The Coming Antichrist | Revelation 13:1-10 | Pastor John Miller

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Pastor John Miller continues a series in Revelation with an expository message through Revelation 13:1-10 titled, “The Coming Antichrist.”
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Комментарии • 9

  • @shirleymoorley3781
    @shirleymoorley3781 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for your investment in the kingdom pastor God blessings to you

  • @messenger8491
    @messenger8491 2 года назад +2

    The world will marvel as they follow the beast and say, "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it"? (Rev 13:1-18) These midterm elections and the results of these January 6th hearings, will be very telling. According to Daniel chapter 11, the Antichrist will be a politician, who will use deceit and intrigue to get his world position. He will then do according to his own will and exalt himself above every god, and shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods.
    Do you all actually think his blind followers (especially the Apostate church) are gonna love and follow anybody the way they follow and worship this man? When he slithers his way back into power, his blind followers will get their leader....The Antichrist! And when he's revealed, the church age will end.
    (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

    • @xanderbarr1983
      @xanderbarr1983 10 месяцев назад

      So, when did the beast recieve a deadly wound, and when did it revive?

    • @messenger8491
      @messenger8491 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@xanderbarr1983 if it's Donald Trump, the deadly wound was losing the presidency in 2020; but he will revive in 2025 and the world will marvel!

    • @xanderbarr1983
      @xanderbarr1983 10 месяцев назад

      @@messenger8491 do you truly believe that the apostle john, wrote a letter to seven churches that God told him to send it to about donald trump?..John wrote, the beast that you saw "Was". Is not, and shall rise up out of the bottomless pit.
      The scriptures teach that the beast had already been slain before John wrote his letter. The beast he is referring to was only one head of the dragon..the same head that tried to kill the man child as soon as it was born. That head was represented by the king of judah.the throne of that kingdom was the king Herod who tried to kill Jesus as a young child. The angel of God warned joseph and marry to flee to egypt to from the wrath of the king..Jesus was born King and Herod did not want to lose his kingdom.Jesus was caught up to heaven, and he cha ged the priesthood from levitical, to the order of Melchizidek..and in 70 ad, the head of that dragon, which was the kingdom of judea, was slain with the sword, as unto death. Then, as the kingdom of God began to grow in the earth, through the Church, another beast rise up out of the was like the first beast, it had power, and authority, and a seat given to it by the dragon, it was the roman catholic beast that killed millions in the earth, just as the Apostate leadership of israel had done before it.. they created another priesthood like the levitical priesthood that had ceased, and made a high priest on earth they call the Pope..for 1260 years that beast persecuted all who name Christ Jesus as the Head of the Church.
      Another false prophet arose in the earth that taught men to kill in the name of allah. His doctrines brought many men in that spirit to war against everyman who would not join in allegiance to it.these three unclean spirits, the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, and those who take the number of the beast to battle against the true Church who is washed in the blood of the lamb.the first head of the dragon was "resurected" in 1948. And many men worship it now.many worship the catholic church and its many apostate daughters, and many worship allah..all whose names are not in the lambs book of life will worship the dragon, the beast who was revived, the false prophet, or the number of the beast, which is the number of a man.all of them together are the son of perdition.
      And they are all decieved..only thise washed in the blood, and filled with the spirit of truth will not worship it.

    • @christopherharris7931
      @christopherharris7931 2 месяца назад

      Donald Trump Mr. 666
      D-O-N-A-L-D =6
      June (6th) month
      14th (Friday, 6th) day
      He is clearly is the Man of Lawlessness. We’ve reached the end of the age. Christ Jesus is coming soon
      (IMPORTANT: please read) The Number of the Antichrist’s First Name is: 6
      The Number of the Beast/Antichrist HIMSELF is: 666
      In other words (Here’s the Wisdom):
      He can be identified by this number 666. And one of those 6’s is the number of his NAME. Meaning his first name has Six letters in it. The rest of his numbers you get from the Number of his birth month (which has to be June, the 6th month)and the day when he was actually born (which has to fall on a FRIDAY, the 6th day) When MAN was Created.
      That’s the Number of the beast and the accurate way to find out who he is. He is Alive right now in the mist of the American people waiting to get back in office soon
      Remember in Johns day there were never Middle and Last names ONLY FIRST NAMES AND SURNAMES (nicknames)
      God showed me this about this Man
      {D-O-N-A-L-D = (6) letters
      June= (6th) Month and born on the
      14th= (6th) Day FRIDAY.}
      He was born In The City of Babylon (New York) the commerce city of the World.
      His Mothers name: Like Jesus Christ was: (MARY) Trump
      His fathers Name was:
      Fred (CHRIST) Trump
      From the time of his birth: 06/14/1946 (to which there was a Blood lunar Eclipse Moon that Very Day; to when the Nation of Israel 🇮🇱 was Born on: 05/14/1948….Donald Trump Was Exactly: (700) days old! Or (70 times 10= 700)
      The beast will claim to be GOD and if that’s the case his number would be “777”………. Interestingly enough, on Donald’s 1st Offical day in office: 01/21/2017 (Saturday) He was approximately: (70)years,(7)months,(7)days old on the 7th day SABBATH Saturday!!!!! Look at the proof:
      June 14th (Friday) 1946
      January 21st (Saturday) 2017 =
      (7)Months,(7)Days, & (70)Years!!!!
      (777) on the (7th)Day….Coincidence???
      I don’t think so…. He is the Antichrist himself Who will Confirm (Make strong/firm) which means: “to strengthen or REAFFIRM in rank or position “The 2 State peace solution deal (Abraham Accords) he created and will allow the rebuilding of the 3rd Jewish Temple…

    • @krinkle7695
      @krinkle7695 2 месяца назад

      But won't the Antichrist be loved by most of the world? The media hates him and he hasn't performed any supernatural miracles