千里之外 | Qian Li Zhi Wai | A Thousand Miles Away 曲:周杰倫Music: Jay Chou 詞:方文山Lyrics: Vincent Fang 屋簷如懸崖* 風鈴如滄海 我等燕歸來 Wu yan ru xuan yai* / feng ling ru cang hai / wo deng yan gui lai The roof is like a cliff, wind chimes like the ocean, and I am waiting for the swallow to return 時間被安排 演一場意外 你悄然走開 Shi jian bei an pai / yan yi chang yi wai / ni qiao ran zou kai Time is scheduled to act out the accident of you leaving quietly 故事在城外 濃霧散不開 看不清對白 Gu shi zai cheng wai / nong wu shan bu kai / kan bu qing dui bai The story occurred outside the city [where] there were thick fogs. [I] can’t see the dialogue clearly 你聽不出來 風聲不存在 是我在感慨 Ni ting bu chu lai / feng sheng bu cun zai / shi wo zai gan kai You can't hear that, the sound of the wind never existed, it was the sound of me sighing 夢醒來 是誰在窗臺 把結局打開 Meng xing lai / shi shui zai chuang tai / ba jie ju da kai Awakened [from my] dream, who stood by the window sill and opened the ending 那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆 Na bo ru chan yi de wei lai / jing bu qi shui lai zhe The future is as thin as the cicada’s wing and can’t withstand being torn by anyone Chorus: 我送你離開 千里之外 你無聲黑白 Wo song ni li kai / qian li zhi wai / ni wu sheng hei bai I send you off to a thousand miles away, you are silent, black and white 沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛 Chen mo nian dai / huo xu bu gai / tai yao yuan de xiang ai Perhaps a love so far apart shouldn’t exist in this silent era 我送你離開 天涯之外 你是否還在 Wo song ni li kai / tian yai* zhi wai / ni shi fou hai zai I send you away beyond the end of Earth, are you still there? 琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待 Qing sheng he lai / sheng si nan cai / yong yi sheng / qu deng dai Where is the zither** sound coming from? It’s hard to predict life and death. [I will] use [my] whole life to wait Verse 2: 聞淚聲入林 尋梨花白 只得一行 青苔 Wen lei sheng ru ling / xun li hua bai / zhi de yi hang / qing tai I enter the woods upon hearing the sound of crying, [I] search for a white flower, but only get a row of moss 天在山之外 雨落花台 我兩鬢斑白 Tian zai shan zhi wai / yu luo hua tai / wo liang xu ban bai The sky is far away from the mountain, the rain falls on the flower garden, my hair has become white 聞淚聲入林 尋梨花白 只得一行 青苔 Wen lei sheng ru ling / xun li hua bai / zhi de yi hang / qing tai I enter the woods upon hearing the sound of tears. [I] search for a white pear flower, but only get a row of moss 天在山之外 雨落花台 我等你來 Tian zai shan zhi wai / yu luo hua tai / wo deng ni lai The sky is far away from the mountain. The rain falls on the flower garden. I wait for you to come. 一身琉璃白 透明著塵埃 你無瑕的愛 Yi shen liu li bai / tou ming zhe chen ai / ni wu xia de ai Wearing clothes of white glossy sheen, the transparency shows dust and your flawless love 你從雨中來 詩化了悲哀 我淋濕現在 Ni chong yu zhong lai / shi hua le bei ai / wo lin shi xian zai You come from the rain and transform sorrow into a poem and I am now wet 芙蓉水面采 船行影猶在 你卻不回來 Fu rong shui mian cai / chuan xing ying you zai / ni que bu hui lai A lotus floats on the water, it seems as if the shadows of the boat sails are still there, but you still won’t return 被歲月覆蓋 你說的花開 過去成空白 Bei sui yue fu gai / ni shuo de hua kai / guo qu cheng kong bai Covered by time, the flower that you said would blossom has become emptiness in the past 夢醒來 是誰在窗臺 把結局打開 Meng xing lai / shi shui zai chuang tai / ba jie ju da kai Awakened [from my] dream, who stood by the window sill and opened the ending 那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆 Na bo ru chan yi de wei lai / jing bu qi shui lai zhe The future is as thin as the cicada’s wing and can’t withstand being torn by anyone Chorus: 我送你離開 千里之外 你無聲黑白 Wo song ni li kai / qian li zhi wai / ni wu sheng hei bai I send you off to athousand miles away, you are silent and black and white 沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛 Chen mo nian dai / huo xu bu gai / tai yao yuan de xiang ai Perhaps a love so far apart shouldn’t exist in this silent era 我送你離開 天涯之外 你是否還在 Wo song ni li kai / tian yai* zhi wai / ni shi fou hai zai I send you away beyond the end of Earth, are you still there? 琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待 Qin sheng he lai / sheng si nan cai / yong yi sheng / qu deng dai Where is the zither** sound coming from? It’s hard to predict life and death. [I will] use [my] whole life to wait
I love how the Chinese speaker community are so accepting to other foreigners who are getting to know the song and help them to understand the lyrics. It takes so much effort to translate the lyrics and meaning. Asian collectivism spirit! Mad respect. 佩服。
Fei Yuqing' voice simply represents China to all over the world. I can see all those beautiful landscapes in China when I hear his voice. What a talent!
the collaboration that no one in the Mandopop world expected, but this is exactly the intergeneration crossover we needed that remained a legend today. impressed by Jay Chou who was able to pen such a classic tune and Xiao Ge for taking up the challenge to add this to his classical repetoir! great job!
ones i herd about this song like when i was like 8 or 9 i love the song so i sing and sang because he is the best singer ever and one more Q when he is singing he keeps looking up
My wife is a Jay Chou fan for many years. I never pay attention to Jay's music until now. He does have a very powerful & unique voice. I love both of these singers.
When I wrote one of my books, I only listened to this song from morning to midnight for two whole months until I finished my book! Now when I hear the melody, I immediately go back to that time, the sunshine outside the window, the voices, the smells... Yesterday one more!
Knowing the context of the song, being that was written to a girl who was girlfriend of the egg man but had to move to Japan, makes listening the song better but really sad. For that reason the name of the song is Thousand Miles Away, because is a letter to a old love which isn´t with you
费玉清的唱功已经到最高的境界,超好的水准,全世界的歌手包括外国人也没有几个人的唱功可以赢过他或达到了他的境界,他唱歌是依照真真传统的歌唱方式,不加点一些比较不自然的歌唱技巧上去,他唱歌是很自然的,而不是普通的自然,他自然的程度就好像和天地,大自然,合成一体这样,听他唱歌就好像听小鸟在早晨唱歌一样,那么的自然,温馨,他的声音和他的唱法是很特别的,全世界,很难找到一个人像费玉清这样唱歌的,他这种唱法叫做"不吃人间烟火",听他唱歌好像在听神仙在唱歌,轻轻的,好像不需要出力唱这样的,他的高音也轻轻的,一点辛苦都没有,轻轻的飙上去,这才是最高的境界,他唱歌有一点像邓丽君,他是男版的邓丽君,但是他唱歌还比邓丽君更温柔,费玉清唱歌好像没有什么用力唱这样,其实他是用暗力也就是丹田,这个丹田,很多人对它有一种错误的观念,以为说用丹田唱歌,一定是声音很大声,很有力,很有爆发了这样,其实不是的,唱歌大大声,那些不是用丹田的,那些是用喉咙喊出来的,丹田是一种暗力,它那里会很大大声的,好像邓丽君也是用丹田唱歌的,她那里会大大声唱歌的,而费玉清是完全 100% 用丹田来唱歌的,费玉清唱歌很有韵味,韵味是指很自然的感情发挥,而不是用歌唱技巧装出来的,他唱歌咬字很清楚,很准确的,很正确,是依照口型的方式来唱出每一粒字的,这个口型的方式很少歌手会用,就算会用,他们也不会用它,尤其是现在的歌手,他们以为这个方式根本是不重要的,已经过时了,其实这个是大错特错,口型技巧是很重要的,它是唱歌咬字清不清楚,正不正确的关键所在,而费玉清咬字的技巧已经达到 100%圆满的,听他唱歌根本不需要看歌词都知道他唱什么,费玉清唱歌也很投入的,他的收放自如这个技巧也做得很圆满,很自然,他唱歌其实很有感情的,他的感情发挥是真的感情,不是用歌唱技巧装出来的感情,你注意他唱歌,他不是用什么技巧来表达他的感情,他是用他的面目表情来表达感情的,他很会抒发歌曲,其实歌曲不是拿来唱的,它是拿来抒发的,抒发歌曲是唱歌给人感觉要唱不唱的样子,轻轻把歌曲的感情和韵味从心里抒发出来,所以唱歌不是大大声,用尽力去唱,那是错误的,只有歌手达到很高的境界才会抒发歌曲的,而这个技巧,费玉清都做到很圆满, 他也很会用正确的发声位置来呈现歌曲,其实,一个人的声音美和丑不一定是天生的,天生的声音只占 20% 而已,另外 80% 是那个人会不会用正确的发声位置来唱歌或讲话,所以会不会用正确的发声位置,其实是一种学问,而这个技巧常常会被人忽略掉,甚至歌唱评判员也很少去讨论这个技巧,歌唱评判员最多会讲唱歌一定要有感情,咬字要清楚,等等,很少去讨论这个发声位置的技巧,以为这个是不重要的,其实这个技巧是很重要的,这个是唱歌和声音好不好听的关键所在,如果一个歌手唱歌很投入,咬字很清楚,很懂得歌唱技巧,很有感情,样样都好,他就是不会用正确的发声位置或用错的发声位置,哪他唱歌不会好听到那里去,总觉得这个人唱歌怪怪的,又找不到他唱歌到底那里不好,不会用正确的发声位置或用错的发声位置是好比一辆火车根本都不在它的轨迹上,我打个比喻,如果一个人,他的声音天生很美,但是他不会用正确的发声位置或用错的发声位置,他的声音也不美,不好听的,因为天生的声音只有 20% 而已,反过来如果一个人天生的的声音是不美的,但是他会用正确的发声位置,他的声音也会变得很美,很好听,因为发声位置是占 80%,正确的发声位置是眉间发声位置(以上),眉间是指两条眉毛的中间,正好印堂那个位置,这个发声位置是最美的,意思说只要你会用这个位置来唱歌或讲话,不管你是不是歌手,你的声音也会很美,很好听的,眉间发声位置(以上),那个(以上)是指头音或脑音,它是拿来飙高音的,而这个技巧,费玉清也做到 100%圆满,现在要讨论费玉清的嗓子,他的声音很特别 ,很吸引,很迷人,很成熟,很有气质,很动听,很温柔,很耐听,很干净,很清雅,很圆滑,声音干净,清雅,圆滑是讲他天生的音质,而费玉清天生的音质是 100% 圆满的,他的声音最美的地方是清雅,所以他可以唱出山河锦绣的味道,和天地,大自然合成一体
真的是境界,唱腔,技巧這些都會雖流行而fade out
@@jenniferyuan4861 what she said
@@zilingtang7841 ľ
好喜欢他的桑子太疗愈了这样的歌曲让他这样唱心情是舒缓压力 阿尼陀佛
行走CD 費玉清 新一代行走CD 林俊傑
好爱小哥啊! 几代人都认识, 能那么多年坚持 声音不变, 真的不容易, 声线样貌在线,真的很棒!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👏👏👏
the guy is literally singing into the mic, unlike other stars they usually just lip sync, mad respect for 费玉清!
the money for this legend if he lipsyncs , will get scolded a thousand miles probably . 没开玩笑
超棒 神曲
@@talk2266 3333333333³3³2222222222 eww
杰倫的歌都會讓人覺得 欸 不是剛出嗎
千里之外 | Qian Li Zhi Wai | A Thousand Miles Away
曲:周杰倫Music: Jay Chou
詞:方文山Lyrics: Vincent Fang
屋簷如懸崖* 風鈴如滄海 我等燕歸來
Wu yan ru xuan yai* / feng ling ru cang hai / wo deng yan gui lai
The roof is like a cliff, wind chimes like the ocean, and I am waiting for the swallow to return
時間被安排 演一場意外 你悄然走開
Shi jian bei an pai / yan yi chang yi wai / ni qiao ran zou kai
Time is scheduled to act out the accident of you leaving quietly
故事在城外 濃霧散不開 看不清對白
Gu shi zai cheng wai / nong wu shan bu kai / kan bu qing dui bai
The story occurred outside the city [where] there were thick fogs. [I] can’t see the dialogue clearly
你聽不出來 風聲不存在 是我在感慨
Ni ting bu chu lai / feng sheng bu cun zai / shi wo zai gan kai
You can't hear that, the sound of the wind never existed, it was the sound of me sighing
夢醒來 是誰在窗臺 把結局打開
Meng xing lai / shi shui zai chuang tai / ba jie ju da kai
Awakened [from my] dream, who stood by the window sill and opened the ending
那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆
Na bo ru chan yi de wei lai / jing bu qi shui lai zhe
The future is as thin as the cicada’s wing and can’t withstand being torn by anyone
我送你離開 千里之外 你無聲黑白
Wo song ni li kai / qian li zhi wai / ni wu sheng hei bai
I send you off to a thousand miles away, you are silent, black and white
沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛
Chen mo nian dai / huo xu bu gai / tai yao yuan de xiang ai
Perhaps a love so far apart shouldn’t exist in this silent era
我送你離開 天涯之外 你是否還在
Wo song ni li kai / tian yai* zhi wai / ni shi fou hai zai
I send you away beyond the end of Earth, are you still there?
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待
Qing sheng he lai / sheng si nan cai / yong yi sheng / qu deng dai
Where is the zither** sound coming from? It’s hard to predict life and death. [I will] use [my] whole life to wait
Verse 2:
聞淚聲入林 尋梨花白 只得一行 青苔
Wen lei sheng ru ling / xun li hua bai / zhi de yi hang / qing tai
I enter the woods upon hearing the sound of crying, [I] search for a white flower, but only get a row of moss
天在山之外 雨落花台 我兩鬢斑白
Tian zai shan zhi wai / yu luo hua tai / wo liang xu ban bai
The sky is far away from the mountain, the rain falls on the flower garden, my hair has become white
聞淚聲入林 尋梨花白 只得一行 青苔
Wen lei sheng ru ling / xun li hua bai / zhi de yi hang / qing tai
I enter the woods upon hearing the sound of tears. [I] search for a white pear flower, but only get a row of moss
天在山之外 雨落花台 我等你來
Tian zai shan zhi wai / yu luo hua tai / wo deng ni lai
The sky is far away from the mountain. The rain falls on the flower garden. I wait for you to come.
一身琉璃白 透明著塵埃 你無瑕的愛
Yi shen liu li bai / tou ming zhe chen ai / ni wu xia de ai
Wearing clothes of white glossy sheen, the transparency shows dust and your flawless love
你從雨中來 詩化了悲哀 我淋濕現在
Ni chong yu zhong lai / shi hua le bei ai / wo lin shi xian zai
You come from the rain and transform sorrow into a poem and I am now wet
芙蓉水面采 船行影猶在 你卻不回來
Fu rong shui mian cai / chuan xing ying you zai / ni que bu hui lai
A lotus floats on the water, it seems as if the shadows of the boat sails are still there, but you still won’t return
被歲月覆蓋 你說的花開 過去成空白
Bei sui yue fu gai / ni shuo de hua kai / guo qu cheng kong bai
Covered by time, the flower that you said would blossom has become emptiness in the past
夢醒來 是誰在窗臺 把結局打開
Meng xing lai / shi shui zai chuang tai / ba jie ju da kai
Awakened [from my] dream, who stood by the window sill and opened the ending
那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆
Na bo ru chan yi de wei lai / jing bu qi shui lai zhe
The future is as thin as the cicada’s wing and can’t withstand being torn by anyone
我送你離開 千里之外 你無聲黑白
Wo song ni li kai / qian li zhi wai / ni wu sheng hei bai
I send you off to athousand miles away, you are silent and black and white
沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛
Chen mo nian dai / huo xu bu gai / tai yao yuan de xiang ai
Perhaps a love so far apart shouldn’t exist in this silent era
我送你離開 天涯之外 你是否還在
Wo song ni li kai / tian yai* zhi wai / ni shi fou hai zai
I send you away beyond the end of Earth, are you still there?
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待
Qin sheng he lai / sheng si nan cai / yong yi sheng / qu deng dai
Where is the zither** sound coming from? It’s hard to predict life and death. [I will] use [my] whole life to wait
you deserve a medal~
Community services medal
I like that. Beautiful song.
Dark Hai 听心
Thank you so much. Always want to know the meaning of this beautiful song.
2024年聽 清哥 現場版 跟Mv版都是一個樣😂
Fei hi rrght
@@ttcel 拍拍拍拍啪啪啪+
很久沒聽周杰倫唱現場了,好懷念啊! 聽了十多年,你都結婚有小朋友了,而我都一樣結婚生小孩了🧒 謝謝你陪伴著我們小時候,待我孩子長大後,我會讓他聽你的歌,讓他知道有這麼一個出色又有才華的歌手!!
I love how the Chinese speaker community are so accepting to other foreigners who are getting to know the song and help them to understand the lyrics. It takes so much effort to translate the lyrics and meaning. Asian collectivism spirit! Mad respect. 佩服。
正常发挥。cool bro
當初這首歌剛發行 我國三 第一次聽真的感覺好特別 兩位不同時代 唱腔也差異很大 但是很好聽
Fei Yuqing' voice simply represents China to all over the world. I can see all those beautiful landscapes in China when I hear his voice. What a talent!
This video is proof that old and new styles can mix... 🔥🔥🔥
Sdfffgh I have
雞皮疙瘩掉滿地🤗 天籟之音
the collaboration that no one in the Mandopop world expected, but this is exactly the intergeneration crossover we needed that remained a legend today. impressed by Jay Chou who was able to pen such a classic tune and Xiao Ge for taking up the challenge to add this to his classical repetoir! great job!
Eggs man is a legend, he can make the world listen to Chinese songs
@@ArdePier ... 鄭慧詩77年2月21日77年2月21日
ones i herd about this song like when i was like 8 or 9 i love the song so i sing and sang because he is the best singer ever and one more Q when he is singing he keeps looking up
@@jarquaviosdinglenut320 why he looked up
@@ArdePier 0l
Martin Ma 當年這首歌就是要有中式古典風加上現代感,才要求他用唱一般流行的方法來唱這首千里之外,還因為這樣找了一個費玉清當作襯托,不過兩人搭配起來太絕了,要古典有古典,要流行有流行,加上方文山真的就是現代詩仙。
This man is a legend😵 Finally the legend got the attention he deserved✨
@@小玉蘇-o8n 你好
小哥費玉清美聲獨一無二棒棒棒、 讚讚讚!
滿滿的感動 謝謝周杰倫創作這麼多好聽的歌曲 滿滿的故事也觸動人心
No matter how many times, still love this song so bad. 👍🏻
truth !
My wife is a Jay Chou fan for many years. I never pay attention to Jay's music until now. He does have a very powerful & unique voice. I love both of these singers.
Always listen to your wife
My God, it's been almost 15 years and the song is still legendary. Thank goodness the Chinese speaking community has Jay chou to entertain us.
Age's Exposed 🙈🙈
没听一次 就更爱小哥, 唱功一流,👍🏻👍🏻👏👏 保养得宜 水准一如既往。。 不容易
When I wrote one of my books, I only listened to this song from morning to midnight for two whole months until I finished my book! Now when I hear the melody, I immediately go back to that time, the sunshine outside the window, the voices, the smells... Yesterday one more!
各有愛好吧 個人比較喜歡周的
@@CGisGoodgood 周杰倫聲帶壞掉了 以前的歌根本唱不去。。。高音也唱不上了
各有各的好 好吗 他现在不是巅峰时期
Ight bro what is this.... why am I crying bro, this is straight fire
Xue Hua Piao Piao Bei Feng Xiao Xiao, bro....
You’ve totally got it. This is a song for seeing someone off.
You should watch the mv if you haven't. Instant tears.
好听了! 걸륜님 지금 현재 목소리와 가장 비슷한 라이브네요. 콘서트 무리하게 하시지 말고, 목관리 다시 해주셔서 예전의 고음을 찾아주셨으면 합니다. 언제나 응원합니다!!
Wow.., this is a very classic song.. after so many years.. still very nice 👍.. even though I don’t really understand the lyric..
在90年末 他出第一张 专辑的时候 我就觉得 他就是音乐天才!
歌壇長青樹(小哥)費玉清,還有我們的摰愛(亞洲天王)周董 周杰倫。一拍即合,相當有一定的音樂高水準。(千里之外)這首歌是在我聽來最有默契的一首歌,這是(小哥)費玉清 封麥前與(周董)周杰倫的最後一次合作。也是在歌壇唯一難得一見的友好合唱。英雄惜英雄,替彼此之間的友誼加分。成為樂壇的一大佳話,流傳至今。❤️❤️❤️ 👍👍👍 👏👏👏 😭😭😭
不知道怎么形容了 真好听 老经典啦
@@laurabi2907 可能是 小哥的原因 小哥吐字多清楚啊
你假粉吧 他唱現場咬字都很清楚的
因为嗓子变了 开始受伤了
@@waynetang3433 b
Though I can't understand Chinese at all This song made me cry🥺💕
this is a certified hood classic
Oathless yip
your moms a hood classic
@@notjered8911 ooooooh that burns harder than the sun
太帥了 周杰倫、費玉清哥哥~~~ 這首歌真是歡享 千千億億年啊!
Damn bro straight fire
Aight I don’t understand a word but this sounds dope
lol I’m half Chinese and have no idea what he’s saying
@@reginaldcaldwell2951 damn that's embarrassing
vangold Lol. Jay Chou is famous for mumbling though!
I"m indonesian and I love chinese songs 1000 times much better than Kpop songs!!
周杰倫只適合他的rapha ha😂
费玉清总是柔情似水 却百听不腻
Da asian man in the snow
Hahahahaha 有意思 哈哈哈哈
U can tell the audience is as happy as they are to perform it. This is so awesome.
Im crying so hard right now tf
The song is about a man missing his lover and how he sent her away, so......
Golden age of songs...where everything was nice, heavenly and songs you could relate to. thank you fr this compilation!
Love this. Timeless and contemporary.
費玉清, ,The best singer of my generation!
小哥 永遠讓人感到雋永的美聲 超好聽的
2020 还在听
Sounds really good I don’t understand a single word tho
It's about departing, saying goodbye to someone who may not comeback
@@wensongliang1905 sounds beautiful, thank you
Knowing the context of the song, being that was written to a girl who was girlfriend of the egg man but had to move to Japan, makes listening the song better but really sad. For that reason the name of the song is Thousand Miles Away, because is a letter to a old love which isn´t with you
YO WHATS WITH EGG MAN HAHAHHAHAHA DONT DO HIM LIKE THAT BRO! but knowing that, i really is a sad song and certainly touches the hearts of many people!
forgot to add that his voice and the way he sings this just idk melts my heart gosh
The story is acceptable, but it has nothing to do with the egg head guy, this song was out there much long ago