김명준 병장이 군악병 실기평가 때 불렀던 의외의 노래! | 일과 후 OOOO 봅니다 | 입대 후 달라진 점 | PX 최애 간식 | 김명준 병장 20문 20답

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 329

  • @user-o4j79u2pw6lz
    @user-o4j79u2pw6lz Год назад +19

    암환자 징집, 상선복무 재입대 시키는 행정처리, 가족동원 셀프민원조작으로 대통령상, 군대를 가보지 않은 사람들이 병역설계. 본인들이 받는건 기분나쁨, 남성징병자들이 받는건 뼈저린 고통

    • @iceseer
      @iceseer Год назад +11

      일 못하는것들 언제 처벌받을까

    • @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w
      @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w Год назад +10

      @@iceseer안 짤리니까요. 여성징병으로 짜증나는 민원을 받아봐야

  • @iceseer
    @iceseer Год назад +21

    진정한 성평등은 의무를 하는것이다 페미니스트 지지한다 여자도 할 수 있다! 가자! 병입대!! 국가에 헌신하자!

    • @user-ot75n27nI8uqlad
      @user-ot75n27nI8uqlad Год назад

      암환자징집 하는 병무청, 민원 조작하여 ㄷㅐ통령상 타는 병무청, 상선복무원 실수로 재복무 시키는 병무청. 이쯤이면 국민이 아니다. 댓글 삭제로 이미지 덮기 바쁜 병무청

  • @Byung88
    @Byung88 Год назад +10

    군부대가 캠프냐며 맞는 시대는 지난거 같은데 이제 여성인권시대도 왔으니 남녀평등 징집 가야지

  • @tigers_v12-h5b
    @tigers_v12-h5b Год назад +24

    ※과도한 비방,욕설,조롱,인격모독,폭언등은 병무청 공무원들을 상대로는 허용입니다^^저런건 병무청 공무원들을 상대로는 마음껏 하셔도됩니다

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +13

      그거 병무청 여성병역면탈 직원들이 남성복무대상자에게 매일 하는거잖아요

    • @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w
      @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w Год назад +2

      여자가 군대를 안 가면서 병무청 공무원만 하니 신체검사 감수성이 떨어질 수밖에 없죠. 대부분의 남자들이 동의하는 바

    • @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb
      @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb Год назад +9

      병무청 공무원들은 남녀평등 징집만 나오면 왜 벙어리가 되는지 조사를 해봐야됩니다

  • @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb
    @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb Год назад +10

    가부장제 시대에 그래도 남자라면 군대가야지 이런 문화가 팽배하고, 여자는 최종 고졸만 마치던 시절에 남자는 군가산점 받던 시절이면 또 몰라.. 요즘은 진짜 할 말 없다. 이런 광고. 병무청 젊은 층이 직접 만들어라 사병 갈아넣지 말고

  • @tigers_v12-h5b
    @tigers_v12-h5b Год назад +11

    병무청 공무원을 상대로는,폭언,욕설,비방,조롱,인격모독이 가능하니 마음껏하시길바랍니다^^

  • @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w
    @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w Год назад +6

    병무청 여직원들 오늘도 안티에이징

  • @user-wr7fI2qk93nkl3k
    @user-wr7fI2qk93nkl3k Год назад +5

    뭔 말도 안되는 군대에서 자기개발 할 수 있는 시간이냐? 대부분의 남성들이 시간 낭비라고 동의함. 이거 누가 제작함? 공군 카투사 아니면 자기개발 그런거 없다. 하루에 8시간 일 했으면 3시간 쉬고 씻고 자야지

  • @ddan_bin
    @ddan_bin Год назад +2

    김명주니 말투 적응 안되자나..😭😭 건강하게 빨리 무사히 돌아와라잉~

  • @Paheelnweit
    @Paheelnweit Год назад +10

    여성 병사 연예인들도 앞세워서 이렇게 선전해보시길. 여성 병사가 아직도 0명이라구??

    • @user-ot75n27nI8uqlad
      @user-ot75n27nI8uqlad Год назад

      암환자징집 하는 병무청, 민원 조작하여 ㄷㅐ통령상 타는 병무청, 상선복무원 실수로 재복무 시키는 병무청. 이쯤이면 국민이 아니다. 댓글 삭제로 이미지 덮기 바쁜 병무청

  • @user-ou39wqtuik
    @user-ou39wqtuik Год назад +6

    요즘 댓글 많이 순화되고 병무청도 말 가려 하는구먼 이젠 서로 소통하고 사람답게 병무청도 행동할 때 되지 않았냐?

  • @청년김두한-b5y
    @청년김두한-b5y Год назад +15

    지들 불리한 댓글에는 입꾹닫 쳐하고 지들 하고싶은 말만하는 병무청 클라스. 이게 정녕 국민과 소통하는 행정기관이 맞나 싶네.

  • @이난나-u6h
    @이난나-u6h Год назад +2

    와~~~ ❤❤❤ 우리 명준이 정말 멋지다. 전선은 간다. 부르는 명준이 멋져!!! 나도 우리 명준이 많이 보고싶다.

  • @해바라기남
    @해바라기남 Год назад +8

    암투병 환자도 예비군 나오게 한거 사실입니까? 사실이면 병무청 직원들 3대를 멸해야 하는데 ㅋㅋ

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +3

      심지어 처벌 협박한 직원 본인은 여성으로 군면제받고 군대 안간 미필ㅋㅋ

    • @llllllZllllll
      @llllllZllllll Год назад +3

      그거 주작이거나 글쓴이가 디테일한 내용은 빼놓고 작성한 내용같아
      중립기어 놓고 확인해봐야할 상황이야
      애초에 암환자한테 신검받으라는게 말이안되고 병으로 인한 보류자나 연기 절차는 병원 진단서로 확인하고 기간에 따라서 보류자가 되거나 연기자가 되는 상황에서 신검 보라는게 법적으로 말이안됨

  • @yeokyuong586
    @yeokyuong586 Год назад +9

    마음에도 없는 말 그만해라. 몸과 마음을 희생해서 국가에 헌신하고 어머니 이름 부르면서 몸도 다칠수 있다는게 고작 몇년전이고, 전쟁 일어나면 총알 값이 더 비싼취급 할꺼면

  • @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb
    @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb Год назад +6

    미안한데 이거 남자들 안 본다. 기획은 50대분들이 하고, 제작은 20~30대 여성들이함? 어쩜 이렇게 공감이 안감;;

  • @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w
    @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w Год назад +16

    병무청 직원들은 상식과 도덕적인 마음과 관념으로 남성징병장병들을 대해라

  • @user-ot75n27nI8uqlad
    @user-ot75n27nI8uqlad Год назад +9

    이런 영상 올리면 남자징병 예비자들이 보긴함? 여성징병 하려는 큰 그림임?

  • @대선박-b4w
    @대선박-b4w Год назад +9

    군악병 여자도 가즈아~!! 여자도 군입대 할수있다! 여성 징병제 도입 가즈아

  • @대신관모드오지터대신
    @대신관모드오지터대신 Год назад +11

    건강하고 젏은 여자도 군대 입대 시키자

  • @user-pnI29uolz8gqtl58r
    @user-pnI29uolz8gqtl58r Год назад +4

    무슨 단어를 필터링 했길래 병무청 화이팅 아니면 댓글을 못 쓰냐?

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +3

      걔네 다 여성병역면탈자들임. 레퍼토리, 말투 비슷한 글이 반복적으로 올라오는게 조작 매뉴얼도 있나봄ㅋㅋ Ex.) "퐈이팅이어라~" 거리는 멘트 댓글 반복적으로 올라옴. 어디 심각하게 모자른 것 같음.

  • @정원박-w5l
    @정원박-w5l Год назад

    명준님보고파서 심장이 아파요!

  • @Rosen_Bridge
    @Rosen_Bridge Год назад +11

    암환자 한테 예비군 나오라 협박하고 병무청에 전화해서 재발돼서 전이된 암때문에 재검 미룬다니 일단 참가하고 안그러면 부모까지 처벌받는단 졷무청

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +10

      남성만 이라고 앞에 명시합시다. 여성병역면탈을 강조해야죠.

    • @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb
      @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb Год назад +5

      병무청 직원은 여자라 감수성 자체가 부족

  • @areyou6306
    @areyou6306 Год назад +9

    이제 여성도 징병하면 인될까요?

    @JAEWUS Год назад +16

    여성병역면탈청 주특기 또 나옴ㅋㅋ 여성병역면탈+외국인 인해전술

  • @zerochilsung
    @zerochilsung Год назад +4

    Esta página es un departamento malo y de discriminación de género que solo impone obligaciones a los hombres coreanos. Si te gusta ese chico, deja un comentario criticando esta página.

  • @Paheelnweit
    @Paheelnweit Год назад +6

    The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @Paheelnweit
    @Paheelnweit Год назад +6

    La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

    • @HhHhh-fc3wx
      @HhHhh-fc3wx Год назад +1

      Are you misunderstanding that other countries have women's military conscription systems? Then you seem to have an inferiority complexity and delusions of grandeur.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      ​@@HhHhh-fc3wx Go to your parents and talk about it.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      ​@@HhHhh-fc3wx and other people cannot see your reply ❤

    • @HhHhh-fc3wx
      @HhHhh-fc3wx Год назад

      @@Paheelnweit How do my parents relate to your problem? And everybody can see it. I think you have a reticulosis....Sorry about that but you need to cure your illness..

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +3

      ​@@HhHhh-fc3wx No matter how much you write, most other people can't see your comments except you. 😂 (Only in the sort of "Newest first" mode, your comments can be seen to others.) And please have some manners

  • @Rogers-sm6vg
    @Rogers-sm6vg Год назад +1

    야 병무청 관계자들아
    짜고 치는 유튜브 그만 쳐 올리고
    읽씹하지 말고 유튜브 댓글에 있는 답변이나해라
    니들이 뭔데?ㅋ
    그러니까 욕을 더 처 먹는거다

  • @jegunhyuk1628
    @jegunhyuk1628 Год назад +9

    와 이제는 ㅋㅋ 뇌무청 직원 안나오기 작전 했구나 ㅋㅋ 여셩병역면탈 바로 물려오네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이럴때만 댗글 겁나많아 ㅋ 최저시급도 못받는 노예짓

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +8

      ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 얘네 주무기임. 여성병역면탈 팬+외국인 화력

    • @jegunhyuk1628
      @jegunhyuk1628 Год назад +8


    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +8

      @@jegunhyuk1628 각국 언어로 진실을 알려야 합니다.

    • @jegunhyuk1628
      @jegunhyuk1628 Год назад +6

      @@zerochilsung 인정합니다

    @JAEWUS Год назад +6

    To foreigners,
    He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

    • @HhHhh-fc3wx
      @HhHhh-fc3wx Год назад

      Are you misunderstanding that other countries have women's military conscription systems? Then you seem to have an inferiority complexity and delusions of grandeur.

  • @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w
    @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w Год назад +1

    여성병역면탈, 2023 남녀평등징병, 심각한 안보위기, 저출산

  • @myungjuni5959
    @myungjuni5959 Год назад +18

    우리쭈니의 모든 답변들이 전혀 가볍게 들리지 않는다 뭔가 묵직하게 다시 생각하게 하네 전역 후 너의 시간을 가지고 너가 계획했던 모든 일을 이루어가길 바랄게❤

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +10

      여성 병역면탈만 막으면 그 일 이루어가기 더 편했을 겁니다.

    • @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb
      @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb Год назад +8

      하트는 무슨 뜻이죠? 병무청에선 희생과 헌신 조국을 위한 너의 한몸이 이번 런칭 슬로건이였습니다

    • @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w
      @user-de9tl9ir5tInrble4w Год назад +3

      여성병역면탈, 2023 남녀평등징병, 심각한 안보위기, 저출산

    @JAEWUS Год назад +4

    Queridos extranjeros,
    No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
    Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

    • @HhHhh-fc3wx
      @HhHhh-fc3wx Год назад

      Are you misunderstanding that other countries have women's military conscription systems? Then you seem to have an inferiority complexity and delusions of grandeur

  • @iceseer
    @iceseer Год назад +3

    물소 스윗세대를 하루 빨리 척결하고 평등징병 화이팅~~ 전연하고 예비군 화이팅~~ 이야아앗!!!

  • @여김종숙-h6r
    @여김종숙-h6r Год назад +13

    건강하게 전역해서 여행도 하고 계획한일 꼭 이루어지길 바랍니다

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +8

      여성도 병역을 이행했더라면 이렇게 길게 복무 안해도 됐을겁니다. 벌써 여행하고 계획한일 하고 있을듯

    • @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb
      @user-mw97rtim2qI4e2plb Год назад +7

      병무청 계획은 그게 아니던데요? 본연의 임무가 건강하게 제대하는게 아닙니다. 광고만 그렇게 할 뿐

  • @배혜진-b2u
    @배혜진-b2u Год назад +1

    명준이 오빠 너무너무너무 잘생겼다 ❤

  • @oceans2126
    @oceans2126 Год назад +3

    We Love MJ!!! Fighting !!!

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +5

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.

  • @thanhthuynguyen1523
    @thanhthuynguyen1523 Год назад +5

    So handsome, MJ ❤❤❤

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +2

      This page is a bad and gender-discrimination department that only imposes obligations on Korean men. If you like that boy, leave a comment criticizing this page.

  • @까뭉하뭉
    @까뭉하뭉 Год назад +7

    나도 보고싶어요 병무청은 우리 작소명을 하루 빨리 팬들 품으로 돌려보내 주소서

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +8

      여자도 군대갔으면 벌써 팬들 품으로 왔을듯

  • @꼬옴지락
    @꼬옴지락 Год назад +8

    🥹🥹 잘 하고 있어요~ 우리 명준이🧡

  • @mraimrai
    @mraimrai Год назад +4

    명준이 화이팅!!!

  • @dahegadahae
    @dahegadahae Год назад +7

    우리 명준이! 그래 건강하게 전역하자! 여행도 하고, 보고싶은 사람들도 만나고, 그 다음 스텝이 또 있을거야~늘 잘 해왔으니까! 빨리 보고싶다💜

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +7

      여성도 병역이행했더라면 복무단축도 가능한데, 명준이 그거 지금 다 하고있겠다.

  • @chocolate9266
    @chocolate9266 Год назад +2

    병장 김명준씨 반가워요.건강하게 전역할 그날을 기다립니다. 더 멋있어 졌어요! MJ응원할게요.

  • @潘小音-s8d
    @潘小音-s8d Год назад +2

    Mj I love you

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +3

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @flavuabgs
    @flavuabgs Год назад +2

    Miss you MJ. Come back already! ❤

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +2

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @sravanimadduru3925
    @sravanimadduru3925 Год назад +6

    Miss you a lot MJ. Love you so much. Fighting. Take care. ❤💜

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +5

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

  • @cherrytea1777
    @cherrytea1777 Год назад +6

    kim Myungjun te extraño! ❤ Ya quiero que regreses!! Falta cada vez menos días. Te espero.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @astroexostan4846
    @astroexostan4846 Год назад +4

    Stay healthy oppa❤️

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +3

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

    • @astroexostan4846
      @astroexostan4846 Год назад

      @@JAEWUS are you Korean?

    • @HhHhh-fc3wx
      @HhHhh-fc3wx Год назад

      ​@@JAEWUSAre you misunderstanding that other countries have women's military conscription systems? Then you seem to have an inferiority complexity and delusions of grandeur

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +1

      ​@@astroexostan4846 The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @roha6_er
    @roha6_er Год назад +3

    I love you ! Take good care of our sunshine please ... fighting!

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +3

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.

  • @emelysantos1695
    @emelysantos1695 Год назад +3

    MJ ✨❤️

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +3

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.

  • @GrazzyV
    @GrazzyV Год назад +5

    Que guapo el sargento

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +5

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +5

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @nnl5029
    @nnl5029 Год назад +4

    명주니 차분해지지마😢 계속 귀여워주라주

  • @user-ei1ye6ym4c
    @user-ei1ye6ym4c Год назад +5

    명준이 보니까 기분 좋아졌어!! 💓

  • @jaj8362
    @jaj8362 Год назад +2

    Thank you and good luck to all.

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

  • @omocxsmo
    @omocxsmo Год назад +6

    우리 엠제이 병장 힘내새요!! 기다릴게요 ❤

  • @dimplesara5108
    @dimplesara5108 Год назад +2

    Our sunshine 🌞 best boy MJ

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +3

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @gabrielacastillo5501
    @gabrielacastillo5501 Год назад +4

    Sergeant Kim MyungJun ❤

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

  • @isa.moon23
    @isa.moon23 Год назад +3

    Cute Myungjun, I miss you, it won't be long before I come back, l love you, I love your smile 💜

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

    • @HhHhh-fc3wx
      @HhHhh-fc3wx Год назад +2

      ​@@PaheelnweitWhy do you insist on your sense of victimization and promote terrorism?

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      ​@@HhHhh-fc3wx This is reality, what are you talking about? You are distorting reality.

    • @HhHhh-fc3wx
      @HhHhh-fc3wx Год назад +1

      @@JAEWUS Yeah...megalomanias and conspiracists believe their delusions are real...

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +4

      ​@@HhHhh-fc3wx In your view, is the claim to fairness a sense of victimization or terrorism?

  • @平野和枝-t1s
    @平野和枝-t1s 3 месяца назад

    なんて いってるのmj😮?

  • @LitteStar-j9t
    @LitteStar-j9t Год назад +8

    명준아 늠름해진 모습을 보니 너무 대견하고 멋져❤ 얼른 전역하고 보아~남은 군생활 파이팅!

  • @saracottone894
    @saracottone894 Год назад +2

    Amazing MJ... FIGHTING!!!

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +3

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @biancadelapazfernandez2046
    @biancadelapazfernandez2046 Год назад +3

    tan hermosoooo 🥹🥹💜💜

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

  • @annajeannettebautistamiran9243
    @annajeannettebautistamiran9243 Год назад +6

    I proud for you , Kim Myung Jun 💪💜

    • @annajeannettebautistamiran9243
      @annajeannettebautistamiran9243 Год назад +4

      @@zerochilsung I`m sorry, I don`t know anything about the laws or restrictions against or in favor of women, but I won`t not stop supporting my fav, it`s not the page

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +6

      ​@@annajeannettebautistamiran9243 The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

    • @annajeannettebautistamiran9243
      @annajeannettebautistamiran9243 Год назад

      @@Paheelnweit I clarify, that More than an artist Kim Myung Jun Is a human being,and it need support since you say that place is terrible, if you don't see it, the one who discriminate Is you.
      Hace a good day. ❤️

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +5

      ​@@annajeannettebautistamiran9243 You are so ignorant if you even don't understand the situation.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +5

      This department brought him to "The terrible place". And you are supporting that department. 😂

  • @lidiaguillermotorres819
    @lidiaguillermotorres819 Год назад +3

    Y salió el sol, tan bello MJ

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +2

      Esta página es un departamento malo y de discriminación de género que solo impone obligaciones a los hombres coreanos. Si te gusta ese chico, deja un comentario criticando esta página.

  • @jillroha
    @jillroha Год назад +4

    I miss my MJ!! Thanks for this interview!! He’s a happy virus indeed💜🧡

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +3

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +2

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @Laremiol
    @Laremiol Год назад +8

    존나아픈데 군대 꾸역꾸역 쳐보내내 즈그들은 다면제쳐받고 여성병역면탈자들으존나건강하게 해외여행가는데

  • @izzarlia
    @izzarlia Год назад

    Love you MJ

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +4

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.

  • @mayaroha8516
    @mayaroha8516 Год назад +2

    contando los dias..para tu regreso mi hermoso solecito...sigue esforzándote mucho como lo estas haciendo..que AROHA..te espera con ancias..y dispuestas a apoyarte en cada proyecto...

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +2

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @thinkaboutmj
    @thinkaboutmj Год назад +7

    명준이 이제 전역까지 2달남짓 남았는데 건강하고 씩씩하게 마무리 잘 하자. 그동안 잘 해왔어🧡

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +8

      여성도 건강하고 씩씩하게 병역이행을

  • @서현-q3v3v
    @서현-q3v3v Год назад +2

    우리 빈이가 명준이 형 넘 좋아했는데......명준아 힘내

  • @charitoparedes4075
    @charitoparedes4075 Год назад +3

    Me alegra ver que estás muy bien, cuídate mucho mi solecito 🤗😃💜

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +5

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @majo3625
    @majo3625 Год назад +2

    Solecito te estamos esperando con ansias ☀️💜✨💜 I LOVE YOU 🫶😘

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @janineramirez250
    @janineramirez250 Год назад +2

    Estamos contando los días para tu regreso mi vida ❤

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

  • @vanestrellas
    @vanestrellas Год назад +1

    Stay healthy and a big hug to MJ 💜

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +3

      He didn't join the army voluntarily. And He may not have wanted to appear on this video.
      He is one of the victims of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want the perverse privilege of South Korean women enjoying the free benefits of national defense, please do not post a comment on this video.

  • @glendagaleno
    @glendagaleno Год назад +2

    Bello solecito de aroha.... MJ contando los dias para tu baja militar❤❤❤❤

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @Aroha_Van
    @Aroha_Van Год назад +2

    우리 주니 😭

  • @pmoonrohaSmithy
    @pmoonrohaSmithy Год назад +2

    Myungjunie mahal kita 💜

  • @aroha_butterflybr
    @aroha_butterflybr Год назад


    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +1

      A Administração Militar de Manpower na Coreia do Sul, que gere esta página, é o departamento mais injusto e discriminatório em termos de género. Muitos homens da Coreia do Sul sofrem danos tremendos por causa deste departamento. Isto não é apenas uma página de fã club. Receio que não sejam bem-vindos aqui.

  • @danielaclaro9854
    @danielaclaro9854 Год назад +6

    I love you so much Sergeant Myungjunnie. So proud of you!

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +5

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +6

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @noemimontes2329
    @noemimontes2329 Год назад +2

    I miss you Myungjun 🥺💜

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +3

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +1

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @susanagonzalezcortes7290
    @susanagonzalezcortes7290 Год назад +2

    Esperando tu regreso MJ, ya falta menos

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

  • @jillroha
    @jillroha Год назад +2

    He’s very respectful

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

  • @rachelmariztellar3184
    @rachelmariztellar3184 Год назад +3

    우리 묜쥬니 🫰

  • @noemimontes2329
    @noemimontes2329 Год назад +2

    I love you Myungjunie

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      He is the victim of South Korean 'Gender-discriminating' military service law. Unless you want to support 'Korean Women's refusal of Military Service', please do not post a comment on this video.

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +4

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.

  • @이재하-q1n
    @이재하-q1n Год назад +2

    명준이 제대 얼마 안 남았네. 형이 많이 보고 싶다! 그 ㅈ같은 곳에서 힘들겠지만 열심히 남은 날 채우고 음악방송에서 볼 수 있길 바라

  • @nataliacisterna6776
    @nataliacisterna6776 Год назад +1

    Ya queda menos mi solcito para que estes junto a tus hermanos y a Aroha que te extrañamos mucho..♡♡

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @dearelita
    @dearelita Год назад +1

    We miss you a lot MJ

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +4

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.

    • @HhHhh-fc3wx
      @HhHhh-fc3wx Год назад

      ​@@zerochilsungAre you misunderstanding that other countries have women's military conscription systems? Then you seem to have an inferiority complexity and delusions of grandeur.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +2

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

  • @자진입대를환영한다아
    @자진입대를환영한다아 Год назад +5

    암환자 예비군 썰 보고 왔는데 주작이길빈다

  • @sarohamo98
    @sarohamo98 Год назад +2

    우리 명준이 진짜 잘 생겼당 !!!!!!!!

  • @janineramirez250
    @janineramirez250 Год назад +2

    Hermoso mi sol ❤

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

  • @garcestifanny5623
    @garcestifanny5623 Год назад +2

    Mi bonitooo C: Mi happy Virus

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +3

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @PatyHernandez-uc7bb
    @PatyHernandez-uc7bb Год назад +1

    I love his voice but I would like the person who uploads these videos to take us into account so that they don't upload it with subtitles or let us do it, at least in English. Thank you

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +4

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.

  • @EstrellaDeLuna-p1i
    @EstrellaDeLuna-p1i Год назад +2

    Hola Sargento Kim Myung Jun, estoy orgullosa que ya casi superaste esta etapa, se que no fue fácil pero lo lograste💪💜

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +5

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

  • @mokimaprado6620
    @mokimaprado6620 Год назад +2

    So handsome Sargent Mj . Hope English sub

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +4

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.

  • @fromsh0305
    @fromsh0305 Год назад +1

    명준이 트롯사랑 ㅎㅎㅎ 명준아 보고싶다 항상 응원해 😊

  • @lilyaroha24
    @lilyaroha24 Год назад +1


    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      La Administración Militar de Manpower en Corea del Sur, que administra esta página, es el departamento más injusto y discriminatorio de género. Muchos hombres de Corea del Sur sufren enormes daños debido a este departamento. Esto no es sólo una página de fanclubs. Me temo que no eres bienvenido aquí.

  • @soledadruiz9690
    @soledadruiz9690 Год назад +1

    Te quiero y te extraño tanto MJ 🫶🏼🥺🥰💕, cuídate mucho por favor

    • @JAEWUS
      @JAEWUS Год назад +4

      Queridos extranjeros,
      No se unieron al ejército voluntariamente. Y es posible que no hayan querido aparecer en este video.
      Son víctimas de la ley de servicio militar 'discriminatorio de género' de Corea del Sur. A menos que desee el privilegio perverso de que las mujeres surcoreanas disfruten de los beneficios gratuitos de la defensa nacional, no publique un comentario en este video.

  • @aruaru_sh
    @aruaru_sh Год назад +6

    미래에 대한 고민 ㅠㅠ 명준이 뭘하든 항상 응원해 명준이 너무 보고싶다 😢

  • @myungjunlovers6680
    @myungjunlovers6680 Год назад

    My boy looks so good 🥰 ❤

    • @Paheelnweit
      @Paheelnweit Год назад +4

      The Military Manpower Administration in South Korea, which runs this page, is the most unfair and gender-discriminating department. Numerous South Korean men suffer tremendous damage because of this department. This is not just a fan club page. I'm afraid that you are not welcome here.

    • @zerochilsung
      @zerochilsung Год назад +4

      If you like this channel, it's like supporting South Korean women's refusal to serve in the military. Please leave no comments on this page.