seems that youtube has decided to recommend everyone this video after 10 months, so let me just say thank you everyone!! this is now my most viewed video, surpassing my former most viewed video just today at the time of writing this comment! with this surge of viewers comes more comments, which means more questions... so i'll use this comment to serve as a *Q&A* as i've seen a lot of the same questions posted here: ----------------------------------- _"is this just an animation or did you really get windows to do this?"_ yes! this is an actual application that can runs on windows fully automatically; no animation was done in post ----------------------------------- _"why didn't you add the gray window from the original video?"_ to be honest i really just wanted the project to be completed by the time i got around to doing it, as it had already been taking forever to finish. hope you understand though ----------------------------------- _"what did you code this in?"_ i used the Godot game engine, specifically version 3.5.1 (this turned out to be a huge mistake though, which i'm about to get into) ----------------------------------- _"how did you make this?"_ it was a long process which has a lot to go over, but i'll try my best to explain it all i'll start with the easy part: the window animations themselves. each window was a separate "scene" in the Godot engine, each running their own script and having their own "nodes" which are the animated components themselves; if you want further explanation on that part specifically, you'll have to look into how the engine itself works. the way i made the animations move in time with the music was that every script had a long, multiline string assigned to it that essentially served as its "animation timeline." each line of the string had 16 text characters, all representing 1/16 beats of the song, so each line was equal to one beat. each different character would represent a different "action" that the animation would do at that time. i'll give an example, the first 4 beats that the red window follows: v . . . v . . v . v . v v . ^ . v . . . v . . v . v . v v > ^ . v . . . v . . v . v . v v . ^ . v . . . v . . v . v . v v > ^ L (spaces were added to compensate for the lack of a monospace font in youtube comments) watching the start of the video a couple times, you can tell which character makes the window pulse in what direction. each window would have their own animation timeline that looks different from each other, but easily by far the most complex one was the last window, the magenta one. that was the easy part, but it may surprise you to hear that the rest of this was actually a programming disaster for me. i made several terrible choices during the making of this, so let me start with the most significant mistake i made: using specifically Godot version 3.5.1. the reason this was a mistake is because 3.5.1 doesn't have support for a game or project having multiple windows/subwindows. at the time of making this, the beta version of the next major update to the engine had already been out, but i avoided using it because i sort of wanted to wait until the full version was out before i got used to all of the changes. it turns out that Godot 4.0 indeed _did_ have support for subwindows, and had i known this, i would have probably saved 10 or so hours on the entire project... but oh well. you now might be thinking, how did i even make it have multiple windows if the version i had been using didn't support them at all? i'll be blunt with the answer to that question and say: an incredibly stupid and clunky method, where i would actually have every window as a SEPARATE executable file, and have the first window (the red one) automatically open the rest of them at predetermined times. if you think this is bad, it gets worse... whenever i would open the first window, i made it so that it writes the exact unix timestamp in milliseconds of when the song started playing, to a file. the rest of the windows would then, on initialization, read the file and synchronize their own animations to that timestamp. it was the only way i could think of to have the windows communicate to each other, since they were all separate applications. another problem with this is that it was extremely laggy to run all of them at once, so what i did was record 3 or 4 of them at a time and stitch all of the recordings together in Premiere afterwards. but rest assured, if it weren't for my slow-ish computer, it would've worked fine... i hope this doesn't ruin the authenticity for you, i tried my best :3 ----------------------------------- _"can i download this? if not, can i see the source code?"_ for a lot of reasons already mentioned, no, i will not be posting a download nor a link to the source code. sorry everyone ----------------------------------- alright, i hope that answers everything... if you still have any other questions, do feel free to ask them in the reply of this comment, and i'll try to answer them. again, thank you everyone! i promise i'll upload something cool in the next year or two
id appreciate just the sources for the animation timelines because the need to do something mildly cool like this but my hyper hellscape adhd brain isn't looking forward to programming the timeline
when you said "when the magenta window said ↪🔄↩🔄↔️🔃↕️↕️🔃↖️↗️🔝➡️🔝🔛🔙⬅️⬅️↗️↖️↗️⬅️🔄🔙🔜🔙⬅️⬅️⬅️↗️⬅️↗️⬅️↙️↘️↙️↘️↙️↘️↙️↙️➡️⬅️🔃↖️↕️🔃↔️🔄↩🔄↪🔃↪🔃↪🔃↔️↗️↔️↗️↕️↕️↗️↕️↘️↖️↖️➡️↖️↘️⬅️↘️⬅️↘️⬅️↖️↘️↕️🔃↔️🔃↔️🔃↩🔃↩↩↗️↪🔃⤴️↗️⤴️↗️↪↗️↪↪↗️↩↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️➡️↔️↕️➡️↖️↘️↖️↘️↖️⬇️↖️⬇️↖️⬇️↖️⬇️⬅️⬅️⬇️↖️➡️↕️↗️↔️↔️↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪⬆️⬅️ I felt that" I felt that
when you said "when the magenta window said 🔄⤵️➡️🔄🔃⬆️🔃➡️🔄⬆️↗️⤵️🔃🔃➡️⬆️↘️↔️↗️↔️↗️↕️➡️↖️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️⬅️🔃↙️↙️🔃⬇️🔄⬇️🔄⬇️🔄⬇️⬆️⬇️↙️⬆️↙️↗️⬅️↗️⬅️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↕️↕️➡️↕️➡️↕️↘️↔️↘️↩↩↘️↩↘️↪⬇️↪↪⬇️⤴️⬇️↪↘️↩↩↘️↔️⬇️↕️⬇️↕️⬇️⬅️↙️⬅️➡️🔄↘️⬅️↘️⬅️↖️➡️↖️⬅️⬇️⬅️⬇️⬅️⬇️⬅️⬇️⬅️↙️⬅️⬅️↙️↖️↙️↖️↘️↕️↕️↘️↕️➡️↕️↗️↕️↕️↗️↕️↗️↕️⤵️↕️⬆️↕️↕️↔️⬆️↔️⬆️↔️↩⬆️↩⤵️↪⤵️↪🔃↪🔃↩🔃↔️🔃↔️↗️↔️↕️↘️↕️➡️↕️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️⤵️↩⤵️↩⤵️↩🔃↔️🔃↔️↔️🔄↩🔄↩↗️↪↗️↩↗️↩↔️➡️↔️➡️↔️➡️↔️➡️↔️↗️↩↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↩↗️↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↩🔃↩🔃↩🔃↩↗️↩↗️↩↩↗️↩↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↩↩↗️↩↗️↔️➡️↕️➡️↖️↖️↘️↖️⬇️↖️⬇️⬅️⬇️↖️↖️⬇️↕️↘️↕️➡️↔️↗️↔️↗️↩⬆️↩↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⤵️⤴️🔃⤴️↪↪↪↗️↩↗️↩↔️↗️↔️🔃↔️🔃↕️🔃↕️↕️↗️↕️⤵️↕️⬆️↕️⬆️↔️↔️⬆️↩↗️↩⬆️↩↩⬆️↪↗️↔️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↩↗️↩↗️↪↗️↪↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪↪⬆️↪↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪↪↪⬆️↪↪⤴️🔃⤴️🔃⤴️🔃⤴️🔃↪🔃↩🔃↩🔃 I felt that" I felt that
Oh man, the little details like the directional nudges to the beat and melody, this is beautiful! Brings me nostalgia to the windows error remix videos popular back in the day. Good work!
Every major and minor point of progress in the song: 0:03 First window (bass? kick/hi-hat?) appears 0:05 First note is played 0:06 Second unique note is played 0:08 Third unique note is played 0:12 Second window (synth?) appears, all notes from the first window are used 0:13 First note from second window plays 0:18 Second unique note from second window plays, all second window notes are used so far 0:21 Third window (general phonetic) appears 0:25 Fourth window (grunt voice?) appears 0:29 First window of the second row (voice "a") appears 0:33 Sixth window (voice "ah" 1, "o") 0:38 Seventh window (voice "oo"/"u") 0:42 Eighth window (voice sample "d"/"eh") 0:47 Bass and synth cut out temporarily 0:51 First three windows of the third row appear at once (voice "ah" 2 plays first, then two other windows that I don't know what to label with play) 0:56 All inactive windows become active again 1:12 Twelfth window (phone) 1:31 Most windows cut out as 1st pink window (continuous bass 1) appears. New synth notes filling up the rest of the orange window are unlocked and played. The height of the rectangle in the 1st pink window determines vertical position of synth notes 1:49 2nd pink window (continuous bass 2) appears. Height of rectangles in the 2nd pink window are determined by height of the rectangle in the 1st pink window. Some windows become active again 2:06 All windows become active again 2:23 FINAL WINDOW (3rd pink window, miscellaneous) appears, all notes played 2:41 Song finishes with sole purple window's no signal(?) noise 2:43 All windows are exited out of, with the 1st pink window slightly lagging behind In all seriousness though this is actually so good
Seriously, cannot find a better Wavetapper animation than this. It's not just cool that the animation is made of windows, but the images on each window make me really feel that each one has a special part on the music, even if they're so simple. One last thing worth admiring is the way most of the windows move a bit as they play their corresponding sound and image, which adds weight to the feeling of importance in each window!
me when the uhhh i uhhhh so uhhhh uhhhhhhhh i uhhhhh the uhhhhhh mulugeta uhhhhhhhh so uhhhhhhh when uhhhh the uhhhh i uhhhh maybe uhhhhh probably uhhhh certainly uhhhhhhh i uhhhhh
we all need pointing arrows, bars, flashing letters, circles, moving squares, corner triangles, more flashing stuff, s t a r , polygons, wave visualizers, pac-man, telephone dialing, eyes, and most importantly iPhone 15
no 16th grey box with japanese that encodes a secret message. unfaithful, 0/10 ok but in all seriousness, this is incredible. i can't even begin to think of how this works, much less how you _pulled it off._ amazing work -Hyper
so saddened by the fact that there was no grey box, expected a 1 year arg towards a location that gives free money from just a simple base 64 encoded code inside the grey box. on how it works (from what I've heard/seen), each box has its own string, with any character denoting any symbol/sound, and it being separated by periods (as in no sounds), and spaces to denote each new beat the windows don't play any sound, and open depebding on how long ago the first box was opened I may be incorrect
This is wonderful. I'm a Windows 10 and Frums fan, and I didn't expect this video exists lmao... (I wanted to make something that combines Windows and Wavetapper) :')
The original music is Frums - wavetapper. The music has 16 cubes. The first 15 function exactly with those 15 windows in this video and the 16th gives some kinds of message.
Notable moments according to my opinion with little to no important text associated to the timestamp: 0:05 thingy appear 0:12 spooky 0:22 cut thingy 0:27 ggg and è joined 0:35 a eu a eu a a eu a a eu a 0:39 euh é é euh é é euh 0:45 took me way too much time than I'd like to admit to realise what is it for 0:47 shush, its coming 0:54 a ou ah ou a a eu ou a a oi oi 0:57 gllglllglllglll✨✨✨ 1:13 if phone calls sounded like this the world would be so much better 1:31 shhhush no talky 1:32 👽👽👽👽 1:34 omnious thing, extremely spooky, 10/10 1:50 the return of the green shades 2:06 HELL YEAHHHH 2:24 i absolutely love the pink thing RAAAHHHHHHGGHHH (so good that it gave a third eye to it's neighbour) 2:42 !! 2:45 buh bye 10:32 ?
seems that youtube has decided to recommend everyone this video after 10 months, so let me just say thank you everyone!! this is now my most viewed video, surpassing my former most viewed video just today at the time of writing this comment!
with this surge of viewers comes more comments, which means more questions... so i'll use this comment to serve as a *Q&A* as i've seen a lot of the same questions posted here:
_"is this just an animation or did you really get windows to do this?"_
yes! this is an actual application that can runs on windows fully automatically; no animation was done in post
_"why didn't you add the gray window from the original video?"_
to be honest i really just wanted the project to be completed by the time i got around to doing it, as it had already been taking forever to finish. hope you understand though
_"what did you code this in?"_
i used the Godot game engine, specifically version 3.5.1 (this turned out to be a huge mistake though, which i'm about to get into)
_"how did you make this?"_
it was a long process which has a lot to go over, but i'll try my best to explain it all
i'll start with the easy part: the window animations themselves. each window was a separate "scene" in the Godot engine, each running their own script and having their own "nodes" which are the animated components themselves; if you want further explanation on that part specifically, you'll have to look into how the engine itself works. the way i made the animations move in time with the music was that every script had a long, multiline string assigned to it that essentially served as its "animation timeline." each line of the string had 16 text characters, all representing 1/16 beats of the song, so each line was equal to one beat. each different character would represent a different "action" that the animation would do at that time. i'll give an example, the first 4 beats that the red window follows:
v . . . v . . v . v . v v . ^ .
v . . . v . . v . v . v v > ^ .
v . . . v . . v . v . v v . ^ .
v . . . v . . v . v . v v > ^ L
(spaces were added to compensate for the lack of a monospace font in youtube comments)
watching the start of the video a couple times, you can tell which character makes the window pulse in what direction. each window would have their own animation timeline that looks different from each other, but easily by far the most complex one was the last window, the magenta one.
that was the easy part, but it may surprise you to hear that the rest of this was actually a programming disaster for me. i made several terrible choices during the making of this, so let me start with the most significant mistake i made: using specifically Godot version 3.5.1. the reason this was a mistake is because 3.5.1 doesn't have support for a game or project having multiple windows/subwindows. at the time of making this, the beta version of the next major update to the engine had already been out, but i avoided using it because i sort of wanted to wait until the full version was out before i got used to all of the changes. it turns out that Godot 4.0 indeed _did_ have support for subwindows, and had i known this, i would have probably saved 10 or so hours on the entire project... but oh well.
you now might be thinking, how did i even make it have multiple windows if the version i had been using didn't support them at all? i'll be blunt with the answer to that question and say: an incredibly stupid and clunky method, where i would actually have every window as a SEPARATE executable file, and have the first window (the red one) automatically open the rest of them at predetermined times. if you think this is bad, it gets worse... whenever i would open the first window, i made it so that it writes the exact unix timestamp in milliseconds of when the song started playing, to a file. the rest of the windows would then, on initialization, read the file and synchronize their own animations to that timestamp. it was the only way i could think of to have the windows communicate to each other, since they were all separate applications.
another problem with this is that it was extremely laggy to run all of them at once, so what i did was record 3 or 4 of them at a time and stitch all of the recordings together in Premiere afterwards. but rest assured, if it weren't for my slow-ish computer, it would've worked fine... i hope this doesn't ruin the authenticity for you, i tried my best :3
_"can i download this? if not, can i see the source code?"_
for a lot of reasons already mentioned, no, i will not be posting a download nor a link to the source code. sorry everyone
alright, i hope that answers everything... if you still have any other questions, do feel free to ask them in the reply of this comment, and i'll try to answer them.
again, thank you everyone! i promise i'll upload something cool in the next year or two
3 minutes ago, nice
Yikes, that sounds like it was hell to code and figure out, but the end result was amazing!
id appreciate just the sources for the animation timelines because the need to do something mildly cool like this but my hyper hellscape adhd brain isn't looking forward to programming the timeline
*the 15 computer windows:*
And they strarted playing Finale
1:05 is el krazy
undertale reference
This is definitely up there amongst the more creative animations for this song!
this is actually 15 different applications individually made in godot, i asked them over discord
"amongst"? :sus:
@M24SniperWeaponSystemamong us
@M24SniperWeaponSystemamong us?
@@adr2215 please stop.
That's what happens when 8 truly masters the Side Order palettes.
omg i was about to bring up the fact these look like side order color chips
why do i imagine 8 dj’ing at a jelloton party and acht is just in the corner just moving her head slightly to the beat
@@KoopalingMayhem I mean, it kinda makes sense!
how did the splatoon fandom follow me here
@@nebesnebes1433 Veemo!
eight: "why is my palette acting up?"
their palette:
yooo splatoon!!
side order mentioned 🟥🟧🟪🟦🟩🟨
The fact that the color chips make sounds when you tap them
Splatoon gang
By the thumbnail, i started thinking it was gonna be limbo
I said "is this just gonna be limbo?" And was pleasantly surprised
Yep same
I thought it wa just gonna be windows that jumpscare you with congregation at some moment-
bew naw niw now bew now new naw bew naw baw niw baw niw baw bani na na nu neni naw naw nuw niw nuni baw naw nung niw naw baninanone
when the magenta window said ↕️🔽🔼↖️🔽↩️🔼🔽⤴️➡️⬇️↘️↖️↘️↖️↘️↖️↘️⬇️⬆️➡️↙️↘️⬇️↖️↘️↔️🔄↕️↘️↖️↘️↩️↕️↘️↕️↗️↘️⤴️↕️ I felt that
when you said "when the magenta window said ↪🔄↩🔄↔️🔃↕️↕️🔃↖️↗️🔝➡️🔝🔛🔙⬅️⬅️↗️↖️↗️⬅️🔄🔙🔜🔙⬅️⬅️⬅️↗️⬅️↗️⬅️↙️↘️↙️↘️↙️↘️↙️↙️➡️⬅️🔃↖️↕️🔃↔️🔄↩🔄↪🔃↪🔃↪🔃↔️↗️↔️↗️↕️↕️↗️↕️↘️↖️↖️➡️↖️↘️⬅️↘️⬅️↘️⬅️↖️↘️↕️🔃↔️🔃↔️🔃↩🔃↩↩↗️↪🔃⤴️↗️⤴️↗️↪↗️↪↪↗️↩↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️➡️↔️↕️➡️↖️↘️↖️↘️↖️⬇️↖️⬇️↖️⬇️↖️⬇️⬅️⬅️⬇️↖️➡️↕️↗️↔️↔️↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪⬆️⬅️ I felt that" I felt that
when you said "when the magenta window said 🔄⤵️➡️🔄🔃⬆️🔃➡️🔄⬆️↗️⤵️🔃🔃➡️⬆️↘️↔️↗️↔️↗️↕️➡️↖️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️⬅️🔃↙️↙️🔃⬇️🔄⬇️🔄⬇️🔄⬇️⬆️⬇️↙️⬆️↙️↗️⬅️↗️⬅️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↖️➡️↕️↕️➡️↕️➡️↕️↘️↔️↘️↩↩↘️↩↘️↪⬇️↪↪⬇️⤴️⬇️↪↘️↩↩↘️↔️⬇️↕️⬇️↕️⬇️⬅️↙️⬅️➡️🔄↘️⬅️↘️⬅️↖️➡️↖️⬅️⬇️⬅️⬇️⬅️⬇️⬅️⬇️⬅️↙️⬅️⬅️↙️↖️↙️↖️↘️↕️↕️↘️↕️➡️↕️↗️↕️↕️↗️↕️↗️↕️⤵️↕️⬆️↕️↕️↔️⬆️↔️⬆️↔️↩⬆️↩⤵️↪⤵️↪🔃↪🔃↩🔃↔️🔃↔️↗️↔️↕️↘️↕️➡️↕️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️⤵️↩⤵️↩⤵️↩🔃↔️🔃↔️↔️🔄↩🔄↩↗️↪↗️↩↗️↩↔️➡️↔️➡️↔️➡️↔️➡️↔️↗️↩↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↩↗️↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↩🔃↩🔃↩🔃↩↗️↩↗️↩↩↗️↩↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↩↩↗️↩↗️↔️➡️↕️➡️↖️↖️↘️↖️⬇️↖️⬇️⬅️⬇️↖️↖️⬇️↕️↘️↕️➡️↔️↗️↔️↗️↩⬆️↩↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⤵️⤴️🔃⤴️↪↪↪↗️↩↗️↩↔️↗️↔️🔃↔️🔃↕️🔃↕️↕️↗️↕️⤵️↕️⬆️↕️⬆️↔️↔️⬆️↩↗️↩⬆️↩↩⬆️↪↗️↔️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↗️↔️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↗️↩↩↗️↩↗️↪↗️↪↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪↗️↪↪⬆️↪↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪↪⬆️↪⬆️↪⬆️↪↪↪⬆️↪↪⤴️🔃⤴️🔃⤴️🔃⤴️🔃↪🔃↩🔃↩🔃 I felt that" I felt that
Me: trying to sleep
My last 15 braincells:
Are you overestimating the amount you have?
no each one is making a noise
2:41 you finally fall asleep
@@chipichipichapachapaWHYtheres 15 windows
Oh man, the little details like the directional nudges to the beat and melody, this is beautiful! Brings me nostalgia to the windows error remix videos popular back in the day. Good work!
Literally the ending of Side Order. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Every major and minor point of progress in the song:
0:03 First window (bass? kick/hi-hat?) appears
0:05 First note is played
0:06 Second unique note is played
0:08 Third unique note is played
0:12 Second window (synth?) appears, all notes from the first window are used
0:13 First note from second window plays
0:18 Second unique note from second window plays, all second window notes are used so far
0:21 Third window (general phonetic) appears
0:25 Fourth window (grunt voice?) appears
0:29 First window of the second row (voice "a") appears
0:33 Sixth window (voice "ah" 1, "o")
0:38 Seventh window (voice "oo"/"u")
0:42 Eighth window (voice sample "d"/"eh")
0:47 Bass and synth cut out temporarily
0:51 First three windows of the third row appear at once (voice "ah" 2 plays first, then two other windows that I don't know what to label with play)
0:56 All inactive windows become active again
1:12 Twelfth window (phone)
1:31 Most windows cut out as 1st pink window (continuous bass 1) appears. New synth notes filling up the rest of the orange window are unlocked and played. The height of the rectangle in the 1st pink window determines vertical position of synth notes
1:49 2nd pink window (continuous bass 2) appears. Height of rectangles in the 2nd pink window are determined by height of the rectangle in the 1st pink window. Some windows become active again
2:06 All windows become active again
2:23 FINAL WINDOW (3rd pink window, miscellaneous) appears, all notes played
2:41 Song finishes with sole purple window's no signal(?) noise
2:43 All windows are exited out of, with the 1st pink window slightly lagging behind
In all seriousness though this is actually so good
a bit late but im not one to judge
2nd window in 3rd row appears to play some sort of low synth, you can hear it change when the slider thing moves
Thank you to support this channel
You must have been real damn bored
Light pink is reverb
Seriously, cannot find a better Wavetapper animation than this. It's not just cool that the animation is made of windows, but the images on each window make me really feel that each one has a special part on the music, even if they're so simple. One last thing worth admiring is the way most of the windows move a bit as they play their corresponding sound and image, which adds weight to the feeling of importance in each window!
fun fact: it’s not an animation
The original? WTF still cool but...видео.html
this is truly a "me when" moment
Lol yes
Me when Windows 10 dance:
me when my icomputer starts making me pay for more windows
me when the uhhh i uhhhh so uhhhh uhhhhhhhh i uhhhhh the uhhhhhh mulugeta uhhhhhhhh so uhhhhhhh when uhhhh the uhhhh i uhhhh maybe uhhhhh probably uhhhh certainly uhhhhhhh i uhhhhh
When he
Feels like the sort of early malware ment just to show of the hackers talent and mess with the user a little.
When the purple window said "☎️📞💬📱📶📵📳" I felt that
When the purp window was like beefy beep boop, eeeeeee, I was like 👍🏼 nice
When the cyan window said "eh spa eh spah eh eh ih da da
me too
I like how the blocks are original with the different shapes changing with the voice, but still hold some resemblance from the lines and dots
I've never listened to this song, but even without knowing the song the program is still incredibly impressive
literally amazing
i hope frums sees this video
this is so cool!! I’ve had wavetapper beepbooping around in my brain for like a month lol
this animation is so engaging, very impressive!
The purple keypad-styled window gives me Randomly Generated Droids vibes whenever it shows the outline of a diamond shape.
rgd players when they see a purple square rotated 45°
@@jjjonetwo3840 dear diary, its day 100 of daily crown challenges and ive started to question the exchange rate of epic party coins to rgd circuits
1:32 when the chords started changing. that's when it became awesome for me.
that progression is damn tasty man
Yeah frums does amazing chords
this is the kind of video that would come out with a sequel 2 years later after it blows up somehow
1 more year
this is how music will be made in the future
we all need more funny symbols music
we all need pointing arrows, bars, flashing letters, circles, moving squares, corner triangles, more flashing stuff, s t a r , polygons, wave visualizers, pac-man, telephone dialing, eyes, and most importantly iPhone 15
@@user-to9tk9fe4c we don't need the latter, but we do need the rest
Oh good
i think it's better to make little small empty songs first, and then smush them all together, like they did here.
i can't wait for this to start, it looks so cool
@@KananR-ns9jv this comment was made most likely before it premiered so they couldn't see the video.
(scrolling down the comments)
me: haha undertale mention ^_^
(scrolling more)
me: haha splatoon mention ^_^
video games when the erm. funny colors
Imagine these windows as Rhythm Doctor windows 😬
Good work, man!
Oh hell nahhhh
Not the all the times window
Bro someone actually did make a rhythm doctor level of this
@@abdulmulkiaulde3014Genuinely blee my mind when it first zoomed out
So they did a moving window, then they added stretching... Multiple windows next?
Or better yet, Sprunkis.
me at first: this kinda reminds me of frums
I love how the design makes it effortless to tell which instrument is which window.
no 16th grey box with japanese that encodes a secret message. unfaithful, 0/10
ok but in all seriousness, this is incredible. i can't even begin to think of how this works, much less how you _pulled it off._ amazing work
so saddened by the fact that there was no grey box, expected a 1 year arg towards a location that gives free money from just a simple base 64 encoded code inside the grey box.
on how it works (from what I've heard/seen), each box has its own string, with any character denoting any symbol/sound, and it being separated by periods (as in no sounds), and spaces to denote each new beat
the windows don't play any sound, and open depebding on how long ago the first box was opened
I may be incorrect
oh my god, this is now my new favorite animation ever
Splatoon 3: Side Order (2024)
Yo why’s my pallet acting up?
don't get it
@@cycrothelargeplanet in side order you collect colored chips that buff your stats/weapon in order to get stronger
@@UmbralKnight1344 oh ok
Quality stuff, as always! well done
love the use of easing. every movement is smooth, not over or understated.
when the purple window said "☎, 💬📞📲💻🤙📺📲🔉📨📱🔊↘, ❌, ❎, ❌, ❎, ❌" i felt that, it was truly amazing and inspirational.
the yellow window saying uuuueeteuuuee was so inspiring😊
Alright who let gaster into the recording studio again?
And why does it sound so damn good!? Lol
M_rld on his way to randomly upload completely different content after 6 months out of the blue
it's called being motivated
How did you even make this? This is insanely cool.
He used the Windows Operational System to program this
But how he did this...
@@BakeNeko-SanProbably some C# or C++ api jank, and a LOT of work to time it all toghether
@@BakeNeko-SanWhy did you say it like that?
@@vitorgabrielgomesrodrigues dramatic
This looks amazing and i haven't even watched the video yet
Edit: I watched the video. Definitely lived up to the hype
i can literally fall asleep to this anytime, no problem.
its literally melatonin in audio form. fantastical work.
i need more music in this style!
It sounds pretty random, yet at the same time it's not. I love it. 5 stars for you.
they didn't make the song. they just made the software
hehehehe no way side order
Honestly looks much cooler than the original bga
Seeing these two comments. I just know a comment war will start
But it didn't
Purple is the coolest in my opinion
I also like how orange shows that it could do more than 2 sounds
When the purple window said “do not hang up” I feel that in places I shouldn’t
I fucking love wavetapper by frums, and this animation definitely does it justice
funny story: m_rld was gonna have the video be uploaded yesterday, but due to encoding being dumb and slow, it wasn't working
0:04 1
1. 4 triangles (facing up, down,left,right)
0:14 1-2
2. Blocks
0:22 1-3
3. T,U
0:27 1-4
4. Circle
0:30 1-5
5. Speaking block
0:35 1-6
6. 2 triangles (facing up-right,down-left)
0:39 1-7
7. Square, =
0:43 1-8
8. 6 pointed star
0:47 3-8
0:54 1-11
9. Polygons
11. Loading screen hollowed
10. Lines
1:13 1-12
12. Phone call
1:30 1,7,10,11
1:33 1,2,13
1. Now only up arrow
13. Stretching line
2. Now follows 13’s height
1:50 1-8,13-14
14. 2 stretching lines
2:05 1-14
1. Now all arrows
2:24 1-15
15. Random arrows
14. Now 3 lines
2:41 12
12. Warning sign
This is super creative! Very well done
i've no idea why i've just been recommended this but this is impressive, well done
we need this as an incredibox mod
it's insane that M_rld made 15 different programs just for this video...
not sure that's how that works
a single program can create multiple windows, you know
@@SurmenianSoldier my post is satire, I'm aware that programs can have multiple windows and I've seen M_rld talk about the development of this
@@CosmicNyan should've made it more clear
@@CosmicNyantheres 16 in the original post, but the grey block was removed for just symboling out Japanese characters and not making noise. I hate it.
i didn't know this was a Frums track at first but now it makes complete sense why this is in my reccomended
that's actually really cool and really well made
When I heard one sound and realized everything that would happen on the screen. The author of the video is a genius.
Everyone is deserved to watch this vid. It’s just a masterpiece. If this was an app i will be the first one downloading it
The workaround for the multi executable thing is something i should've thought of but i still find it clever
i’m so excited for this
this is a certified territory takeover moment
(i wonder if anyone gets the reference)
(also what if rhythm game)
so true
i don’t get the reference
@@super2124 of course you wouldn’t
Ah i see you are a Frums enjoyer as well
I’m in a trance rn I can’t take my eyes off the colors and sounds on the screen this is beautiful
this is what happens when you go somewhere and leave your computer on.
This is wonderful. I'm a Windows 10 and Frums fan, and I didn't expect this video exists lmao... (I wanted to make something that combines Windows and Wavetapper) :')
this screams incredibox and that is great
was literally just thinking this and seeing if anyone thought the same thing!!
I feel sorry for you friend
If this thing was a virus I would not even care if it’s infecting my computer I would listen to this all day long
seriously this is amazing!
Didn't expect I'd see a frums fan video here.
Ikr lmao
Guys, the yellow one is like TUCUTCUTCUTCTUTCTUCUT
It really was relatable when the purple block said ❔📞📞📞📞📞📞📞📞📞↘❌❌❌❌❌
It’s like Incredibox, but I’ve never watched or played Incredibox.
Now i wanna learn programming more than ever and make window tapper megalomania
The original music is Frums - wavetapper. The music has 16 cubes. The first 15 function exactly with those 15 windows in this video and the 16th gives some kinds of message.
this is some of the coolest shit I've ever seen.
Imagine a rhythm game where every note is it's own window
that would be pretty cool I think
I don't know why, but the lack of a grey box in the bottom right corner adding absolutely nothing to the song bothers me slightly
I really loved that you used multiple material UI icons for the last cube
Incredibox be like:
1:30 actually hit so hard, everything about this is awesome from the graphics to the coding to the music
this is super cool! i think you should release the code so other people can learn from it
Look at the pinned comment.
@@OfficialIncubo_ ah okay i see thank you!
Notable moments according to my opinion with little to no important text associated to the timestamp:
0:05 thingy appear
0:12 spooky
0:22 cut thingy
0:27 ggg and è joined
0:35 a eu a eu a a eu a a eu a
0:39 euh é é euh é é euh
0:45 took me way too much time than I'd like to admit to realise what is it for
0:47 shush, its coming
0:54 a ou ah ou a a eu ou a a oi oi
0:57 gllglllglllglll✨✨✨
1:13 if phone calls sounded like this the world would be so much better
1:31 shhhush no talky
1:32 👽👽👽👽
1:34 omnious thing, extremely spooky, 10/10
1:50 the return of the green shades
2:24 i absolutely love the pink thing RAAAHHHHHHGGHHH (so good that it gave a third eye to it's neighbour)
2:42 !!
2:45 buh bye
10:32 ?
The color chips acting up again, but i don’t care its fire
This looks so cool!!!
20 hours of work sounds REALLY tiring
if only it was on spotify
i'd listen to this all the time
you can listen to frums other stuff, all her other stuff is just as nice
Original: has grey
Windowtapper:no grey
Bro the red one is like🔻🔺🔽🔼📐📐🔼🔺🔻🔻🔼🔼🔺
hexagonhexagon is you
The purple telephone one was a bop, it should had been the last one.
this video my beloved
wavetapper my beloved
frums my beloved
me when the windows are tapped
sometimes i pander to myself, youtube reccomendations, what would i do without them
Frums needs to see this
this would be really cool malware, listening to a banger as you lose access to your computer
imagine if someone made a program just for this
... that's what this is
it runs on godot
@@aadenboy what is godot
@@SilicosisNotBeta it's a game engine, has 2d and 3d but as far as I know 2d is much more used
@@aadenboy ah i see
1: Window 1 enters
5: Window 2 enters
9: Window 3 enters
11: Window 4 enters
13: Window 5 enters
15: Window 6 enters
17: Window 7 enters
18: Window 8 enters
21: Windows 1 and 2 pause
24: Windows 9 and 11 enter
25: Windows 1 and 2 resume, Window 10 enters
33: Main character (Purple telephone, window 12) enters
41: Do not hang up; all windows stop
42: Window 1 makes a single beat, Window 13 enters and window 2 resumes
45: Window 1 makes 2 kick drums
49: Window 14 enters and widnows 3-8 resume
56: Window 9 resumes
57: Windows 10-12 resume
65: Window 15 enters
73: Window 12 crashes
truly banger effects!
This is a perfect msm island! Thanks! ❤
This is incredible!
Also agreed, Also how does this comment only have 1 reply and 5 likes?