Looks great...I keep looking for new hare recipes and I'm trying this one at hunt camp next. Just curious, have you ever shredded the meat off the bone and put back in the pot? Would that change anything? Thanks for making the video
Yeah I had no idea wtf he was saying. "boomunyer" or something... I'm only here because I heard the phrase Jugged Hair in a show and had no fucking clue what they were talking about lol
Looks great...I keep looking for new hare recipes and I'm trying this one at hunt camp next. Just curious, have you ever shredded the meat off the bone and put back in the pot? Would that change anything? Thanks for making the video
What was that last ingredient named? The thickening ingredient...
Yeah I had no idea wtf he was saying. "boomunyer" or something... I'm only here because I heard the phrase Jugged Hair in a show and had no fucking clue what they were talking about lol
That's a Rabbit, Hare is red meat and their legs are much longer
Cheer~~~stew or boil (a hare or rabbit) in a covered container.😅
Sad you don't know the difference between a rabbit, a hare or a rabbi ...
That’s a rabbit