“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1st John 5:7) That's all you really needed to say. Joshua.
You are right. When I read those words, it trumpets the validity of the Holy Trinity. Where the rub comes in is the word One.. My sons pastor would say “that says it all. One. Not three” I suppose it’s true, we see what we want to see.
@@k9insomniac783 Three in one, each a separate individual, yet the same. A concept not meant to be grasped by the mind of man, but to be believed as all the Scriptures are, by faith.
They focus too much on “one” though. Yes, they are one, but they are described as different persons too. I think people treat it as One God or Three Gods but scripture presents the mystery of both simultaneously: three persons in one God! It is difficult to conceive. I do not deny that. But scripture states that this is the case.
@@FiveLoavesTwoFish1 When you have the time, go to the red dot to the left there and watch 1 or 2 of the short videos, and take a look at the "Show more." “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:17)
I’m sending this straight to my son. This CLEARLY destroys Unitarianism at its core. Joshua, I’d personally love to give you a high five brother. I also believe that you made this video from Love. Any time we do things to help others, be it teaching, clarification , or whatever form of help we try to provide, I believe what you said is true. We mirror that Love that glorifies God and let’s us see just a fraction of the Love that IS God. I also learned something else from this video….A correction. I’ve been so focused on trying to get my son to see that people dirty up the word of God. We do what we have done from the beginning. We take pieces we like, and discard the ones we don’t. We hyper focus on single versus and discount the paragraph it came from. I should be more focused on the fact that my son has humbled himself and asked Christ to be his savior. As he reads the word, and God transforms his heart, I hope he will absorb it and walk with him forever. And I will do what I was commanded. I will Love him.
I had to edit something here. The more I though about what I had said, I believe the Lord spoke to me and corrected me. I really do appreciate this channel and fully accept your high five!
It sounds like the Lord has definitely spoken to your heart on this issue. I pray he gives you wisdom and continued understanding in this time. Your son’s love for Christ is something to praise and thank God for. I pray God shows you when the right times to admonish and encourage, with gentleness and respect are. Pray that the Holy Spirit leads him to the truth about who God is as well. Thank you for your comment! It has blessed me as well and I am humbled to be able to help in any way! God is good!
I'm Debra A. (Bosio) Riley, and I made that picture some years ago for CMI. It is based on light...the one God with three facets. God is light...For me, it summed up in one look what the concept of the trinity is in 2d. He is three in one!
5:57 "he does not need anyone else because it is fulfilled within himself." What do you think about it if the one true God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit needs us humans as a continuation of his community?
Interesting question. I don’t think he needs us as humans to perform any task. God doesn’t need a continuation of his community since he already has it. Even more so, if he wanted to continue it perfectly, I don’t think he would’ve used imperfect creatures (I mean he knew that we would sin) who would do the job imperfectly, if that makes sense. God wanted us to be a part of his love and community, but he doesn’t need us for that community to exist or continue. We are just brought into it.
@@thegeologian Jesus sent his imperfect apostles to preach the message first to all the lost sheep of Israel. They had to do it even though they were still imperfect and according to Jesus the stones could declare. What about the imperfect people who wrote the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Why did they have to do that when God himself can write a text that people can read - like what happened on Mount Horeb. If it doesn't make sense, then why did these things happen through imperfect humans? How about: Could there be more persons ADDED to this "trio"?
@MR-ub6sq I think I’ve already answered that: God desires to spread the love and community he has within himself (father, son, and Holy Spirit). He has delighted in imperfect beings who do things imperfectly (though I would argue that through the Holy Spirit, scripture is infallible) simply because he loves his children. Why do I let my children help me with cleaning projects when I know they will probably not do it well? Because I delight in their desire to help, to learn, and to be with me as I do it. I think this is similar to God’s relation to us. I do not need the help of my children, though I do desire it. God surely doesn’t need us to spread his word or to fulfill himself in some capacity, but he does delight in bringing us alongside him. However, I will say, us joining in his work does not make us join the trinity. That is putting us equal with God.
Hey Joshua, Maybe this isn’t the place for requests, but would you be open to making a video on why the demons chose pigs to be sent into when Jesus cast them out?
Hey! I was actually thinking about doing a Q&A video, wether Live or pre-recorded so viewers could ask these questions and get some helpful answers. Would you be interested in that?
@@thegeologian Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t know how In the world you would ever be able to keep up with all the questions that would roll in on a live feed. Your probably right about maybe just making a video announcing it and having people ask their questions in the comments, then answering them in a follow up video. I’ve seen live Q and A videos and the questions roll by like the credits on Star Wars. Lol.
It's still a hard idea to fully work my head around. I mostly look at the Trinity as an idea we just can't fully understand. The other ideas you mention, all make it easier to understand, more simple, so are more likely to be wrong. God is greater than our ability to understand, and there is a lot of evidence to support the trinity, so it is something I accept without actually getting it.
Thank you. GOD is love. GOD loves every one. Not every one loves GOD. Still HE loves every one. This is what makes believing in Christ different from other beliefs. Reading the Bible must be read as a whole, then we could know GOD is love, though not fully as mentioned by Paul. With the teaching of the HOLY SPIRIT we may fully understand what GOD's love is. Not what we think love is with our finite understanding.
I would say that God does have love for everyone in certain ways. He did send his son to die for the sins of the world. “For God so loved the world…” However that doesn’t usurp the fact that God is also just and will punish the guilty.
@@hardsayings2400I think Adonai is sad for those in Hell. Human beings are his most precious creation and Hell was created to punish fallen angels - not mankind . However we send ourselves there through ignorance, stupidity or our own deliberate fault . God gives us over to our reprobate mind as Paul so finely puts it.
@@hpinchen9451 that’s nonsense. God has utter contempt for those in hell. Those with greater sins have greater punishments in hell. So according to your logic: Despite God being purely justified for sending sinners to hell(which he is justified), he feels an even greater sadness for those who commit the most egregious sins. If what you say is true then God is crazy. And no, we do not send ourselves to hell. God judges us once for sin .. unless we believed.
3:46 - _"God does not just have love or express love. This is saying that he is love. He is the standard of what love is. When we give and experience love in this world it's because it's reflecting him. He is the standard of what love is. He is love. So when he sends his Son to die for us, this is just an outpouring of who he is. This is love."_
So you consistently refer to "God" with the *singular personal* pronouns "he/him/his". You even say that "he" sent "his" Son. You're describing a *"God"* who is *a singular person who has a Son.* Yet in the very next breath...
4:09 - _"However, notice something particular about what this means to be love. God could not be love if he was just one person..."_
Now all of the sudden, *"God"* is *NOT a singular person who has a Son.* Instead, *"God"* is *a **_plurality_** of persons,* which means that "he" is not _really_ a "he", but rather a "they".
This is the idea of 3 in 1. I do indeed understand the confusion. The trinity is a difficult concept for us as humans to grasp. However, in the light of scripture, it makes the most sense of what is described to us. John 1:1 is the perfect example of Jesus being with God yet also being God himself. A person cannot be with themselves, but they can be with another person. Yet those persons are the same? This is the mystery of the trinity that we are attempting to grasp. The concept I present here attempts to understand that better.
The scriptures do not say JESUS was with GOD. It say the Word became flesh. Study (logos) in Greek and study (became). JESUS means JEHOVAH is salvation. The one true HOLY GOD or HOLY Spirit came in flesh to redeem us back to himself from our fall in the garden. This was the LOGOS from the very beginning.
@manningbusiness3834 it states that the “word” was with God and that the Word was God. John 1 also states that the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Jesus is who became flesh so yes Jesus is the Word. But the main question is how the Word can be WITH God and yet be God if the son and the father aren’t distinct persons. “WITH” denotes two parties.
@@WakenAngels _>>> "There cannot be more than one God, because God by definition must be eternal, existing before creation, and infinite, lacking nothing. If a god was created, than it is not eternal. And if a god lacked something, then it is not infinite. If God did not know love until He created us, then He lacked something."_
By the same reasoning...if God did not know _mercy_ until he created us, he lacked something, and is therefore not infinite. So God must've known mercy "before creation", right? So...to *whom* was God showing mercy before creation?
_>>> "A triangle is the first shape that can form with lines. The Trinity therefore perfectly explains God through a self contained shape. God is a family with one divine nature and one divine will. That is why it is not 3 separate gods anymore than a triangle is 3 separate lines."_
God is _not_ a family. God is a Spirit, a _unipersonal_ "HE/HIM/HIS" Spirit: _"God is a Spirit: and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth."_ (John 4:24)
Also, the triangle analogy fails. The three sides of the one triangle line are three *parts* of that line. The triangle line consists of parts. God does not.
_>>> "God is a being with 3 persons. A being describes WHAT something is...A person describes WHO someone is."_
That's just philosophical mumbo jumbo having *zero* scriptural foundation. Besides...what you're really saying is this: -- The Father is a person, but the Father is not a being. -- The Son is a person, but the Son is not a being. -- The Spirit is a person, but the Spirit is not a being.
It's nonsense.
_>>> "When we refer to GOD we refer to the GODHEAD: divine nature or divine will, which is singular. But when we refer to God we often refer to the Creator who is the Father of Creation, when we refer to Jesus we are referring to the person who is the Son or Word of God, and when we refer to the Holy Spirit we refer to the Counselor or Teacher of the Word."_
So "GOD" refers to something different than "God"? Again, nonsense.
The christian did not realise that this stance was self-contradictory. His initial objection was based on upon the premise that the christian god is maximally loving because 3 persons exist with in the trinity. Therefore god's divine love can be actualised in christianity. He alleged that is islam, god is need of the creation to actualised that love however, in the very same breath, he also believes that each person within the trinity is absolutely self-sufficient and thus the possessor of aseity but if the individual members of the triune god require each other in order to actualise divine love, that would make them all inter-dependent and not independent, and the persons within the triune godhead cannot be said to have aseity self-refuting, self-collapsing position to hold God can be one because All of the attributes of Allah are eternal. We don't worship the attributes of Allah (this is polytheism). We only worship the one who possesses the attributes (Allah, himself. The attribute is not equal to the one who possesses it. This doesn't contradict the idea that his attributes are uncreated. It belongs to Him and Him alone, not a product also not a creation
@@thegeologian I think you missed the point, the reason why explain Allah attributes So you understand it, but it's fine I will explain we all can learn from each other. The answer is that the attribute of God is that God loves. His name is "Al wudood" which means the one who loves so God is the possessor of this attribute if the creation is not there, that does not mean this attribute is not there. The answer is simple God is not dependent on the Creation to have the attribute of love
@frankwhite6748 I understand. But Allah would not understand love because he has never experienced it before. Does my question make sense? I’m asking honestly.
@@thegeologian I understand your question you are saying because he hasn't experienced it, he doesn't know how to love? Brother you are taking wrong way. If a good person doesn't show there goodness then will you tell him as he is not a good person since he has not shown any good traits. God is the possessor of this attribute if the creation is not there, that does not mean this attribute is not there" By that reasoning, you can have the attribute "merciful" without ever acting mercifully and instead torturing all the time. It makes the words meaningless
My question is not saying that he doesn’t know how to love. Even if there was no one to love I still think he could have the capacity and desire to love. My point was more that God has never experienced love. He would be dependent on someone else to experience love. God may have the ability to live by himself, but he would still be dependent on creation to both give and receive that love.
The idea of God being love is very real and I kind of think that with him being in paradise-heaven (place of good and no evil) he cannot feel hate or negative emotions while there, but the judgement won't be taking place inside of heaven. That's where the balance of hell comes into play, and in between realms that let you experience both. Edited: changed in heaven to inside of heaven to portray the idea better.
Lol. Modalism is like Klingon. It doesn’t actually exist as a thing, but yet a lot of fiction exists that teaches people how to speak or read it. Same with modalism. It isn’t a theology that is actually believed by many (maybe a few renegades here and there just like those who speak Klingon). And a lot of material exists that lay out the tenants of modalism. Now Oneness, as distinguished from Unitarianism, it the believe that there is only one person of God, Jesus Christ is the expressed image of that one God, even in the Old Testament as Jesus always existed as the image of God whether before flesh, after flesh and after resurrection and that the spirit of acid is the same. So the statement of Trinity in your diagram is “One God-God the Father, the Son and the the Holy Ghost, The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost is not the Father.” However oneness is “One God, the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. The spirit of God the Father is Jesus, spirit of Jesus is the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is the spirit of God the Father, all at the same time for all time that every was and ever will be.
It makes no sense that God and Jesus are the same person. There are plenty of scriptures to prove this, but one that stands out to me is where Jesus actually cured people of their blindness, and yet Exodus 33:20 says no man can see God and live. There are loads more to disprove the trinity.
They aren’t the same person. I would agree. They are both God though. God is three persons in one being. It is God existing in three persons. Again, John 1:1 shows that Jesus with not only WITH God but he also IS GOD. This shows that they are simultaneously distinct persons and yet the same being.
@@thegeologian John 1:1 is always used out of context when it comes to the trinity, and this is what Tertullian based his idea on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit idea; it's a Catholic teaching. There are way too many scriptures that demonstrate that Jesus was on earth while his father was not, that means it is impossible for them to be the same person. I've studied and researched this issue for decades and I still don't buy the trinity idea, same as the John Derby rapture nonsense.
@marklawrence909 You’re right, they aren’t the same person. They are distinct persons, but are the same God. A triangle is a good analogy. The three sides of s triangle are equal in length and a part of the same shape, yet they are distinct sides. You cannot separate them from the shape, yet they are still distinct. One God, three persons.
@@thegeologian Sorry but I still don't buy that either. A triangle and a square, that's how I would describe the relationship, two very different shapes. I understand this is all supernatural but even so, separating a God into three is illogical. He is the Alpha and the Omega, and the son is not. When the disciples asked about the end times Jesus replied that nobody knows the hour or the day, not even the Son, but only the Father. If Jesus was God he could have told them. I'm not trying to be aggressive or argumentative about this, but it just seems crazy that while being murdered (Jesus in his last moments), he cried out to his Father. So how does a person die, and save themselves at the same time. It just seems backward thinking.
Okay, perhaps looking at a verse will help us discuss. I don’t want to just give proof texts to each other but I would rather like to discuss passages together, if that is okay? I have one in mind that I’d like to hear your perspective on. Perhaps you see something that I do not and I can learn from.
Just need to point out the clear misrepresentation of Lds theology. No where in Lds theology is it taught that Christ was created. In fact D&C section 93 teaches the exact opposite.
Peace be upon you, God is love yes but he does not need to be 3 different person to express his love. He is love by expressing his love to the fallen man and redeeming man through the cross. God is an Infinite being the Trinity comes from our finite percipective point of view. We men cannot understand God by putting him in a box. The error in Trinity comes when we say God the Father who is Spirit he is not the Holy Ghost and we know he is Spirit now thats contradicts the scriptures. Since now we have two different Spirits who are not each other but we are forcing ourselves to believe they are one thats the contradiction. We have all to agree that Jesus Christ is the greatest mystery of God and he is God. But also we know that Jesus cannot be his own Father and neither did he had two Fathers, the Scriptures forces us to believe that the Holy Ghost and the Father are one and the same self Spirit at work. Read Nehemiah 9:13, Matthew 1:18... God lives in eternity the Holy Spirit is the same God at eternity but existing on earth(in a timeline) at the same time, he is omnipresent. It's written the Heavens of Heaven cannot hold God what about the earth?... What about Jesus Christ, one may ask? Jesus Christ is the same God at eternity but now he is visible seen on earth(God in flesh/Immanuel). God is one God God's Word God's Spirit God Word of God Spirit of God God Word of God Holy Spirit God Word Holy Ghost Father Word Holy Ghost Father Son Holy Ghost LORD JESUS CHRIST | | | | | | LORD of Hosts 《Eternal Father》 | | The Redeemer 《Son of man》 | | Holy one of Israel 《Spirit of truth》 Father, Son, Holy Ghost are one because its the same self divine SPIRIT at work not different persons, 1 God 3 offices. God is above all (Father/God) , through all(Son/Word of God) and in all(Holy Ghost/Spirit of God). God is one and he is one LORD. Them scriptures cannot be broken neither contradicting itself we have to think within the scriptures and we will do well thank you. Shalom aleichim brother.
What about before mankind was created? How did God know love or experience love before mankind if God isn’t trinitarian? He would need man to know love or to express love. That would make God dependent upon his creation for something, which does contradict scripture.
The way trinitarians are describing GOD and him being love comes off as if there are three GODs that make up love. This is consistently at odds with scripture that says….. alone, by myself. The evidence is in the scripture that there is ONE GOD and he is alone, by himself, there is no other, and GOD is Love. The self existing one is love. It’s not just what he does but who GOD is.
If God is only one, then how can he love with no one to express that love to? God would not know love if there wasn’t anyone else besides him. How can God be love if he doesn’t even know what is is? The trinity shows that God is self sufficient. The communion he has within himself shows that God is love and does not need others to experience it or give it. This is not three Gods, but one God made up of three persons. A singular being yet three distinct persons making up that being. John 1 is very clear about this.
🎉Jesus 😁 is not of this world Spiritual rebirth imparts Eternal life and you become a true child of God. False god's Cult demon infested counterfeit and fake god Allah 🤪 false prophet Muhammad The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. When Jesus is called “King of kings and Lord of lords,” it means that, in the end, all other rulers will be conquered or abolished, and He alone will reign supreme as King and Lord of all the earth. There is no power, no king, and no lord who can oppose Him and win All true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who have been effectually called have been “sealed for the day of redemption” (Eph. 1:13-14), are being guarded through faith by God's power (1 Pet. 1:3-5), will be glorified (Rom. 8:29-30), and can never perish or be snatched from the Father's hand ➕ 'Antichrist Spirit Buda Allah Cults will be CRUsHeD and BuRIeD under the feet of JESUS for ETERNITY Jesus is coming soon Thank God 😊 God always wins and never lost a battle 🤷
There are two separate issues here. God is the source of Love, life, light and so on, By definition he would always have someone to love and someone to love him. He is creator and creative. Love never exist or existed in a vacuum. The scriptures never say he is alone, it states there is no other GODs, in other words there is no other source. The other is three persons. That is a human term and if I say come here booby, Dave and Jack, then three different people will come to me. They are three different persons and all humans. The terms Trinitarians use advocate 3 GODs. It is shown by the words they use like, they, and them when talking about GOD. In John 1 It says in the beginning, showing the time frame, this is not in eternity. The word (logos) was in the beginning with GOD and was GOD. This is not a part of the trinity. This is his plan but it’s more than just a plan, this is the reason for the whole existence of the world from beginning to end. The lamb slain from the foundation of the world. The beauty is that this is the law and the prophets, the voice of GOD that said let there be. The ONE and only holy GOD became flesh and dwelt among us. The hope of all ages.
Dear Joshua! I believe you are a humble young man who really wants to find the truth. Remember, Christian churches don't want to teach their sheep how to study the Bible - and for a reason. If they would encourage their sheep to study the Bible, as the Beroeans (Acts 17:11) did after Paul taught them, then everyone would be able to see whether the church's teaching is correct or not. So I'm not at all surprised that you've had to struggle with things - things that should be understandable. If I understood correctly, you actually believe that there can be no potential without the object of the potential? So there can't be a water source without even a single drinker? So my question is: How could a person who is completely alone in the universe can not be loving or the personification of love? If your thought were true, then it would also be questioned whether such a person could even be exist! I would understand you better if you started telling your followers that it is impossible for a person living in complete solitude to SHARE his love - impossible to SHOW his love to anyone. BUT: In fact, it's not impossible either - even in the case of an ordinary human person, because he could imagine a family for himself in his imagination and show love to his children and spouse IN HIS IMAGINATION. And he would do all that for what potential to love he HAS. This is what many elderly people with dementia still do. They live to talk to their beloved child who has actually died in some accident. When such a lonely dementic person who lovingly covers his dead child's breakfast, lunch, etc. every day and chats with them can't be love just because he is ALONE? They do so and thus share their own endless love with the non-existent! In the concept you presented, you have taken a shortcut past a really significant thing - to make it easy to remember and easy to believe. You're not the only one who takes shortcuts and doesn't realize they're got lost. So do many others. For example, if you read articles that present "evidence" in support of evolution, you can notice that very often these "evidences" begin with the statement: "If we assume that..." or "Let suppose that..." - Think for a moment where such shortcuts lead? To a misconception that arises from mere imagination - not the facts. It's very easy for a human to ignore the obvious facts when, being observant, he falls in love with some brilliant detail he sees, and at the same time forgets to check the whole picture. It may be good for each of us to read Job 38 and James 1:5
Hello! I appreciate your thoughts. However, I think you’ve misunderstood my point. The examples you’ve given (water source, dementia) are not good analogs. My point is that a being who claimed to BE love, meaning that all our understanding, the meaning of the word loving, comes from this being. They ARE love, not that they are the personification of it or that they possess it. The scriptures claim God IS love. Before the creation of anything (universe, stars, earth, people, etc), there was just God. If God is not trinitarian and solely one person rather than 3 in one, then he cannot BE love. In order to experience love, receive it, give it, understand it, etc. he would NEED to create someone else. If God needs something, then he’s no longer the God we know him to be. The dementia patient example fails because this person has already experienced love with individuals and can play off of imagination or memories. They also are still experiencing people around them. They are never alone as God would be in the example. However, if God is a community of 3 persons from eternity, then he’s always BEEN love. The three persons have been giving and receiving love with each other forever. God is an eternal loving community of 3 persons in one. He is the definition of love. He doesn’t need anyone else. Creation is an outpouring of the community of love rather than a necessity to fill God’s loneliness and lack of receiving love by himself.
@@thegeologian Thanks for the kind clarification! If you HAVE the need to defend the trinity, then please watertightly justify the trinity with just the Bible. Athanasius' Creed is designed to scare the reader with eternal destruction if them does not believe in the difficult fable invented by the church fathers. Remember what apostle Paul wrote about the myths that become embedded in Christianity when the apostles first die: - "For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own lusts, they will heap up to themselves teachers tickling the ear; and they will turn away the ear from the truth and will be turned aside to myths ." (2 Timothy 4:3-4 | Green's literal) - "And now you know the thing holding back, for him to be Revealed in his time. For the Mystery of lawlessness already is working, only he is holding back now, until it comes out of the midst." (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7). If you do NOT have the need to support the unbiblical doctrine of the Trinity, then you would not need to justify with the help of the Bible that God's understanding of things was in any way limited so that he, as a solitary person from eternity, could not possibly know what perfect love is? However, the Bible shows that God is ONE PERSON - "I" - not many as "WE".: "I am Jehovah, and there is none else; there is no God except Me. I will clothe you, though you do not know Me, that they may know from the rising of the sun, and to the sunset, that there is none besides Me; I am Jehovah, and there is none else;" (Isaiah 45:5-6) If "GOD" consisted of many persons, then he would declare: "We are Jehovah, and there is none else than We; there is no God except Us. We will clothe you, though you do not know Us, that they may know from the rising of the sun, and to the sunset, that there is none beside Us; We are Jehovah, and there is none else;" So also He speaks of His glory not in the plural - but in the first person singular "For My sake, for My sake, I will act; for how is it defiled? And I will not give My Glory to another." (Isaiah 48:11) The first person singular pronoun אני is also found in the Hebrew texts of Tanakh in these verses. Right?
@Acts_c17v11 @Acts_c17v11 1 John 4:8 says “God is love.” I was using the Bible. The video was a commentary on that idea of God being love as presented in 1 John 4:8. If you wanted to go into further discussion, we can. For the passages you cited, those do not go against a classical understanding of the trinity. Those who adhere to the trinity would agree that there is One God, but that God is made up of three people. One God, three persons. May I ask what your interpretation of John 1:1 is? “In the Beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the Word was God.”
@@thegeologian I did notice that you used the Bible. And you can trust that 1 John 4:8 is absolutely clear. But instead, right away in my last comment I hoped and I STILL HOPE that you would show me the Biblical basis for your conclusion that the truth in question (God is love) is only possible if he has eternally had loved ones around him as part of the God. Or, alternatively, please show with the help of the Bible that God must have experienced love between three beings forever in order to be love. Having completely ignored this, I am left with your conclusion that your concept is philosophical - not Biblical. I quoted you a few Bible passages from Isaiah, where God speaks of himself: not as many "WE", but as one "ME" or "I". Did you notice? (Isaiah 45:5-6 and 48:11) You didn't comment on this either, so it's really starting to look like you created a philosophical thought. But may I ask how you read Colossians 1:13-15 in your Bible, which shows that Jesus has a beginning: - "πρωτότοκος πάσης κτίσεως" (GREEK) - "the First-born of all creation" (AS) - "first-born of all creation" (DB) - "the Firstborn of every creature" (KJ) What about Revelation 3:14, which also talks about Jesus: - "ἡ ἀρχὴ τῆς κτίσεως τοῦ Θεοῦ" (GREEK) - "the beginning of the creation of God" (AS, DB, KJ) Then, when you have first proven your conclusion with the help of the Bible, then I will tell you about John 1:1, even if it is not related to the concept you presented in any way.
@Acts_c17v11 again, the video is a discussion on the meaning of the passage “God Is love.” It’s a simple Biblical concept. I’m not going to summarize once again or restate the entirety of the video. Simply, I will state, a singular person cannot BE love as they will not have even experienced love or even a relationship in which love is possible. A singular person would require someone else to receive and give love to even know it. This is just simple and I think God being love shows us that his nature being a single person doesn’t match that scripture from 1 John. As for your other references, I did comment. I stated that they don’t go against the classical understanding of the trinity. God referring to himself as “I” is perfectly fine and makes sense for a person talking about themselves. His statement about there being only one God also doesn’t go against the trinity. One God, three persons. I will comment on Colossians 1, sure but I’m not going to continue to allow this conversation to be one sided. Please provide the interpretation of John 1:1 after I answer this please. I’m interested in what you think. The mention of “firstborn” need not mean “first created.” David is called God’s firstborn in Psalm 89 yet David was not created first nor was he even Jesse’s firstborn son. He was seventh. The idea of the firstborn can just be someone who is chosen above the others or has the first position. Jesus was “firstborn” as being over all of creation. He was the head of it and had all authority over it. Psalm 89:27 talks about David being made higher than any other King. Likewise, Jesus was placed higher than all of creation.
Maybe I can offer more understanding. Jesus is both God and man. This is a real human life. As this man he is like us in every way but without sin. He hungered and got thirsty. He had to rest and died on a cross. Did God ever get tired or die.? This was flesh. He prayed just like we can, he needed help just like we do, but not as the second part of the trinity but as a human. If it was as the second person of the trinity then you have some explaining to do because he is no longer co-equal. The second person of the trinity died. Simply put, the Spirit was speaking to the man Christ Jesus and saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. The reason Jesus is called the Father, son and Holy Spirit is because the same Spirit that is the Father of all creation and the caused the conception of this human life. Was also in this human form reconciling the world unto himself. 2 Corinthians 5:19 The Spirit that was in Christ is God. According to John 4:24 God is Spirit According to Ephesians 4:4 there is One Spirit. Romans 8:9 ¶ But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Is the Spirit of God and Christ 2 different entities.! No. If so, you would have two different Gods. It is the same Spirit. Father is Spirit, Holy Spirit is Spirit and Christ is the Joining place where Spirit and flesh come together. There is Only one Spirit. Ephesians 4:4 Jesus means Jehovah is Salvation. He is salvation because the one Spirit is in flesh reconciling the world to himself. Only God can save and he did it by becoming flesh. John 1:14.
Here's a conversation between the 'trinity' - (F)ather; (S)on; (H)oly(S)pirit F: Meeting time! S: I knew you would say that although you know I am YHWH also F: I have a plan S: umm, I already know that. I am the True I am! I am you, I mean YHWH F: Oh yeah, I forgot. Well, 'almost' forgot. Let's talk about it anyway. We are three but we are also one. S: I know! I am omniscient, too. ok, but this is boring since I already know what you are going to say F: Well, son, I knew what you were going to say also. I am your Father S: BUT I am equal to you nananananana F: It's like I am talking to myself sometimes S: Knew you would say that, too F: Where is the HS when I need him? HS: I'm right here. I was late intentionally. I like to joke around. I am omnipresent also. F: I know all your jokes and I knew you were late, of course. You need to be here when we meet though HS: I knew you would say that. I'm YHWH also. We are always together. F: So why do we have conversations and meetings when we already know what each of us are going to say? S: yeah and this going to go on forever! HS: We are ONE! F, S, & HS just look at each other with mouth wide open. S: So do I still have to become a human and die? F, HS: look at each other. Of course! You know that! We always agree so how can there be questions among us? S: Let's take a vote! END
Jesus is historical figure. Its alot of evidence of him outside bible. All historian already confirm him. But who cares right as long as you are in your "feelings".
It's amazing how even you can't believe that. Even if you were logically certain of that (and you aren't) you would never fully be able to override the evolutionary presets which predispose you to theistic belief. How much more wonderful that Christianity happens to be true as well.
@@Konxovar0 The land of make-believe is fun but you aren't suppose to stay there. True? 😂. Ironically Christians lie when you say that. So, why do you feel it's ok to lie?
@@enockt6218 A historical figure means only existed in the past. Nice one. You agree Jesus is only an imaginary character in the present. Clearly not related to a god character.
@@sethsuleiman4419 According to Jesus, the only true God is the Father (John 17:1-3). Also according to Jesus, the Father - the only true God - is Jesus himself...
*REVELATION 22:16 (KJV)* *I JESUS* have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. *I am the ROOT **_and_** the OFFSPRING of David,* and the bright and morning star.
In David's family line, Jesus is both David's predecessor ("the *root* of David") _and_ David's successor ("the *offspring* of David"), which means Jesus is both _his own_ predecessor and _his own_ successor. A predecessor in a family line is called a FATHER, and a successor in a family line is called a SON. Therefore, Jesus is both _his own_ FATHER, and _his own_ SON. The only true God is the Father, the eternal Spirit who "came down from heaven" _without leaving heaven,_ and who manifested _himself_ on earth in genuine human form, as _his own_ Son, so that he could lay down _his own_ life for us, raise _himself_ from the dead, and give eternal life to all who believe on _him._ And _his_ name is revealed to be the name which is above _every_ name: *JESUS.*
@euston2216 Yet there is still a distinction between the person of The Father and The Son, Jesus. The Bible records multiple times of the Father saying things to Jesus while he was on earth, or all three being present at Jesus’s baptism. Or that John 1:1 states that Jesus was with God. I cannot be with myself, but I can be with someone else. Yet those two who are with each other are both called God. “Father” in the description of God is to denote the relationship between two persons of the trinity. God the Father is the father of Jesus the son. Jews did not refer to God as “father.” Jesus did. And so do we now that we are made coheres with Christ and brought into his family.
@@thegeologian You said, jesus refer to god as father. Yes, you are right. And, in john 17:3 jesus say that the father is the only god. Thus, you are incorrect to say both the father and jesus are gods; you contradict what jesus say.
@sethsuleiman5104 I’m not saying they are both God(s). I’m saying they are both God, singular. God is a singular being made up of three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. John 1:1 literally states that Jesus was both with God and is God at the same time. “With” denotes multiple persons. “Is” denotes they are also simultaneously the same. This is the concept of the trinity.
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1st John 5:7) That's all you really needed to say. Joshua.
You are right. When I read those words, it trumpets the validity of the Holy Trinity. Where the rub comes in is the word One.. My sons pastor would say “that says it all. One. Not three” I suppose it’s true, we see what we want to see.
@@k9insomniac783 Three in one, each a separate individual, yet the same. A concept not meant to be grasped by the mind of man, but to be believed as all the Scriptures are, by faith.
They focus too much on “one” though. Yes, they are one, but they are described as different persons too. I think people treat it as One God or Three Gods but scripture presents the mystery of both simultaneously: three persons in one God! It is difficult to conceive. I do not deny that. But scripture states that this is the case.
@@borrowedtruths6955 amen
@@FiveLoavesTwoFish1 When you have the time, go to the red dot to the left there and watch 1 or 2 of the short videos, and take a look at the "Show more."
“For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:17)
God showed me this exact understanding of the trinity years ago. i'm glad for the confirmation. well done.
I’m sending this straight to my son. This CLEARLY destroys Unitarianism at its core. Joshua, I’d personally love to give you a high five brother. I also believe that you made this video from Love. Any time we do things to help others, be it teaching, clarification , or whatever form of help we try to provide, I believe what you said is true. We mirror that Love that glorifies God and let’s us see just a fraction of the Love that IS God. I also learned something else from this video….A correction. I’ve been so focused on trying to get my son to see that people dirty up the word of God. We do what we have done from the beginning. We take pieces we like, and discard the ones we don’t. We hyper focus on single versus and discount the paragraph it came from. I should be more focused on the fact that my son has humbled himself and asked Christ to be his savior. As he reads the word, and God transforms his heart, I hope he will absorb it and walk with him forever. And I will do what I was commanded. I will Love him.
Consider this a high five then!
I had to edit something here. The more I though about what I had said, I believe the Lord spoke to me and corrected me. I really do appreciate this channel and fully accept your high five!
It sounds like the Lord has definitely spoken to your heart on this issue. I pray he gives you wisdom and continued understanding in this time. Your son’s love for Christ is something to praise and thank God for. I pray God shows you when the right times to admonish and encourage, with gentleness and respect are. Pray that the Holy Spirit leads him to the truth about who God is as well. Thank you for your comment! It has blessed me as well and I am humbled to be able to help in any way! God is good!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Mike Reeves, an english theologian, would very much agree with you! Thank you for sharing!
This is awesome.
Thank you.
All things are created for him by him and through him therefore he wasn't created he is creator !
I'm Debra A. (Bosio) Riley, and I made that picture some years ago for CMI. It is based on light...the one God with three facets. God is light...For me, it summed up in one look what the concept of the trinity is in 2d. He is three in one!
5:57 "he does not need anyone else because it is fulfilled within himself." What do you think about it if the one true God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit needs us humans as a continuation of his community?
Interesting question. I don’t think he needs us as humans to perform any task. God doesn’t need a continuation of his community since he already has it. Even more so, if he wanted to continue it perfectly, I don’t think he would’ve used imperfect creatures (I mean he knew that we would sin) who would do the job imperfectly, if that makes sense. God wanted us to be a part of his love and community, but he doesn’t need us for that community to exist or continue. We are just brought into it.
@@thegeologian However, Jesus made this clear that there are more than just three persons in this community.
@@MR-ub6sq Do you mean within God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)? Or do you mean that we are now a part of that community?
@@thegeologian Jesus sent his imperfect apostles to preach the message first to all the lost sheep of Israel. They had to do it even though they were still imperfect and according to Jesus the stones could declare. What about the imperfect people who wrote the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Why did they have to do that when God himself can write a text that people can read - like what happened on Mount Horeb.
If it doesn't make sense, then why did these things happen through imperfect humans?
How about: Could there be more persons ADDED to this "trio"?
@MR-ub6sq I think I’ve already answered that: God desires to spread the love and community he has within himself (father, son, and Holy Spirit). He has delighted in imperfect beings who do things imperfectly (though I would argue that through the Holy Spirit, scripture is infallible) simply because he loves his children. Why do I let my children help me with cleaning projects when I know they will probably not do it well? Because I delight in their desire to help, to learn, and to be with me as I do it. I think this is similar to God’s relation to us. I do not need the help of my children, though I do desire it. God surely doesn’t need us to spread his word or to fulfill himself in some capacity, but he does delight in bringing us alongside him. However, I will say, us joining in his work does not make us join the trinity. That is putting us equal with God.
Amazing! This does make sense! Great observation and wise. God bless you!
God shares, gives, and receives love... Trinity
Hey Joshua,
Maybe this isn’t the place for requests, but would you be open to making a video on why the demons chose pigs to be sent into when Jesus cast them out?
Hey! I was actually thinking about doing a Q&A video, wether Live or pre-recorded so viewers could ask these questions and get some helpful answers. Would you be interested in that?
@@thegeologian That would be awesome. I think that’s a great idea. ! I’ll be there!
@@thegeologian Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t know how In the world you would ever be able to keep up with all the questions that would roll in on a live feed. Your probably right about maybe just making a video announcing it and having people ask their questions in the comments, then answering them in a follow up video. I’ve seen live Q and A videos and the questions roll by like the credits on Star Wars. Lol.
That is true! Perhaps I would only take a certain number of questions.
It's still a hard idea to fully work my head around. I mostly look at the Trinity as an idea we just can't fully understand. The other ideas you mention, all make it easier to understand, more simple, so are more likely to be wrong. God is greater than our ability to understand, and there is a lot of evidence to support the trinity, so it is something I accept without actually getting it.
Thank you. GOD is love. GOD loves every one. Not every one loves GOD. Still HE loves every one. This is what makes believing in Christ different from other beliefs. Reading the Bible must be read as a whole, then we could know GOD is love, though not fully as mentioned by Paul. With the teaching of the HOLY SPIRIT we may fully understand what GOD's love is.
Not what we think love is with our finite understanding.
God is love and loved everyone at one point in time. But he doesn't love those who are in hell.
“For our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb. 12:29) Sounds like you've fallen into the "God is only love" trap.
I would say that God does have love for everyone in certain ways. He did send his son to die for the sins of the world. “For God so loved the world…” However that doesn’t usurp the fact that God is also just and will punish the guilty.
@@hardsayings2400I think Adonai is sad for those in Hell. Human beings are his most precious creation and Hell was created to punish fallen angels - not mankind . However we send ourselves there through ignorance, stupidity or our own deliberate fault . God gives us over to our reprobate mind as Paul so finely puts it.
@@hpinchen9451 that’s nonsense. God has utter contempt for those in hell. Those with greater sins have greater punishments in hell. So according to your logic:
Despite God being purely justified for sending sinners to hell(which he is justified), he feels an even greater sadness for those who commit the most egregious sins.
If what you say is true then God is crazy.
And no, we do not send ourselves to hell. God judges us once for sin .. unless we believed.
🔥🔥 awesome.
God’s love is conditional God doesn’t love the people that does not believe in him and dies on disbelief
3:46 - _"God does not just have love or express love. This is saying that he is love. He is the standard of what love is. When we give and experience love in this world it's because it's reflecting him. He is the standard of what love is. He is love. So when he sends his Son to die for us, this is just an outpouring of who he is. This is love."_
So you consistently refer to "God" with the *singular personal* pronouns "he/him/his". You even say that "he" sent "his" Son. You're describing a *"God"* who is *a singular person who has a Son.* Yet in the very next breath...
4:09 - _"However, notice something particular about what this means to be love. God could not be love if he was just one person..."_
Now all of the sudden, *"God"* is *NOT a singular person who has a Son.* Instead, *"God"* is *a **_plurality_** of persons,* which means that "he" is not _really_ a "he", but rather a "they".
Can you see the confusion?
This is the idea of 3 in 1. I do indeed understand the confusion. The trinity is a difficult concept for us as humans to grasp. However, in the light of scripture, it makes the most sense of what is described to us. John 1:1 is the perfect example of Jesus being with God yet also being God himself. A person cannot be with themselves, but they can be with another person. Yet those persons are the same? This is the mystery of the trinity that we are attempting to grasp. The concept I present here attempts to understand that better.
The scriptures do not say JESUS was with GOD.
It say the Word became flesh.
Study (logos) in Greek and study (became).
JESUS means JEHOVAH is salvation.
The one true HOLY GOD or HOLY Spirit came in flesh to redeem us back to himself from our fall in the garden.
This was the LOGOS from the very beginning.
@manningbusiness3834 it states that the “word” was with God and that the Word was God. John 1 also states that the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Jesus is who became flesh so yes Jesus is the Word. But the main question is how the Word can be WITH God and yet be God if the son and the father aren’t distinct persons. “WITH” denotes two parties.
_>>> "There cannot be more than one God, because God by definition must be eternal, existing before creation, and infinite, lacking nothing. If a god was created, than it is not eternal. And if a god lacked something, then it is not infinite. If God did not know love until He created us, then He lacked something."_
By the same reasoning...if God did not know _mercy_ until he created us, he lacked something, and is therefore not infinite. So God must've known mercy "before creation", right? So...to *whom* was God showing mercy before creation?
_>>> "A triangle is the first shape that can form with lines. The Trinity therefore perfectly explains God through a self contained shape. God is a family with one divine nature and one divine will. That is why it is not 3 separate gods anymore than a triangle is 3 separate lines."_
God is _not_ a family. God is a Spirit, a _unipersonal_ "HE/HIM/HIS" Spirit: _"God is a Spirit: and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth."_ (John 4:24)
Also, the triangle analogy fails. The three sides of the one triangle line are three *parts* of that line. The triangle line consists of parts. God does not.
_>>> "God is a being with 3 persons. A being describes WHAT something is...A person describes WHO someone is."_
That's just philosophical mumbo jumbo having *zero* scriptural foundation. Besides...what you're really saying is this:
-- The Father is a person, but the Father is not a being.
-- The Son is a person, but the Son is not a being.
-- The Spirit is a person, but the Spirit is not a being.
It's nonsense.
_>>> "When we refer to GOD we refer to the GODHEAD: divine nature or divine will, which is singular. But when we refer to God we often refer to the Creator who is the Father of Creation, when we refer to Jesus we are referring to the person who is the Son or Word of God, and when we refer to the Holy Spirit we refer to the Counselor or Teacher of the Word."_
So "GOD" refers to something different than "God"? Again, nonsense.
The christian did not realise that this stance was self-contradictory. His initial objection was based on upon the premise that the christian god is maximally loving because 3 persons exist with in the trinity. Therefore god's divine love can be actualised in christianity. He alleged that is islam, god is need of the creation to actualised that love however, in the very same breath, he also believes that each person within the trinity is absolutely self-sufficient and thus the possessor of aseity but if the individual members of the triune god require each other in order to actualise divine love, that would make them all inter-dependent and not independent, and the persons within the triune godhead cannot be said to have aseity self-refuting, self-collapsing position to hold
God can be one because
All of the attributes of Allah are eternal. We don't worship the attributes of Allah (this is polytheism). We only worship the one who possesses the attributes (Allah, himself. The attribute is not equal to the one who possesses it. This doesn't contradict the idea that his attributes are uncreated. It belongs to Him and Him alone, not a product also not a creation
How did God love and experience love prior to created mankind?
@@thegeologian I think you missed the point, the reason why explain Allah attributes
So you understand it, but it's fine I will explain we all can learn from each other. The answer is that the attribute of God is that God loves. His name is "Al wudood" which means the one who loves so God is the possessor of this attribute if the creation is not there, that does not mean this attribute is not there.
The answer is simple God is not dependent on the Creation to have the attribute of love
@frankwhite6748 I understand. But Allah would not understand love because he has never experienced it before. Does my question make sense? I’m asking honestly.
@@thegeologian I understand your question you are saying because he hasn't experienced it, he doesn't know how to love?
Brother you are taking wrong way. If a good person doesn't show there goodness then will you tell him as he is not a good person since he has not shown any good traits. God is the possessor of this attribute if the creation is not there, that does not mean this attribute is not there" By that reasoning, you can have the attribute "merciful" without ever acting mercifully and instead torturing all the time. It makes the words meaningless
My question is not saying that he doesn’t know how to love. Even if there was no one to love I still think he could have the capacity and desire to love. My point was more that God has never experienced love. He would be dependent on someone else to experience love. God may have the ability to live by himself, but he would still be dependent on creation to both give and receive that love.
The idea of God being love is very real and I kind of think that with him being in paradise-heaven (place of good and no evil) he cannot feel hate or negative emotions while there, but the judgement won't be taking place inside of heaven. That's where the balance of hell comes into play, and in between realms that let you experience both.
Edited: changed in heaven to inside of heaven to portray the idea better.
Not one thing you said here can be validated by the Word of God.
Yes, if God is love, then that implies an object TO love -- the trinity.
Lol. Modalism is like Klingon. It doesn’t actually exist as a thing, but yet a lot of fiction exists that teaches people how to speak or read it. Same with modalism. It isn’t a theology that is actually believed by many (maybe a few renegades here and there just like those who speak Klingon). And a lot of material exists that lay out the tenants of modalism.
Now Oneness, as distinguished from Unitarianism, it the believe that there is only one person of God, Jesus Christ is the expressed image of that one God, even in the Old Testament as Jesus always existed as the image of God whether before flesh, after flesh and after resurrection and that the spirit of acid is the same. So the statement of Trinity in your diagram is “One God-God the Father, the Son and the the Holy Ghost, The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost is not the Father.”
However oneness is “One God, the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. The spirit of God the Father is Jesus, spirit of Jesus is the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is the spirit of God the Father, all at the same time for all time that every was and ever will be.
It makes no sense that God and Jesus are the same person. There are plenty of scriptures to prove this, but one that stands out to me is where Jesus actually cured people of their blindness, and yet Exodus 33:20 says no man can see God and live. There are loads more to disprove the trinity.
They aren’t the same person. I would agree. They are both God though. God is three persons in one being. It is God existing in three persons. Again, John 1:1 shows that Jesus with not only WITH God but he also IS GOD. This shows that they are simultaneously distinct persons and yet the same being.
@@thegeologian John 1:1 is always used out of context when it comes to the trinity, and this is what Tertullian based his idea on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit idea; it's a Catholic teaching. There are way too many scriptures that demonstrate that Jesus was on earth while his father was not, that means it is impossible for them to be the same person. I've studied and researched this issue for decades and I still don't buy the trinity idea, same as the John Derby rapture nonsense.
@marklawrence909 You’re right, they aren’t the same person. They are distinct persons, but are the same God. A triangle is a good analogy. The three sides of s triangle are equal in length and a part of the same shape, yet they are distinct sides. You cannot separate them from the shape, yet they are still distinct. One God, three persons.
@@thegeologian Sorry but I still don't buy that either. A triangle and a square, that's how I would describe the relationship, two very different shapes. I understand this is all supernatural but even so, separating a God into three is illogical. He is the Alpha and the Omega, and the son is not. When the disciples asked about the end times Jesus replied that nobody knows the hour or the day, not even the Son, but only the Father. If Jesus was God he could have told them. I'm not trying to be aggressive or argumentative about this, but it just seems crazy that while being murdered (Jesus in his last moments), he cried out to his Father. So how does a person die, and save themselves at the same time. It just seems backward thinking.
Okay, perhaps looking at a verse will help us discuss. I don’t want to just give proof texts to each other but I would rather like to discuss passages together, if that is okay? I have one in mind that I’d like to hear your perspective on. Perhaps you see something that I do not and I can learn from.
Just need to point out the clear misrepresentation of Lds theology.
No where in Lds theology is it taught that Christ was created. In fact D&C section 93 teaches the exact opposite.
Does it not teach that Christ was born as a spirit prior to being born as a baby?
Peace be upon you,
God is love yes but he does not need to be 3 different person to express his love. He is love by expressing his love to the fallen man and redeeming man through the cross.
God is an Infinite being the Trinity comes from our finite percipective point of view. We men cannot understand God by putting him in a box. The error in Trinity comes when we say God the Father who is Spirit he is not the Holy Ghost and we know he is Spirit now thats contradicts the scriptures. Since now we have two different Spirits who are not each other but we are forcing ourselves to believe they are one thats the contradiction.
We have all to agree that Jesus Christ is the greatest mystery of God and he is God. But also we know that Jesus cannot be his own Father and neither did he had two Fathers, the Scriptures forces us to believe that the Holy Ghost and the Father are one and the same self Spirit at work. Read Nehemiah 9:13, Matthew 1:18...
God lives in eternity the Holy Spirit is the same God at eternity but existing on earth(in a timeline) at the same time, he is omnipresent. It's written the Heavens of Heaven cannot hold God what about the earth?...
What about Jesus Christ, one may ask?
Jesus Christ is the same God at eternity but now he is visible seen on earth(God in flesh/Immanuel).
God is one
God God's Word God's Spirit
God Word of God Spirit of
God Word of God Holy Spirit
God Word Holy Ghost
Father Word Holy Ghost
Father Son Holy Ghost
| | |
| | |
LORD of Hosts
《Eternal Father》
The Redeemer
《Son of man》
Holy one of Israel
《Spirit of truth》
Father, Son, Holy Ghost are one because its the same self divine SPIRIT at work not different persons, 1 God 3 offices. God is above all (Father/God) , through all(Son/Word of God) and in all(Holy Ghost/Spirit of God).
God is one and he is one LORD. Them scriptures cannot be broken neither contradicting itself we have to think within the scriptures and we will do well thank you. Shalom aleichim brother.
What about before mankind was created? How did God know love or experience love before mankind if God isn’t trinitarian? He would need man to know love or to express love. That would make God dependent upon his creation for something, which does contradict scripture.
The way trinitarians are describing GOD and him being love comes off as if there are three GODs that make up love.
This is consistently at odds with scripture that says….. alone, by myself.
The evidence is in the scripture that there is ONE GOD and he is alone, by himself, there is no other, and GOD is Love.
The self existing one is love.
It’s not just what he does but who GOD is.
If God is only one, then how can he love with no one to express that love to? God would not know love if there wasn’t anyone else besides him. How can God be love if he doesn’t even know what is is? The trinity shows that God is self sufficient. The communion he has within himself shows that God is love and does not need others to experience it or give it. This is not three Gods, but one God made up of three persons. A singular being yet three distinct persons making up that being. John 1 is very clear about this.
🎉Jesus 😁 is not of this world
Spiritual rebirth imparts Eternal life and you become a true child of God.
False god's
Cult demon infested counterfeit and fake god Allah 🤪 false prophet Muhammad
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
When Jesus is called “King of kings and Lord of lords,” it means that, in the end, all other rulers will be conquered or abolished, and He alone will reign supreme as King and Lord of all the earth. There is no power, no king, and no lord who can oppose Him and win
All true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who have been effectually called have been “sealed for the day of redemption” (Eph. 1:13-14), are being guarded through faith by God's power (1 Pet. 1:3-5), will be glorified (Rom. 8:29-30), and can never perish or be snatched from the Father's hand
'Antichrist Spirit Buda Allah Cults will be CRUsHeD and BuRIeD under the feet of JESUS for ETERNITY
Jesus is coming soon
Thank God 😊
God always wins and never lost a battle 🤷
There are two separate issues here.
God is the source of Love, life, light and so on,
By definition he would always have someone to love and someone to love him.
He is creator and creative.
Love never exist or existed in a vacuum.
The scriptures never say he is alone, it states there is no other GODs, in other words there is no other source.
The other is three persons.
That is a human term and if I say come here booby, Dave and Jack, then three different people will come to me.
They are three different persons and all humans.
The terms Trinitarians use advocate 3 GODs.
It is shown by the words they use like, they, and them when talking about GOD.
In John 1
It says in the beginning, showing the time frame, this is not in eternity.
The word (logos) was in the beginning with GOD and was GOD.
This is not a part of the trinity.
This is his plan but it’s more than just a plan, this is the reason for the whole existence of the world from beginning to end.
The lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
The beauty is that this is the law and the prophets, the voice of GOD that said let there be.
The ONE and only holy GOD became flesh and dwelt among us.
The hope of all ages.
@manningbusiness3834 how did God have someone to love and someone to love him if he is a singular person?
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1st John 5:7)
Dear Joshua! I believe you are a humble young man who really wants to find the truth. Remember, Christian churches don't want to teach their sheep how to study the Bible - and for a reason. If they would encourage their sheep to study the Bible, as the Beroeans (Acts 17:11) did after Paul taught them, then everyone would be able to see whether the church's teaching is correct or not. So I'm not at all surprised that you've had to struggle with things - things that should be understandable.
If I understood correctly, you actually believe that there can be no potential without the object of the potential? So there can't be a water source without even a single drinker?
So my question is: How could a person who is completely alone in the universe can not be loving or the personification of love? If your thought were true, then it would also be questioned whether such a person could even be exist!
I would understand you better if you started telling your followers that it is impossible for a person living in complete solitude to SHARE his love - impossible to SHOW his love to anyone.
BUT: In fact, it's not impossible either - even in the case of an ordinary human person, because he could imagine a family for himself in his imagination and show love to his children and spouse IN HIS IMAGINATION. And he would do all that for what potential to love he HAS.
This is what many elderly people with dementia still do. They live to talk to their beloved child who has actually died in some accident. When such a lonely dementic person who lovingly covers his dead child's breakfast, lunch, etc. every day and chats with them can't be love just because he is ALONE? They do so and thus share their own endless love with the non-existent!
In the concept you presented, you have taken a shortcut past a really significant thing - to make it easy to remember and easy to believe. You're not the only one who takes shortcuts and doesn't realize they're got lost. So do many others. For example, if you read articles that present "evidence" in support of evolution, you can notice that very often these "evidences" begin with the statement: "If we assume that..." or "Let suppose that..." - Think for a moment where such shortcuts lead? To a misconception that arises from mere imagination - not the facts. It's very easy for a human to ignore the obvious facts when, being observant, he falls in love with some brilliant detail he sees, and at the same time forgets to check the whole picture.
It may be good for each of us to read Job 38 and James 1:5
Hello! I appreciate your thoughts.
However, I think you’ve misunderstood my point. The examples you’ve given (water source, dementia) are not good analogs. My point is that a being who claimed to BE love, meaning that all our understanding, the meaning of the word loving, comes from this being. They ARE love, not that they are the personification of it or that they possess it. The scriptures claim God IS love. Before the creation of anything (universe, stars, earth, people, etc), there was just God. If God is not trinitarian and solely one person rather than 3 in one, then he cannot BE love. In order to experience love, receive it, give it, understand it, etc. he would NEED to create someone else. If God needs something, then he’s no longer the God we know him to be.
The dementia patient example fails because this person has already experienced love with individuals and can play off of imagination or memories. They also are still experiencing people around them. They are never alone as God would be in the example.
However, if God is a community of 3 persons from eternity, then he’s always BEEN love. The three persons have been giving and receiving love with each other forever. God is an eternal loving community of 3 persons in one. He is the definition of love. He doesn’t need anyone else. Creation is an outpouring of the community of love rather than a necessity to fill God’s loneliness and lack of receiving love by himself.
@@thegeologian Thanks for the kind clarification! If you HAVE the need to defend the trinity, then please watertightly justify the trinity with just the Bible. Athanasius' Creed is designed to scare the reader with eternal destruction if them does not believe in the difficult fable invented by the church fathers. Remember what apostle Paul wrote about the myths that become embedded in Christianity when the apostles first die:
- "For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own lusts, they will heap up to themselves teachers tickling the ear; and they will turn away the ear from the truth and will be turned aside to myths ." (2 Timothy 4:3-4 | Green's literal)
- "And now you know the thing holding back, for him to be Revealed in his time. For the Mystery of lawlessness already is working, only he is holding back now, until it comes out of the midst." (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7).
If you do NOT have the need to support the unbiblical doctrine of the Trinity, then you would not need to justify with the help of the Bible that God's understanding of things was in any way limited so that he, as a solitary person from eternity, could not possibly know what perfect love is? However, the Bible shows that God is ONE PERSON - "I" - not many as "WE".:
"I am Jehovah, and there is none else; there is no God except Me. I will clothe you, though you do not know Me, that they may know from the rising of the sun, and to the sunset, that there is none besides Me; I am Jehovah, and there is none else;" (Isaiah 45:5-6)
If "GOD" consisted of many persons, then he would declare: "We are Jehovah, and there is none else than We; there is no God except Us. We will clothe you, though you do not know Us, that they may know from the rising of the sun, and to the sunset, that there is none beside Us; We are Jehovah, and there is none else;"
So also He speaks of His glory not in the plural - but in the first person singular "For My sake, for My sake, I will act; for how is it defiled? And I will not give My Glory to another." (Isaiah 48:11)
The first person singular pronoun אני is also found in the Hebrew texts of Tanakh in these verses.
@Acts_c17v11 @Acts_c17v11 1 John 4:8 says “God is love.” I was using the Bible. The video was a commentary on that idea of God being love as presented in 1 John 4:8.
If you wanted to go into further discussion, we can. For the passages you cited, those do not go against a classical understanding of the trinity. Those who adhere to the trinity would agree that there is One God, but that God is made up of three people. One God, three persons.
May I ask what your interpretation of John 1:1 is? “In the Beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the Word was God.”
@@thegeologian I did notice that you used the Bible. And you can trust that 1 John 4:8 is absolutely clear. But instead, right away in my last comment I hoped and I STILL HOPE that you would show me the Biblical basis for your conclusion that the truth in question (God is love) is only possible if he has eternally had loved ones around him as part of the God. Or, alternatively, please show with the help of the Bible that God must have experienced love between three beings forever in order to be love. Having completely ignored this, I am left with your conclusion that your concept is philosophical - not Biblical.
I quoted you a few Bible passages from Isaiah, where God speaks of himself: not as many "WE", but as one "ME" or "I". Did you notice? (Isaiah 45:5-6 and 48:11) You didn't comment on this either, so it's really starting to look like you created a philosophical thought.
But may I ask how you read Colossians 1:13-15 in your Bible, which shows that Jesus has a beginning:
- "πρωτότοκος πάσης κτίσεως" (GREEK)
- "the First-born of all creation" (AS)
- "first-born of all creation" (DB)
- "the Firstborn of every creature" (KJ)
What about Revelation 3:14, which also talks about Jesus:
- "ἡ ἀρχὴ τῆς κτίσεως τοῦ Θεοῦ" (GREEK)
- "the beginning of the creation of God" (AS, DB, KJ)
Then, when you have first proven your conclusion with the help of the Bible, then I will tell you about John 1:1, even if it is not related to the concept you presented in any way.
@Acts_c17v11 again, the video is a discussion on the meaning of the passage “God Is love.” It’s a simple Biblical concept. I’m not going to summarize once again or restate the entirety of the video. Simply, I will state, a singular person cannot BE love as they will not have even experienced love or even a relationship in which love is possible. A singular person would require someone else to receive and give love to even know it. This is just simple and I think God being love shows us that his nature being a single person doesn’t match that scripture from 1 John.
As for your other references, I did comment. I stated that they don’t go against the classical understanding of the trinity. God referring to himself as “I” is perfectly fine and makes sense for a person talking about themselves. His statement about there being only one God also doesn’t go against the trinity. One God, three persons.
I will comment on Colossians 1, sure but I’m not going to continue to allow this conversation to be one sided. Please provide the interpretation of John 1:1 after I answer this please. I’m interested in what you think.
The mention of “firstborn” need not mean “first created.” David is called God’s firstborn in Psalm 89 yet David was not created first nor was he even Jesse’s firstborn son. He was seventh. The idea of the firstborn can just be someone who is chosen above the others or has the first position. Jesus was “firstborn” as being over all of creation. He was the head of it and had all authority over it. Psalm 89:27 talks about David being made higher than any other King. Likewise, Jesus was placed higher than all of creation.
Son of God
Never God the Son
Maybe I can offer more understanding.
Jesus is both God and man.
This is a real human life.
As this man he is like us in every way but without sin.
He hungered and got thirsty.
He had to rest and died on a cross.
Did God ever get tired or die.?
This was flesh.
He prayed just like we can, he needed help just like we do, but not as the second part of the trinity but as a human.
If it was as the second person of the trinity then you have some explaining to do because he is no longer co-equal.
The second person of the trinity died.
Simply put, the Spirit was speaking to the man Christ Jesus and saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
The reason Jesus is called the Father, son and Holy Spirit is because the same Spirit that is the Father of all creation and the caused the conception of this human life. Was also in this human form reconciling the world unto himself. 2 Corinthians 5:19
The Spirit that was in Christ is God.
According to John 4:24 God is Spirit
According to Ephesians 4:4 there is One Spirit.
Romans 8:9 ¶ But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Is the Spirit of God and Christ 2 different entities.!
If so, you would have two different Gods.
It is the same Spirit.
Father is Spirit, Holy Spirit is Spirit and Christ is the Joining place where Spirit and flesh come together.
There is Only one Spirit. Ephesians 4:4
Jesus means Jehovah is Salvation.
He is salvation because the one Spirit is in flesh reconciling the world to himself.
Only God can save and he did it by becoming flesh. John 1:14.
Trinity was developed well after the Bible was written. Therefore it is a waste of time to argue the issue from the scriptures.
A well defined doctrine was, yes. However it’s derived from the text entirely, so no it’s not a waste of time.
Sorry, Jesus isn’t God, nor equal to God. He called our God and Father his God and Father at John 20:17.
Here's a conversation between the 'trinity' - (F)ather; (S)on; (H)oly(S)pirit
F: Meeting time!
S: I knew you would say that although you know I am YHWH also
F: I have a plan
S: umm, I already know that. I am the True I am! I am you, I mean YHWH
F: Oh yeah, I forgot. Well, 'almost' forgot. Let's talk about it anyway. We are three but we are also one.
S: I know! I am omniscient, too. ok, but this is boring since I already know what you are going to say
F: Well, son, I knew what you were going to say also. I am your Father
S: BUT I am equal to you nananananana
F: It's like I am talking to myself sometimes
S: Knew you would say that, too
F: Where is the HS when I need him?
HS: I'm right here. I was late intentionally. I like to joke around. I am omnipresent also.
F: I know all your jokes and I knew you were late, of course. You need to be here when we meet though
HS: I knew you would say that. I'm YHWH also. We are always together.
F: So why do we have conversations and meetings when we already know what each of us are going to say?
S: yeah and this going to go on forever!
HS: We are ONE!
F, S, & HS just look at each other with mouth wide open.
S: So do I still have to become a human and die?
F, HS: look at each other. Of course! You know that! We always agree so how can there be questions among us?
S: Let's take a vote!
No wonder Christians are confuse become a Muslim and submit to God. The only one. God is one not three gods
Isn’t Allah also considered to be “love?” Isn’t that one of his names?
@@thegeologian yes al-Wadūd The Most Loving.
Your God only exists as an imaginary character, dude.
Thanks for commenting. May I ask what makes you think that?
Jesus is historical figure. Its alot of evidence of him outside bible. All historian already confirm him. But who cares right as long as you are in your "feelings".
It's amazing how even you can't believe that. Even if you were logically certain of that (and you aren't) you would never fully be able to override the evolutionary presets which predispose you to theistic belief. How much more wonderful that Christianity happens to be true as well.
@@Konxovar0 The land of make-believe is fun but you aren't suppose to stay there.
True? 😂. Ironically Christians lie when you say that.
So, why do you feel it's ok to lie?
@@enockt6218 A historical figure means only existed in the past. Nice one. You agree Jesus is only an imaginary character in the present. Clearly not related to a god character.
Keep up the great work!
Putting aside joshua woodard for a mement, who is the ONLY true god, accordingly to jesus?
According to Jesus, the only true God is the Father (John 17:1-3). Also according to Jesus, the Father - the only true God - is Jesus himself...
*I JESUS* have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. *I am the ROOT **_and_** the OFFSPRING of David,* and the bright and morning star.
In David's family line, Jesus is both David's predecessor ("the *root* of David") _and_ David's successor ("the *offspring* of David"), which means Jesus is both _his own_ predecessor and _his own_ successor. A predecessor in a family line is called a FATHER, and a successor in a family line is called a SON. Therefore, Jesus is both _his own_ FATHER, and _his own_ SON.
The only true God is the Father, the eternal Spirit who "came down from heaven" _without leaving heaven,_ and who manifested _himself_ on earth in genuine human form, as _his own_ Son, so that he could lay down _his own_ life for us, raise _himself_ from the dead, and give eternal life to all who believe on _him._
And _his_ name is revealed to be the name which is above _every_ name: *JESUS.*
@euston2216 Yet there is still a distinction between the person of The Father and The Son, Jesus. The Bible records multiple times of the Father saying things to Jesus while he was on earth, or all three being present at Jesus’s baptism. Or that John 1:1 states that Jesus was with God. I cannot be with myself, but I can be with someone else. Yet those two who are with each other are both called God.
“Father” in the description of God is to denote the relationship between two persons of the trinity. God the Father is the father of Jesus the son. Jews did not refer to God as “father.” Jesus did. And so do we now that we are made coheres with Christ and brought into his family.
@@thegeologian You said, jesus refer to god as father.
Yes, you are right. And, in john 17:3 jesus say that the father is the only god.
Thus, you are incorrect to say both the father and jesus are gods; you contradict what jesus say.
@sethsuleiman5104 I’m not saying they are both God(s). I’m saying they are both God, singular. God is a singular being made up of three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. John 1:1 literally states that Jesus was both with God and is God at the same time. “With” denotes multiple persons. “Is” denotes they are also simultaneously the same. This is the concept of the trinity.