YO you took that gap BETWEEN the fallen tree and WA-TER. water. Mate, crazy!! I once went splish slpash into a river-had to strip and go swimming in mid oktober in the northern hemisphere ... not fun. ESCs were toast! Great video, whish that your footage might be used in some news-cast type scenario? To show the damages and floodings in a different perspective. Might be worth a try to ask if any news agency would like the footage tbh, you might make a smol penny. :p :)
Fox News used my flying in hurricane sally video😉 it’s salt water too😬 I flew through it like 5 times though... I kept doing this same line over and over till I got a smooth one I liked
Brandan FPV It was at 12:45pm MDT, they did a segment on the damage and cleanup with the General of Florida National Guard. My recording started right after the footage, so I missed getting proof. I’ll see if I can find it on yt.
Awesome drone operator, Thanks.
WOW! Awesome footage! barring devastation, very nice drone skills!
One wild ride, I am amazed, of the damage, and your skills...
John Phillips 🤙
And some more awesome flying by this newsworthy aviator, love this stuff Keep rocking my man!!!
Thank you man🤙
that was really awesome .. great flight buddy !!
Thank you🔥🤙
Quick question, are you a silver stacker? What’s the silver in your name for?
YO you took that gap BETWEEN the fallen tree and WA-TER. water. Mate, crazy!! I once went splish slpash into a river-had to strip and go swimming in mid oktober in the northern hemisphere ... not fun. ESCs were toast! Great video, whish that your footage might be used in some news-cast type scenario? To show the damages and floodings in a different perspective. Might be worth a try to ask if any news agency would like the footage tbh, you might make a smol penny. :p :)
Fox News used my flying in hurricane sally video😉 it’s salt water too😬 I flew through it like 5 times though... I kept doing this same line over and over till I got a smooth one I liked
This is really incredible.
Where in pensacola is this?
What model drone is this? I gotta have one. Thanks!
LSU Scooter no model. Costume built. Parts list is in the description👍
Nice work! This video clip was just featured on FoxNews.
nice! i gave them permission to use it but never got any news that they did use it. do you have a link to the video?
Brandan FPV It was at 12:45pm MDT, they did a segment on the damage and cleanup with the General of Florida National Guard. My recording started right after the footage, so I missed getting proof. I’ll see if I can find it on yt.
Sweet thank you👍
Which Fox News was it? Like fox10?
Brandan FPV It was Fox News Channel on cable. The program is called Fox News Headquarters.
Beast Mode!!!
This is gulf breeze.
Krysta Taulbee correct I put it in the description