed up
@bluewaters3100 the reason politicians restrict welfare is because poor people won't work for slave wages if they have government benefits.
@@scifirealism5943 You weren't paying attention to what Matthew Desmond said. It's not only about income - it's about opportunity (choice).
@mactastic144 freedom. Yes. Which politicians don't want poor people to have.
@06:47. Matthew Desmond: "One of the obstacles is that we do a very bad job connecting families to the programs they need and deserve. Sometimes, we literally just don't spend the money on fighting poverty. So, if you look at a program like the Temporary Assistance For Needy Families program, or TANF, this is cash welfare. For every dollar budgeted for TANF, only 22¢ ends up in the family's pocket. What's going on here? Well, states have ALOT OF DISCRETION ABOUT HOW TO SPEND THE MONEY. They spend it in really creative ways. Some states use those dollars to fund christian summer camps for absteinance-only education, marriage-initiatives. Things that have NOTHING TO DO WITH ALLEVIATING POVERTY. Many states don't even spend the money. Last time I checked, Tennessee was sitting on over $700 million on UNSPENT WELFARE DOLLARS." (emphasis added)
Red states generally steal from the poor, and they're welfare states that can't actually meet their budget and need subsidies from blue states.
Yup. Remember, those in power find the cruelty both useful and fun.
That's due to the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 converting AFDC into TANF and turning welfare aid for the poor into block grants to the states with financial incentives from the federal government to states that reduced the number of poor on their welfare rolls. Additionally, the redirection of cash welfare aid from being directly paid to the poor to being paid to states in the form of block grants also came with a no-strings-attached policy as far as how the states chose to spend the money. They were free to NOT use any of it to help the poor and instead use it as they saw fit for their own agendas, including programs that "teach marriage" to poor single mothers as an anti-poverty measure. So we can all thank the legislative architects of the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 for this boondoggle-as well as all the selfish, vicious mean-spirited voters who clamored for it and voted for the politicians who campaigned on it, and who've continued to support the agenda of callous far-Right politicians up through today who campaign on promises to keep hurting the poor in order to give the privileged and the lucky and comfortably off even more.
That's definitely related to corruption.
"The Paradise of the rich is made out of the Hell of the poor"
Its in the bible too.its says says that the rich exploit the poor i forgot where it is ar but its in there. Whoa to you who exploit the poor says God!
... but only one half of it ...
the rest is made out of the hell of the rich...
... you really should go and see a doctor, if you are a rich sucker enjoying the situation and declare this hellhole to be the paradise..."
Exactly! 😢
You are a liar the too five percent pay over half the federal taxes and get next to nothing in return on the other hand middle class recurve more ss and medicare than they pay in the poor recieve free healthcare cash assistance food assistance and more
Mathew Desmond, I applaud you, and thank you. Your Book will be next in line on my reading list. Thank you for your compassion and empathy.
Friendly old Brit: I was puzzled when he was introduced as a Professor of Eviction, but was totally impressed by his intelligent lucidity and explanation of the nuts and bolts of life. I feel Unions were the key to poverty avoidance but Reagan dismantled them as did Thatcher in UK.
Reagan didn't dismantle any unions.he should have ended public sector unions as they are bloodsuckers but they still exist and everyone else pays for their largesse.
It's the people and the workers who can reestablish unions. No one will do the work for you. Organize and unionize.
Yes Reagan did much to our system which affected my generation in the 80’s when we went to purchase homes our interest rates were at 15% and much more with the airlines and the stock market that have had widespread consequences on our economy. This professor of eviction has some good solutions
@@learnhowtouseessentialoils3704 ummm . What? Interest rates were high because of entrenched inflation. Volcker did what was necessary to end inflation. And Reagan courageously took the political hit because ending high inflation was the right thing to do. It was the single best thing any modern president has done. I have no idea what you tried to say about the stock market.
Unions create poverty.
Congressman McCarthy needs to be evicted from being in government.
Evict McCarthy to Taiwan to worry about the Chinese invade Taiwan and sent all congressmen to Ukraine fight the Russian.
Yo mama.
@@brucelee5576 fake Profile.Stupid response.
Thank you. This guest has written an important book.
Democracy Now Great Reporting Amy hitting the nail right on the head poverty is a big problem in the richest Nation on Earth
I agree with your argument but we are not the richest country on this planet. Go to the Emirates in the Persian Gulf. Latitudingly, go North to the lands of the Lights; Finland, Norway and Sweden, where few recent wars got fought. Those democracies are richer than us, by far. The average salary is around 83 thousand dollars with free education and medical.
Exactly yet wealthy Americans get tax break to help other countries international and people here dying of hunger and homeless...take care of home first...not that people are entitled was already shaky b4 cvd now it's ten times worst...
The USA is not the richest nation on earth not the second nor the third you are wrong and base your opinions on falsehoods
38 million in poverty, and we have 150 trillion in wealth. Trillion.
That's more people than all of Canada.
That’s more people than the whole of China let alone the USA. Check your figures. One, two, three, four….. Tell us when you are finished!
Maybe we just need a few people who are good at counting?
38 million is 11% poverty in America. That's less then Australia 13%, England 17% and Canada 15%. It would be wonderful if No one experienced poverty but for a capitalistic society to work there will always be poor and always be wealthy. Addiction, drugs smuggled through our borders and mental illnesses are the top 3 causess of poverty in America. Living off the government without productive input will cause American Bankrupcy. Go back to work people, covid is over, stop living off the WILL break!
The Republican's generally have been at war with the poor as long as I can remember. The "Headstart" program is a case in point, as it was found to increase literacy of the poor back in the 1960's, but the GOP killed expansion of the extremely successful policy!
I love what the author said about the mark on the soul, is a mark on mental health. I have seen a lot of people go crazy because they don't understand how to make their resources work for them they work three jobs and are still unable to live comfortably, so it has to be solved, or society will implode.
So true and they need to stop hiding good programs you can only apply for if you know about them and no one makes the info available! that's just dam mean! Then they complain that the poor do not take advantage of them and want to cancel them lol omg makes me want to pull my hair out so frustrated with the system!
@@cintiapollock2486or the states that just sit on that money or take advantage of Medicaid expansion.
@@kimberlychodur3508 exactly !
@@LovesNeverEnding exactly Jennifer, you are the reason, made my point : ) I said that cause I have know so many people that has happened to self included. Its like a game you cant win an I am getting tired of playing
The more money one has the more gifts and give-aways received. Conventions, black tie affairs, and the like are simple examples. Tax, credits, deductions, etc. are others. If you pretend to help poor people, even more money is made available. Thank you Mr. Desmond. Thank you Amy for this interview.
The top 10% can afford to give big campaign donations.
@@grmpEqweer And still come out of it have made more money, and not just from passive income, but from how the two parties structure government and economics FOR them.
@@letsomethingshine Exactly. The money they give politicians is an investment.
In the "mind" of commies, there is only society, no productive work.
Two years ago nobody could predict the dollar conditions we’re witnessing today. The u.s continue to double down on the same mistake that brought the dollar where it is. Therefore, no guarantee that the grass of the dollar would not be faster than it’s envisaged
Government policy has thrown the future under the bus for decades. The day of judgment is near. I predict an 80% drop in the stock market. Investors will abandon stocks in favor of real estate. There will be no money in banks you most devise a strategy for survival.
These are the conditions in which life-changing money is made by those who remain calm , patients, and take controlled risks. Volatility goes both ways, the bigger the red candles, the bigger the green ones.
@William Kugler It’s a good time to buy and basically I’ve just got cash sitting duck in the bank and I’d really love to put it to good use seeing how inflation is at an all time high, who is the coach that guides you, mind i look them up.
@William Kugler Thank you for this tip, it was easy to find your advisor. I conducted a thorough research on his credentials before messaging him. Base on his resume, he appears to possess a high level of proficiency and i am grateful for this opportunity! Thanks once again.
IMHO don't use dollars.
Poor people suffering is something that conservatives and wealthy liberals both agree on, which is why things are not going to get better and only worse.
#1 Comment.
Mmhmm. I remember when Bill Clinton threw the labor interests under the bus with NAFTA right after we got that 💩 elected.
Vote money out of politics
This is not even mentioned in this segment, but they do bring up Trump and conservatives. DN has changes so much. Complete biased reporting.
@@laluba3603 i don't think we can vote it out, that's why we're stuck in their Red team Vs. Blue team game
Comparing tax breaks to welfare was spot on. Just like subsidies for corporations.
'A country that fights poverty rather than guards fortunes' Me too. 👏👏👏
We don't engage in military conflicts to win but to keep the stock market healthy and to make the rich richer.
Lol, letting people keep their own earnings is nothing like welfare..
@@newerest1 It's about corporate welfare and tax cuts to the rich. And it's destroying America.
@@newerest1 Tax cuts are the same as stealing less money from people.
If your earnings are predicating on a rigged system like stock buybacks, tax evasion, deliberate exploitation, monopoly consolidation. It's exactly welfare. In fact I'd say it was wage theft along with theft from future generations. That's why we have a tiered tax system. It depends on your accounting of assets and liabilities. 😂 LOL
You voted for your policy makers so live with it. I live in Australia and exactly the same is happening here … we deserve the
leaders we are voting for.
Thank❤🌹🙏 you, Democracy Now team and Matthew Desmond, for reminding us that we need to demand CHANGE!..😢
Here in Canada. We’ve had child tax benefits Baby bonus for years. My twin sons are 32 and I received it for them. And my daughter she’s 18 it just ended. You get around $600 on the 20th of each month. An extra $100 for children under 6. And if your child is disabled they add another $250. Until 18. Everyone gets it. That makes around $75,000 a year less at that point and goes down from there. That has nothing to do with welfare or disability that’s separate.
You just made republican's heads explode!
maybe stop having kids if you can't afford them. We have an overpopulation anyway, like twin boys weren't enough for you?
A certain amount of people here would not vote for that, because black and brown people would get it too. Even if the majority of people who would recieve it would be white.🤬
Here in Canada, the social safety net in every province has been deliberately made dysfunctional, making homelessness an ongoing crisis in cities, just like in America. We never had homelessness like this prior to 1995 in Ontario. Conservative Mike Harris ran for premier on the promise to "kick those lazy bums off welfare." He cut welfare benefits by 25% and mass evictions and homelessness was the predicted result. The cost of having homelessness is in the billions per year, since "charities" that run soup kitchens and shelters are booming, and the costs are exponentially more than any supposed savings from the cuts, which BTW didn't affect the budget for social assistance at all. It was the beginning of right wing politicians running for office not on a platform or a set of ideas and plans, but simply a promise to use the power of gov't to hurt certain vulnerable people on behalf of their mean-spirited voters. it was bad then, but I never thought it would reach the degree of anti-social behavior and cruelty that has emerged in the Trump era. I shudder to think of the brutal austerity to come should Canadians be stupid enough to elect a conservative federal gov't. Their voters don't even try to deny their cruelty and deliberate hateful actions.
Yeah, Britain followed our lead on Neoliberalism. I'll leave it to you to look up what Neoliberalism really is? But I think you've seen it.
Maggie Thatcher said "there is no such thing as a society."
Doesn't surprise me at all! I'm retired military, have a job and still struggle to make ends meet. The poor will NEVER get a seat at the rich mans table, period!
Thank you DN and Prof. Matthew Desmond, you cannot imagine how useful you are. Prof. Desmond you are the proof how education can get you out of poverty. Educated, intelligent and kind. If only you could be contagious and contribute to the needed changes. So grateful!
Kind=nailed to cross
Did you know we've sent enough money to Ukraine to house every homeless person in the country?
How do you feel about the president spending more on Ukrainians than Americans?
@@JaysSavvy I would love to know that too. All these phony progressives care about are gender pronouns and war. They could care less about impoverished people or the struggling middle class. And they don’t even bat an eye to the obscene gobs of money this administration sends to corrupt Ukraine.
@@JaysSavvy Recall the good old days when conservatives denounced treason instead of committing it. Conservatives now share Putins nationalist Christianity. And try to hide it with babblling about the joys of the welfare state.
@@TeaParty1776 Define the treason, squirt.
When you can't, we can get started detoxing you of the koolaid that's been intravenously fed to you over the past half-decade.
"Let them eat cake!", Speaker McCarthy.
we all know what happened to her :)
@@SaneCaribbeanAtheist78 I think they’re referring to the Marie Antoinette and guillotine lore, love.😉
@@monpayscanada You had dem holding house 4 years....
Nah, that was the Transportation czar and Newsome about people should buy electric cars.
How about we simply *eat* McCarthy?
Matthew Desmond, thank you for this wonderful interview and your literary contributions about US poverty. Well done!
I often come back to what my grandmother said. She said in the 60s in Sweden, that now this country is enough wealthy that nobody in Sweden needs to go hungry and not have a "roof" over their head...I always understood that as that she said that if society does not help in such a situation it's a big shame on society, a shame on the people in a country to not see to that. That's how I always feel, if I have things over and someone needs help and suffer I have to help, I would feel ashamed if I did not help. That is how the health and social system are built up in Sweden, we have laws for that; if society, communes, do not live up that they are breaking the law, and the more wealthy society gets the more help for the vulnerable increase, they have the right to have as good a life as anybody.
Love you ❣️🙏
@@adrianakusieluskus8941 Thank you!
Sweden FTW!! If only the mindset in the US was 1/2 as humane & governed according to meeting the needs of **all** people in the country instead of giving the few ultra-rich everything they want & the many poor & impoverished nothing they need. If I thought a disabled US citizen had an icecube's chance in Hades of being allowed to emigrate to Sweden, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I doubt there are many countries in the world that want to let people from the US come in as immigrants, just based on the general attitude of Americans overall & the US's currently barbaric immigration policies & nasty habit of interference with other countries for the benefit& interests of the US & decidedly **not** in the best interests or betterment of the other countries. As someone who has been lucky enough to be able to travel to many other countries, I know how Americans, especially American tourists, tend to be viewed by people in the countries I've visited (which is not with high esteem, to say the least). Our poor reputation is sadly well-deserved, I've witnessed the shenanigans of many US tourists & felt embarrassed for their sake because they clearly weren't feeling embarrassed for themselves. I just really hope I didn't add to the negative reputation of Americans myself while I was visiting other countries, hopefully my hope isn't misplaced....
PS: FTW = For The Win 😊
Very well said! I find it appalling that in the richest nation on Earth we have so many people living in poverty and hundreds of thousands homeless. We need to demand better!
End zoning laws
You need to do better have the government tax you more to pay for more social programs someone has to pay for them if not you than who
We are not the richest country on earth not the second or third neither check how far down we are in terms of wealth
Are you financialally supporting someone in need of not why not
Its an outrage that taxes and regulations prevent increased production. Its an unpleasant coincidence that the Leftist NYT has a recent story on zoning laws decreasing the supply of housing. This has been confirrmed by staff at the Biden White House. An online search will quickly provide a large number of similar views by other Leftists. Carry on!
10:30, wow who would think that in 2005?, Don't even remember the date, it was you in Flagstaff, at that protest in downtown against the 2%, when we had a conversation and I pointed out that no wealthy businessman, could reproduce their money without the worker, which is true, but you gave me a wider perspective, pointing out that the 2% actually got richer not by employing workers but speculating with money, that the wealth nowadays was concentrated because the financial markets which allowed funds and money to travel internationally as it was convenient to their owners.
What a surprise to know it was you.
Thank you ALL for this great reminder that the Rich lives off the Poor.
America can do better.
Please stay with the real issues of life.
Democracy Matter!!!!!!!
Sounds like capitalism working as intended.
Yep. Capitalism, if left to operate freely, evolves into oligarchy.
Hello Ruby, how are you doing today?
@@grmpEqweer Facts right there,unchecked capitalism has been a disaster!
@@davidanderson5245 Hello Precious one. This old girl is happy and loving life for what it is.... The photo beauty would that be a Spitz? As a teenager I had one name Snowball. That was 50 years ago.
Make All your days great... no matter what.
Good to hear from Matthew Desmond. "
I greatly appreciate you Democracy Now! Amy Goodman you’re awesome! Omg Matthew Desmond you are a true 💎 of a human being!!!
This type of information should be taught in mandatory financial literacy courses in highschools across the nation. One of the key ways to eradicating a problem is learning about it. A lot of people simply don't know this information and learning it at a younger age helps people develop habits into a adulthood that keep the problem at a minimum if not totally abolish it
Can't begin to address decades of flat or declining wages and the accelerating cost of housing and health care. Necessary but far from sufficient.
Absolutely correct 🎯💯🎯
Capitalism teaches children how to first use their bodies instead of their minds
Remember Trump:
“I love the poorly educated”
The lack of proper education, the ignorance of how other countries live, and the inability to criticize our system makes for a population that can be easily manipulated.
Most people don't take these benefits because the mental stress they had go through just to got it they rather not and just go to the food banks...
Spot on !!
MediCal and MediCare as well.
💯💯🎯 and the food banks give you food that's unhealthy and expired been there when I got sick and was almost homeless...
We have to get rid of Means testings policies.
Once I went on welfare for less than a year and they made me feel 1) I had no business asking for help bc I was well educated (BA), 2) I had no right to own a vehicle ( it was a ‘78 truck!) and 3) I’m white (which I was the only Caucasian in the welfare office that day!) They humiliate you. It was an awful experience and my mom begged me not to go down to that office. But I’m glad I went bc it allowed me how discriminatory the welfare system is. And how they only want certain ppl in the system. IMO. Btw I started my teaching career less than a year after having my daughter. That was almost 24 years ago.
Thank you for having Matthew Desmond on, and thank you Matthew Desmond for speaking up for America’s poor. It really is sad that there is very little help for the poor and they are exploited so much by the wealthy. So much money is wasted and misappropriated and given to the rich and yet they don’t want to provide any assistance to those who truly need it. We all just accept this way of life. Thank you for reminding us that it’s not ok
I'm getting a master's degree in public health, I am so reading his book 🙏
Hey, thanks for getting that education. You're needed.
Go Sam go.
Share it with you friends and Family
let us treat poverty as a disease caused by mistrust of the system and its people
causes the poor to care less about anything, even of themselves. It will be a good thesis to investigate for a PhD
Please don't just be someone who sits around and takes about the problem instead of DOING smething with your degree. Many cities have terrible people in charge of their local government.
Professor Desmond is a great man! The human race is stuck in a stagnate box because of greed and cowardese! Scared to share oxygen but are so righteous and should be the holders of moral high ground abs law making!
One of the most important books I've read in America. Poverty by America Matthew Desmond hits a nerve on how profitable poverty is in the US
Free Public housing - basic human right!
Free Public healthcare - basic human right!
Free Public Higher Education - basic human right!
Free Public Transportation - basic human right!
People🙏❤ wake up, demand change! 😢
Nothing is free.
@@passthejointpods that's what taxes are for. Paying for things to benefit the citizens.
@@first-gordonchang9510 Found the TROLL. ☝
Welfare rights are the government job to uphold. Liberty rights are in the hands of the people 🙌
Lol what free?!
The richest country in the world but it's a country with the meanest heart.
You clearly haven't been to United Arab Emirates.
That is a horrible lie
The American people are kept in a hopeless state because hopeless people don't vote or participate in social movements. The UK's Tony Benn said that many many years ago. It's quite simple actually. Thank you Professor Desmond for this much needed treatise on the reality of living in the not so United States.
In Mississippi welfare money is embezzled by and for the wealthy while denying 90% of welfare applicants
Its stolen FROM the wealthy. no problem
Brette Favre welfare fraud anyone?
Not that bad
That's messed up
You are Amazing Mr Desmond, thank you for speaking, learning & experiencing the life no one wants to talk about!!! BLESSINGS TO YOU🙏🙇♀️✌️
Hello dear, how are you doing today?
What a much needed discussion! Thanks to both of you!
Wow! Our government should be so ashamed! I am disgusted to my core.
Hello Mindy,how are you doing today?
You won't pay enough taxes to fund helping the poor shouldn't the disgust be with yourself
@@fritzforsthoefel8031 I pay more than the unscrupulous rich folks and corporations that get more government assistance from the tax funds than the poorest people in the US. The system needs to be corrected.
You lie proof of that look at the general accounting office numbers it tells who pays what the too five percent pay over half the federal taxes and get next to nothing in return
You do not pay enough taxes to cover our current deficit spending and you want more our children will be left with a bankrupt shell of a nation because of democrat handouts
Great discussion on this topic!It is very saddening! I’m an upper middle class Black American aka unicorn of sorts who’s income is over $300k & have been supplementing my poor church in south central L.A. + my grandmother’s church (plus many families)in Arkansas. It never seems to be enough!!I hate to admit that the lack of wealth is particularly concentrated within Black Life😢. This country has to do something for its people immediately! It’s getting worse by the day 🙌🏾🙏🏾.
What more do you fucking want? There is no more to give. We are bankrupt and the dollar is failing but you want more. SMH
More Whites are poor than Blacks.
The government has one job. Protect property rights. That's it. Anything else creates a lower standard of living.
You are exactly right
You might find a book called "Understanding the Framework of Poverty" by Ruby Payne an interesting read since it sounds like you are trying to help people get out of poverty. (Your public library can probably interlibrary loan it.)
It talks about the hidden belief systems that exist in each of our class systems (lower, middle, and upper class). These beliefs tend to keep us in the class into which we are born. These beliefs exist in all races, but they are tied to class--which is tied to education and often race. These beliefs make it difficult to get out of poverty.
(Some of the examples in the book are a little extreme, because the book was written for teachers. So take what you can from the book, you may not agree with everything.)
Elegant work.
Why do we allow child poverty and then force-birth women who can't afford pregnancy?? We need to require churches to pay taxes!
Hear hear!
The Senator from Nebraska gave the real reason, he was talking about all the abortions in his state in the last 10 years and how those aborted could have been a future worker. That’s their real incentive, to create more workers through forced birth. Of course if they’re born in poverty most likely they will end up in low paying jobs too.
Pay oldest new earth God Messiah prophet gerson melius presil upper middle elites classes budgets trillion dollars balance USA Haiti oldest new earth clays666-377:456+466 trillion dollars sheet?
Capitalism :(
Take money from those who help people. Give it to a government that gives it to corporations and the multibillionaires. Wisdom seems to be nonexistent. Do you live in a $500000 castle btw?
We have so many old buildings that could be restored for housing for the Homeless. And other low income population. We have been forgotten. We, the low income, will come to a place where we will all be homeless. At 80 years old I don't think I could survive it again.
I just finished reading "Eviction". Even setting aside the subject matter, the way he paints pictures with is words is absolutely stunning. It's a beautiful work of art.
I'm an elderly, totally and permanently disabled US navy veteran.
My income is $13,000 a year.
Social Security has disabled me, not the VA.
Hello dear, how are you doing today?
I'm a vet as well. Are you getting any VA disability? Any Aid and Attendance?
Hi 👋
The book should have been called, "This literally feels like hell."
Alot of problems stem from lack of descent jobs. This needs to be fixed. We don't manufacture any thing any more.
Great book, highly recommended that everyone reads it! We have done this to ourselves sadly and we have some politicians with misaligned ideologies.
Best book on understanding homelessness and poverty.
Professor Matthew Desmond's book "Evited," is a welll informed book. As a human being, when one listens to actual stories and speak with those going through this is the most painful. (These are real people.) The injustices lie in Washington DC.
We need new ideas, and it's good to see Matthew cares.
It's a hot mess!
Good thing God is taking over.
Universal love for all.❤️
The worst program that the HUD Administration came up with was the Section 8 program, where landlords could rent a $400 a month property for $1,200 a month with the $800 subsidy from the HUD program. HUD would come out best by using that money for the purchase of the home that's being subsidized as rentals.
So poor people get for free what others have to work for wow
What a sharp and accurate analysis made by the professor
I know this man means well… so I’ll say this: corporations should not have the ability to own homes. Housing should not be monetized. No more landlords. No single person can own more than one home. Federal rent control. Unionize all workers in the US. Cap income @ $685k
Each and every one of these policies will take a bad situation and make it far worse.
That would mean deep poverty for everyone economics is not your strong point is it
We have to organize. We can't just leave a message after seeing something like this and just go on with life. I'm tired of this. We need to demand change. Our politicians are beholden to the corporations and wealthy. Let us call for the end of lobbying in politics and the end of citizens united.
Vote Trump 2024.
@@icjulia2 your kidding right. Trump is probably the worst as far as politicians go. In his first term he cut taxes for the rich and put people in power who worked for corporations. He is a fraud, a scam artist. He does not care about the Average American person. And Joe Biden is no better. They are all the same.
@@icjulia2 thank you for supporting another corporate pig who cut the taxes by 50 % for the top 1% we appreciate your Peter pan economics
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. @poeboypotry..
On my way.
I used to be upper middle class but succumbed to bipolar issues 36 years ago. There are many things which have been denied me because I own my home although if it were not for my ex-wife I would lose everything. The mentally ill are ignored because they are no considered handicapped. I also do not go after some welfare benefits because I feel ashamed. 😢
Amen, bipolar unable to work after age 33 even though I tried. Took almost 3 years to get SSD. IN that time my student loans went into default since I could not work. Garnished my SSD for 13 years on what was originally a$4000 principle. Ended paying from garnishment over $23,000!! Could not go to college and retrain, survival living wears you down and kills your soul.
@@dylanmaxey2531 That is really sad. Interest rates on everything are what is making people poor. Many blessings!
Done feel ashamed. Take the money. Rich people and corporations take the handouts and you don’t see them ashamed. And they don’t even need it. Tell me again how much government money Exxon gets every year? Exactly. No shame. You do what you and your family need. Uncle sugar can just MAKE money so don’t stress it.
Homelessness = Trauma/PTSD
Not necessarily.
Hello dear, how are you doing today?
@@davidanderson5245 ✊
@@laurieauld7687 how are you doing today?
Hi 👋
The same thing here in the UK. It's about keeping the rich rich, and the poor subservient to the system.
I tried to get on programs during the pandemic when we had no income. I spent over 18 hours on the phone and all I could get was really bad health insurance for my son and I but not for my husband. No actual providers within 10 miles of me actually take my state exchange health insurance. I was told that we couldn't get food or bill help because I was married and I would need to be a single mom to get these programs. Mind you our income at this time was 0 and we had 42k in debt because my son's birth wasn't covered by our Obamacare plan. The state was supposed to help with my medical bills but the pandemic made the paperwork take longer than 6 months so I got disqualified and we were stuck with the debt at 17% interest. None of the programs work and they all are far too complicated for the average person to navigate.
Did you marry a deadbeat husband? Why wasn't he providing for his family?
That's the point. Politicians don't want to end poverty.
This is the best and most relevant piece on why community and family are being disemboweled . Secure housing is essential to the health and stability of the country. Those who have been Forced to the streets are gathering and will be a serious issue forced through desperation and abandonment. Christ said there will always be the poor and it is our call as human beings to feed shelter and comfort. Because of wealth perversions in our world the population is overwhelmed and fearful. THANK YOUfor your research and breakdown of the facts. Born in the 50’s anyone paying attention could predict all of this. I am still shocked at the sight of wheelchairs in the streets, elderly shuffling in the cold and families in tents. Shocked .
The working poor are the majority of the recipients of food stamps and other government benefits. Let’s talk about corporate greed and welfare and stop bashing working families.
Working poor , some of them don’t work at all and haven’t been working forever, why should I have to pay their way.
@@brucelee5576 it's clearly you do not respect life it's clear you have an evil heart hope God can save your soul💯
@@brucelee5576did you not listen to the video?
If there is a person that doesnt want to work, who cares? Your taxes literally go to lockhead martin or raytheon ceo's but youd rather focus your attention on a random made up poor person
I know right let’s fire some General Dynamics missile at Skid Row and Tenderloin , nobody who works for the industrial Military Complex ever took a shit on my sidewalk, that’s like say white collar criminals steel more money then thugs while true they don’t invade your home a rape your teenage daughter.
@@brucelee5576 Just trying to survive under capitalism is daily work genius.
McCarthy is absolutely correct!
Thank you, Matthew Desmond, for these revelations.
What he said about being evicted was probably the best way I’ve ever heard it explained🎯
No. That was incredibly a dangerous downplay of how harmful it is to a human being to deprive them of shelter. The emotional toll isn't what kills you. It's the loss of water, power, and trash collection. You will never get an accurate analysis of poverty from someone at Princeton University. I bet this guy hasn't known a week without hair gel let alone without utilities.
@@DonnieIsNotAmerican Cry me a river. I have had a few bumps in life. Each time I was "homeless", but I just persevered until I could fight a new round. Winning! Very few of those I met "on the street" were focused on success instead if failure and victim-hood. Is that one reason for failure..or success? Life is beautiful from here. Work and prove what you can do. Or you can wallow in misery and excuses and blame those who are active and productive for your failures. Take the "Red pill" and enjoy life.
@@crimestoppers1877 That very stereotypical view of poverty is exactly why the problems grow worse. Keep trying the same thing over and over then it will just fail(as it has for decades) over and over. That right wing approach has seen more failures than a bottomless canteen.
@@DonnieIsNotAmerican Tell that to each of my bankers! Winning with zero debts.
@@crimestoppers1877 There it is the I/me approach. Give-me-mine-no-matter-who-suffers-and-consequences-be damned. I am not one bit surprised. Maybe if you weren't looking at the world through that toilet paper roll you might learn a few things about modern civilization, the consequences of stock trading, investment banking, and the depleting resources that aren't as infinite as you and your banker like to fantasize. When the egoism trip is over and the bodies are counted that money won't get you cup full of clean water. Because there won't be any left.
An OUTSTANDING interview with Professor Desmond.
Excellent, fact-based and genuinely informs for formulating policy. Kudos to Mr. Desmond for his fine work.
what a pleasure to listen to this guy, well spoken
Thanks for this I’m so angry about my college teaching career turning into a crappy, insecure, precarious and low paying gig.
My daughter was a teacher for a few yaers before having her kids. I sat in and helped sometimes. It is a very stressful job and underpaid. She homeschools her kids now. Her husband works at home and they live very frugally. They were lucky to have bought a reasonally priced house back in 2009. Otherwise I don't know how they would make it now with rents and houses being so high. But remember...teachers are important in the lives of children. There are so many weird ones out there now and it concerns me.
if you vote for republican I feel sorry for u. If you vote for Biden and democrats. I just wanna lol and then ROFL at u
The sad thing is, the people in office have no idea how average everyday people live, and they don't care. THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF EVIL 💔
Being appointed to Congress was originally a role of public service, now its a get rich quick scheme!
If you were in charge what policies would you enact to change things
@@fritzforsthoefel8031 I would push for policy that discouraged outstripping worker production with costs of goods that are necessities for living and prospering in this country. Discourage private investment taking out huge swaths of homes and encourage housing development to catch up on this shortage that we are now in. Discourage or tamp down on C-Suite compensation reaching a point that those companies were able to provide all employees with wages that met those necessary goods and services that provide a healthful and and satisfying life in this country. While also pushing for policy that encourage equity in the tax code. Preventing loop holes that benefit the wealthy that don't offer middle and lower classes to reap advantages as well. I would push for education costs to come down to a balanced level between wages and affordability for citizens. The people used to have a lot more spending power while the costs of those goods and services were also and a more affordable level. A rising tide should raise all ships it shows a major imbalance in our economy that it hasn't since supply-side economics initiated this trend. Where do you think the inflection point to where it has gone on for far too long in that direction lies? You have even Charley Munger calling the health system a disgrace. I mean, this experiment with a laissez faire version of capitalism has gone on too far. I mean when the wealthiest members of the economic system has such a stranglehold on lawmaking and resources that it is stealing the wealth out from underneath American Citizens to a point they can't thrive and live a healthy and satisfying life is beyond the pale. Thomas Jefferson, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." The context is damned close to the way things have become. And I don't see how that's calling for changes that reach clear over to the extremes of communism. Do you mean to say there is no inflection point that we shall reach a form of modern day feudalism? Where people live in squalor under the heels of the C-Suite in the name of a free country with a small government?
@@fritzforsthoefel8031 I do NOT LOVE money or power!! I only want FREEDOM that you get from NOT paying debts and minmimizing paying taxes. If I do not buy I pay no sales taxes. I do not invest so I pay no income taxes. My income is very low which keeps me in a tax bracket so low that I do not even have to file my low income. I pay lots of money to a tax attorney to avoid taxes. At least the etx attorney is doing something, instead of being an advocate for laziness as a government employee.
Provide workers with a livable wage under your plan all you would have to do is drop out of school get a livable wage on the other hand if you go to college and become a doctor and work long hours and earn 400000 you will be taxed between local state and federal half your income how is that fair
Wow! This information should be common knowledge. It's frustrating how the poor are villianized in our society.
The Devil made you do it.
Hi 👋
@@jeanreynolds1425 Virtue Of Selfishness-Ayn Rand
Psychology Of Self-Esteem-N. Branden
Thanks Democracy Now1❤🙏🏻
Matthew Desmond, thank you for your words of truth. So thankful, for you sharing a portion of your own experience.
"Deep scars on the next generation " well said!!!
This generation and seniors as well.
I worked for NYCHA in NYC and every single family that was evicted had months and months of warning and court dates to solve their problems. However there does need to be a law against evicting the disabled and elderly poor and a government program to provide a guardianship for them.
It can happen
Matthew is right on target.
The country is crumbling an they're placing the blame on excessive federal spending on poor people 😂😂😂 shame shame shame
Poor people don't matter for the ones that are in charge of power and money. They are neglectable. It is as easy or as cynical as that.
Very good lesson for developing countries as well.
Simple truth but so brilliant. Why can’t people see it? I work for a bank and I see everything that Matthew says everyday. Some people are up set for receiving tax relief, saying that they don’t even need it! Then you get those people whose food stamp went up from $20 per month to $200 and they are thrilled!!!! What can you but with $20 per month? That’s literally the price of postage stamp.
I can see you dont go to the post office
At the same time I see those people paying for Netflix and internet $200+ a month…they don’t have food but they are willing to pay for entertainment. That’s wrong!
@@vkslife8772 Internet is a necessity in today's world. and Netflix is 10 bucks per month...
@@JamieStLouis-tu9ml when you don’t have anything to eat , the internet isn’t necessity and instead of $10 for entertainment, would be better if they go and find job.
I will be buying his books tomorrow thank you for this information.
I will be burning his book if i find it at the goodwill.
Kudos to this man for bringing poverty to the forefront.Thankyou an please make this,headline for all media.
Yes, it is hard to find Honest News these days.
He can donate the income from this book.
The rest of the media is run by the super rich so what's the chances of that happening? If you want it to happen, you have to set up a movement (something like BLM) to really push it so that politicians can't avoid it.
I just discovered my new Hero!
Brilliant man 🙏🙏🙏
Amazing Author! Thanks for bringing his information in your Chanel!
Housing Authority on both coasts is sketchy af! I have paperwork from my experience being twice homeless with the assistance of Housing Authority! Once it happens it’s SO hard to get out. If you make $15 hr what housing CAN you afford?
15$ an hour can afford a nice little house or apartment in Red Counties of Appalachia. But you are probably used to living in a blue city so you don't realize that rent isn't ridiculous everywhere - only in blue communities.
It's extremely expensive and unhealthy to be poor in the U.S.
The wealth disparage currently matches or exceeds the misallocation of wealth that caused the Great Depression😳 History repeating itself!
Yes. The whole system relies on consumer dollars. If they squeeze the people to the point where a majority can barely buy anything, then the market will shrink catastrophically.
...Like 1929, it's likely to happen in a cascade.
Thanks to Biden.
@@icjulia2 And thanks to the last 60 years of presidency! It takes somewhat of a plan, and a lot of time to see that plan out, in order to create this level of poverty😳 Prince John did not pillage his peasants on accident…and his greed lost his heir to the throne!
The govt caused the Gr Depress w/funny money and regs