Hello, great video thank you! Suddenly yesterday my tr8 started to skip steps. It doesnt go like 1-2-3-4-5-6 it skips and goes like 2-4-6-8- and the scale button doesnt blink in boot mode. I tried everything like factory reset. Do you have an idea🥲
@@LousyFacelift thank you for answering🍀 Omg😅😅😅the shuffle knob wasnt working I opened and cleaned the knob and everything is okay right now. Thank you so much I thought everything was okay with the knob it was at the same rate like always. 💐😌
So to go over some of the things you missed and im not sure if you made another video filling in the gap was there is why the step button for side chain is lit up during boott settings; because that is the assigned arrangament channel {Main Mix A or b} that will do the side chain ducking duties. Also when it is on play model, I have found that when you hit the INST button on the left (DRUM SELECT) instead of hitting the pads that change it from 808, 909 or 707 for some parts, you hit step 16 and it will mute the button. More so I believe it shows a letter A the change is all the way to Jay or k when you turn the tempo knob I believe. I have looked everywhere online and seeing it as it is now 20/20 this has been out well for about 4 years or so and there's still no word on what doing this actually does. the same goes for the ability to hold down it is either TR record pattern select or one of the two buttons above drum select or from drum select and then I believe you turn the scatter knob or the tempo knob and you will get a number from 1to 6 I think it is. Again something I figured out just by holding buttons and turning the tempo or the scatter knob and noticing the one step button is colored White it might be different in others after you hit instrument from drum select I do not understand what the point of muting it simply is when you can already do that simply by having it on instrument play and hitting the same step button 16 where you will see the colored lights and for each one that you press it will turn on and off implying you are muting one of those parts. Has anybody figured out what either of these served as a function I was hoping the number one had something to do with the possible play in either the scale or the way when you have the quantization turned off so that your machine will slide notes instead of on time? And I feel as if the letter for you can assign each drum part with a different letter or the same letter if you want I thought it possibly could be a way to either update with another machine label something or even stranger you could possibly use it to hack the code. Any info however vague or little would be appreciated
Ich kann den scale knopf nicht zum leuchten bringen wenn ich drauf drücke, du sprichst doch deutsch oder? Also soll heißen ich will das nicht das der Takt während dem durschalten wechselt. Muss ich den anders aktivieren?
Sorry daß ich den Kommentar so lange übersehen habe! Ich vermute zwar, daß sich das Problem mittlerweile geklärt hat aber vielleicht hilft es ja doch noch jemandem weiter - Das Video behandelt den sogenannten Boot-Mode, in dem man verschiedene Grundeinstellungen vornehmen kann. Im normalen Play-Modus lässt sich der Scale-Knopf tatsächlich nicht in einen beleuchteten Zustand schalten und hier ist im Vergleich zur früheren Firmware etwas verändert worden - Anstatt direkt durch Drücken auf diesen Knopf die Taktart umzuschalten muss man dafür jetzt gedrückt halten und zusätzlich den Tempo-Regler drehen. Im Display wird dann zusätzlich angezeigt, welches Raster angewöhlt ist (1-4). Das hat den Vorteil, daß es im Live-Betrieb nicht mehr zu versehentlichen Taktwechseln kommen kann. LG!
I have no experience with the SPD-SX but I suppose this is possible just like it works with a MIDI keyboard. You have to find the matching MIDI notes for the pads to trigger the sounds you want in the TR 8.
Gilles D I'm pretty sure it's possible to use the TR 8 as a master clock for Ableton but you would lose tempo storage options for your entire tracks. The TR 8 doesn't keep tempo assignments in its patterns, it's all realtime based, so I wouldn't recommend that.
Gilles D Alright yes, for jamming purposes it does make sense to try that out. I'm pretty sure it can be done but I don't know how. Best of luck to you man! ;)
Hey man thanks for the video. For the 808 timing I found it similar on or off. Can’t really tell what it supposed to do. Is it because it’s receiving it’s clock from Ableton?
Not sure if it makes a difference when the TR 8 is synched to another MIDI clock. You can hear it drift quite a bit when you program a simple dnb pattern (kick on steps 1 and 11, snare on 5 and 13, closed hh on all odd number steps) at 180 bpm. But you need to have another MIDI device (TB 3) playing along in sync in order to notice the difference.
Hey people!when i activate mode 8 (the one that ment for faster types of beats )The open hat fader is not lighting up and no sound also. All other instruments ok faders lit and sound is on:/ anyone else having same issue??
Evilimpulse89 Pad 8 in boot mode is the hh link function, it allows you to control the sound of closed and open hat simultaneously with just one set of knobs.
Pedro Escareno There are only two settings for brightness, one is bright and the other is even brighter, there's no "kinda dim" ... It's in boot mode under the scatter section somewhere... I made a part one video, please watch that one because I don't remember right now... ;)
PurplePeopleEater50 That's the hihat link mode. If step 8 is lit in boot mode the light around the oh track fader will be switched off and you can simultaneously control the tune setting of the closed and open hihat with the tune knob on the ch track and the tune of the hihats together with the ride cymbal on the oh track. This works only for the 808 and 606 sounds.
Yes, step key 8 activates the hi hat link mode. It lets you control the level and pitch of tracks 8, 9 and 10 simultaneously with just one fader and one tuning knob.
Hilde Opedal Nordby Yes, there are two solutions, you either deactivate the transmission of MIDI notes in the TR 8 or the reception in the other machine, both gives you the same result. Glad to hear it works now. :)
hey mat4e very helpful once again :) just one question i couldn't seem to press the scale button . it would not light up or not. im pretty sure my tr8 is up to date with the right drivers also but ill check again
SVR Charles You have 1.1.2 installed and don't get the scale button to light up in boot mode? That's really confusing... I don't know. What about step keys 5, 6 and 7? I have the 7X7 upgrade implemented but I didn't think this has something to do with the boot mode functions. I really don't know, I mean it's not that important to have the scale function work differently but it's not having an explanation why. Well yeah, maybe you should reinstall but that's really up to you... Sorry... and good luck!
dukeofpearl Really undecided but I don't think so. I don't need sample playback on my TR 8, I have other samplers. I wish the TR 8 had the sequencer of the 8S but maybe the TR 8 will get another upgrade. I wish it could copy and switch to different patterns while recording, store the tempo in the patterns, program substeps for rolls and have individual last step settings for each track for polyrhythms. Also a copy A to B function please, Roland! :)
hey, thanks, excelent videos. im having some troubles saveing my patterns. is locking them the only way to save them? am i right?. i managed myself to lock the pattern in the first memory slot, but i totally failed to do that with the pattern played on the second slot. I made exactly the same in both slots in order to lock them but the results werent the same. there is for sure something that i dont know or im doing wrong, and maybe you have the answer. thanks again for the help! cheers from argentina.
Keep patterns unlocked whenever you want to make something new! The TR 8 saves everything automatically when pattern lock is off, so you won't lose any changes but you also cannot recall a previous version of a pattern. Locking patterns always affects all of them, it cannot be applied to single patterns. So it's best not to lock your patterns unless you know you want to make changes you know you don't wish to keep in a pattern you've already written.
another question, when u using tr8 in another scale than the normal, and its the masterclock, how do you sync the other synths in order to run at the same time and scale. is there any way? thanks a ton
Mariano Campillo You can find the same scales in other sequencers or arpeggiator patterns. Most sequencers at least have last step settings that you can match with another machine. You could also synch different time signatures and it'll often sound good when you've got the right tenpo.
Juan Córdoba Thank you! Well, to be honest I don't know but also my advice is embrace this setting! Cutting the open sound off at different lenghts with the closed makes writing hihat tracks so much more expressive and realistc. You can use the ride cymbal along with the closed hihat.
@LousyFacelift, hi lousy ! kannst du mir mal bitte weiterhelfen. ich bin scheinbar zu blöd um tr-8 mit system-1 syncron zu koppeln. ich möchte tr-8 als master zuweisen und habe deswegen im bootmodus step1 dunkel gemacht, also auf " clock is internal ". midi kanal bleibt auf 10. tr-8 midi-out in system-1 midi-in. im system-1 bootmodus habe ich den voreingestellten midi kanal von 1 auf 10 angepasst und die midi clock auf external. vom mix out master zur anlage. was mache ich falsch ? lediglich tr8 läuft auf diese weise und system 1 ist leise. gruss
ludde 303 Hi! Ich kenne zwar den System-1 nicht so gut aber ich nehme an, er besitzt einen eigenen Sequenzer und oder Arpeggiator,, der zum Tempo der TR 8 mitlaufen soll, richtig? Versuch doch mal, Step Key 1 in der TR 8 doch wieder zu aktivieren, die Einstellung der Kanäle sollte so stimmen. Falls die TR 8 jetzt gleichzeitig mit den eigenen Sounds Noten im System-1 antriggert, suche dort (Sys-1) eine Einstellung, die das Empfangen von Noten deaktiviert und nur MIDI Clock und Start Stop- Befehle zulässt.
+SVR Charles Alright! Thanks for letting me know! I think the upgrade is really worth it, great new sounds and more functionality. Some new sounds are also hidden under the accents for individual tracks. Flams are also pretty cool, I use them quite a lot. I made a video on the flam function, maybe you'd like to watch it if you haven't already. Take care man! See ya! ;)
matthew lemke You probably have the pattern lock function activated. In play mode keep PTN select pressed and turn the tempo dial to switch from locked to unlocked.
If you wish to sync the TR 8 to another machine, you simply plug the MIDI output of the master device to the MIDI in of the TR 8. Just make sure to select different MIDI channels for both machines if you don't want the TR 8 to respond to note messages.
heres a cool one dude! Pan Individual Sounds If you are in Drum Select INST mode, you can hold a drum sound (button) and turn the TEMPO knob left or right to pan each drum sound in the kit.
+SVR Charles Hahaha... yeah, I know, I made a video on this one. But thanks anyway! :) I have most of the hidden functions of the TR 8 covered on my channel. Here's one I haven't mentioned so far: Reverb 4 makes awesome drone sounds if you turn time and gate to max. When you have a steady sound going gate will act like a filter cutoff. Sounds really cool, especially on toms, check it out man! ;)
Fallic Alec Yeah, you know I find comments like this distracting. But if you don't like the waving - take them like a wave goodbye and just go watch something else ... 😉
Well, here is the comment you posted to my part one video: "Good video but for God's sake why do all these people wave their arms about so much? It is distracting." Is that what you call constructive criticism? In this comment you are not even talking to me, you are talking to others about me as one of "these people". Do I need to explain to you why that is disrespectful towards me? I tried to explain to you that people use gestures and body language as a form of expression to underline certain things, trying to maintain the attention of their listeners. If you pay attention merely to these gestures you can get distracted but if you focus on what's actually being said you shouldn't have a problem with that. You sound like someone who goes to a concert trying to tell the singer to quit dancing because you cannot handle both forms of expression at the same time and you don't realize that everyone else is simply enjoying the show. This is your problem, not mine.
Hello, great video thank you! Suddenly yesterday my tr8 started to skip steps. It doesnt go like 1-2-3-4-5-6 it skips and goes like 2-4-6-8- and the scale button doesnt blink in boot mode. I tried everything like factory reset. Do you have an idea🥲
Have you checked the shuffle knob?
@@LousyFacelift thank you for answering🍀 Omg😅😅😅the shuffle knob wasnt working I opened and cleaned the knob and everything is okay right now. Thank you so much I thought everything was okay with the knob it was at the same rate like always. 💐😌
@@beyhanoktaymusic Great, thanks for letting me know! Good to hear it works now!
Last step key won't light up in boot mode?
Hi thanks for vid. Trying to get into midi control mode. But can't access scatter bit like you managed?? Help please.
So to go over some of the things you missed and im not sure if you made another video filling in the gap was there is why the step button for side chain is lit up during boott settings; because that is the assigned arrangament channel {Main Mix A or b} that will do the side chain ducking duties. Also when it is on play model, I have found that when you hit the INST button on the left (DRUM SELECT) instead of hitting the pads that change it from 808, 909 or 707 for some parts, you hit step 16 and it will mute the button. More so I believe it shows a letter A the change is all the way to Jay or k when you turn the tempo knob I believe. I have looked everywhere online and seeing it as it is now 20/20 this has been out well for about 4 years or so and there's still no word on what doing this actually does. the same goes for the ability to hold down it is either TR record pattern select or one of the two buttons above drum select or from drum select and then I believe you turn the scatter knob or the tempo knob and you will get a number from 1to 6 I think it is. Again something I figured out just by holding buttons and turning the tempo or the scatter knob and noticing the one step button is colored White it might be different in others after you hit instrument from drum select I do not understand what the point of muting it simply is when you can already do that simply by having it on instrument play and hitting the same step button 16 where you will see the colored lights and for each one that you press it will turn on and off implying you are muting one of those parts. Has anybody figured out what either of these served as a function I was hoping the number one had something to do with the possible play in either the scale or the way when you have the quantization turned off so that your machine will slide notes instead of on time? And I feel as if the letter for you can assign each drum part with a different letter or the same letter if you want I thought it possibly could be a way to either update with another machine label something or even stranger you could possibly use it to hack the code. Any info however vague or little would be appreciated
Ich kann den scale knopf nicht zum leuchten bringen wenn ich drauf drücke, du sprichst doch deutsch oder? Also soll heißen ich will das nicht das der Takt während dem durschalten wechselt. Muss ich den anders aktivieren?
Sorry daß ich den Kommentar so lange übersehen habe! Ich vermute zwar, daß sich das Problem mittlerweile geklärt hat aber vielleicht hilft es ja doch noch jemandem weiter - Das Video behandelt den sogenannten Boot-Mode, in dem man verschiedene Grundeinstellungen vornehmen kann. Im normalen Play-Modus lässt sich der Scale-Knopf tatsächlich nicht in einen beleuchteten Zustand schalten und hier ist im Vergleich zur früheren Firmware etwas verändert worden - Anstatt direkt durch Drücken auf diesen Knopf die Taktart umzuschalten muss man dafür jetzt gedrückt halten und zusätzlich den Tempo-Regler drehen. Im Display wird dann zusätzlich angezeigt, welches Raster angewöhlt ist (1-4). Das hat den Vorteil, daß es im Live-Betrieb nicht mehr zu versehentlichen Taktwechseln kommen kann. LG!
Can you trigger TR-8 sounds using external drum pads such as SPD-SX?
I have no experience with the SPD-SX but I suppose this is possible just like it works with a MIDI keyboard. You have to find the matching MIDI notes for the pads to trigger the sounds you want in the TR 8.
I wonder if it's possible if you sync it to like ableton to change the tempo of ableton via the tr8?
Gilles D I'm pretty sure it's possible to use the TR 8 as a master clock for Ableton but you would lose tempo storage options for your entire tracks. The TR 8 doesn't keep tempo assignments in its patterns, it's all realtime based, so I wouldn't recommend that.
it's more for a live jam purpose so I wouldn't have to click on my tempo in Ableton. But thanks anyway!
Gilles D Alright yes, for jamming purposes it does make sense to try that out. I'm pretty sure it can be done but I don't know how. Best of luck to you man! ;)
thanks I'll try to figure it out !
Hey man thanks for the video. For the 808 timing I found it similar on or off. Can’t really tell what it supposed to do. Is it because it’s receiving it’s clock from Ableton?
Not sure if it makes a difference when the TR 8 is synched to another MIDI clock. You can hear it drift quite a bit when you program a simple dnb pattern (kick on steps 1 and 11, snare on 5 and 13, closed hh on all odd number steps) at 180 bpm. But you need to have another MIDI device (TB 3) playing along in sync in order to notice the difference.
LousyFacelift Tnx I’ll check it
Hey people!when i activate mode 8 (the one that ment for faster types of beats )The open hat fader is not lighting up and no sound also. All other instruments ok faders lit and sound is on:/ anyone else having same issue??
Evilimpulse89 Pad 8 in boot mode is the hh link function, it allows you to control the sound of closed and open hat simultaneously with just one set of knobs.
yep got it wrong for some reason // thanks :)
how do you adjust the brightness?
Pedro Escareno There are only two settings for brightness, one is bright and the other is even brighter, there's no "kinda dim" ... It's in boot mode under the scatter section somewhere... I made a part one video, please watch that one because I don't remember right now... ;)
Hey sir ! The 8th button is available now .. Do you know what its about ? bye ;)
PurplePeopleEater50 That's the hihat link mode. If step 8 is lit in boot mode the light around the oh track fader will be switched off and you can simultaneously control the tune setting of the closed and open hihat with the tune knob on the ch track and the tune of the hihats together with the ride cymbal on the oh track. This works only for the 808 and 606 sounds.
Okay ! thanks for your help !
Was wondering..after my 7x7 and 606 upgrade i got another step button in bootmode. Do you perhaps have any idea what its for? (Step 8)
Yes, step key 8 activates the hi hat link mode. It lets you control the level and pitch of tracks 8, 9 and 10 simultaneously with just one fader and one tuning knob.
aha, thanks very much! Its weird that Roland doesn't really thoroughly describe all possibilities.
isnt there a way to make it only send start and stop?
Hilde Opedal Nordby I think you need to switch pad one off in boot mode.
thanks mate, i figured it out. it was a setting in the other machuíne
Hilde Opedal Nordby Yes, there are two solutions, you either deactivate the transmission of MIDI notes in the TR 8 or the reception in the other machine, both gives you the same result. Glad to hear it works now. :)
hey mat4e very helpful once again :)
just one question i couldn't seem to press the scale button . it would not light up or not. im pretty sure my tr8 is up to date with the right drivers also
but ill check again
+SVR Charles Thank you! :) The latest version is 1.1.2
+LousyFacelift strange i have that version!
should i reinstall the update?
SVR Charles You have 1.1.2 installed and don't get the scale button to light up in boot mode? That's really confusing... I don't know. What about step keys 5, 6 and 7? I have the 7X7 upgrade implemented but I didn't think this has something to do with the boot mode functions. I really don't know, I mean it's not that important to have the scale function work differently but it's not having an explanation why. Well yeah, maybe you should reinstall but that's really up to you... Sorry... and good luck!
I actually have the same problem. Latest version, not able to press scale in boot mode.
You exchanging this for the Tr-8S? Some welcome upgrades.🕶✌🏻🎶
dukeofpearl Really undecided but I don't think so. I don't need sample playback on my TR 8, I have other samplers. I wish the TR 8 had the sequencer of the 8S but maybe the TR 8 will get another upgrade. I wish it could copy and switch to different patterns while recording, store the tempo in the patterns, program substeps for rolls and have individual last step settings for each track for polyrhythms. Also a copy A to B function please, Roland! :)
hey, thanks, excelent videos.
im having some troubles saveing my patterns.
is locking them the only way to save them? am i right?. i managed myself to lock the pattern in the first memory slot, but i totally failed to do that with the pattern played on the second slot.
I made exactly the same in both slots in order to lock them but the results werent the same. there is for sure something that i dont know or im doing wrong, and maybe you have the answer. thanks again for the help! cheers from argentina.
Keep patterns unlocked whenever you want to make something new! The TR 8 saves everything automatically when pattern lock is off, so you won't lose any changes but you also cannot recall a previous version of a pattern. Locking patterns always affects all of them, it cannot be applied to single patterns. So it's best not to lock your patterns unless you know you want to make changes you know you don't wish to keep in a pattern you've already written.
@@LousyFacelift awesome, exactly this was what i needed to read
another question, when u using tr8 in another scale than the normal, and its the masterclock, how do you sync the other synths in order to run at the same time and scale. is there any way? thanks a ton
Mariano Campillo You can find the same scales in other sequencers or arpeggiator patterns. Most sequencers at least have last step settings that you can match with another machine. You could also synch different time signatures and it'll often sound good when you've got the right tenpo.
@@LousyFacelift will try mate, ur great
Figured it out. You have to press last step and scatter in normal mode not boot mode. Danke
hey lousyfacelift, great vids man. i wanted to know if theres a setting to use both hihats at the same time, open and closed. thanks :)
Juan Córdoba Thank you! Well, to be honest I don't know but also my advice is embrace this setting! Cutting the open sound off at different lenghts with the closed makes writing hihat tracks so much more expressive and realistc. You can use the ride cymbal along with the closed hihat.
Juan Córdoba I’ve been having the same problem let me know if you found an answer
Filipe Brandao you can't use them at the same time :/
@LousyFacelift, hi lousy ! kannst du mir mal bitte weiterhelfen. ich bin scheinbar zu blöd um tr-8 mit system-1 syncron zu koppeln. ich möchte tr-8 als master zuweisen und habe deswegen im bootmodus step1 dunkel gemacht, also auf " clock is internal ". midi kanal bleibt auf 10. tr-8 midi-out in system-1 midi-in. im system-1 bootmodus habe ich den voreingestellten midi kanal von 1 auf 10 angepasst und die midi clock auf external. vom mix out master zur anlage. was mache ich falsch ? lediglich tr8 läuft auf diese weise und system 1 ist leise. gruss
ludde 303 Hi! Ich kenne zwar den System-1 nicht so gut aber ich nehme an, er besitzt einen eigenen Sequenzer und oder Arpeggiator,, der zum Tempo der TR 8 mitlaufen soll, richtig? Versuch doch mal, Step Key 1 in der TR 8 doch wieder zu aktivieren, die Einstellung der Kanäle sollte so stimmen. Falls die TR 8 jetzt gleichzeitig mit den eigenen Sounds Noten im System-1 antriggert, suche dort (Sys-1) eine Einstellung, die das Empfangen von Noten deaktiviert und nur MIDI Clock und Start Stop- Befehle zulässt.
hey dude me again lol. Updated the TR8 with 7x7. the scale function in settings mode now available
+SVR Charles Alright! Thanks for letting me know! I think the upgrade is really worth it, great new sounds and more functionality. Some new sounds are also hidden under the accents for individual tracks. Flams are also pretty cool, I use them quite a lot. I made a video on the flam function, maybe you'd like to watch it if you haven't already. Take care man! See ya! ;)
+LousyFacelift alright dude catchya!
Anybody have issues with their TR8 not auto saving patterns and edits anymore?
matthew lemke You probably have the pattern lock function activated. In play mode keep PTN select pressed and turn the tempo dial to switch from locked to unlocked.
Thanks a lot, to have the sequencer acting as a slave its where ?
Great VIDEO !
If you wish to sync the TR 8 to another machine, you simply plug the MIDI output of the master device to the MIDI in of the TR 8. Just make sure to select different MIDI channels for both machines if you don't want the TR 8 to respond to note messages.
thank you !!!
Antoine Cabieu You're welcome! Have a great day!
heres a cool one dude!
Pan Individual Sounds
If you are in Drum Select INST mode, you can hold a drum sound (button) and turn the TEMPO knob left or right to pan each drum sound in the kit.
+SVR Charles Hahaha... yeah, I know, I made a video on this one. But thanks anyway! :) I have most of the hidden functions of the TR 8 covered on my channel. Here's one I haven't mentioned so far: Reverb 4 makes awesome drone sounds if you turn time and gate to max. When you have a steady sound going gate will act like a filter cutoff. Sounds really cool, especially on toms, check it out man! ;)
+LousyFacelift lol sorry dude!
and no i dont have 7x7 installed! it could be the reason
Another good tutorial but again all this arm waving is distracting
Fallic Alec Yeah, you know I find comments like this distracting. But if you don't like the waving - take them like a wave goodbye and just go watch something else ... 😉
Don't like constructive criticism eh?
Well, here is the comment you posted to my part one video: "Good video but for God's sake why do all these people wave their arms about so much? It is distracting." Is that what you call constructive criticism? In this comment you are not even talking to me, you are talking to others about me as one of "these people". Do I need to explain to you why that is disrespectful towards me? I tried to explain to you that people use gestures and body language as a form of expression to underline certain things, trying to maintain the attention of their listeners. If you pay attention merely to these gestures you can get distracted but if you focus on what's actually being said you shouldn't have a problem with that. You sound like someone who goes to a concert trying to tell the singer to quit dancing because you cannot handle both forms of expression at the same time and you don't realize that everyone else is simply enjoying the show. This is your problem, not mine.