Thank you for the English subtitles - I am doing something similar, translating some files into Russian... I wish there would be more - is the only regret I had, and wonder if this segment is not the only one?
Rosalina Gutman: Nice to meet you, Russian lady, on these pages -- I believe you also listened to Volodos videos, especially "Volodos in Vienna" 1-2-3-4. Look at my answer (in Polish) to marcelinaczatroryska in comments on Nr.4 of this series - she tried to de-thronize Volodos, but in vain. -- Volodos turns to be very nice, pleasant man in this interview, his French is very well, fluent and with prenounciation good enough for a foreigner. -- Vy tozhe iz Peterburga?
Imagine Volodos doing a masterclass! That'd be amazing! :D
Thank you for the English subtitles - I am doing something similar, translating some files into Russian... I wish there would be more - is the only regret I had, and wonder if this segment is not the only one?
Mais si, mais si ! - et lui est un plaisant, intelligent homme
Rosalina Gutman:
Nice to meet you, Russian lady, on these pages -- I believe you also listened to Volodos videos, especially "Volodos in Vienna" 1-2-3-4. Look at my answer (in Polish) to marcelinaczatroryska in comments on Nr.4 of this series - she tried to de-thronize Volodos, but in vain. -- Volodos turns to be very nice, pleasant man in this interview, his French is very well, fluent and with prenounciation good enough for a foreigner. -- Vy tozhe iz Peterburga?
Mezzo vocce is not equal to whispering. They were thinking about SOTTO vocce, I guess.
mitsubishi... mitsubishi...
Il parle meme tres bien le francais.
Wazaa : )