Nice cinematic video, really show the most love from doctor to help the patient and i know it's hard if we got injuries and need orthopedic, i also basketball player and know how it feels i got lot of friends till need orthopedic surgeon it's hurt but the doctor help them, really touch that in the end of this videos they said "they remember my name" sukses selalu RSHS 👍
Salam hormat dari saya pa doktor....pak saya minta tolong dan sangat memohon....untuk oprasi pelepasan cangkok tangan ke perut...tnggl 23/24...untuk segera di tindak.. ke maren saya ke rs hasan sadikin bandung. Pulang lagi karna tida melakukan daftar only.karna tida tau.saya hanya orang kampung.dan tak punya.saya minta tolong belay kasih mu pak dokter.😂😂😂 Hendri ariawarman amputasi 4 jari tangan. Bpjs
Keren videonya.. cinematic bgt jd makin menikmati buat nonton❤️
makasi chee 🙏
Ok Chee makasi rekomendasi video nyaa....🥺❤️, Auto klik
Menurutku video nya jelek
@Rara Ajeng Kartini video nya emang bagus ya ?????
sukses dr. Yudi Purnama Nugraha 👍👍👍
Keren videonya! Sukses mas Marsa tobing buat tim ortho unpad 💪🏻
Halo kak😃
siap aurell 🙏..makasi yaa
Kak aurellll
Mantapp... jaya terus orthopaedi UNPAD Bandung.. 👍👍👍
Sukses selaluu
Wow, semangat Uncle @ dr. Yudi Purnama Nugraha...🤗😘
Cinematic sekali videonya.. Memberikan gambaran positif kepada masyarakat mengenai profesi dokter, tenaga medis.. Maju terus ortho unpad rshs.
Semoga dati Indonesia untuk dunia
Keren..., meskipun ngeri liat alat-alatnya... sukses dok...
what a great video. Congrats to all team ..... well directed!!!
Semangat, @ dr. Yudi Purnama Nugraha..👍👍👍
Mantul video nya memang dari dulu orthopedic rshs yang paling mantap pelayananya
Awesome 😎😎😎👍👍👍
Terbaik memang dokter2 ortho rshs pelayanan selalu cepat & memuaskan🤩 sukses dan sehat selalu dok 🙏
The good HEAD, HEART, HAND tergambar sekali di video ini. Bangga ! Sukses selalu orthopaedi UNPAD
Kereeeeeennnn Bravo Ortopedi
Nice cinematic video, really show the most love from doctor to help the patient and i know it's hard if we got injuries and need orthopedic, i also basketball player and know how it feels i got lot of friends till need orthopedic surgeon it's hurt but the doctor help them, really touch that in the end of this videos they said "they remember my name" sukses selalu RSHS 👍
Keren dok.. Sukses terus dokter Arum
Center Excellent of Orthopaedic Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung 👍👍👍😃
Masya Allah..mantap sekali orthopedi bandung..terpercaya 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Serve with LOVE... jaya selalu Orthopaedic Bandung
God bless u all doctors who give your life for serve others
Maa syaa Allaah tabarakallaah..
ini salah satu knp pengen bgt jadi dokter, biar bisa berguna buat orang bnyk :)
Bravo Orthopaedi Bandung!
Kereen.. Bravo orthopaedi Bandung ✨✨✨
Its real good experience...👍
Luarrr biasa
Orthopaedi semakin jaya.
Orthopedic surgeons is always well prepared and good knowledge...good job doc
Keyenn BGT 👍👍
Cool cinematic video, and the empathy surgeons who really care to patients #proudrshsorthopaedicsurgeons
Excellent learning and cinematic video. The point i still remember when finish watching the video, "they remember my name" , serve with heart
It is second to none , super 👍
Terbaiks !!!!!
Kerennnnn.. berkesan
Great great great
Awesome video ❤️
Sae ih video na.....
Kereen euiy...
Ortho Unpad on the
Merinding bangett😭,semoga 3 tahun lagi ak bisa masuk fk biar bisa kek kaka semuaa😭
Kerenn 😉
The video was marvelous. Really inspiring and gave a courage to other during this hard times.
Hope that RSHS can sustainibly serving people and GBU.
Ortho Unpad/RSHS is the place where Superheroes are made....
Not only your hand that gifted, but it's also your heart that love humanity #proud of you
An excellent learning video. Healthy is expensive Dude..
Awesome 🌸🌸🌸
Keren BGT. Trendingkan gezz
@Khansa TRD iya sama
LIT!!! ✊
good job broo
keren abis
🙏🙏🙏 siap dok
Trendingkan Gesss
Thank you docs!
Nostalgia 308. Pendopo antara 308 - 307 masih ada gak wkwkwk 🤣 keren
Selalu ada 7,5 untuk rebahan
Salam hormat dari saya pa doktor....pak saya minta tolong dan sangat memohon....untuk oprasi pelepasan cangkok tangan ke perut...tnggl 23/24...untuk segera di tindak.. ke maren saya ke rs hasan sadikin bandung. Pulang lagi karna tida melakukan daftar only.karna tida tau.saya hanya orang kampung.dan tak punya.saya minta tolong belay kasih mu pak dokter.😂😂😂
Hendri ariawarman amputasi 4 jari tangan.
Waktu operasi nya di lihatin dokter
👍👍👍kereeen, God Bless
Good job
Abang ya yg edit bang ?видео.html
Video Kabaret HUT RSHS ke 90