David Tennant, Michael Sheen and Vanessa Kirby on Graham Norton Show (2020)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @huxley8671
    @huxley8671 Год назад +389

    Michael Sheen talking about David's twenty million children in such a serious-comedic way is my favourite genre, I can't express this enough.

  • @YourNamelessWriter
    @YourNamelessWriter 4 года назад +1773

    Im just crying over David and Michael's friendship, I love them so much

    • @annashaw6538
      @annashaw6538 4 года назад +42

      They are so cute together!! When their characters in good omens fell in love I think they did aswell!!

    • @SSMp315
      @SSMp315 4 года назад +14

      *clenches fist* *crying* same

    • @mamiedubingo
      @mamiedubingo 4 года назад +9

      They are so precious TwT

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 Год назад

      ​@@annashaw6538Sweetheart, first of all there is a difference between fiction and reality, actors and their characters... Secondly, their characters did NOT "fall in love", no matter what you cringe shippers want to believe; this is a tale of platonic love aka FRIENDSHIP. Obviously, acting in that show brought David and Michael closer, duh

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 Год назад

      Oh ffs... Grow up, child. People become friends all the time all over the world, do you "cry" every time or only when it's about celebrities? CRINGE

  • @h0lly_blue
    @h0lly_blue 4 года назад +1341

    Daisy is absolutely plastered and I'm here for it

  • @moinakitchen1962
    @moinakitchen1962 Год назад +366

    i dunno why but the "david has a million children" jokes always get me

    • @sanghunnie
      @sanghunnie 11 месяцев назад +1

      For me it's funny cause I laugh everytime I heard it but I have a friend who is the thirth daughter of four😭😭 so I always ask myself "why am I laughing if my friend is almost in the same situation?" idk it's just hilarious in both cases

  • @binoodle511
    @binoodle511 3 года назад +496

    Whenever I see these two together my face hurts from so much smiling

  • @arianapuzzo7827
    @arianapuzzo7827 3 года назад +375

    Ok but I'm so here for David's hair. I always liked the shorter look, but this works so well for him.

    • @davidtennant278
      @davidtennant278 2 года назад +1


    • @karinsch3347
      @karinsch3347 Год назад +7

      In my opinion, short hair looks more handsome on a man. But also a lot more boring. Long hair makes it a lot more intresting.

    • @arianapuzzo7827
      @arianapuzzo7827 Год назад +5

      @@karinsch3347 I sort of agree. It mostly depends on the style and how well it's maintained for me. Regardless of gender, I'm really only in support of long hair if it's manageable, which is why I wear mine at chin level or shorter now. 😂

    • @neilfan1016
      @neilfan1016 Год назад

      it reminds me of his hair when he played campbell baine

  • @mandyb2245
    @mandyb2245 Год назад +38

    Michael Sheen looks so cuddly in that sweater!

  • @gwinnellheald8592
    @gwinnellheald8592 3 года назад +235

    Gotta love the double act of Michael and David

  • @ms_scribbles
    @ms_scribbles 4 года назад +1393

    It's funny how one moment, David was a bachelor living his best life, then all of a sudden he's married with twenty thousand children. Or maybe I'm just getting old and things are starting to feel like they're moving too fast.

    • @alfie6441
      @alfie6441 2 года назад +139

      The Twenty thousand children sends me

    • @FlagCutie
      @FlagCutie 2 года назад +99

      I feel ya! I adore David and Georgia, but yeah it feels like they just got together last week. But now they have those twenty thousand kids and two of them also acting!

    • @maryrosekent8223
      @maryrosekent8223 2 года назад +2


    • @bobegg7854
      @bobegg7854 2 года назад +35

      Still living his best life 😂

    • @rugvedabagwe7720
      @rugvedabagwe7720 2 года назад +4

      Oh my god, how did you even get with idea 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @masta2717
    @masta2717 4 года назад +118

    I have such a huge Crush on David and Michael

  • @anche70
    @anche70 Год назад +140

    Pandemic is technically over but I still come back to this every so often cause it makes me smile

  • @bbcseriesfan
    @bbcseriesfan 3 года назад +174

    Sooooo....David and Michael still look at each other with moon eyes... Some things never change... XD

  • @DoesItMakeMeBLEGH
    @DoesItMakeMeBLEGH 3 года назад +82

    Love good omens need more David and Michael in my life

  • @lincasteel-butler531
    @lincasteel-butler531 2 года назад +111

    David and Michael feed off each other very well.

    • @davidtennant278
      @davidtennant278 2 года назад +2


    • @Lia-ex6jj
      @Lia-ex6jj 2 года назад

      Learning emojiess!! This comment should have more likes@@davidtennant278

  • @roseprimviolet5852
    @roseprimviolet5852 3 года назад +341

    Staged S2: “but we’re still mostly staring at each other”
    I mean that’s the only reason I watch Staged anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 Год назад +5

      ...as everyone else does, darling.

    • @tal1isk
      @tal1isk Год назад +3

      @@yevgeniyaleshchenko849why do you think you’re so superior to everyone else in this comment section mate?

  • @mandyc.8436
    @mandyc.8436 4 года назад +171

    That's a rack!
    -Michael Sheen 2020

  • @NOONE-cd4gu
    @NOONE-cd4gu 3 года назад +62

    I love Michael and David so much 🥺

  • @torchwoody58
    @torchwoody58 2 года назад +46

    David's sweater looks frightened. Michael's sweater is obviously the reason.

  • @M11969
    @M11969 4 года назад +55

    Thank God for Graham Norton. You helped me survive 2020.

  • @JordanSullivanadventures
    @JordanSullivanadventures Год назад +27

    Graham is such a great interviewer

  • @victoriavaz5238
    @victoriavaz5238 2 года назад +88

    eu amo o david e o michael juntos, é incrivel como a amizade deles é perfeita

  • @ineffablemars
    @ineffablemars Год назад +22

    I love that you can hear Michael's laugh over everyone elses at the boob challenge 😭

  • @anselmtheweird0
    @anselmtheweird0 2 года назад +156

    Looking at Michael Sheen, I think with his beard and hair all grown wild, he'd be a fine choice, if there ever was a series with the role of Karl Marx for the taking.

    • @Carpathianpixie
      @Carpathianpixie 2 года назад +4

      Omg that is so true! 🤯

    • @carolperczak9938
      @carolperczak9938 Год назад +4

      Or Walt Whitman.

    • @lindildeev5721
      @lindildeev5721 Год назад +3

      Great idea. Let's just hope that won't be banned in USA.

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 Год назад

      ​@@lindildeev5721Great idea? Really? We Ukrainians are DYING because russians still want to recreate bloody soviet union, marx and lenin and all their thugs paved way to DECADES of human rights violations, oppression, abuse - methods still used by russians to nations they invade; and you're actually rooting for a film about one of originators of this bloody nightmare worrying about "censorship"? Ask yourself: WHY do you still want to see films about russians, and also you think that US censors stuff? Do you know who bans things left and right? Russia. You can just read about marx instead of waiting for film. Also, start researching other cultures and personas... You won't find anything new about communist criminals. But good for you for glamorizing pain of generations of many nations. Maybe you want films about stalin and hitler too?

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 Год назад

      Remember this once and for all, you insensitive idiots. There WON'T be ANY films or series about anything or anyone russian in the foreseeable future. How can you even think about it when they are ravaging our country at this very moment, you still harbor this unhealthy romantic obsession with russians, what's wrong with you? Maybe you should be interested in the people/nations russia and soviet union exploited not creators of the mass gulag.

  • @therealmonsterrr
    @therealmonsterrr 3 года назад +28

    David and Michael ♥️

  • @mollykoenig7009
    @mollykoenig7009 Год назад +9

    Best damn talk show host of all time.

  • @MyWayofEverything
    @MyWayofEverything 3 года назад +40

    Michael’s snappies at the end kill me

  • @darrensmart1564
    @darrensmart1564 4 года назад +53

    It was a great episode I was the Red chair guest. Lol. I hope you all got a little Xmas giggle from it

  • @DianaGreeven
    @DianaGreeven Год назад +9

    Me reminiscing on this one time I left the house in a hurry with the lights off in the hallway and putting two different pairs of boots on 😂

  • @lucytaylor8315
    @lucytaylor8315 4 года назад +21

    I missed this episode on tv 😭

    • @finisher489
      @finisher489  4 года назад +6

      It's available for free on BBC iPlayer if you live in the UK. www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000qdnp

  • @mldag1678
    @mldag1678 3 года назад +54

    7:30 I love how David just sounds really in awe and fascinated by this lmao
    edit: I mean same, but not to THAT extent

  • @sophiajetton1234
    @sophiajetton1234 4 года назад +606

    I’m probably projecting but David has such a bisexual energy in this 😂 fun sweater, cuffed pants, fun socks, van like shoes

    • @zoaayyy6370
      @zoaayyy6370 4 года назад +101

      I was thinking the SAME THING except like he always gives off bi energy

    • @Lafemmefutile
      @Lafemmefutile 4 года назад +55

      It’s about that European fashion and having style.

    • @zoaayyy6370
      @zoaayyy6370 4 года назад +40

      @@MilesEdgeworthAceAttorney I know and we Stan Georgia

    • @alecellis
      @alecellis 4 года назад +23

      @@MilesEdgeworthAceAttorney do you know what bisexual means

    • @geo3898
      @geo3898 4 года назад +41

      @@MilesEdgeworthAceAttorney that he can have a wife and still be bi not saying that he is but you pointing out that he has a wife doesn't mean he can't give off bi vibes

  • @miffyn1737
    @miffyn1737 4 года назад +42

    Myrtle deserves more screen appearance

  • @lorigibbs2379
    @lorigibbs2379 Год назад +2

    i love David!

  • @evet295
    @evet295 2 года назад +5

    Oh, his hair! ❤

  • @okaminess
    @okaminess 3 года назад +4

    This is amazing.

  • @Premiumjack_
    @Premiumjack_ 3 года назад +45

    Still weird to think that micheal sheen was that fucker in twilight 😂

    • @henrietta9206
      @henrietta9206 2 года назад +4

      First performance of his I watched...was Twilight
      totally spooked. made a baby with Kate Beckinsale, this one.

  • @AnnaAnna-uc2ff
    @AnnaAnna-uc2ff Год назад

    Thank you so much

  • @radam282
    @radam282 Год назад +4

    David's fluffy sweater!

  • @jordanjace4678
    @jordanjace4678 3 года назад +12

    Good omens

  • @kripamangal
    @kripamangal Год назад +5

    "thats a rack" lmaoooo

  • @wasoom92
    @wasoom92 Год назад +1

    i love daisy😭

  • @SSMp315
    @SSMp315 4 года назад +65

    Ngl this has the same energy as a Christian prom

    • @gr1mreap3rz15
      @gr1mreap3rz15 3 года назад +13

      leaving room for jesus 😔🙏

    • @Charl3y3
      @Charl3y3 2 года назад +4

      @@gr1mreap3rz15 david would be jesus

    • @ladyflimflam
      @ladyflimflam 2 года назад

      There’s going to be anal?

  • @achanwahn
    @achanwahn 6 месяцев назад +1

    I friggin love how all the guys in the pandemic turned into grizzly mountain men 😂❤ 💇‍♂️

  • @hothotheat3000
    @hothotheat3000 11 месяцев назад +2

    Good for him and his millions of kids. Re-populate the world!

  • @kfallon862
    @kfallon862 3 года назад +8

    Omg they are actually friends what

  • @eclaire_x88x
    @eclaire_x88x 3 года назад +6

    What series and episode is this so I can find the whole thing?

  • @JojoThelittleSheep
    @JojoThelittleSheep Год назад +2

    Their chemestry is awesome. Loved staged and good omens 🤩
    What does Michael say at 6:32? I cant understand and the subtitles are not quiet accurate, i guess :/
    Can sb help, please?

    • @bruh0.032
      @bruh0.032 Год назад

      "They're like Fagin in Oliver"

    • @bruh0.032
      @bruh0.032 Год назад +1

      Then after that something along the lines of "send them out and bringing them back in"??

    • @nomyporter8140
      @nomyporter8140 Год назад +2

      He says "Like Fagan in Oliver", referencing a character from the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.

  • @carriecole4072
    @carriecole4072 11 месяцев назад +1

    0:54 poor David

  • @emmamelton2444
    @emmamelton2444 3 года назад +3

    I Love them Always! Fun which goes to your soul! Pls can I get a ' BOG free offer?! They are Gorgeous human beings!

  • @LeafGreeen
    @LeafGreeen 4 года назад +15

    Why he doesn’t talk about Prodigal son 😕

    • @mmgringoire2
      @mmgringoire2 4 года назад +2

      Is Prodigal Son shown in the UK?

    • @annashaw6538
      @annashaw6538 4 года назад +1

      @@mmgringoire2 it's just finished on sky

    • @annashaw6538
      @annashaw6538 4 года назад +5

      In the clip he showed Micheal does go full on Martin Whitley!!

    • @LeafGreeen
      @LeafGreeen 4 года назад +2

      I think he is Martin whitly 😂😂

    • @annashaw6538
      @annashaw6538 4 года назад +8

      @@LeafGreeen how he can go beautiful angel to creepy serial killer so well

  • @whatevenarenames4696
    @whatevenarenames4696 4 года назад +11

    Did Michael cut his hair?

  • @vo4068
    @vo4068 4 года назад +9

    Michael, what are you doing on an English prog!

  • @RacilAtutubo
    @RacilAtutubo Год назад

    Where can i see the full episode of this 😢😢

  • @divsood
    @divsood Год назад

    Is there a full episode somewhere?

  • @YOYO-mx6ie
    @YOYO-mx6ie 11 месяцев назад +2

    I am married But david tennant looks like a god.... Ok i went far

    • @decodolly1535
      @decodolly1535 2 месяца назад

      Nothing wrong with a little "window shopping". The problems start if you try something on......

  • @halimamalik2865
    @halimamalik2865 Год назад

    Hehe funny man David tennant.

  • @0izziejok0
    @0izziejok0 2 года назад +1

    Can you bring back the couch ??

  • @radam282
    @radam282 Год назад +3

    That's a rack!!!!!

  • @popper03244
    @popper03244 Год назад +1

    Was wondering why they were all sitting so far apart duh ...

  • @decodolly1535
    @decodolly1535 2 месяца назад

    Those coat hooks were put up by a man who wants to be 100% certain that he never again gets asked to do any other DIY jobs, of any kind, ever.

  • @cigarette_ahegao
    @cigarette_ahegao Год назад +2

    bros can’t even cuddle anymore

  • @Sentientmatter8
    @Sentientmatter8 Год назад

    Vanessa Kirby's brother isn't hapless. He's practicing weaponized incompetence. If he was trying he'd at least have centered it. This man is sending a message, and it's that he doesn't value his girlfriend at all. 👎

  • @emilylloyd1684
    @emilylloyd1684 4 года назад +10

    I'm wished they would have worn masks to protect them.

    • @jandjproductions2817
      @jandjproductions2817 Год назад +1

      I mean they look far enough away from each other, but yeah masks would've been good. It could also have to do with how well the mics pick up their voices but still.

  • @sweiland75
    @sweiland75 4 года назад +16

    How embarrassing Daisy was because she can't seem to handle her alcohol. Thankfully, they minimized her camera time.

    • @emmadavey3681
      @emmadavey3681 4 года назад +10

      That’s just a West Country accent ...

    • @Leah-li5ch
      @Leah-li5ch 3 года назад +35

      She makes this interview better

    • @pauljohnkelly3972
      @pauljohnkelly3972 3 года назад +49

      It must be so hard living life with no sense of humour!! Daisy was hysterical not embarrassing…. It was Christmas, she was having a ball, so what if she got abit pissed 😩

    • @GhostlyGrimoire
      @GhostlyGrimoire 2 года назад +8

      Loved her energy.

  • @milou66
    @milou66 3 года назад +7

    I love David Tenant, but his beard always makes him look like he fell face first into something awful.