Sometimes you watch Dakota's parts and you really have to break down what he just did, the height, the speed, the shitty ride up and ride out. Some of the places would be hard pressed to even be ridden by another rider let alone ridden the way he rides them. He seems to be able do continually do things that shouldn't be doable. It really is inspiring in all ways. Yes. Mind blown.
Fuck yeah he backs The Fling! Best best out there, check out Dustin Lovelis if you guys like the music, he's the front man for The Fling (sadly The Fling doesn't play together anymore but Dustin came out with a new album not too long ago)
Dakota Roche for president.
mind = blown
California King
Sometimes you watch Dakota's parts and you really have to break down what he just did, the height, the speed, the shitty ride up and ride out. Some of the places would be hard pressed to even be ridden by another rider let alone ridden the way he rides them. He seems to be able do continually do things that shouldn't be doable. It really is inspiring in all ways. Yes. Mind blown.
One of the best street rider in this world ! Nice Dakota ! ;-)
Props for that cassette hub
Just now seeing this and I'm ducking blown away
This is why I'm a fan of Dak and Cult!!🍻
The real Nora cup rider of the year ,best videos great tunes to unreal street, that gap to giant wallride was epic
Legend status. DAK, you blow our minds and keep our hearts true to BMX :)
Yeah! Best Rider in the World!
This whole video scared the shit out of me. Dak is such an animal
best rider, best song, best edition, best spots = epic video
he's one of the best
No matter how much I watch it that clip when he tooth over tooth's the rail after the manual matches the music and it is amazing
its just pure street and i love it
best bmx edit for 2015!!
I can't tell if he inspires me or makes me wanna quit because I'll never be......
i watch this everyday sooo amazing
Love this video
Dak is forever my man crush.
so amazing
Native land lives forever!
So sick!!!
so good
that was soooo good
It's like the old dak is back!!
Que estiloso y cebado!
so steezy!!!
Sick with it.........that shits BADASS......
oooohohohoooo holy shit... SO SICK
Hell yea!
Fire af
sweet mother of christ...
Sick riding, great style and always great tunes from Dak!! Awesome video!!
Da man!
Nice awesome simoleme único
What the Fuck... that was perfection
Holy shit.
Geoff Rowley sent me, that was dope
goddamn does he go big
I can said: Ruben Alcantara next level. Great.
that banger
that was insane…
nice man
no way no fucking way just just just omg
Bring out my WTP I want to go back to riding
Fuck yeah he backs The Fling! Best best out there, check out Dustin Lovelis if you guys like the music, he's the front man for The Fling (sadly The Fling doesn't play together anymore but Dustin came out with a new album not too long ago)
This guy rips
that fucking 3 down that gap though! fucking gnarly!!!!!
dak doesn't need ramps he uses hand rails instead
Did this win a Nora
Snap ❤🚲
I'm pretty sure Dak just showed up Reynolds with that tooth 3 gap
Nice Edit
muito foda
yeah dak footplant wallride
WTF ..... ON HIT!
Edvanilson Carlos Cordeiro Carlos
The Fling - "Pull The Hood"
It says it at the end of the video
Yeah Dak!!
That was fucked up...
Heavier than talk is cheap DEW
NORA cup.